Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 221: Prolate Spheroid

RubyChao: "In the TF Prime episode Orion Pax, part 2, there's a brief shot where the Autobots are missing numerous bits from their bodies. Ratchet has it worst, because he has no face, only a highly unsettling pair of eyes and two rows of teeth floating in the dark void between his neck and helmet."
RubyChao: spoopy
SteelKomodo: 2spooky
RubyChao: "Near the end of "The Mechanic", Batman's mouth suddenly wrenches open and his eyes dilate, going in opposite directions, which lasts a good second or two. Unsurprisingly, this was an AKOM-helmed episode."
SteelKomodo: BATMAN PLS
RubyChao: "All of the various versions of the Super Mario Bros. cartoon had their fair share of... problems.
There's the one-off Indiana Jones parody who has no face for the entirety of the episode. Given the lack of reactions from the other characters over this fact, it's probably an error too.
There's no 'probably' about it; careful viewers can observe one of Indiana Joe's eyes briefly appearing in one shot."

SteelKomodo: I think SMW had it worst
SteelKomodo: i think by that time they'd just gotten sick of drawing this fat plumber
SteelKomodo: and on top of that the saturday morning block of NBC was getting killed off by the network
SteelKomodo: so they weren't getting the funding they needed
SteelKomodo: and by christ did it show
RubyChao: "There were also episodes where there were more than four turtles in one shot like in the very first episode (like the one scene in "Turtle Tracks" that had two Raphaels running on the roof), as well as plenty scenes that had more than one turtle with the same colored headband or scenes where one turtle would be speaking with the wrong voice."
SteelKomodo: well, that's what happens when you design all your protags as pallete swaps
SteelKomodo: at least Extreme Dinosaurs had different species [smug] ​
SteelKomodo: DiC definitely stands for "Do it Cheap" :U


Dacor: This is why Draco doesn't go to amusement parks. There's always overpriced food or the lines are too long or some abominable bastard of magic and science is trying to devour everything.


RubyChao: how large is watchlin? still watch size?
Neo Gooper: TV size
RubyChao: alrighty
Ultimate Ruined: The TV
Ultimate Ruined: The TV is on
RubyChao: it's on channel ​SIX SIX SIX
Ultimate Ruined: Rap Rat Video Board Game (1992) Average Rating: 1.50/10 4 Ratings
Neo Gooper: I'm spooked
Jumpropeman: I thought it was just on UPN
Jumpropeman: which would be even worse
RubyChao: does Rap Rat air on Channel 666
RubyChao: this is important to know
Neo Gooper: Channel 666 has all your favorite spooks
Neo Gooper: We got lost episode marathons every weekend
Jumpropeman: >​UPN isn't even airing these days
Jumpropeman: wow, I hadn't even noticed
Neo Gooper: don't miss Mr. Bear's Cellar, new episodes each week
Neo Gooper: And, of course, Candle Cove and its' fifteen spinoffs
Jumpropeman: it was just always that channel I never stopped on
Neo Gooper: rip upn


Fire From The Sky: It would have been an ideal time for Keiran to step up and shine. :u Welp.
Fire From The Sky pats burnt skull
Fire From The Sky: Too late, bud.
Jumpropeman: and we were just about to do the Doctor meeting we always talked about...
Fire From The Sky: YOU ​WHAT?!
Fire From The Sky hyperventilates
Fire From The Sky falls off chair

Neo Gooper: kek
Fire From The Sky spasms and foams
RubyChao: sheep had the time now, and everything!
Fire From The Sky: It's not fair. It's just not fair. There was tiiiiime now!
Fire From The Sky: I had all the time I wanted!
RubyChao: *doctor meeting happens, Ven has Keiran show up as a force ghost just so he can participate*
Neo Gooper: I don't even know what would have happened at the legendary doctor meeting that would have been worth playing out :V
Fire From The Sky: Don't tempt me. :v -is tempted- Keiran wouldn't be strong enough on his own to manifest, but he was still linked with Lyssia when they died, and she certainly was. :u If there's a pair of hugging blue silhouettes, please don't mind us.


Jumpropeman: vote on fites
Jumpropeman: every day you don't vote on fites is 15 votes for Cauren to lose
RubyChao: i'll vote on fites when you admit you like cirno
Jumpropeman: BI
Jumpropeman: ​BI​
Jumpropeman: ​BI​
Jumpropeman: ​BI​
Jumpropeman: i don't like cirno BI
Neo Gooper: well, JRM
Neo Gooper: that means you won't care about this image
Jumpropeman: BS
Jumpropeman: *cracks*
M Sheep: I can't tell Cirno and Letty apart
RubyChao: well, sheep
Neo Gooper: Cirno's the one with icicle wings, Letty has a hat
RubyChao: cirno is not fat
RubyChao: letty is fat
RubyChao boiling down to the most basic of fandom jokes


Harpy: oh yeah
Harpy: goops
Harpy: I'mma need a refresher on Regal
Harpy: *can't even remember her own chars*
Neo Gooper: Well, from what I remember of Regal
Harpy: *or at least their personalities*
RubyChao: iirc
Neo Gooper: SHE ASKED ME *shoves chao aside*
RubyChao: regal was an assassin who - personality? yeah i'm bust on that sorry
Harpy: ruby and goops battle for supremacy
RubyChao: BUT SHE'S MY FRIEND TOO *pushes back into frame*
Bree ties up both Ruby and Goops, gags them, stuffs them in the closet, sets the closet on fire

Neo Gooper: anyway he was an assassin sent to kill Alex, or something along those lines
Neo Gooper: >​killing your frands
RubyChao: *and then Spy wins via the backstab*
Bree grabs Harpy and flees.
Neo Gooper: He was very cold, didn't get emotional except at the end when he was screwed
Harpy: he was an assassin, yes, trying to silence Alex- oh god just imagining him summoning Silence to wrassle Alex to death- because he stopped one of his previous assassination attempts
Neo Gooper: Yes
Neo Gooper: So he tracked Alex down, then hurt Stel-Stel for heel heat
Harpy: he was also the original owner of Ultima Weapon and knew Ultima
Neo Gooper: yes
Harpy: okay good
Harpy: tomorrow may have impromptu leviaplot
Harpy: because stupids :D
Neo Gooper: And so we fought him in a junkyard and Sarah, Alex, and Eddie Riggs holding Zephyrus killed him
Neo Gooper: There's one thing I'll always remember about that plot that I thought was funny
Harpy: was it the Lord
Neo Gooper: It was when harpy, without any prompting, described Sarah as "pudgy", and the reason this is funny is because
Neo Gooper: Before that, the only description of Sarah's appearance at all was over a month old, in the story she told him about her family fighting Garland
Harpy: oh god
Neo Gooper: and harpy dug up that detail and suddenly it was all over the place
Harpy: i was the one who made the fat jokes
Harpy: it me
Harpy: did alex say that
Harpy: no he didn't did he
Harpy: alex isn't mean :I
Neo Gooper: >​Alex saying that
Neo Gooper: kek
Neo Gooper: Stella said it the day after losing the ice cream eating contest, I believe
Neo Gooper: she salty
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: Stel-stel still salty to this day
Harpy: "pudgy white mage eating more ice cream than me" "Uh, stella why are you" "SSSSH I AM EATING :I "


WorkDel: NEWS
RubyChao: OH SHIT


Harpy: my goal next year is to make a plot that even normies can actually... DO something substantial in
Dacor: Stacy should join Raspberryplot and use her martial arts to paint a portrait of bruises on someone's face.
Harpy: Stacy punches out Frieza
Dacor: YEAH!!!!!!
Harpy: that'd
Harpy: that'd be amazing
Harpy: Masamune goes full dragon, struggles against Frieza
Harpy: then a little chubby girl punches him out
Harpy: lil' mac'ette
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Dacor: Well, that's what Vibecca is and she kicked a pirate robot.
Harpy: Vibecca and Stacy teamup
Dacor: #TheBestTeamup


Gooper Blooper: "Tenshi noticeably perks up at the idea of spending time with Viola"
Gooper Blooper: I bet she does
SteelKomodo: GOOPS PLS


Gooper Blooper: "Nasennia read the rest of the letter in silence, before looking back up at Ko.
'We have a new plan now! I will write the message instead.'"

Gooper Blooper: top kek
Harpy: "you suck at writing bro"


A Swarm of Brees: and then the panda and the burd just sat around being adorable
RubyChao: lel
RubyChao: alas, okuu cannot maintain burd form for very long
RubyChao: she's out of practice
A Swarm of Brees: sadface
RubyChao: but as you can see it's still canon
RubyChao: pit can still wake up to find he's holding a burd
A Swarm of Brees: buuuuuuuuuuurd
A Swarm of Brees: ma'am
A Swarm of Brees: ma'am
A Swarm of Brees: ma'am did you know
A Swarm of Brees: ma'am
A Swarm of Brees: did you know you are a bird ma'am
RubyChao: "oh my gosh"
RubyChao: "when did that happen"
RubyChao: ​headcanon: melody saw utsuho transforming, fainted from glee
A Swarm of Brees: kek
A Swarm of Brees: can she talk as a burd
RubyChao: nope
A Swarm of Brees: she just makes burd noises
RubyChao: caw caw
RubyChao: caw caw caw caw


Gooper Blooper: Chao told me recently he actually was planning on phasing Tenshi into a Samus-esque minor role after this season, then I reminded him that such a thing would constitute a significant threat to his well-being
Gooper Blooper: because if we built up a pairing for two goddamn years and didn't include any payoff
RubyChao: and then i promptly changed my mind
Gooper Blooper: I think not just bree but the entire forum would be up in arms
A Swarm of Brees: if you did that
A Swarm of Brees: I would burn down the forum
A Swarm of Brees: then I would go to Ruby's house
A Swarm of Brees: and burn down Ruby's house
A Swarm of Brees: but I wouldn't burn down Goops' house
A Swarm of Brees: because I luv the goop
A Swarm of Brees: too much to burn down his house anyway
Gooper Blooper: well of course not, I didn't say anything about retiring Viola


Draco: Vibecca makes a cake disappear! Too bad everyone has seen Sarah do that trick a thousand times.


Draco: Is it too late to throw a random Dracochar at Harplot? =D ​=D ​=D ​=D
Harpy: harplot? wut
A Swarm of Brees: leviaplot
A Swarm of Brees: it was a joke
A Swarm of Brees: since it's over for today
Harpy: another can be arranged, a year into the future
Harpy: this very same day
Draco: Oh good.
Draco: August 20th next year is a Saturday.
Harpy: i don't think I am allowed to schedule that far in advance
Harpy: what if other people need that saturday
RubyChao: too late
RubyChao: it's already booked
Draco: Eeyup. Start planning it now, because you're locked in.
Gooper Blooper: If Harpy actually does a harplot one year from now that would be amazing
Harpy: i'm gonna fuckin' do it
Gooper Blooper: I'll bring Sarah again
Gooper Blooper: even if she'd done nothing else all season


Jumpropeman: I have the perfect plan
Jumpropeman: Have Marina meet Rose!
Jumpropeman: what could possibly go wrong


Gooper Blooper: Important note: We've already had a plot where we fought one construction vehicle and a plot where we fought two construction vehicles
Gooper Blooper: But this is the first time we've fought ​three​ construction vehicles
A Swarm of Brees: serial escalation at its finest
RubyChao: kek
Jumpropeman: my plot next week is actually us fighting FIVE construction vehicles, so...


Red Rider: …25 There is the sea, great and broad, In which are swarms without number, Animals both small and great. 26 There the ships move along, And Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it. 27 They all wait for You To give them their food in due season.…
​So what you're telling me is... The Creator made leviathan solely for a lark, and he's a terrible pet owner. :u ​No, Ven, that's not what it means. Stop laughing.
RubyChao: hey give him some slack, he's got a lot to watch over
RubyChao: sometimes you forget to feed the giant sea monster
Red Rider: True. :u We have to feed a sarah, too.


Draco: Suddenly, Parsee pops out of the ground and eats Khamer. The end! =D
Red Rider: Yaaay
RubyChao: oh parsee, you are so parsee
Red Rider: Wait, as an elf, or a dragon? Be funnier the first way.
Red Rider: :u
Jumpropeman: Draco, that doesn't make any sense!
Jumpropeman: Parsee just ate
Draco: As an Elf, of course.
Jumpropeman: just have her eat something small as a snack, like my hopes and dreams
Draco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 16
RubyChao rolled a die with 26 sides. The die showed: 4

RubyChao: rip khamer
RubyChao: died of parsee
Draco: Parsee eats the Dracoplot notes. Her HP/MP is restored, but she's still hungry.


Red Rider: There is nothing new under the sun.
Jumpropeman: Im pretty sure that freckle on my nose is rather new


RubyChao: "Similar to Hannah Montana, many of the episode titles are parodies of popular songs. For example, "We Built This Kitty on Rock and Roll" comes from "We Built This City", "Mall of Confusion" from "Ball of Confusion", "Smells Like School Spirit" from "Smells Like Teen Spirit", and "Ain't Miss Bahavian" from "Ain't Misbehavin'"."
RubyChao: thank you wikipedia
RubyChao: this was 100% essential Cory in the House info
RubyChao: ...oh god the episode list has "title reference" for every single one
RubyChao: who did this
Jumpropeman: a saint
RubyChao: "Cory tries to get his band to perform on the president's Reading benefit show, but Samantha stops them until they trick Sophie into joining the band. Sophie forces the band to play her song about cats, while Samantha tries to stop the president from making bird calls on television."
RubyChao: "After giving the President advice on how to deal with a stuffed nose, Cory is tricked into telling a reporter that he tells the President what to do. Meanwhile, Newt is upset that Meena and Cory never use his ideas for the band."
Jumpropeman: Sophie is the worst character
Jumpropeman: just the worst
Jumpropeman: if you want to know how to write child characters
Jumpropeman: watch her and make a note not to do anything she does
RubyChao: "Wearing a disguise, the President goes to the mall to buy perfume for the First Lady, bringing Cory along (Cory wanted to go just to get a video game), then things go bad: Jason Stickler arrives with a "Memory Loss Spray", then the President and Newt accidentally spray it on themselves. Soon, a man named Burt, who looks almost exactly like the President's disguise, then Cory mistakes Burt for the President, and Burt's boss mistakes the President for Burt."
Gooper Blooper: last post
RubyChao: hi goops
RubyChao: you walked into me goggling at cory in the house
RubyChao: i'm so sorry
Jumpropeman: oh my gosh the memory loss spray was in the show too?
Jumpropeman: I didn't know the game was so close to the canon
RubyChao: "Cory is in deep trouble when he accidentally gives the deed to Alaska to the Russian Ambassador, and when the Ambassador doesn't want to give it back, Cory has to sneak onto Air Force One to get it back, even offering the ambassador Air Force One but is turned down. The Ambassador agrees to return Alaska, but only if Cory can beat him in a dance videogame, but what Cory doesn't know is, the Ambassador is a pro, and if he loses Russia will get both Alaska and Air Force One."
RubyChao: "While visiting, Raven has a vision of the president being crushed by a grandfather clock, she tries to prevent it from coming true by tackling him out of the way of the clock, but when the clock doesn't fall, she becomes a wanted criminal. And Cory is forced to impersonate her while everyone in the White House is trying to find her."
RubyChao: "Later, when the episode is about to be broadcast, the President and Sophie teach the world how to make cheese sandwiches for 30 minutes."
Gooper Blooper: I like the one summary with a "sophie" and a "samantha"
Gooper Blooper: because ruined
RubyChao: "Cory wishes on a shooting star that he was president of the United States. His wish goes amiss when he ignores his vice-president, Sophie, on a warning threatening national security."
Jumpropeman: I forgot
Draco: Poor Ruby.
Jumpropeman: that Sammy's name is Samantha
RubyChao: ok, i am done
RubyChao: i will remind you
Jumpropeman: its always Sammy to me
RubyChao: i did not edit a single word
RubyChao: these are exactly how it was summarized
Harpy: Sophie is vice prez?
Harpy: what a drastic change
Cornwind Evil: This show is painful
Draco: Cian in the House! =U
Jumpropeman: It's a Parsee every week baby!


SteelKomodo: ​oh god now I ship Kogasa and Shinobiman, halp
Draco stuns SK.
SteelKomodo: D:
Draco: I'M HELPING! 8D
Harpy: ​oh dear god now I'm shipping it too
SteelKomodo: ​IT'S CONTAGIOUS D:


Saberwulf: Whoa holy shit when did Dominos get fanta
Saberwulf: What the fuck they have so many more sodas how did I never click on this category


RubyChao: also i keep getting a whole pile of ideas for a 2016 character (potential interactions, introductory scene, even a halloween costume)
RubyChao: and it's just
RubyChao: "no go away"
RubyChao: "come back when you're relevant dammit"
Bree: is it a hu?
RubyChao: maybe


Gooper Blooper: "Then as if on que Rap Rat said in succession,"Aparat, aparat, aparat!" giving away a goofy smile with arms out in comedic fashion. Then Tom mockingly jumped up and down yelling that word aparat. We waited and nothing happened. He downed an orange soda then said to me while heading to the bathroom,"haitian girl my ass!" I didn't know what to say we both felt unimpressed. I saw that the video kept running but the rat puppet wasen't moving, just slight twitches. I checked if it was on pause but it wasen't the rat kept his posture. I hit fast forward seeing that the time went past 2 hours on the edge of the screen."
Gooper Blooper: "Just then I heard a banging sound come from the bathroom. It sounded like Tom fell over. The air and creepyness we're getting on nocuous levels. I grabbed the doorknob feeling that my friend locked it. I called out but he wasen't responding."Hey man! What happened? Are you alright?" What am I to do now? He's been in there 10 minutes! I yelled,"I'm kicking the door open!""
Draco: Dangit, Tom! D:<
iKomodo: Woah, what did I miss?
The Bigger Butt: Rap Rat
Gooper Blooper: "Few peices of wood snapped off and the door flung open but what I saw I can never unsee. Tom laid half way in the tub dead, all pale with spider veins all over as if he rushed to 150 years old. Before I ran out of the house that I never went back to I saw standing in the dark bathroom the rap rat standing 6 feet tall over Tom's corpse. It's eyes we're blacker than black, images of vipers and clowns and horrors flashed before my eyes in only a second, and he was covered in a splatter of blood. It's mouth was moving while staring at me a rapid pace I believe may be the raps he did in the video but no words came out."
iKomodo: D:
RubyChao: i'm so terrified
Gooper Blooper: "I haven't seen any of my friends, my family, anyone... I just ran.
-The End-"

RubyChao: it spooked my body right off my bones
RubyChao: i'm a skeleton now


Del Wing: This bodyguard job pays in mountains of blow


The Bigger Butt: So, would the optional superboss of Hogansona be Shadow McMahon?
RubyChao: >​Shadow McMahon
RubyChao: it's worse
RubyChao: it's McMahon with a Persona
The Bigger Butt: Oh my god
RubyChao: (his Persona is Hogan Cena)
The Bigger Butt: "My shadow tried to tell me it was the true self. So I told it "I'M VINCE MCMAHON DAMNIT" and beat it down until it answered to ME"


Jumpropeman: I need to do a Soar the Eagle report again sometime
Harpy: must save elderly (and less elderly) professors
Jumpropeman: I've got it
Jumpropeman: Soar the Eagle here reporting on the deaths of local toy makers Hector and Vector!
Jumpropeman: :V
RubyChao: don't forget the death of local sparkly girl Shimmer
Jumpropeman: "Soar the Eagle here reporting on the deaths of EVERYONE. I am the last living thing on Earth after the battle against the Crawler! Heck, if I'm the last one on Earth, might as well rename Earth to something better... Like Eagelearth! And since the censors are dead too... I can say Hell! Man, I've been wanting to curse on air for years!"


Draco: It is my sad duty to report that Parsee survived the end of this plot.
RubyChao: she won't survive when my next villain blows up the entire earth!
RubyChao: i mean neither will anyone else
RubyChao: but details
Draco: Whew! That's a relief! =D
Harpy: frieza isn't yours :C
RubyChao: i know
RubyChao: ​i'm using Buu
Harpy: ​looks like I'll need to bring kirby back


Cornwind Evil was playing Smartphone games.
Cornwind Evil sees what took 5 minutes is now taking 48 hours
Gooper Blooper: IT'S THE DEVIL'S VIDYA


 RubyChao: important question
RubyChao: will yuyuyuyuyuko go as something for halloween
RubyChao: that isn't spoopy ghost
Dacor: Parsee is going to Halloween as the Evil Elf Queen.
Harpy: Yuyuko is gonna go as Sarah
Harpy: and Reimu as Alex
Dacor: Radical.


Jumpropeman: Hostess Brand Fruit Pies draw out the worst kinds of people


Jon Screwed John: Man, who even WAS the yet-tai?
Cornwind Evil: Ron Reis Jr
Cornwind Evil: He was later a member of Raven's Flock
Jon Screwed John: How did they waste a man that tall
Cornwind Evil: Tallness does not equal talent
Jon Screwed John: Very true. you'd think he'd get hotshotted to the top via the pure force of Vince McMahon's tallboner though
Cornwind Evil: By the time Vince bought WCW, Reis was gone for three years


rommin ragnis joined the chat
rommin ragnis hits Chao with the Spear!
rommin ragnis again!
RubyChao spears RR before he can-

RubyChao: FUCK
RubyChao is speared out of the Chatzy
RubyChao left the chat

RubyChao joined the chat
iKomodo: Right, now I can sleep
rommin ragnis spears Chao AGAIN AGAIN
RubyChao: pls
iKomodo: night, all, stay awesome
RubyChao dies of a broken back
see m poonk joined the chat
see m poonk hits SK with the GO TO SLEEP
see m poonk left the chat


Jumpropeman: Jester Chao is a secret genius
Jumpropeman: he went to clown college


Gooper Blooper: Something I just remembered I saw earlier and forgot to point out
Gooper Blooper: Abattoir is ranked 8th in that fight I linked
Gooper Blooper: There were seven competitors in that weight class
Gooper Blooper: I don't even know how that happened
RubyChao: it jobbed That Hard
Harpy: wow
RubyChao: they ranked the bye above it
Gooper Blooper: Well the rank was assigned before the tournament started
Gooper Blooper: maybe the Bye was originally the seventh-ranked robot and they had to withdraw, I dunno
Gooper Blooper: and from the people who brought you abbatoir
Gooper Blooper: this might be the most pathetic robot ever
RubyChao: ​plot twist: it's tron's second battlebot
RubyChao: Category: One-time losers
RubyChao: 245 pages
RubyChao: that's a lotta one-and-dones
Gooper Blooper: Battlebots got really popular in its 3rd through 5th seasons
Gooper Blooper: there were a lot of people who thought "hey, I could do that"
Gooper Blooper: then they realized making a robot is hard
RubyChao: and then they couldn't
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to guess you got to One-Time Losers by clicking on Trilabyte's page because you just had to see what the robot that lost to the robot that forfeited five times in a row looked like
RubyChao: kek


RubyChao: goops you updated your profiles
RubyChao: why didn't you tell meeee
Gooper Blooper: they weren't ready for prying eyes due to dropbox being wonky
RubyChao: oh, good point
Gooper Blooper: "HEY GUYS THEY'RE UP" *broken images*


Gooper Blooper: >​black mage corpse on a stick
Gooper Blooper: mary gets the KO
Harpy: yess
Gooper Blooper: "This is for big sis"
Gooper Blooper: *impales with stick*


Harpy: so this is why I must break and just think
Harpy: "why are you caring so much, just feckin RP"
Jumpropeman: cause a pirate is free?
Jumpropeman: you are a pirate?
Harpy: yes
Harpy: *runs* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE *holds several emulated games*
Gooper Blooper: being a harpy is alright with me


RubyChao: we're going to fight an egg
RubyChao: anyone else jumping in or is it gonna be the trio of fighting
Gooper Blooper: the three zeta era brawl winners
Gooper Blooper: take that, curse
RubyChao: *then brine jumps in*
Gooper Blooper: *godbot finally posts*
Jumpropeman: I would cry tears of water if that happened
RubyChao: godbot just enters the forum
RubyChao: looks at the thousand of posts and giant pile of new characters
RubyChao: "what the hell have you been up to"
Jumpropeman: The awkward part would be if he brought ROB back and I had to have the Professors interact with it
RubyChao: "so that's where it went!"
Jumpropeman: >​brine is on the forum
Jumpropeman: looking at the topic
Jumpropeman: *dares to dream*
Gooper Blooper: do it brine
Gooper Blooper: pls
Gooper Blooper: "ALL OF TIME IS AT STAKE" *five people show up, one of which is Hella Jeff*
RubyChao: and two of them are just
RubyChao: ​so evil
Gooper Blooper: utsuho needs to sit on hatch-o-hatch for an attack
Jumpropeman: Time is the most evil thing of all
Gooper Blooper: it has to happen
Jumpropeman: because if you live long enough
Jumpropeman: you see yourself become the villain
RubyChao: utsuho sits on hatch-o-hatch
RubyChao: he hatches
RubyChao: (it's literally just like kazooie hatching eggs in B-T)


RubyChao: yagren created evil
RubyChao: but it turns out
RubyChao: the alliance created yagren
RubyChao: and all the other sources of suffering
Jumpropeman: they even created Lheg'ho, the number one source for foot based suffering
RubyChao: oh god i just got the stupidest mental image
RubyChao: "don't touch that" "i'm going to touch it"
RubyChao: gallade touches it
RubyChao: and that's how all of reality was created in the first place
RubyChao: it was all thanks to EVIL
Jumpropeman: *Gallade is reverted back into a Ralts*
Gooper Blooper: Gallade turns into a Kirlia-2slow
iKomodo: Hahahaha


Jumpropeman: and JRMplot is over! just got to wrap-up two character plots it left behind and start Boaplot and write a bunch of fites and find a job and make a living and marry a nice girl and learn to drive and buy a car and buy a house and have some kids and retire and die!
Harpy: we love you jrm
Harpy: or at least the plot stuff
Jumpropeman: I BELIEVE I CAN DIE
Jumpropeman: thank you harpy
Jumpropeman: for the kind words, but mostly for the song


Jumpropeman: I can't believe how much BBB3 art I drew on tablet
Jumpropeman: I really do like how Arthur Bishopfish meeting Scorched Earth turned out at least
RubyChao: what do you have against your tablet art
Jumpropeman: well, I know its not as good as my hand-drawn just as fact, but its really hard to do during brawl time and one thing I learned last year was its better not to try it at all
RubyChao: i see
Jumpropeman: time-wise and all
Jumpropeman: like, I think my tablet art is fine when there's no time crunch (alliance, Mechanimals) but otherwise It's just doesn't match the pencil and paper
Draco: JRM, you have ten minutes to draw Parsee with cat ears or I'm cancelling Dracoplot the rest of the year.


SteelKomodo: official art
RubyChao: link can really pull off a dress, can't he
SteelKomodo: he can


Del: "Things were going OK for the brothers, who passed test after test until they came to the House of Bats, where fucking insane vampire bats were flying around all over the place and the bros had to hide out by jumping into a big tube. Well one of the brothers got impatient and popped his head out, and the second he stuck it out there fucking CAMAZOTZ THE DUNK MACHINE swooped in, popped the kid’s head off, and double-pump reverse between-the-legs fucking 720 MONSTER JAMMED it while all the other gods stood up and yelled and were all like 'Ohhhh my!!! The nail in the coffin!!!!'”


Jumpropeman: I wasn't gonna press for Rex's origin at first
Jumpropeman: but then gooper said its ridiculous
Jumpropeman: and now I have to


Jumpropeman: this year seems to be the year of fighting good guys on plots
Jumpropeman: although maybe I said that prematurely since I only thought of like two examples and was like "yeah there are a bunch more!" and then couldn't think of any others


Caught Tomwhere In Time: I promise one day I won't just show up and drop horrible emotional character trauma on you all
Caught Tomwhere In Time: I'll have Cor playing with some kittens instead or something
Caught Tomwhere In Time: ​and then they maul him​


Brinehammer asked Chatzy to choose between Ko, Etch, Emma and Nasennia. Chatzy chose: Emma
Brinehammer: And then Emma slipped on a potato during DYM V and was disqualified in the second round.
RubyChao: are
RubyChao: are you gonna enter her in DYM
Brinehammer: Absolutely!
RubyChao: yaaaaaaaaay
Gooper Blooper: yesss
Gooper Blooper: *she gets last*
Gooper Blooper: watch mary somehow get really far


Jumpropeman: so ven
Jumpropeman: i would like to apologize for how coherent the Zoidberg Bros are
Gooper Blooper: they're wonderful, thank you JRM
Jumpropeman: this is technically their second appearance in RP
Jumpropeman: you might recognize them from this old pic
Gooper Blooper: oh god
RubyChao: that fucking callback
RubyChao: only you, jrm
RubyChao: only you
Gooper Blooper: I only remembered them from Chatzy earlier this year
Gooper Blooper: JRM shared a couple of his old pogey fusions then
Big Green: Oh my god what


Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: I've made a mistake
Jumpropeman: the Zoidberg Bros technically attacked
Jumpropeman: now they might show up in the barchives D:
Psy: Not might. Will. :U I'll pay goop's to bold and big their name and everything. 8v Why, I'll give him all of half a remaining orange and twenty cents to do it.
Jumpropeman: ​YOU MONSTER​
Psy laughs without exaggeration because normal laugh is incredibly evil and basso anyway


Big Green: Wait did I write "rembers"
Big Green: How am I so bad at spelling
Big Green: ​How​
Jumpropeman: Rember the Alamo
Gooper Blooper: rembuh me *helmet flip*


Jumpropeman: The Zoidberg Bros once killed Tim Allen. They are totally heroes and not despicable villains
Jumpropeman: buy all their playsets and toys


RubyChao: that was a good profile update
RubyChao: but no profile for mr. x?
Gooper Blooper: Oh right, sorry multitasking
Gooper Blooper: I WAS going to make one
RubyChao: Mr. X: He's not a Mr. E
Psy: Damn. I thought Mr Ed was totally the FinalBoss this year.
Psy: Strangely, we have had thirty times more aliens than we have had horses, despite the wild west setting. =v It was going to be revenge for that.
Gooper Blooper: Added Mr. X
RubyChao: read it
RubyChao: again, good update
Gooper Blooper: someday I will make a bad character profile update or chatzy madness, and I will be inconsolable when chao tells me so
RubyChao: when you simutaneously delete all three of the chaoservice contingent, then yes
RubyChao: i will say "that was a bad character profiles update"
Jumpropeman: updated profiles... BY DELETING ALL OF THEM
RubyChao: jrm: that was a bad profiles update
Gooper Blooper: *retires Viola, soul-shatters Gloria, retcons Sumireko to sacrifice to Unity to save Teresa*
RubyChao flips a table and then ragequits RP


Jumpropeman: how was the restaurant Dingo?
Dingo: It was nowhere near as awful as the Yelp reviews made it out to be.
Dingo: We mostly just had drinks though, which is fine because I ate a lot of veggie tray earlier in the day.
Gooper Blooper: They said they were serving extra-dry rib singles, but I got a full rack and it was drenched in sauce. Total cockups.
Dingo: >​_O
Dingo changed name to Draco
Jumpropeman: Dingo was Draco this whole time?
Jumpropeman: I'll never trust Dingo again ; _ ;


Jumpropeman: the last post of 2012 bar was Alex the Raptor sleeping


Gooper Blooper: zfrp.html
Draco: That NEVER happens to me. ​Except when Parsee became liked.
Jumpropeman: *looks at not-dead Shimmer and Faith*
Jumpropeman: yup yup yup


Caught Tomwhere In Time: alright, time to write a super sad Selahpost for srs as a follow up to my barstuff today!
Caught Tomwhere In Time: *continues to carpet bomb the forum with tragedy*


RubyChao: looking in random review mode
RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: Draco pulling off a pairing with another user would be a first
RubyChao: kek
Jumpropeman: that would be crazy if Draco ever did that
Jumpropeman: but no matter how much he begs
Jumpropeman: none of his characters will get to date Inch BI
Draco: Nooooooooooo
Draco: So much for Centimeter Long Meiling Hong. D:


WorkDel: wulf.txt


molasses sheep: Robotnicolas Cage is a top tier pun
molasses sheep: someone get this man a Pulitzer.


Jumpropeman: I did not know how to describe an object similar in shape to a football
Jumpropeman: Croissant was the best I came up with
Jumpropeman: I also considered an eye, but people would probably think eyeballs rather than the shape I meant
Gooper Blooper: I know I would
RubyChao: no, no
RubyChao: i'd know you meant a triangle
Jumpropeman: prolate spheroids are not common in nature
Psy: I had almost thought for two seconds that JRM and Draco wished to skype me, but then I remembered JRM will never let me hear his voice when not in person.
Jumpropeman: for Ven
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: you can play that whenever you miss me
RubyChao: jrm's voice sounds disappointingly normal
RubyChao: i was expecting something a lot kookier
Jumpropeman: is this better?
Harpy: oh god JRM IS normal
Harpy: *HE
Harpy: HE'S A SHE?
RubyChao: yes jrm
RubyChao: that is much more what i was expecting
Harpy: i don't think we'll ever hear goopy's voice
Harpy: this is for the better, so I can pretend that he sounds like an octopus
Gooper Blooper: what does an octopus sound like
RubyChao: yeah goops has pretty much confirmed we'll never hear his voice
Harpy: just
Harpy: *blurpbloopbloop*
Harpy: in my educated opinion


Gooper Blooper: *looks at the Battlebots Reddit Ask Me Anything thread for Icewave*
Gooper Blooper: "can you self right" "that's classified"
Gooper Blooper: hurr


RubyChao: who wants some not ruined
Draco: I don't! =D
Draco: I only like things that HAVE been ruined.
RubyChao: well too bad draco
RubyChao: you'll get this non-ruined touhou and you'll like it
Draco: Oh, okay.
Draco replaces Parsee with Touwho?
Gooper Blooper: *muffled laughter in the distance*


Jumpropeman: why are all the Sakuya pics bad jokes about bra padding >:I
RubyChao: because stupid fanon memes
RubyChao: because stupid fanon memes
Harpy: its a joke about her art in the fighting games
Gooper Blooper: only ZFRP sakuya has breasts, all the others fake it
Jumpropeman: here's hoping the meiling pics are better
Jumpropeman: "expand hong"


Jumpropeman: >​Patchy is reading Alice through the Looking Glass
Jumpropeman: *Looks at the game he was about to play*
Jumpropeman: "American McGee's Alice"
Jumpropeman: :V


Draco: Parsee does whatever a Parsee does perfectly.
Draco: Parsee gets a 21 on having her feelings hurt.
Gooper Blooper: :<
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Draco: Parsee gets over it quickly though.


RubyChao: she's amazing


Jumpropeman: Broderick should meet a lunch lady and ask for her hair net


Cornwind Evil: Perhaps Sine and co will eventually permanently settle in Ashworld if I decide to retire her as a main
RubyChao: >​cw
RubyChao: >​retiring sine
RubyChao: forty keks
Draco: And next year, Draco dies for good! =V
Harpy: dracno
Harpy: .n.
Jumpropeman: and Jumpropeman settles in for a quiet life as Marina's father
Harpy: and sammy just focuses on her business
RubyChao: and Tenshi stays Queen of Mondor
Gooper Blooper: and the sarahkin just do their various businesses
Jumpropeman: and Tut-Tut can finally start that celery farm he's been dreaming of
RubyChao: and that's how Season 5 was the last season
RubyChao is clobbered by his planned character
RubyChao: nevermind we're doing season 6
Gooper Blooper: yes we are
Gooper Blooper: if you never open that box I'll never forgive you
Harpy: i remember that show
Jumpropeman: after years of not thinking about that show
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls
Jumpropeman: gooper's line somehow revived that song in my head
Gooper Blooper: Chao has given me the mental image of his new character being in a box
Gooper Blooper: and now it's an injoke
Gooper Blooper: and we have to keep New Character in the box because it's not New Character's time yet
RubyChao: and due to how many ideas I get for New Character
Jumpropeman: if you want some great music
Jumpropeman: that will bring back fond memories
Jumpropeman: just listen
Jumpropeman: to this
RubyChao: ok: it seems like new character ​really wants out of the box
Gooper Blooper: I already love New Character and they haven't done anything
RubyChao: he is an enabler
Gooper Blooper: I am
Draco: New Character is actually just Cory in the House, right?
Harpy: ... *Shoves her new character in the box*
Gooper Blooper: I enable people, it's what I do
RubyChao: it seems like they ​really want out of the box
RubyChao: >​implying i would ever take that from JRM
Jumpropeman: OUT OF THE BOX
Jumpropeman: OUT OF THE BOX
Harpy: recycle boxes
Jumpropeman: *clap clap*
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom just called me and wants a late nite errand
Gooper Blooper: so I will BBL
RubyChao: kk
RubyChao: seeya
Draco: Bye Goops. You are a good son.
Jumpropeman: and that late nite errand
Jumpropeman: was RPing as Chao's new character
Harpy: later dude
Gooper Blooper: [insert Complete Control here] "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?! WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOX?!"


Jumpropeman: WARNING
Jumpropeman: WARNING


(Chao reveals Jake Marshall's backstory, which spoils the fifth case of the original Phoenix Wright)

RubyChao: there were ace attorney spoilers!!
Gooper Blooper: It's a ten-year-old game by now so I think you're good
RubyChao: now if i was spoiling DD that might be a little different, i bet :V
Jumpropeman: if you spoil any game but the first I will tan your hide
RubyChao: a guy hits phoenix with a fire extinguisher in the second game
RubyChao: (it's the very first cutscene)
RubyChao: now go play it, it's eight years old :I
Gooper Blooper: >​asking JRM to play a specific game
RubyChao: you're right
Gooper Blooper: he will reach into Backlog Mountain and pull out random shovelware to play and you will like it
RubyChao: that only works when i ask him to play Ride to Hell
RubyChao: oh yeah
RubyChao: jrm


RubyChao: did you know "keine" is ​technically​ supposed to be two syallables? well, if you listened to me you wouldn't!


Bree: I watched kung fu panda
Bree: I hadn't seen it in forever
Bree: I watched it with tom and his girlfriend
Bree: so I told tom meiling's opinion of the movie
Bree: her opinion? "this is an accurate depiction of learning kung fu"
Bree: "kung fu is suffering"
Gooper Blooper: skidoosh
Bree: my favorite commentary was from tom though because he's like "did they even script this bit, or did they just give jack black a microphone and tell him to be a dork for like thirty seconds"
Bree: and then later we concluded that in fact they didn't write a movie at all, they just live-recorded jack black during a LARP session and then went from there


Jumpropeman: >​looking at cirno pics
Jumpropeman: no I will not have a touhou avatar >:I
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: maybe that one
Gooper Blooper:


Jumpropeman: >​Patchouli and Celestia have the same text color
Jumpropeman: this will cause problems for Broderick hat colors...
Jumpropeman: problem easily fixed
Jumpropeman: I hope you weren't on the edge of your seats


Jumpropeman: I am kinda sad Neo Kobber plot won't end in a dramatic battle with Rex
Cornwind Evil: Well...what could he do?
Jumpropeman: he's a T-Rex!
Jumpropeman: it would be like fighting Business Chao and Theodore Rex at the same time
Cornwind Evil: ​Unless Max is still plotting and scheming and this is all one big trick
Jumpropeman: DUN DUN


RubyChao: oh god i'm a nerd

1 comment:

  1. "Draco: JRM, you have ten minutes to draw Parsee with cat ears or I'm cancelling Dracoplot the rest of the year."

    Don't remember how long it took me but that Parsee pic was indeed drawn!
