Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 224: Shimmer Barf Watch

Harpy: i'm old enough to pretend to drink mead and enjoy it


Gooper Blooper: ruined
Harpy: hahaha bimp


Good Job, Tragic Pony: I am at the sad pony doctor


(during Drown Yer Mates 5)

SteelKomodo: ​"Lily has absconded with Sonia to who knows where to do who knows what."
SteelKomodo: ​*EYEBROWS*
Harpy: ​they're playing board games in their underwear
Gooper Blooper: ​PARTYYYYY
Harpy:  also notice how none of the actual people who are good at drinking is winning
Gooper Blooper: ​The odds of these two being the finalists was ridiculously low, they got third-last and second-last in the popular vote
RubyChao: ​the upset is real
Harpy: ​so basically the tractor gods just wanted to flip us off
Harpy: ​i'm betting goops accidentally won this one :U


Harpy: words are important


RubyChao: so how about that small town sports sundown-
RubyChao: oh wait
RubyChao: he's dead


RubyChao: question
RubyChao: is Abedebe just misunderstood? :V
Neo Gooper: no
RubyChao: oh okay
RubyChao commences punching


Jumpropeman: >​Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows is out
Jumpropeman: *looks at nearly beaten Superman 64*
Jumpropeman: sorry Shovel Knight
Jumpropeman: to play the good, I must first conquer the bad BI
Draco: lel
Cornwind Evil: Why do you like playing those bad games JRM
Jumpropeman: conquering a poorly made game is a challenge in itself, but its mostly the same reason most people like anything bad. It's interesting to see how things go wrong, and in a video game, its not a passive experience like a movie or piece of art. You get to face the game's badness and have to find a way to still win, and its funny to see what can go wrong
Jumpropeman: although it does get annoying doing the same levels repeatedly for no fault of your own
Cornwind Evil: You should go watch the old web series Until We Win
Jumpropeman: oh wow, that's a lot of episodes
Jumpropeman: did that Cheetahmen remake ever get made?
Cornwind Evil: No
Jumpropeman: not big surprise
Cornwind Evil: The thing that baffles me about it is basically
Cornwind Evil: You're not being challenged in the traditional sense
Cornwind Evil: It's not stuff you can overcome with practice and/or luck
Cornwind Evil: It's pretty much NOTHING but luck
Cornwind Evil: Instead of challenging you the game is actively fighting against you
Jumpropeman: but unlike a normal game, you get so many more stories that can be shared without being repetitive. Everyone needs to jump the same in Mario to beat it, but in Superman 64 you can trick the game into skipping a level by changing the difficulty, or beat a boss by having them force themselves through a wall, or you can pick up a crate and half your body gets forced through the ground and you can walk anywhere you like
Cornwind Evil: I guess that's fair
Cornwind Evil: Me I get VERY easily frustrated
Cornwind Evil: So...
Jumpropeman: yeah, patience is a must


Jumpropeman: amendment: I will not be beating Superman 64 before playing Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows, mainly because the same cutscene keeps causing the game to freeze during the final leg of the final level
Jumpropeman: superman 64, im sorry, but you're on the backburner for now


Jumpropeman: I looked up playthroughs of Superman 64 to make sure that the point in the game that it keeps freezing does, in fact, sometimes not freeze, and many playthroughs mention they had to edit out all their freezing at that spot
Dacor: Owch.
RubyChao: woooow
SteelKomodo: owch
SteelKomodo: that game was not programmed
SteelKomodo: it was stitched together from fishing twine and sackcloth
Dacor: They say a thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters could eventually recreate the works of Shakespeare. Well, they made Superman 64 first.
Jumpropeman: you can only play the final two levels if you set the game to "Super Man mode", and I was playing through on normal... but since the difficulty is set from the main menu rather than when starting a file, I changed the difficulty, loaded my file... and it skipped the penultimate level and just dropped me in the last one
RubyChao: haaaahahahah
Dacor: -.-
Jumpropeman: I missed out on a prime ring level because of that glitch
Del: nice
Dacor: Well, shucks. You'll have to start over.


Jumpropeman: oh my god Superman 64 didnt freeze this time
SteelKomodo: yay
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: I ran out of heat vision so I couldn't do the last thing in the game I had to do to win
A Different Low-Fat Spy Latte: Damn, can you replenish?
Jumpropeman: the places where laser pickups sometimes spawn are blocked off
Jumpropeman: I even used a glitch I knew about to move through walls but you can't get back to those places still
SteelKomodo: wow
SteelKomodo: damn it supes how do you run out of laser vision
Jumpropeman: i just beat it
Jumpropeman: but
Jumpropeman: in perfect superman 64 fashion
Jumpropeman: I glitched the final cutscene
SteelKomodo: whut
Jumpropeman: it kept zooming in and out over and over for no reason
Jumpropeman: also, the credits are lagging because it can't handle the amount of names plus their shrinking and growing effects
A Different Low-Fat Spy Latte: Oh my god
Jumpropeman: and for some reason, beating the game reverts my save file to only be up to the fourth level
SteelKomodo: ahahahaha
Dacor: Woo! "Now beat it WITHOUT glitches."
Jumpropeman: i doubt that's even possible, it glitches so much through no fault of my own
Jumpropeman: that's like trying to beat mario without any Goombas walking towards you


Brinehammer: I miss Zephyrus, he was the best =/
WorkDel: zeph was cool
WorkDel: but his time was up
WorkDel: i wish i'd retired jonesy so cleanly
WorkDel: she's got one last thing to do tho
WorkDel: it's very important
RubyChao: is it ​get crunk
WorkDel: ​nope
Brinehammer: Is it ​Punch and then hug Erebus and then punch him twice as hard?​
WorkDel: ​i forgot that, make that two things left to do
Brinehammer: There are just... ​so many​ Xenos.
WorkDel: ​"i've had to pay for all the wedding decorations AND the band AND the swimming pool of cherry vodka AND the stupid fucking anime robot statue"
WorkDel: ​"you're at least buying the cake"
WorkDel: erebus better get over his xenophobia and attend his son's wedding >:I


Jumpropeman: are you ready to save Black Mage today because really, he's not so bad after all?
Bree: :I
RubyChao: jrm pls


Jumpropeman: ... i wonder how many of us DON'T wear glasses
Bree: I don't
Jumpropeman: you were the only person I could think of who doesn't off the top of my head
Jumpropeman: I obviously don't know if peeps like goops do
Bree: Tom does
Bree: Azure does, also
RubyChao: i ​think​ goops does, but i'm not sure
RubyChao: you'll have to ask him
Bree: what about you, Draco?
Jumpropeman: The ZFRP mascot character is a video game character with a big butt wearing glasses
Bree: lel


Jumpropeman: ​It's like Black Mage WANTS us to hate him!​
Neo Gooper: ​I know, right? Uncanny.
Jumpropeman: ​In a blind rage, the Kobbers attack... and kill Celestia by accident​


Harpy: fuck you pogeyquiz
Harpy: 111/151
SteelKomodo: aw :<
RubyChao: now i wanna try it


Good Job, Tragic Pony: I am having a huge nerd moment
Good Job, Tragic Pony: Brenda can tell you first hand
Good Job, Tragic Pony: I found a fictional gun
Good Job, Tragic Pony: and am literally trying to explain how Shara would get her hands on it
Good Job, Tragic Pony: purely because
Good Job, Tragic Pony: I think the gun is cool
Good Job, Tragic Pony: that is the sum of my existence at this moment


Del Wing: Damn it
Del Wing: I think i have made comet knight a dork too
Del Wing: Rip me
Neo Gooper: dork from another planet
iKomodo: yeah rip


Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Neo Gooper: wooooooo
Neo Gooper: ...
Brinehammer: Emma =C
Neo Gooper: EMMA WHY
RubyChao: EMMA WHY


RubyChao: so wait
RubyChao: did Emma get KOed
Brinehammer: Give Emma a second, things aren't going well for her.
Neo Gooper: >​things aren't going well for emma
RubyChao: are they ever
A Different Low-Fat Spy Latte: I believe in the Emmalution
Brinehammer: One day she'll do crazy good and I'll have no idea how to play it.


(Robosaurus appears during the Black Mage battle)

Jumpropeman: there was a guy
Jumpropeman: on the Something Awful Zoofights thread
Jumpropeman: who voted with Robosaurus
RubyChao: he turned heel D:
Jumpropeman: he was a Neo Kobber this whole time BI
Neo Gooper: I remembered him
Jumpropeman: what a twist it would have been to have all the old Something Awful guys as Neo Kobbers
Neo Gooper: An earlier draft of this plot took place in the junkyard, and Robosaurus was going to rise from the garbage wearing an old, beat-up monocle and moustache that quickly fell off
RubyChao: ​and then David was also a Neo Kobber, too
RubyChao: aww, now i'm sad that didn't get used
Neo Gooper: I was torn between junk yard and Where It All Started
Neo Gooper: I also considered somehow using both but it was too convoluted
Jumpropeman: the old street corner was in such a bad shape it just became a scrapyard
Neo Gooper: I actually considered that, JRM
Neo Gooper: was gonna call it "the garbage district"


RubyChao: >​the spy is the only one to outroll the pyro
RubyChao: destinyyyy


iKomodo: Somewhere, somehow
iKomodo: Dirk's nose explodes in a fountain of blood


(Mary falls off a building)

Neo Gooper: Ton somehow breaks into a full manga style sprint
Neo Gooper: with the exaggerated arm pumping
Neo Gooper: leaps, dramatically catches Mary
Neo Gooper: lands on meiling
Neo Gooper: he go-ed
Neo Gooper: and then
Neo Gooper: he grabbed
RubyChao: boooooooo


Deadsleep: PUDDING


Draco: Fun fact: if Labrys had shown up in the plot, she would not give Black Mage #Words. All she would've said is "Words are wasted on you. All you deserve is...Silence." And then Labrys watches Silence BODY SLAM Black Mage or something.


Jumpropeman changed name to Mr. Walrus
Mr. Walrus: Off-Topic posting in one of the main threads is a bannable offense Ven BI I'm reporting you to the mods
Mr. Walrus: *destroys another forum*
Mr. Walrus changed name to Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: *bans Mr. Walrus BI*
Jumpropeman: don't tell me how to do my job, you dapper pinniped
Jumpropeman: *flops, rolls*
Jumpropeman left the chat


SteelKomodo: played the new X-Wing set with bro
SteelKomodo: and thrashed him
Draco: Did you use TIE Fighters?
SteelKomodo: we were using the new set based on the upcoming film
SteelKomodo: so I was using TIE First Orders
SteelKomodo: which have better shields
Draco: Neat.
Draco: Those First Order guys are pretty swell. "What if - and hear me out - we tried to keep our pilots alive instead of sending them out in softballs with lasers?" "MADNESS. PILOTS SURVIVING A MISSION?!" "We've only got five pilots left though. D: "
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: also we've got a dumb headcanon that the Empire is Russian and keep stealing the Rebel's pizza
SteelKomodo: and are generally idiots
Draco: Unforgivable. Slaughter them.


RubyChao: meanwhile, in Season 10 of ZFRP
SteelKomodo: Pit: WELP
RubyChao: ​pit that's no way to react to your kid
RubyChao: ...well now i just had the mental image of Uncle Dirk
RubyChao: pitsuho kid never happening
RubyChao: must save the world
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: uncle dirk worst uncle
RubyChao: then again okuu would be a pretty weird mom
RubyChao: drop off kid at school, then go and try to kill a giant monster single-handedly
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Jumpropeman: this Tuesday I'll be talking with a guy at a Retirement Community for front desk work. I would be working graveyard shift on Saturday and Sunday, so it wouldn't even hit RPing really
RubyChao: ooh, good luck
Jumpropeman: it seems less corporate than Walmart so I imagine I will do better on the interview and not keep thinking of RP related responses to questions :V
Jumpropeman: walmart was asking like "what is a time you planned something important and what steps did you take to pull it off?" and I'm like "don't mention the Big Bar Brawl"
RubyChao: hahahahahaha
iDel: Jumpropeman is a spooky ghost so the graveyard shift is perfect


SteelKomodo: ok i am singing for he's a jolly good fellow a bit too loudly
SteelKomodo: perhaps i should not
Jumpropeman: he must be quite a jolly good fellow in that case


Gooper Blooper: So when I saw this linked in chatzy up there
Gooper Blooper: I immediately thought of a bootleg silence figure


RubyChao: draco have you seen this one yet
Gooper Blooper: You know what the best part about that image is?
Gooper Blooper: This
Draco: Okuu Against Mechaokuu!
Draco: I hadn't seen it, but the moment I saw the tail and the claw I knew what it was.


RubyChao: does jackal even make it to plot, or is he blown up during setup
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
RubyChao: HE DID IT


Spap: "This was a move she had learned from Appule when Suppaman was hogging the remote and refused to put on anything save reruns of the old Thing cartoon where some kid could transform into the Thing by saying "THING RING DO YOUR THING!" She also learned how to make it a sleeper hold when even after the others wrestled the controller away, he wouldn't stop shouting "THING RING DO YOUR THING!" in a bid to get them to cave-in and change it back."
Spap: JRM what the fuck
Spap: Also amazing
Jumpropeman: Blajboa learned all her best moves from Appule
Jumpropeman: they're the best moves because he didn't really try to teach them
Jumpropeman: all the moves he did teach on purpose were rubbish
Draco: Dammit, JRM. Stop making your posts 10000000000000000000x better than all my posts combined. D:
Jumpropeman: "You're next post... punch him in the foot or something"
Jumpropeman: *You're next move
Jumpropeman: *Your
Jumpropeman: *giaohgwionasobna
Draco: USS Jumpropeman Can't Spell


Draco: I need a picture of Stacy so I can photoshop her with green hair and sunglasses or something. =p
Draco: Now watch as I butcher Goops' nice picture. =D
Jumpropeman: ​I do that all the time​
Gooper Blooper: JRM secretly has a folder on his computer that contains all my pictures
Gooper Blooper: but with added noses
Jumpropeman: is it so wrong that I want them to be able to smell?


Jumpropeman: I remember at my old work me and a coworker where theorizing how many babies it would take to win a cage match with various animals, and how much people would pay to watch it on pay per view
Spap: JRM plots the Zoofights sequel
Jumpropeman: then we found out a gumball machine was broken so we all had gum that day


Spap: Test
Gooper Blooper: well that's ominous
Jumpropeman: that's just the music of two children admitting defeat and turning themselves over to the proper authorities
RubyChao: yes his brother is literally named Cooler
Jumpropeman: but what about their Grandpa Icechest?
Cornwind Evil: I prefer Koola
Draco: Grandpa King Cold.
RubyChao: the danger of that is one stray typo
RubyChao: and he becomes Koala
Gooper Blooper: *Cirno joins the plot*
Cornwind Evil: Spy somehow read my mind and is pulling out my Freiza OC's, ​Queen Antar and Chilla.
RubyChao: >​cw has Frieza Family OCs
RubyChao: why am i not surprised
Cornwind Evil: Yeah I made them up like...15+ years ago
Jumpropeman: my frieza family OC is a sister named Temperatura
Cornwind Evil: They were going to be part of my epic OC Saiyan saga
Draco: My Frieza Family OC is Dracool.
Cornwind Evil: ...which I only actually wrote three fanfic stories about
Cornwind Evil: But considering their company THEY WERE STILL PRETTY GOOD
Jumpropeman: The Greatest Story Somewhat Told
Gooper Blooper: fortunately I'm sure they'll be preserved forever on the site angelfire refuses to take down
Cornwind Evil: Funnily the Saiyan OC's Saiyan name (he took another) was Yion
Cornwind Evil: On-Yion.


Harpy: Stacy would prolly buy like
Harpy: some dragon mask
Harpy: "am i dragonborn yet"
Jumpropeman: don't become a dragonborn Stacy
Jumpropeman: they are oddly prone to death
Draco: "If I say yes, will you stop looking for Nord Greatswords in my desk?" - Draco
Harpy: their life expectancy drops to like 50
Draco must keep all the Nord Greatswords for himself.
Harpy: "This is my house, not yours D: "
Draco: "......"
Draco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 12
Draco: Draco escapes.
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Draco: With all of Stacy's Nord Greatswords.
Harpy: "FUS ROH...... nevermind i'm gonna eat more ice cream"
Draco: 8D
Gooper Blooper: good times
Harpy: "i wonder if Sarah likes smore ice cream"
Gooper Blooper: spoilers: she does
Jumpropeman: no, she hates it BI
Harpy: "well of course, she always wants smore! DOHOHOHOHOHO wow that was lame"
Draco: Does it have ice cream in the name? Then the answer is "DUH"
Draco: Perfect Vibecca files for Perfect Bankruptcy after Stacy sues her for stealing her look.


(Concerning Shenron, the wish-granting dragon from Dragonball)

Bree: what would okuu wish for?
Draco: Another Pit so she can walk around saying "These are the Pits."
RubyChao: well, she has love
RubyChao: and friends
RubyChao: and she gets enough fun things to fight
RubyChao: so probably just a really big cake
Jumpropeman: Okuu would wish for the atoms around her left leg to appear in all her fanart
RubyChao: not even shenron can do that


Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: october is coming
Gooper Blooper: yes it is
Gooper Blooper: engage the spoopy motherfucker
Jumpropeman: im not ready
Gooper Blooper: FITE RUSH
Jumpropeman: *dies*
Jumpropeman: then again I'm not even ready for this evening, so I'm sure I'll manage
Gooper Blooper: JRM's Challenge: Don't Make Sumireko Cry
Harpy: lel
Jumpropeman: *todays plot takes place at an onion patch* >​_>​
Gooper Blooper: *sumi cries from pain due to getting hit by very damaging attacks*


RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: there are a couple boxes of books under my parents' bed
RubyChao: because no space
Draco: Fun Fact: they're all signed editions of the Necronomicon.
Gooper Blooper: You know something I realized just now?
RubyChao: hmm?
Gooper Blooper: There has been, I think, a grand total of one time I ever described Gloria's house in detail
RubyChao: "it's basically a smaller version of patchy's"
Draco: It was a ten-paragraph-long description talking only about books. Then you said "Oh, and she has a bed somewhere, but it's covered in books."
Gooper Blooper: And it had lots of books, but it was also clean and tidy, so considering we know the general theme of chao's place is just "shove books absolutely everywhere with no regard to organization, practicality, appearance, or indeed anything except making room for more books", chao probably has more books than Gloria
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: give gloria more books
RubyChao: feed the gloria
RubyChao has Patchy bury Gloria in books
Gooper Blooper librarian friendship intensifies
Jumpropeman: gloria has less books because she gives them to others so they can enjoy the same stories she read
Draco adds Gloria and Patchy to the shipping wall.
Gooper Blooper: also "feed the gloria" made me imagine Gloria being served food using a hardcover book as the plate
RubyChao: it's how celestia got babby gloria to eat proper food
RubyChao: "Eat your broccoli!" *gloria slaps away plate*
RubyChao: *celestia tries again using bookplate, gloria eats it all*
Gooper Blooper: "Eat all your dinner, young lady, or else I won't order anything from the Scholastic book order"


Jumpropeman: for a brief moment
Jumpropeman: I almost cared that losing a match in a near perfect run of Dr. Mario 64 means I wouldn't unlock the multiplayer character
Jumpropeman: but then i realized what I just said
Jumpropeman: and I stopped caring
Gooper Blooper: BUT JRM YOU HAVE TO GET 100%
Draco: JRM, why? D:
RubyChao: it's not a terrible game, so no he doesn't


Jumpropeman: "And the chase goes on and on. Will it ever end? The end."
Jumpropeman: Dr. Mario 64's story is a testament to writing skill


Spap: So who is the biggest Lord of Jobsville now?
RubyChao: it's the jackal
RubyChao: it's definitely jackal
Gooper Blooper: jackal is fucking terrible and it's hilarious
RubyChao: jackal has literally been KOed on ​three​ plots (Songbird, Lustplot, and the warehouse Alruthines)
Gooper Blooper: and yet he still wasn't the lowest-placing BD character in the brawl
RubyChao: he went bust against Gamble Man
RubyChao: and he got 50th in the BBB
RubyChao: jackal sucks
RubyChao: i'm planning to send him against Mr. X
RubyChao: which means we'd better get the stretcher ready
Gooper Blooper: oh boy, I can't wait for him to get KOed by a Galsia
RubyChao: clearly, the problem is that i'm sending Iku on all these other plots and she's being tractor goddess
RubyChao: she soaked up all the luck Jackal could have had
Gooper Blooper: luck be a lady
Gooper Blooper: a FISH lady
RubyChao: oh and i forgot that among jackal's many other flubs
RubyChao: he lost his pre-brawl fite club
Gooper Blooper: jackal lost to a beetle
Gooper Blooper: an ordinary beetle
Gooper Blooper: with no powers
RubyChao: to be fair it was ​​COLOSSUS
RubyChao: that's a power in and of itself
Gooper Blooper: stag beetle's predecessor
Spap: Jackal pls


Harpy: i'll think of a million more characters over the offseason and then scrap them
Gooper Blooper: I wonder what a Rejected Harpchars blogpost would look like
Gooper Blooper: *it's just a picture of Arle*
Harpy: kek


Spap: Waffling between whether my lotto should be Joshy or Sunshine
Spap: On one hand, Sunshine's my only major char to never be in a Brawl
Spap: on the other hand, ​Joshy could be competing​
Gooper Blooper: >​joshy competing in the brawl
Spap: Who gets guaranteed and who gets lotto'd is going to be tricky
Gooper Blooper: the best part about joshy competing:
Gooper Blooper: JRM has said before he doesn't like just repeating memes and having that be the character, so we would get New Joshy Content
Spap: Yes
Spap: This pleases me
Harpy: yiss
Del Wing: I never doubted it


RubyChao: reminder that sumireko was originally just "a fite club"
RubyChao: and that was it
RubyChao: what progress she has made


Gooper Blooper: >​mary getting attacked by an anti-tank weapon that rolled a 20
Gooper Blooper: I REGRET NOTHING


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: :V
RubyChao: at least it's gewjog right
Gooper Blooper: noooo
RubyChao: there's still hop!
RubyChao: *hope
Jumpropeman: *Baofbawwig hops over the attack*
Gooper Blooper: AND IT GAVE THEM HOP
RubyChao: >​that reference
RubyChao: ​shit, now you'll be expecting it when i roleplay John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman's brother
Gooper Blooper: ​>​not remembering Celestia Triden Who Was Sarah Triden's Mother
RubyChao: ​>​Celestia Triden
RubyChao: how old was that
Gooper Blooper: season 1


Cornwind Evil: Reigns and Ambrose's mystery partner was ​not Daniel Bryan.
Gooper Blooper: *D-bry comes back, is hyped to hell and back, wins a belt, gets injured and leaves for another year*
Gooper Blooper rolls down a set of stairs


Gooper Blooper: got some semblance of a framework for tomorrow's plot
Gooper Blooper is always totally on top of things


Jumpropeman: "Brilliant Kid: Ah, the most dreaded Streets of Rage foe - the second player"
Jumpropeman: THIS
Jumpropeman: THIS
Jumpropeman: SO MUCH THIS
Jumpropeman: VEN


Jumpropeman: unsurprisingly, our final boss fight ended up being Ven mostly doing the fighting as I tried to not get a game over. For some reason no one could ever hope to figure out, I had much less health than him :I
Gooper Blooper: You can't fault FV's enthusiasm
Jumpropeman: it was definitely fun, it's just hard not to react every time he punches you :P
Jumpropeman: first thing we both said when we turned on Castle Crashers afterwards was "thank god there's no friendly fire"
Gooper Blooper: when me and goopsbro play it's usually just constantly grabbing each other by accident
iKomodo: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: that is pretty fun too. Ven constantly backflipping while he held me until we figured out how to break the hold


(Concerning one of JRM's characters being chosen as a Warrior of Light)

Harpy: ...
Harpy: nevermind :U
Harpy: i thought i was onto something then nah
Harpy: ...maybe
Harpy: i am conflicted
Gooper Blooper: you're right harpy, JRM's warrior of light is Cory
Gooper Blooper: he's in the house
Dacor joined the chat
Harpy: hi cory!
Harpy: i mean what
Dacor: ......
Gooper Blooper: dacory
RubyChao: WOW
RubyChao: gj harpy
Dacor: Alright, I was going to post Parsee going to the lounge (not really) but now I am offended and will leave.
RubyChao: bye draco
Dacor hides under the covers.
Gooper Blooper: in the draco-shaped hole under his bed


Harpy: [6:16:30 PM] Ivelchild: Jumpropeman: I just realized
Jumpropeman: since I got back from Mexico
Jumpropeman: the only video game I've played is Wario Dating Sim
[6:16:36 PM] Ivelchild: but who did he date first
[6:16:38 PM] Ivelchild: WHO
[6:17:49 PM] HarpyKuro: hahaha

Jumpropeman: waluigi


RubyChao: so uh
RubyChao: i found Goopy's plot twist
Gooper Blooper: he's the gorilla who challenged the world, chao
Gooper Blooper: you can't stop him


Jumpropeman: I fucking love I'm Han Solo
Jumpropeman: that is my shit
Jumpropeman: bitchbastardhellswearwor​ds


Gooper Blooper: "Alex holds up the Crystal of Earth, high as he could."
Gooper Blooper: almost up to utsuho's eye level!
RubyChao: kek
Harpy: ruuuude
RubyChao: reminder that some fanartists depict utsuho as EVEN BIGGER than i play her in zfrp
Gooper Blooper: 200 CM
Gooper Blooper: 210 CM
Gooper Blooper: MORE DAMMIT
RubyChao: okay the highest i've found so far is 201 CM
Gooper Blooper: I linked you 210 a while back
RubyChao: sadly, i forgot that one
RubyChao: >​6'10''
RubyChao: huge burd
Jumpropeman: freaking frack that's enormous
Gooper Blooper: literally two feet taller than sarah
RubyChao: imagine Pitsuho with Utsuho towering a foot and a half above Pit


RubyChao: Utsuho is going to add the Crystal of Fire to her hair ribbon
Gooper Blooper: That's the perfect plan
Gooper Blooper: Because if she loses her head decoration, she's dead anyway
RubyChao: kek


Jumpropeman: gooper made the mistake of winning the big bar brawl
Jumpropeman: so now I can send him christmas gifts
Jumpropeman: *buries Gooper in clefairy dolls*
Jumpropeman: *the exact same clefairy doll over and over*
Bree: *JRM repeatedly throwing a clefairy doll at goops, picking it up, and throwing it at him again because he could only afford one clefairy doll*


(Re: crowdfunding)

Gooper Blooper: money and me have an understanding
RubyChao: "i spend you"
RubyChao: "i get the thing'
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: Not promises of a thing, not good will that someone will eventually do a thing
Gooper Blooper: a thing

(And then, the birth of a legend)

Jumpropeman: meanwhile, Undertale looks like an amazing game that got kickstarted
Jumpropeman: and it released yesterday
Jumpropeman: I played the demo and it is sooooo good
Jumpropeman: I would describe it best as "a game sheep and I would talk about at 4 in the morning"
Gooper Blooper: spoopy niche game, then?
Gooper Blooper: I was right
Jumpropeman: Undertale can tell if you try to reload a save to change the effects of a story-critical event, and depending on your decisions, it even edits the digital manual
Gooper Blooper: harpy found the perfect connection
Jumpropeman: it also has the two best skeletons in all of gaming


RubyChao: >​last actually played a steam game in june
RubyChao: i wonder what happened since then that made me stop
Gooper Blooper: whatever could it be
Spap: What happened?
Gooper Blooper: spy please
Gooper Blooper: RP happened you derp :V
Spap: . . . OH
Jumpropeman: appropriately, that last steam game was Thomas Was Alone, wasn't it? :V
RubyChao: yep, you monster ;_;
Gooper Blooper: Thomas Was Ded
Jumpropeman: a year ain't complete without a JRM permadeath
RubyChao: what about last year?
Spap: T-thomas ;;
Jumpropeman: Mr. Chips-sama ;_;7
Gooper Blooper: Who died in season 2
Jumpropeman: ME
Gooper Blooper: :O
Gooper Blooper: so meta
RubyChao: you know who died in Season 2?
Gooper Blooper: OHHHHHHH
Jumpropeman: my Season 2 permadeath was that unforgettable character who you all still miss, ​Bang of the Monstars​
Gooper Blooper: What, just him?
Gooper Blooper: Does that mean the rest are alive
Jumpropeman: they are part of Sheep now
Jumpropeman: in an unending state of constant undeath
Jumpropeman: playing b-ball with eldritch gods
RubyChao: sometimes, if you stare into the sheep's eyes deep enough
RubyChao: you can see a basketball
RubyChao: and hear a dribble
RubyChao: ...but maybe it's just your imagination


Carver: Talk like a pirate day.
Carver ragequits life at having not stuck candles in beard when going to job on base to be ​Black​Burntbeard the Janitor; would probably have been arrested anyway, but it would have Been Worth It
Carver: *It would not have been worth it


Jumpropeman: WOAH
Jumpropeman: WOAH
Jumpropeman: WOAH
Jumpropeman: Kermit
Jumpropeman: the Frog
Jumpropeman: has a new girlfriend
Gooper Blooper: IMPOSSIBLE
Gooper Blooper: ​>​it's still a pig
Gooper Blooper: ​guess he's just into that


Dacor: My girlfriend wanted this for her birthday
Dacor: ❤
Gooper Blooper: she just might be a keeper
Del: bacon bawkses
Dacor: I think you're right, Goops.


Gooper Blooper: Stacy is aggressively adorable
Harpy: we're not sure how Frankie is still alive with her around
Harpy: she could kill him
Harpy: just by being a dork


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: jackal
RubyChao: that
RubyChao: wow
Gooper Blooper: and awayyyyyyyy we go
Gooper Blooper: jackal you're losing to fucking signals
Gooper Blooper: we need a mario plot so jackal can die to a goomba
RubyChao: i think i might have to retire jackal early this year
RubyChao: because uh
RubyChao: he isn't accomplishing ​anything
Gooper Blooper: just send him to plots where all we do is fight radscorpions
Gooper Blooper: he's good at that


RubyChao: i live
Gooper Blooper: But Chao, does Jackal?
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: no
Gooper Blooper: JACKAL OMFG
RubyChao: i think this might be it
RubyChao: i think he might give up after this plot
RubyChao: because
RubyChao: well, duh
RubyChao: goops:
Dacor: Dude needs to go train with Appule.
Harpy: jackal is just
RubyChao: can we safely conclude he's worse than Ariel and Knight Arthur combined
Harpy: so buried right now
RubyChao: 2013 ariel
Gooper Blooper: 2013 ariel wearing 2013 Samus' armor and holding Knight Arthur's spear
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Gooper Blooper: h-his attack was g-good


Jumpropeman: I want to go to the one hospital in the world that doesn't have the finest doctors on staff
Jumpropeman: because that's the hospital that will be honest with me


Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Harpy: ...
Harpy: stacy
Harpy: don't kill that man
Harpy: please don't
Harpy: he's begging you
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Jumpropeman: I hated those Hakuyo guys
Dacor: Stacy needs to murder to feel alive. 8V
Gooper Blooper: show him how CQC is done
Gooper Blooper: I love how you guys are absolutely pasting the mooks, but then there's this occasional 1 tossed in


RubyChao: link


Jumpropeman: Mr. X had it rough
Jumpropeman: He had to grow up with only a single letter for a name
Harpy: that's just his last name
Jumpropeman: his first name is W
Carver: Clearly his name is Xerxes Xander X.
Carver: They called him Triple X growin' up.
Carver: :u
Harpy: so he was a pron model once in his life
Harpy: that's one detail i didn't need to know! :U
Carver: How else do you explain that jacket, Harps? :U
Jumpropeman: He made porn, booze, and movies starring Ice Cube
Jumpropeman: >​Ice Cube wasn't in the first XXX
Jumpropeman: okay fine Wikipedia, starring Vin Diesel :I
Jumpropeman: "Vin Diesel and Rob Cohen, the lead actor and director of the original, had signed onto this film before xXx had opened, but both dropped out as Diesel had to work on The Pacifier"


Jumpropeman: woo! I started page 400!
Jumpropeman: I'll accept my medal and diploma now
Carver: Here ya go. One cert from th school o hard knocks. -baps JRM-



Jumpropeman: i almost had Shimmer barf today
Jumpropeman: i decided against it
Jumpropeman: Shimmerbarfwatch remains with 0 incidents
Jumpropeman: maybe she did already once I dunno
Jumpropeman: I invite you to prove me wrong, and then question your life decisions after finding the answer
Cornwind Evil: The next Cornwind plot: Shimmer is mysteriously transported into the classic NES game River City Ransom
Jumpropeman: BARF


Gooper Blooper: good night frands, hope you enjoyed my latest "I like thing, let's make everyone put their characters in thing" plot
Jumpropeman: it was yummy in Tupai's tummy
RubyChao: i did
Cornwind Evil: Oh sure when GOOPS does it its great
Cornwind Evil: But when I DO IT it's all "Cornwind we don't wanna be in Saw."
Jumpropeman: well obviously
RubyChao: look cornwind, some of us prefer not putting our characters in deathtraps
RubyChao: i know it sounds weird
Jumpropeman: its because we want to be in Saw 2


Jumpropeman: Season 30 takes place in a retirement home because we'd be geezers by then
RubyChao: >​48
RubyChao: >​geezer
RubyChao: jrm please
Jumpropeman: hey, Vector's 53 and people call him old man :I

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