Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 41: The Story Starts When...

M_Sheep: Actually have some free time on my hands for once, so I'm just breezing about the internet where ever my whims may take me.
SteelKomodo: woot
M_Sheep: I know, right? Next I may actually be productively writing and wrapping up RP plots!
M_Sheep: Clearly the end times are upon us




Cornwind Evil: You know
Cornwind Evil: Resident Evil 4
Cornwind Evil: I can understand the merchant showing up in different areas
Cornwind Evil: What baffles me is that sometimes he's in a 'store'
Cornwind Evil: Like, this little side room filled with weapons
Cornwind Evil: ...yet the enemies don't bother him
Saberwulf: Magic
Gooper Blooper: Don't question merchants
Saberwulf: Zombie magic
Gooper Blooper: They're special
Saberwulf: Also the blue fires are magic
RedSpy: David's selling them all stuff too
Gooper Blooper: "Oy, whaddya buyin', mate?"
SteelKomodo: MAGIC *snort snort*
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of that guy who dressed up as the merchant IRL and went around reciting his lines
Cornwind Evil: Yet when someone asked him just what he was selling
Cornwind Evil: He couldn't tell him because the merchant has no lines like that
Cornwind Evil: "Got some rare things on sale, stranger!" "Like what?" "Uh....things."
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: "Uhh... stuff."
Gooper Blooper: beaten
Gooper Blooper: I have failed


Saberwulf: Okay, someone help me come up with a name for this DW game
Cornwind Evil: "So, who left that gold there?"
Saberwulf: Ghosts
Saberwulf: Magic gold ghosts
SteelKomodo: Um... Plains of Iron?
Saberwulf: Nah, I have no idea
Gooper Blooper: The Town With No Name
TheDeleter: Train Keeps A'Rollin'
Saberwulf: Hmm
Gooper Blooper: Lead to Rights
Saberwulf: Pfffff
Gooper Blooper: Fistful of Jink
Saberwulf: I was thinking Happiness Is a Warm Blade/Wand, after Happiness Is a Warm Gun, the Beatles song that gave me the idea for this
M_Sheep: Mystery Aboard The Flying Pussyfoot?
Gooper Blooper: Ain't No Gettin Off This Train We On
Saberwulf: There be no Rail Tracers, so nay, no Flying Pussyfoot
Cornwind Evil: One second Wulf
M_Sheep: You are aboard a train. It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Rail Tracer
Saberwulf: Haha
SteelKomodo: haha
Gooper Blooper: There's A Snake In My Robe And Wizard Hat


Cornwind Evil: We should fight horrible reptile monsters on a locomotive
Cornwind Evil: Hence it will be Snakes On A Train
Gooper Blooper: *rimshot*
Cornwind Evil: Then they can follow us onto some rolling fields
Cornwind Evil: And it will be Snakes On A Plain
Saberwulf: Common is banned now
Cornwind Evil: Then they can buy some 'medicine' from a quack show doctor
Saberwulf: Everyone speaks Telugu
Cornwind Evil: And they can be Snakes On Cocaine
Gooper Blooper: Bad weather starts up
Gooper Blooper: Snakes On Cocaine On A Train In The Rain
Cornwind Evil: Yeah, these jokes have become tired and I will stop doing them
Gooper Blooper: (beetle bottle battle)
Cornwind Evil: Snakes On A Wane
TheDeleter: Snakes on a GET OUT
M_Sheep: Why did it have to be snakes?!
Gooper Blooper: Snakes get characterized as villains all the time, but maybe that's better than other obscure animals that get no attention at all
Gooper Blooper: Snakes Can't Complain
Gooper Blooper: ./reaching
Saberwulf: Pff


TheDeleter: also hey bus how long have you been here
Saberwulf: All those people are now dead
TheDeleter: so quiet
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: he's sitting in the corner
Gooper Blooper: watching
Erebus: For a bit now.
Gooper Blooper: and waiting
Erebus: ^
Erebus: Waiting for uh
Erebus: uh
Gooper Blooper: I always feel like, The Bus is watching meeee Tell me if it's just on Chatzy
Erebus: ....should've thought this through more, uh, hold on...
TheDeleter: XD
RedSpy: XD


Gooper Blooper: oh my god I love the Internet
Gooper Blooper: this has been bugging me for years and I can now stop thinking about it
Cornwind Evil: What has?
Gooper Blooper: Okay, so I used to eat at McDonalds a lot as a kid and I had a ton of Happy Meal toys
Gooper Blooper: There was this one neat set I'm sad I no longer have
Gooper Blooper: Every Happy Meal would come with one figure and a plastic tube. The tube could twist in certain places and could attach to the figure, and the figures could attach to each other
Gooper Blooper: So if you had a bunch of them you could make this big twisting thing
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to the Internet, I finally found them and what they were called
Gooper Blooper: They were called "Twist-A-Zoids", were sponsored by Nickelodeon, and released in 1997
Gooper Blooper: wonder what ebay wants for these puppies
SteelKomodo: let's find out!
Gooper Blooper: 13 bucks for the whole set, half of which is shipping
Gooper Blooper: Looked good until that goddamn shipping
SteelKomodo: D:<
SteelKomodo: SHIPPIIIIIIIIING *shakes fist*


Cornwind Evil: So you're going to run this on SA SW?
Saberwulf: Mhmm
Saberwulf: I'll be picking 4-6 players from whoever applies
Cornwind Evil: I assume knowing us personally gives us no bonuses
Gooper Blooper: +20 friendship bonus
Gooper Blooper: -21 points for sneaking inside info
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: +1 point for Help Name The Game


M_Sheep: Alright, I need to start getting some work done.
M_Sheep: eeya lot later
RedSpy: Eeya!
Gooper Blooper: Bye sheep
SteelKomodo: bai
Gooper Blooper: baaaaa-eye
TheDeleter: bye sheep
TheDeleter: and there he goes, into the yonder
Gooper Blooper: Slowly walking backwards into the foggy night until he is slowly consumed by the mist
Gooper Blooper: It almost looked like there was something behind him you couldn't quite make out
RedSpy: Or does he consume the mist?
Gooper Blooper: Was that a twig snapping? Must be nothing
Gooper Blooper: (That's how M Sheep leaves everywhere)


RedSpy: . . . wtf no
RedSpy: I'm not winking
RedSpy: I'm making a fang D:
RedSpy: |< [wink] :<
RedSpy: No stop D:
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: |< [wink] :<
TheDeleter: i can't tell because i have smileys disabled
TheDeleter: 1 sec
RedSpy: |< ) :<
RedSpy: Fucking FINALLY
SteelKomodo: Curse thee, Chatzy!
RedSpy: . . . And it looks piss-ugly. Not fucking worth the hassle Chatzy


Saberwulf: shit I actually need a plot for GiS tomorrow don't I
Gooper Blooper: hold on
Gooper Blooper: got you covered
Saberwulf: Like, I've got the "strangle David" part down, yeah, but otherwise I'm blanking
SteelKomodo: don't worry, I will be there
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist is told by a parent that everything has been a lie. Another character is someone from the future who plans to use your protagonist as a scapegoat."
Saberwulf: "Your life is a lie! Now hold this bag of stolen gold"
SteelKomodo: The story starts when your protagonist moves into a new home. Another character is an alien entity who always loses arguments.
SteelKomodo: um... how did this thing predict my ZFRP 2013 plans?
RedSpy: The story starts when your protagonist goes on a cruise. Another character is a pilot who uses dark magic.
RedSpy: . . . Fuck
RedSpy hides plans for Launchpad McQuack: Dark Warlock
SteelKomodo: LAUNCHPAD NO D:
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist goes back to school. Another character is a priest who doesn't know how to tell your protagonist something important. "
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist gets drunk." Instant Dirk plot
Gooper Blooper: "Um, Sis, that whole "your diploma was fake" thing was a joke." "Quiet, Sarah, I'm studying"
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist is told s/he must get married immediately."
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist comes out of the clos-
Gooper Blooper: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a135/Kracko/Zoofights/CelestiaBlush.png
SteelKomodo is shot.
SteelKomodo changed name to Dirk
Dirk: Fuck that shit, man.
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker: *hums wedding march*
Dirk changed name to SteelKomodo
Gooper Blooper: "Another character is an arsonist. who has a collection of photos of your protagonist."
TheDeleter: oh noooooo
Gooper Blooper: oh god
TheDeleter: "It's a photo album of the team, come on you chumpstick!"
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist reads his/her own obituary. Another character is an attorney who is your protagonist's favorite author."
SteelKomodo: ...this one, I can definitely use
RedSpy: The story starts when your protagonist decides s/he must get justice. Another character is a letter carrier who is carrying a deadly disease.
Gooper Blooper: I love Shuma's books on the chaos dimension
Gooper Blooper: (the letter carrier is carrying an envelope filled with anthrax)
SteelKomodo: "Don't worry, you second-rate character! I'll get you out of this legal mess in no time!" "D:"
Cornwind Evil: The story starts when your protagonist overhears a discussion. Another character is a vampire who run away from the past.
Cornwind Evil: Ironically the second one kindasorta matches one of my ideas
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist tries speed dating. Another character is a pilot who is skilled in archery."
Cornwind Evil: A vampire on a spaceship would probably not be very happy though
RedSpy: Launchpad McQuack
Gooper Blooper: Josephine goes on a succession of hilarious blind dates while Ariel pilots a solar-powered plane
Cornwind Evil: That she stole from the Planeteers
Gooper Blooper: "So, uh... What's it like being a Malboro?" "*horrible gurgling noises*"
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist begins having nightmares. Another character is a hacker who is psychic." it did it again D:
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist hides in a closet. Another character is a police officer who wants everything done by the rules."
Cornwind Evil: The story starts when your protagonist overhears a discussion. Another character is an incredibly attractive person who has no problems with blackmail.
Gooper Blooper: Solomon and the Closet Monster in the summer's hottest comedy film
Cornwind Evil: Apparently it REALLY wants me to be eavesdropping on someone
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist returns to a childhood home. Another character is a police officer who has told your protagonist's secret to the press."
RedSpy: The story begins but who's gonna win
Gooper Blooper: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: #MASTERPLAN
SteelKomodo: Pit: Ah, my old home in Irela- Wait a minute... "SUPERSTAR ANGEL BORN A PIPE BABY?!"
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist agrees to a dare. Another character is a doctor who has been blogging about your protagonist online."
RedSpy: God damnit Nappa Goopa!
RedSpy: PSSSSSH Maybe now I can win the science fair!
Cornwind Evil: Raw: I fail to see how this is a problem, Pit.
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist comes out of the closet. Another character is a mind reader who invents strange machines."
Gooper Blooper: this is so close to being applicable
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist admits to a fantasy. Another character is an alien entity who invents strange machines." Pit: Dirk... no. Just no. And especially not in front of the new characters!
Cornwind Evil: The story starts when your protagonist opens the closet to find clothes that aren't his/hers. Another character is a student. who is a movie star.
SteelKomodo: Pit: D:<
SteelKomodo: Dirk: D:
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist tells a secret. Another character is a courier who wants your protagonist to go on a road trip." "Yeah, thing is... I-" "ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP ROAD TRIP"
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist cheats on a partner. Another character is a homeless person who has been blogging about your protagonist online."
Gooper Blooper: Fumes spills the beans: Sarah's been seeing another guy
SteelKomodo: XD:
RedSpy: XD
TheDeleter: pffft
Saberwulf: I feel like "Sarah is unfaithful" could actually be a plot line if it was soap opera-level hammed up enough
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist realizes s/he has to save the marriage. Another character is a surgeon who has a gift for poetry."
Cornwind Evil: And then pull a Dallas and have it turn out to be a dream
SteelKomodo: Mmhm
Gooper Blooper: While Sarah attempts to save the marriage, Dr. Bulgrave reprises his singing skills
Saberwulf: "The jokes on you, Sarah! That's not a different guy—It's my twin brother! And I AM MY TWIN BROTHER!"
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist is abducted. Another character is a hacker who has been spying on your protagonist." Skyfall, anyone?
SteelKomodo: The story starts when your protagonist swears to remain singahahahahahah no.
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist is forced into a car at gunpoint. Another character is an incredibly attractive person who believes your protagonist has something that belongs to him/her."
Pit: ...Hey, this is just the script for my old T.V. show!
Gooper Blooper: "The story starts when your protagonist finds a gun in a partner's nightstand drawer."
Gooper Blooper: alex why D:
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "Another character is an alien entity who has perfect night vision."
Gooper Blooper: "HEY KAUKET I CAN SEE YOU" "That's nice, Baltan."
SteelKomodo: aw shit, got a perfect one for Dirk
SteelKomodo: "The story starts when your protagonist joins an online dating site. Another character is someone your protagonist dated who claims that s/he has been alive since the 1500s."
Gooper Blooper: Ooh
Gooper Blooper: Dirk and Josephine both start blind dating, wind up paired with each other
Gooper Blooper: so much awkward
SteelKomodo: ...yessss


TheDeleter: why do i want to join every SA PbP game?
TheDeleter: whttttttt
TheDeleter: *whyyyyyyy
TheDeleter: t is close to y, whut up
Gooper Blooper: Because you love RPing, Del
TheDeleter: *shut
TheDeleter: i don't have an excuse for that typo

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