Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 180: Emperor Brock's Dancing Empress

RubyChao: status report:
RubyChao: errand 1 done, errands 2, 3, and 4 cancelled
Del: oh hey
Del: whys that
RubyChao: places are closing early because 2snowy
RubyChao: it's expected that there's gonna be a shitload of snow tomorrow as well
SteelKomodo: 2Snowy4U
SteelKomodo: good luck, hope you survive out there! \o/
RubyChao: my beard will last another couple days because no barbers
RubyChao: beard confirmed for creating snowstorm
Del: beardstorm
RockCandyGuy: MEGASTORM 2015 has so been been little more than a mild breeze for me
RockCandyGuy: This is bullshit
RockCandyGuy: I got my lawn chair and sunglasses, just, WAITING for it


Harpy: i have a necklace now that contains my DNA, even though I really don't want it
Harpy: because someone might take it and use it to frame me for a murder :I
SteelKomodo: pfffft
RubyChao: i'd only frame you for a minor felony, harpy


SteelKomodo: Tamagotchi update
SteelKomodo: Jo is now a small bear
Gooper Blooper: I bet she can bear-ly believe it


Gooper Blooper: After roaming rings won, we got this great screen of The Rock looking confused/offended at the torrent of boos
Gooper Blooper: Naturally, the edits began
Gooper Blooper: Another
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: oh gods
Gooper Blooper: Another
RedSpy: Oh my god xD
SteelKomodo: it gets worse D:
Gooper Blooper: and finally, my contribution
Harpy: goops you're slaying us over here
Harpy: it what I think it is
Harpy: I KNEW IT
RubyChao: god dammit goops XD
Harpy: *cries*
Del: gawd damnit gewps
Cornwind Evil: But, yes. last night was a perfect storm of terrible. So terrible a Trillion Patman Posts could not express it. And while I'll try and keep quiet...well, it was just that terrible.
Gooper Blooper: "TERRIBLE"


Gooper Blooper: an accurate depiction of diddy kong racing boss battles


SteelKomodo: back dat.ass up
Gooper Blooper: butts
SteelKomodo: that's literally the name of the game i found
SteelKomodo: "back .dat .ass up"
Gooper Blooper: an rpg by dirksephine
Gooper Blooper: small butts need not apply
SteelKomodo: XD
Tableter: Disgusting robot butts
RubyChao: tenshi still tries to force her way in
Gooper Blooper: "all apps must include photos. Preferably from multiple angles."
Gooper Blooper: "for reference, you see" "yeah that's right reference"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: also Tableter: Disgusting robot butts
Jewel Man: A-hem.


RubyChao: ...i just realized
RubyChao: priscilla is 100% guaranteed to hit on matt isn't she
Gooper Blooper: muscular shirtless guy
Gooper Blooper: every year Priscilla hits on a chao character and the pairing fails
Gooper Blooper: checkmate founds a club
RubyChao: it doubles as a wrestling stable
Tableter: It has jackets


Tableter: [22:56] (mistaya) "Are you snakkid"
RubyChao: tell her she is a terrible person and should be ashamed of that pun
Gooper Blooper: the puns
RubyChao: everyone who makes horrible puns is terrible
RubyChao: even me
Tableter: [22:58] (TheDeleter) Great jorb mistaya


Kogasa: I think I have a plan for who to introduce first and who can wait until later
Kogasa: *alex and Xavier don't show up until august*
Gooper Blooper: harpls
Kogasa: The paranoia is real
Kogasa: Watch as I give up and just role play a cat
RubyChao: great idea, harpy!
RubyChao: I'LL COPY IT
RubyChao has Tenshi delayed, she doesn't show up in RP until October
Kogasa: ruby please
Tableter: We should all just roleplay cattes
Kogasa: dont joke
Tableter: I'll be catterad
Kogasa: radcatte
Tableter: Pushing dnd minis around with his nose
SteelKomodo: meow
Tableter: Or i can be tak-sin catte
Tableter: One of those long haired things evil villains always have
Kogasa: persians
Tableter: Yes those
 Gooper Blooper: why is chao so reluctant to RP as tenshi
RubyChao: hey, i'm not reluctant to rp as her
RubyChao: i'm just making sure to work on giving her the lesson in humility that she never got in 2014
Gooper Blooper: gotta pay her dues god dammit
RubyChao ignore the part where she did get that lesson
RubyChao multiple times

Gooper Blooper: well chao it's real simple
Gooper Blooper: no tenshi, no viola
RubyChao: oh man
RubyChao: you're playing HARDBALL now
Kogasa: >​no viola
Kogasa: ow
Gooper Blooper: and if tenshi has to PAY HER DUES DAMMIT
Gooper Blooper: viola will be very sad
RubyChao: lel of course tenshi's gonna be there, i'm pretty sure if i tried to keep her out of rp she would somehow escape into the world and kick me in the face


(Further Royal Rumble fallout)

Draco: Well, we should go to WWE Headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut and complain. Because did you know WWE Headquarters is in Hartford, Connecticut? They're really subtle about the fact that they're broadcasting live from WWE Headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut.
Got My Hater Shades On: I dunno, where are they Draco?
Got My Hater Shades On: I should go look it up
Dudeskull: *plays the Pot of Greed*
RubyChao: jrm what does that do tho
Draco: FOR ONLY $9.99!


(Del talks about dragons in a tabletop game)

Tableter: The three are totally trying to become tiamat again if i play
Saberwulf: hell yeaaahh
Tableter: Because they're black red and blue, lich king killed a white one and lol'd, and the elves have captured green
Tableter: And that basically screams "DRAGON FUSION RITUAL BECOME TIAMAT"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Tableter: If only goops was on
RubyChao: cast Summon Goops
RubyChao: pile final fantasy stuff together with bugs and pokemon
Tableter: Haha
Harpy: *makes magic circle with sugar and medicine for his sickness*
Harpy: come, goops


Saberwulf: If I'm gonna watch two beautiful men fight each other one of them better be wearing a gorgeous dress and they're in a period-accurate recreation of a 14th centiry castle and what I'm basically saying is I want theater but with hitting


Harpy: *shakes clefairies in front of Ruby's face*


Gooper Blooper: HP: 43
Attack: 30
Defense: 55
Sp.Atk: 40
Sp.Def: 65
Speed: 97
Total: 330
Gooper Blooper: ...
RubyChao: have we found it
RubyChao: the pogey even goops can't save
Gooper Blooper: HP: 43
Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Sp.Atk: 172
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 200
Total: 430
Type: Water/Fairy
Ability: Wonder Guard
RubyChao: >​attack, defense, and sp. def all knocked down to 5
Harpy: luvdisc srsly
RubyChao: maximum glass


Harpy: >​pokemon ranger Sophia
Harpy: Sophia should have been a battle girl at the very least :I
Gooper Blooper: In a postgame area I saw Fairy Tale Girl Josephine
Harpy: that's as un-josephine as you can get
SteelKomodo: Dirk: That's not my Jo!
SteelKomodo: Dirk writes a children's book, "Where's my Jo?"


Harpy: [8:11:22 PM] Ivelchild: Your old, busted name was DeDeDe. We now dub yo ass:
Trip-n-Fall Prison Fish

Harpy: [8:11:28 PM] Ivelchild: it's so perfect
SteelKomodo: I think Dedede is a penguin


Jumpropeman: VEN
Jumpropeman: RESPOND
Bree: ven steam, the sequel to cornwind skype
Jumpropeman: its very important
Jumpropeman: I told him about a dumb character concept at a hockey ame
Jumpropeman: *game
Jumpropeman: I must know what it was >​_>​
Bree: read that as hockey anime, was confused
Jumpropeman: now he's gone D:
Jumpropeman: I've killed him ; o ;
Jumpropeman: I'll never know about my hockey anime now


RubyChao: "You won't be seeing Violet in 2014, but the reason for that is that I found a replacement. I guess you could say Violet was not the one."
RubyChao: imagine if Violet had happened in place of Viola
Gooper Blooper: Violet would not have been anywhere near as clingy or pitiable
Gooper Blooper: so I'd say no
Harpy: who is violet again
RubyChao: so it's a good thing you replaced her with viola, then
Gooper Blooper: Cutting room floor character from me
Gooper Blooper: Inspired by MySims, replaced by Viola
Harpy: oh okay
Jumpropeman: clingy and pitiable is what I like in my characters
RubyChao: what would tenshi do without a viola for that matter
Jumpropeman: clingy dingy clingy dingy
Gooper Blooper: continue to get #comeuppance forever and ever
RubyChao: and then eventually tenshi's pride breaks and with nobody there to keep her tied
RubyChao: she just leaves at the end of 2014
RubyChao: bad end


Bree: Your old, busted name was Cornwind Evil. We now dub yo ass: Heavy Nutz Daddy
Harpy: oh
Harpy: oh my~


RubyCena: godbeast sarah: suddenly loses all magical weight gain prevention
RubyCena: retroactively
Supa-Hard Biyaaatch: entire arena swallowed up by an endless white expanse
RubyCena: godbeast uts-
RubyCena: oh wait
RubyCena: you guys fought godbeast utsuho
RubyCena: godbeast donkey kong
RubyCena: king kong
RubyCena: that's it


PatChaoli: i've noticed that i enjoy being in bookstores/libraries a ton even if i don't read anything. jut being around books is good enough to lift my spirits
PatChaoli: the more you know


Del: status report
Del: butts
SteelKomodo: #Butts
Bree: this just in: butts. news at 11
Del: the hottest news right off the press


RubyChao: there's one problem with bus being back
RubyChao: now i have no one to make a "don't forget they'll never come back" joke about
RubyChao: wat do
Harpy: The Supporter
Harpy: :U
RubyChao: harpy no what if that tempts fate
RubyChao: what if he comes back
Harpy: he'll get banned
Harpy: because Del won't take his shit


Harpy: COME BACK, CHAO! I HAVE FLUFFY STUFF FOR YOUUUUU *flails as she holds a Cottonee up*
Gooper Blooper: lilies everywhere
Harpy: fairies are universally great
Harpy: ...i sound like a fairy gym leader oh god
Gooper Blooper: you would absolutely be one


RubyChao: josephine and sarah on the super opposite ends of pairingness
RubyChao: fluffy sarah
RubyChao: and #lewdsephine
Gooper Blooper: the fluffiest sarah
RubyChao: the lewdest sephine?
SteelKomodo: I think Jo and Dirk can do fluffy too
RubyChao: they can!
SteelKomodo: everyone just remembers them for #lewd
Gooper Blooper: They totally can, the ferris wheel scene was maximum fluff
RubyChao: it's just that they seem to favor - yes xactly
Harpy: who cares, a pairing is a pairing and it will have equal amounts of fluff and lewd
Gooper Blooper: lewd sarah confirmed for 2015
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao tries to envision lewd Sarah
RubyChao short-circuits

Redolence f'ckin' knew it
Redolence claims the broken Chao robot and flees to Salvage yard immediately
Redolence adds All The Gun to Chao mainframe and turns it on the Orks
Gooper Blooper: Sarah seeks advice from Stella
Gooper Blooper: Sarahcake becomes reality
Gooper Blooper: "oh aleeeeeeeeex~~~"
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Harpy: Alex would fucking die of a nosebleed
Harpy: either that or be very, very confused
Harpy: "S-sarah? What... what are you doing in that cake? D: "
Harpy: Xavier trying hold back giggles
Redolence: Sarah uses Attract!
It's not very effective...
Alex is Confused!
Alex is taking damage over time!
Alex has contracted Nosebleed!
Gooper Blooper: "you have no idea how hard it was to not eat this before you showed up"


Saberwulf: You know, I'm wondering if it's a good thing or not that my thighs don't actually slim down when I lose weight
Harpy: the thighs are the hardest place to lose fat from
Harpy: or one of the hardest
Gooper Blooper: forever-enduring thighs
Saberwulf: Like they get more toned but they're quite big even though I have basically no leg fat whatsoever
Harpy: big thighs are a plus
Harpy: ...i'm not saying that because I have them *hides legs*
Saberwulf: work it gurl
Gooper Blooper: dem legs


SteelKomodo: whoops i wrote a thing
Del: lisaventures is fucking incredible
RubyChao: lars for 2015 cameo
Del: yeah he's gotta cameo
Del: oh god if priscilla sees him
Bree joined the chat
Bree changed name to Priscilla
Priscilla: you rang?
RubyChao: dat timing
Del: why yes i did
Del: go read sk's latest thing, it owns
Priscilla: mm-mmm boy howdy would I like to be the banana in a peanut butter and banana sandwich right now
Harpy: oh my
Priscilla: there are a surprising number of musclemen named lars, don't you know
Priscilla: why, I once dated a robot named lars
Priscilla: but damn if that robot didn't have pecs that could flatten a gorilla
Priscilla: I'm not speaking figuratively, that really happened, ladies and gents
Priscilla: the backlash from PETA was a nightmare let me tell you
RubyChao: lars pls
Priscilla: I assure you it was an accident, lars was a sweetheart but he was very clumsy
Priscilla: anyway then there was the time I dated another lars
Priscilla: he was a professional tiger wrestler
Priscilla: that is to say, he wrestled tigers
Priscilla: professionally
Priscilla: he was not a tiger who wrestled, although his opponents were
RubyChao: did he win most of the time
Priscilla: no I'm afraid his claim to fame was being the biggest jobber of all time, until miss samus aran hit the scene in 2013
Del: hahaha
Priscilla: his inaugural match was truly thrilling to see, you had to be there, really
Priscilla: but sadly it was also his last
Harpy: oh bby
RubyChao: what a tragedy
Priscilla: the brightest flames burn the shortest and all that
Harpy changed name to Kevin
Priscilla: it took them weeks to get all the pieces of him out of the carpets
Kevin: why must PB & J look so sexy. Oh god I said that. i am going to be banned from the internet forever
Kevin: then again, Ringabel would probably tap dat jelly
RubyChao: ringabel would probably date a living taiko drum if he met her
Kevin: ...ew. D:
Priscilla: I'll admit it, I'd tap that jelly
Kevin: ... I don't think Ringabel would like to stick his donger in a drum.
Kevin: At least, I hope not


Harpy: that AWAKE chocolate I told everybody about
Harpy: I went and bought a bar
Gooper Blooper: how was it
Harpy: 2 dollars for a 44 g bar so probably not worth it to buy ALL the time
Harpy: but it tasted better than a hershey bar
Harpy: and like its namesake, I am fucking awake
Gooper Blooper: yeah that works out to 1.5 ounces, pricey fancy chocolate
Gooper Blooper: but it DOES have that gimmick!
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: one of the ingredients was "chocolate liquor" and i wanted to make the joke that "i am going to get drunk off a chocolate bar"
Gooper Blooper: harpy with owl eyes
Gooper Blooper: alcocoahol
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: 101 mg of caffene per 1.55 oz bar
Harpy: the price may also be because the bookstore overcharges for everything
Harpy: 10 dollars for dayquil? my fucking god
Gooper Blooper: true
Gooper Blooper: I do have to say
Gooper Blooper: if I was going out to buy Nyquil
Gooper Blooper: My first thought would not be "I bet the bookstore has some"
Gooper Blooper: same with chocolate
Harpy: verdict: very good chocolate, would eat again
Harpy: well I think the chocolate is exclusive to bookstores
Gooper Blooper: >​bookstore-exclusive chocolate
Gooper Blooper: bizarre
RubyChao: >​exclusive to bookstores
RubyChao: oh no
RubyChao: whatever will i do
RubyChao: this will surely require massive changes in my store-visiting habits
Gooper Blooper: there was one bookstore in my area
Gooper Blooper: key word: was
SteelKomodo: lolz
Gooper Blooper: it shut down last year
RubyChao: was it Borders
Gooper Blooper: No, it was a local place
Gooper Blooper: I used to go there a couple times a year but I hadn't stopped by since the mid-2000s
RubyChao: goops why did you turn your back on me
RubyChao: i mean on books
RubyChao: i mean they're interchangeable but still
Gooper Blooper: too expensive
RubyChao: :<
Harpy: it also comes in caramel flavor
RubyChao: >​caramel flavor
RubyChao: HELLO
Gooper Blooper: >​chao really likes caramel
Gooper Blooper: *records this information for future reference*
Harpy: lel
Harpy: anyway, it is time foooor
RubyChao: caramel is the best kind of chocolate


Gooper Blooper: you just might have another new kind of chocolate to try soon
Gooper Blooper: ~
Harpy: the wild goopy makes a mating call
Harpy: the mating call
Harpy: of chocolate


Tableter: Has bus been on recently
Gooper Blooper: I've seen him online on the forum but he hasn't dropped by chatzy
Tableter: Tell him
Tableter: Tell him
SteelKomodo: del no D:
Tableter: Im really tired
Gooper Blooper: HE
Tableter: HAS
Gooper Blooper: NO
Tableter: STYLE
Gooper Blooper: HE
Tableter: HAS
Gooper Blooper: NO
Tableter: GRACE
Gooper Blooper: THIS KONG
Gooper Blooper: *secret door opens, metroid sfx*
Tableter: Okay im going to bed


Harpy: i killed a snorunt on accident
Harpy: fuck
Gooper Blooper: ded runt
Harpy: caught the next one, which was female
Harpy: Frosslass~
Gooper Blooper: frass
Harpy: i already named Carla after a Sealeo...
Harpy: ...frass was actually something I could name it
RubyChao: then they're gonna be extra offended by this
RubyChao twerks
Gooper Blooper: if they're offended by asses they need to stay far away from ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: because sephine ain't going anywhere
RubyChao: she can't go anywhere
RubyChao: she'd get pulled over
RubyChao: because that ass 2phat
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: butt quota filled for the day
Gooper Blooper: woop woop


Harpy: oh hey reading through chatzy madness
Harpy: it reminded me that i had a weird dream I can hardly remember
Harpy: but i think it had something to do with stomping icky bugs and someone who i got the feeling was goops
Harpy: i woke up thinking "what the fuck, goops would never do that"
Gooper Blooper: bugs are gross, kill them all
RubyChao: dreamgoops why
Gooper Blooper: *stomps on vespiquen*


Harpy: bbs, gonna get fud
Gooper Blooper: fud, glurius fud
Harpy: i may actually get
Harpy: cinnamon sticks from pizza hut
Harpy: (i haven't been there this semester yet; 2 much chicken)
Gooper Blooper: goopsbro loves pizza hut so much
Harpy: he'd love it here, then
Harpy: he could pay for pizza hut express with his meal plan (and bonus bux)
Gooper Blooper: goopsbro would definitely approve
Harpy: he'd just have to walk by the gym first~ (it's right next to one :U )
Gooper Blooper: >​A Pizza Hut next to a gym
Gooper Blooper: top kek
Harpy: even now, i'm not even sure if that's a great idea or a horrible idea
RubyChao: it's both
RubyChao: repeat business
RubyChao: people eat, want to work it off and go to the gym so they get hungry, go to pizza hut
Gooper Blooper: place 2012 josephine there and loff and loff (and feel bad)
RubyChao: what happens when you place 2015 jo there
Gooper Blooper: she does whatever the hell she wants and haters gonna hate
RubyChao: does she twerk at everyone in both companies
Gooper Blooper: I just imagined her attempting to bring the pizza into the gym to be a showoff and getting kicked out
Gooper Blooper: twerks at entrance in retaliation
Gooper Blooper: "GO AWAY"
RubyChao: dirk is at the gym, he shouts "STAY HERE"
Gooper Blooper: "hey girl you should try this machine" "why" "it'll shrink your butt" *long awkward silence punctuated by an annoyed stare*
RubyChao: i can't wait for valentine's day
RubyChao: what do various couples do for valentine's day?
RubyChao: Dirk: "Well, I'm gonna use that chocolate trick on Jo. And after that, the rest of the day-"
RubyChao: *the rest is censored*
RubyChao: Sarah just shares fud with alex
Gooper Blooper: not just fud, it's valentine's day
Gooper Blooper: nothin but chocolate
RubyChao: chocolate is food
Gooper Blooper: it is, but I needed to specify
RubyChao: at least that's what i always try to tell my mom
RubyChao: "No, no, I can totally eat all this chocolate!"
Gooper Blooper: it's very important we accurately convey what sarah eats


RubyChao: goops, i'm curious
RubyChao: do you already know who your brawl entrants are gonna be
Gooper Blooper: well, I would have said yes two months ago
Gooper Blooper: but since then they shuffled somewhat
Gooper Blooper: so I have a set of four characters to enter, but hell if I know if they're the ones that actually show up
RubyChao: lel as long as you're gonna enter four characters


Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: Come on you missed this
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: YES!


Saberwulf: My god this blog
Saberwulf: This cookbook is being described like a fucking porn story
RubyChao: this i need to see wulf
Harpy: maybe it's a porn book
Saberwulf: Fifty Shades wishes it could describe the human form the way they describe Ripe
Gooper Blooper: food porn cookbook
Gooper Blooper: by the sarahkin
Harpy: dude
Gooper Blooper: that blog name
Harpy: "OATGASM"
RubyChao: 2lewd4me
Gooper Blooper: >​the cookbook is actually called "Ripe"
Gooper Blooper: the porn allusions don't stop


Gooper Blooper: gotta go for tonight, nite pals
RubyChao: night bff
RubyChao: that's you goopy
Gooper Blooper: :3
Saberwulf: *RC winks, ding noise*


Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: "Emperor Brock loved it when his Empress danced for him. Brock Lesnar/Tyson Kidd slash"
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face stares.

Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: *stare*
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: *STAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face: .....................I have to go now. My planet needs me.
Seth Rollins Is Clearly A Face clips upward and disappears.


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