Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 42: Brotherly Love

TheDeleter: holy fuck the uk has a train called "Heart of Midlothian"
TheDeleter: it sounds like tolkien wrote a world where Saruman won and it's steampunk middle earth
Saberwulf: That is a bad ass name, goddamn


TheDeleter: okay so uh
TheDeleter: cowboy bebop has good music
Saberwulf: It does
TheDeleter: i just heard "Tank!" on a stream
TheDeleter: and uh
TheDeleter: yeah
SteelKomodo:'re not del D:
Saberwulf: Told ya
Saberwulf: I's been tellin' ya's all this time
TheDeleter: it keeps happening


Gooper Blooper: oh man, this article I just found
Gooper Blooper: We've seen plenty of Hong Kong bootlegs
SteelKomodo: we have
Gooper Blooper: now we journey into Darkest Africa
SteelKomodo: oh boy
SteelKomodo: good lord
SteelKomodo: GTA must be real popular in Africa to warrant so many bootleg hacks
Gooper Blooper: GRAND THEFT AUTO: ZOOFIGHTS - A hack with Zephyrus replacing the main character and Zephyrus closeups on the loading screens
Gooper Blooper: Also the missions are removed and all the music is Bahasa rock and rap
SteelKomodo: pfffft


RedSpy: I think I've been playing too much Isaac
RedSpy: ./literally every recommended vid on Youtube is Isaac music
RedSpy: ./Stop Youtube!
RedSpy: ./You're getting out of line D:


RedSpy: Goops you're amazing
Saberwulf: Hahaha
Gooper Blooper: I was going to give him a hip rad sneaker but that was too similar to Achilles Eel so I gave him a big sports foam finger instead
RedSpy: I didn't even think of the foam finger
RedSpy: But its perfect
Gooper Blooper: it's because
Gooper Blooper: he's number one
RedSpy: So edgy
RedSpy: So in your face
Gooper Blooper: #whatcouldpossiblygowron​g


SteelKomodo: so um
SteelKomodo: I played this rom
SteelKomodo: and
SteelKomodo: I'm enjoying it so far D:
Saberwulf: Welcome to the wonderful world of JRPGssssss
SteelKomodo: what's happening to me
SteelKomodo: where has my manly predilection for fighters and hack-n-slashers gone
TheDeleter: try under the bed
SteelKomodo: pffffft del


Saberwulf: "On a completely different day you decide to have a carrot. It's fresh, good for your eyes - at least that's what they want you to think - and crunchy. Sounds lovely. How healthy is it, though? As you attempt to eat the carrot it spears through the roof of your mouth. Your mouth fills with warm blood and chunks of ruined flesh as the tip of the carrot punches through your skull and stabs your brain. No amount of vitamins are worth this tragic fate."
Gooper Blooper: (written by sarah)
Saberwulf: Pfff
TheDeleter: amazing
Gooper Blooper: "Palazzo's Pan-Universal Pizza saved my life and it can save yours too!" "goddamn it sis"
Saberwulf: "Pizza with toppings that can dance this well MUST be good for you! Absorb their artistic knowledge by eating them!"
Saberwulf: "Waring: Palazzo's Live Toppings may cause side effects such as internal bleeding, poisoning, bowel rebellion, xenomorph impregnation, gas station worms, death"
Gooper Blooper: "it's good, really!" ":I"
TheDeleter: Jonesy ordered a mushroom pizza and regretted it
Gooper Blooper: *Mario powerup noise*
RedSpy: Jonezilla
RedSpy: VS.
RedSpy: Rodirk
RedSpy: (Spam the heat beam, Rodan is cheap!)


Gooper Blooper: ruined forever
TheDeleter: yep


Cornwind Evil: So Gooper
Gooper Blooper: mmyes
Cornwind Evil: You ran a List Randomizer, who was your winner? No 1 or No 30?
Gooper Blooper: The list randomizer determined entry order
Gooper Blooper: Then I ran a 1-30 tractor to decide who won
Cornwind Evil: And hence the elimination order?
Gooper Blooper: Elimination order was determined by me, not a tractor
Gooper Blooper: The only tractored outcome was the winner
Gooper Blooper: I wrote the rest myself to make interesting matchups
Cornwind Evil: Ah. k
Gooper Blooper: Otherwise there could have been shit like number 30 getting picked by the tractor to be the first eliminated
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, would be too hard to balance
Gooper Blooper: Also, top-secret behind-the-scenes info
Gooper Blooper: My original Rumble lineup included Cannonbeetle, but when I saw the list order I decided to swap him out for Tiamat
Gooper Blooper: Normally I wouldn't have been able to use Tiamat because TOO BIG but Sarah is the one normal-size character capable of accomplishing something because of Mini
Gooper Blooper: And she came in right after that spot, so I made the swap


Saberwulf: "Last Stand is a tabletop roleplaying game influenced by Godzilla movies, Earth Defense Force 2017, Shadow of the Colossus and Mega Man."
RedSpy: Holy fuck
RedSpy: This is "turn into Zoofighters"
RedSpy: This is amazing
M_Sheep: It's like if Spy and Gooper had a baby
M_Sheep: That was a tabletop game
RedSpy: How did you know D: <


Cornwind Evil: Guess chat is done for the night
RedSpy: A chatzy
Erebus joined the chat
Erebus: I'll know.
Erebus: And be very disappointed.


TheDeleter: i had a nightmare last night
TheDeleter: about spiders
TheDeleter: spiders hiding in furniture
TheDeleter: giant orange ones
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: that's terrible
TheDeleter: i woke up clawing at my chest
TheDeleter: then realised how dumb i looked and stopped
SteelKomodo: DDD:
SteelKomodo: man, that sucks
TheDeleter: according to a dream interpreter, the dream means i hate my mum? that's 100% wrong, what a bunch of guff
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: that is so much guff


Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper:
Cornwind Evil: Speaking of
Cornwind Evil: Sarah: You've Got Mail! From: Sine
SteelKomodo: whaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuck
Gooper Blooper: Tragically, Josephine was visiting Sarah that night
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: oh god
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: the humanity


Gooper Blooper: Afternoon gents
RedSpy: Gooptlemen
Gooper Blooper: I am watching a website slowly erode from the inside out
Gooper Blooper: It's beautiful and terrible
RedSpy: ???
Gooper Blooper: PhotoBucket
SteelKomodo: oh noes D:
SteelKomodo: gonna have to find a new host for your images :<
Gooper Blooper: It's the usual "people are mad at a site redesign", with a new twist
RedSpy: ?
Gooper Blooper: The twist is that a shit-ton of features got removed and a bunch of people whose livelihoods relied on various image editing and resizing are now losing money in their eBay selling and whatnot due to lack of resources
TheDeleter: do tell
SteelKomodo: D:
TheDeleter: aw shit
Gooper Blooper: This ain't like "Aw fuck, YouTube uglied up their site again"
Gooper Blooper: We're talking things like albums being organized by when the picture was created rather than when it was uploaded
Gooper Blooper: So it's cast into a sea of photos instead of being at the top
SteelKomodo: ouch
SteelKomodo: like, mega-ouch
Gooper Blooper: Apparently some people also had their URLs scrambled
RedSpy: The fuck
Gooper Blooper: It's a feature to prevent people from guessing your filenames - they add some gibberish on the end
Gooper Blooper: Some people switched to the new site and all their old URLs were scrambled
Gooper Blooper: if that happened to me, 8 years of links gone
Gooper Blooper: Fortunately it hasn't
SteelKomodo: my reaction to all of this
Gooper Blooper: I'm honestly impressed by how much worse it all is than the other site redesigns I've seen
Gooper Blooper: To make matters worse, at roughly the same time their contract with the company that did their image editor ran out
Gooper Blooper: So now the image editor has far fewer options and people have linked it to the new Photobucket, further worsening its reputation
Gooper Blooper: the worst timing
RedSpy: How
RedSpy: Why
SteelKomodo: oh good lawd
SteelKomodo: goodbye, Photobucket
SteelKomodo: you're time with us was too short ;_;
Gooper Blooper: Now, one thing they're doing correctly is listing a whole bunch of demanded features and saying they'll be added to New Photobucket
Gooper Blooper: However, they're going ahead with the plan to force-move everyone to the new site in 20 days
Gooper Blooper: That stuff won't be ready in time
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: You don't force-move users onto a new site when features they depend on aren't available yet
SteelKomodo: as much as I hate the phrase, this is now Dontebucket
Gooper Blooper: I thought of the comparison as well >​.>​
Gooper Blooper: Except the new DmC was actually not that bad apparently
Gooper Blooper: Any game with a boss fight against Bill O' Reilly's floating head can't be all bad


SteelKomodo: ok, word of warning, guys
SteelKomodo: do not google "Bubble Man" without adding "Mega Man" in there as well
SteelKomodo: seriously
Saberwulf: Oh god, I don't even want to know
SteelKomodo: i shalt not tell thee
SteelKomodo: just trust me on this
RedSpy: . . . D:
SteelKomodo: SPY YOU FOOL


TheDeleter: sk you better post that bitch
SteelKomodo: i'm on it, man
TheDeleter: i have had my massive monster fighting boner here for a month now
SteelKomodo: IT
SteelKomodo: IS
SteelKomodo: DO- D:
SteelKomodo: don't ever say that again del
TheDeleter: lel


SteelKomodo: don't be a furphobe del >:|
SteelKomodo: it takes all colours to make a rainbow
SteelKomodo: ...except a YouTube reference
TheDeleter: except fur
TheDeleter: rainbows aren't furry
TheDeleter: >:D
SteelKomodo: :<
SteelKomodo: damn you del
TheDeleter: lel


TheDeleter: back
TheDeleter: helloooooo?
TheDeleter: respond tom you cockbungling dirtchucker
SteelKomodo: hello
SteelKomodo: sorry, didn't hear the Chatzy noise
TheDeleter: aha
TheDeleter: i see
Gooper Blooper: brotherly love


Gooper Blooper:
TheDeleter: lol
TheDeleter: that's some copy paste if i ever saw it
SteelKomodo: all they did was change the pallette slightly D:
SteelKomodo: come on, Game Freak, show my second-fave fossil pokemon some respect!
Gooper Blooper: They messed with his tail a little bit
SteelKomodo: (first fave is Omanyte, btw)
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing "Work On Anorith" kept coming up on Friday afternoons
Gooper Blooper: "God dammit, I'm sick of spriting Pokemon. Who's next?"
Gooper Blooper: "Anorith."
Gooper Blooper: "Nobody uses Anorith, do they? Just port over last gen's graphic." "We did that last time!"


Cornwind Evil: Kratos doesn't want to serve Ares
Cornwind Evil: But he swore a blood oath
Cornwind Evil: And people who break blood oaths in this world are hunted down by the Furies
Cornwind Evil: Kratos' solution? KILL THE FURIES.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RedSpy: I read that as furries
RedSpy: Damnit Infinicon
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: also read it as furries
SteelKomodo: also eyo goops!
Cornwind Evil: Eyo Goops sounds dirty for some reason
Cornwind Evil: Not perverted dirty, just dirty-dirty


Gooper Blooper: Happy Valentine's day from Alex Ramza
SteelKomodo: d'aaaaaaw :3
Gooper Blooper: I personally came up with "It’s not an idiot hair, it’s an antenna for a love machine."
Gooper Blooper: which is more like something Dirk might say
SteelKomodo: it totally is XD


TheDeleter: knuckles loses it
Cornwind Evil: Was this a real song?
Cornwind Evil: Like, in a Sonic game?
TheDeleter: yes
Cornwind Evil: And people complain about Crush 40


Cornwind Evil: Also, wanna see one of the greatest wrestling things ever?
TheDeleter: derp
Cornwind Evil:
Gooper Blooper: amazing
Cornwind Evil: ITS NOT HOT!
Gooper Blooper: best reaction to cool water ever
Gooper Blooper: I can't imagine why wrestling moved away from these deep storylines
Cornwind Evil: yeah...Hogan in mid 90's WCW was a bad, BAD time before turning heel and the NWO
Cornwind Evil: It's really hard to explain just HOW bad and why without extensive wrestling history though
Gooper Blooper: well you know brother, ol' Hogan was a legend no matter what he was doing, and ever since he body-slammed an 8000-pound giant in front of three billion screaming Hulkamaniacs it's been nothing but hits brother
Cornwind Evil: *looks at Gooper* You want me to get started? I'll talk your ear off.
Cornwind Evil: Brother
Gooper Blooper: no that's fine thanks XD
Cornwind Evil: Imagine if I got absolute control of RPing
SteelKomodo: ba- D:
Cornwind Evil: And brought back all my guys including the ones no one liked
Cornwind Evil: And made them front and center to all storylines
Cornwind Evil: And not only did I ignore complaints, but I seemed incapable of comprehending them
SteelKomodo: i come back at the worst times, don't i
Cornwind Evil: Under the idea that 'Any talk is good!'
Cornwind Evil: That was Hogan in WCW before the NWO
TheDeleter: you do, sk
SteelKomodo: ouch


RedSpy: This is a game
SteelKomodo: it is
RedSpy: Why
SteelKomodo: i don't know
SteelKomodo: it just happened
SteelKomodo: and there we are

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