Friday, May 15, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 201: He Has No Cereal

iKomodo: Pingases
RubyChao flails and dies from the vulgarity


RubyChao: brilliant kid is back
0 Still Errors The Chatzy: WAIT WHAT
RubyChao: look on the forum
0 Still Errors The Chatzy: HOW DID I MISS THIS


(GB is playing Pokemon TCG Online)

Gooper Blooper: I'm torn between two fairy decks
Gooper Blooper: one of them is supposed to be really good for a theme deck, but the other one has clefable
Borealis Harpy: the one with syvleon
Gooper Blooper: That's the clefable one :V
Borealis Harpy: take it
Borealis Harpy: ​GET THE CLEFABLE
Borealis Harpy: BE THE SAMMY/KEVVY


Gooper Blooper: okay so when the Sylveon deck gets rolling it's a beast
Gooper Blooper: Eevee has an ability that lets you automatically evolve it to Sylveon by giving it a Fairy Energy, and Sylveon's attack does 50 and that jumps to 100 if you use it more than once in a row
Gooper Blooper: Clefable doesn't hit very hard but can switch around pogeys to make your opponent have something useless in the active slot and can make itself invincible to Pokemon that do 30 or less a hit
Gooper Blooper: The deck's biggest problem is a bunch of weak grass Pokemon they tossed in, when I'm stuck with bellsprout and shroomish (there aren't even any breloom in this deck) I'm in trouble
Gooper Blooper: oh, and the absolutely useless Slakoth
Gooper Blooper: this has to be one of the shittiest cards I've ever seen
iKomodo: Haha
Gooper Blooper: this fuckin guy
Borealis Harpy: YAWN
Borealis Harpy: *both are asleep*
Borealis Harpy: like, why
Gooper Blooper: because he sucks
Gooper Blooper: and look at that retreat cost
RubyChao: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: I mean everything about the card makes perfect sense but
Gooper Blooper: but it sucks so bad


Borealis Harpy: chatzy
Borealis Harpy: its that time again
Borealis Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: soup
RubyChao: WHAT
Gooper Blooper: it chose soup yesterday too (and then harpy suddenly got a soup craving)
Borealis Harpy: suddenly turning into a traitor
Borealis Harpy: anyway prolly gonna hygene to get all this dye off my hands
Borealis Harpy: *cleans off the blood*
Borealis Harpy: (j/k, i only used green and blue dyes)
Borealis Harpy: (like sammy would have wanted)
RubyChao: (well blood doesn't count as a dye)
RubyChao: (it counts)
RubyChao: (as a)
RubyChao: (​DIE​)
Borealis Harpy: saw it coming, still awful


RubyChao: so a very important question for goops
Gooper Blooper: Chao: no but she is more important than most party members
RubyChao: >​no
RubyChao swears off SaRahPG forever


Jumpropeman: link 1
Jumpropeman: link 2
Gooper Blooper: harpchars.gif
Borealis Harpy: my chars like pudding and explode stuff?
Borealis Harpy: *looks at Aurora*
Borealis Harpy: I should take that wand away from you. :I
Gooper Blooper: the first one is "cute but mighty"
Gooper Blooper: the second is "cute and fud"
Borealis Harpy: Aurora falls under the first category
Borealis Harpy: maybe Boreas too
Borealis Harpy: Alex falls into both :U
Gooper Blooper: a large chunk of your cast is in that first category
Draco: Cute chars who blow things up and eat GIGGA PUDDI
Spy Hates Organic Chem: What would spychars.gif be?
Gooper Blooper: This is for someone, debate amongst yourselves as to who
Borealis Harpy: oreo.gif
Spy Hates Organic Chem: spytakingatest.gif
Gooper Blooper: Same
Spy Hates Organic Chem: Okay that one's Sheepchars.gif fo'sho'
Jumpropeman: spychars
Spy Hates Organic Chem: . . . Its perfect @ JRM


Jumpropeman: gonna decide the next BBB winner with this
RubyChao: "Choices (enter up to 100 choices)"
RubyChao: well that's nowhere near enough
Jumpropeman: if BBB5 has 100 entrants I will die
RubyChao: no i mean
Jumpropeman: I already made the BBB5 wheel
Gooper Blooper: it won't have more than 100 entrants, but it will have more than 100 vote points
RubyChao: you gotta remember vote weight
RubyChao: ...unless this is when you reveal it's back to one vote per person
Jumpropeman: I don't think I could get away with that
Jumpropeman: I would be lynched and replaced with BrilliantKid as new brawl writer
Gooper Blooper: link


Spy Hates Organic Chem: Spyplot 2015 - Spy must paint the wall
Jumpropeman: i can't wait :D


Blue joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hey blue
Blue: hi
Jumpropeman: how've you been on the near-end of the color spectrum?
Blue: What, no race track reference?
Jumpropeman: Mario Kart just added the Big Blue track, so I can race on that now instead of you
Blue: Ooooh nifty.
Spy Hates Organic Chem: Eyo Blue
Blue: Herro Spy.
Draco: Hi Blue Woman Group.
Blue: I'm a group?
Blue: I was unaware.
Blue: I wonder if I can get the group discount at theme parks?
Spy Hates Organic Chem: I'm actually five people standing on each others' shoulders


Gooper Blooper: I played a puzzle game with some of the worst music ever
SteelKomodo: whut D:
Gooper Blooper: you are not ready for how little this music fits Zoroark
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: this one is just a normal puzzle gamebut then the cacti started multiplying and things spiraled rapidly out of control
SteelKomodo: ​D:

(Chao vanishes for about 15 minutes)

RubyChao: ok that's
RubyChao: probably enough cactus ring game for now
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: hardcore cactus gaming action


Scalpel: When Amducias and the other unicorns of hell lay defeated among the other familiar trash of Solomon's book, when the war of the triangle man concluded in the deaths of particle and person men and left the universe to pick up the pieces, when came a day Sarah turned away cake voluntarily-
Then began the Rend Thyme, most potent of the murder spices, which lead to the Waffle of the End Times-
And Ven then went to take his medicine. ;f


GORGEOUSWULF: Guess who's fucking sexy right now
GORGEOUSWULF scrambles to throw photos up online
Seth Rollins Walks In Circles joined the chat
iKomodo: Ey CW
GORGEOUSWULF: CW check out how sexy I am
Tableter: Thats a great way to greet cornwind evil, internet person
Tableter: I recommend everybody try it
Tableter: When i say cw internet person i mean that's his profession
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: CW check out how sexy ​i​ am
RubyChao: (disclaimer i have no photos available, you need to take my word for it)


Gooper Blooper: I found the absolute nadir of the already-poor mario cartoons
RubyChao: oh my
Gooper Blooper: it is called Club Mario, and it was literally just The Super Mario Brothers Super Show, except they took out all the live action parts and replaced them with two totally radical skateboard dudes
Gooper Blooper:
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: early_nineties.avi
RubyChao: hahaha "Although the segments were intended to replace the Mario and Luigi vignettes, DiC destroyed all tapes used for filming Club Mario."
RubyChao: old shame
Seth Rollins Walks In Circles: So Club Mario is lost to the ages
iKomodo: Thank god for that
RubyChao: there's still some results on youtube
RubyChao: oh my god this one is about earth day apparently
RubyChao: ariel watches, left shocked
Gooper Blooper: Have I mentioned ariel has the worst allies
Gooper Blooper: because Ariel has the ​worst​ allies
RubyChao: who else was on her list of allies?
Gooper Blooper: I forget but it definitely came up before with something dumb
RubyChao: oh yeah, this
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, that's right, good work chao
RubyChao: why did i just picture ariel facing off against a bunch of CEOs
RubyChao: "Yeah, well I have allies too!"
RubyChao: pan over to the Campbell Kids and the Club Mario hosts
Gooper Blooper: and the wheelers
RubyChao: "...As I was saying, I can take all of you on by myself!"


Borealis Harpy: butts
Borealis Harpy: lovely butts


Bree: more facts: April also went to ~fairy college~, she has a degree in
Bree: ...accounting :U
Bree: or something similar, maybe a general business degree or economics or something
Scalpel: Seriously. :U Necromancy has a bad rep, but do you know how many people suffer and die on a bigger basis from accounting's demands? d=
Bree: shhh, Ven, Ruby is an accounting major
Scalpel: Oh. I see. Hi, Ruby. -waves-
Gooper Blooper: is Clefairy Says Clefairy a teacher at fairy college
Borealis Harpy: I hope so
Bree: maaaaybe
RubyChao: it's ok ven
RubyChao: i'm prepared for all the jokes
RubyChao: i learned from my parents and their being fine with lawyer jokes :V
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: again
Bree: are your parents lawyers
iKomodo: also ooh, is one of them a lawyer?
RubyChao: both of them, SK
Scalpel: Heh. : u Nah, that was pretty well it for me. I grumble, but without you folk, I wouldna get paid for working. : u
Borealis Harpy: get your lawyer parents to play lawyer games
Scalpel: -pats a Ruby-
Bree: damn
Borealis Harpy: like Phoenix Wright :U
RubyChao: mom played most of the AA games
Bree: so apparently
RubyChao: so i'm success
Borealis Harpy: your mom is awesome
Bree: when a mommy lawyer and a daddy lawyer love each other very much
Bree: they have a little bebby accountant
RubyChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: okay I fucking love this
Gooper Blooper: chao reads books and has lawyer parents and goes to the theater and is gonna be an accountant
Gooper Blooper: and then
Gooper Blooper: touhou
Gooper Blooper: it's so beautiful
RubyChao: ​touhou
Borealis Harpy: touhou and kinnikuman
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: just imagine all this classy stuff in my room
RubyChao: and right next to it
RubyChao: a pile of touhou
Scalpel: So many peaches.
iKomodo: 2hu4u
Gooper Blooper: the shroomish-face patchy plush
RubyChao: maybe if it didn't cost 60 dollars :V


(JRM is taking an OC survey)

Jumpropeman: "Is Shimmer a cat or dog person?"
Jumpropeman: can't decide....
Jumpropeman: OH NO
Jumpropeman: NO DEPTH
Jumpropeman: WHAT EVEN IS SHE
RubyChao: she seems like she'd like dogs more
Jumpropeman: "When taking a shower, which direction does she face?"


Gooper Blooper dons engy helmet
RubyChao: what did you build this time
RubyChao: oh, haha
iKomodo: Yaaaaaay
Gooper Blooper: that there is a fine pile of quotes
RubyChao kicks over the Chatzy Madness
Gooper Blooper buries Gloria in retaliation

Gooper Blooper: *just her horn sticking out of the dirt*


Gooper Blooper: so yesterday it snowed
Gooper Blooper: and this morning it snowed again
iKomodo: oh dear
RubyChao: sorry about all the spring
Borealis Harpy: Boreas returns!
RubyChao: i'll give it back after this weekend
Gooper Blooper: no lotty
Gooper Blooper: fuck off lotty
Gooper Blooper: oh god imagine a letty kart racer
Gooper Blooper: every fucking level is an ice world
RubyChao: "i am invincible, you fools"


Gooper Blooper: So here is my attempt at making Josephine using the limited customization options of Pokemon TCG Online
Gooper Blooper: there's a lot you can't do
Gooper Blooper: like change the pose
Gooper Blooper: or anything about the body except shirt, pants, and jacket
iKomodo: Eh, it's close enough
RubyChao: Closephine
iKomodo: dirk disappointed


Gooper Blooper: ​I can't wait for Aurora to dance
Borealis Harpy: Goopy no
Borealis Harpy: Aurora is as much of a dancer as Sarah is a gym person
Gooper Blooper: OH YEAH?! WELL SARAH CAN TOTALLY- *watches Sarah cast Float to go over a six-inch hurdle*
Gooper Blooper: Sarah and Patchouli make an exercise video
Gooper Blooper: it consists of sitting in comfortable chairs, reading, and eating


RubyChao: "This is nothing more than lies and propaganda from butthurt scythelovers and I for one will not stand for it." this is a phrase that was completely serious in context
RubyChao: it's amazing


Protato Man asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and HAS. Chatzy chose: HAS
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and NO. Chatzy chose: NO
Protato Man asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and STYLE. Chatzy chose: cereal

Gooper Blooper: okay if we'd actually pulled that off
RubyChao: i still like how it came out though
RubyChao: "HE HAS NO cereal"
Gooper Blooper: I'd probably have had to add it to today's Chatzy Madness just to publish it as soon as possible
Protato Man: At least it probably picked the perfect spot to end at
iKomodo: Hahaha
Bree: ooooh I wanna try 1
Bree asked Chatzy to choose between HE and soup. Chatzy chose: soup
Bree: dammit
RubyChao: buried
Bree asked Chatzy to choose between soup and HE. Chatzy chose: soup
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between soup and HE. Chatzy chose: soup
Borealis Harpy: back
RubyChao: chatzy really prefers soup to lanky kong
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between soup and HE. Chatzy chose: soup
Gooper Blooper: this is beautiful
Protato Man asked Chatzy to choose between soup and HE. Chatzy chose: soup
Protato Man: Oh my god
Borealis Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal
Protato Man: So soup beats HE
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
Borealis Harpy: i thought you had changed
Protato Man: cereal beats soup
Bree asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and HE. Chatzy chose: cereal
Protato Man: HE beats cereal
Protato Man: Or not
Protato Man asked Chatzy to choose between HE and EH. Chatzy chose: EH
RubyChao: and cereal beats soup
Protato Man: EH SAH ON ELYTS
Protato Man: EH SAH ON ECARG
Protato Man: . . . I typo'd
Bree: haha you said shit


HellChao: who wants
HellChao: upset tenshi
Dacro: Not Viola.
Dacro: She wants Happy Tenshi.
HellChao: well
HellChao: if i must
Dacro: Who would want an upset Tenshi anyway?
HellChao: lots of people
HellChao: judging by all the art
Gooper Blooper: #comeuppance
Dacro: Fair enough. Give us Upsetshi.
Dacro: That is one upset Tenshi.
Dacro: Someone must have told her Bobby ran out of bosses.
Gooper Blooper: viola died
Dacro: No, I think this is the "Viola died" Tenshi.
HellChao: she was rejected from bbb5
HellChao: not popular enough


Jumpropeman: I went into Taylor Swift chat a few days ago
Gooper Blooper: JRM pls
Jumpropeman: It's still alive, but it just consists of people flirting


Spy Got Tapogred paints the wall, thereby filling up all the white space in the chatzy


Dragon Harpy: organic is tomorrow and there is no fucking way I am going to be able to memorize EVERYTHING
SteelKomodo: gl harps
Dragon Harpy: thanks
Spy Got Tapogred: Grab that test
Spy Got Tapogred: Break its back
Spy Got Tapogred: Make it humble
Spy Got Tapogred: Old country way
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP, Number One! School, *HHHHACK PTOOEY*


RubyChao: and there's gonna be a fnaf4
RubyChao: quickly everyone
RubyChao: pretend to be surprised
Colonel Corny initiates a Ragnarok in surprise
Colonel Corny: Whoops. ; s
Gooper Blooper: well considering I actually learned about the series after that nightmare I had and saw how definitively the third one ended the series, I am slightly surprised
Gooper Blooper: but since that guy can't make anything else, gotta milk it dry lel
RubyChao: the best part is it's called "the final chapter"
RubyChao: if horror franchises teach us anything
RubyChao: it's that that's the number one way to ensure another sequel after that
Seth Rollins Taking Vitamins: SPRINGTRAP. IS. PISSED.
Seth Rollins Taking Vitamins: Oh wait that's Freddy
Seth Rollins Taking Vitamins: ....FREDDY. IS. PISSED.
SteelKomodo: "inhale my dong enragement BITCH"


Dragon Harpy: *looks at her plots*
Dragon Harpy: *looks at chao*
RubyChao: *waves*


Brilliant Kid: We had lots of classic transformers and I collected Mighty Max toys because they were like Polly Pocket but actually fun
Brilliant Kid: Girls toys suck so bad


Brilliant Kid: Chatzy Madness 198. That... is a lot of crazy.


Seth Rollins: Groose is racist against Toejam and Earl because they're aliens


SteelKomodo: i am listening to this audiobook based on the farthing wood cartoon
SteelKomodo: and I know they took a few liberties with the source book
SteelKomodo: but when Toad goes "Top o' the morning to ye, mateys!" I feel they're stretching disbelief here.
RubyChao: for a second i thought you meant Toad from Mario
SteelKomodo: either make him Irish or a pirate, don't just mix them up randomly!


Ozzymandias: For two seconds, this was pretty enough to make me reconsider playing femshep for season instead of John. : p
Ozzymandias: Almost.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Ozzymandias: That reads backwards. :f Rather, I -am- still doing the lady, not the man.
Gooper Blooper: ​Obviously you just have FemShep marry Tali anyway
Ozzymandias: But Goops, canon! D= Canonnnn.
Then agaiiiin. :P
Ozzymandias: Heads, altverse anyway. :v
Ozzymandias flipped a coin. The coin showed: Tails
Ozzymandias: Canon wins. :O
Gooper Blooper: awww
Ozzymandias: I know. :,v Sorry mang.
SteelKomodo: :<


SteelKomodo: Deoxys was what happened when ​Mega Rayquaza shot a meteor with Hyper Beam, and accidentally mutated a viral entity within it.
SteelKomodo: ​bet Rayquaza regrets doing that.
SteelKomodo: ​"Shit, I made life. Welp, better go mope on this tower for a few thousand more years."


RubyChao: >​windows says USB device has malfunctioned
RubyChao: >​i have no USB devices plugged in at all
RubyChao: u ok




RubyChao: is this really a good idea
Gooper Blooper: >​A Gator Golf reference on fuckin' Pixiv
Gooper Blooper: well I wasn't expecting that
RubyChao: pixiv has everything you could ever think of
Dragon Harpy: does it have cute skull mage pictures
RubyChao: fun fact i just looked up the 50 millionth pictur
RubyChao: it is... underwhelming
Gooper Blooper: I found a comic a while back that depicted a pairing between a skull mage and a succubus
Dragon Harpy: ...kevvy x tina canon?
Dragon Harpy: ​no tina's already married to satoshi technically :U even if it is a fake marriage
Gooper Blooper: Here's a panel from it
Dragon Harpy: welp
Jumpropeman: *flinches from the grammar*


RubyChao: meanwhile i'm still at a solid ​2​ 1 pairings
RubyChao: tenshi needs to stop scribbling on my words
Gooper Blooper: tenshi literally reaches into the chatzy and- wow chao made the same joke


Draco: I guess I'll get some Chatzy Premium then.
RubyChao: draco
Gooper Blooper: oh god
RubyChao: you don't have to do it for six months
RubyChao: i'm perfectly happy to fund us up through july at least
Draco: Who said I was getting it for six months?! D8
RubyChao: i did
Draco: Oh, I guess that's what I'm doing then.
Jumpropeman: what even is the glitz pit
Jumpropeman: spacechat 2?
RubyChao: a joke chatzy spy made
RubyChao: draco i'm serious, you don't need to buy it :I
Gooper Blooper: you can never tell with draco
Gooper Blooper: and his secret money vault
RubyChao: yeah but i don't want him to spend his money if he doesn't need to
Draco joined the chat
Draco: I'm back.
Draco: They only offer Premium in 1, 3, and 12 months.
RubyChao: oh ok
Draco: So I bought 12.
Gooper Blooper: god dammit draco
RubyChao: what the hell, draco
RubyChao: you seriously didn't need to do that :/
Draco: HA. Fooled you. Only bought 3.
Dragon Harpy: did you really
RubyChao: oh whew
Jumpropeman: oh snap
Dragon Harpy: HE DID
Jumpropeman: the pms are back
Spy Doesnt Feel Like a Failure: Holy crap, thanks Draco!
Draco: Pfft. Like we need PMs in December, seriously. BU
Draco: You're welcome, Spy.
RubyChao: seriously though
RubyChao: thanks for being generous
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy still has no idea why
Draco: You're welcome, Ruby.
Jumpropeman: Draco is the patron saint of cool guys
Draco bathes in the warm sunlight of Premium.
Draco: Parsee jealous that she doesn't have a Premium Chatzy.
Gooper Blooper: poor parsee
Gooper Blooper: has to slum it out in those ​free rooms


RubyChao rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: ...welp
Jumpropeman: nice
RubyChao: i didn't even roll that for anything i just felt like rolling
RubyChao: good call, there
RubyChao: since apparently i completely botched whatever it was :V
Jumpropeman: writing the samus blogpost?
RubyChao devastated, crumbles to ash


Seth Rollins Falls Short: I always found 1984 a little hollow
Seth Rollins Falls Short: It's one of those 'Yes this is a valid message, yes things could get this bad, but it's being told by a man in the grip of mortal terror and it undermines the message.' things
Jumpropeman: it suffers the problems of any work that grows to fame in that it gets redone so often by others but better and with more subtlety because of its influence
Seth Rollins Falls Short: I feel Animal Farm did it better
Seth Rollins Falls Short: But the whole 'A boot stamping on a human face forever' basically saying that all drugs are 100 percent pure by nature, you know?
Jumpropeman: even the boot stamping can only last so long because then the boot wears down and you got to get some replacement boots and somebody has to be willing to make you for those and then your leg gets tired so you need someone to keep face guy down while you rest and face-stomping really doesn't prove to be a lucrative use of your time in the end because you got other stuff you want to do too


xXNightKing420Xx joined the chat
xXNightKing420Xx: alright
xXNightKing420Xx: who's the asshole
xXNightKing420Xx: who stole my vintage diecast sailor moon figurine
xXNightKing420Xx: that thing was an antique
xXNightKing420Xx: come on
xXNightKing420Xx: own up


(The casual bar thread goes up a couple days before the season begins)

Dragon Harpy: KEVVYYYYY


Gooper Blooper: So I was looking at my avatar and I realized the cropping from the original picture makes it possible to interpret it in two other ways
SteelKomodo: i... think I get one
Gooper Blooper: 1: sephine is actually holding a giant bottle full of a dark-colored drink and she's almost done
SteelKomodo: Boozephine
Gooper Blooper: 2: it's a funnel and dirk is offscreen with a keg
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: And thus was the most powerful sorcerer on earth defeated by ​ throwing apples at him
Brilliant Kid: Damn straight, CW
Brilliant Kid: Lion King's better though :P
Gooper Blooper: I played both Lion King and Aladdin on Genesis
Jumpropeman: I had both the Lion King and Aladdin Sega Genesis games, and the Aladdin game was better
Gooper Blooper: I never beat Lion King despite reaching the end because I didn't know how to throw Scar
Brilliant Kid: D:
iKomodo: D:
Brilliant Kid: Gooper no, you are making me sad


RubyChao: Fite, Fite, Fite, Fite, Fite Yer Mates
Brilliant Kid: Gently down the stream?
Dragon Harpy: Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Brilliant Kid: Life is full of screams
Del: Thats not at all morbid
iKomodo: D:
Brilliant Kid: Hey, if you're fiting, someone's gonna get hurt
Del: True


Gooper Blooper: JRM's anti-piracy is actually a vow he took to atone for his childhood of crime
Jumpropeman: i was down a dark road of free turtwig and sudowoodo plushies
Jumpropeman: the sudowoodo plushy was kind of shit though, instead of berry things on its arms it had like, flat rough ovals
Jumpropeman: 0/10 too little snuggle potential


iKomodo: Here ya go, BK
iKomodo: Note: my writing is never usually of this qualty
iKomodo: i had to delibeate
iKomodo: *deliberately killed some brain cells to wrote this
iKomodo: *write
Gooper Blooper: proof
Gooper Blooper: lel
iKomodo: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: review mode is so tasty now
Jumpropeman: if only I had it back when people where telling me to inhale dong enlargements way back
Jumpropeman: because I had no idea what that was about for a long time
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: JRM: when in doubt, search google
Jumpropeman: im not googling "inhale my dong enlargement child"
Jumpropeman: not even with seven layers of proxy


(Regarding a hypothetical Fite Yer Mates match between Sarah and Sine)

Gooper Blooper: sine vs sarah would undoubtedly be a non-lethal match, so Sine would run into the problem Josephine did
Gooper Blooper: that is, you're proficient in weapons that are made to kill, and suddenly can't use them that way
Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: Plus, she could just sit on Sine
Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: All jokes aside that IS remarkably effective
Jumpropeman: i cant believe im saying this
Jumpropeman: but Sarah's not THAT heavy
Gooper Blooper: this is what she does, she sits on you
Jumpropeman: *is happy goops watched that video :3*
Gooper Blooper: But yeah she really isn't, honestly - chubby or not, the fact that she's so short means she weighs less than a lot of people. Silence has like 80 pounds on her
Dragon Harpy: and those pounds are muscle compared to fat
Gooper Blooper: because Silence is over a foot and a half taller and a mastodon
Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: Sine discovers Sarah is like the Kingpin
Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: It's just her body type
Seth Rollins Is Out Of Names: Sarah: Approximentally 2 percent of my body weight is fat...let me show you what 300 POUNDS OF MUSCLE CAN DO!
Gooper Blooper: lel


Gooper Blooper: frands :3
Dragon Harpy: fronds?
Gooper Blooper: frunds
Bree: frynds
Dragon Harpy: frinds
Bree: frwnds
Bree: ​it's a vowel in Welsh okay​
Dragon Harpy changed name to Buffcubus Harpy
Buffcubus Harpy: Welshp
Bree: how many sugar mages could Silence lift at once
Buffcubus Harpy: prolly about 4
Buffcubus Harpy: disclaimer: i have no idea
Gooper Blooper: She could lift the four sisters
Bree: but at the same time
Gooper Blooper: adding in celestia and helios makes it questionable
Gooper Blooper: yes
Buffcubus Harpy: i was thinking more of multiple sarahs
Bree: *Silence holding up a pile of sleeping Sarahkin*
Gooper Blooper: she could probably lift 3 to 5 sarahs under normal conditions
Bree: that's like 600 to 1,000 pounds bro
Bree: assuming low estimate on sarah fatness level
Gooper Blooper: then prolly closer to 3
Gooper Blooper: although Silence did successfully suplex Primal Kyogre
Bree: silence v. stronk
Buffcubus Harpy: Scarlet no, don't start trying to lift more than 3 sarahs
Gooper Blooper: Primal Kyogre's official weight is 948 pounds
Bree: damn silence
Bree: daaaaamn


Draco: Would it be a bad joke to say that SarahRPG is ​bloatware​? =V
RubyChao: yes
Gooper Blooper: kek
RubyChao: >:I
Draco: No, no, Ruby's right. It's not bloatware, it's bloatEDware.
RubyChao: exactly, that's much more fitting
Gooper Blooper: calorie-filled sugar balls, my favorite

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