Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Different people celebrate in different ways. Even if they live in the same town, or even if they're family.

Two sisters were going about their February 14ths in just such separate ways...


"Will you marry me?"

The question hung in the air in the Triden kitchen for a few seconds as Sarah's brain overloaded. It was like her life flashing before her eyes, except instead of her whole life it was just the last four years.

Arriving in Manhattan. Peeking at Alex shyly from afar as he did janitor work in the Zoofights arena. Their first awkward meeting. Sarah struggling to work up courage, playing the lute on a rooftop.

Then... the second meeting. Alex had brought flowers. He'd felt the same way.

So many memories, good and bad. Watching movies together. Conquering the Sweet Behemoth and the Black Legend. Enduring the Servitor. Saving Alex's heroic, knightly half when it became separated from his soft-spoken janitor half. Alex rescuing Sarah from Marilith. Sarah rescuing Alex from Atma Weapon. The fight against Dr. Vile-y. Founding a theme park. Visiting Steamcrab Springs, where they had massive ice cream cones and floated on a lazy river. Sarah becoming a janitor to help Alex with work. Alex learning white magic and transitioning from knight to a sort of paladin. Taking down Regal. Alex learning Ultima and Sarah learning Judgement Bolt.

The notes. They had written love notes to each other, both sides still shy about their status until they finally got it down on paper. And, of course, they still had them. Sarah no longer read hers every night - she didn't need that kind of reassurance these days - but she did make sure to look at it every now and again, especially on their anniversary.

It had been a long time. In a way, they'd settled down, though the call to adventure still tugged at Sarah often, and Alex, though usually staying away, had popped up at the King of Beasts again last year for a few battles. And now this...

Less than five seconds had passed, but for Sarah and Alex it had felt like more. All of her memories rushed back at once. Sarah was, for the briefest of moments, overwhelmed.

But she found her voice. The little white mage did not squeal or scream or jump for joy. Instead, with trembling hands, she took the ring and stared deep into its opal depths. Then, that done, she gently placed it aside so she could hold Alex's hands.

"...Yes." she said, a whisper. Then she gripped tighter, pulling Alex into a soft, cuddly hug.

"Yes, Alex."


But while that was happening, one of Sarah's sisters was celebrating in a different way. Though, perhaps, maybe not quite so different?


Josephine leaned back against her pillow and sighed in content. "Whew. Almost didn't think I could polish that thing off, but there's no stopping the sephine!"

A few moments passed as a very full Josephine mused on her next move. She opted to pick up the empty box of chocolates, then called out.

"Oh, Dirrrrrrrkyyyyyyy~~~"

When he'd show up, he'd find Jo waving around the empty box with a look in her eyes that could only mean one thing.


And, incidentally, somewhere else a certain succubus put her own twist on the idea.

The only things Morgan knew about Lily's grand plans were that they involved two heart-shaped cakes and a tub of pink icing. Beyond that, she could only speculate. But succubi did so enjoy speculating, so Morgan let Lily go on her merry way and returned to her perusal of Las Vegas travel guides with a knowing smile on her face.

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