Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 184: Tender Vengeance

Cornwind Evil: "All the most iconic covers are full of weird unexplained shit. Who's the terrified guy Spider-Man is carrying? Why is Superman destroying a car and terrifying everyone? If laser beams and rocket launcher haven't done the trick why does Iceman think that snowballs will - and where the hell is Beast swinging from?"
Cornwind Evil: "I googled "comic book cover backstory", and didn't get anything useful except for this picture"
SteelKomodo: batman
SteelKomodo: batman why did you drop that acid
SteelKomodo: batman take off the hat and stop talking to those flowers
SteelKomodo: BATMAN D:
Cornwind Evil: ........I guess Afterlife With Archie was decades in the making
Cornwind Evil: Del actually posted some of these panels earlier
Cornwind Evil: Now I'm posting others
SteelKomodo: BETTY NO D:
SteelKomodo: man, Riverdale is just full of backstabbing, treachery and vore
Cornwind Evil: His father may not yell at him, but The Spectre will make sure he faces retribution for his terrible grades.
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
RubyChao: link 1
RubyChao: link 2
SteelKomodo: "you're a weenie"
SteelKomodo: really, may? that the best you could come up with?
Cornwind Evil: Ah, Fletcher Hanks....boy do you deserve the legacy you got
Cornwind Evil: I was wrong Chao
Cornwind Evil: This is the actual story of Stardust
Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil:
SteelKomodo: wtf is going on with Stardust's torso there
SteelKomodo: Adventures of GOD-MAN
SteelKomodo: this is what this basically is
SteelKomodo: Stardust just quirks an eyebrow and bam, problem solved
Cornwind Evil: Stardust was done entirely by one man: written, drawn, etc
Cornwind Evil: It was comics' earliest days and there was no rules
SteelKomodo: i can tell :U
Cornwind Evil: I have to wonder...does this count as an UNUSUAL day for Thor?
SteelKomodo: I know I should say something about Thor's attitude here
SteelKomodo: but I keep being distracted by that incredibly blatant crotch-shot of Susan
SteelKomodo: seriously, was that really necessary?
Cornwind Evil: I imagine this is what it would be like if Wulf and Sheep wrote a comic together
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha


RubyChao: have i mentioned that metroid prime is a good game and everyone should try it?
RubyChao: because metroid prime is a good game and everyone should try it
RubyChao totally not biased


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: there is a poison-spewing fountain in this room
Bree: yes
Bree: duh

(brief pause)

RubyChao: update: jumping in the poison fountain did not help
RubyChao: i am surprised


Tableter: I started a new run of darkest dungeon
Tableter: Erebus, dirk, sarah and david are currently exploring some ruims and fighting skeletons
Tableter: For the major failure estate
Gooper Blooper: that's a winning team right there
iKomodo: Hahaha
Tableter: Spoilers they will go mad and die
Gooper Blooper: but the question is
Gooper Blooper: will dirk start hitting on sarah
Gooper Blooper: she's the only girl there, he needs something
Tableter: Im gonna hire more people and some will be girls
Bree: one of them should be sephine
Tableter: One may be a sephine
Gooper Blooper: well I'm sure she'd want a piece of MF's confederate stasg
Gooper Blooper: *stash
iKomodo: *sephine
Tableter: There's also a brothel so Dirk's okay
iKomodo: XD
Bree: dirk trollin for some fat-bottom girls
Gooper Blooper: the brothel is run by Morgan and Lily
iKomodo: Yisssss
Gooper Blooper: now I imagined Lily with a notepad jotting down important details like a waitress
Gooper Blooper: mental images pls
Bree: dirk likes his hoes like he likes his boygas: meaty
Harpy: Tina approves fullheartedly
Harpy: but where would he like the meat
Gooper Blooper: double triple bossy deluxe etc
Gooper Blooper: where would dirk like his meat
Gooper Blooper: hmmmmmmmmmmm
Bree: bring dat meat round da back
Tableter: There's also gambling and boozing
Tableter: Theres also an abbey for people who aren't into that for some reason
Gooper Blooper: Del brings a Darkest Dungeon character to season 5, looks around and goes "well this is pretty much just like back home"


Bree: all right guys I gotta go, I'm going over to Blue's
Bree: nite dufes
Tableter: Nite bree
Tableter: Stay cool
Harpy: see ya
Bree: stay british, britbros
Gooper Blooper: bye bree
Bree: the rest of y'all stay...whatever
Bree: something
Bree: idk


King Vamlumtimes joined the chat
King Vamlumtimes: HO HO HO


King Vamlumtimes: Metroid Other M PINBALL
King Vamlumtimes: you need authorization to use the left flipper


(Alex pops the question to Sarah)

Harpy: i show ivel the pic
Harpy: "i guess i'll have to save this for later"
Gooper Blooper: saralex irl


Gooper Blooper: whew, found it
Gooper Blooper: was looking for a couple old pics
Gooper Blooper: thanks, zoofights forum archive
King Vamlumtimes: my favorite old forum picture is CLICK AND DISCOVER IMAGESHACK


Cornwind Evil: I just found an Ariel on Mafia Wars
Cornwind Evil: Fittingly when I tried to kill her she was already dead
Gooper Blooper: haaa
Cornwind Evil: Oh wait she's alive again!
Cornwind Evil: ....and now I just killed her and stole her money
Gooper Blooper: jesus, she really IS ariel
Gooper Blooper: dies, revives, dies, bad things happen


King Vamlumtimes: I wish I didn't kill off AAAaaaaugh the Rat. I have so many great RP ideas for him now D:
Gooper Blooper: There were other rats, you can use those
Gooper Blooper: names were less catchy though
King Vamlumtimes: The pain. The PAAAAAAAAAIN just doesn't have the same ring to it though
Gooper Blooper: how about an AAAaaaaugh revival plot?
King Vamlumtimes: AAAaaaaugh is alive
King Vamlumtimes: for some reason I almost drew a picture of AAAaaaaugh the rat
King Vamlumtimes: im trying to remember why
Draco: To go with Ringabel the Hedgehog.


Namwulf: God fucking dammit how the hell did I forget Long Tall Sally (the clothing store) existed
Namwulf: They even have not shit shoes in huge sizes
Namwulf: "Sale: $239"
Namwulf: Okay yeah that's why I forgot


Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between Golden Concerto and Witch. Chatzy chose: Witch
Harpy: guess i'll be finish up writing stuff about a witch and a giant
Harpy: but the real question is
Draco: Harpy, if you didn't eat chocolate, I'd suspect you were Ivel pretending to be Harpy.
King Vamlumtimes asked Chatzy to choose between scratch right side of neck and write 5 part series on shimmer. Chatzy chose: write 5 part series on shimmer
King Vamlumtimes: ...
King Vamlumtimes: *scratches right side of neck*
Gooper Blooper: >​asking chatzy and including options you don't want chosen
King Vamlumtimes asked Chatzy to choose between pick option i want chosen and pick option i don't want chosen. Chatzy chose: pick option i don't want chosen
Gooper Blooper: see? Never a good idea


King Vamlumtimes: all you need to know about canada is that the people are delicious


Bree: Amity is made of - this is the very technical term used in my notes - "science goop"
Bree: unlike Lisa, she is not blueberry jam blue stuff filled with nanomachines
Compcrash Ven McPseudowriter: So if one extrapolates that, one could potentially call a goop based being a Gooper. :b So if one made one in error, it would be a Gooper Blooper. So- Amity/Teshni is Goops' less evolved cousin.
Compcrash Ven McPseudowriter: And Goops knows so much of Pokemon because he's a Ditto from The Dawn of Time.
Bree: heh
Compcrash Ven McPseudowriter: IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW


RubyChao: steam why are you not working
RubyChao: what did i do to deserve this, gaben


Del: hi wulf~
Saberwulf: Yo
Saberwulf: Imagine that yo with hearts and shit
Del: hahaha
Del: i am imagining all the hearts
Saberwulf: RIP Del I don't remember your birthdate-2015 "Skeletons are your friends" eaten by hearts
Del: i won't have a grave, just a seat for my skeleton, jauntily sitting there with my 3ds in my hands
Saberwulf: Perfect
Del: "free mr skeltal"


iKomodo: Dirksephine 2Lewd
RubyChao: i think we can assume at least one couple is friggle fraggling
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: they are probably still at it, in fact
Bree: it's weird, Saralex is so cute and sweet and innocent-seeming, I can't imagine them boinking ever :U
Gooper Blooper: That was a LOT of chocolate
RubyChao: oh jeez goops
iKomodo: GOOPS PLS
RubyChao: dirk's like "...can't we finish this later?"
Bree: idk about Pitsuho, it seems like Okuu would have no idea what she's doing so Pit would have to patiently instruct her through the entire process
Gooper Blooper: It's hard for me to imagine much intimacy with Saralex either, Bree. They're very much a cuddle couple
iKomodo: i can't imagine Pit knowing what to do either, bree :U
Gooper Blooper: oh god just had a mental image
Bree: except Pit is also kind of nerve-wracked and has no idea what he's doing :U ... lol 2slow
iKomodo: Dirk: :/
RubyChao: clearly they get naked and are like ", what now?"
Bree: but he knows what he's doing more than Okuu because SHE'S A BIRD, PIT
iKomodo: What, goops?
Gooper Blooper: Dirk takes a break, while he's doing so Josephine eats more chocolate
Gooper Blooper: "I was hungry" "fuck" "exactly"
Bree: lel
iKomodo: Dirk: little tease~
Bree: josephine confirmed a lascivious minx
Bree: minxsephine


Gooper Blooper: for spy
GrumpSpy: Pfffffffffft
GrumpSpy: This is amazing
LessGrumpSpy: It's the large, malicious presentation this eve


RubyChao: sudden mental image
RubyChao: pit busy designing a business card for himself for people who don't recognize him as "that actor guy"
RubyChao: he has to step out of the room, dirk comes in and changes it to "Professional Birdfucker", pit notices and slaps him
LessGrumpSpy: Pitoful Boyfriend
LessGrumpSpy: . . . Wait that just sounds depressing
Legion: Absorutery pitoful. D:
iKomodo: Dirk PLS


RockCandyGuy: *watching Godzilla...the newest one*
RockCandyGuy: *guy says "Guess we're Monster Hunters*
RockCandyGuy: what a beautiful weekend
Draco flips a Monster Hunter.


Gooper Blooper: did you know that sarah is short


Tableter: I chased a butler through a labyrinth and he gave me a pig mask


Saberwulf: Okay so The Holy Mountain is without a doubt the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life
SteelKomodo: ...come again, wulf?
Gooper Blooper: >​wulf saying something is the weirdest thing she's ever seen
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Saberwulf: Jesus and a chilean quadruple amputee just took part in exploding a table of frogs and chameleons that represented the invasion of Cortez, and now they're having a drinking contest with roman soldiers and one of the guys is sitting inside a dead cow
SteelKomodo: what the shitting christ
SteelKomodo: did i just read
Saberwulf: Mind you this came out of nowhere because the movie started with a satanic priest turning two dolled up women into buddhist priestesses while throat singing music played
RubyChao: what
Saberwulf: The entire thing's a commentary on wealth and commercialization of religious traditions and also the gentrification of South Americans
SteelKomodo: ...that's out of nowhere?!
Saberwulf: I'd heard Jodorowsky was out there but holy fucking hell
SteelKomodo stares at cider next to him.
SteelKomodo: never again
Gooper Blooper: *drinks he-SUBVERTED
SteelKomodo: ...oh, fuck it *drinks heavily*
Saberwulf: A shot from the film I just took
Saberwulf: Mind you real jesus is screaming in agony at the moment
Harpy: oh jesus what
Saberwulf: And yes those are potatoes
Gooper Blooper: jesus tater convention yesiree mhmm yessum


Doctor Bree: who will be the flower girl this time :U
RubyChao: PATCHY
RubyChao: (no. it's not patchy.)
Gooper Blooper: patchy blows on the flowers to make them scatter instead of throwing them
Harpy: dorcha makes it rain flowers
RubyChao: oh patchy, you and your desire to expend the least amount of physical effort possible
RubyChao: she wouldn't even blow on them she'd probably just use magic to scatter them
Doctor Bree: if nobody else claims the coveted title of flower girl, it's totally gonna be Amity
Harpy: i approve
RubyChao: also, tragically, utsuho's actual dad isn't gonna walk her down the aisle. mostly because he is a bird, and doesn't really care about human customs. and also he is a bird.
RubyChao: #burds
Gooper Blooper: a burb, pip
Doctor Bree: okuuparents are present at the ceremony, in a gilded birdcage :U
Doctor Bree: okuu carries it down the aisle, grinning like a moron
RubyChao: hahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: do it
Gooper Blooper: MEET THE PARENTS
Gooper Blooper: *caw*
Doctor Bree: dirk, standing beside pit as his best man, literally has his mouth duck-taped shut
RubyChao: satori's probably gonna take the role of mother of the bride but i was definitely going to have birdparents show up as honored guests
Doctor Bree: he's making "mmmhmmhmmhmhm" noises that probably translate to "A BIRD, PIT" over and over again
RubyChao: so you guys are simply reinforcing it
Doctor Bree: clearly okuu carries the birdcage in one hand and links arms with satori with the other
RubyChao: ...sudden thought
RubyChao: okuudad making cawing noises to okuumom
RubyChao: "What're your parents saying?" "Lemme see..."
RubyChao: it turns out it's something like "AN ANGEL, HONEY" "Calm down, dear."
Harpy: oh my goodness


Del: this exists
Gooper Blooper: I once was introduced to a dubstep song made using the "are you feeling it now Mr Krabs" sequence from Spongebob
Gooper Blooper: I still have the link, but tragically the song was removed
SteelKomodo: it does
Del: hahaha


RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: don't you love it when you think "this music would be good for something" and then oh hey it was here in this folder i forgot about
Gooper Blooper: My music setup is organized enough that I don't have forgotten folders
RubyChao: >​don't have forgotten folders
RubyChao: what... what is it like


Lord Gluttony: "you're worth as much as a cockroach's dick" DAYUM
Cornwind Evil: Do cockroaches even HAVE anything resembling...?
Lord Gluttony: i assume they do have some form of frick frackle mechanism
Lord Gluttony: because otherwise why would there be so many and so disgusting and lajdljsldkjfalsdjkf
Lord Gluttony freaks out about roaches
RubyChao: roaches don't really bug me but tbh that's probably a defense mechanism
RubyChao: because i've run into so many over the years that if i freaked out about them i'd be flipping out all the time at home
RubyChao: so at this point it's like "eh. hi there. don't fuck with me and we're good"
Lord Gluttony: i silently look at one
Lord Gluttony: and then i smash it with a statistics book


Gooper Blooper: Bazza87: I got a Terry's Chocolate Orange
Miarenoko: Nice, Bazza.
Rudesemprini: I got a rock.


Gooper Blooper: "In some societies, a couple’s wedding night is very much a family occasion."
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: *sarahkin all gather around bed with Sarah and Alex in it*
Gooper Blooper: Sarah: ...What?


Gooper Blooper: Seizethediseasestd: sarah will you marry m3eeeeeeeeee?
RubyChao: alex please
Gooper Blooper: Alex has quite the twitch username
Gooper Blooper: Seizethediseasestd: HI mooooooooooom im on Tv twitch TV
Lord Gluttony: alex are you okay
Tableter: Alex is very drunk right now
Tableter: Jonesy gave him some of her finest whiskeys
Tableter: Whiskii


(Ivel opens three packs of Pokemon cards in chat)

Ivel Knight: oh no
Ivel Knight: I now know how Goops feels when he gets packs :U
Gooper Blooper: what feel is that? The feel of "now I want more"?
Ivel Knight: Good thing I don't have the money for it :D
Gooper Blooper: lel
Draco: Take Harpy's lava cake money and buy Pogeymans with it.
Ivel Knight: she'd destroy me unless I got a Cleffa
Ivel Knight: not worth it
Draco: Coward Smart lad.


RubyChao: i think the best description of critikal i read was
RubyChao: "critikal is proof that it's possible to talk in all lowercase"
Ivel Knight: pffff
Ivel Knight: brilliant


iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo joined the chat

iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo joined the chat
iKomodo joined the chat

RubyChao: holy fuck
RubyChao: you okay there sk
iKomodo: My net just threw a massive hissy fit


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: for...
RubyChao: ...huh.
RubyChao: i was going to make a joke about me doing/writing something stupid, but i think i ran out.
RubyChao sits there awkwardly.
Gluttony: draw us a thing
RubyChao: >​me
RubyChao: >​draw
RubyChao: :I
Gluttony: do it~
Gooper Blooper: chao mspaints tenshi and utsuho
RubyChao: i think this turned into sherlock holmes somewhere along the way
Gluttony: amazing
Gooper Blooper: is
Gooper Blooper: is that supposed to be tenshi
RubyChao: i think it started as tenshi
RubyChao: then it turned into a detective
RubyChao: there was a third character along the way
RubyChao: i saved this as "this is the limits of my artistic ability" because it's true
Gluttony: i have drawings somewhere but i won't show nobody :U
RubyChao: they're better than mine!
Gluttony: how would you know
RubyChao: because look at what i can draw
Gluttony: do you know how bad i am at birbs
RubyChao: can you honestly say it's possible to have less good looking art than that
Gooper Blooper: You've shown us a few of your pics before harpy
RubyChao: no harpy
Gluttony: yes
RubyChao: because i haven't seen your birbs
Gooper Blooper: they were in fact better than Chao's Accidental Detective
Gluttony: i mean look at all these kids around the age of 5
RubyChao: okay
RubyChao: can you say it's possible for people around the age of 20
Gluttony: i can't draw birbs with mouse
Gluttony: people with no hand-eye coordination
Gluttony: (sorry dudes)
RubyChao catches on fire from the burn
RubyChao: sure!
Gooper Blooper: the lord is actually really easy to draw
Gooper Blooper: just make a vaguely humanoid blob with eldritch tentacles emerging from it
Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil: BEHOLD
RubyChao: ...okay, yeah
Gooper Blooper: CW pls
RubyChao: no offense CW
RubyChao: but i'm pretty sure even Accidental Detective beats that
Cornwind Evil: Wanna know the worst part?
Cornwind Evil: That picture's years old
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna draw sarah
Gooper Blooper: with my left hand on the mouse
Gooper Blooper: and without zooming in on paint
Gooper Blooper: let's see what happens
RubyChao: that isn't the worst part, cw!
Cornwind Evil: To be fair, this came from something that never materialized
RubyChao: that's the part where you compare it to you of now and how you can improve!
Cornwind Evil: Where a better-drawn Lord made fun of me and I turned him into a stick figure as punishment
Cornwind Evil: But that was me actually trying to draw a stick figure
Gluttony: are you guys ready for birb
Gluttony: why is there extra space, i never asked for this, MSPaint
Gluttony: whatever
RubyChao: IT'S OKUU
Gluttony: no, that's not even okuu
Gluttony: i will draw okuu 4 u
Gooper Blooper: okay here it is
Gooper Blooper: sarah drawn with my left hand
Cornwind Evil: In another timeline, SARAH was possessed by the Lord
Draco: Masterpiece.
Gluttony: ow
RubyChao: my original character Larah
iKomodo: Sarah no D:
Gluttony: okuuuu


Cornwind Evil tries to use the washroom
Cornwind Evil finds his cat drinking out of the toilet, blocking it off.

Cornwind Evil: Everything is just not going my way.


RubyChao: this weekend i need to delve back into someordinarygamers
RubyChao: emerge with the shitty creepypasta between my teeth, ripped out as the monster tried to break my spine for my intrusion on its domain
RubyChao: i may be playing this up a lil' bit
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: well if what the creepypastas say are true you really are risking your life every time you browse the site
Gooper Blooper: or play online
Gooper Blooper: or play offline
Gooper Blooper: or go outside, or buy something, or eat something
Gooper Blooper: or breathe
RubyChao: or live at all
Gooper Blooper: but dying isn't safe either
Gooper Blooper: if you die the skeleton inside you is freed
RubyChao: so basically by ever beginning to exist you doomed yourself to horror
Gooper Blooper: and it's all your fault
SteelKomodo: don't forget to thank mr skeltal


RubyChao: why does this make me think of celestia


Gluttony: "i need to get more sugar this weekend; i'm running out" "but i'm here" "you can't even fit in my cup and that'd be weird" "but i've been on plenty of teacup rides!"
Gluttony: ivel plz
Gooper Blooper: sugar from ivel won't sweeten your tea
Gluttony: it sweetens the river of tea that is called life
Gluttony: ...this is a very gluttony-esque thing to say and that worries me
Gooper Blooper: :3


(Spy is doing the Favorite Pokemon Picker)

Patman Spy: This s getting tough as heck


Gluttony: i completely forgot about this Tenshi lookalike from this MMO i play
Gooper Blooper: yeah, I see tenshi there
SteelKomodo: that is very Tenshi
RubyChao: yeah that's totally tenshi
Harpy: tenshi apparently plays Mabinogi
RubyChao: skirt, hat, hair, all perfect
RubyChao: BlueEmpress returns
Gooper Blooper: good news: chao uses one of those pics to represent tenshi
Gooper Blooper: bad news: it's the top right one and he uses it all the time
RubyChao: goops please


RubyChao: "No "lost episode" pastas."
RubyChao: creepypasta wiki burying lost episodes


RubyChao: by the way, goops, i'm curious
RubyChao: what is ariel's opinion on ceos who only care about money and nothing else
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: that is not my answer to chao's question
RubyChao: ariel too distracted by butts
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's reaction
RubyChao: excellent
Gooper Blooper: gee
Gooper Blooper: *stares at las vegas*
Gooper Blooper: this couldn't possibly be important
RubyChao: yeah, i'm just asking for my hypothetical plot
RubyChao: if only it fit the setting
RubyChao: if only


(GB pulls a Blissey from a pack of Korean Pokemon cards)

Bree: omg Blissey card
Gooper Blooper: This is the english version of the blissey I got
Gooper Blooper: that first attack is thematically amazing
Bree: gentle murder
Bree: loving homicide
RubyChao: you're right that's the most blissey attack
RubyChao: affectionate revenge
RubyChao: kind slaughter


RubyChao: now the chatzy is mine
RubyChao: ALL MINE
RubyChao renames chatzy from King of Beasts Casual Chat to Emperor Ruby's Chaosual Chat
RubyChao: wait, maybe King Ruby's would sound better
RubyChao: the hard decisions
Gooper Blooper: expect to get challenged by JRM if you go for King
Bree: God-Dictator Ruby
Bree: Supreme Overlord Ruby
RubyChao: ooh, i like that one
RubyChao: supreme overlord it is
Bree: or maybe senior librarian hmm


Gooper Blooper: I made a new blog post
Harpy: poor ariel, so much death
Harpy: at least she'll fit right in with the shit things that will happen then she dies to Envy D:
Harpy: (jokin' there)
Harpy: (...*knocks on wood* )
Gooper Blooper: we shall see about that
Bree: aw yiss a post about #TheBest sarahkin
Bree: I hope to see epic Ariel-Melody teamups in Season 5
Harpy: but... sarah :C
Bree: okay okay all the sarahkin are best sarahkin
RubyChao: but... gloria :I


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: do people want more Tenshipics
Bree: yes
Bree: always more Tenshipics
Bree: Tenshipics are the very foundation of reality and if you ever stop posting Tenshipics the cosmos will unravel like a frayed sweater
RubyChao: well too bad
RubyChao: tenshi_and_viola.jpg
Bree: burying her face in those nonexistent boobs
RubyChao: you gotta wonder what happened in between
Gooper Blooper: don't forget the obligatory Tenshi Eating Something
RubyChao: good god tenshi that's a bit of a big meal
Harpy: oh, you took tenshi to mcdonalds~


Del: rumors are that the predator will be in mortal kombat ten
Gooper Blooper: they better put the alien in there too then :V
Del: also todd mcfarlane has given permission for them to use spawn
Del: as if spawn was ever relevant at any time ever
Del: cyrax and nicky-poo have also been hinted at
Harpy: i love how far Rain is ruined
Harpy: so much that i am pretty sure if anyone here got a MK game and read the names of peeps on char select, we would imitate stella's voice and be like "NIIIICKYPOOOOO~~~~"
Gooper Blooper: but how can I imitate stel-stel if I don't know what she sounds like
Harpy: do the most girlish voice you can do
Harpy: that's stel-stel
Gooper Blooper: also that would be #TheBest, every character you choose has the usual gruff voice announcing them and then you pick Rain and it's Stella
Harpy: as empress she also has the anime noblewoman voice but that's completely different! :U
SteelKomodo: back
SteelKomodo: "Rai-" "NICKY POOOOO~" "...That's it, I quit."
Gooper Blooper: *Rain wins a match* "OOH, OOH, QUICK! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! You know, the uh, the button combo death thing!"
Harpy: before the match starts Stella is giving him pep talk and kisses and cutesy bullshit
Harpy: "hey lady we're in the middle of-" *Stella shoots opponent in the head* "I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING IMPORTANT HOLD ON, GODDAMN"
SteelKomodo: XD


RubyChao: tenshi forced to confront the continuing fact that everyone has larger boobs than her
RubyChao: even patchy, maybe
RubyChao: we have no idea what patchy's bod actually looks like
RubyChao: robes 2hiding
RubyChao: (then she takes it off and she's RIPPED)
Gooper Blooper: TIME TO GET
Harpy: we take off her robes
Harpy: she's actually a skeleton underneath


RubyChao: hey guys
RubyChao: i think i know who our Vegas bartender is
Gooper Blooper: I think tenshi's gonna be too busy to be a bartender
RubyChao: nah, clearly she becomes a bartender after all her other adventures go south
RubyChao: "maybe NOW bad things won't happ-"
RubyChao: *ceiling collapses on her*
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker faceclaws


Gooper Blooper: >uploaded ​today
Gooper Blooper: >​a new volvic revive youtube poop in 2015
Gooper Blooper: woah
Del: i kno
Del: good old walrusguy
RubyChao: this is some good sentence mixing
SteelKomodo: yay
Gooper Blooper: rip
SteelKomodo: rip in peace alan


Gooper Blooper: my kaiju-guessing formula is generally "Do I recognize the character, if not it's Ultraman"
Gooper Blooper: because Ultraman has like fucking ten thousand kaiju


RubyChao: tenshi_and_momoko.jpg


RubyChao: SPOILER ALERT: unlike tenshi
RubyChao: zfrp iku is a very good swimmer
RubyChao: it runs in her family!
Gooper Blooper: as hilarious as a fish that can't swim would be, that's probably a good call
Gooper Blooper: "A FISH, Tenshi" "shut up"


RubyChao: come on iku, don't take this away from tenshi and youmu
RubyChao: it's their thing
Gooper Blooper: don't forget okuu's growing sword collection
Bree: dat absurdly detailed booty
Bree: like seriously there is no way that skirt should be showing off booty contours *nitpick nitpick nitpick*
Bree: meanwhile literally all of Sephine's skirts do that
Bree: contoursephine
RubyChao: unlike tenshi, iku is commonly depicted with large assets


RubyChao: who keeps convicing the 2hus to cosplay as the lord
Gooper Blooper: wow iku's legs are long there
Gooper Blooper: it's almost like
Gooper Blooper: she's based on something whose trait is being very long
RubyChao: HMMMM
RubyChao: and yet it's still not as ridiculous as patchy's noodle legs


Harpy: "you know conan would have his whole world shattered by the Ranma 1/2 canon" "that's why I wanna put him in ZFRP" "put him in RP so he and kaito can be rivals" "but i can't" "then get someone else to do it; i'd do it but i don't RP"
Harpy: "...tho i would RP as Sonoko if i did"
Gooper Blooper: Ivel shows up just to toss Conan into the brawl
RubyChao: oh god tossing conan into the brawl
Harpy: conan can't even survive there, he's just 2 shota
Gooper Blooper: here is a small child, he has no armor or weapons but he's really smart
Gooper Blooper: votes pls


Gooper Blooper: Now all I need to do is 1: hatch a babby shellder 2: catch a Petilil 3: hatch a babby spinarak
Gooper Blooper: and 4: finally start the damn game
Harpy: i have a few petilils in ORAS
Gooper Blooper: I can't trade backwards through gens so that's no help
Harpy: oh, oops, sorry
Gooper Blooper: I hate that they don't let you do that though
Harpy: innate desire to help shatters logic
Gooper Blooper: they allowed it in GSC only because GSC was built on the rotting carcass that was RBY's code
Gooper Blooper: it's okay, harpy, I once offered to trade Pokemon with Bree when she was playing Gen 4 on an emulator
Gooper Blooper: we like helping because we are sarahkin nice people


RubyChao: the real question is
RubyChao: who is bustier: okuu or ikuu
Gooper Blooper: we just don't know
Harpy: yukari
SteelKomodo: Dirk makes Pit try to choose
SteelKomodo: Pit cannot, dies of nosebleed
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ...Well, fuck.
Gooper Blooper: Pit has to pick okuu's boobs out of a lineup where that's all you can see
RubyChao: pit likes big boobs and he cannot lie
Gooper Blooper: Dirk has to do the same with buttsephine
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Bree: Dirk: "#9 is my girl Jojo, I would know that booty anywhere! Better than the back of my hand!" "surprise #9 is Celestia"
RubyChao: dun dun DUN
Bree: Dirk: "FOUL TRICKERY."
SteelKomodo: XD
RubyChao: okuu the unintentional showoff
Gooper Blooper: tenshi is so mad at those boobs
Bree: the top contenders in the boob department: a bird and a fish
Gooper Blooper: accursed boobery
Bree: the real reason Dirk obsesses over Okuu being a bird: birds do not have big butts
Harpy: Gluttony is appalled by how little appreciation legs get :I
Bree: indeed, they lack what humans would consider "the booty" because they are, in fact, birds, and butts hold no sex appeal for members of the avian species
RubyChao: okuuparents very confused over dirk's obsession with the butt
RubyChao: okuu tries to explain it but they just don't know
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: i wonder if there's an alternate universe
SteelKomodo: where #Boobs is the normal hashtag joke instead of #Butts
Bree: to be fair, I doubt they understand Pit's fascination with the two big round things on Okuu's chest, either
RubyChao: "Why did you get those, anyway?" "...I dunno!"


Gooper Blooper: *wears sweatpants*
Harpy: i never wore sweatpants ever and i would like them. or more yoga pants
Gooper Blooper: they are comfy and VERY IMPORTANT: have pockets
Gooper Blooper: I must have pockets all the time
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: i am so mad at some of these pants i have
Bree: yes they are
Harpy: Kevin buys cute pants
Bree: why can't girls have pockets too, what the fuck dudes
Harpy: finds out they have fake pockets
Harpy: takes 'em off right then and there and slam dunks it into the garbage
Harpy: "NO. NO. NO."
Bree: then he fishes them back out sheepishly to avoid being wasteful :U
Gooper Blooper: you know who never has to worry about pockets
Gooper Blooper: josephine
Harpy: knapsack lovin
Gooper Blooper: she carries The World's Biggest Pocket with her wherever she goes
SteelKomodo: indeed
Gooper Blooper: ...oh my god
Gooper Blooper: did I just accidentally find proof of buttsephine
Harpy: yes
RubyChao: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: if she didn't have some wide support that bag would risk slipping down when she moved quickly
Harpy: pretty much
Bree: brilliant
Gooper Blooper: IT'S CANON
SteelKomodo: oh my god you did
SteelKomodo: that is amazing
SteelKomodo: Buttsephine more than canon, it's official


SteelKomodo: ...guys
SteelKomodo: i am now going to confirm
SteelKomodo: that Gruntilda will be a fixture in the BBP
Gooper Blooper: #rhymes
SteelKomodo: and this is not because I thought up of insulting rhymes for her to use at all :U
Gooper Blooper: #DailyDiva
SteelKomodo: ...actually, let's see if I can't make up some more here
Harpy: oh you sure do have a lot of butt! Maybe because it absorbed your guts? Mweeeehehehehehaha~
Harpy: *shot*
SteelKomodo: "Hey, porky face, rhyming's my schtick!
I want to fight now, scarper quick!"
SteelKomodo: ...who's that for, harps?
Harpy: i have no idea
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: but butts
SteelKomodo: actually, here's one for Sephine whilst i'm about it
Harpy: no courage, ONLY BUTTS CAN SAVE ME NOW
SteelKomodo: "Your butt's so big, I can hardly miss!
Let's see you outmanouvre this!"
Gooper Blooper: lel
SteelKomodo: Christine
"It must be tiring, I have heard,
To lug around that useless nerd!"
"Hey, magic sword, do what I say,
Join up with Grunty, make my day!
You side with Blondie, but change tack:
Imagine you on Grunty's back!"
RubyChao: grunty just comes up with insults for everyone
SteelKomodo: Utsuho
"What's your malfunction, feathered freak?
Quit doting on that stupid geek!"
RubyChao: oh man IT'S ON NOW
SteelKomodo: Tenshi
"Out from the sky your rocks do hail,
But you can't catch me, Epic Fail!"
SteelKomodo: Sarah
"Grunty would crack some waistline jokes,
But Draco stole all my best pokes!"
SteelKomodo: Kevin
"When you're reduced to a bruised mess,
I'd look much better in that dress!"
"Your magic spells are really weak,
They can't even stop my foot-reek!"
Harpy: Kevin: ... *takes out umbrella casually and charges it*
Harpy: Gluttony: Such rhyming powers! Such a waste! Too bad she'll be turning into paste~
SteelKomodo: Samus
"Nuts & Bolts was kinda lame,
but it still outclassed your last game!"
RubyChao: grunty with the LOW BLOW
SteelKomodo: (DISCLAIMER: I really like Nuts & Bolts)
SteelKomodo: Octavious
"How can you be just so uptight,
When you can't even reach my height?"
SteelKomodo: ...I better save these
Bree: hahahaha
Bree: amazing
SteelKomodo: Zephryus
"You dare call that a hurricane breeze?
Sounded more like when I wheeze!"
SteelKomodo: time for a low-blow with Ariel
"You've died so much, it's quite a shame,
No wonder people say you're lame!"
Gooper Blooper: Arielame
SteelKomodo: now to insult myself!
SteelKomodo: Pit
"What's up there, Pit? You're looking glum!
It must be hard, being so dumb!
An angel who can't even fly?
To beat you, Grunty needn't try!"
RubyChao: i thought for a minute it would be gruntyrhymes about SK, not about SK characters
SteelKomodo: (she doesn't know Pit can fly now)
SteelKomodo: that would be too easy :U
SteelKomodo: Dirk
"Whilst you're oogling your girl, you freak,
I'll add you to Grunty's winning streak!"
SteelKomodo: Rain
"Purple and Gold? How stupidly twee!
Hardly a Flawless Victory!"
SteelKomodo: Sam
"Oh, shut up, you grouchy grump,
And hold still while I burn your rump!"
SteelKomodo: And finally, a shot at Ash
"You really are a useless hack,
Now up your butt, my boot will thwack!"


King Ejército: Waluigi walks into a bar and the bartender says what'll it be and Waluigi says "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA​A *ahem* Water, just water please"
Breek Lesnar: oh my god jrm
Breek Lesnar dying




apple-str1der joined the chat
apple-str1der: OH GOD
Breek Lesnar: um
Breek Lesnar: ...hello!
Harpy: hi
The Human Incarnation of Rage: Hello!
King Ejército: hello
RubyChao: hi
apple-str1der: o k i was just looking at my blog traffic and there were two from a chatzy link and i was like "what"
RubyChao: that's odd
RubyChao: what's your blog? maybe we can explain
Breek Lesnar: yes we link dumb/funny crap to each other
King Ejército: chao, you were linking him just now
Breek Lesnar: ruby you literally just posted this guy's blog five seconds ago
King Ejército: look at your links :V
Breek Lesnar: reading comprehension, broski
RubyChao: oh, THAT blog
RubyChao: i thought he meant like a blogger blog
The Human Incarnation of Rage: . . Oh wow
RubyChao: yeah i just thought your posts were entertaining and wanted to share them with my friends
Gooper Blooper: Chao here was just showing us the majesty of Deluxe Gorilla
RubyChao: nothing more than that, lel
apple-str1der: thats really great omg
King Ejército: we're just a bunch of bros and gals sitting around being bros and gals
Breek Lesnar: mostly bros with a side of gals
apple-str1der: nice
apple-str1der left the chat
RubyChao: it was nice meeting you!
Breek Lesnar: bye! thanks for being a gorilla
Breek Lesnar: 2slow
Breek Lesnar: well I hope that gets into chatzy madness just for ruby's megaderp
Breek Lesnar: srsly ruby, right in front of the wandering gorilla
Breek Lesnar: have you no shame
King Ejército: he should have just named himself Deluxe Gorilla, we would have known it was him in an instant
RubyChao: i can't believe i didn't make the connection


Draco joined the chat
RubyChao: hello draco
Draco poses.
Draco: Hello friends.
Harpy: i bought chocolate for ruby
Draco: Cool. =D
Breek Lesnar: when the harpy utters its earsplitting war cry, you know you are doomed
Breek Lesnar: playing dead will not save you, for they can smell your fear, and they feast upon your terror
Harpy: i'm busy cuddling my own char lel
Gooper Blooper: >​cuddling your own char
Breek Lesnar: do not interpret this as a sign of mercy. the harpy knows no mercy.
Gooper Blooper: I wish sarah and alex plushies were real
Gooper Blooper: but they aren't
Breek Lesnar: it knows not fear, nor pain. only rage. rage of the purest kind.
Breek Lesnar: okay okay I'm don
Breek Lesnar: e
Breek Lesnar changed name to Don Bree
Don Bree: hope you enjoyed the PSA about the dangers of wild harpies
Harpy: harpies have been known to be particularly violent with anybody named Jack the Ripper
Don Bree: if you are attacked by a harpy deploy a gooper blooper and flee while the harpy is distracted
King Ejército: please keep your Gooper Booper in an upright position at all times
King Ejército: your exits are to your right, left, and through the tunnel of infinite sorrow
Gooper Blooper: *is air-dropped with a cute character in each arm*
Don Bree: 8 cute characters?
Don Bree: that's a lot of cute characters
Gooper Blooper: I've got enough
Don Bree: gotta catch up gotta beat goops *wildly flinging dolls everywhere*
Don Bree: okay from now on Octavious is being replaced with this kitten in a baby bonnet


King Ejército: Clair being around makes me reconsider RPing that Pokemon idea I abandoned
King Ejército: by the time I get around to it Pokecraze will be gone and I'll be weird for RPing a pokemon!
King Ejército: I can't take being weird!