Friday, May 22, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 203: I Will Not Fuck With Time

(HK-47 shoots the head off Robot Devil)

Brilliant Kid: I love how everyone's ignoring the droid assassination in the bar
Harpy: alex just cleaned up
Harpy: it happens
Jumpropeman: another day, another decapitation
EH: Spy noticed. But after Mann vs. Machine, he's used to robots getting shot in the face.
RubyChao: ​okuu was too busy making goo-goo eyes at pit
RubyChao: (seriously she probably was taken aback but didn't want to get into another fight just this early)
Draco: Parsee noticed, but her brain is still loading words beyond chocolate milk.
Jumpropeman: nobody liked that devil anyway, bring in the next robot deity and we'll see how that goes
Orothicarn: OKAY


Harpy: oh shit that reminds me I should probably add THE PRODUCER to the villain list
Gooper Blooper: The Producer is already on the villain list - oh, you mean your profiles :V
Jumpropeman: I want to be a producer, with a big show on broadway~
Harpy: yes
Orothicarn is actually down for this
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: (no)
Harpy: I know just who to use, too
Gooper Blooper: George Lucas lost his mind and became obsessed with waifish magical girls
Orothicarn: It explains a lot. 8U
Jumpropeman: The Producer and his uncanny ability to use the produce aisle against you


Harpy: waiting for Kevvy's reaction to Producer pic
Harpy: ...
Harpy: *Goopy's reaction to Producer pic
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha


Cornwind Evil: Hold on, Ven is editing his post
Jumpropeman: *commits it to memory just in case*
Jumpropeman: *feasts on possible unintentional spoilers*
Jumpropeman: *dines on the raw product of the mind before its thrown to the dogs known as the censors and editors *
Jumpropeman: *GROWS FAT ON THE SUCCULENT- okay im done*


Jumpropeman: Steam Greenlight Description for the game Forgrey:
Fixed a bug causing the game"

Jumpropeman: that's quite a bug to cause a game to spring into existence
iKomodo: Reality bugs D:


RubyChao: sakuya_and_kevvy
RubyChao: _and_parsee
Gooper Blooper: replace the brawler with- 2slow


(SK is unsure of whether to cure Stephen of his Wendigo curse)

Gooper Blooper: ​I'd set that aside for now and wait and see what comes up. Considering that Stephen's entire gimmick is that he's a wendigo, curing it (especially so early) would leave him as... a dude, and he would be in danger of getting Helened
iKomodo: ​Good point
RubyChao: No RP Character Wants To Be A Helen
RubyChao: *cut to Helen as a ghost*
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: *helen and shroud standing there with buttons saying 'I Really Wish I Was Here Right Now'*
iKomodo: i love how Helen has become the synonym for "character who doesn't do much and gets rekt offscreen"
RubyChao: well, to be fair
RubyChao: that was all she did
Jumpropeman: reminds me of how I didn't know what to do with Haddock when it came to light that the Kobbers are real
iKomodo: Mmhm
RubyChao: not much and then got murderalized
Gooper Blooper: Exactly. If a character's existence is based around a single conflict, solving that conflict neuters the character unless you can come up with a new avenue for them
Gooper Blooper: Single-conflict characters tend to be one-season
Orothicarn: ! -begins selling off conflicts and dramas instead of just applying them all to his own miserable cast-
RubyChao: ...y'know, i can't think if any of my characters would be single-conflict- oh wait
Orothicarn retires a happier man with a much larger, semi-grateful community of characters around
RubyChao: arthur probably counts
Gooper Blooper: Victor
Harpy: posted
RubyChao: true
RubyChao: it's why he faded out after Caesar
Harpy: do i have any of those Helen characters
Orothicarn: Courier 6: CAESAR?! D;<
Orothicarn: Pipe down, you.
RubyChao: no courier
Orothicarn: -stuffs into hat again-
Jumpropeman: barpost
RubyChao: you already killed this caesar
Orothicarn: Ohhhh. :V
Gooper Blooper: "I'm gonna prove red mages are great!" *proves red mages are great* "MY JOB IS DONE" *strolls merrily into Retired Characters profile folder*


Cornwind Evil: The....heck?
Cornwind Evil: Did ​Cauren's dad somehow come back?
iKomodo: Yeah, you might need to explain this one, FV
Orothicarn: Nah, he got it. Revenir was old french for 'to return', which is what the revenant legends were based upon- the return of the departed or the dead. : / You fiddled with things using divine intervention, and that intervention with tangible material. Laws of time travel says something gotta change with it.
Orothicarn: After that there's another eight years, given time of death, to figure out the how and why.
Orothicarn: Then the brutalizing of wizardly aid on 'is own part.
Gooper Blooper: I gotta say Sine probably earned that one :V
Gooper Blooper: this'll learn ya
RubyChao: "haha, oops, whoops"
Cornwind Evil: Sine:...................​.....
Cornwind Evil: Sine:...........-eye go as red as Parsee's go green-
Cornwind Evil: Sine: I'm going to enjoy FLAYING YOU ALIVE.
Gooper Blooper: IT BEGINS *flailing*
iKomodo: ...I still don't understand
Harpy: time fuckery somehow revived him
Harpy: that's the gist of it
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: sine interfering with his execution in the first place resulted in things going wrong and later bringing him back from the dead
RubyChao: then he figured out what happened and beat up a wizard to get to zf earth
iKomodo: ...Ah, shit
Harpy: man I am going to enjoy booting him
Cornwind Evil: Sine's Psychiatrist: You should write down your feelings. I want to see eight thousand words. Printable words. I still remember that essay you wrote about that phoenix. I do not want to see the word "fuck" typed eight thousand times again.
RubyChao: pfffft
Harpy: Gluttony: He tastes like overcooked steak though ;;
Brilliant Kid: I should probably get to bed as well
Gooper Blooper: *sine writing "I WILL NOT FUCK WITH TIME" on a chalkboard*
Harpy: Xavier: ....No.
Harpy: Xavier baps Sine >:I
RubyChao: *hpg
RubyChao: **jpg
Draco: Parsee jealous that Sine is stealing her gimmick.
Harpy: *png
Gooper Blooper: *Sine fucks with time again, Caurendad becomes a god*
Harpy: Elise is going to get horrible visions now :U
Draco: Knowing Sine, not only could she write an 8000-word essay, they'd be 8000 unique words.
Harpy: Xavier: Can you not...
Gooper Blooper: There are now multiple Caurendads
Cornwind Evil: Sine: FOURTH TIME'S THE CHARM
Draco: Crisis of Infinite Caurendads
Harpy: Xavier drowned out by stuff
RubyChao: *ALL the caurendads are now gods*
Gooper Blooper: This time it's Cauren's mom that's the problem
Draco: Parsee steals the sifter and uses it to make someone bring her TWO chocolate milks.
Harpy: Xavier: th-that's... that's only making things worse... don't summon Cronus...
RubyChao: and then suddenly utsuho is Full Yatagarasu
Gooper Blooper: Cauren herself becomes the evil one
RubyChao: good job sine
Cornwind Evil: -It turns into that Simpsons Halloween episode-
Harpy: Xavier is suddenly very glad that Ursula's book of knowing EVERYTHING is destroyed
Gooper Blooper: I'm imagining Sine as Frank Grimes and David as Homer
Draco: Sine, no! Stop messing with time!
Draco: *everyone's perception of space-time is twisted*
Cornwind Evil: Sine ends up causing the equivalent of the Doctor Who audio play "He Jests At Scars..."
Draco: When the dust settles, everything is the same, except....​Parsee isn't jealous of anything.
RubyChao: reminds me
RubyChao: wasn't the ending of the episode "everything is back to normal except now the family has frog tongues"
Cornwind Evil: Yes
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Eh, close enough.


RubyChao: so who the heck is this
RubyChao: it's clearly not tenshi
iKomodo: Yeah, tenshi has no bewbs
Harpy: tenshi's twin sister
Harpy: who got all the boob
Harpy: Benshi stole the precious tit
RubyChao: Not Tenshi has a lot of art
Gooper Blooper: wonder why


Gooper Blooper: I'll probably play a lot of vidya if there's a gap during my move where I don't have Internet :V
RubyChao: what will i do without the goopy
RubyChao: how will i go on
RubyChao: how will i survive
RubyChao: wait, you'd probably end up working on sarahpg
RubyChao begins to look up How To Cut The Goopnet


EH asked Chatzy to choose between Kevvy wins, Alex wins and lol Cena wins. Chatzy chose: Alex wins
EH: Wait shit forgot something
EH asked Chatzy to choose between Kevvy wins, Alex wins, lol Cena wins and OOOOOAAAUGH Roman Reigns wins. Chatzy chose: Kevvy wins
Harpy: if cena wins the brawl i am breaking something
EH: Okay so when we add Roman Reigns to the equation, Kevvy barely steals the win
RubyChao immediately replaces an entrant with Roman Reigns
Cornwind Evil joined the chat

RubyChao: man
Gooper Blooper: hahaha


Jumpropeman: You wanna be a hero kid? Well whoop-dee-doo. I been around the block before with blockheads just like you! Everyone of them a disappointment, PAIN, for which there ain't no ointment!
Draco: Congratulations, JRM. You made Parsee cry.
Jumpropeman: finally! It only took three days, but I finally did it
Draco: God bless you, sir. You're a real American hero. [;u;]7
Draco: ​Parsee flees Vegas for Gensokyo, forcing Draco to introduce a new character, a literal talking head.
Jumpropeman: ​how dare you Draco D: literal talking head was the character I was going to introduce tomorrow!​
Draco: ​Then Draco has no more characters.
Draco whited out.
Jumpropeman: *takes 234 pokedollars from Draco's wallet*
Draco: That's half my life-savings. D;


Jumpropeman: to serve as a counterpoint to Lying Cat, I will introduce Truthing Dog tomorrow


Draco listens to the Gurren-Lagann soundtrack a billion times to convince himself Parsee should have Spiral Power.


(Cornwind had been occasionally posting links to dark, gruesome comics he doubted anyone but FormerVengeance would want to see, so he marked them with "for FV only" warnings)

iKomodo: Remember when CW was posting links and saying "ONLY FV LOOK AT THIS"
Myth Murmurer: You looked at them. :U We can smell it.
iKomodo: full disclosure: I am shit at following instructions :U
Jumpropeman: same here :V
Myth Murmurer: Called it.
RubyChao: same!
Myth Murmurer rakes in Vegas chips
Jumpropeman: CW might as well say that about things he wants everyone to see apparently :V
iKomodo: congrats, FV, you are the true Vegas champion :U


Jumpropeman: "Animated ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ TV Series in Development for Netflix" there's gonna be a lot of things that guy won't eat Green Eggs and Ham with now
Jumpropeman: “We think this will be a hit
Green Eggs and Ham is a perfect fit
for our growing slate of amazing stories
available exclusively in all Netflix territories.
You can stream it on a phone.
You can stream it on your own.
You can stream it on TV.
You can stream it globally.”

Jumpropeman: at least they're having fun with it


RubyChao: oh god for a second i thought i saw SNOW outside my window
RubyChao: in may
RubyChao: i would have flipped a table
Gooper Blooper: letty knows all she has to do
Gooper Blooper: is wait
RubyChao: that reminds me
RubyChao: shizuha pursuing a final solution to letty's rampages


Brinehammer: Anyway, speaking of plots/villians/pokemon either tomorrow or the day after a whooole bunch of unarmed "Cultists" are going to jump Ko in an alley near the Den of Lions. Send whoever you want if you want in, it'll be a good time.
Jumpropeman: goody!
Jumpropeman: I have the perfect character for just that kind of situation
Jumpropeman: ​Her name is Ally and see is a sentient alley​ you'll see who in time
Gooper Blooper: =O
Brinehammer: Thoroughgood, a sentient thoroughfare
EH: Raspberry, do more accidental heroism!
RubyChao: oooh
RubyChao: i know exactly who would work for this
RubyChao: look forward to it
Brinehammer: Yeah, it'll be fun! Or it'll be awful and I'll end it in three posts, either way everyone wins.


EH reawakens my inner Sheamus
EH Brogue Kicks Chao's dinner

RubyChao: why do you do this to me spy
RubyChao: whyyyyy D:
Harpy: leave dinner alone
Harpy: :I
Gooper Blooper: because TOO MANY LIMES, TOO MANY LIMES
EH: Because yer a careless man who wound up bread
Harpy: skeiron.txt
Harpy: right here


(Harpy talks about the concept of Envy's body-jumping)

EH: Wait, a straight up body swap?
Harpy: yes
EH: Raspberry will feel horibly invasive
EH: Before then pretending its Captain Ginyu instead
EH: "I'm okay with this now"
EH: ​Well he does
Harpy: Jokes gone WRONG


Draco: There's no rush to time people out in Chatzy Premium. It's spacious and gorgeous and there's no leaky AC.
Draco: The water also comes straight from antarctic glaciers.


Jumpropeman: im sorry to disappoint, but I can't keep Mrs. Shannon Tweed waiting too long. I'm close to the end! Be back in a while
Jumpropeman: I dare say this terrible game is getting fun near the end =o


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: why did i just think of this
RubyChao: tenshi desperately enters the bbb, filling out the signup form as fast as she can
RubyChao: she enters it
RubyChao: waits eagerly
RubyChao: turns out she was writing so fast she misspelled her name
RubyChao: amity is entered
Gooper Blooper: #comeuppance
Jumpropeman: "Tenshi has been passed over for the far more deserving entry of Periwinkle the cat from Blue's Clues!"
RubyChao: she's a jerk who deserves everything she gets though
RubyChao continues planning #comeuppance far in excess of what tenshi's earned
Gooper Blooper: "okay, tenshi, you're all even now" *tenshi accidentally knocks over a vase, chao subjects her to five months of comeuppance*


Jumpropeman: I hope Lyssia's children make the Villains list for their wanton vandalism and graffiti BI
Gooper Blooper: and their demanding of baked goods without payment!
Gooper Blooper: *Celestia looks more closely at the crayon drawings, it says 'Kobbers Go Home'*
Shatter space, Scatter time: Kobbers go home. :U Rex was here.
iKomodo: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: fair warning: expect many jokes this season where I intentionally mix up my Rex and Gooper's Rex and heck, why not the Rexes at Scoopa Koopa
Gooper Blooper: I've got it
Gooper Blooper: Get all the rexes together, then have Commander Shepard walk in
Shatter space, Scatter time: With Urdnot Wrex? :U
iKomodo: Hahaha again
Gooper Blooper: "shepard" "rex, rex, rex, wrex"


(Regarding the "Adults Only" section of Manga Carta, which is divided from the main shop by a curtain)

Harpy: oh god should i make someone go behind the curtain
Harpy: no this is too soon
Harpy: this is how we'll defeat the villain
Harpy: we're gonna shove them in there
Harpy: and lock the door
Harpy: and then watch as their mind breaks
RubyChao: yuran stumbles out from behind the curtain
RubyChao: ​"it's eternity in there"
RubyChao: and then yuran faints, collapses inside, and is never seen again
Harpy: don't make me actually try that
Harpy: because I don't remember Yuran's appearance or anything
RubyChao: nobody remembers yuran's appearance
RubyChao: succubi please
Harpy: NOOO
SteelKomodo: oh boy del
SteelKomodo: good luck writing around this one :U
RubyChao: "Let's leave that offscreen. We're all better off that way."
Bree: the succubi return with glazed-eyed, shell-shocked expressions, clutching Rule 34 succubus sister doujins
Bree: morgan has a lily body pillow
Bree: lily has an inflatable morgan doll
RubyChao: morgan you have her right there
RubyChao: lily you too
RubyChao: do you really need more
Bree: the joke is they somehow ended up buying naughty merch of themselves/each other
Bree: how did it happen
Bree: we'll never know
RubyChao: [3:26:53 PM | Edited 3:27:00 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: kevvy looks into the backroom. just a peek. surely there can't be anything THAT bad, right?
[3:27:08 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: first thing he sees is a Kevin x Kogasa book
[3:27:12 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: slams the curtain and skedaddles
[3:27:31 PM] HarpyKuro: that'd be a mix of hilarious and horrific
[3:27:56 PM] HarpyKuro: "should self-shipping be called masturbation" "KEVVY NOT IN PUBLIC"


RubyChao: [19:11] » Smashluigi » I'M BACK!!!
[19:12] » Smashluigi » I'M GONNA LEAVE NOW!!!
[19:12] » Smashluigi » YEAH!!!

RubyChao: the greatest contribution to an online chat i have ever seen


Gooper Blooper: between sakuya and erdrick you've pretty much got the ultimate anti-theft team
Harpy: you didn't say anything about Kaito and Reimu
Harpy: i feel sads
Gooper Blooper: For extra insurance, bring Lying Cat and ask them if they stole the book
Gooper Blooper: raymoo and kaito can make the arrest ​while contra victory music plays
RubyChao: goops: i just imagined a maximum law enforcement plot later in the year
RubyChao: marshall, reimu, kaito, theodore all team up
RubyChao: and then browny literally drops out of the sky
Gooper Blooper: I think I actually mentioned that might happen if there's a chance for him to cameo
Gooper Blooper: he just
Gooper Blooper: falls from the sky to play contra victory music


Bree: okay I think I'm done for tonight
Bree flops over ded
RubyChao buries Bree

Bree buried
RubyChao is actually Triple R for... something
Gooper Blooper: Rowdy Roddy Ruby
Bree: fact, I know who roddy piper is because he was in saints row
Cornwind Evil sends Hypotenuse to bury Ruby.


EH: Me, once finals are over
EH: . . . I don't know why I use tyrants to express happiness. Probably because lel DK
Brinehammer: I feel that video on a deep spiritual level.


Draco: Parsee jealous that she doesn't get ​eaten by​ to eat sharks.
Gooper Blooper: the parseeshark is a rare species that is jealous of all other sealife, despite having the unique ability to live indefinitely in chocolate milk
Draco: lel
Draco: Parsee jealous of Parseeshark for its beautiful smile.


Gooper Blooper: When I move I'll have my PC in my room and hopefully that will make things easier
RubyChao: yaaaay
Gooper Blooper: I've been roleplaying from the dang kitchen for all of ZFRP's existence
Gooper Blooper: so every time someone wants to cook something, there's goopy to strike up a conversation with :I
RubyChao: the ​kitchen​?
RubyChao: ok that's both a surprise
RubyChao: and at the same time
RubyChao: it explains an incredible amount over the past few years
Cooking: And suddenly, Chao understood Celestia that little bit more.
Bree: nobody expects the spanish inqui-kitchen


RubyChao: aaaaaaaaa
RubyChao: i want to slap whoever put "my messages" right on top of "leave room"
RubyChao: because it's stupid annoying to misclick
Harpy: everybody
RubyChao: OKAY
RubyChao slaps everybody
RubyChao: (this could take a while)


Draco: Not a Parsee-riffic day. Nobody at the bar to be jealous of. =V


Jumpropeman: the good news is, I'm finally ready to RP again! And its only midnight!
Draco: Good news, JRM: I have the old man market covered this time around so you can go back to RPing ghosts and singing appliances.
Jumpropeman: Great! I can kill off Hector now :D
Jumpropeman: Hal is actually two years older than Hector =o
Jumpropeman: but not after I use this AGING RAY!
Draco: Hal is now 12 years older than Hector.
Jumpropeman: shit, I have this programmed to "Hilarious Backfiring" mode again :I


Bree: fun fact: ​literally impossible​ to find good art of a lady sniper
Bree: everything I MEAN EVERYTHING is slutty pinups
Bree: I get that being a sniper doesn't necessarily require armor but ​come on​
Mobile GB: "what about this one" "panty shot" "fack"


Harpy: >​Misadventures of Tron Bonne on PSN
Jumpropeman: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Jumpropeman: you best not be yanking my chain
Harpy: also kevvy gonna meet tron one day gonna put that out there
Jumpropeman: oh snap!
Jumpropeman: >​6 bucks
Gooper Blooper: 6 dollars for a game currently going for hundreds on the resale market
Gooper Blooper: Now THAT is how you do it
RubyChao: moneyyyy
Gooper Blooper: *neo kobbers intensify*
iKomodo: Hahaha
Harpy: don't tempt me to walk into the neo kobber bar
RubyChao: kevvy's just like ":D "
RubyChao: "aren't you a kobber" ":D"
RubyChao: he :D's so much they end up being cool with him


Bree: also I would pay money to have the succubi meet sakuya and be like "dear sister we would make the sexiest maids" "that is brilliant dear sister"
Del: Vince just moves all the succubi-themed material into the store
Del: "When everything is adult, nothing is"


Bree: over breakfast yesterday I regaled my mom with tales of how busy ZFRP has been
Bree: I said something like "we've got forty pages of RP at twenty posts per page" and she's like "daaayum"
Gooper Blooper: lel
Bree: it feels like longer because 2busy
Bree: so much RP
Gooper Blooper: I dunno, I can believe it being a week but yeah, that goddamn beginning
Bree: can't believe that much RP fit into seven days :U
Gooper Blooper: it's like hitting the starting line turbo boost in mario kart
Jumpropeman: all you people talking nicely about ZFRP with your parents while my mom knows it as "that thing that makes JRM reclusive and really busy and tired late June"
Gooper Blooper: "JRM, come on, we're going to the fair" "not now, I'm drawing a zombie godzooky"


Jumpropeman: my gamefaqs account was Mr. Walrus, because my brother got me banned on my old one by posting about Tank cannons looking like erections and gave me his as an apology
RubyChao: i remember Mr. Walrus
Gooper Blooper: I'll never forget Mr. Walrus
Gooper Blooper: once a fat seal, always a fat seal
Jumpropeman: Mr. Walrus is my 2015 villain
Harpy: that's terrifying
iKomodo: Wow
Bree: walruseal
iKomodo: tank boners, really?
iKomodo: why did your bro think that was a good idea
Jumpropeman: probably just wanted to get a rise out of me
Jumpropeman: no... no pun intended...


RubyChao: i am in a library right now
RubyChao: i have Become the Gloria
Draco: GASP
Draco: Including being as....​horn-y​....a​s Gloria? =p
RubyChao: ​yes
Draco: GASP
Jumpropeman: I'd like to see HER book-end if you know what I'm saying
Jumpropeman: she's a real pageturner if you catch my drift
Jumpropeman: I'd like to read her from cover to cover, wink wink nudge nudge
Jumpropeman: I started to read her but than I lost my bookmark and it wasn't the worth the trouble to try and find where I was, if you're following my line of thought!
Draco: She's got a fine dust jacket, I must say.
Draco: I'd alphabetize Gloria all day long.
RubyChao: i would check Gloria out at the library all the time
Draco: I would read a summary of Gloria on a book review website before purchasing her if you get my drift.
Jumpropeman: She's one book that's been long overdue, if know what I mean
Draco: I'd write fanfiction about her.
RubyChao: i'd love to get a good look at her binding *eyebrows*
Draco: I' her to prop up a leaning table? D:


Cornwind Evil: "In Action Comics #273 (February 1961), Superman decides to pay Mxyzptlk back for his pranks by visiting HIS home dimension and playing pranks on him. Mxy then tries to trick Superman into saying his name backwards (Namrepus) to send him back to Earth; when he finally succeeds, nothing happens, because unbeknownst to Mxy it isn't Big Blue's real name."


Cornwind Evil: Butt: JBL
Butt: He follows the group around, calls people MAGGLE, and constantly talks about how the kobbers are bad and the villains are right
Keeby: lel
2Goopy: CW plays him
Cornwind Evil: Hmmmmm


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i'm a bit confused
RubyChao: does lanky kong have style or grace? i'm pretty sure he doesn't
RubyChao: but it's always good to doublecheck


Cornwind Evil: Donkey Kong: Confirmed metrosexual
Bree: cornwind's most effective character
Bree: you don't know what metrosexual means
RubyChao: can't wait for his BBB5 entry
RubyChao: riiiight cornwind
Bree: probably never happening
Bree: maybe if there's a lotto
RubyChao: jrm's pretty much said the lotto's coming back this year, iirc
Gooper Blooper: yeah, it's vegas, you gotta have a lotto
Gooper Blooper: if we don't have a lotto I'm sure chao will Alice at him until we get one
RubyChao: don't worry, i will


I Lust for Robot Death: wait
I Lust for Robot Death: is
I Lust for Robot Death: is this premium chatzy
I Lust for Robot Death: when did this happen
SteelKomodo: yes
I Lust for Robot Death: asdfghjkkl


Cornwind Evil: So I go to a convenience store
Del: Butts
Cornwind Evil: And along the way I see a guy sitting at a table
Cornwind Evil: And Del's words are going to rapidly prove prophetic
Cornwind Evil: The guy is sitting there with no shirt and he's hardly in good shape
Cornwind Evil: But hey free country you wanna sit out in the sun with no shirt more power to you
Gooper Blooper: uh oh
Cornwind Evil: But as I'm leaving the convience store he's gotten up and has started walking away
Cornwind Evil: He's only wearing sweatpants and they're sagging in the rear
RubyChao: oh no
Cornwind Evil: And he just wanders off, as I wonder how in the heck he's keeping the pants on
Jumpropeman: i thought for a minute he'd be full on naked
Cornwind Evil: When last I saw him he had gone straight to full moon and was just wandering down the street
Cornwind Evil: I can only wonder what his story was
iKomodo: Welp
iKomodo: That was a thing
Jumpropeman: he's just living the way we wish we all could
Jumpropeman: bare butt in public
Bleh: Dirk, stop using JRM's keyboard.


Jumpropeman: *prepares to draw the succubi for the fite* Ah yes... boobs... my old archnemesis
Jumpropeman: *Draws them flatchested*
Bree: lisa absorbed their power
Bree: and by "their power" I mean "the only power they have that matters to lisa"
Jumpropeman: *computer explodes from the sheer lies in the picture*


Gooper Blooper: a stupid comic about a firefighter dog
Draco: I remember that dog.
Jumpropeman: Sparky is the king of dog I wouldn't mind RPing
Jumpropeman: *kind of dog
Jumpropeman: but he is also King of Dog
Cornwind Evil: We'd give poor Sparky a heart attack
Cornwind Evil: "FIRE IS DANGEROUS!" -Utsuho creates a sun-
Cornwind Evil: "YOU MUST BE CAREFUL AROUND FIRE!" -Sine launches her latest superweapon-
Jumpropeman: he would be super paranoid about fires starting no matter where he is, even while swimming, and his power in combat would be to attract people to be abnormally dumb about fire safety
Cornwind Evil: "FIRE IS NOT A TOY!" -Chastity shows up, makes fire her toy-
Gooper Blooper: *celestia casts Firaga*
Jumpropeman: Sparky ends up being a villain because of how far the Kobbers push him
Draco: Parsee burns with jealousy.
Jumpropeman: his plan: cover the world in Fire Extinguisher foam
Gooper Blooper: Sparky murders okuu and stands triumphantly over her dead body
Gooper Blooper: Pit one-shots him
Cornwind Evil: Sine: That's carbon dioxide products. We'd suffocate.
Jumpropeman: BUT YOU WON'T BURN
Draco: ​Parsee cheers.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: But we'd be dead.
Jumpropeman: after "saving" earth, Sparky turned his sights... on the sun
Draco: What about the skeletons?
RubyChao: eventually, sparky covered the entire universe in foam
RubyChao: nothing, anywhere, could ever burn again
RubyChao: finally sparky hurled himself into the foam to preserve the universe like this for all time
Gooper Blooper: and it never
Gooper Blooper: burned
Gooper Blooper: again
RubyChao: sequel hook: cut to everyone in another universe
RubyChao: "man i'm sure glad we got out of there in time"
RubyChao: suddenly a portal opens
RubyChao: foam falls out
The Fighting Freak Knuckles: DIG
The Fighting Freak Knuckles: DIG
The Fighting Freak Knuckles: DIGGITY DAWG


Jumpropeman: i'm pretty sure Shadow Guy is a Neo Kobber Cornwind char, because of how long his identity will be obscured
RubyChao: and not because of his philsophy?
Jumpropeman: that too
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, I'm pretty sure that bartender is a Devil Ed equivalent
Gooper Blooper: damn, how did JRM figure out that when Milennian finally speaks it'll be short, misspelled single sentences
RubyChao: "here's you're order"
Gooper Blooper: that's the whole post
Jumpropeman: "milenian is here to"
Gooper Blooper: no narration
RubyChao: also: don't forget the part where everyone is trying to do something
RubyChao: and milennian does it in one sentence
Jumpropeman: "Milennian tries to lift the iimpossibly heavy thing and does it"
Gooper Blooper: "HOW DID YOU DO THAT" "I duno"
RubyChao: you need a typo in there jrm
Jumpropeman: iimpossibly not good enough? that was a real typo and I just left it in :V
RubyChao: "A man with darkness in his heart who believes power is everything."
RubyChao: gee
RubyChao: i wonder who this is
Jumpropeman: Nabisco Thing is down a dark path
Gooper Blooper: obviously nabisco thing will follow Pool Robot's plotline
RubyChao: i can't wait for Autobot Nabisco Thing
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: i looked up that very commercial upon his name reveal
RubyChao: from what i know this is very 90s
Gooper Blooper: thenineties.avi


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