Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 185: Feedback Poop

RubyChao: "The future is unknown. And lewd. The future is lewd." this is dirksephine. this line right here is the embodiment of dirksephine
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: I imagined Josephine saying that in hushed tones while looking out at the stars with Dirk
Gooper Blooper: like it's all really romantic except what she's actually saying
SteelKomodo: XD


Tableter: Bellonna, roman godess of war, from Smite
Tableter: Witness - reasonable armor, no huge boobs, no high heels, sword as big as her leg
Tableter: Good/10
iKomodo: Hahaha
Kogasa: I approve
Kogasa: Not that anybody needs my approval
Kogasa: *twirls umbrella*


Del: i got bad news
Del: the major failure estate has suffered its first deaths
Del: rest in peace santos and pech
Del: died because ulrika went crazy and refused to retreat from a bunch of murderous spiders
Del: although pech also went mad
Del: there was a jester called eddie but he went mad too and i fired him
Del: and ulrika is in the insane asylum being treated for her fascination for blood and murder
Del: david has returned from his drunk bender and i have hired a bounty hunter with a pull so i called him Scorpion
Del: conrad is praying to... anime, i guess
RubyChao: anime jesus
SteelKomodo: D:
Del: darkest dungeon, everyone


Gooper Blooper: shots fired
RubyChao: yeah that's pretty much it


Bree: hey so I was looking at art earlier and I found this, and it's either offensively sexist as hell or ironically/social-commen​tary sexist but either way
Bree: sexy white mage
Bree: sexsephine, sexy Sarah, sexy Ariel, sexy Gloria
Gooper Blooper: yeah I've seen that pic before and I'm pretty sure it's just "let's fanservice every class AT THE SAME TIME"
Tableter: Its sexist
iKomodo: That's not Josephine
Bree: the chemist outfit is adorable though, like not gonna lie
iKomodo: It has no #Butt >:I
iKomodo: But yeah, tis a cool outfit
Bree: she has no butt, she has no grace, this chemist has a funny face etc
Gooper Blooper: and that definitely ain't Sarah or Celestia either :V
Gooper Blooper: imagine celestia being the shortest in the family
Gooper Blooper: tiny mom
iKomodo: I'd ask if Ariel was cold, but then I looked at the gal next to her
iKomodo: and said "never mind :U"


Gooper Blooper: goopsmom regularly checks her bookmarked "how many days until spring" site
RubyChao: i don't know why but i get the feeling that you have conversations of
RubyChao: "mom, it won't be any faster if you keep checking it every hour" "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT FOR SURE GOOPS"
Gooper Blooper: Nah, closest we came to that was Goopsmom checking to see how many days were left until Halloween and Christmas, then I told her "mom if it was Halloween we'd have skipped all of summer" and she responded with "*frustrated noise of sadness*"


Cornwind Evil: Now I'm picturing Ven and Erebus having an atrocityoff
RubyChao: casually obliterating planets full of innocent WADDLE DEES


(When discussing character power levels)

Cornwind Evil: Jaxx was so strong because of the feedback poop
Processes: Sorry, Ambassador.
Cornwind Evil: ....loop. LOOP
物の哀れ: feeback poop
Processes: You were too late, CW.
Harpy: is this what they mean when they say "shit got real"
物の哀れ: Legendary fucking typo CW
iKomodo: CW: King of Embarrasing Typos


(Harpy tries to address the dilemma of having two significant characters both named Xavier)

Bree: as for Gluttony himself, maybe reveal his middle name and have him start going by that
Harpy: oh shit i never thought of his middle name
Bree: make one up
Bree: that is the nice thing about not specifying middle names :U
Bree: #trivia Octavious does have a middle name and it is Blair
Gooper Blooper: "My middle name? It's Dean" "fuck"
Bree: "my middle name is Sam" "fuck"
RubyChao: Utsuho B. Reiuji
Bree: "my middle name is Alex" "fuck"
RubyChao: (the B stands for Bird)
Bree: no, it stands for Burd
Bree: get it right
King Social Justice: his middle name is Gluttony!
RubyChao: alternatively, after getting married
RubyChao: utsuho changes her name to Utsuho A. Reiuji
King Social Justice: Utsuho Alldatass Reuiji
RubyChao: >​datass
RubyChao: that's sephine
RubyChao: utsuho has l.i.t.t.l.e.b.o.o.t.y
RubyChao: i mean it's not tenshi levels of flat


Cornwind Evil: I love how in Dante's Inferno there's a bunch of people in hell just because Dante hated them in real life
Cornwind Evil: That's like Fanfiction.Net levels of petty centuries before the Internet existed


RubyChao: why do you want to nuke the okuu :I
Cornwind Evil: Oh please Utsuho would walk off being nuked
Cornwind Evil: She'd probably find it depressing
Cornwind Evil: .....REFRESHING
King Social Justice: *tucks cornwind in* you're done, go to bed
King Social Justice: you aren't even typing similar words anymore


Harpy: i bet guill could walk off from a giant meteor crashing down like he just walked through a valley of roses
Harpy: ah, that nice, crisp, meteor smell
Harpy: goes well with the scent of burning and dying corpses
Harpy: er
Harpy: peasants
Harpy: dying corpses are not exactly corpses
Harpy: unless they're zombies
Gooper Blooper: this corpse isn't dead yet
RubyChao: ^ariel.txt


King Social Justice: Silence hung like a thick curtain
King Social Justice: i swear to god
King Social Justice: I am going to draw Silence hanging from a curtain some day
Harpy: #ruined
Harpy: DO IT
King Social Justice: because that image is in my head every time I see that phrase


iKomodo: Del says #Butts
Draco: Del is an intellectual.


Gooper Blooper: link
iKomodo: As you can see here, the East Coast is being invaded by A GIANT SKELETON
Far Traveler: Again? :O
RubyChao: well shit
RubyChao: i didn't even finish cleaning up the bones from the last one


RubyChao: aha, i just thought of an addenum to one of my go-to dumb jokes
Draco: Give Tenshi a third hat peach?
RubyChao: not only will you see Sara the Geomancer this year
RubyChao: but expect to see her sister
RubyChao: Josie
Harpy: and the pussycats?
Gooper Blooper: glory and aria, too
Draco: Long tails and ears for hats?


Harpy: i can't wait until i can use xavier tho
Gooper Blooper: sarah was Very Happy that Alex and Xavier reunited
Harpy: now i get to blab about adventures that never was
Harpy: well, that i never wrote down
Harpy: and consequently forgot
Gooper Blooper: ded ventures
Draco: Adventures That Never Were Was: Alex and Xavier venture to the grocery store for eggs.
Harpy: except for the fact that Xavier once served under a kingdom of giants and couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Alex was literally the shortest person in the kingdom
Gooper Blooper: whenever alex and xavier aren't paying attention, Sarah puts sweets in the shopping cart
Harpy: Xavier just grabs lunchables because he can't be arsed to cook at all
Draco: Adventures That Never Were Was: Alex and Xavier venture to the car wash to get the airship cleaned, but forget to bring a car wash token.
Harpy: that and his pyromania is not very conductive to cooking
Gooper Blooper: Sarah probably sends occasional boxes of her and Celestia's cooking to Xavier and Stella
Harpy: i'd be surprised if the cooking survives long in Xavier's library
Harpy: he starved yo
Gooper Blooper: how long did all those cookies and things they brought him in that blog post last
Harpy rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Draco: Adventures That Never Were Was: Alex and Xavier play an RPG and riff on it the entire time.
Harpy: 5 days
Harpy: xav is grump, alex ain't so grump
Gooper Blooper: >​5 days
Gooper Blooper: "Xavier ogled at all the gifts before saying in a quiet voice, 'O-oh, don't worry, don't worry at all! And thank you for all the gifts, although I don't think I could possibly eat them all...'"
Gooper Blooper: xavier had no idea
Harpy: spicy foods he would looove
Harpy: damn i crave curry
Harpy: alas, i have no curry
Draco: Adventures That Never Were Was: Alex and Xavier manage to set the clock on their VCR.
Gooper Blooper: 2016 plot: Alex runs for president with Xavier as vice president
Harpy: Alex govnah of Vegas
RubyChao: you know who should be president
RubyChao: that's right
RubyChao scratches out his plans for Cleft's grand 2016 return
Draco: WOO
Draco: Now North Dakota is a shoe-in for President!


Draco: Xena: Warrior Princess
Draco: A.k.a: a way to get Lucy Lawless in leather without being porn.
Harpy: amazing


SteelKomodo: back for about 10 mins
Draco: Welcome back for about 10 minutes.


The Bree Eternal: Gluttony likes fairies with awesome thighs? Clearly that means Gluttony X Priscilla is the best pairing
The Bree Eternal: j/k
Harpy: lel
Draco: So Gluttony likes older women. So does Babby Ivel. =V
Harpy: it'd be hard for him to find many women older than he is now :U
Draco: Who? Ivel?
Harpy: Gluttony :I
Draco: OH. =V
Draco: WINK. ;)


iKomodo: ☐ moves fast ☐ jumps high ☑ one hell of a guy
iKomodo pathetically tries to start a new Kong meme to compete with Lanky
Gooper Blooper: ☑ bigger ☑ faster ☑ stronger too
RubyChao: ☑ quick ☑ nimble ☑ can climb a tree


RubyChao: the only way for a lazy librarian to travel
Gooper Blooper: patchy being as lazy as possible is entirely too funny to me
RubyChao: oh?
Gooper Blooper: probably because of how I imagine she's almost always got that shroomish face going on
RubyChao: oh, hahaha
Gooper Blooper: perpetually bored librarian makes concerted effort to do as little as possible
RubyChao: patchy lying on the couch
RubyChao: there is tea on the table that is juuust out of reach
RubyChao: patchy makes her familiar push the table over rather than just
RubyChao: getting up
Draco: Someone pushes Patchy instead.
Gooper Blooper:
Draco: Patchy is a Garfield? XD
RubyChao: garfield would totally use magic to float everywhere instead of walking


Cornwind Evil: Evidently the Oscars start at 8:30
Draco: Woohoo
Draco watches Kanye charge the stage to say Beyonce should've won the award for Best Male Caterer.


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom, by the way, is continuing to be very goopsmom
Gooper Blooper: Point 1: She overheard about Jurassic World for the first time yesterday and her immediate response was "OH MY GOD, WHAT?! ANOTHER JURASSIC PARK? WE'RE GOING"
Gooper Blooper: Point 2: She is currently blaring the "More Cowbell" SNL skit from her laptop (it's a favorite of hers)
iKomodo: Hahaha yeeeeeeessss
iKomodo: XD
Draco: Can I invite Goopsmom to my birthday party? She sounds cool and fun.
Gooper Blooper: she was especially excited about the old actors coming back for the new one
Gooper Blooper: I heard her watching the trailer and squealing "THE KIDS ARE GROWN UP"
Harpy: welp


RubyChao: so have i ruined every touhou character i've touched yet
RubyChao: or just two
Gooper Blooper: you have successfully ruined Utsuho, Tenshi, Patchy, and Yuugi completely
Draco: You touch any more and the police will be after you. =V
Harpy: i haven't ruined sukuna yet
Gooper Blooper: your personalities for them are their headcanon personalities for me that I will apply every time I see them
Harpy: this must be corrected
Cornwind Evil: I'm going to pick a random Touhou and make up their personality on the spot so I can get in on this
King Celebrity: who is sukuna
Harpy: a touhou
RubyChao: so are you going to apply "patchy is a weirdo who talks to skulls" every time or just "patchy has a constant desire to expend as little effort as possible"
King Celebrity: well no duh :V
Harpy: a tiny princess of small people
Gooper Blooper: The latter with a dash of the former
RubyChao: excellent
Gooper Blooper: like she's lazy but she's also insane so maybe it's a good thing
Gooper Blooper: if she was more active she might be dangerous but... :effort:
RubyChao: watch, someday ridley's skull will be destroyed
RubyChao: and it will either snap patchy back to sanity or make her talk to shattered skull fragments
RubyChao: also :effort: is patchy in a nutshell
RubyChao: also, which touhou cw :V
Harpy: there's a lot of touhous
Gooper Blooper: CW that is literally how touhou fanon seems to work from my perspective
Harpy: 7 touhous or more get introduced every year since 1996
King Celebrity: just pick some no name
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: zun introduces touhous with a small amount of personality
King Celebrity: like... reuiji utsuho, whoever that is
Harpy: i would totes use the mermaid
Gooper Blooper: ZUN makes a 2hu, someone who has clout in the 2hu community makes shit up, and it catches on and everyone goes "yeah that sounds about right"
Draco: Patchyplot: Draco steals the Ridley skull and makes another Ridley out of it.
RubyChao: fanon proceeds to build off that and then feed off itself until it's an unstoppable juggernaut
RubyChao: of course sometimes you get things you have to work against
King Celebrity: like sadomasochist tenshi?
RubyChao: like "tenshi is a super-hardcore-masochist​" which doesn't gel with how i play her at all but so much fanart of it
RubyChao: no sado there, jrm
RubyChao: fanon tenshi is all about getting beaten
RubyChao: not doing the beating
King Celebrity: fifty shades of tenshi
Gooper Blooper: it still happens with chao's tenshi, it's just that she hates it :V
Draco: =o
RubyChao: viola misinterprets
RubyChao: lightly swats tenshi
RubyChao: "...I was told you enjoy this." "I don't."
Gooper Blooper: "That is fortunate. I don't think I could bring myself to do that a second time."
Draco: You're swatting the wrong part, Viola.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Viola? Here, read this. *gives Viola a manual*
RubyChao: sine please stop perpetuating the myth
Cornwind Evil: Sine: And stay the hell away from any books or movies about dull colors.
King Celebrity: i keep masochism manuals on hand for the off chance people publicly display their fetishes
RubyChao: well of course
RubyChao: it always pays to be prepared
RubyChao: i mean if someone comes up to you and says "hi can i talk about my raging tentacle fetish" you want to be able to introduce them to a nice squid monster, not leave them high and dry
RubyChao: common courtesy
Gooper Blooper: sine is ready for anything


Draco: Cappy Sarah's getting a new ship. Any naming ideas?
Cornwind Evil: The USS MRRLS
Cornwind Evil: Make Roman Reigns Look Strong
RubyChao: USS Mrgrgr
RubyChao: is bryan making roman look strong yet
RubyChao: also does this mean that when i RP roman I can have him automatically roll 21s on attack
RubyChao: because he's GOTTA LOOK STRONG
Cornwind Evil: If you RP Roman Reigns I am going to go out of my way to make the villains target him
Harpy: wow CW
Harpy: you say that as if Roman Reigns wouldn't also be a villain :U
RubyChao: Rex hires Roman Reigns to run wild over the bar
RubyChao: only DANIEL BRYAN can stop him
Gooper Blooper: Roman Reigns was already in RP
Gooper Blooper: note that he died first
Cornwind Evil: That wasn't Roman Reigns, that was Soloman Vass
King Celebrity: wow, that is an insane picture of Roman now that I know he's a real person
Cornwind Evil: Two completely different people
Cornwind Evil: I couldn't use the picture that I used for Deacon and Malachi for Soloman
RubyChao: why not?
Cornwind Evil: Because it looked way too friendly
Gooper Blooper: Ahh, I was wondering why you didn't keep the theme
Gooper Blooper: I'd been meaning to ask but forgot
King Celebrity: all the hidden backstories revealed here TONIGHT in chatzy!
Cornwind Evil: I can't find the original picture
RubyChao: i can
RubyChao: yeah "BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD" might have been a bit awkward too
King Celebrity: nah, that image is perfect
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, there it is
King Celebrity: you could have given Soloman a big ol shield
King Celebrity: and say he's talking about that
Gooper Blooper: balee dat
Cornwind Evil: It was more that he looked so happy
Cornwind Evil: The Thunder Kings weren't supposed to be happy


(re: Danbooru)

King Celebrity: 19,000 images tagged "Hand on Hip"... and I'M GONNA VIEW EM ALL
King Celebrity: never mind, too much porn!


King Celebrity: im pretty sure I could name a random action and you could find art of a touhou doing it
RubyChao: close enough
Gooper Blooper: Find a touhou using a pogo stick
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Harpy: cirno best
RubyChao: will you accept being the scream
Gooper Blooper: A touhou listening to a phonograph
RubyChao: classiness intensifies
Harpy: what are we even doing anymore
Draco: We're testing Ruby's Tou Kwon Do.


Butts Galore: Man, today I fucked up in the most hilarious way
King Celebrity: was it leaving butts everywhere, hence the name?
Butts Galore: No, it was the time I got a whole group in WoW killed doing absolutely nothing
Butts Galore: I was doing some bonus objectives, and a bunch of Horde players were doing the same
Butts Galore: Problem is I'm a paladin, and we throw out AOE's like its Christmas Morning
Butts Galore: I've also got an AI bodyguard helping me out, because he's the best. He has a tendency to dogpile on things I hit
Butts Galore: So when my fight gets a little too close to that of the Horde players, an AoE dinged one my bodyguard decided to get involved.
Butts Galore: Because hey, I hit an enemy, so now he must kill said enemy
Butts Galore: I tried to distract him with other enemies but once the job was done he just walked right back over to the Horde players and kept whacking them
King Celebrity: my chocobo is just like that in FF14
Butts Galore: So I settled for futilely spamming the "sorry" emote in hopes they wouldn't have any hard feelings.
Butts Galore: Sadly, instead of hard feelings, they all just kinda died. I guess killing one of their players by complete accident made the whole group wipe by lack of manpower.
King Celebrity: my chocobo... is not that effective
Butts Galore: I got the honorable kill achievement and turned into that asshole who kills lower-level players on quests (I was 100, they were 97) by doing absolutely nothng
Butts Galore: All thanks to my boy Tormmok


King Celebrity: a im laughing like such fucking idiot at this picture
Draco: O_O
The Bree Eternal: l-lewd
The Bree Eternal joined the chat
The Bree Eternal: so lewd that chatzy broke
Draco: You could say it... #lewd fucked itself.
King Celebrity: *bans draco for daring to be lewd BI*
Draco cries
The Bree Eternal gently rocks Draco

The Bree Eternal: shhhh, hush now babby
The Bree Eternal: anyway I am exhausted and so I must go to bed. good night, my frands
King Celebrity: night bree!
The Bree Eternal: Jumpropeman, stop picking on Draco, if I find out you made him cry again I will ground you :I
The Bree Eternal: and take away your Bad Rats and your Cory in the House
The Bree Eternal: I expect you two kids to get along while mama bree is gone
King Celebrity: >:I
King Celebrity: *sneaks out of timeout*
King Celebrity: good, bree is gone, now i can pick on draco again!
King Celebrity: Draco, you are a Hugh Jackman wannabe and that's all you'll ever wanna be!


Tableter: HE
SteelKomodo: HAS
Tableter: NO
SteelKomodo: STYLE
Tableter: HE
SteelKomodo: HAS
Harpy: NO
SteelKomodo: GRACE
Harpy: THIS
SteelKomodo: KONG
Tableter: HAS
SteelKomodo: A
Tableter: FUNNY
SteelKomodo: FACE
Tableter: Goops comes in and is like "fuck not again"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Tableter: Speak of the devil
Tableter: Sup gewp
Gooper Blooper: TheRide.txt
Tableter: It does not end


The Sad Onion: Is that two perfect Lanky's in a row?
SteelKomodo: yes
The Sad Onion: Man one day we gotta get three
The Sad Onion: The HE-at Trick


Gooper Blooper: ​9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABA​AD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLC​goLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJ​CIfIiEmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExN​Dk7Pj4+JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2​wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoO​zs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7O​zs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7O​zs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARC​AEsASwDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAG​wABAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​AUGAgMEBwH/xABJEAABAwMCA​wYCBwQGCAcBAQABAAIDBAURE​iEGMUETIlFhcYGRoRQyQlKxw​dEHFSNiFkRUcpPhJCUzQ4KSo​rI0U2Nz0vDxNcL/xAAaAQEAA​wEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEB​QEG/8QALhEAAgIBBAEDAwIGA​wAAAAAAAAECAxEEEiExQRMiU​RQyYTNSBSNCcYGRobHB/9oAD​AMBAAIRAxEAPwD2ZERAEREAR​EQBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQ​BERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBE​RAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBERA​EREAREQBERAEREAREQBERAER​EAREQBERAEREAREQBERAEREA​REQBERAEREAREQBERAEREARE​QBERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQB​ERAEREAREQBERAEREAREQBER​AEREAREQBERAEREAREQBERAE​REARF8QH1F8ytU9VBTRl88zI​2+LnYQG1CVW6zjKkiOmlidOf​vHutXIeN3mMgUbQ/Gx17Kl31​rjJS761xktcs8ULC+WRrGjmX​HChqriy3w7Ra5z/ACjA+ap9R​XVt1qw0mSoldyjZyHt0XT+5u​wANzuEVIXcoY+/IfYKh3zl9i​4KfXsm8VomXcZuz3KLb+aTf8​Ftg4xhecT0r2ebXAqIZb7Njd​l1f/No0/jhYvttqdhsNynpHn​kKxmGk+vL5qtW2ZwpJ/6Pdmq​XJO1fFtOwAUsTpXH73dAXCOM​KvSc00WehydlGxWKufXw0szM​RSnJni7zC0c8HotslNw29zm/​S5bfoP15ngCUAkHGeu3r5KWb​5c5wVJ6ifOcHXHxbXa+/HA4e​ABH5qbpuI7fNTdrJL2JHNjty​Pgq5HR0F1jngttDJT1EEYkhf​I/eYZwcjp7+IXJDa7nUTGKOi​la4fWMg0tHv1TfdD8jffW/kt​p4mtg27R59GLspLrRVmBDO0u​+6dj8FTv3FO12h9zoGSH/dl+​656qirbY9pqYtDSe7NGctJ9e​i99a6PMo8EvWuhzKPB6KCiq9​l4icHNpq5+QdmSn8CrO0g7ha​q7I2LKNVdkbFlGSIisLAiIgC​IiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIi​AIixc4NGTsB4oA54aCXEADqV​B1nF9tpXljC+dwOD2Y2HuVXO​JuInV0z6aneW0rCQSD/ALQ/o​uGmtH+iisuNUKGmP1cjvO9ll​ldJvbAySulKW2tFiPHMZBxQu​93quXC5VN2rA+XJc9wbHG3kM​8gP1W11FZjs241kJ+/LFlv4b​LoZHR2JsUmmKvq5SXskDgGtY​OoO/iqnvn2+CE67pcT6PkVg7​BklRdalrIIhlzIHEuz4Hb8F8​it9orZhBSV9RTTYJMU7N8Dnz​xvjfmoqSV5qn1NSAZHuLnd44​OTkA+ONsZ8FnTimrLlTwTyhh​L9ZDn41nfDG+u+fIHxVcrK48​KJZCmtvakd12vtHw5a2GkD4o​JHaWyMA7aoPUgn6rcdfhjmtt​PXsdTskpY+ybM0O1Hd5BGdyd​1jf6GjuAgiqoRJ2LtbRnGD7d​FC368/uWjZJFC2SSR2ljXbNA​HPOFz52yvxFd/Hg6sIRguCcM​mrckk+ZWMk7YonPe4MY0ZcTy​wuagnfW0MFS6PszKwOLfDKwu​1QKaiw6NkglPZkOfpGCOfJZV​W3PaWN4WTbQ3ushMkdslhjp3​DAMrXEB3i1u2Pj7LlFQ2lfh2​Hlu2Hbg+ahXXOKlAZJNqkIBI​bv7o270072sM2l7uQcMey6rU​9qXhHNmpTeX0TXbxYdUue5pD​CNYkc3SPYqx01TVSWSCS7yPj​jiiAMTXHVIehcdjk/d6Z6qv2​CibXXAvkAdBS4cW/ek5ge3P4​KcuNT2kgjG4acnzKy2aiUFsT​L6KvLNLpzLEGupoIgfsNjBx7​9SttPNPRgiH+PTOGJKSTdrh/​Ln6p+R+a5Q5ZteW7jKyQushL​dFmxwTWGYVtHHTtiqqNxfQVB​xGSN4nfcKsfDNzdPE6kmdqki​GWE8y3/AC2UNQtZUPqbYdo65​hkiH3ZmjJPuMH2K5bRWvo6+G​Y93B0yD5FdmuxJxsj0zhWw+n​uWOmehZX1Yt3AWS6htCIiAIi​IAiIgCIiAIiIAiIgCIiAIiID​4VXuL7m6itogidpkqDpyOYb1​/RWErzri6sNRepGg5bTt0D15​n5n5Km6e2BRfPbA47NSxT1El​VUgfRaRut
Gooper Blooper: good lord what
SteelKomodo dies
Gooper Blooper: well that didn't URL correctly


Gooper Blooper: Lemme tell you a goopsmom anecdote
Harpy: now, biochemistry legitimately kicked my shit in and because I put in a lot of effort, I got an A with like 4 other girls in the class
Harpy: biochem don't fuck around ya'll
Harpy: (this was in spite of shit grades apparently)
Gooper Blooper: Was it an all-girl class or did no guys get As
Harpy: apparently no guys got As; the teacher only asked those who got As in her class to help tutor other students taking the class
Harpy: and they were all gals
Gooper Blooper: oh those men, so dumb
Gooper Blooper: ...wait
Gooper Blooper: SO ANYWAY
SteelKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: Back around early 2012 Goopsmom was taking an online college class
Harpy: you men, so smart, but biochem ain't somethin to fuck around with like a sex toy bruthah
Gooper Blooper: This class's teacher was very strange
Gooper Blooper: Particularly, she made her tests and quizzes "closed book" despite being online, and sternly told the students in a message before the test that they couldn't use their textbooks
Harpy: what
Gooper Blooper: Because this teacher couldn't magically hack my mom's laptop to spy on her with the built in webcam, she used her book anyway
Harpy: betting 80% of the class used textbooks anyway because HOW SHE GONNA KNOW EH
Gooper Blooper: But they DID have a measure of enforcing it: strict time limits
Harpy: ow
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom quickly realized she simply wouldn't have time to look up the answers
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: But then when messing around with Google, she found out that every test was lifted from an online teacher's resource
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom was able to look up the answers on this resource
SteelKomodo: oh shit son
Harpy: fucked
Tableter: Welp
Gooper Blooper: So what she wound up doing was that she took the quiz, printed out the questions, marked the answers, gave me the papers, and I sat with her while she took the tests and looked up the questions for her
Harpy: breakin da law
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: This was 2012, remember, and Goopsmom had read Zoofights 6, so she had a specific zoofighter in mind during all this
Harpy: >​goopsmom read zoofights
Gooper Blooper: She loved Hardcore Prawn and adopted "Cheat To Win" as her slogan for the class
Harpy: mom of the year 2012
Gooper Blooper: (she thought the Zoofights 6 final's twist was absolutely hilarious)
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: CW's gonna hate her now :U
Gooper Blooper: yeah, I shared Zoofights 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 with her, as well as the first two big bar brawls
Gooper Blooper: her favorite RP characters are Gezora and Widow Maker
Harpy: CW not allowed to hate on goopsmom :I
SteelKomodo: yay


Cornwind Evil: No accounting for taste
Gooper Blooper: lel


Gooper Blooper: *toot*
SteelKomodo: "Who the hell came up with this idea?!"
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: I looked in my sarahkin folder for a reaction to "NO SNACKING" and instead
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Tableter: Can't wait for the debut of tootsephine
The Sad Onion joined the chat
SteelKomodo: neither can I


The Sad Onion joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: hi spy
The Sad Onion: Sup a-
The Sad Onion sees Goops' post
The Sad Onion: Well shit guess I can't be in here anymore
SteelKomodo: why?
Gooper Blooper: Only if you're under 4
Gooper Blooper: Older sad onions welcome


Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, forgot to show harpy this
Harpy: that actually happens and I love it
Harpy: happens with giant fucking ores and giant fuckin trees
Harpy: both of which have shifting weak points


Gooper Blooper is MSPainting and laughing to self
Harpy: oh no
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
The Sad Onion: oooooooooh nooooooooo
Harpy: hey a sophia profile i did in 2013
Harpy: *distractions!*
Gooper Blooper: speaking of sophia
Harpy: CASUAL~
Gooper Blooper: but that's not all!
Gooper Blooper: I also drew an alternate costume!
Harpy: Xavier is outright terrified of this sophia
Harpy: i'm canonizing that for whenever Sophia wants to kick ass as a girly girl or as Kogasa's special helper friend
Harpy: also i love how the farther away from a maid outfist she is, the happier she seems to be
Gooper Blooper: The first two at least make sense
Gooper Blooper: she clearly isn't very thrilled at having to be Gluttony's maid
Gooper Blooper: secret ribbon loves
Harpy: clearly Lilah stuffed her in there and told her to act happy like a fairy
Harpy: "I WILL MAKE YOU PRETTY, SOPHIE" "As if I'll ever be pretty with this burn wound on my hip. >​_>​ "
Gooper Blooper: a mere hip wound cannot stop a kobber from looking fabulous
Harpy: she's got a buncha scars from fights, probably a bit more from fights done offseason
Harpy: then again so does alex and sarah loves him to pieces
Gooper Blooper: yes
Harpy: to reeses pieces


Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: dirk and josephine doing Millions of Dollars
SteelKomodo: the best mental image, goops
SteelKomodo: I will help you achieve it


RubyChao: so question for goops
RubyChao: is sephine a #butts woman
RubyChao: sure seems like it, lel
Gooper Blooper: it hasn't come up
Gooper Blooper: but it does seem terribly likely doesn't it
Gooper Blooper: just remembered Dirk talked up his own butt in 2012
Gooper Blooper: we even got a butt chart
SteelKomodo: indeed you did
SteelKomodo: i still wonder what I smoked to make that
SteelKomodo: ...better make Dirk do a lot of squat thrusts and lunges and that kinda stuff
SteelKomodo: just in case the sephine is indeed a #Butts gal
SteelKomodo: #Dirk He's probably been doing it already lel
Gooper Blooper: well he already seems to have the required squeezities
SteelKomodo: he's trying to get equal percentages in each :U


(Concerning a wrestling-themed plot for Season 5)

RubyChao: so how fast do you think tenshi will book herself in an effort to gain some fame and applause
RubyChao: (and then she ends up booked as a heel)
Breeternity: Tenshi is booked as a heel and goes face thanks to Viola influence
Gooper Blooper: the smug, self-centered heel who does the job to send the crowd home happy
Gooper Blooper: "they like it when you lose"
Breeternity: basically a rehash of Season 4 except in wrestling
Breeternity: also, Viola as ringside babe
SteelKomodo: ...oh god
SteelKomodo: Jewel and Crash doing the "Millions of Dollars" thing
Gooper Blooper: sephine accompanying Dirk to the ring
The Sad Onion: No, you guys
Breeternity: ...IDK the actual term, but you know, the hot chick who comes out with the wrestler and just loiters around the ring giving "encouragement" AKA being sexy :U
The Sad Onion: We're forgetting the most important person
Gooper Blooper: Valet
RubyChao: Gooper Blooper: "they like it when you lose"
SteelKomodo: ...also yiss
The Sad Onion: Tyrannoclaw
RubyChao: oh god imagine tenshi's inner conflict
RubyChao:'re right
SteelKomodo: yiss Tyrannoclaw
RubyChao: but i mean imagine tenshi
RubyChao: "Fame or winning? FAME OR WINNING!?"
RubyChao: locks up, viola has to do something to get her out of it
The Sad Onion: Do both
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi's excuse for leaving the fed later is that she likes fame AND winning
Breeternity: Tenshi's epic first win is during a plot wherein she must defend Viola's honor
RubyChao: viola cornered by half the federation
RubyChao: tenshi knocks them ALL out
RubyChao: by herself


RubyChao: so i've come up with tenshi's full name
RubyChao: Tenshi F. Hinanawi
RubyChao: the F stands for Flat

1 comment:

  1. >Goops mom read two of the Big Bar Brawls

    I'm so honored ; o ;
