Monday, May 18, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 202: Jarritos, Poderosa Refresco

Bree: in other news I want to tell you guys the brief but dramatic story of Mexican Soda
Bree: are you ready
RubyChao: yes i am
Jumpropeman: tell us of Mexisoda
Bree: right, the Tale of Mexican Soda
Bree: so there's a Mexican brand of soda that I happen to like. it's sold in the "Latin foods" section of the local stores
Bree: I first tried it at Blue's because her mother has dated several Hispanics so naturally they tend to have a lot of Hispanic foods and beverages around the house
Bree: I usually buy two-liter bottles of the fruit punch flavor and it's ​fucking delicious​ and I usually drink it in about a day
Bree: it's just so damn good
Gooper Blooper: What's the soda's name?
Reading review pages: Is it one of the Jarritos, or another kind? -eyes own drink-
Bree: yes, Jarritos
Reading review pages: They're good.
Bree: hell yeah
Reading review pages finishes off his Mandarina
Bree: and it's a rare treat since it costs more than other sodas at the store so I basically inhale it
Gooper Blooper: inhale my soda enragement american
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: dios mio
Bree: I get fruit punch flavor but we were at the store about three months ago
Bree: (this story is Bree's version of the Ron Paul sign)
Bree: no wait more than three months
Bree: like sometime last year
Gooper Blooper: (oh god)
Bree: december probably
Bree: anyway
Gooper Blooper: (RON PAUL SIGN UPDATE: it's still up)
Jumpropeman: when will they replace it with Rand Paul is the question
Bree: we were there and I asked for some Jarritos but they didn't have any two-liter bottles and I asked my mom "can I get a small bottle, I want to try a new flavor"
Bree: she said sure
Bree: this soda, it only comes in two sizes, at least as far as I can tell
Bree: there's two-liter bottles with normal plastic twist caps like any ordinary bottle of soda
Bree: and then there's the above-pictured 12.5 oz glass bottles with bottlecaps
Bree: so I got a small bottle of one of those in the Lime flavor
Bree: so I take this soda home and the next day I wanna drink it and I go "mom where's the bottle opener?"
Bree: she's like "oh we don't have one"
Bree: I'm like "wat, but I bought this drink with a bottlecap"
Bree: she just "welp"s at me and suggests opening it with the scissors
Gooper Blooper: lel
Bree: my mom: best parent
Jumpropeman: oh lawd
Bree: 100% safe plan
Bree: I try it but I'm a wuss so I don't try too hard because I'm afraid of horrifically murdering myself
Bree: so I give the thing to my mom and I'm like "mom open this pls :<"
Bree: she makes a valiant effort but no dice
Jumpropeman: is Jarrito spanish for "impossible to open"
Bree: next she attempts to pry off the bottlecap with the back end of a hammer
Bree: another fail
Bree: the soda is returned to the fridge
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: i think it sounds like the spanish tried to condense a dorito in a jar
Bree: the bree drinks something else that day
Gooper Blooper: I'm reminded of that one atari screw
Bree: now we made numerous trips to the store but we never bought a bottlecap opener because ????????????????????????​????????????????????????​???
Bree: mostly because we never seem to have room in the budget for frivolous things like "a bottle opener for that ​one​ soda that's ​still in the fridge​"
Bree: I kept being like "mom? bottle opener?" and she's like "money is tight and they're like four bucks"
Bree: it's not that we're so broke we don't have four dollars, but once we've paid the bills and gotten groceries, we don't have much left and it's usually left unspent as "emergency money"
Bree: i.e., if something important comes up before mom's next paycheck
Bree: aaaaaanyway
Jumpropeman: you should just take that bottle and break it on the counter, pour the glass/drink mixture in a cup and enjoy
Gooper Blooper: yeah it does seem a bit frivolous unless you're gonna buy bottles like that a lot
RubyChao: that's not hardcore enough jrm
RubyChao: you EAT the bottle
RubyChao: soda and all
Bree: today we went to this new thing they did, a Women's Expo which honestly had nothing to do with women but it was just an excuse to walk around and get free stuff
Gooper Blooper: oh god
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: >​you eat the bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: oh welp
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: anyway gluttony.txt
Bree: predictably I went and promptly decided I hated it because it was really fucking crowded and noisy and there was lots of standing in lines which I hate because my fibromyalgia means I'll be exhausted in like ten minutes of standing around
Bree: I basically went to a few booths with Blue and my mom, ate a bunch of free cheese cubes, and then went and sat in the car (nowhere to sit at the expo) for like an hour
Bree: Blue joined me after like half an hour
Bree: the amount of people, crowds, noise, etc. and people being rude was really making Blue super anxious and pissed and stuff so she had to throw in the towel despite wanting all the free shit
Bree: whereas I didn't give a damn about the free shit because it's all pointless free shit like magnets and pens
Bree: like, sure it's free but I just don't really need a magnet or a pen so whatever
Bree: more on the expo later if you want, but anyway
Bree: one of the freebies we did pick up
Bree: was a bottle opener!
Bree: a miniature bottle opener!
Jumpropeman: macgyver a bottle opener out of the pens and magnet
Bree: and it's also a flashlight and a tape measure because WHY NOT
Gooper Blooper: knew it
Bree: no seriously, it's a bottle opener/flashlight/tape measure thingy
iKomodo: Yaaaaaaay
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: amazing
Bree: so we get home and I'm like "okay mom"
Bree: "​give me the bottle opener​"
Bree: "it's time to do this"
Bree: my mom: "shit I was just playing with it, where'd I put it"
iKomodo: D:
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: goddamn it
Bree: we search for like three minutes, spoilers it somehow ended up under mom's butt
Gooper Blooper: noooooo
Gooper Blooper: oh okay
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: ...buttsephine.txt
Gooper Blooper: bottle opener pls, breemom's butt is not a bottle
Jumpropeman: buttle opener
Bree: so I march into the kitchen and grab the soda and attack it with the bottle opener
Bree: there's an audible hiss but the bottlecap does not come off
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: just imagining bree
Bree: pause
Bree: reattempt
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: getting into an RPG battle with a bottle
Bree: the edge of the bottlecap bends but the bottlecap doesn't come off
Gooper Blooper: this fucking bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: boss level bottle
RubyChao: oh my god
Bree: at this point I, predictably, bring it to my mom again because now I'm sure something hideously painful will happen if I keep trying
iKomodo: D:
Bree: I'm a wuss and a coward and my mom opens all the difficult things :U
Bree: so I give it to my mom and for the record my mom doesn't know how to use a goddamn bottle opener because she used it backwards
Bree: but I don't usually use one either so I figured maybe I was wrong and she was right
Jumpropeman: this is painful to read
Bree: anyway she tries, nothing happens
Bree: tries again, nothing happens
Bree: tries again
Bree: ​the bottle opener breaks​
Jumpropeman: Most Frustrating Bottle 2015
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the-there it is
RubyChao: WOW
Bree: she says "well it was free swag"
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: boss level bottle
Gooper Blooper: no, you already said that, harpy - this is Final Boss Level Bottle
iKomodo: D:
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: last day of october, everybody has to fucking try to break open this bottle
iKomodo: Wow, this goddamn bottle
Bree: of course it broke, there were hundreds of people there and they had to have enough for all of them so obviously this bottle opener was mass produced plastic garbage
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: everybody seems to roll ones against it
Bree: it's been in the fridge literally for months
Bree: like a solid four months just fucking sitting there because I can't fucking open it
RubyChao: why did i just imagine bree going the nuclear option
RubyChao: pulls out a goddamn hacksaw
RubyChao: takes it to the bottle's neck
RubyChao: hacksaw breaks
Bree: I ":< :< :< :< :<" at my mom and she carefully reassembles the snapped bottle opener and tries again
Bree: and again, and again
Bree: I'm like "get rid of the plastic bit, just use the metal bottle opener part"
Bree: (which was encased in a plastic handle which is what snapped)
Bree: so she tries once and then twice with that method
Bree: I try to explain she should turn it around because maybe she's using it backwards and she's turning the bottle opener in configurations it was never intended for
Bree: like how do you not understand what I mean when I say backwards, mother
Bree: so then I have to show her
Jumpropeman: an ancient evil has been sealed within Bree's Jarrito bottle and the holy seals are keeping it shut
Bree: and in one last, mighty effort
Bree: the bottle is opened
Bree: it's not bad. :U
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: jesus fuck
Bree: that is the tale of Mexican Soda
iKomodo: hahaha :U
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: i was tempted to just get you a bottle opener because fcukin
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: but there was no need
Gooper Blooper: the moral of the story is always buy soda with plastic caps, holy fuck
Gooper Blooper: like why do those metal caps even still exist
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: but i like those tiny glass bottles of coke
Jumpropeman: what a shaggy dog of a bottle
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: so some fallout chars can have some form of a currency, goops :U
Gooper Blooper: Atari Screw has nothing on Lime Jarrito


RubyChao: >​there is apparently a bookstore day for new york
RubyChao: >​on saturday
RubyChao: >​the day i was already planning to do stuff anyway
RubyChao: so uh
RubyChao: i might not be here saturday :V


Gooper Blooper: ordered this today
Gooper Blooper: my groudon figure needs a frenemy


6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: *sweats*
Jumpropeman: need a fan, harpy?
Jumpropeman: you're sweating a lot :V
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: i have a fan
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: me
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: *holds up goopy*
RubyChao: :V
6 HOURS TIL KEVVY: *and ruby*


Del: Inhaaaaaaale
Gooper Blooper: dongs
RubyChao: dicks
Bree: wangs
Jumpropeman: dingalings
Gooper Blooper: breathe in my wang, anger-causing juvenile
Del: Pingas


Jumpropeman: Project Ukelele (the Banjo-Kazooie "Mighty No. 9" sort of not-a-sequel) just revealed their protagonists
WULFSIREN joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Yooka and Laylee
Jumpropeman: hi wulf
WULFSIREN: Fuccckkkk I was just gonna post that
Jumpropeman: really?
WULFSIREN: Literally why I came in
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
iKomodo: WELP


Jumpropeman: for some reason, lately, N*SYNC has come back into my life
Gooper Blooper: only 90s kids remember N*SYNC
1 HOUR TIL KEVVY: and backstreet boyz
Jumpropeman: I just started singing their songs, and now people on tumblr are posting about them
Jumpropeman: and I finally realized that despite previous statements
Jumpropeman: they were kinda shit
Gooper Blooper: lel
Jumpropeman: catchy though


Jumpropeman: i can think of no better way to celebrate the return of RP then this video
Gooper Blooper: JRM pls
Jumpropeman: this video is so gross
Jumpropeman: why did we like rugrats
Gooper Blooper: because we were kids and kids think burps and farts are funny
Gooper Blooper: how immature
Jumpropeman: and those freshly born babies are wearing makeup
Draco: Admit it, we still do. =C
Gooper Blooper goes back to making butt and boob jokes
Jumpropeman: that pee rainbow at the end seals it
Jumpropeman: and the rugrats are just endangering those newborns ramming them together for no reason
Jumpropeman: and Chucky falls over like five times
Jumpropeman: never mind, I still like rugrats


Draco: There is my last post of the evening. Don't let the Tapogres track dirt into our nice Premium Chatzy.


Jumpropeman: goopers gonna get on
Jumpropeman: freak out by the number of posts
Jumpropeman: "how can you post so much without a single sarahkin?"


Cornwind Evil: John Cena needs to screen his Twitter followers better
rgsprg: I'm guessing "PLEASE FUCK MY ASS" chants won't be replacing "JOHN CENA SUCKS" chants during his intro anytime soon.


Molasses Sheep joined the chat
Molasses Sheep oozes into chat

Harpy: Sheeep
Harpy: I am here for all your kevvy needs
RubyChao: sheeeeeep
Harpy: or something
Molasses Sheep: Harpy sells Kevvy and Kevvy accesories
Harpy: that's
Harpy: probably true
Harpy: i don't sell Kevvy :C
Harpy: that'd be human trafficking
RubyChao: but he's so huggable
RubyChao: what am i supposed to do without a kevvy
Harpy: he's skinny as hell and it is not healthy :C
Draco buys Kevvy for nine pence.
Harpy: he needs pudge
Molasses Sheep: Harpy sells ​Kevvy and​ Keyyy accesories
Molasses Sheep squints
Gooper Blooper: *fonzie hands* keyyyyyyy
Harpy: i sell key accessories
Strange Man Imakuni: I NEED SCISSORS 69
Harpy: like itemfinders
Gooper Blooper: *celestia rises from the floor like Sad News Sine, holding a bucket of pudding*
Draco: Celestia rises from the floor.
Draco: "My darling daughter, Sarah, recently informed me that there's an adorable young gentleman hanging out with the Kobbers this year. She furthers reports, though, that this young man is dreadfully thin, unheathily so. Well, I've got some glad news for you. Mother's in town now and I have brought with me an entire cookbook of scrumptious, nutritious meals that I will be happy to prepare for him and for everyone here. I also know how much you all love sweets, so I brought a bowl of fresh pudding with me to tide you all over until dinner's ready."
RubyChao: that's a very good celestia impression
RubyChao: kek
Harpy: welp


Gooper Blooper: phone call from goopsmom
Gooper Blooper: "when goopsbro picks me up from work make sure he brings my wallet" "Going to price chopper?" "yeah" "good idea, I didn't know what to get you" "like what?" "like produce or frozen vegetables or-" "no actually I just want some chocolate"
Draco: Goopsmom tells Goopy that he's awesome by getting him nutritious snacks.
Gooper Blooper: "get my wallet" "ok" "and put my credit card in the wallet and put the wallet on the counter" "ok" "and put the keys in the wallet" "ok" "and ask him when he leaves if he has the wallet" "you really want this chocolate don't you"


Draco: One of these days, you will all be sick of Parsee being jealous of things.
Draco: That is the day ZFRP '15 ends.
RubyChao: paruparuparuparuparuparu​paruparuparuparuparuparu​paruparuparuparuparuparu​
Draco: And I mean that very literally. It'll be October, you'll be sitting in your bungalows thinking "Elohim, if he posts the word jealous one more time....", and then you'll realize that RP ended for the year and be able to love life again.


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
Harpy: on a scale of 1-21, josephine is a 15 on the MAD scale
Gooper Blooper: I can't roll for Josephine's anger
Gooper Blooper: it transcends the RNG
RubyChao: but you can roll for how well she controls it :D
Harpy: Just like her butt
Harpy: ...
Harpy: that timing
RubyChao: pffft
Strange Man Imakuni: THE CABOOSE IS LOOSE
Harpy: its so big it became its own character


Breenehammer: well Kevin is probably as flat as Tenshi since he's a dude (and a skinny dude at that) so he wouldn't have the bewbs
Breenehammer: Kogasa though, idk
Draco: Is it possible to be flatter than Tenshi?
RubyChao: yes
Draco: Oh my. D;
Breenehammer: I dunno, I kind of assumed Tenshi is as flat as it's possible to be
Breenehammer: any flatter and you'd literally be, like, concave
Breenehammer: like your chest curves inwards


Molasses Sheep: "But nevermind that guy, KEVVY"
Molasses Sheep: Harpy knows what the fans want


Molasses Sheep: ..Is Sine just going to keep making bee references at Bikker?
Cornwind Evil: Yes
Cornwind Evil: Next she's going to ask if she's a fan of b-movies
iKomodo: Sine pls
Cornwind Evil: Then she'll try and sell her a BB Gun
Bree: bikker is a guy, I...think?
Molasses Sheep: Bikker looks a bit androgynous, so one could be forgiven for coming to either conclusion
Molasses Sheep is totally unhelpful


Cornwind Evil: ARE YOU READY?
Brilliant Kid: SHOW GUNS UP
Brilliant Kid: I mean, yes, yes I am
Cornwind Evil: But are you ready...FOR FREDDY?
Cornwind Evil: ....I think I should sleep


RubyChao: so i was getting cereal
RubyChao: and i dug through my fridge for some milk
RubyChao: "this looks like milk, i guess it's milk"
RubyChao: put it on my cereal
RubyChao: cereal tastes weird
RubyChao: it wasn't milk, it was heavy cream
SteelKomodo: WELP
*goop intensifies*: sarah etc
Harpy: read the labels :U
Harpy: j/k
Harpy: i have no right to talk after I had to remind myself that the salt does not belong in the fridge


RubyChao: >​9 users online
RubyChao: >​3 posting
RubyChao: >​this early
RubyChao: everyone very hype for RP :V


Molasses Sheep: "I was very surprised, albeit pleasantly, when -you- proposed opening a diner oriented for children and their families."
Molasses Sheep: CAUREN, NO!
Strange Man Imakuni: its exactly what you think it is


Draco: Someday Okuu and Parsee will be in the bar at the same time. That's when we will have the first Fite. ​J/k
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: the first fite will begin to be set up on May 5, when I enter someone
Gooper Blooper: most likely a side character that is not especially important
Draco: =U
Gooper Blooper: this will be followed by SK signing someone up
Draco: Like ​Gloria?
Gooper Blooper: ​she actually honestly might not be very important this year, depending
Strange Man Imakuni: The May 5th Goops is a proud tradition
Gooper Blooper: ​*hides from chao's alicestare*
Gooper Blooper: I guess I can only wait so long before going "FINE I'LL DO IT" and being the first
Strange Man Imakuni: the moment we let Ven off the leash we can probably count on him signing up
Strange Man Imakuni: for everything
Gooper Blooper: he can be unleashed on May 6
Gooper Blooper: *FV does a plot, a BBBBP, a fite entry, a fite club, and a pleasant conversation with Sine all while updating his character profiles*

(Later, FV finds this segment)

Other is reading: 8 D
Other is reading settles down


(Regarding a post Del decided to retcon)

Del: well at the end of the day
Del: it was nuked from orbit
Other is reading: Ah, nuking things from orbit. Only a little longer, Courier. :3
RubyChao: why did i just imagine courier trying to steal a nuke
RubyChao: somehow through shenanigans
RubyChao: it results in him running off carrying utsuho over his head, chased by an angry pit
Harpy: pit tries kissing an actual nuke
Harpy: then realizes there was a mix up
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Other is reading: Courier: YOU CAN HAVE HER. :I
Courier: She drank all the nuka-cola. I can't get rid of the burd. D; She nested all my darn radiation barrels and weapons. GET HER OUT OF MY LAIR.
Other is reading: Courier: ;_;
Courier: I will -pay- you.
SteelKomodo: Pit: ...Oh, ok! That was easier than expected!
RubyChao: pffffft


Brilliant Kid: How has Broderick not been caught, had beefy arms grafted to him and made to fight in a semi-legal zoological pit fight?
Brilliant Kid: Is it because he is just -that- dapper?
Ven: Because it's day two.
Ven: That's day six, BK.
Brilliant Kid: Hehehe
Ven is still laundering his mad scientist scrubs
Jumpropeman: "Please gentlemen, one mad scientist at a time! I can only be captured so many times in a day!"


Cornwind Evil: Link
Draco: "The Doom That Came To Vegas" Sine's already there though.
Harpy: "​can you even stop death itself"
Ven: Yes.
Ven eyes Cauren
Jumpropeman: that's what Sarah's for
Ven: I'm pretty sure you're dating evidence that you keep giving death a middle finger.
Del: rip death
Harpy: i'm dating ivel yes :U
Jumpropeman: even Phantomon was like "screw it, these guys aren't dying any time soon"
Gooper Blooper: Chao, I loved your idea for pitsuho entrance
Bree: what about doll entrance :<
Gooper Blooper: I liked that too :3
Bree: thank you goop :3
Cornwind Evil is shot.


(SK misspells "Carol" as "Carl")

Ven: Komo. You may, ah, want to proofread your post. A bit.
iKomodo: How so?
RubyChao: Carl
iKomodo: ...Ah, crap
Gooper Blooper: "I only murdered two kobbers!" "CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL"
iKomodo: ...hahahaha XD


Jumpropeman: my niece is in the room, say hi everybody
Jumpropeman: she'll just say mommy back
Gooper Blooper: the babby
Bree: hi jumpropeniece
Jumpropeman: she knows a surprising amount of sign language
Bree: which of your siblings is she the child of?
Bree: I'm guessing not RD, and CKR is 2young
Jumpropeman: my second oldest of my five sisters
Bree: that's a lot of sisters
Gooper Blooper: the jumpropekin
Bree: I didn't know you had that many sisters
Ven: You would be surprised at the size of JRM's family. ._.
RubyChao: hi niece
Jumpropeman: its why I'm so sensitive (◡‿◡✿)


Cornwind Evil: "In the manga adaptation of the Kirby series, Kirby dies and is sent to Hell after eating all the food in Heaven. There he defeats the Devil (played by Nightmare) and makes Hell more "fun", with attractions such as a mountain-of-spikes ring toss and a lake of boiling red wine instead of blood. This becomes obnoxious and Dark Mind is relieved when Kirby leaves (somehow by holding on to the tongue of Gooey)."
Brilliant Kid: Cornwind Evil: >​Japan.txt
RubyChao: P̷͝Ú͘͠͡Ỳ̢͟O̵̧̧͝҉
iKomodo: Kirby pls


(Draco The Character opts to "cure" Viola's shyness by staring intently at her until she is talkative)

Draco: Visual aid:

Gooper Blooper: DRACO PLS
RubyChao: i'm laughing
Bree: this is amazing
Bree: just
Ven: The googly eyes make it.
Bree: draco oh my god
Harpy: YES
Harpy: YEEES
Harpy: OH MY GOD
RubyChao: #Canon


Jumpropeman: fun fact: I thought Courier would be one of Broderick's later acquisitions and would contrast starkly with the behavior of other hats he acquired, BUT NOPE, my plans for this dumb bee are totally off the rails
Jumpropeman: day 2 and my plans crumble before me
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP.txt


Jumpropeman: Kogasa opened an umbrella indoors
Jumpropeman: thats bad luck
Jumpropeman: *all the villains come crashing through the door*


Gooper Blooper: I just imagined Draco the character getting offended at something, picking up Parsee like a doll, and going "WELL I'LL JUST BE TAKING MY ELF AND LEAVING" "I'm not an elf"


(BK's character Mike vanishes while talking to Sarah, leaving his ice cream-like drink behind. Sarah eats it)

Brilliant Kid: Haha, I left the drink behind just to see if she'd do it. Sarah does not disappoint
Bree: a Sarahkin never, ever wastes food
Bree: ​ever​
Gooper Blooper: yep


Jumpropeman: so, my niece has been having a lot of fun playing with our new puppy, giving him toys and playing tug of war with him
Jumpropeman: well, today my dad came back from his trip with a big minnie mouse doll for her, and the first thing she does it give it dog toys and try to play tug of war with it
Gooper Blooper: ha
Gooper Blooper: IS DOGGE


Brinehammer: Just wanted to say, Broderick is awesome, Millinist is excellent, and I only now regret Ko having no hats.


Brinehammer: Pech's in the Brawl, if it's cool with JRM. Confirming it now.
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jumpropeman: ​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!​
Harpy: oh shit
Draco: Yiss
Gooper Blooper: oh fuck
Jumpropeman: *explode*
Bree: parsee for bbb5, wins by making everyone jealous of everyone else
Bree: causing them to all murder each other
Bree: ​wait isn't that how the brawl works anyway​



Bree: mental image right now: Edea teaching Pudding to cook
Bree: Pudding distracted by Edea's thighs
Harpy: ​Gluttony also distracted by Edea's thighs


Harpy: oh man now I have an idea of Kevvy's outfit
Bree: lolwut
Bree: >​male
Bree: double lolwut


RubyChao: the creation of metroid other m, in progress



RubyChao: reminder: last year we hit page 16 in bar on may 7th
RubyChao: we were hype today/yesterday
Draco: I credit Brinehammer and Brilliant Kid for inspiring us.
RubyChao: i credit ​ME
Draco: Well, of course you would. You write good RPs and have likable characters ​and Tenshi
Cornwind Evil: And I haven't even smashed anything yet
RubyChao: shots fired


Chibi! Miku Hatsune joined the chat
Chibi! Miku Hatsune: :3
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: >​chibi miku


RubyChao: >​ is somehow autosuggested before
RubyChao: wow it really has been a long time

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