Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 190: HE

SteelKomodo: it's St. Patrick's day, which means I drank more alcohol than usual :U
Draco: One of my coworkers greeted me with an awful Irish accent this morning.
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
Draco: He dropped it pretty quickly though so I survived.
SteelKomodo: phew
Draco: So do the Pitbros ever know where they are the morning of March 18?
SteelKomodo: Pit might. Dirk? Not so much :U
Bree: does Dirk have a "kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt?
SteelKomodo: ey bree
SteelKomodo: I dunno, he might :U
Draco: "Sorry, Pit, not even my all-seeing Goddess Eye knows how you got in the penguin exhibit."
Bree: and then one of the penguins says "dood" and Pit resolves to never drink ever again
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: "dood it's rude to join in the prinny-only hot spring without asking!"
Bree: dood, it's rood
Bree: Dirk seems like he'd have that shirt but only wear it around sephine
Bree: like, he bought it just to wear in front of sephine
Draco: He'd get that on a speedo for Jo.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Bree: or for himself, because as I recall Dirk's quite proud of his own arse :U
SteelKomodo: trufax


Gooper Blooper: You know what's even weirder than Chatzy updating to feature location flags?
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy suddenly deciding it doesn't need to show location flags after all
RubyChao: yeah that was fast


Gooper Blooper: from the back of my one-pound chocolate rabbit:
Gooper Blooper: "Servings Per Container: 10"
Gooper Blooper: you're funny
RubyChao: it's like my favorite candy-related joke
RubyChao: "share size"
Gooper Blooper: Yeah I noticed those popping up a few years back when there was a backlash against king size and the like
Gooper Blooper: thank you for separating this chocolate bar into two convenient halves, it makes it easier to hold
SteelKomodo: King Harkinian Size
SteelKomodo: "HAO YES"
Gooper Blooper: Sarah Size
SteelKomodo: Josephine's butt is share size, but Dirk ain't sharin


Gooper Blooper: Josephine is totally getting drunk with Dirk btw
Gooper Blooper: she also may or may not have intentionally appeared in front of him wearing no green on purpose
RubyChao: by the way, did i ever share one of the biggest - JO PLS


Gooper Blooper: goopsmom is getting excited, she's setting up the first appointment to meet with Vermont's home loan help thingy soon
RubyChao: yaaay
RubyChao: make sure to have at least some form of space for books or i will come up to vermont and haunt you as the Spirit of Literature Present
RubyChao: you don't need to go full gloria
Gooper Blooper: well chao I have space for books in my current room and my desire is a room about twice as large
RubyChao: good
Gooper Blooper: I had to stack two bookcases on top of one another, but there was room
RubyChao: >​you have multiple bookcases
RubyChao: very good
Gooper Blooper: One is my old childhood bookcase, which my grandfather built for me when I was an infant
RubyChao: :3
Gooper Blooper: The other is Goopsbro's old bookcase
SteelKomodo: :3
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro does not like books and refuses to read them except in very odd circumstances
RubyChao: well i know who i'm giving the Reimu Look to if i ever meet your family


Tableter joined the chat
Tableter: HE
RubyChao: HAS
The: NO
Tableter: STYLE
RubyChao: HE
The: HAS
SteelKomodo: NO
RubyChao: GRACE
Tableter: GRACE
Tableter: Fuck
RubyChao: shit
Tableter: Dick
SteelKomodo: THIS
The: poo
Harpy: SHIT
RubyChao: at least we made it farther than last time!
Tableter: Small comfort
Tableter: Need to make the he-at trick
The: Also Harps, Raspberry's Debt x Carlos' Debt
RubyChao: someday we will achieve the HE-at trick


Bree: I feel like Momoko is just one hundred percent through with absolutely all of Team Aqua's bullshit
Bree: seriously Momoko would be so frustrated for the entire AS plot, like the villainous team is so stupid and obvious but she's still a step behind them
Bree: by the time she gets to the Seafloor Cavern and the last room, she's just rage times a thousand
Bree: fuck you and everything, Archie
Bree: Melody in X wasn't even mad bro but Momoko's like, no just seriously fuck you

(Kyogre awakens)

Bree: fuck this game is so fucking awesome
Bree: also Momoko has gone from furious to terrified
Bree: the rainnnn
Bree: the rain foreverrrrr
Gooper Blooper: kyogre is not to be fucked with
Bree: I think she's more afraid of Kyogre than she ever was of Archie
Bree: way way more
Gooper Blooper: do not taunt happy fun kyogre


(Regarding the Mario cartoons of the late 80s and early 90s)

Gooper Blooper: "I find it amazing that we're still finding new frames of this show.

Gooper Blooper: "AOSMB3 I think is little bit more consistent with it's models, but it still makes more technical mistakes like color errors. I was actually not coming by too many weird frames during watching a few episodes of it a while back. The SMW cartoon is really all over the place, they just did not care at all with that one."
Gooper Blooper: "I'm pretty sure by then their budget was blown. And NBC was starting to not care about their children's programming anyway. Notice how Super Mario World was among their last animated shows, all of them ending around 1992. Captain N I hear started going downhill around that time too, to the point where MegaMan and Simon Belmont both started not appearing simply because they didn't want to pay to use them. At least, that's what I recall, I haven't seen too much of that show.
Thinking about it, it's kind of funny Super Mario World was on the same channel as Seinfeld at one point. I also noticed...
This show was going up against Garfield and Friends. They were pretty much fucked."


Bree: I like my yaoi pairings to be uberfluffy
Saberwulf comes back, first word I see is yaoi
Bree: Alex x Xav fanfic
Bree: I'd read it
Harpy: stella has destroyed physical evidence of said fanfic out of respect for Sarah
Gooper Blooper: *alex walks in on sarah reading it*
Harpy: that and #lewd
Gooper Blooper: sarah has no idea how to feel
Bree: on the other hand, hrrnng I love cute shy guys paired with other cute shy guys so much
RubyChao: xavier's new boyfriend
RubyChao: (i'm very sorry)
Bree: chao there's not enough sorry in the world
Harpy: ruby you monster
Gooper Blooper: otp
RubyChao: it looks like it's time for me to use... THAT
RubyChao skedaddles while distracting people with the #ruined


RubyChao: ...i dunno why but i just had this ridiculous image of David filling out a form
RubyChao: and the answer to everything is just "David Wulf"
RubyChao: somehow it still goes through
RubyChao: Eye color: David Wulf
RubyChao: etc etc
Gooper Blooper: Gender: David Wulf
Gooper Blooper: Profession: David Wulf
Saberwulf: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: it works
Bree: birthdate: David Wulf
Harpy: top lel
Saberwulf: The best part is all of these are valid answers


RubyChao: utsuho and tenshi have very decided sexualities :V
Gooper Blooper: we haven't heard much about tenshi's sexuality
Gooper Blooper: maybe we'll find out what it is this year
RubyChao: maaaaaybe
Bree: Octavious' sexuality is "no"


The joined the chat
RubyChao: hey spaps
The: Hoy, small fry
Bree: what ho, noble frand spy!
Gooper Blooper: the
Saberwulf: I was thinking the same thing goops


Bree: ok so im tpying tis in my bedrom n i dont have much tiem
Gooper Blooper: off to a great start bree
RubyChao: one line in and i'm already spooked
Bree: pls read this its v importat it will be my lats message to humenity
Bree: so today i was plyaing Sims 3 and ive got a big hous with 5 sims n it
Bree: my sim was practsing alkemy and learned a new resipe calld "demonic sumoning potin" it needed no ingredents wich was wierd
Bree: but i thouhgt it was new dlc n went "ok cool" n had my sim maked it
SteelKomodo: 2Spooked
Bree: it didnt do anything i didnt get an itme or anythign so i was dissapointed but i kept playing
Bree: my sim went 2 bede n while he was slepign he got moodlet called "posessed"
Bree: n he got up in midle of nigth n wouldnt go back to bed, he was glowig with a dark ora and covered in hyper realistic blood
Harpy: oh no he's possessed by a stand
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: i was freakd out cuz theres no blood n dis gaem and autotomy ws off n i was juts sitting ther but to my suprise he start doign thigs on his own
RubyChao: not hyper realistic blood! D:
Bree: n he went to his girlfrends hous wich is across street n the acton sed "brak up" but teh screen went blakc n she was gone and there wqs more hyper realistic blod
Bree: ina puddle on teh sidewalk
Bree: then he walkd around teh neighborhod n wetn to houses of peple my sims new n he'd talk to them and a messag would ppo up sayig "ur friend bob is goin 2 die" except insted of bob it was nams of sims in teh neighborhod
Bree: n then the screen would go black n when it comed back there was messaje saing "bob has died, u killt him" n i didnt unnerstadn bc i wasnt doing anythig i was just watching now bc none of my sims were obeying when i trid to tell them wat to do
SteelKomodo: D:
The: Bob why ;-;
Bree: n then he stood n did nothign but it was liek he was starign at sky n the message popoed up and sad "ur fried radspy is going 2 dy"
Harpy: SPY NO
The changed name to RadSpy
Bree: that scared me bc i had a frien nammed radsp but he wastn in dis game
RubyChao: not spy! D:
Bree: then it sid "redspu has did u killed hmi its all yor falt"
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: so i loggd out of game n got on chazty n sed "is spy ok"
Bree: n my frads sed "yah hes here hes juts quite bc he's playig bindig off isac"
RubyChao: endless boi
Bree: i fet sillly n sed "oh ok thaks" and loffed
SteelKomodo: lol
Bree: bt en it sed "ur fred rubbycho is goig 2 die" n i was started bc i closded teh game
RubyChao flails in panic
Bree: n rubychoa joind chat just then & we all said hi n i sed hi two feelig nervus agin
Bree: then radspud potsed "join me rubchao" n royby sad "wats happenig i dont want 2 die" n breadspy loffed
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: breadspy no
RadSpy drags RubbyChoo to HFIL

Harpy: thats pretty crummy
Bree: i thout they wer fakking wiht me so i sed "stop guis dis isnt funnu" but ten they both loffed n rubchya sadi "leve then, go play sims r sumthig"
RubyChao: dun dun DUN
Bree: i was mad n skared but i thout it was bulesiht so i loadd game agin
Bree: but it dindt give me man menu it went strat 2 gaem id been playig n dere were an army of ghoats in teh neighborhod
SteelKomodo: GOAT SIMS
Gooper Blooper: PM for chao
Bree: 2 of teh ghots lookd liek my frands respud n chobyru
Bree: n a messaj pooped up agin tat sad "u killd us bree"
Bree: n another tat sid "now yor goign to jon us"
Bree: i pikced up my monitr n rippde cords out it n thrw it acrots he rom
Bree: n got out fo my char 2 tel my mmo dat my compter had virus
Bree: btu de dor to my rom wads gone
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: i loked for teh widnow but it was gon toe
RubyChao: noooooo
Bree: dis is poplar mehtod of kililng sms if u want tem ded u juts put them ina rom n remov all de doors n widnows n dey will starv to deth
Bree: its ben 3 days n my mom hastn chekdon me n im rally hugry n wish i had fud
Bree: liek meybe ven just a loff of bread
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: buts i dont thikn im goig 2 escap unles somebady heps me so im writin tis pls go t my hous n look 4 me n brig donuts ok
SteelKomodo: ...that ending actually made me kinda sad
SteelKomodo: ;_;
RadSpy: . . . ;;
Bree: n if im ded itll be said butts at laest no 1 will evr play a vidgame every agin bc of dis tory
Bree: ~fin~
Gooper Blooper: not enough typos
Gooper Blooper: (there were enough typos)
RubyChao: goops please
Bree: lel goops
RadSpy: Bree's got mad skillz
Bree: I had fun coming up with a different way to say "RedSpy" and "RubyChao" every time I mentioned them
Bree: my favorites are chobyru, royby, breadspy and radspud
Bree: if you're wondering why you guys, I wanted to include the "real-life friends involved in crappypasta" thing and I picked you two because you both like crappypastas
RubyChao: i appreciated it
Bree: that I killed you horribly and hyperrealistically?
Bree: and made you exact horrible revenge on me?
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: that's the best part of crappypasta


Jumpropeman: I blogged
Draco looks at the blog.
Draco 's face melts off.

Jumpropeman: *sweep up Draco's face* We recycle in this house mister :I
Draco: Morgan wouldn't work out in ZFRP anyway. We'd get her confused with the other Morgan.
Jumpropeman: i hadn't even thought of that :V
Draco shrugs.


RubyChao: *looking through my notes*
RubyChao: *realizes i spelled method as metroid*
RubyChao: help
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: ruined
SteelKomodo: #Ruined


RubyChao: HE
Tableter: HAS
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: STYLE
Tableter: HE
RubyChao: HAS
Tableter: NO
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: GRACE
RadSpy: FUCK
Tableter: Fuck
RubyChao: shit
Saberwulf: Ya dun fuckin goofed
SteelKomodo: oh god wulf i laughed
RubyChao: what happened to us
RubyChao: where did we go so wrong
SteelKomodo: let's try it from the top
SteelKomodo: HE
RubyChao: HAS
RadSpy: NO
Tableter: NO
Tableter: Fucks sake
SteelKomodo: DAMN IT SPY
SteelKomodo: alright, we go in order this time
SteelKomodo: me >​ chao >​ spy >​ del
SteelKomodo: HE
RubyChao: HAS
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: i give up :/
Tableter: Its like herding kongs
SteelKomodo: Herdy Kong
RubyChao: lanky confirmed permanently buried


Tableter: This is good shit
SteelKomodo: "Suggestion: I wasn't going to say anything because I'm pretty tolerant, but please stop admitting children without faces. They won't stay in the guest areas."
SteelKomodo: That's Facism >:I
Tableter: Haha
Tableter: This story makes me want to run a fate game of people trying to do their jobs and being interrupted by horrible monsters
Tableter: "Suggestion: tell the no-face guy to leave the coffee machine. Spilt hot coffee everywhere twice this week."
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: goddammit frank
SteelKomodo: "Suggestion: That damn animatronic bear keeps eating all the pizza. Catering staff can't keep up with the fucker."
Tableter: "Skeleton has taken residence in the women's restroom and refuses to leave. Very awkward, please advise "
SteelKomodo: "Somebody tell the dude in the hoodie to get off the night shift. We keep finding symbols stenciled in the break room and it's getting tedious to clean them off."


Gooper Blooper: I've occasionally mused over what the sarahkin's favorite vidya genres are
RubyChao: (i take it helios does not play video games)
RubyChao: (not sure about celestia, though :V)
Gooper Blooper: Gloria: Puzzles, Ace Attorney-type games, RPGs
* Josephine: Games with shooting and explosions
* Sarah: Platformers and RPGs
* Ariel: Metroidvanias, open-world games, collectathon platformers
* Celestia: MMOs
* Helios: what is vidya
RubyChao: i knew it
RubyChao: >​metroidvanias
RubyChao intensifies, but it's still not enough to overcome his intensifying at gloria due to >puzzles/AA/RPGs
RubyChao: ...why did i just get the mental image of helios being introduced to vidya
RubyChao: and it turns out all he plays is the really old stuff
RubyChao: like tetris
Gooper Blooper: Gloria likes the intellectual-type, slow-paced games
Gooper Blooper: that's probably what Helios would play, yes


RubyChao: fun fact: there are #burds in the school's upper floors
Gooper Blooper: any ravens
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: no, sadly
RubyChao: no #ruined yet


Monsterkarts: i would just like to say
Monsterkarts: that none of you will guess my mystery character
Gooper Blooper: I'm okay with that
SteelKomodo: same
Gooper Blooper: Mystery character reveals are a fun time
RubyChao: oh yeah my mystery character is actually lesko, returned from beyond the grave with the power of the chaos emeralds
RubyChao: thought you'd be interested to know
Gooper Blooper: *brings back Robotnik*


Gooper Blooper: I just realized all four characters getting married this year have idiot hairs
Harpy: idiot hair weddings
Gooper Blooper: it's the year of the ahoge
RubyChao: ...you're RIGHT
SteelKomodo: aw shit son
Harpy: welp
Monsterkarts: "all four"
Monsterkarts: >:I
Harpy: we didn't know if conrad and ellie were getting married this year
RubyChao: yeah he hasn't even proposed
Harpy: are they?
Monsterkarts: they might
Gooper Blooper: There has been no third wedding confirmation yet
Monsterkarts: stygian customs are super dependant on their emotion markings on their skin
RubyChao: welp
Gooper Blooper: 2015: A WEDDING EVERY MONTH
Monsterkarts: so conrad couldn't do it even if he wanted to


RubyChao searches the spanish creepypasta wiki
RubyChao: >​only two results for metroid
RubyChao: i'm disappointed :I


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: this one creepypasta paragraph
RubyChao: it's like they took a whole bunch of cliches
RubyChao: and compressed them into a single paragrap
Gooper Blooper: post it
SteelKomodo: oh god how
RubyChao: "In the final level, you play as Takanuva, Toa of Light and at last fight the Makuta. When I reached this level, Makuta was horrifying. He was pure black with glowing red eyes and a few red spots on his hands. The battle then commenced. Makuta was almost completely impossible. Corrupted Rahi were all over the place and Makuta kept firing his energy attacks. When he was half defeated, the game glitched beyond comprehension. After 30 seconds of glitching, the screen went black except for 2 glowing red eyes. I touched my TV screen and it burned my hand a bit. The screen then changed to still images of mutilated Matoran. One screen showed Hewkii missing an arm and Kongu dead. Other screens showed unrecognizable Matoran. I then took the dic out of the Gamecube and tried to sell it back to the original owner. But I couldn't find the person who sold the game. So I tossed the game in the garbage. That night I had a dream where those two red eyes were staring at me with green mist in the background. I then woke up, went to my trash can, took the game, and smashed it with a hammer. I planned to share what happened on Reddit, but i decided not to. I hope I never see that game, normal or changed, ever again."
Gooper Blooper: "I planned to share what happened on Reddit, but i decided not to."
Gooper Blooper: thank you for including this sentence
Gooper Blooper: your story was made much more complete with it, shittypasta guy
SteelKomodo: oh god, you were right
RubyChao: "The Super Mario Brothers Super Show: Lost Episode"
RubyChao: dare i
SteelKomodo: "Then suddenly Lou Albano appeared on screen and started doing the Mario. It was horrifying."
SteelKomodo: ...do it
RubyChao: "Here's what it said: "Super Mario Brothers Super Show episodes! Only $5 and worth the price! Including such classics such as: 'The Bird! The Bird!', 'Mario and the Beanstalk', 'Robo Koopa', and 'Disposal'!" It looked pretty legitimate, especially on a site like Ebay.
Anyways, I decided to check Wikipedia for each episode, just in case. All but the 4th one were on there, but realized that this could be a rare unseen episode that would normally cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. I finally gave in to temptation and bought it."

RubyChao: "Each time one of those scenes appeared, the camera zoomed in on them, and it's now possible to see that they're whispering to each other, and it's possible to hear what they're whispering about:
"M-Mario, are you sure we should do this to him? Maybe that's a poser made by King Koopa, I wouldn't put it above him--"
"Luigi, don't worry! He's a criminal, and needs to be shown what happens to people who are bad! This is the right thing to do!"
"Mario, I'm with Luigi, this is pretty drastic, even for you! This just feels wrong to do, especially after all we've been through with him! Besides, where would we get a bag to do this?"
"Don't worry, Princess. It's all okay, we'll use Luigi's spare bag that he never uses!"
These were some of many lines stated by Mario, Luigi, and Peach, as many, many more were stated in a sort of argument about a bag, and putting a criminal inside the bag--
Wait. All these things are connected. All the things Toad did must have made him a criminal, possibly with a bounty on his head, the three characters could be planning to get the bounty for themselves."

Gooper Blooper: hundreds of thousands for a mario cartoon
Harpy: that last sentence just reminds me of Goopy's plot last year :U
Gooper Blooper: lel
RubyChao: "The scene faded to the next scene, showing the 3 characters climbing the mountain with something in a bag, as regular comic relief somehow ensued. However, the humor was somehow even worse than regular episodes, all they made were death jokes and awkward innuendos. This scene lasted about 12 minutes, and I never made a noise of enjoyment during it."
Gooper Blooper: rip toad
RubyChao: "However, finally, after all that, they were at the mountaintop. Now I noticed the slight squirming of the bag, and the stains on it. Finally, they lit the bag on fire, and threw it off the mountain, into a river with multiple crocodiles with incredibly sharp teeth. The bag fell, and the bag burned away, showing Toad, crying in fear, having absolutely no idea what was happening, until it was too late. It showed Toad being eaten by the crocodiles and ripping him apart and eating the remaining limbs. Then Mario said:
"Guys, this was the best thing to do. It's better to be gone and be forgotten, rather than being remembered as a monster. DO NOT TELL ANYONE that we did this. It's better to forget about him. Let's go before anyone notices." Then, the credits played."

RubyChao: "This was obviously very different from the regular, and had changed what I thought killed the TV series. I first thought that people complained about the horrible jokes and many pasta references, but now I think this very episode killed this TV series on its own. This was 16 minutes of lost episode material.
I turned off the PS3, and took out the disc, which I put back into its case, when I noticed that Toad was missing from the cover... which was when I put it away, never to be seen, or used, again.
This was episode 65. And it's not going anywhere any time soon."

Harpy: creepypasta guy really stretching it here
Gooper Blooper: "Please note that the wiki no longer accepts lost episode pastas"
Gooper Blooper: booo
SteelKomodo: booooo
RubyChao: like i said
RubyChao: lost episodes got buried
Gooper Blooper: I have yet to see any robot combat lost episode pastas
Gooper Blooper: "Sir Killalot clamped his claw around Firestorm and began to squeeze. A red liquid came out from the wound. I couldn't believe it - Firestorm was bleeding?!"
RubyChao: write the pasta goopy
RubyChao: you know you wanna
SteelKomodo: oh god


Barr0w: -theme starts going quietly from the Sekret Fiter box in the middle of JRM's Big Bar Brawl introduction spiel-
Barr0w: :I You can't best him, Sarah. :u He foights t' the finish, cause 'e eats 'is spinach. :v
SteelKomodo: oh god
SteelKomodo: ...now I'm imagining Sarah doing the Popeye thing when she eats cotton candy or whatever
Barr0w: Ehhhhehhhheh, I get entirely too much glee from this thought. :u Although that may just be my fondness for archaic tidbits showing again.
Barr0w: Still, in the latter set of lyrics, he sounds fairly Kobberish as is. X)
Barr0w: I just hope to the blazes that if Sarah does the Popeye thing, her voice doesn't do the same lung cancer scratch noise. ._____,
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's losing! Quick, feed her cake!


Gooper Blooper: >​finds typo of "Money in the Bank" as "Money in the Back"
Gooper Blooper: the Josephine PPV
SteelKomodo: Josephine pls


RadSpy: I want to see Chatzy-company's reaction to Space Court existing
RadSpy: Just this nonpremium room only used every once in a blue moon that we just won't stop reviving
Gooper Blooper: it's important ok
Gooper Blooper: on-season it's used pretty often! It's just during winter it's an undead chat :V
RadSpy: Why don't they just buy premium
RadSpy: Why don't they just use PMs
Gooper Blooper: "no"
Harpy: because fuck that


Bree: will wheelers return at all this season, Spy?
Bree: I know Sapphire might but I'm wondering if she'll have her bros as an entourage
RadSpy: If Sapphire's back they might cameo, and speaking of cameos coughcoughcoughcoughcoug​h
RadSpy falls into a coughing fit
Gooper Blooper: you cannot escape them
Gooper Blooper: they are your sarahkin
RubyChao: move over new stars
RadSpy: No, not the Ro-Bros
Bree: no-bros
RadSpy: My thoughts on the Ro-Bros are as follows
RadSpy: http://i.imgur.com/X3lvD.gif
RadSpy: http://i.imgur.com/ai3kUTx.gif
Bree: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: http://youtube.com/watch?v=RIVn8Wh-3Sk
RubyChao: what the hell did i just watch


RubyChao: man i just realized
RubyChao: tenshi's gonna be doing a lot this season
RubyChao: oh no, whatever will i do
Gooper Blooper: tenshi's gonna be so upset to hear she's gonna be chao's main and get lots of attention
Gooper Blooper: she HATES attention


Harpy: https://vine.co/v/OYz3q6m0LO6
RadSpy: I hit close but the Vine played at least 3 more times
RubyChao: same
RadSpy: i wsa jus t watchnig teh vine whe nthe dgots of dwanye the rock jhbnson haunted my compooper and i wsas like rocky no dont hurt me
RadSpy: but he wsid nobody calls me rocky anymore now you will SUPPERIDE
RubyChao: it's so you can hear what the rock is playing, naturally
RadSpy: sp he oicked me iup and hit me fiv times with the ROck NBtoom then droped the Plenes Elbow on my chest
RadSpy: this is my last words
RadSpy: goodbye hunaity


RadSpy: HE
Gooper Blooper: HAS
Harpy: NO
Harpy: HE
Gooper Blooper: HAS
RadSpy: NO
Harpy: GRACE
Gooper Blooper: THIS
RadSpy: KONG
Harpy: HAS
Gooper Blooper: A
Harpy: FACE
Gooper Blooper: redeemed at last
RadSpy: Nailed it!
Harpy: he can handstand when he needs to and stretch his arms, just for youuuu
Harpy: *shot*

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