Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 181: Chocolate Edition

Draco: B( They shut down Star Trek for server maintenance.
Draco flips tables.
Jumpropeman joined the chat

Jumpropeman: *burns the tables to the ground*
Draco carefully hides his Horde of Cabbages. BI


Draco: I come with vitally important nonsense.
Draco: I had a dream last night that I was cruising through a Sharknado with Mythbusters' Adam Savage. He was super excited to see sharks flying by.
Draco: I also had a dream where I had to help Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock defeat Godzilla. My job was to distract King Ghidorah by teaching him how to deliver packages to office buildings in Florem.
Draco: That is all.


Kogasa: i have defeated the E4
Del: werewolf jonesy gonna score
Del: nice
Del: we made a rhyme
Kogasa: yiss


Saberwulf: My hair stuff and lip balm came in, lip balm smells like potpourri and taste like mulled cinammon
Saberwulf: AKA it's amazing
SteelKomodo: yay
Del: nice
Saberwulf: Also the leaves in the conditioner is made from HAND-CRUSHED EGYPTIAN DATES HARVESTED FROM ONLY THE BEST NILE CROP which I'll be sure to remind everyone of constantly to sound rich
RubyChao: hahahaha
RubyChao: but wulf; is it as rich as a prrrrrrrremium chatzy
Saberwulf: It's 18 dollars a bottle so technically yes


Gooper Blooper: today at the grocery store I found a box of muffin tops
Gooper Blooper: just the tops, no bottom
RubyChao: i've heard about those
SteelKomodo: think there'd be a market for muffin bottoms?
SteelKomodo: no, probably not
SteelKomodo: the tops are were all the delicious choc chips are


Saberwulf: brb, soundcloud fucked up and now sexy ghost music is playing from nowhere
SteelKomodo: "sexy ghost music"
Tableter: sexy ghost muzak
SteelKomodo: ...i don't know how to reply to that
Saberwulf: sexy ghost muzak is an ominous saxophone playing a really soft cover of girl from ipanema
Saberwulf: "Is that girl from ipanema" "I don't know man but I'm FREAKING OUT"


Tableter: so i asked for advice in the 13th age thread and got a whole fuckload of nothing
iKomodo: lel
Tableter: well evil mastermind responded and his response was about as helpful as a chocolate bong
Tableter: so fuck em


Saberwulf: Latest description of David I've used: "Both a goat and a snake BUT ALSO A PERSON"
iKomodo: Snakersoat


RubyChao: fuck
RubyChao: i just realized i bought the wrong crossiant
Gooper Blooper: oh nooooo
Gooper Blooper: I hate when I buy the wrong flavor or type of fud
iKomodo: D:
RubyChao: see when i had to be up by an au bon pain earlier i was like "i'll get a cheese crossiant! i like those!"
RubyChao: but i mixed up the labels and accidentally grabbed apple without realizing it
iKomodo: also D:
RubyChao: so i went on my merry way with the wrong flavor, believing it to be cheese, until i decided to have it after dinner
RubyChao: at which point i bit into it and said "this is not cheese"
RubyChao: the moral of the story is double check your crossiants


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom walked up to the tree yesterday and unplugged the lights
Gooper Blooper: "All right, this weekend I'll take it down."
Gooper Blooper: there was a pause
RubyChao: did she hug the tree and apologize
Gooper Blooper: "well, Valentine's Day is only two weeks away..."
iKomodo: Hahaha


RubyChao: would viola wear a tenshi shirt
Gooper Blooper: maybe
RubyChao: will she wear one... during the brawl
Gooper Blooper: coming up with a hype video for tenshi is going to be fun
Gooper Blooper: because whether I vote for her or not I'm gonna have to make one
RubyChao: viola emerges from the computer screen to demand tenshi support
RubyChao: it's like the ring except instead of killing you
RubyChao: she just forces you to write tenshi effort


RubyChao: goops, i need slightly serious but not really advice
RubyChao: how do you resist the desire to just reveal your teased characters asap
RubyChao: or am i just 2hype for rp
Gooper Blooper: well I really haven't
Gooper Blooper: Offseason is only half done and I've revealed everyone except Mysterious Russian
RubyChao: lel
RubyChao: well, i'll just put one up in two weeks
RubyChao: that oughta work
RubyChao instead removes a profile in two weeks in a Shocking Swerve worthy of Russo himself


iKomodo: HE
Tableter: HAS
iKomodo: NO
Tableter: CASH
iKomodo: HE
Tableter: HAS
iKomodo: NO
Tableter: PLACE
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Do A Handstand By Following This One Weird Old Tip
Harpy: "his kong"
Harpy: i thought it could stretch tho
Gooper Blooper: his kong stretches just for you bby
iKomodo: But can he inflate himself?
Gooper Blooper: Just like a balloon
Tableter: Pls no


(Harpy talks about an owl that appeared briefly in Season 1)

Harpy: the question is... what type of owl is it
Harpy: because I sure as hell can't remember if it was a barn owl or a great grey
Gooper Blooper: In this case it's been so long I think you can just discard whatever offhand thing you wrote five years ago and just start from scratch, harpy
Gooper Blooper: the original forums aren't even up any more, so all record of this owl has been wiped from the net
Gooper Blooper 2spooky hand waving
Harpy: in that case it is a teeny tiny owl
Harpy: perfect for a librarian to keep
Harpy: schrodinger's owl


Harpy: pizza status: pizza gotten, lava cakes forgotten
Harpy: "where's my lava cakes" "oh shit i must have left it with the other girl, brb gonna go back to the store and get you your cakes"
Gooper Blooper: >​forgetting the birthday girl's lava cakes
Gooper Blooper: how dare they
RubyChao: whyyyyyyyyy
Harpy: the gods conspire to forgo my cakes


Del: happy b day harp
Birthday Harpy: thanks delisimo
Birthday Harpy: king dededel
Birthday Harpy: delfino isle
Del changed name to Delfino Isle
SteelKomodo: delmageddon
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Birthday Harpy: weird palm tree people might start appearing on your head del, be careful


SteelKomodo: Josephine the Tamagotchi, age 10
SteelKomodo: ran away in the middle of the night, leaving me to care for the baby
SteelKomodo: I named it Ariel, and it is now a rather misshapen blob thing
Birthday Harpy: Jojo, why would you abandon Dirky
SteelKomodo: she is not a good mom :/


Gooper Blooper: >​patchouli plush
Gooper Blooper: oh cool, it
Gooper Blooper: >​92 dollars
Gooper Blooper: bootleggers where are you
Wulfaki Suoh: 2hu and 2human, everyone's favorite viking shooter RPG
RubyChao: pls link to patchyplush
RubyChao: i wanna see what costs this much
Gooper Blooper: here it is
RubyChao: clearly the |:< is patchy's reaction to being priced at nearly a hundred bucks
Gooper Blooper: I've seen this plush on Amazon for years and the price has never been reasonable
Gooper Blooper: yet it has reviews, indicating people bought it
RubyChao: >​sees a cool looking utsuho figure
RubyChao: >​price tag is over twice as much
RubyChao: sorry okuu
RubyChao: Touhou Project 03 Reiuji Utsuho Kaenbyou Rin Doujin Anime Game Gaming Mouse Pad by nekopunch mouse pad
RubyChao: he renamed himself
Gooper Blooper: There are actually multiples now
RubyChao: oh god, rock bull imitators? we're all doomed
Gooper Blooper: Many of the pads originally listed by Rock Bull are no longer sold by them, and others have instead begun selling them by reusing the listing
Gooper Blooper: sometimes they charge less, sometimes they charge more
RubyChao: goopy 2015 megaplot: VS Rock Bull And Company


Wulfaki Suoh: My friend is such a giant nerd she's checking in with me periodically on her date
Wulfaki Suoh is a mother to the gays


iKomodo: How goes it?
RubyChao: slow and dull
iKomodo: :<
RubyChao: doing my usual method of "try to work on things by concentrating REALLY HARD and hoping i will it to completion"
RubyChao: "then realizing that's dumb and doing actual work"


RubyChao: "Like, hey man... Why don't we just love one another, man, why's it gotta be this way."

RubyChao: oh, belinda
Gooper Blooper: a shaman conductor yelling at a half-lidded, drugged succubus forever


Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: Manic: MEOW! MEOW!
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: *I look all over for Manic*
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: "MEOW! MEOW!"
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: *turns out he snuck into the side room I never let him in and I locked him in there in the dark*
Tableter: ono
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: Curiosity made the cat meow a lot


Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet:
iKomodo: That's Mark Calaway, all right
Gooper Blooper: every year there's a photo of Undertaker and every year they go "OH MY GOD HE'S OLD"
Gooper Blooper: it's tradition


Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: "I just had a dream that Brock was fighting someone to open Raw. I forget who. But seconds after the bell rings, the lights go out and a spotlight hits Paul Heyman. He says, "We've got a surpriiiiiise for yoooouuuu!""
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: "Then, a version of Brock Lesnar twice as big as the original, in height and mass, begins walking down the ramp. He gets into the ring and starts beating the shit out of the opponent."
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: "At some point, the opponent is able to escape the ring and starts running up the ramp. This is when they bump right into A THIRD VERSION OF BROCK who is even bigger than the second. He tackles the guy on the ramp and starts punching him in the head with fists that are larger than the dude's head."
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: "It was fucking terrifying."


RubyChao: ...for a minute i couldn't remember who DJ Supergroove was
RubyChao: then i remembered that's Candy's last name lel
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
Gooper Blooper: she's existed for one whole story how have you forgotten
RubyChao: in my defense i don't think i ever put her in in mysims
RubyChao: i might mess around with that game this year tho
RubyChao: see if #ruined works on it
Gooper Blooper: Assuming you're playing the console version of the first one
RubyChao: the wii one, yeah
Gooper Blooper: She shows up very early in the game, when choices for characters to move in are very limited
Gooper Blooper: pretty sure she was always my second or third
Gooper Blooper: Chef Gino is always first. EVERYONE MUST ALLOW ITALIAN FOOD TO FILL THEIR TOWN
RubyChao: now see chef gino i DO remember


iKomodo: Guys help
iKomodo: i've got Harpy's character bug
Tableter: Oh boi
Birthday Harpy: it's a chronic disease, i'm sorry
Tableter: Sk is gonna have like a billion characters


Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: Really though, that lead foot and arm must make Utsuho INCREDIBLY unbalanced
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: If she couldn't fly I have a feeling she'd be knocking over everythimg
Birthday Harpy: are we trying to apply logic to touhous
Gooper Blooper: >​applying logic to touhou
Birthday Harpy: she can take the arm off
Birthday Harpy: not sure about the foot
RubyChao: she can remove the foot
RubyChao: it's only the eye that's physically part of her body
Birthday Harpy: there ya have it
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP okuu removed the boot before I'm pretty sure, too
RubyChao: and i've personally gone with okuu having extra strength in her right leg to compensenate
Birthday Harpy: now try applying logic to the inch-high princess
RubyChao: like yeah she had a lot of trouble adjusting at first but by now she can handle it
Birthday Harpy: or someone who can literally reverse just about anything
Gooper Blooper: Now I just thought of utsuho getting serious by putting on a second cannon and boot
Gooper Blooper: Gets a little slower but twice the firepower yo
RubyChao: sap her speed and plug it all into attack and special attack


Gooper Blooper: bbs
iKomodo: Kk
Birthday Harpy: brb
iKomodo: Kk
RubyChao: brb
iKomodo: Where is everyone going D:
Cornwind Has Not Moved Yet: I'm still here!
iKomodo: Yay
Gooper Blooper: the elite four has a secret underground chatzy we all meet in


Ranka Wulfioka: My friend's ladydate went well so I didn't have to pull out the shortsword
Gooper Blooper: yay
Ranka Wulfioka slowly puts her scottish dirk back in the desk
Ranka Wulfioka: One day, my friend, one day
Ranka Wulfioka: Really should replace it with a gladius, the pommel decor hurts my hand
iKomodo: >​Scottish Dirk
iKomodo: "Och aye, 'tis a bonnie- no, no, I can't fucking do this..."
Ranka Wulfioka: pff


RubyChao: "Hello there! You've got such a nice profile, I had to talk. :]

RubyChao: after learning how to type, silence turned out to be very polite on the internet
Gooper Blooper: Silence was supposed to be kind of a standoffish loner character, but before I knew it she had a trademark method of making friends
Gooper Blooper: tossing them a beer and giving them a thumbs up
RubyChao: don't forget in yuugi's case, fighting them
RubyChao: then again that's how yuugi prefers to make friends
Gooper Blooper: and then beer
RubyChao: ya punch each other out and then you buy each other booze
RubyChao: it's no wonder they got along


Tableter: [20:04] (mistaya) there's only one secret gay kid allowed per story!
[20:04] (TheDeleter) Turns out everyone is secret gay
[20:04] (Ferrosol) welcome to monsterhearts


RubyChao: a cool picture of me
I Am Goat: Best one is the little dude doing the monkey in the bottom right
Tableter: Lookit him go


RubyChao: do you guys want to know the worst password i ever used
Tableter: Yes pls
iKomodo: Yes
RubyChao: okay so my account name on another site is "Superchao" (it's a nine year old account, don't judge)
RubyChao: and for the LONGEST TIME
RubyChao: the password was "TheSuperChao"
RubyChao: somehow, for years, i never got compromised, and i never thought, hey, maybe a password that's LITERALLY MY USERNAME is a bad idea
RubyChao: then, thanks to events, i got promoted to a Position of Responsibility, whereupon i finally realized "wow this password is shit" and changed it to something much less easy to guess
RubyChao: and now i have a story of stupidity i can relate
Tableter: Whoooo
iKomodo: Hahahaha


Tableter: Better be quick on the mark wulf
Tableter: Everyone is very hype for my game
Tableter: Gonna be trenton new jersey
RubyChao: i read that as trenton new jonesy
I Am Goat: The wonderful city of Trenton which I've never visited
I Am Goat: Great city though, full of crime and drugs
RubyChao: two great tastes that are even better together
Tableter: Perfect setting for gay werewolves then
Tableter: "New Jonesy"
Tableter: "Mom why did you buy a state"
I Am Goat: "To have my face on license plates son"
iKomodo: XD
Tableter: Legit reason


Birthday Harpy: I walk down the street (no goddang crosswalk lights, which makes it harder :/ and there are train tracks, too) down to Dollar General, where I do all my grocery shopping for food to eat, with awkward dining hall times and fast food place openings on campus
Birthday Harpy: 9-2 brunch, 5 PM dinner? WHAT ABOUT THOSE THREE HOURS GUYS
Birthday Harpy: i remembered that I have a food package from the fam so i didn't buy too much: paper towels, mini marshmallows, and a can of pepsi
Birthday Harpy: then I see near the register the magic words
Birthday Harpy: "russell stover"
Gooper Blooper: lel
Birthday Harpy: and I think they're sold year round
Gooper Blooper: Non-seasonal Russell Stover? And just a bar, not an assorted box of stuff with chocolate on it?
Birthday Harpy: just the bar
Gooper Blooper: damn
Birthday Harpy: with GAMECOCKS emblazoned on it
Gooper Blooper: harpy pls
Gooper Blooper: ...unless it actually said GAMECOCKS
Birthday Harpy: (the USC football team are called Gamecocks. I don't know. I just don't )
Gooper Blooper: oh okay
Gooper Blooper: sports pulls through in a surprising way
RubyChao: brb
RubyChao: gonna tackle food
RubyChao: (it's a football joke!)


RubyChao: so it turns out it's possible to get (at least down here) a mix of chocolate chips and peanut butter chips
RubyChao: and thanks to this i discovered that chocolate peanut butter pancakes are the Best Kind
iKomodo: Woot
Gooper Blooper: yay
Birthday Harpy: noice
Birthday Harpy: i will tell that to my dad to see if he can make chocolate peanut butter waffles
RubyChao: do it
Birthday Harpy: one regret is that after i ate my russel stover
Birthday Harpy: i realized i should have gotten graham crackers to make s'mores
Gooper Blooper: I've seen S'mores kits at price chopper in the summer
Birthday Harpy: i've seen some in wal-mart once
Birthday Harpy: "DAD GET ME THA-" "no"
Gooper Blooper: They take graham crackers, Hershey bars, marshmallows, and wooden sticks and wrap it all in plastic together
Birthday Harpy: i didn't see the wooden sticks part
Gooper Blooper: "BUT DAAAAAAAAD"
Birthday Harpy: dude i wanna make s'mores with different kinds of chocolate
Gooper Blooper: yeah the Price Chopper version even has sticks
RubyChao: between the three of us we probably keep chocolate companies in business
Gooper Blooper: Celestia starts making her own chocolates
Gooper Blooper: megaplot 2015
RubyChao: everyone eats them
RubyChao: then it turns out tenshi is allergic to chocolate
Gooper Blooper: Bad Things Happen To Tenshi
Birthday Harpy: tenshi being allergic to chocolate is the saddest thing
Birthday Harpy: don't do this to me
Gooper Blooper: who will be this year's butt monkey, place your bets
Birthday Harpy: i vote for kaito kid
Tableter: conrad
Gooper Blooper: Zephyrus >​ Sine >​ Ariel >​ Cauren >​ ?????
RubyChao: oh darn, tenshi ate chocolate shrimp
RubyChao: i guess i can't torment her with that
RubyChao kicks a rock


RubyChao: bbl, i'm gonna get some chocolate


Birthday Harpy: i was scrolling through SA today and apparently saw that "if a redneck wanted fancy food, they'd go to Ponderosa's" in one topic
Birthday Harpy: and i'm like
Birthday Harpy: "why"
RubyChao: no rednecks
RubyChao: save yourselves
Gooper Blooper: I have successfully #ruined a restaurant chain
Gooper Blooper: somehow, their survival will come down to if Harpy buys food at one years from now when choosing between two places to eat, and she turns to whoever she's with and says "nah, Goopy said it sucked" and the place goes under because it missed out on that sale
RubyChao: hahahahaha


Gooper Blooper: every year David dies in a more and more over the top fashion, then revives in a still more ridiculous way


Gooper Blooper: RIP marisa
RubyChao: i can't believe marisa is dead
Draco: Why is the Touhou being killed with pasta?
Gooper Blooper: I don't know


Birthday Harpy: "oh god i almost thighed"
Birthday Harpy: >​me while trying to say "i almost died"
Gooper Blooper: #thighs
iKomodo: Hahaha
Birthday Harpy: "One day, I almost thighed. Went to go get a snack, but oh, I heard the siren song of fried, crispy deliciousness. it was enough to make my mouth water. But I had to resist; the lovely wife was making beef stew. When that stew touched the tongue, it was like a taste of heaven, sliding down the throat... Er, wait a minute, um, what I meant to say was that I got chips instead of chicken thighs because beef stew's better. :S "


Knives at work: -cracks knuckles- I'm not a Draco yet, and unlike Goops, I am a useless. ;v But 'ere goes.
Alex, despite being too small in the view of most to date normal women- largely because their view has to stoop several factors to try, hoho- doesn't need any help dating Sarah, despite being so abysmally microscopic in comparative scale (though of course most things are; NASA called again to confirm that 'er body is celestial.) Yo know why? Sarah doesn't have lovehandles, she has full on climbing rungs by this point. :I
Knives at work is immediately destroyed
Gooper Blooper: snrt
Birthday Harpy: oh wow
iKomodo: Snrrrrrrk
Gooper Blooper: sarah has become
Gooper Blooper: THE AGGRO CRAG
Gooper Blooper: *mist, flashing lights, dramatic music*


Draco: Ruby beat me.
Draco: Only because Mega Groudon had to go fight Cloud and the Daleks with his jutsus!
Draco: Because he's a Time Lord Sephiroth clone who is also a ninja.
Gooper Blooper: original the groudon
Groundless: -pushes up glasses higher and raises voice to be higher and more nasally than he actually can- I don't believe you, sir. On the grounds of Time Lord DNA being incompatible with Geneva material, as the brilliant Blails of our lives​ revealed in its nineteen season journey through legit crossovers.
Groundless sucks in air and returns to basso
Gooper Blooper: >​19 seasons of Blails
Gooper Blooper: *buys the DVD box set*
Draco: Normally, no, but Mega Groudon also has the Power of the Spiral which he learned from Simon the Digger and rewrote the universe to make it possible.


RubyChao: god fucking dammit tuxedo mask
RubyChao: you always pull this shit
Gooper Blooper: Scrapped Christmas Plans #57: Did not get Chao a Tuxedo Mask plushie with a note taped to it that said "the episode in which Tuxedo Mask ships himself in a box to save on travel costs"
Birthday Harpy: aw man
iKomodo: XD


(Harpy considers getting a fifth-gen Pokemon game and/or Pokemon Bank)

Gooper Blooper: If you bought a gen 5 game and a Bank subscription you would complete the bridge between gen 4 and gen 6, yes
Birthday Harpy: and its only 5 dollars a month?
Gooper Blooper: 5 dollars a year
Birthday Harpy: woah shit that's even cheaper than chatzy subscriptions
Birthday Harpy: or WoW
iKomodo: Hahaha
Birthday Harpy: or anything
iKomodo: ONLY 5.00 A YEAR MAGGLE
Gooper Blooper: only 4.99 to subscribe to the pokemon network maggle
Gooper Blooper: too slow
iKomodo: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: we even both said maggle
Gooper Blooper: chat hivemind


Gooper Blooper: MUGS


Saberwulf: "apparently February 14th will be a full moon. Celebrate with your lover by turning into a werewolf on your date and devouring them. 100% romantic i am an expert."
Saberwulf: A very WereJonesy Valentines


Draco: Hi Harpy.
Draco: Did you see that I offered to buy you a cake last night?
Harpy: spare yeself of cake; just get a 1 lb of chocolate instead.
Draco: *5
Draco: :V
Harpy: I can't fit that much chocolate in my fridge; people will think it's theirs and eat it
Harpy: "no one person can eat that chocolate"
Draco: Forum PM me where you want it sent then.
Harpy: um, i think I gave you my address
Tableter: What is this
Tableter: Some kind of illegal chocolate ring
Draco: The college one or the house one, I mean.
Harpy: its birthday chocolate
Harpy: it's not much of a ring if it stops halfway due to one of the cartel eating it
iKomodo: A chocolate ring doesn't sound that illegal
Draco: Yes, I'm running a smuggling ring through
iKomodo: but now I've just confused myself trying to work out the logistics of that
Harpy: yo bruh, wanna buy some chocolate *opens up trenchcoat, thousands of brands of chocolate bars hang upon it
Tableter: Thats all cheap easter chocolate you fraud :O
Draco: Here is how it works: I send Harpy chocolate, she eats it and takes it to Canada, and finally delivers to Cornwind an anecdote about how good it was.


Saberwulf: "Calico, the evil clown of Middletown"
Saberwulf: #ruined
Tableter: Calico's brief stunt as a clown was shortlived
Tableter: "No, this isn't funny..."
Tableter: *murders a bunch of people*


RubyChao: you know, it's a good thing pit isn't the mythological icarus
RubyChao: at this point his proximity to the sun would have just completely destroyed his wings if he was :V
Tableter: Hes only a kid icarus
iKomodo: :U
Tableter: B)
Gooper Blooper: instead the reverse happened
Gooper Blooper: after pit got to know okuu, unrelated events repaired his wings
iKomodo: :3
Tableter: It was totally adorable
RubyChao: pitsuho best pairing
Tableter: And now they can hug and make babby birds and whatever else couples do
RubyChao: technically wouldn't they be babby half-birds
iKomodo: We just don't know
Tableter: What are birds
Gooper Blooper: it turns out pit was once a bird
Tableter: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: which means dirk was once a bird, in a roundabout way
iKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: he is left speechless
iKomodo: Burd
RubyChao: pfffft
Tableter: Birdfights rp
RubyChao: "Josephine, I have a shocking secret and I'm so sorry... I was the bird all along"
Gooper Blooper: Ariel looks over at Josephine, makes the "you like krabby patties don't you squidward" face
Gooper Blooper: "shacking up with a bird eh big sis"
RubyChao: "Eh, your butt is still fine. I don't care."
iKomodo: Hahaha


RubyChao: oh god i thought of a belated possibly lewd joke
RubyChao: the only way we can know what an angel and a hell raven make is if they get to work on it
RubyChao: *eyebrows*
Gooper Blooper: there'll be time for that after the wedding I'm sure
Tableter: There's always time
RubyChao: if dirk doesn't make a whole bunch of lewd jokes at the wedding i will be very sad
Gooper Blooper: sephine stands next to him snickering like an idiot at each one
iKomodo: Hahahaha


Tableter: sleep whats that
iKomodo: Hahahaha
Saberwulf: Fuk sleep
Tableter: sleep is for the weak
Gooper Blooper: ^britbro summer philosophy


Harpy: recovering from too much caffeine
Pending Puddle: LIES
Pending Puddle clings to coffee with wild eyes


RubyChao: i am jamming to music and pondering what to do now
RubyChao: and then going off to read things
RubyChao: which will always and forever be the answer
RubyChao: in seventy years i'll be on my deathbed and i'll will myself to keep living long enough to finish the book i'm reading
RubyChao: i just know it
RubyChao books
RubyChao and also internet reading stuff
Gooper Blooper: gloria intensifies
Gooper Blooper: the true gloria pairing is gloria x chao
RubyChao: otp
RubyChao: the dates consist of silently sitting on a couch and reading books


Harpy: ivel asks me about chocolate companies
Harpy: i have a feeling i'm gonna be showered in chocolates

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