Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 78: Draw Her Like Jessica Rabbit

RubyChao: david showed up in my dreams last night
RubyChao: he fought a space lizard while on a space skateboard. it was very david
Saberwulf: hahahaha


whsprwinndrayd joined the chat
whsprwinndrayd: guhhhhh my head
whsprwinndrayd: i only drank like three glasses, what the fugh
whsprwinndrayd: fugh tha posse yo
whsprwinndrayd left the chat
Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: why


Saberwulf: Deeeelll where is that nondescript field is it on Ardea
The Deleter: yes
The Deleter: there is a small region marked on maps as "nondescript fields"
The Deleter: it's so boring not even goblins live there
The Deleter: and goblins live fucking everywhere
Saberwulf: Hahahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
The Deleter: "There isn't shit to do in Orvance."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 77: DMbargoing

SteelKomodo stands on head
SteelKomodo: it's a habit now


The Deleter: i am educating sk in that there are many asses
The Deleter: but there is only one
The Deleter: ass shaker
Burning Mick Foley: Dirk?
The Deleter: yess
The Deleter: sssss
SteelKomodo: sssssssss?


Draco: Just had a thought...
Draco: If you kill a Sarahkin, do you learn a Thu'ume? Do you become......
Draco: ......the SARAHBORN?
Cornwind Evil: HAM-MERTIME!
Cornwind Evil: I-BEATDRACO!
Draco: B|
Cornwind Evil: They're gonna find my roasted body laid out to eat instead of 17 tomorrow, aren't they
Draco: Nope.
Draco: You can't eat what you can't find. BV

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Game Room: Laura

Today we're going to be looking at a game aimed primarily at children, and I will be keeping that in mind as I review. Said game is Laura, which released for the Game Boy Color in 2000. I tried out this game because of the strange name and screenshots that told very little about what it actually was. I wound up finding a game that was meant to be played by young girls, and it was inoffensive enough that I plowed through the whole thing in two days. Read on for details.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 76: Art Donovan is Full of Questions

Jumpropeman: at this rate, Gooper will have to add a tag to his blogposts for posts about BUTTS


Cornwind Evil pets Mikey. It'll be okay.
Cornwind Evil: *until he makes it worse again*


Draco: Would it be appropriately melodramatic and over-the-top to threaten to quit RPing over JRM's thumbs-down smiley? =p
Draco: (Then again, how could you tell if I'd quit or not?)
Jumpropeman: (pO_O)p
Draco: (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Jumpropeman: (bOwO)b
Draco: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


RubyChao: true suffering: your headphones only work in both ears in exactly the right positioning
Harpy: w-what
Harpy: a-aaah
RubyChao: and you can't find that positioning again
RubyChao: D:
Harpy: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Harpy: D: oh god that is hell


RubyChao throws SK's tea in the harbor
Jumpropeman: CLEFT! STOP IT!
Jumpropeman: WE WON THAT WAR!
Jumpropeman: they're our friends now!


The Deleter: i attempted to catch up with red vs blue
The Deleter: i should have just shot myself

Friday, September 13, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 75: Tha Posse

Jumpropeman: 17 is Edyth's baby :3
RubyChao: but then who is the daddy
Jumpropeman: Lord Fatcrab x edyth


Cornwind Evil: Another friend of mine are discussing the endgame stages of my D&D campaign
Cornwind Evil: Where his character was damned by her father and when she dies she'll fight in an eternal war because her soul belongs to Asmodeus and stuff
Cornwind Evil: And I say "We should break the contract!"
Cornwind Evil: And he says 'Well the Nine Hells are all Lawful Evil, it'd be like an immensely complicated legal process..."
Cornwind Evil: "Then we do it like Phoenix Wright!"


Gooper Blooper: Mr. Bones is Captain Bones' brother
RedSpy: But where does Kaptain Skurvy fit into this?
Gooper Blooper: Since Mr. Bones and Captain Bones are both apparently human skeletons, it's safe to say Captain Skurvy is unrelated unless Kremlings are transformed humans
Gooper Blooper: It's funny - one became a bloodthirsty pirate but eventually mellowed and decided to start teaching people math. The other was a classy gentleman, but he descended into madness, building amusement park torture machines
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Pffffffft this is canon
SteelKomodo: Captain Bones doesn't really talk about him
SteelKomodo: all you get from him is a "he bides fine", and thats it
SteelKomodo: why do you think Cap Bones has no treasure in his ship? it all went to paying Mr. Bone's bail time after time
RedSpy: Well of course Mr. Bones keeps needing bail
RedSpy: They always send him to rehab
RedSpy: But he just runs off, shouting that the ride never stops
Gooper Blooper: "Hey man have a smoke of this. Shit'll give you a wild ride."
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Okay new theory
Gooper Blooper: Mr. Bones is in fact an incredibly dull and boring person. He actually believes Mr. Bones' Wild Ride is an amazing, exciting thrill because it is to him. It lasts a long time because he's undead and doesn't comprehend mortals any more.
SteelKomodo: ...D:
Gooper Blooper: So he doesn't grasp that they'd prefer a shorter ride
Gooper Blooper: Because, hey, he's dead and doesn't eat. He has time.
Gooper Blooper: Doesn't explain the drowning pool at the end though
RedSpy: That's where he dumps them if they're rude
SteelKomodo: pffft

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 74: I Happen to Have Large Buns

Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: shingeki no goops
RedSpy: Goops x Bee
RedSpy: Goops x Bagel
RubyChao: why are you attacking gooper D:
Harpy: because he's trying to muscle in on my cookie empire




RubyChao: "there is zero rotational motion in this picture. every single one of the dots is oscillating on a straight line"
SteelKomodo: Woah, that's freaky
SteelKomodo is hypnotised.


RubyChao: "My vitamins melted into one vitamin 0___o" "they’re called vitafusion what do you expect"


Gooper Blooper: i posted the link to the poll on Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga's facebook pages
also Cody Rhodes, Wal Mart, Nintendo of America/Canada/Australia​ etc
then i got a message saying i was under investigation for spamming ...
i think i just got facebook banned

Gooper Blooper: gamefaqs user please
Cornwind Evil: God, that just sticks out
SteelKomodo: XD
Cornwind Evil: Justin Bieber, Wal-Mart...and Cody Rhodes
Cornwind Evil: Not John Cena or Daniel Bryan or Triple H, Cody Rhodes
Saberwulf: pfff
Saberwulf: They are seriously hellbent on that poll

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 73: I Can't Stop Clicking Alpacas

M Sheep: Butt cookies everywhere!
M Sheep: ....
M Sheep: Well, there's something I thought I'd never type
Gooper Blooper: they go straight to your butt
Cornwind Evil: Simple Butt Fun


Jumpropeman: the end raid on the society is going to be one amazing clusterfuck of awesomeness I bet
Harpy: if it isn't, then we cannot call ourselves kobbers
SteelKomodo: you expected anything less, JRM?
Jumpropeman: it will be like an anime where everyone reveals their super secret hidden techniques
Jumpropeman: and Krillin will be on the sidelines gasping the whole battle


Jumpropeman: so I was catching up on last year's RP some more
Jumpropeman: and I had a misread that made my eyes bog out
SteelKomodo: oooh boy
Jumpropeman: Raw asks "...Pit, how old are you again? And what have you done in life besides work for Sintendo? And besides Daisy, how many girls have you dated?"
Jumpropeman: Pit says "Twenty-five. Don't listen to Dirk when he says forty, he's lying. As usual." he's talking about age, but I thought he was talking about girlfriends
Jumpropeman: I thought Pit was a pimp, and Dirk was playing up his bro's lady count
Gooper Blooper: haha
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: Pffft
SteelKomodo: man, how HIGH do you even have to BE just to DO something like that
Harpy: you have to be dirk
Harpy: you have to be so high, you become 2012 Dirk