Thursday, July 30, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 210: Chao's Books Edition

RubyChao: "I looked at the clock. It still read 7:06, unchanged regardless of the good hour or two I spent in this nightmare. The digital display started to flicker, and to my astonishment, read 6:66. Now I knew. 7:06 is 6 minutes after 6:60, which then makes 6:66."
RubyChao: i like how it has to spell it out
RubyChao: as if we wouldn't get it otherwise
Harpy: there is no such thing as 6:60


Gooper Blooper: I love headphones
Gooper Blooper: not as much as DJ Candy though
Harpy: i love mine man, they're the best
RubyChao: headphones are A+
RubyChao: I THINK I LOVE THEM MORE THAN DJ CANDY (yeah i probably don't, kek)
Harpy: also when's the funeral for the headphones :U


M Sheep: As amusing as I would find Junko recoiling from the twin pillars of holyness around her, let me try and make Junko act like a well-adjusted person for half a second
M Sheep: >​Sakuya pries Junko off the tile.
M Sheep: I also love this sentence
M Sheep: just by it's use of "pry" instead of some other word
Bree: I mentally pictured it like using a spatula to pry up a dropped pancake from a floor
M Sheep: ahahaha
M Sheep: yess
Bree: except there are no spatulas involved
Bree: but junko manages to resemble that lonely, dropped pancake
Bree: so desolate
Bree: so forgotten
Bree: so inedible


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep just gesticulates at number, speechless
M Sheep as mouth hangs open in a disgusted manner

Cornwind Evil: The tractor giveth and it taketh away and it giveth when oneth leasteth expectedeth
M Sheep: Attwater... eats the heck out of that sundae?
M Sheep: and here i was hoping for Attwater to roll a one and have a sugar based heart attack


SteelKomodo: "Now that you've seen Superman lick a mob of strange women into unconsciousness"
SteelKomodo: there's a rare sentence


WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Why is it that clicking on any tag on danbooru is a terrible idea
Gooper Blooper: because danbooru is full of porn
RubyChao: ^
RubyChao: if i didn't need to link the page itself to share the images i wouldn't


Gooper Blooper: so if there's an Original Character Titshi out there
Gooper Blooper: is there also a My Original Character Flatsuho
RubyChao: i saw an image of flatsuho once
Jumpropeman: *points at Utsuho fite art*
Jumpropeman: i didn't even know Utsuho was meant to have honking hooters when she started out, since I never saw any art of her with them :V
Jumpropeman: touhou boob sizes are a nebulous zone in fanart
Jumpropeman: if only they adhered to the ZUN art
Jumpropeman: so I'd never have to draw boobs again
iKomodo: Pfffft


Jumpropeman: "Hi! I didn't find any other red squares but I did find these! Anyone need them?" Later, the news reports the death of 20 red squares in the tragic bank fire. WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK HARDER UTSUHO


Gooper Blooper: fun fact: ​I have more magical girl transformations lined up
Harpy: ​magical girl josephine?
Gooper Blooper: ​imagine kevin and cindy's reaction to magical josephine after that reaction to magical sarah
Harpy: ​"ATTACK THEM WITH THE POWER OF BOOZE" "cindy no that's not child friendly" "WHO SAYS IT HAS TO BE :U " ​
M Sheep: ​When's Magical Businessgirl, Rex?​
RubyChao: ​that's his final form
Harpy: ​rex gives in to the kogasa hype
Harpy: ​i'd laugh if that happened but now that i said it, it won't :U


RubyChao: goops: what's the latest you've ever stayed up for RP
Gooper Blooper: BBB3 kept me up until past 1
Gooper Blooper: if it's not the record it's really close
RubyChao: had to see me win
RubyChao suddenly heel
Gooper Blooper: nooooo it's my yearrrrr
Gooper Blooper: or harpy's
Harpy: i would like this to be my year
RubyChao pushes Kevvy
Harpy: and laugh as my secret fiter wins
RubyChao: >​not Kevvy
RubyChao: (spoiler: i like kevvy)
M Sheep: My client, Kevvy
Harpy: i'm going for the most ridiculous way to win because if mac can win, anybody can
M Sheep: Myyyyyyy client
Harpy: and i like the idea of a secret fiter winning
M Sheep: Mac is an inspiration to all
RubyChao: yeah but on the other hand
RubyChao: Kevvy
RubyChao gestures to Goops to help him out, only to notice Goops is busy pushing Alex
Harpy: well kevvy's prolly gonna be my best bet too but he could get all the votes in the world and still get midcard (see: Sammy, 2014)
RubyChao: or
RubyChao: he could get all the votes in the world and WIN
M Sheep pushes Eggerman
RubyChao: (see: Cleft, 2013)
Gooper Blooper: if my secret fiter wins I will laugh for an hour
RubyChao: if my secret fiter enters
RubyChao: everyone will be disappointed
Harpy: if mine wins i will cry
Harpy: then feel obligated to RP them
Harpy: because kek
RubyChao: because it's not my lotto
Gooper Blooper: *JRM runs tractors* "well chao you won both, which one do you want entered?"
M Sheep: Have you considered Eggerman, though?
Draco: Parsee is my secret ffitrr.
M Sheep: or perhaps Eggerman?
M Sheep: What about Eggerman?
RubyChao: Eggerman is too busy being MALICE
M Sheep: A fair point
M Sheep: but have you thought of
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: just for that
RubyChao: i'm changing my third entrant
RubyChao: to
Gooper Blooper: >​not entering Business Chao and Jester Chao as a dysfunctional team
RubyChao: they disguise as each other
RubyChao: nobody realizes until business chao cracks a joke...
RubyChao: and it's ​actually funny
RubyChao: yes, business chao is better at telling jokes than jester chao
RubyChao: then again
RubyChao: everyone is better at it than jester chao


M Sheep looks in Barchives
M Sheep: >​Vina's challenge to Junk
M Sheep Beautiful
Draco: D:
M Sheep editing Junk in as one of Junko's nicknames
M Sheep: Now canon


Jumpropeman: the longest video game title ever is a recent Japanese game by the name of "Summer-Colored High School ★ Adolescent Record – A Summer At School On An Island Where I Contemplate How The First Day After I Transferred, I Ran Into A Childhood Friend And Was Forced To Join The Journalism Club Where While My Days As A Paparazzi Kid With Great Scoops Made Me Rather Popular Among The Girls, But Strangely My Camera Is Full Of Panty Shots, And Where My Candid Romance Is Going"
M Sheep: WHY IS IT SO LONG????
M Sheep: YOU COULD HAVE COVERED THAT WITH "Summer-Colored High School Adolescent Record"
M Sheep foams at the mouth
M Sheep dies

SteelKomodo: sheep no D:
Jumpropeman: its a tongue in cheek title
M Sheep is reincarnated as a sea cucumber
Draco: Sheeep! Nooooo!
M Sheep Outrage forces an evolutionary miracle to occur, propelling cells through millions of years of mutant strains until, eventually:
M Sheep: ...I'm not entirely sure how much sense that statement made
M Sheep hi is junko


M Sheep: >​place is a bit calmer than I expected
M Sheep cracks knuckles
RedSpy: STOP


Gooper Blooper: I swear I'm gonna send you that damn tea, this morning I finally got off my butt and drew a little picture to put in the package
Gooper Blooper: spoilers ​it's kevvy
Harpy: i think I tried reading that as "i got off my butt and drew a little picture of a butt"
Gooper Blooper: no sephine this time
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: though that's impossible, you can't possibly fit dat ass on a card like that
Jumpropeman: wouldn't be a little picture then
Gooper Blooper: *attempts to draw josephine, somehow cannot draw her smaller than a certain size*
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: SHE WON'T FIT CAP'N


RubyChao: time for a setup post
Gooper Blooper: "GUYS THE COALITION OF MALICE IS-" *DJ Candy crashes through the ceiling*
SteelKomodo: hahaha


(Viola takes a nasty wound in RP, but manages to shrug it off and remain conscious and standing)

Jumpropeman: Viola, what are you doing D:
Gooper Blooper: it's something we talked about once upon a time
Jumpropeman: oooooh
Jumpropeman: I get it
Jumpropeman: Viola is just a badass right
Gooper Blooper: (also the only goth in RP)
Jumpropeman: *Inch walks in wearing a dark trenchcoat and with frosted hair with highlights* NOT ANYMORE


M Sheep: Behold, the most stupid post I have ever made


M Sheep: I return
M Sheep: like a bad rash


(After Gardevoir's Coalition of Malice is defeated)

Harpy: gardevoir and cassandra currently make the "giant whiny babby" crew
Gooper Blooper: Link
RubyChao: amazing
RubyChao: that is canon
RubyChao: officially canon
Gooper Blooper: yay


Breep: would that impress yuugi
Breep: meiling picking her up that is
RubyChao: yes
Breep: meiling just like "I bet you've never been swept off your feet before huh *eyebrows*"
Gooper Blooper: Now I'm picturing Meiling doing reps by holding Yuugi and lifting her up and down while Silence claps
Gooper Blooper: my mental images get stupid late at night
Breep: hahahaha
Breep: that'd totally be something she'd do though
Gooper Blooper: crazy mastodon girls


マクロスVaporwulf AUC 99 // 420: Oh for some reason I keep coming up with new story ideas, so be on the look out for "house of leaves in space"
マクロスVaporwulf AUC 99 // 420: Which is the working title for this fucked up thing I'm gonna write
WorkDel: the story pile does not stop from getting taller
マクロスVaporwulf AUC 99 // 420 buried under stories


Bree: I have this mental image of kisume in the brawl, she does nothing the whole time
Bree: until
Bree: someone steals her bucket
Bree: knocks her out of it, or whatever, and steals it
Bree: and then kisume goes full godbeast
Bree: ​don't you be taking her bucket​
Bree: she will end you
RubyChao: that gave me the mental image
RubyChao: kisume reclaims her bucket
RubyChao: has the bucket thief
RubyChao: somehow drags them inside the bucket with her
Bree: the bucket thief is never seen again
RubyChao: we don't see what happens, but a minute later their wrecked corpse comes flying out of it


Bree: mister snuggles the panda plush in fact belongs to sakuya, not to meiling
Bree: well, it's arguable
Bree: anyway, he was a gift to sakuya from meiling, who actually learned sewing and shit just to make the damn panda plush
Bree: (and then she never used her sewing skills ever again)
Draco: ​Parseeplot in July: Parsee learns sewing from Meiling
Bree: mister snuggles is still one of sakuya's treasured possessions and he was indeed brought to vegas by sakuya along with all her other important things
Bree: however sakuya and meiling have a habit of passing him back and forth a lot
Bree: sometimes he stays with meiling for weeks before meiling hides the plush in the laundry or something and sakuya finds him and takes him back
Bree: and then repeat process
Bree: they have joint custody of mister snuggles
Bree: he is the one offspring of their years-long relationship
Bree: and that is the story of mister snuggles
Draco: Beautiful. ;-;


Aurora: Reimu finds it amusing, and now Yuyuko is insisting that she make a Mister Snuggles for the two of them
Aurora: as in, Reimu and Yuyu
Aurora: for those two
Bree: lel
Aurora: "no" "but reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eimooooooooooooooooo" "i can't sew worth a damn. if i try i will probably make an abomination that my god will smite on the spot" "but i love your abominations :C"
Bree: haha
Draco: Parsee will make you a Mister Snuggles.
Draco looks over his shoulder at Parseeplot.
Draco: Parsee is occupied at the moment. Sorry.


Draco: Big Bar Brawl: now featuring Sarah, Patchouli, and Wailord.
RubyChao: ranked in descending order of weight
Draco: It's not Patchouli's fault she actually had to turn her own pages one day. D:


M Sheep flumps
RubyChao turns over the Sheep with a spatula
M Sheep is roasted a delicious, golden brown


Tom: I'm totally ignoring chatzy because I can't multitask very well
Draco: It's okay.
Draco: You don't own a javalina farm so it's probably boring in here.
Tom: not the most exciting of subjects to me, I would say - or so I assume, I have no idea what a javalina is
RubyChao: it's an animal that M Sheep is destined to raise and then die at the teeth of
RubyChao:'s a long story
Tom: That was the impression I've gotten, about this whole place
Tom: it's a very long story
RubyChao: pretty much


RubyChao: i realized recently
RubyChao: Diptera and DK stand out to me for the same reasons
A Bowl Of Crumbs and Tears: Take A Type
A Bowl Of Crumbs and Tears: Throw it completely out the window
RubyChao: yeeeep


M Sheep enters shoe for BBB
M Sheep: there
M Sheep: done
Jumpropeman: Sheep, you can't enter Shoe
Jumpropeman: I'm entering Shoe BI


M Sheep: "Cosine?” “Yes?” “I’ll kill you.” “Noted.”
M Sheep: The best exchange is ZFRP history
Cornwind Evil: Best part is that Bree wrote that without any input from me at all


Tom: I think I've got what I need to at least start figuring out the other two I will want to enter
Tom: now to ponder if I can find anything suitable as a visual reference for this third character - and get cereal, because nothing says 2:15 am like a bowl of cereal
Jumpropeman: worst comes to worse you can send me a description and I can draw one up for you
Jumpropeman: provided they aren't insanely complex
Jumpropeman: ​or have boobs​
M Sheep: Jrm, draw me Virgule and Parallax
Jumpropeman: I can draw boobs, just not well :V
M Sheep: ​with boobs​
Tom: Shouldn't be. Save for the boobs. She does have boobs.
Tom: I'm, uh, "borrowing" the concept of a Siren from the Borderlands games
M Sheep: So she's a big boob
M Sheep: is what you're saying
Jumpropeman: yeah that shouldn't be a problem
Jumpropeman: I could actually draw a big boob better than a boob that need to be on someone :V
Tom: I would like to say I am above introducing a literal tit as a character, or entering one as a brawl fiter
Tom: ...but I would be lying
Cornwind Evil: No you're not
Tom: Are you sure, Eric?
Tom: Are you truly sure?
Jumpropeman: Tom's new character: a literal tit
Cornwind Evil: I meant you're not above it
Tom: oh
Tom: well I guess you are sure then
M Sheep: You're below it
Tom: so very far below




Bree: that harpy barpost
Bree: omg
Bree: the backstory
Bree: the exposition
Bree: it's delicious
Bree clings to the post


Reading: Huh. Cops just checked in on me. Passerby apparently found it concerning that I was sitting against the wall supine for the better part of three hours, and one called to see if I was injured, rather than asking me. Police were right friendly about it, but I should probably move out from behind the coke machine- both for public concern and because I have work soon.
Two more pages, and I'll be gone.
Gooper Mover: "are you okay sir" "yes I'm merely reading about people pretending to be things" "you've been here for three hours" "I really enjoy pretending to be things, officer"
Reading: That's funny, goops, but nah. Just mentioned using the free wifi. ​​I REALLY​ enjoy pretending to be things. Is highlight of day. :I But I no have for almost fifteen days, not With People. Is make Ven Madman. @-@


Bree: we should go see a movie on monday
Blue: YES
Bree: can we see jurassic world?
Bree: or did you want to see something else
Blue: Hmm... maybe we could see two movies.
Blue: Not in the same day, but y'know.
Bree: sure
Bree: which one did you want to see?
Draco: Go see the movie you both hate. Then you can agree that you hated it.
Bree: insidious 3?
Blue: I love bonding over hate.
Bree: ha ha
Blue: Oooh... damn... forgot about that one...
Blue: God, there's a lot of movies I wanna see.
Bree: we have the monies
Bree: which other one did you want, then
Blue: But monies should be spent wisely, Brenners...
Blue: Maybe tomorrow we can hit the dollar store and buy our candy and what ever early. That way I can get it properly hidden for monday and we're not rushing.
Bree: okey doke
Draco: I want a Twix bar. =D
Blue: For some reason, I've been craving kitkat...
Blue: We may have to go to wally world and buy some of those kitkat bites.
Bree: lel
Bree: Walmart has that big bin of cookie snack packs, I kinda wanted some of those.
Bree: instead of candy
Blue: Hrm... okay.
Blue: You know what else sounds good? Cookie dough.
Draco: You two are up to ​no​ good.
Blue: .... I think I'm hungry.
Bree: me too.
Bree: we can be hungry together.
Blue: Yes! It's our fiendish plan to take over the world with contraband cookie dough!
Bree: and then eat all of its food?
Blue: Yeeeeeeees.
Draco: GASP
Draco: ​I found Sarah and her clone.
Bree: Blue is too tall to be Sarah.
Bree: I'm Sarah. Blue is Inexplicably Huge Sarah.
Bree: that must mean she's the clone, right?
Blue: I am too tall for my own good. TT_TT


Jumpropeman: This year I will only be entering villains on my part
Jumpropeman: so expect Melvin Underbelly, the last Tribble, and Shimmer
Jumpropeman: and Mac Tonight of course
Reading, Unit Yavgah: That's riiight. Three entrants and a lotto, wasn't it. Huh. ._. I may need to revise my christmas list.
Reading, Unit Yavgah: I mean my gory demise list.
Reading, Unit Yavgah: Wait, no. That's still the same thing.


M Sheep: the Junko post you've all been waiting for
M Sheep: ​Junko arrests a bird​


M Sheep: Oh, A Pup Named Scooby Doo, you were too good for this sinful earth


Bree: sakuya's views on sex are honestly pretty informative of her character which isn't something I ever thought I'd say
Bree: "it's always awkward and miserable"
iKomodo: Pffffft
Bree: jeez sine, you're such a pessimist
partyhardpartyhardpartyhard: Hahaha
RubyChao: it's sine
RubyChao: of course she is


Bree: meiling continues to want to adopt junko
Bree: "YOU CAN'T STOP ME SUKI" she shouts as she carts junko off to fill out paperwork
Gooper Mover: junko, parsee, kevin
Bree: except of course sakuya can but
Gooper Mover: so many precious cinnamon rolls
Bree: yes
Bree: meiling wants to be the big sis for like ninety percent of the characters, no lie
Bree: that's basically her thoughts on viola
Bree: babby sister
Bree: precious cinnamon roll
Bree: must cuddle and coach the babby
Gooper Mover: Half Of 2015's Debuts Too Good For This World, Too Pure
Bree: the experienced lesbian mentoring the babby lesbian
Bree: fledgling lesbian, I think I jokingly described viola as that in a chat with tom
Bree: taking her first steps...into lesbianism
Gooper Mover: tenshisexual
Gooper Mover: she loves tenshi
M Sheep: Somewhere, Tenshi shouts: "JUST FRIENDS!"
Bree: and meiling loffs and loffs
M Sheep: the woman in the stall next to her is very confused
Bree: "yeah you keep on tellin yourself that, angel"


RubyChao: i still have only ​2/3​ 1/2 pairings
RubyChao: depends on how meiling's desires pan out :V
Bree: you have one half of a pairing?
Bree: *confused*
RubyChao: i have ​two or three​ one or two depending on if meiyuugi goes somewhere
Bree: why are you not counting tenshiola
Bree: it's practically official now dammit
RubyChao: because they're ​JUST FRIENDS
Boreas: Not counting it... Yet :u
RubyChao: (i'm totally counting it but tenshi wouldn't)
Gooper Mover: the crossed-out-ness is Tenshi in denial
Bree: kek
Bree: denialshi
Bree: "denial is a river in egypt" says meiling and mooshes the tenshi and viola action figures together
Bree: or the actual tenshi and viola
Bree: because she's a mastodon and she can do that
Gooper Mover: ​devour my hot goth ass tenshi
RubyChao: "no"
RubyChao: honestly you could probably smoosh them together even if you weren't a mastodon
RubyChao: lightweights
Boreas: Renais smooches them together
Boreas: shes like, shorter than both of them
Bree: meiling picks tenshi up like "jeez angel eat a cheeseburger, I benchpress twice this on a daily basis"


M Sheep: It's interesting, being the only user with two signatures
M Sheep: I just wish I could change it to something else than "Edited by ​M Sheep​, One minute ago."


Bree: you know, if meiyuugi does pan out, we'll finally have our 2hu/2hu pairing
Gooper Mover: twice the tou
Gooper Mover: twice the hou
Draco: You mean Viola's not a Touhou? D:
Gooper Mover: of course not
Gooper Mover: she can't fly


Jumpropeman: I met
Jumpropeman: the fattest seal today
Jumpropeman: first off
Jumpropeman: it was very fat
Jumpropeman: secondly, it just floated in one place like a log, head below water, only moving to briefly take a breath every now and then
Jumpropeman: and at one point, it sank under the water and stayed there so long I was legitimately concerned it had died
Jumpropeman: it is my role model *o*


RubyChao: satori no
RubyChao: don't steal parsee's gimmick
Gooper Mover: link
RubyChao: hahahaha goops please


RubyChao: oh, cw, are you here
Cornwind Evil: Yes
RubyChao: i started reading game of thrones
RubyChao: thought you'd be interested in knowing that :V
Gooper Mover: chao why
RubyChao: mom has the books
RubyChao: i wanted something to read
RubyChao: decided "might as well see what all the hype is about"
Gooper Mover: >​a book in the house chao hadn't read yet
RubyChao: hey there's like four thousand books in this house yo
Gooper Mover: 4000? That's nearly nine or ten months of Chao reading material!
Cornwind Evil: So where are you
RubyChao: oh, not that far in
RubyChao: i only started yesterday, i'm at page 316 of book one
Cornwind Evil stares.
Cornwind Evil: ANYHOO
Gooper Mover: this is going in chatzy madness just so you know
RubyChao: i approve
Bree: make sure you include the "oh, not that far in"
Bree: so casual
Gooper Mover: chao comes back in a week
Gooper Mover: "that was a good novel series"
Bree: a baby will pick up anything and put it in their mouth and eat it. imagine that, but books instead, and ruby is the baby
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: i used to say "i will read anything as long as it is not horror or super sappy romance"
Boreas: Hi
RubyChao: now it's just "i will read literally anything"
RubyChao: even horror and romance are a-okay
Gooper Mover: *draco sends chao a bunch of Harlequin novellas for Christmas*
RubyChao: if draco does that i'll read them
RubyChao: i really will


Sleepy Tom: I can still remember the day I read a line in a book, of narration, that literally went "Breasts. But not just any breasts. The Perfect Breasts."
Sleepy Tom: It was... not the best book
RubyChao: does not sound that way
Gooper Mover: pitsuho.txt
Boreas: boobies
RubyChao: #Tits


(Chao takes pictures to prove his house has a lot of books)

RubyChao: first: the big three bookcases (sorry about the bad quality in the last one, the lamp over there fell down a while ago)
RubyChao: note that all three of these are double stacked
RubyChao: so behind each book IS ANOTHER BOOK

RubyChao: then we have the living room radiator and windowsill

RubyChao: the other shelf in the living room (which also has more books on the other side)
Gooper Mover: have you ever considered
Gooper Mover: getting rid of already-read books that were not that great
RubyChao: yes
Bree: blasphemy
RubyChao: we do in fact clean out books that we don't like
RubyChao: mom gave away an entire series we were both tired of
M Sheep: It's a bad sign that I'm trying to squint and see how many of these books I recognise
RubyChao: there's just ​that many good books​, goops
Boreas: Wow

RubyChao: my bookcases
Gooper Mover: I think trying to make out anything besides Leonard Maltin's 2013 Movie Guide isn't going to work

RubyChao: my radiator (check out phoenix wright)

RubyChao: my nightstand
RubyChao: and finally
Bree: hunger games trilogy!

RubyChao: the pile of books against the wall
Bree: stephen king!
RubyChao: we just
RubyChao: ran out of space for them
RubyChao: so we kinda stuck them there
Bree: jesus christ you didn't disappoint
Bree: this is a lotta books
Bree: and there's more!
Gooper Mover: there's some room on that nightstand
RubyChao: can't fill up the entire thing
RubyChao: i have to sleep next to that
Gooper Mover: go away egg timer we need your space for buks
RubyChao: don't wanna knock over the books and die buried in them (though it would be a suitably ironic death)
M Sheep: I think I see a Narnia in there
Jumpropeman: *looks up the number for Hoarders*
RubyChao: yeah we have narnia
Gooper Mover: I hope you never have to move
Gooper Mover: books are heavy
Bree: I think he has everything
M Sheep: >​Stowaway
RubyChao: i'll be honest moving would make life kinda easier
Gooper Mover: *chaofamily attempts to collect a copy of every book in existence*
RubyChao: part of why we have the books against the wall is this apartment is kinda
RubyChao: small :V
RubyChao: oh yeah there's also a few books just kinda
M Sheep: I...think I may have had that book at one time, but it was so old that it fell apart half way through the reading
RubyChao: scattered here and there
RubyChao: mostly those that are in the process of being read
Bree: ruby
Bree: rubyyyyy
RubyChao: bree
RubyChao: breeeeee
Jumpropeman: Chao
Jumpropeman: I bet you don't have
Bree: marry me ruby
Bree: we will frolic in books together
Jumpropeman: Hop on Pop [smug] ​
M Sheep: also in book reccs for Chao: House of Leaves
RubyChao: i thought your heart was pledged to CW
M Sheep: Wulf will back me up on this one
Bree: a lady only has so much patience, ruby
RubyChao: oh yeah, fun fact
RubyChao: i used to have a bunch more hardy boys books than that!
RubyChao: but we gave them away
RubyChao: but yes i'm literally gloria, surprise
Gooper Mover: they weren't hardy enough to survive the purging
Gooper Mover: yeah gee I wonder why chao loves gloria
Bree: haha I see trigonometry for dummies
RubyChao: also, fun juxtopositon
RubyChao: right next to one of those book sets
RubyChao: is my binderful of touhou doujins :V
Bree: you actually have a binder of touhou doujins
Bree: oh my god
RubyChao: i do
Bree: I want to see them
Bree: I want to read them
RubyChao: okay, hang on
Bree: *ruby carefully photographs every page*
M Sheep: ahahahahah


Gooper Mover: Widow Maker goes to her closet and pulls out a box full of vintage 2011 "I Support Sarah" pins
Gooper Mover: "I knew if I waited long enough these would be back in style"
Jumpropeman: the long game


Jumpropeman: Gooper's third entry is Seaport Hime with Gamble Man grafted to her back
Bree: I honestly do hope one of Goops' BBB entries is a Neo Kobber
Bree: *nabisco thing enters the brawl*


RubyChao: fun fact: satori has already done more this season than she did all of last year


RubyChao: did i ever tell you guys i once knew a guy who was ridiculously obsessed with detroit

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