Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 208: Jedi Squidward

Bree: who me?
Bree: or wulf :U
Saberwulf: I'm workin on it
Bree: same
Bree: del is a pairing whore
Bree: ​it's okay del, so am I​
Bree: ​we need to start a support group​
Harpy: *cancels Xavier pairings*
Gooper Blooper: >​The AI from Huge Dork Pairing #1 meets the AI from Huge Dork Pairing #2
Gooper Blooper: Honestly I should have seen it coming


Gooper Blooper: and now
Gooper Blooper: goopy attempts to play minesweeper
Gooper Blooper: because kek
Harpy: goopy plz D:
Gooper Blooper: *clicks once, half the board clears*
Gooper Blooper: well then
Harpy: ... #accidentalgodclick
Gooper Blooper is blown up
Harpy: nooo


Gooper Blooper: "Sean didn't think about much for a while."
Gooper Blooper: just three big things
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Awwwwww yeeeeeeee
Bree: lel


RubyChao: i picked up and decided to reread a 500 page book two days ago
RubyChao: finished it this morning
Gooper Blooper: chao.txt
RubyChao: fun fact: i've mentioned it before
RubyChao: but i literally can't read slow
RubyChao: i don't know how to explain it but i always read things fast
Gooper Blooper: RubyChao: Life In The Fast Lane
RubyChao: if it takes extra time that's rereading


Gooper Blooper: just got a call from goopsmom
Gooper Blooper: she sounded sad and said "So the closing is not going to be on the 19th of June"
Gooper Blooper: "um, so when's the closing"
RubyChao: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: "Get your stuff packed, it's next week"
RubyChao: ...oh
Bree: omg
Gooper Blooper: "YOU SOUNDED SAD" "I was messing with you"
RubyChao: goopsmom please


Javelinawulf: I would name a kid Javelina
Javelinawulf: It's a pretty nice name
Javelinawulf: Then again I'd name a kid Qualia so what do I know
Jumpropeman: Quail for short
Jumpropeman: just name all the kids after animals
Jumpropeman: Javelina, Quail, Koala
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Reminder that my first child will be weedlord bonerhitler
Javelinawulf: Honestly if I ever adopt a kid I'm giving her a long as fuck Hub name because I'll be rich by then and rich people can do anything
Gooper Blooper: You'll even have your very own prrrrrEEEmium chatzy
Javelinawulf: The true standard of success
Javelinawulf: My premium chatzy, hosted on my private yacht


RubyChao: what did people think of Business Chao in combat, since he was the only one not shown before/not predictable
RubyChao: (Eggerman's combat skills shown last year, obv)
Gooper Blooper: I was surprised he fought
Gooper Blooper: I expected Business Chao to order around Eggerman's robots while Eggerman fought for himself
Gooper Blooper: instead he brought the business
Jumpropeman: usually you need to set up an appointment to fight Business Chao
RubyChao: fun fact: had ringabel not KOed him
RubyChao: business chao would likely have ordered a retreat
RubyChao: due to them expending too much time and resources
RubyChao: but he got JUMPed
Draco: So....Business Chao is the Decepticon Ratbat from the Transformers comics?
Harpy: i liked Business Chao ​except goddamn you GET HIT BY MY PIRATE DEBUFFS
Harpy: although now i wish he was on our side so he and Sammy could become business tycoons
RubyChao: business chao's schedule did not allow for debuffs
RubyChao: sorry
RubyChao: :V
Harpy: i'm sorry should i fix your schedule
Gooper Blooper: Sammy, Businesswoman Extraordinaire
Jumpropeman: oh yeah, Sammy does business
Jumpropeman: *throws two old men at her* INVEST INVEST INVEST
Harpy: Sammy gonna prove that you don't need to be heartless and mean to your employees to run a business
Gooper Blooper: Note the thunderbolts
Gooper Blooper: that's sammy
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: amazing


Bree: I like how Tenshi casually implies that she would use violence against a toddler to recover her hat, if there wasn't someone there to defend said toddler


Gooper Blooper: "breasts 473k"
Gooper Blooper: danbooru: your home for breasts
RubyChao: "ass 105k"
RubyChao: we know which side of the angel bro debate danbooru favors
Gooper Blooper: pit looks smug


(Spy is playing Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)

Nipple: *Goes into Dermite bossfight* Am I underleveled?
Nipple: *Mario Bros level up twice each* I was underleveled


WorkDel: gonna make it canon that half of the material in the adult section about conrad and ellie is, unfortunately, somewhat accurate
Saberwulf: Ellie gets offended at how milquetoast a lot of it is
Saberwulf: "I thought this was the adult section, you prude!"
WorkDel: "We can't stock the other stuff. The store caught fire. Not kidding."


Harpy: Kevin is pretty sure The Producer is the only one on the planet that enjoys Other M
RubyChao: there's also Ridley! :V
Harpy: "cindy he's irredeemable abort mission ABORT ABORT" "preparing giant animu laser"
Mobile GB: harpy gunning to make the producer the biggest heel of all time who never killed anyone
RubyChao: and then the producer crushed DJ candy's new headphones


Saberwulf: So out of the hours of research for aliens, all I got was a fucking bird
SteelKomodo: burd
Saberwulf: The Hoatzin is cool though, the babies have wing claws to climb trees
Jumpropeman: if you want to see some aliens, look no further than the gods of ancient egypt
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, the hoatzin
Jumpropeman: *brought to you by the History Channel*
Gooper Blooper: learned about them thanks to dinosaur books
Gooper Blooper: kauket etc
SteelKomodo: yes, hoatzin is cool
Saberwulf: I've seen basically every episode of Ancient Aliens thanks to my dad
Gooper Blooper: Okay Goopsmom just left for work so now I can actually write this post
SteelKomodo: yaaaaay
Jumpropeman: all I know about Hoatzins is they stink
Saberwulf: stinkbird
Jumpropeman: well, that, and I could tell you their location in my "Animal Search and Find" book
Jumpropeman: ​its on a rock​
Saberwulf: Now let's see if I can make an amphibious race without fucking up and making murlocs
Saberwulf remembers eels and how the Romans used to dress them up like ladies
Saberwulf: I think I've found my basis animal


(Concerning a broke Shimmer ordering the cheapest food on the menu, "with a sad face from Edea free!")

Gooper Blooper: What I actually meant by that post was that you also got a sadface from Edea free but yeah the idea of charging a girl with no money for breadsticks and water is not something my protags in general would want to do :V
Jumpropeman: Shimmer just read the narration wrong, blame her :V "Oh this is free? AWESOME!" "No, Shimmer, that's not what it means" "NOM NOM NOM NOM FREE FREE FREE"
Jumpropeman: Shimmer's meal is probably like 60 cents otherwise so I hope Edea can swallow the cost
Jumpropeman: Its high quality water melted from the ice atop mount fuji and filtered through the tears of a crying swan
Jumpropeman: the water at the KOB is free because that's how they fill you with the flouride to make you sterile
Jumpropeman: *tin foil hat*
Gooper Blooper dons tin-
Gooper Blooper: 2slow
Harpy: you have flouride in your toothpaste
Harpy: you're already sterile
Gooper Blooper: nooooo
Jumpropeman: *drops a bomb on Russia to start a nuclear war in response BI*


Jumpropeman: the things you find when you google "jedi squidward"


Stabs: We AREN'T being cartoonishly evil at the moment? .___o -ceases twirling mustache; redacts all plot progress-


RubyChao: quick post
RubyChao: in which okuu ​does not nuke the tiffany into a burning skeleton
RubyChao: i'm sure you're all happy :V
Crunkleter: I'm not happy unless pairings happen
SteelKomodo: yeah, del has gotten into some kind of weird pairing phase
SteelKomodo: where he's all like "you piccadilly whooooore" and knocks action figures together
SteelKomodo: he is vince


Crunkleter: Sean is very very happy Sakuya won
Crunkleter: So make outs
RubyChao: "u did it sakuya let's make out"
RubyChao: "ok"
RubyChao smashes the action figures together


Saberwulf: Oh hey I forgot chatzy was open


RubyChao: being cauren is suffering


Blue: 889 M.......................​.......988888888888888U 9000000000000000 cBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBNB​NBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBNBN87878​787878787878787878787878​78787878787
Saberwulf: 889 M to you too Blue


Gooper Blooper: Mental image
Gooper Blooper: Edea places the fud in front of happy okuu
Gooper Blooper: turns around, gives someone else a brgrgr, looks back
Gooper Blooper: plate clean
RubyChao: pretty much
Saberwulf: I'm trying to drink this awful swill and I can't stop laughing at brgrgr


RubyChao: is it possible to have half a kek
RubyChao: a ke
Gooper Blooper: that's two thirds of a kek
RubyChao: well that's more 2/3rds of a kek
Jumpropeman: I've seen people say kk
Jumpropeman: that might be close to half a kek


Stabs: Florae does not perform the fat seal well.
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: She has supplanted the fat seal
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: It is now the fat Florae
Stabs: Mine dear, sweet Odin. @__@
Stabs: She bested expectations.


(Concerning pairings)

SteelKomodo: Tronvin? Who forms the first part of that?
Jumpropeman: Tron Bonne
Harpy: Tron Bonne
RubyChao: Bron Tonne
Gooper Blooper: Turn Bun
Youre A Kid: Toop Noop


Dorca: Side note: I'm on my way to San Diego right now.
Gooper Blooper: neat
iKomodo: Yay
Dorca: So yeah looking for Harpy I guess? :P
Harpy: kek
Jumpropeman: Draco is carrying around a human-sized chocolate bar for Harpy
Jumpropeman: by the time he finds her, its just brown mush in his hands
Gooper Blooper: draco just sends harpy larger and larger chocolate bars every year
Dorca: Yum
Jumpropeman: Yo listen up, here's a story, about a Harpy who lives in a chocolate world. Chocolate her house with a chocolate little window and a chocolate corvette, and everything is chocolate for her
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: You forgot the cleffas


Jumpropeman: >​Sega has said Chaos from Sonic Adventure is actually a mutated Chao
Jumpropeman: *looks nervously at RubyChao*
RubyChao: *whistles innocently*
Gooper Blooper: Perfect Chao
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: He already is


Gooper Blooper: ​*throws another character at FYM despite awful 2015 fite record*
RubyChao: throw rin satsuki at it


iKomodo: Bet I'll roll a 1
iKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpy: dude
iKomodo: fukken called it
Harpy: saying stuff like that is how this fucking happens
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: Beck too busy griping over being the Yellow Ranger
iKomodo: No, I'll do it Srs this time
iKomodo rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
iKomodo: ...what
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: .....really, Chatzy
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: Really
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: Really
Gooper Blooper: ow
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: REALLY?
iKomodo: Third time's the charm
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: WELL THAT SURE LOOKS LIKE AN 11 TO ME


RubyChao: >​eating the stun baton
RubyChao: nue
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: that's not food


Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: Edea almost got scrapped before I found the brgrgr picture and reworked her into a chef
RubyChao: oh man
Harpy: i would have been sad
RubyChao: me too
Harpy: and then i wouldn't have ringabel
Gooper Blooper: ringabel 2014 all over again
Harpy: then I'd have to replace him with
iKomodo: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: at any hour of any day, you are likely to see a Blajboa standing awkwardly in the bar, not sitting or doing anything, just standing there


Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: From a story about the Nazis capturing a disabled pilot
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: "They even contacted the British and allowed for a replacement for the other prosthetic to be airdropped. The British dropped him in a new leg, then used this temporary safe passage agreement to complete a bombing run."
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: War. It's hell
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard gets a hook and yanks Sundowner away when he tries to come on stage.


Draco: くコ:彡
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: speak of the blooper
Jumpropeman: hi gooper
Harpy: hi goops
Draco: I summoned him.
Gooper Blooper: >​posting a squid immediately before I show up
Gooper Blooper: nice


Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: Tenshi makes Sine make an anthromorphic manifestation of Comeuppance so she can beat it up
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: She gets trashed
Cornwind Curvedkeyboard: Sine: What did you expect to happeny


RubyChao: i'm looking forward to DYM
RubyChao: because i have a terrible idea :V
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi enters
Gooper Blooper: viola at ringside
Gooper Blooper: "don't fuck up"
Gooper Blooper: tenshi gets last
Gooper Blooper: "you fucked up"


WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Also werejonesy has turned someone into a werewolf
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Via makeouts
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Just thought you ought to know


Jumpropeman: its June people
Jumpropeman: are you ready
Jumpropeman: for


Bree: sakuya won't tease tenshi about viola, but expect meiling to want to "help"
Bree: by giving tenshi "advice"
Bree: on how to "win over" viola
RubyChao: meiling just completely ignoring tenshi's persistant denials


Gooper Blooper: >​steam summer sale this month
Gooper Blooper: pray for JRM
Del: oh god
Del: steam summer sale?
Del: rip my wallet
SteelKomodo: rip del


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hey goopy
Gooper Blooper: enthusiastic ladygreetings
Gooper Blooper: hello ladies~
RubyChao: hahah
RubyChao: Goopabel


RubyChao: "i like time stopping maids" "i like guys who wear technology on their face" TRUE LOVE


Jumpropeman: this morning I watched a video on why amiibos are bad and you shouldn't buy one until Nintendo fixes its business model
Jumpropeman: and then I went and bought my first amiibo
Jumpropeman: it's Pac-Man :3
M Sheep: Jrm, please
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Jrm unsticks it to the man


M Sheep: >​I see the year off hasn't helped, Ariel.
M Sheep: Ariel
M Sheep: Ariel never changes


M Sheep: >​Tenshi rolls a 0
M Sheep: This is
Gooper Blooper: sheep loves a good comeuppance
Gooper Blooper: especially when it's undeserved
M Sheep: It's true!
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I can't
M Sheep: all the laughing
M Sheep: I'm so sorry, Goops


Jumpropeman: I imagine Tenshi's hat would be one of the more difficult claims
Gooper Blooper: touhous love their hats
Jumpropeman: although Broderick is more than willing to suck up and flatter Tenshi....'s hat
Jumpropeman: "How magnificently durable-" "I know right!" "that hat brim is!"
Gooper Blooper: Clearly Broderick must first acquire Viola's headband and then wear that to give him the skill needed to get Tenshi's hat
Jumpropeman: oh god
Jumpropeman: the already wordy broderick with viola added to the mix
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep: O-oh God
M Sheep: Broderick with Alice's habit
Gooper Blooper: Now imagine Viola-Broderick as the narrator for the BBB5, describing everything a la radio
M Sheep: OH GOD


Jumpropeman: had the Coneheads somehow won BBB3, they would've been upgraded to be the most Hogan of Hulkamaniacs
Jumpropeman: they would have looked like that swimsuit thing they imagined
Gooper Blooper: SANDWICH MODE


iKomodo: come on, lads
iKomodo deliberately britishing it up for Bree
Bree: squeeeee
Bree: so british


Jumpropeman: fun fact
Jumpropeman: I used to think
Jumpropeman: Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan were the same guy
Jumpropeman: just at different points in his career
Gooper Blooper: lel
Jumpropeman: I also thought Iggy Pop and David Bowie were the same guy at different points


M Sheep: I'm weirdly fascinated with Splatoon at the moment
Jumpropeman: M Squid
iKomodo: Hahah
Bree: F. Athersquid
M Sheep: Clearly, I need to be forcefed Donkey Kong Country songs until I see the error of my ways
Jumpropeman: You're a Kong now
M Sheep: No one's going to make a money out of me!
M Sheep: >​money
M Sheep: what even, hands
M Sheep: That's it hands
M Sheep: We're through
M Sheep: this is the end of line for us
M Sheep: Sure, we've had some good times
M Sheep: had some lifes
M Sheep: >​lifes
M Sheep: yeah, okay, fuck you too
M Sheep: wise guy
Bree: stop talking to your appendages, sheep
Bree: this is a PG establishment
Gooper Blooper: Sheep disowns his hands, they go off to work on a javelina farm
Gooper Blooper: they die thumbless
M Sheep: a fitting end


Jumpropeman: there was an unfortunate period in my life where I had VH1 on almost all the time


M Sheep: would you say
M Sheep: that this Hulk insanity is accelerating in an uncontrollable manner?
Gooper Blooper: It's worse than that sheep
Gooper Blooper: The Hulk Hogan dementedness is sprinting unchained
M Sheep monocle pops off face


Bree: spy you are impossible to talk to sometimes
Bree: like we're just screaming into the void, "SPY ARE YOU THERE"
Bree: and only Silence greets us
RubyChao: well he is the spy
RubyChao: he's probably going invisible half the time
Gooper Blooper: *silence waving in the background*
Bree: "Silence washes over us in waves"
RubyChao: always gotta make sure
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: Silence is a true friend who never betrays.

Jumpropeman: "Silence is a true friend who never betrays."
Bree: silence like a cancer grows
Jumpropeman: darn
RubyChao: Silence is a source of great strength.
Lao Tzu

Gooper Blooper: Silence is a source of great strength.
Lao Tzu

RubyChao: lao tzu got it right
Gooper Blooper: darn
Jumpropeman: welcome to the quote echo chamber


RockCandyGuy: Monster Hunter Cross has given me an erection roughly twice as high and thick as the empire state. To say the least.
Bree: l-lewd
Bree: there ​are ladies​ is a lady present
M Sheep grabs drink
M Sheep takes a hearty sip
M Sheep spittakes

M Sheep: O-oh mai


WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Plot twist - vince enters the brawl
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: "Prepare to submit to the anime titties."
Boreas: vince no
Bree: vince 4 lotto
Bree: do it


M Sheep: Reminder: Eggerman did nothing wrong
RubyChao: sheep confirmed for eggerpologist


(SK is watching the old TMNT cartoon)

iKomodo: Shredder's plan isn't a bad one
iKomodo: but the problem is that his tracking device is shaped like an anchovy
iKomodo: and nobody likes anchovies :U
iKomodo: Also he underestimates the tastes of New York
RubyChao: he does
RubyChao: if you can pass it off as food
RubyChao: someone, somewhere in this city, will eat it
M Sheep: Is Splinter a guy who became a rat-guy?
M Sheep: or a rat that became a rat-guy?
iKomodo: Depends on the canon
iKomodo: comics and films, it's the latter. Cartoons, the former
WHAT A LOVELY DAY: Basically every attempt to make the tmnt backstory make sense is varying degrees of weird


M Sheep: "Hot damn, nice kicks. You weren't kidding around with this speed."
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I actually read this as "You weren't squidding around"
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: may need to
Bree: that's it, no more splatoon for you
M Sheep: lay off the "yer a kid yer a squid"


Gooper Blooper: someday I'm going to send Sarah to Scoopa Koopa
Gooper Blooper: no wait
Gooper Blooper: all four sarah sisters at once
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: oh god


Reed joined the chat
Reed: YEEHAW! How ya'll doin'? Whether you're up high, or way down low, Don't you miss... THE LUCKY NUMBER SHOW! Today's number is 55186. I'll repeat that. Today's number is 55186.
RubyChao: hey ven
RubyChao: i think
Reed: YEEHAW! How ya'll doin'? Whether you're up high, or way down low, Don't you miss... THE LUCKY NUMBER SHOW! Today's number is 55186. I'll repeat that. Today's number is 55186.
Reed changed name to Jumpropeman
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: hi jrm
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 99999 sides. The die showed: 43389
Gooper Blooper: DISGUISES
Jumpropeman: nuts, I lost
Jumpropeman: I take it no one else listened to the Lucky Number Show in Pokemon Gold or Silver for hours on end like me
Gooper Blooper: Not for hours
Gooper Blooper: but I definitely remember changing the music to the Lucky Number Show
Jumpropeman: BUT THAT JAM


Gooper Blooper: Oh, what form was Amity in for this sequence
Bree: tenshi form probably
Gooper Blooper: hi is teshni
Bree: she hasn't appeared as tenshi form much this season
Bree: and it's supposed to be her favorite
Bree: so
Bree: optionally, she turned into dirk before she licked josephine
Bree: which says really worrying things about dirksephine probably
Gooper Blooper: lel
Bree: josephine like "have I taught this innocent ditto bad things"
RubyChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: "derp lik butts"
Gooper Blooper: "butt" "amity no" "butt"
Bree: "butt butt butt butt butt butt butt butt"
Bree: amity then turns into a giant butt
Bree: and walks around the casino
Bree: saying "butt butt butt butt butt"
RockCandyGuy: Did someone say butt? This is the most important day of my life!


Bree: some cultures believe that the Great Mother Butt is the source of all butts
Bree: it was the first and most perfect butt, and all lesser butts are modeled in its holy image


Gooper Blooper: Leaving for tonight, goodnight frands
Cornwind Evil: We keep altering English
Cornwind Evil: By 2020 we'll be speaking like in Clockwork Orange
Gooper Blooper: speep frands


M Sheep: "Hey, Amity. Playing the slots? You gotta be careful not to lose all your money at them! I mean, the odds aren't that great that you'll win, honestly. See, look."
M Sheep: >​Josephine gets immediate payout
M Sheep: beautiful


Bree: ruby, you and goopy still haven't done tenshiola outings :<
RubyChao: we haven't had a good time
Bree: okay
Bree: sad though
RubyChao: i know
RubyChao: i need to fix this when i can
Bree: I wants the tenshiola
Bree: I wants it
RubyChao: remind me on thursday and i will try for tenshiola when i'm back from class
RubyChao: or maybe we can have post mondorplot tenshiola too
Harpy: Monarch better get his Tenshiola or else he'll be sad
Harpy: and cry
Harpy: "There, there, da, its okay" "BUT THOSE LASSIES ARE SO GOOD FOR EACH OTHER"


Bree: the only quest alice gives out is "go fuck yourself"
Jumpropeman: ACCEPTED
M Sheep: You get floaty text like the Courier and everything
M Sheep asked Chatzy to choose between lay on the crazy slowly and bring down the heel. Chatzy chose: lay on the crazy slowly
M Sheep: chatzy is smart
M Sheep: turns out, posts with Alice take longer when she isn't just chewing the hell out of someone
M Sheep: Now i have to come up with actual ​content​
M Sheep the shock!

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