Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 38: Wind Wanker

Gooper Blooper: So out of nowhere yesterday I decided to see how ol' Akinator the Web Genius Genie has been doing
Gooper Blooper: "Does your character have a connection to potatoes?" Oh fuck he does "I think of Wheatley" GOD DAMMIT
SteelKomodo: :<
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: pffft
TheDeleter: man akinator
TheDeleter: you're good
Gooper Blooper: Other kobbers he knows include but are not limited to Ramza, White Mage, and Rain
TheDeleter: magic
SteelKomodo: man, he's sharp
SteelKomodo: don't get in a poker game with him, he'll read all your cards
Gooper Blooper: Yep, he just got Eddie Riggs
Gooper Blooper: I did however stump him with Browny, although Browny was in his database
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Akinator also knows Kayle, Morgana, Air Man, and Shuma
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: Okay, time to give him a serious challenge
Gooper Blooper: let's see if he knows THIS guy
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: First he guessed Roger Rabbit, then he guessed Cat in the Hat, then Earthworm Jim and finally Hellboy
Gooper Blooper: But he couldn't nail down Theodore Rex
TheDeleter: hahaha
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: Yay, you beat him!
Gooper Blooper: (he knows Hella Jeff btw)
TheDeleter: aw
SteelKomodo: damnnation!
Gooper Blooper: "Is your character linked to advertising?" Yes. "Is your character an animal?" Yes. "Is your character referred to by an honorific title?" oh fuck
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: holy shit it only took him 20 questions to get Clippy
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "Does your character have an animal shape?" "Is your character a bear?" "Is your character a beverage mascot" MOTHERFUCKER
Gooper Blooper: years of this have made him more powerful than you could possibly imagine
SteelKomodo: He is a wily opponent
Gooper Blooper: Hahahahahaha, I tried to beat Akinator by thinking of the statue standing next to him
Gooper Blooper: it didn't work
TheDeleter: haha, nope
TheDeleter: he''s onto you
SteelKomodo: XD:
Gooper Blooper: He knows Wheelchair Guy from Happy Wheels
SteelKomodo: wha
SteelKomodo: how
SteelKomodo: do they get together and have coffee?
SteelKomodo: "So, how goes the movie deal?" "Not that great. They gotta cut out the harpoon guns." "Sucks, man."
Gooper Blooper: Akinator knows everybody
Gooper Blooper: he's got connections
SteelKomodo: he sure does


TheDeleter: i won
RedSpy: WOO!
TheDeleter: everyone in the game was amused except for the faceless void who kept calling us all noobs
TheDeleter: and the drow ranger, who was silent throughout the whole game
RedSpy: Wait, you RP'd SkeleKing in the battle?
RedSpy: Niiiice
TheDeleter: yes
TheDeleter: it's the best way to find out who enjoys the game
TheDeleter: the enemy spirit breaker asked me if i was high
TheDeleter: i also called our windrunner "elf lady"
TheDeleter: and their ancient appirition "ICE MAN"
TheDeleter: and, of course, start the battle with HAVE NO FEAR YOUR KING IS HERE


TheDeleter: from the vgcw wiki
TheDeleter: In June 10th 2011, developer Gearbox Software finally put together all the pieces and released Duke Nukem Forever, fourteen years after it was announced. It was an awful, sexist, archaic, and ugly piece of shit. Everyone who bet on Duke lost their houses and is now sucking dicks in an Olive Garden bathroom.
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I saw that. It's beautiful
SteelKomodo: ahahahahahah XD
Gooper Blooper: never bet on douk


Saberwulf: I was watching my sister play Skyrim the other day, and when a Dunmer yelled "Now this is fighting!" I had to blurt out "NOW THIS IS PODRACING"
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: That line cracks me up every goddamn time
Saberwulf: (Buy now half off at WulfCaravans.hub)


SteelKomodo: Also maybe add some more TFS inspiration, I dunno
SteelKomodo: ...for my writing thing
SteelKomodo: Not RP, that'd be dumb
Gooper Blooper: "Hey Vegeta?" "What, Nappa?" "We're on a space station, Vegeta!" "What- WHEN DID WE-?" "While you were asleep, I carried you onboard." "...God damn it, Nappa."
TheDeleter: xD
SteelKomodo: XD


TheDeleter: so i'm watching jontron videos because that's what you do at 6:45 in the evening


TheDeleter: hahahaha the first mission of sonic 06 is to get 100 rings to buy a thing
TheDeleter: that's awful
TheDeleter: the first mission of every sonic game before that was to run from left to right, how can they screw that up so bad
Saberwulf: Because Sonic 06
Saberwulf: It is the awful answer to its own awful problems
Saberwulf: An ouroboros of shit


Gooper Blooper: protocube: table-san died on the way back to her home planet
RedSpy: D: NO


TheDeleter: okay, i'm going to speep
TheDeleter: night dufes, stay cool
Gooper Blooper: gnight del
Gooper Blooper: del-del
RedSpy: night!
TheDeleter: nooooo not del-del
Gooper Blooper: Komodo-poo and del-del
TheDeleter: noooooooooooooooooooooo
TheDeleter left the chat 


RedSpy: Yoshi's Epic Yarn and Wind Wanker 2?
Harpy: "wind wanker"
RedSpy: *Wind Wanker remake
TheDeleter: did you seriously just type wind wanker
TheDeleter: that's hilarious
Harpy: I'm going to pretend that I can't make a joke out of that
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Legend of Snoipah
TheDeleter: congrats you made me giggle like a child :3


SteelKomodo: Yes, big KoB E3 get-together
SteelKomodo: I'm down
Harpy: I can find a live stream easy, thanks to the power of twitter
Gooper Blooper: Last year one site did this thing where people could give real-time feedback to whatever was happening on the show
Gooper Blooper: Every time someone started talking about Kinect the graph would fall and fall and fall
Gooper Blooper: it was wonderful
Harpy: Oh, I saw that
Harpy: that was beautiful
SteelKomodo: Wh
SteelKomodo: XD


RedSpy: I vote we drop everything and change setting to Konga Bongo
RedSpy: Have plotlines like "The Lord tries to steal the Crystal Coconuts"
RedSpy: And "Learn how to harness the power of bongo playing into racecars"
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's Black Legend horde has been stolen by the Four Fiends
Harpy: wat
RedSpy: And "Be a star!"
Gooper Blooper: Sarahkin Rap etc
Harpy: the four fiends are gonna gain a lot of weight trying to eat that
Gooper Blooper: JO SE
RedSpy: Our characters are the same as last year's, but as Kongs
Harpy: goddamn it this is distracting me from anatomy homework, yet its perfect
Gooper Blooper: Father Squid is Cranky Kong
TheDeleter: Del is Lanky because i call dibs on THE BEST KONG
TheDeleter: that or Funky
Gooper Blooper: Skeiron is Mechani-Kong


TheDeleter: met a friend today, caught up, learnt a lot more about mcdonalds than any one person should do
TheDeleter: the downsides about having a friend whom works in mcdonalds is that she will tell you everything about working in mcdonalds
Erebus: Some things man was not meant to know D8
TheDeleter: mostly about the uniforms
SteelKomodo: D:
TheDeleter: and how to tell what food is overcooked oh christ the words
SteelKomodo: DD:
TheDeleter: they were everywhere


SteelKomodo: ...oh boy, a secret shortcut to tartarus involves a labyrinth
SteelKomodo: gee, I wonder which mythical creature could be lurking in it?
Saberwulf: I bet it's a working mechanical owl
Gooper Blooper: A GRIFFON!
Gooper Blooper: NO WAIT, IT'LL BE A HYDRA!


Saberwulf: Nothing adds to the cowboy look more than giant metal holes punched into your vertebrae


Gooper Blooper: "After the next three levels you meet the final boss, which resembles a gigantic cue ball. After beating this boss, a screen appears (taken from the SNES Super Mario World) which has a picture of Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach with the words "The End" above them while the Jeopardy! theme plays."
Gooper Blooper:
SteelKomodo: WELP
TheDeleter: well then
Gooper Blooper: As always, deadpan wiki description makes goofy stuff hilarious
Gooper Blooper: "The ending is an image of some Pikachus."
TheDeleter: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: The ending for this game, my god
Gooper Blooper: lik dis if u cry evertim


Gooper Blooper: I actually at one point had the idea for a mini-plot about poorly-drawn bootleg versions of characters showing up and acting like parody stereotypes of them that spoke in all caps
Gooper Blooper: The nefarious villain responsible would have been the Painter from Castle Crashers
RedSpy: Goops that is the best plot xD
Gooper Blooper: I even drew Painter's version of Zeph
RedSpy: That's . . . actually perfectly within the style
RedSpy: Good jorb
Saberwulf: Doodle Zeph
Gooper Blooper: Just imagine it walking by rocking back and forth without animating
RedSpy: pffft
RedSpy: If you do this, Goops, Nose Snail needs to appear
Gooper Blooper: the best doodle


Saberwulf: I'm subsisting on "baked" potatoes and Mexican apple juice and doing nothing but watching Londoners be bad at robbing places
Gooper Blooper: What makes Mexican apple juice Mexican?
SteelKomodo: tasting real good, apparently
Saberwulf: Well that's quite easy, Goops. It's because I bought it at the Mexican market
Saberwulf: Also deliciousness, yes
Gooper Blooper: 100% QUALITY APPOL JUICES
Gooper Blooper: with a picture of Darkwing Duck with Donald Duck's head on the front
Saberwulf: Gamedunk Appel Drink
Saberwulf: Putting aside my slide into insanity for a moment—What's everyone up to?


Saberwulf: Funfact: David is 5 foot four inches
Saberwulf: He is hilariously small
Gooper Blooper: Still taller than Sarah
Saberwulf: And that's all that counts
TheDeleter: haha
TheDeleter: he's smaller than jonesy too
Gooper Blooper: I always imagined Jonesy as being fairly tall
Gooper Blooper: being a soldier and all
TheDeleter: come to think of it i never really decided on sizes for them
TheDeleter: del is pretty short
Saberwulf: The weird thing is now that that's his official height, Ulrika looks even more stupid huge because she's like 6 foot 8
TheDeleter: maybe about david's size
Saberwulf: Oh god, I don't think I could see Delmond being that tiny
RedSpy: cigs stunted his growth
Gooper Blooper: I thought everything was bigger in texas
TheDeleter: it's to compensate for del's smallness
TheDeleter: also me and bus agreed that del was definitely a fair amount shorter than eshe, for hilarity
Saberwulf: Pfff
TheDeleter: if someone has to leg pop, it's del i'm afraid
TheDeleter: also jonesy is maybe five foot seven, eight?
TheDeleter: and santos, as a genetically engineered superman, is 6 foot precisely
TheDeleter: like, atomically so
Saberwulf: Nice
TheDeleter: i wonder how big ann is
Gooper Blooper: The taller she is, the funnier

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