Friday, July 10, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 207: Why Am I Watching A Music Video About A Pig

RubyChao: so who wants to know a fun fact about labyrinth of touhou 1
iKomodo: Me
Gooper Blooper: what did those crazy hus do this time
RubyChao: the final boss of the expansion has probably one of the best names for the final boss of a too-hard game
RubyChao: namely, the boss before him is the Serpent of Chaos
RubyChao: but the final boss is just literally named "WINNER"
RubyChao: (spoilers: he tends to do it a lot)
iKomodo: Hahaha


Bree: despite the name, #Ruined has substantially improved my enjoyment of everything it applies to


Draco: Since JRM is overworked, I will not participate in any Fites.
Draco challenges over 9000 people.
Jumpropeman: *cancels Brawl to write all the Draco fites*


Jumpropeman: My greatest Brawl fear is not getting a champion to come back next year
Jumpropeman: because you could say the current champion is the strongest of the strong since the champion of last year loses next year, but right now its Mac so you can't say that BUT IT WORKED BEFORE
Draco: Mac will never lose again.


Bree: what
Bree: blue is here
Bree: when did that happen
Blue: Now.
Bree: but it didn't even say you entered the chat
Blue: I... don't know.
Jumpropeman: she's been undercover this whole time
Blue: Aparently I'm a ninja.


Blue: I went ice skating.
Blue: And fell on my ass.


M Sheep: JUNKO!
Bree: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bree crashes into the bar thread out of sheer eagerness to read
Gooper Blooper: Junko has been great fun so far
M Sheep: Oh, uh, thank you
Gooper Blooper: an unsheeplike character trying to make it in a sheepchar-filled world
M Sheep: ahahahaha
Bree: spoilers, Junko is actually staring at Sine's chest
Bree: ​what? it's eye level!​
M Sheep: With those giant coke bottles on her face, WHO KNOWS!
Walking On The Ground: Somewhere along the line Harps gave Junko to Sheep, Sheep gave me Diptera, and I gave Harps some kinda party robot


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
M Sheep: ahahahah
M Sheep: hohoho
M Sheep: hee


Gooper Blooper: Sakuya gets JRM to have a team of Snappers track Tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Hat remains peachless until tenshi goes somewhere the snappers can't follow, like the ladies room
Gooper Blooper: BAM more peaches
Jumpropeman: Gooper please
Jumpropeman: there are Girl Snappers who can go in the restroom


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: wow uh
RubyChao: i was rolling that for a joke


M Sheep Junko staring at Sine intensifies
M Sheep: I just imagine Junko grabbing Sine's face and staring into her face
Jumpropeman: DON'T IGNORE ME
M Sheep: "Tell me your secretsssss"
Gooper Blooper: >​Sine telling secrets
Bree: Sine: "are you staring at me"
Bree: "yes"
Bree: "okay couldn't tell"


Jumpropeman: I really would like to see Attwater laying out his thoughts on the staff at some point, just so I can watch Junko freak out
Bree: ...yes
Bree: do it
Bree: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: time for your performance review
RubyChao: "marshall, i still hate your hat"
RubyChao: "but you're good"
RubyChao: "reimu, please stop swearing at the guests"
RubyChao: "otherwise, continue"
Gooper Blooper: "edea, we're losing too many supplies to random animals"
Jumpropeman: Broderick intercedes "Attwater! I had thought so much more of you! You wound both me and Marshall with your scathing remark!"
Bree: broderick hasn't tried to ask for marshall's hat and that's sad
Jumpropeman: he's been watching it from afar like a shy boy with a crush~


Cornwind Evil: Junko
Cornwind Evil: There is paperwork
M Sheep: Junko rolls around in the paperwork
M Sheep: Except not really


M Sheep: Why am I watching a music video about a pig
M Sheep: Jrm, this is your fault
M Sheep: "If a pig can make it, anybody can"
M Sheep: Truly inspiring


M Sheep: Now imaging bees in little sailor moon costumes
M Sheep: with a big blonde wig and everything
Bree: bitch that's adorable


M Sheep: WAIT
M Sheep: Blade didn't come with Silence!
Gooper Blooper: No he did not, he wanted no part of Songbird
M Sheep: Blade is the most Kobber that ever Kobbered
M Sheep: The Kobberiest


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Gooper Blooper: god dammit silence
Bree: I kind of want to see someone who flies just pick up silence and drop her onto the songbird
Bree: ~death from above~
Gooper Blooper: But before they let go, they let her hang like a thick curtain
M Sheep: Oh, that was HORRIBLE, Goops!
Harpy: >​someone who flies
Bree: she IS pretty thick
Harpy: welp
Bree: we have a ton of fliers right now
Harpy: Gonzales approves of Silence's training regimen
Harpy: ​musclehead

(Sakuya uses her time powers to air-drop Silence at incredibly high speeds)

Gooper Blooper: yeah that oughta do it
Gooper Blooper: dorkkick into wrasslerdrop
Gooper Blooper: ​it's the best three-way Silence has ever been a part of
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: oh my god goops
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: oh my god
Harpy: amazing
Harpy: del status: dying
Bree: when you say three way, which three do you mean :U
iKomodo: Del pls
iKomodo: Also goops PLS
Gooper Blooper: Sean and Sakuya, naturally
Gooper Blooper: they invited Silence and she had a great time
Jumpropeman: but Songbird's there too ;D
Harpy: he kinda got kicked in the nuts
Harpy: if he had any
Gooper Blooper: Songbird's just the prop
Jumpropeman: bird balls
Harpy: this is just the biggest cockblock ever
Gooper Blooper: you always bring toys to the three-way
Gooper Blooper shows self out
Jumpropeman: i think this is the most lewd I've ever seen goops, and he RPs the succubi :V
Harpy: goops
Harpy: are you sure you aren't, like
Harpy: ivel or something


M Sheep: Bikker's arm is injured, but they are otherwise fine. The were more concerned about the rocket launcher.
M Sheep: and they might be full of bees, or something
M Sheep: it's probably nothing
Gooper Blooper: If the stars align and Sheep and Spy RP at the same time, Bikker can meet Diptera
Bowsers Inspyde Story: Hm?
Bree: sheep has a character who is made of bees
Bree: diptera is diptera
Bree: maximum bugs
Bowsers Inspyde Story: Yess
M Sheep: Prize goes to Jrm for the early guess
M Sheep: Although, I can't imagine this was like a huge reveal or anything
Gooper Blooper: but yeah, look at that
Gooper Blooper: something of an explanation for what a Sheepcharacter is less than a month since their introduction
Gooper Blooper: imagine that
Gooper Blooper: :V
Bree: madness
Bree: get rid of this impostor
Bree: give us back the real sheep
Bree: jk, I happen to like explanations :U
Draco: Explanation: Rebecca is a human from space. She is made of meat and guts.
Bree: sounds delicious


Draco: How mad is Parsee right now?
Draco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 21
Bree: pretty mad
Draco: Very mad.


Draco: And now SK can rest easy now that the Kobbers killed the bird.
Bree: To Kill a Songbird by Draco Lee
Harpy: fucking mockingbird
Harpy: mocking me
Gooper Blooper: no relation to Edea Lee
Harpy: one part of me wants to read that as "braco lee" even though that's not even how it looks
Draco: "no relation to Edea Lee" <- Is that...A CHALLENGE?

Gooper Blooper: draco pls


Bree: I love how Sine's more concerned about Boa than about HER robot potentially having long-term deleterious effects on an elderly scientist
Jumpropeman: Boa didn't take her to the cleaners in a game of Higher Lower
Gooper Blooper: kek


Cornwind Evil: Who wants to see a ridiculous horror film death followed by a terrible line?
Jumpropeman: cornwind, we were all there when Deacon Crowe died last year
Cornwind Evil: Ha ha


Jumpropeman: sheep
Jumpropeman: can the fat bee have that crown now :V
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: that "frown" means crown
Jumpropeman: sorry
Jumpropeman: I thought... Bikker was just super sad at first ._.
Jumpropeman: my apologies
M Sheep slams head into keyboard
Jumpropeman: "I am reminded of the Courier's hat, an interdimensional acquaintance of mine whose hat, while familiar in form and makeup to hat,"
Jumpropeman: I almost don't want to fix that typo at the end
M Sheep: "It's most prevalent, I would say, is a strange power that makes its wearer more elusive to the grim reaper."
M Sheep: That is the best way of waying +10 health i have ever heard
M Sheep: I want Broderick in SaRahPG just so i can read him trying valiantly to power through all sorts of stat weirdness
M Sheep: Also, please don't fix the typo, Jrm
M Sheep: i thought that's what you actually meant
M Sheep: that it was a hat pretender!
Jumpropeman: don't make me thrust my frown at you sheep
M Sheep: A hat in shape and look, but not at heart!
Jumpropeman: were that true, it would have never been admitted to the elite Hat Rack Club
M Sheep: a hat from a time and place that never was
M Sheep: it is a hat that might be
M Sheep: but isn't yet
Jumpropeman: Broderick funneled so much money into that "A Hat in Time" Kickstarter a while back
M Sheep: it can go on the rack now, because it might go on the rack later
M Sheep: it is a hat that exists on paper, not in reality
M Sheep: like future stocks
Jumpropeman: Hat Credit
M Sheep: Exactly!
M Sheep: ...I've probably been up too long if i'm contemplating theoretical hats
M Sheep: "​Bikker will have to take that crown out of Broderick's hands though, those fingers just can't seem to let it go~"
M Sheep: Oh, Broderick
M Sheep Bikker takes the crown and melts it down to try and make explosives
Jumpropeman: RIP Broderick, died of a heart attack shortly after crown melting
Draco: GASP
M Sheep: Boy, you know your tired when you consider starting the post with Bikker's fingers brushing romantically against whatever Broderick has instead of fingers.
Jumpropeman: woah
Jumpropeman: woah
Jumpropeman: beeship
M Sheep: Jrm, please
M Sheep: Bikker is already in a relationship
M Sheep: with themself


Bree: I just got here but I think, maybe, Cerno just ate Conrad




Bree: did you see the crack pairing I suggested earlier
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: i did not bree
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: what crack pairing is this
Bree: Dimitri X Hypotenuse
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: i got nothing
Bree: ​they annoy sine together​
RubyChao: del.exe has encountered an error and needs to restart


WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Here goes nothing
WHAT A LOVELY DAY rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: oh my fuck
Gooper Blooper: amazing
RubyChao: what the hell conrad
WHAT A LOVELY DAY kills self
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Gooper Blooper: Cerno finally, FINALLY shows up in a fight
RubyChao scratches "AND THEN UTSUHO SAVED THE DAY" off his list
Gooper Blooper: and has a tractor even more loaded than Songbird and Botwoon combined
RubyChao: to be fair it's half that conrad is jobbing worse than Ariel and Knight Arthur combined, too
Saberwulf: Fucking hell I thought this was just gonna be a skirmish
RubyChao: "so the bad news is the changling ate conrad's other arm"
RubyChao: "the good news is he can do a wonderful Venus de Milo impression now"
Saberwulf: Conrad gets prosthetic arms, the order gets fucked up and he gets floaty rayman gloves instead


Bree: today I told my mom about the eating contest we're gonna post on my birthday
Bree: and I was talking about how we have so many big eaters and how they eat unrealistic amounts of food
Bree: so I told her about the running joke where every time we discuss the cake at Sarah's wedding, somehow there's more cake
RubyChao: cakemass
Bree: like "so when we first joked about it the joke was there'd be two cakes, and then it was one for every member of her family, and then ten cakes, and then fifty cakes, and then a cake for every guest"
Gooper Blooper: caek
Bree: this got a genuine laugh out of my mom
Bree: and there was one other thing that got her to laugh
Bree: when I told her we have another girl getting married who is also a big eater
RubyChao: unyu
Bree: and that she's a big eater because she ate a sun god, gained the power of nuclear fusion, and is now a living nuclear reactor
Bree: my mom loved this
RubyChao: yay!
Gooper Blooper: It really is quite a creative character concept
iKomodo: :3


Bree: Words™ brand Sine Flavor Dressing (Low Fat!)


Harpy: breee
Harpy: quick question: fluff is boy, girl, or neither?
Bree: uhhhhhh
Harpy: because i am going to name it, if you do not mind
Jumpropeman: fluff identifies as dragonkin


Draco: Draco is so surprised that Hector and Vector aren't a couple of babbling idiots that he will give them money.
Jumpropeman: yay!
Draco: Obviously he will change his mind if he ever hears about that Megazord thing and regret this decision greatly.


RubyChao: this and the child posts
RubyChao: would be me and gloria interactions
Draco: Twue wuv.


Jumpropeman: Tupai, more like Cutiepai
Draco: Pewdiepie
Jumpropeman: PewdieTupai would just be screaming at the camera between bouts of breaking the controller
Jumpropeman: so, just like Pewdiepie


WorkDel: just did some tempt recordings for work
WorkDel: they all started with please
WorkDel: and now all i can think is mangle
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
WorkDel: to be hip with the kids, press 1
SteelKomodo: to buy an esoteric ​sex​ toy, press 2
SteelKomodo: to not make your song fucking suck, press 3
WorkDel: to defeat enragement child, press 4
SteelKomodo: lel


Harpy: are we all ready, because this barpost will prolly be the post where vroping happens
Bree: I'm ready
Jumpropeman: Dakota will be arriving by separate means, so I'm good to go
Gooper Blooper: I'm set
RubyChao: i'm all goo
RubyChao: *good
Jumpropeman: Chao has also melted into a happy puddle of goo


Gooper Blooper: When Tenshi is beaten in the brawl, instead of "KO", the image should say "COMEUPPANCE"
Gooper Blooper: hashtag optional
Jumpropeman: when she dies, it will be in the most #comeuppance way possible
Jumpropeman: killed by Giant Green Spider-Pig
Bree: killed by amity more like
Bree: ​reminder that this could actually happen, folks​
Jumpropeman: that reminds me, during my mexico trip I told CKR about me removing Periwinkle from her character ideas list, and she was just like, "eh, I would have removed him anyway, he was a terrible idea"
Jumpropeman: CKR has acknowledged some character ideas are ​bad​
Jumpropeman: she's growing up so fast :')


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: ariel no
RubyChao: don't you do it ariel
Gooper Blooper: I imagined the spongebob episode Gary Takes A Bath
Gooper Blooper: Chao is Spongebob going DON'T YOU DO IT and Gary is Ariel threatening to go into the mud puddle marked JOBBING


Bree: opinions pls - how long should melody's buff to tenshi last?


Gooper Blooper: I may ​write​ tiffany, but - and I know this is going to surprise you, but
Gooper Blooper: I don't agree with her
Gooper Blooper: like, at all
RubyChao: man goops i thought she was a way to express your controversial views that go against everything you've said for years
RubyChao: now you're telling me she's not????
Bree: well I would hope you don't, goopy
Bree: you have too many fat friends :U
Jumpropeman: everything my characters say I agree with, I refuse to believe anyone could write something contrary to their beliefs
RubyChao: i knew you wanted to destroy the sun!
RubyChao: I KNEW IT


Gooper Blooper: Tenshi keeps a notebook that lists everything she's ever beaten
Gooper Blooper: on the front it says "PEOPLE I AM BETTER THAN"
RubyChao: notice that it includes a hat a shark and a dog, though
Bree: PEOPLE (and things) I AM BETTER THAN
Bree: everything listed is just "____ thing"
Bree: "talking evil hat thing"
Bree: "talking silver reptile thing"
Bree: "stupid dog thing"
RubyChao: and i can't wait for her to get all these KOs in the brawl
RubyChao: *tenshi never gets any KOs, they're all stolen from her*
Bree: "ant things"
RubyChao: "robot shark thing"
RubyChao: "robot gem thing"
RubyChao: "lazy robot thing"
Jumpropeman: tenshi will get many KOs in the brawl... as a zombie, but none when she's alive
Bree: zomshi
Bree: instead of brains she says peeeeachesssssss
Gooper Blooper: ​viola loves zombie tenshi even more
RubyChao: viola confirmed for *muffled*
Jumpropeman: tenshi gets revived, Viola keeps trying to find ways to kill her so she's a zombie again


Gooper Blooper: If the worst possible scenario occurs and I lose Internet for a while due to dumb network shenanigans, I will MSPaint my Brawl stuff offline, put them on a USB drive, get to a public computer, and send them
Gooper Blooper: nothing will stop me, dammit
RubyChao: goops mugs a man for his computer when he can't find a public one
RubyChao: ​NOTHING
Jumpropeman: that commitment
Gooper Blooper: BBB is equal to any other big holiday for me as far as I'm concerned
Gooper Blooper: it's a Big Deal
RubyChao: bbb is our super bowl
Gooper Blooper: our wrestlemania
RubyChao: except instead of just trying to win
RubyChao: our characters murder each other
Gooper Blooper: our World Cup
Jumpropeman: BBB is our Women's Water Polo Championship Match
Gooper Blooper: hey man those women trained hard for this day
Gooper Blooper: one will leave water polo champ


Cornwind Evil: There's over 2 million people still paying AOL $20 a month for a dialup
Gooper Blooper: ha, I just saw that stat somewhere else a few hours ago
Jumpropeman: AOL is desperate for customer retention, so you can blueball them until they are basically giving you free internet


Gooper Blooper: Oh, I had a dumb mental image earlier I wanted to share with chao but he wasn't here at the time
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: A touhou from RP comes across Patchy, but something's wrong - patchy is flickering in and out of visibility, and looks kind of transparent sometimes
Gooper Blooper: "Are you okay?"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm fine, but existing is an awful lot of work"
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: maximum lazy
Jumpropeman: *bows to the queen of fat seals*


Jumpropeman: >​Mario World ROMhack called "Call of Cthulhu"
Jumpropeman: dis gonna be good


Gooper Blooper: I once actually half-considered giving Goopsmom an account so she could enter Mothra into the brawl
Jumpropeman: that would be amazing
Gooper Blooper: I decided it would be too weird though so I never suggested it :V
Draco enters Mothra into the Brawl.
RubyChao: oh god
Jumpropeman: yeah, it is awkward to make your family sign up just to enter, or make them draw KO shots, or enter fites
Jumpropeman: right
Jumpropeman: I'd never do that
RubyChao: jrm pls
Gooper Blooper: (yes, Mothra would have been her entrant, she loves Mothra)
Jumpropeman: *Goopsmom joins the forum, enters Mothra and some Goops chars he couldn't fit in himself*
Gooper Blooper: She does occasionally ask how RP is going so she's heard about a couple character concepts/plots
Gooper Blooper: She thought the concept of Edyth with the demon tied to her heart was fascinating
Harpy: don't tell her about kevvy
RubyChao: has she heard about any of mine :V
Jumpropeman: I am proud to impress goopsmom
Jumpropeman: *frames the chatzy message on his wall*
Gooper Blooper: I think I told her about General Cleft since he won the third brawl
Gooper Blooper: "a patriotic rock monster from that Mario game I love won"
RubyChao: yaaaay


Bree: ​tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola tenshiola
RubyChao: gallade will probably be sitting around in the bar
Bree: noooo I don't want a gallade I want a tenshi


Chatzy joined the chat
SteelKomodo: what
Chatzy asked Chatzy to choose between chatzy, chatzy, chatzy, chatzy and chatzy. Chatzy chose: chatzy
SteelKomodo: who
Chatzy changed name to Things The Sleepless Do
Things The Sleepless Do: What, When, Where, Why, und How come next to mind.
SteelKomodo: oh hi FV


Gooper Blooper: catte


Jumpropeman: I didn't get too far in Castle Crashers because that catfish boss made my brother hate the game
Gooper Blooper: the catfish is really really easy, you just have to know the trick
Jumpropeman: my bro and I were dead, and Ven was alive but he refused to do the trick even after we figured it out
RubyChao: ven pls
Bree: speaking of ven, where is he?
Bree: I'd like to talk to him about ze fite
Gooper Blooper: Probably busy
Jumpropeman: your guess is as good as mine, probably napping
Bree: I'll wait then I guess
Gooper Blooper: Judging from his srs post he may be taking the approach of "the fite is still on but everyone just welshes on their bet"
Bree: yeah, if he sticks with the "they made a backup of HK" thing, I'll be doing something similar
RubyChao: sakuya gives hk the watch
RubyChao: takes it back
RubyChao: "i never promised you'd keep it"
Jumpropeman: *Sakuya gives HK-47 a regular watch*
Jumpropeman: LOL GET #REKD
Gooper Blooper: "but this is just a plastic watch"
RubyChao: chorus sings "REAL WAAAAATCH" in the background


RubyChao: oh hey i found the catfish boss
RubyChao: so what's the trick
Jumpropeman: hit him for 1 damage for the next 2 hours
RubyChao: well darn
RubyChao: bye guys



Jumpropeman: I found the human version of Broderick on the right in this pic
Gooper Blooper: that's broderick all right
RubyChao: oh god that's perfect


RubyChao: also, who wants to know a fun fact about yuugi's brawl entry
Gooper Blooper: me
Bree: me mememememememememememe
Bree: me me me me me me
Bree: me
Bree: meeeeeeee
Gooper Blooper: I think bree likes yuugi
RubyChao: remember how for Strongest Woman on the ZFS yuugi limited herself to fisticuffs for a proper strength contest?
Gooper Blooper: just a hunch
Bree: confirmed
RubyChao: she's not gonna do that for the brawl
RubyChao: expect lots of bullets with her punches
Bree: aw shit son
Jumpropeman: I thought she was gonna limit herself to fiting in a straight jacket and hannibal lecter mask
Jumpropeman: *Scraps all the predone brawl art of Yuugi :(*


Jumpropeman: Widow Maker votes are like a good cheese, I eat them too quickly and wish there were more


(Concerning the possibility of Sean finding lewd Sakuya comics in Manga Carta)

Cornwind Evil: Sine: -to Sean- The worst part is I know why such manga exist.
RubyChao: because fetishes
Bree: oh not this again
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Sean: dont wanna know go away scary lady
RubyChao: kek
Bree: insert :words: about Japan's "freaky" fetishes being because of its horribly repressed citizenry
iKomodo: JRM PLS
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Jonesy conjures a dartboard of sine and then shoots it
Bree: mental image right now
Bree: Sine: I know why such manga exist
Bree: Sine: *Aliceface* IT'S BECAUSE I CREATED THEM
RubyChao: SINE NO
RubyChao: ...i had my own mental image
Gooper Blooper: *SCARE CHORD*
Jumpropeman: XD
Jumpropeman: amazing bree
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Dun dun duuuuuuuun
RubyChao: sine stepping out from behind a shelf in manga carta's backroom
RubyChao: "I know why such manga exist"
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: The things sine does for money
RubyChao: "...How... how long did you wait here to talk about this?"
RubyChao: "Three days."
Gooper Blooper: "someday someone is going to ponder the existence of fetish manga"
RubyChao: she just lurked in there for three days to :words: at someone
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Vince: "She keeps stealing my peanuts."
Gooper Blooper: "that's when I strike"
Bree: Sine in a trenchcoat "hi there big guy, wanna buy some mangas"
Bree: Sean "help I need an adult"
Jumpropeman: Sine: "You best start believing in these kind of manga Sean... CAUSE YER IN ONE"
RubyChao: and then suddenly sean finds himself unable to remain dressed
RubyChao: his clothes literally trying to escape off his body
Gooper Blooper: "NOOOOOOO- with you or sakuya" "me" "NOOOOOOOOOO"
RubyChao: because #lewd
Bree: hahahaha goopy
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Dimitri flees the scene, never returns
Bree: dimitri no don't abandon sean
Bree: you're the worst dad, dimitri
Bree: ​dimitri like "WAIT WHAT?"​
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Dimitri is the very worst dad indeed
Gooper Blooper: da
RubyChao: "dimitri help i need an adult" "yeah good luck with that"
Gooper Blooper: "​you're​ an adult you dorkus maximus"
Jumpropeman: a good dad sticks by his son when his life becomes hentai
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I usually don't produce this much nonsense. I should be proud.


Things The Sleepless Do: Calypso is a dirty, dirty nymph. :L And Odysseus be a whinin' arse.
Jumpropeman: Sine: "The worst part is, I know why that kind of clan exists"
Gooper Blooper: gahahahaha
RubyChao: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: Sine just popping up any time anyone says anything remotely fetish-y
Gooper Blooper: "I KNOW WHY"


Jumpropeman: I just realized
Jumpropeman: since I got back from Mexico
Jumpropeman: the only video game I've played is Wario Dating Sim
Gooper Blooper: >​JRM played Wario Dating Sim
Gooper Blooper: incredible
Jumpropeman: I'm losing my nerd cred
Jumpropeman: I got with all the hot plumbers of the Mushroom Kingdom
RubyChao: oh mamma (mia)


(this one is just completely riddled with Hilarious In Hindsight)

Gooper Blooper: Reminder that a female character has yet to win
Gooper Blooper: will this be the year
RubyChao looks at his potential favorites
RubyChao looks at Sarah

RubyChao tries to look past Sarah, but her bulk has blocked everything else out
Jumpropeman: this will be the year
Jumpropeman: because Blajboa is gonna win
Jumpropeman: and I'm gonna quit BBB forever
Gooper Blooper: kek


Jumpropeman: True Question: Have I been balancing my cast well so far this year?
Bree: I feel that we need more shimmer
Things The Sleepless Do: Think you've done a fair job so far. I still want an orangutan in Vegas, but I know I'm not going to get it.


ivel asked Chatzy to choose between get Paper Mario and don't get Paper Mario. Chatzy chose: don't get Paper Mario
ivel: ...
Gooper Blooper: ​​>​asking chatzy
RubyChao: >​implying we will let you have a choice
ivel: I wanted to see what it'd say :U
iKomodo: Screw you Chatzy >:/
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and Paper Mario. Chatzy chose: Paper Mario
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Paper Mario and cereal. Chatzy chose: Paper Mario

ivel: haha
RubyChao: ...
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between soup and Paper Mario. Chatzy chose: Paper Mario
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between HE and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal

RubyChao: HE buried
RubyChao: bur-HEd
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal, paper mario and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between ivel and cereal. Chatzy chose: ivel

Harpy: good chatzy
iKomodo: No style
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between ivel and HAS. Chatzy chose: HAS
iKomodo: no grace
iKomodo: funny face
ivel asked Chatzy to choose between ivel, cereal and NO. Chatzy chose: cereal
ivel: HE HAS cereal
RubyChao: that's an improvement
RubyChao: last time he had no cereal
Jumpropeman: the twist is
Jumpropeman: its Paper Mario Sticker Star
ivel: shhhh
ivel: don't tell them
Jumpropeman: its ok Ivel
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Sticker Star and John Cena. Chatzy chose: John Cena
Jumpropeman: I enjoyed it too
Harpy: spoiler: ​its on his amazon wishlist :U
Jumpropeman: except the bosses
ivel: I actually do want to try it
RubyChao: the music was good
RubyChao: but the rest felt lackluster
Gooper Blooper: If your first PM is sticker star I'll drive to your house, physically remove the game from your hands, and place TTYD in them instead
Harpy: he gave me TTYD :U
Gooper Blooper: even though I can't drive
RubyChao: also for some reason bowser's music is completely unmemoriable
Jumpropeman: Paper Mario Sticker Star is like the Metal Gear Acid 2 of mario


Cornwind Evil: I remember someone in my private school had a Game Gear
Cornwind Evil: I was watching him play Shinobi over his shoulder
Cornwind Evil: Then when he reached the last boss I shifted and bumped the plug adapter out of the plug


Jumpropeman: when I was a kid I told people Hong Kong Phooey was my favorite tv show
Jumpropeman: although I don't think it ever really was
Jumpropeman: I also told people my favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast
Jumpropeman: my "favorites" were not yet well defined


WHAT A LOVELY DAY: I do not use my boobs folder as rp material
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Just thought id let people know
Saberwulf eyebrows


ivel: "Seven Wonders of The world
1. My Ass"

ivel: saw on Tumblr and thought of Josephine
Gooper Blooper: embrace the ruined, ivel
Gooper Blooper: let buttsephine fill your thoughts
Jumpropeman: they can't
Jumpropeman: there isn't enough room
Jumpropeman: buttsephine spilling out the ears


Harpy: i am sorry for my runaway pizza analogy
Gooper Blooper: "Some are super sweet, like on a dessert pizza: touchy-feely sort of love, with hugs, cuddles, kisses, and tons of words of appreciation. Some are spicy, with not cuddles at the center, but whatever happens behind closed doors, with the pleasured screaming and all."
Gooper Blooper:



  1. Sine: I know why this blog post exists. Because there's a massive Chatzy Madness backlog and Gooper is getting around to getting through it.

    1. Just 43 more days of chatlogs to go!


    2. Only 43 days? No sugar magic until we have four more Chatzy Madnesses.
