Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 188: This Way To Right Asscheek

(Draco is opening packs of Phantom Forces Pokemon cards)

Draco: Helioptile, Finneon, Poochyena, Sewaddle, Chansey, shiny Escavalier, Crobat, Mystery Energon, Gengar Spirit Link, and Kingler.
Gooper Blooper: >​mystery energon
Gooper Blooper: *sarah blechs in the distance*
Draco: =I


(Harpy is traveling by plane)

Kogasa: Landed in DC
Draco: Cool.
Gooper Blooper: harpy 4 prez
Kogasa: saw an outline of a dick when I was looking outside my window
Kogasa: up in the air
Draco: That's the Washington Monument.
Gooper Blooper: lel
Kogasa: I didn't know they let teenagers design the monument now


Draco: Next Pogeymon gen will have Mega Goodra. It just turns back into Goomy. BV


RubyChao: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1688199
Gooper Blooper: imagining yuugi just casually strolling down the street holding a rock the size of a house with one arm
Gooper Blooper: "hey how ya doin" "..."
Breetannia: forget the rock, those are some huge stonkin tits
Tipsyleter: great big tonking stits


Gooper Blooper: reminder that old dinosaur books loved talking about how fuckin dumb dinosaurs were
Gooper Blooper: "The Diplodocus was nearly 90 feet long. It had a very small brain and was clumsy and stupid."
Draco: Old dinosaur experts had low self esteem and few outlets.
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: profiles updating, outdoor temperatures on the uptick, ZFRP is rumbling
Breetannia: that's just sarah's stomach
Gooper Blooper: that gave me a really stupid mental image
Gooper Blooper: Saralex in bed, sleeping, Alex awoken suddenly
Gooper Blooper: "Alex?" "What is it, Sarah?" "...I'm hungry, Alex."


Draco: OH, I remembered something I wanted to show y'all that isn't something I wrote.
Breetannia: #butts
RubyChao: http://i.imgur.com/0tz8JmI.png
iKomodo: #Butts
Gooper Blooper: an article by Dirk about butts would either be enormously long or just a picture of buttsephine with one sentence
Gooper Blooper: "Just LOOK at it"


Breetannia: so I'm listing Talia's likes and I'm tempted to make every other one "dolls"
Breetannia: just so you understand that she really really really likes dolls ok
RubyChao: do it
Breetannia: also on her list of likes is Charlie
Breetannia: I'm not trying to imply anything I'm just being honest :U
Gooper Blooper: I've considered doing something similar with Sarah = sweets and Viola = Tenshi but never seriously
Gooper Blooper: "You said Tenshi twice." "I like Tenshi."
Breetannia: but do you like like tenshi
RubyChao: who doesn't like tenshi
RubyChao: (like half the characters who know her)


Cornwind Evil: I happened to turn on the TV and there was the latest season of Pokemon
Cornwind Evil: And Team Rocket is STILL around... I guess they're just running on inertia at this point
RubyChao: they are
Cornwind Evil: So Ash catches them (again) and so Team Rocket whips out their Pokemon
iKomodo: You just can't get rid of those guys
Cornwind Evil: And Jessie sends out a Pumkadoo
Cornwind Evil: I actually did a double take
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: yep, she got one of those
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Cornwind suddenly encountering ruined in the wild


(Chao is playing Metroid)

RubyChao: "Why is my health going down? Oh wait, I'm standing in the lava while fighting" - actual thoughts of rubychao


Gooper Blooper: Here's a stupid anecdote from Paper Mario 64
Gooper Blooper: You get your path blocked really early on by a group of "Toads" who are clearly imposters
Gooper Blooper: It took entirely too much frustrated wandering for me to figure out what to do
Gooper Blooper: There's a fortune teller named Merlon in the area and you're hinted to go see him, but if you do he'll just offer to see your future (which gives you a hint about where to go) and his hint is about the part of the game the Toads are blocking
RubyChao: oh god i remember this
Gooper Blooper: You have to go around the counter and speak to him personally to get him to help you with the Toads
Gooper Blooper: This made Chapter 1 of Paper Mario into so much of a bigger deal than it was supposed to be
Harpy: oh hey thanks for telling me this
Harpy: now i can not stumble in chapter 1 like an idiot
Gooper Blooper: don't be like little goopy


RubyChao: Unlike Melee and Brawl i'm pretty sure there's nobody i don't know about enough to have the eventual effect of "who is this" ->​ "I LOVE THIS CHARACTER"
RubyChao: and you guys already know who it was for each of those :V
RubyChao: ...in fact
RubyChao: i didn't know about samus so much
RubyChao: when i first got melee, i legit thought samus was like, a robot or something
Harpy: you learned about samus later and then decided to check out her stuff and then it spiraled out of control
Harpy: kind of like.... ONE VOTE
Gooper Blooper: I thought samus was a robot for about ten whole minutes when I first rented Smash 64
Gooper Blooper: then I read the in-game proto-trophies
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: and then in 2014 i'm having her run around and blow up pirates in multiple games and in rp
RubyChao: and with pit it's all SK's fault
RubyChao: every bit of it
RubyChao: it's all on him
Gooper Blooper: same, didn't care about pit until summer 2012
Harpy: i always cared about pit
Harpy: i am not sure how you lived with yourselves :I
RubyChao: although i will freely admit
RubyChao: especially thanks to the order of events
RubyChao: pitsuho is the biggest reason i have a high opinion of pit :V
Gooper Blooper: Pit pre-Season 2 RP for me was just "hahaha THE FIGHT IS ON lel memes"


Gooper Blooper: I refused to enter chatzy until I finished that giant SaRahPG map I said I started last week
RubyChao: plot twist: it's just a giant ASCII sarah head
Tableter: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: sarahpg is just a compilation of my ASCII sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: the final level is especially large because it's a full-body picture
Gooper Blooper: (the joke is fat)
RubyChao: >​full body sarah
RubyChao: so it's what
RubyChao: 100 x 1000?
RubyChao: (the joke is fat AND short)
iKomodo: Lel


RubyChao: sarah's real last name revealed
Gooper Blooper: >​joined January 2010 and hasn't tweeted
Gooper Blooper: sarah kinsey really loves twitter


Gooper Blooper: IT'S DOWN
Tableter: Rip tree
RubyChao: GASP
RubyChao: how did you defeat the goopsmom
iKomodo: RIP in peace
Gooper Blooper: Me and goopsbro went on a couple errands around noon
Gooper Blooper: When we returned home an hour later, the tree had been dismantled and put aside


RubyChao: oh hey goops
RubyChao: did you know there's... an upper limit on switches in rpg maker xp
Gooper Blooper: yes
RubyChao: oh ok
RubyChao puts his joke away
Gooper Blooper: As long as you know about local switches, though, running out of switches would require an absolutely ludicrously overlong/overcomplicated​ game
RubyChao: i can't even imagine the work that would be required to use 5000 switches
Gooper Blooper: *begins new game that uses 999 maps all max size and all 5000 switches*
RubyChao: what is the max size anyay
Gooper Blooper: 500 x 500
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure you could fit
RubyChao: something really large on a map that size
Gooper Blooper: like ascii of josephine's butt?
RubyChao: no, not THAT large
RubyChao: that'd require a few hundred more tiles
Gooper Blooper: put a little sign on the map
Gooper Blooper: "this way to right asscheek"


RubyChao: oh god i just had a dumb mental thought
RubyChao: zoofights corp plans to relocate after 2016
RubyChao: someone mentions "What if we went back to-"
RubyChao: everett's "NO" is so loud it can be heard all the way in their offices
RubyChao: "...Nevermind."
Harpy: i thought you were going to say manhattan
Harpy: and the screams and yells of panicked families and relatives resounded throughout the universe
Gooper Blooper: "why do we keep relocating and restructuring the company every two years"
Gooper Blooper: "I don't know"
Harpy: the lawsuits scream
RubyChao: because they wreck the place so much during the first two years, they know that if they stay another year it'll be torches and pitchforks times
Harpy: zoofites confirmed a traveling road show
Tableter: Because ponzi schemesssss
RubyChao: so better get out while the going's good


RubyChao: btw, i'm curious - are you still planning to do that everyone-grouping-in-veg​as post?
Gooper Blooper: Absolutely, I will want to do that for several of my mains
RubyChao: (and regigigas)
Gooper Blooper: it's basically what I did last year with "Shoot For The Moon"
Gooper Blooper: Not necessarily EVERY character (especially because I always bring people in a few at a time), but the ones that will be there the first day or two, and the newcomers
Gooper Blooper: except Mysterious Russian
Gooper Blooper: who remains mysterious
RubyChao: and russian
RubyChao: >​first day or two
RubyChao: so regigigas :V
Gooper Blooper: if we haven't even gotten to May 3 and we have a fight that requires Regigigas to interfere I can safely say my wish at scaling back our RP plot scope this year failed utterly


RubyChao: year 3 may have been low-key
RubyChao: but it had harpy come back!
RubyChao: and jrm!
RubyChao: oh and there was that rubychao guy, he was there too


ivel: holy shit people are working on a Redwall game
ivel: if I heard about it before I somehow forgot
SteelKomodo: oh god
RubyChao: wow that's a surprise
SteelKomodo: eyo chao
RubyChao: i still remember reading the redwall books
RubyChao: tbh they got pretty samey near the end, but there were some definite standouts
ivel: I have a bunch but they're stored away for now
SteelKomodo: i have never read a Redwall book
Deleter: ive glanced at some
Deleter: they're very twee
RubyChao: twee?
SteelKomodo: unusual wording, bro :U
Deleter: well they start about badgers and hedgehogs talking about the weather and baking pies and scolding their children
Deleter: very picturesque
Deleter: then somewhere along the line they divert into battles and murder
SteelKomodo: indeed
SteelKomodo: ...oh god D:
RubyChao: yeah they kinda do
SteelKomodo: I was gonna say "kind of like Wind in the Willows" there
ivel: true
RubyChao: del's pretty much described what usually happens
SteelKomodo: but that was more accurate than intended :U
ivel: it could be worse
ivel: not that I'm saying it's bad or that you're saying that :U
ivel: but I meant worse as in it could be like a certain movie I've never seen and never plan to
ivel: because no
SteelKomodo: ...I have a hunch you mean Watership Down?
ivel: yup
SteelKomodo: thought so


RubyChao: Sarah Nukem Forever: "I'm here to kick ass and eat cake. And- *CHOMP MUNCH SNACK* - I'm all out of cake."


Gooper Blooper: This next one was originally posted by someone who had a patchouli avatar and patchouli signature
Gooper Blooper: "I went to a Red Robin last night and saw this"
ivel: well then
ivel: that's as messed up as Donald Duck eating a duck dinner
SteelKomodo: oh god
Gooper Blooper: the worst part is that it doesn't appear Mr. Krabs knows the ingredients of what he's eating
RubyChao: did someone say patchy
RubyChao: are you sure thats the worst part
RubyChao: wouldn't it be even worse if he supported consuming his own kind
Gooper Blooper: no, because we know he'd already do that if the price was right
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: also yes patchy
RubyChao: patchy doesn't even expend the effort to stand on the ground
RubyChao: that might be too much work
Gooper Blooper: standing is too much w- 2slow
Gooper Blooper: why stand when you can float
Gooper Blooper: why even move
Gooper Blooper: why
RubyChao: patchy should meet gloria in 2015
SteelKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: The only reason they haven't is because patchy's never set foot in casual RP
RubyChao: she might next year
RubyChao: she went from two-shot character to regular fite voter from 2013 to 2014
Gooper Blooper: you know what's funny though
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Patchy is all about not expending effort, but
Gooper Blooper: the entire reason she ever appeared at all was for effort votes
RubyChao: ...my god, you're right
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: what would happen if
RubyChao: patchy and viola arm wrestled
Gooper Blooper: Viola would slowly push over patchy's unresisting arm unless patchy used magic to keep it in place
RubyChao: meanwhile if YUUGI armwrestled viola
RubyChao: she'd probably put viola right through the table itself
RubyChao: (and that is why yuugi must never armwrestle any non-mastodons)
Gooper Blooper: Viola's not exactly a powerhouse but she's also not like when Spongebob with anchor arms couldn't lift a straw
Gooper Blooper: there would be a viola-shaped hole in the floor
Gooper Blooper: "At last, I can confirm the phenomena of near-death experiences. My thanks, Yuugi."
RubyChao: "Anytime!"
RubyChao: and then yuugi claps viola on the back
RubyChao: sending her through the floor again
Gooper Blooper: "I see you were not kidding."
RubyChao: ...oh god, i had a sudden thought
RubyChao: patchy fights an enemy who no sells all her magic
RubyChao: "It looks like I'll have to get... serious."
Breetannia: at which point she just flops over onto the floor and does nothing, right
RubyChao: dramatically stops floating and touches down on the ground, removes her outer robe, flexes
RubyChao: walks right up to the enemy's face
RubyChao: ...and very lightly socks them in the jaw. it does nothing
RubyChao: "I don't really work out."
RubyChao: although bree's sounds funnier, lel
Breetannia: alternately: instead of socking them, she zaps them with magic, which still does nothing because no-selling magic
Breetannia: when it fails to produce results, she says "I got nothin'."
Breetannia: and THEN flop on ground
Breetannia: basically she thought if she did some dramatics and then magic, maybe that would work
Breetannia: but no, magic = still useless
Gooper Blooper: patchy just flopping onto the floor to leave a battle is wonderful
Gooper Blooper: this crusade for justice is great and all, but golly it sure is a lot of work


Harpy: kevin would freak the fuck out at seeing Josephine
Harpy: as in, squealing fangirboy freaking out
RubyChao: fankevvy squealng
Gooper Blooper: Josephine has never been fanboyed over before!
Gooper Blooper: Sarah has but not josie
Harpy: srsly tho if Kevin sees Josie he is going to shyly shuffle up to her and say
Harpy: "himynameiskevvinandiloo​kuptoyou"
RubyChao: tenshi overhears kevvy
RubyChao: sidles over, ready to get admiration
RubyChao: josephine walks away, kevin goes with her
RubyChao: tenshi's face falls
Harpy: lel
RubyChao: "Why can't I get any admirers?" "I admire you, Tenshi." "Besides you, Viola."
RubyChao: viola was not even there until right then but tenshi is no longer fazed
Gooper Blooper: but yeah this is basically the natural end-product of josephine's character arc - having overcome her own issues, she can now help someone else with them
Gooper Blooper: Ariel so proud
Harpy: and then Kevvy and sarah can become magical girls together
Harpy: though Sarah and/or Celestia would freak out from how underweight he is
Gooper Blooper: *Josephine dual-wielding a bazooka and a gun with chocolate sticking out of her mouth* THE PERFECT ROLE MODEL
Gooper Blooper: Celestia's gonna double-take yes
Gooper Blooper: "oh goodness :<"
Harpy: Kevvy goes and fake gets married to one of Celestia's donuts


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: should i have
RubyChao: EXTRA CHOCOLATE tonight
Gooper Blooper: what kind of chocolate
RubyChao: the truffles harpy sent me
RubyChao: i had some tonight already
Gooper Blooper: you can use them to help celebrate today's holiday
Gooper Blooper: *checks calendar*
Gooper Blooper: Iiiiiiit's Commonwealth Day (Canada)!
RubyChao: happy canada


RubyChao: back-ish
ivel: welcome back-ish
Harpy: wbackish
Draco: Hi Ruby.
Draco: Don't mind these two. I'm pretty sure they're goofballs.
ivel: scuse u
ivel: you're the goofball
Harpy: ivel are you going to say that only i'm the goofball
Harpy: oh
Harpy: no he's a dragon
Harpy: he collects goofballs for his hoard though
ivel: a goofball dragon
Draco: No, that's golfballs.
Draco: And how many do I have?
Draco: FORE
ivel: ...
Harpy: thats worse than some of the puns jacob makes
ivel: that's worse than most he makes
Draco: Owch. Way to hurt my feelings.
Draco: If I had any. =V
Draco: (jk u 2 r awesum)
ivel: that reminds me of a Megadeth song
ivel: you say I hurt your feelings? I didn't know ya had any feelings
Harpy: wow rude
Draco: Ivel is a bad boy. So cool! ;o;7
ivel: oh I'm bad alright. One time I went in a pool only 29 MINUTES after eating instead of waiting the whole 30 minutes
ivel: I died instantly and that's why I'm a ghost
Harpy: ivelghost
Harpy: and i'm an ivelghostbuster
Draco: Oh my!


Saberwulf: Ruined


Jumpropeman: I had a sobering moment at Chuck E. Cheese today where I failed at the Jump Rope machine
Breetannia: everything I've ever been taught is a lie
Jumpropeman: although I didn't even know it was a jump rope machine until I failed it twice


Tableter: Im researching death traditions to make a skeleton rpg
Tableter: Right now my ideas are a baron samedi drunken fist monk class and a calavera bard
Tableter: Maybe i should broaden it to all kinda of death traditions
Tableter: Have some onryo in
Tableter: Basically you are dead people in the land of the dead, having adventures only the dead can have
Tableter: Skeleventures
M Sheep: deadventures
SteelKomodo: #Skeletons
M Sheep: Deadventures: Dead Men Tell No Tales


RubyChao: so i just found a video of 100 minutes straight of wonderful heaven
RubyChao: so if you ever want toplay tenshi's theme on loop for 1:40:00
RubyChao: now you can!
Gooper Blooper: tenshi goes into a computer lab, sets that video on every computer, changes desktop wallpaper to an image of herself, leaves
Gooper Blooper: miya comes in afterward, reaction images, and also leaves
RubyChao: >​there's also 100 Minutes of Nuclear Fusion
RubyChao: pit comes in after miya, changes half the videos to that
Breetannia: that's what pit watches when he's having a bad day
SteelKomodo: XD
Breetannia: only half?
RubyChao: pit's a nice lad, he'll let tenshi keep her music
Breetannia: hey man I'mma let you finish, but okuu has the best theme of all time


M Sheep: Day 1, this guy
M Sheep: and that's it
M Sheep: no other characters or plots
Gooper Blooper: no, see, sheep would ATTEMPT that
Gooper Blooper: but by the end of the first day there would be accidental horror, a secondary character connected to the unhappy skeleton, and the revelation that he works at The Factory
M Sheep: You forgot that the day would end a battle at the center of the skeleton's mind


(Chao suddenly appears in chatzy after a momentary absence)

RubyChao: frands (◕ヮ◕)
Harpy: how much chocolate did you eat


Leafsong: i just stumbled in here and found out that most people here have the same interests as me.
Breetannia: huh, what a nice coincidence then!
Breetannia: welcome to our...group, or whatever
Breetannia: OUR CULT
Leafsong: thanks


Breetannia: Goops is the King of Pogeys
Leafsong: yes he is
Breetannia: he's played all the games, he collects the cards, it's nuts
Breetannia: he knows everything there is to know about Pokémon
Breetannia: he is not a Pokémon Master, he is THE Pokémon Master
Leafsong: everything?
Breetannia: everything
Gooper Blooper: well not EVERYTHING
Breetannia: EVERYTHING
Gooper Blooper: I know essentially nothing about the anime and manga
Gooper Blooper: Didn't follow either for long
Breetannia: that doesn't count
Leafsong: has he caught ALL pokemon
Gooper Blooper: Yes, complete dex
Breetannia: yes he has
Gooper Blooper: (except, of course, Hoopa and Volcanion)
Leafsong: good GOD you are a masochist
Breetannia: no he's just very dedicated to his ~craft~


Gooper Blooper: >​Pokemon Shuffle downloads itself to my 3DS
Gooper Blooper: oh god get it away


RubyChao: miya update
RubyChao: there's like 30 new tenshis over two days
RubyChao: i think he needs to calm down


M Sheep: I'm doing alright. Stressing slightly over an event I forgot I had to go to tomorrow
SteelKomodo: well, good luck with that event, sheep!
SteelKomodo: I'm sure you'll do fine!
M Sheep: Hardly a grand affair, but its being hosted by the theatre our current production will be playing at, and the director made a donation, so I feel somewhat obligated to go.
M Sheep: Say it with me: I love PR.
M Sheep: I'm really stressing over nothing, I'm mostly going to be hanging out with a few other people from the production, but I FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT AND IT'S TOMORROW AND AAAAA
SteelKomodo: I LOVE PR
RubyChao: i love PR
Tableter: I hate that hedgehog


M Sheep: Gosh darnit, now somebody's texting my phone about a Gloria being due for an eye exam
M Sheep: and they should really make an appointment RIGHT NOW
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
RubyChao: gloria strained her eyes from all that reading :<


M Sheep: Okay, I had to log back in for just a moment to share this beautiful piece of writing I found in my ongoing quest to read through the RP before the new season gets here
M Sheep: "Meanwhile, Earthrock is staring deeply into the beautiful porcelin-hugged waters of Tak-Sin's royal toilet."
SteelKomodo: XD


ivel joined the chat
ivel: yo
SteelKomodo: hi ivel
ivel: how's everything
ivel: and by everything I mean LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD the madness here


SteelKomodo: alright, i hastily jacked-up the prices
SteelKomodo: does this sound Koopa enough to you all? :U
ivel: “We only use 100% Chickadactyl meat. At least, the FDA told us we have to say so.”
Harpy: >​you have to pay for ice water
RubyChao: it's koopa
RubyChao: of COURSE you do
Harpy: that is indeed a koopa thing to do
Harpy: i was complementing him
Harpy: i had to pay for water once at a buffet
Harpy: that sucked a lot
SteelKomodo: He's gonna Koop you all out of your money
Harpy: "Choco-cano - $5.59
Koopa’s favourite! A chocolate dessert with melty chocolate centre that’ll get all over your face - or your money back!"

Harpy: yeah sure, our money back
Harpy: though this sounds delicious
RubyChao: if you manage to eat it neat enough, koopa will "accidentally" spill chocolate on your face when you come to collect


Deleter rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 16
Deleter doesn't explode
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 20
Deleter: rubychao scores a crit on not exploding
RubyChao: so does this mean i won't explode in the future either
Deleter: maybe


Breetannia: so, question
Breetannia: are Ariel and Gloria big eaters or just...normal eaters
Breetannia: it's usually sarah/sephine that are shown to consume ungodly food quantities
Gooper Blooper: They generally eat normally except for special occasions with family
Breetannia: (if you want I will share my headcanons on this since I kind of have some)
Gooper Blooper: >​sarahkin family food eating headcanon
Gooper Blooper: this I gotta hear
Breetannia: lel, it's nothing special
Breetannia: I imagine Gloria's like me, she's not a big eater per se but she does have a huge appetite :U
Breetannia: my desire to eat food vastly exceeds my ability to eat food
Breetannia: I have a lot of "I'm going to throw up if I even think about taking one more bite *takes five more bites*"
Gooper Blooper: gloria wishes to join in the madness but she has no room for more fud
RubyChao: thanksgiving requires that all sarahfamily members consume astronomical amounts of food
Gooper Blooper: if you don't Celestia makes sad noises
RubyChao: good thing gloria has those stretch pants
 Gooper Blooper: What about Ariel? Did you have anything for her?
Breetannia: Ariel has a perfectly reasonable appetite...for totally unreasonable foods
Breetannia: like yeah she'll eat normal portions
Breetannia: but the actual food she's eating is something off of Epic Meal Time
Breetannia: no I'm talking like "it's a pizza, on top of another pizza, on top of another pizza, with bacon, and melted cheese, and another pizza"
Breetannia: moar headcanons: I have a tendency to eat really stupid fast, and I imagine this is strictly forbidden in Sarahkin haus
Breetannia: like Ariel has somewhere to be so she sits down at the table and practically inhales her food
Breetannia: and Celestia stops her and says "that is not the way we eat in this house, dear", literally refills her plate and says "now let's try that again"
Gooper Blooper: oh my god I was going to make the "try it again" joke and you did it for me
Gooper Blooper: Ariel does in fact eat slower the second time, wonder why
Breetannia: because if you don't then it's an infinite sea of food
Breetannia: and no dessert in sight


Breetannia: I like Xavier too much help
Harpy: the mage?
Breetannia: yes harpy
Breetannia: I know the difference between the xaviers
Breetannia: but I fucking adore both of them
Breetannia: like seriously
Breetannia: seriously stop it I mean jesus fuck
Breetannia: every harpchar the fucking best
Harpy: No :I
Breetannia: it's unfair
Gooper Blooper: wonderful harpchars


SteelKomodo: I was gonna ask which of my characters are ye looking forward to seeing
SteelKomodo: but then I remembered peeps are gonna be biased towards old characters :U
Breetannia: answer is Beck, obvs
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: gotta love them pitbros
Breetannia: also excite to see Lars, and Stephen sounds neat
RubyChao: pit
RubyChao: i am very excited for pit for totally neutral reasons
RubyChao: that have absolutely nothing to do with my characters
Gooper Blooper: gee chao, that's such an odd choice
RubyChao pushes Utsuho behind a curtain
Gooper Blooper: I cannot imagine why you want to see more pit
RubyChao: also lisa, i want more lisa
Gooper Blooper: *her wings stick out from the sides of the curtain*


Gooper Blooper: fat seal
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: fukken saved
Breetannia: look at it jump
Breetannia: so majesty
Breetannia: ...derpiest typo
Breetannia: so majesty, such graceful, wow
Gooper Blooper: so majesty, much jiggle


Draco: I'm thinking of making that tall Touhou lady in the Russian uniform the official appearance of my Rogue, Cerise X, because it sounds silly.
Breetannia: will she inexplicably gain a Russian accent?
Breetannia: we had a werewolf shaman dude in D&D and his player arbitrarily voiced him with a stereotypical Russian accent
Breetannia: his catchphrase was to disdain things by declaring that such-and-such "iz for bebes!"
Breetannia: eventually got shortened to just "is bebes!"
Breetannia: so like, drinking water/milk instead of booze = is bebes
Draco: Cerise X has a Southern Belle accent because that's currently the only lady voice I do.
Breetannia: *imagining Draco going "ah do declayah!"*
Draco: Ah'm gettin' a case of the vapahs! >​u>​
RubyChao: who?
Draco: I meant to say Chinese, not Russian. My bad.


RubyChao: dirk needs to do all the important things for pit
RubyChao: find a good chef
RubyChao: arrange the reception
Gooper Blooper: Celestia just empties her entire bakery and places everything at the reception
RubyChao: hire a busty birdgirl stripper (how many of those can there even be?)
RubyChao: (i apologize for that last one)
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
Gooper Blooper: or maybe dirk pls
Gooper Blooper: pls
SteelKomodo: 2pls


Cornwind Evil: Someone ends up with a very ironic Hunger Games thing


Jumpropeman: I once did this thing on facebook where I posted a random fact every day
Jumpropeman: for a whole year
Jumpropeman: you produce more earwax when you are afraid

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