Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Sarahkin Invade Your 3DS

Have you been up at night wishing that Ariel Sierra could make cameo appearances in your vidya? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Thanks to a few afternoons of messing around in the Mii Maker, ol' Unca Goops  is here with a special gift: Six Miis based on ZFRP! All four of Celestia's kids are present and accounted for, but sadly the Mii Maker is quite limited in terms of non-standard humans so Celestia herself is impossible to make. Bringing the roster to six are two extra characters - one you'd expect and one you wouldn't!

To use these codes, grab your 3DS, open the Mii Maker, and find the option to get QR codes under the sharing settings. Then point the 3DS at your screen. The Miis should appear on your system.

EDIT: Click "Read More" for mugshots of the Miis.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Breaking the Habit

On a still, chilly evening in late February, Gloria Encarta was enjoying a period of peace and quiet.

The summoner girl thrived on silence and solitude - it was part of the reason why she loved her job and didn't mind the library being far, far removed from Manhattan's most popular hangout. When she was all alone, she would sometimes stand amongst the shelves and just take in the books. Older books especially, with their pages written in days long gone, their musty smell comforting and yet mysterious. She sometimes gave an especially musty book a good sniff, then closed her eyes and imagined what the world was like when the book was new, long before her birth.

But she had no time for such meditation at the moment, because the creak of the old library door told her she had company.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 42: Brotherly Love

TheDeleter: holy fuck the uk has a train called "Heart of Midlothian"
TheDeleter: it sounds like tolkien wrote a world where Saruman won and it's steampunk middle earth
Saberwulf: That is a bad ass name, goddamn


TheDeleter: okay so uh
TheDeleter: cowboy bebop has good music
Saberwulf: It does
TheDeleter: i just heard "Tank!" on a stream
TheDeleter: and uh
TheDeleter: yeah
SteelKomodo:'re not del D:
Saberwulf: Told ya
Saberwulf: I's been tellin' ya's all this time
TheDeleter: it keeps happening


Gooper Blooper: oh man, this article I just found
Gooper Blooper: We've seen plenty of Hong Kong bootlegs
SteelKomodo: we have
Gooper Blooper: now we journey into Darkest Africa
SteelKomodo: oh boy
SteelKomodo: good lord
SteelKomodo: GTA must be real popular in Africa to warrant so many bootleg hacks
Gooper Blooper: GRAND THEFT AUTO: ZOOFIGHTS - A hack with Zephyrus replacing the main character and Zephyrus closeups on the loading screens
Gooper Blooper: Also the missions are removed and all the music is Bahasa rock and rap
SteelKomodo: pfffft

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 41: The Story Starts When...

M_Sheep: Actually have some free time on my hands for once, so I'm just breezing about the internet where ever my whims may take me.
SteelKomodo: woot
M_Sheep: I know, right? Next I may actually be productively writing and wrapping up RP plots!
M_Sheep: Clearly the end times are upon us




Cornwind Evil: You know
Cornwind Evil: Resident Evil 4
Cornwind Evil: I can understand the merchant showing up in different areas
Cornwind Evil: What baffles me is that sometimes he's in a 'store'
Cornwind Evil: Like, this little side room filled with weapons
Cornwind Evil: ...yet the enemies don't bother him
Saberwulf: Magic
Gooper Blooper: Don't question merchants
Saberwulf: Zombie magic
Gooper Blooper: They're special
Saberwulf: Also the blue fires are magic
RedSpy: David's selling them all stuff too
Gooper Blooper: "Oy, whaddya buyin', mate?"
SteelKomodo: MAGIC *snort snort*
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of that guy who dressed up as the merchant IRL and went around reciting his lines
Cornwind Evil: Yet when someone asked him just what he was selling
Cornwind Evil: He couldn't tell him because the merchant has no lines like that
Cornwind Evil: "Got some rare things on sale, stranger!" "Like what?" "Uh....things."
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: "Uhh... stuff."
Gooper Blooper: beaten
Gooper Blooper: I have failed

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 40: Cursed With Jonesy Forever

TheDeleter: so on the evil DW thread
TheDeleter: i have asked your character a question
TheDeleter: it's to flesh his character out some
SteelKomodo: w=ah
SteelKomodo: *ah
TheDeleter: answer it - use as many words as you want to do it
SteelKomodo: kk.
TheDeleter: but do answer it because it will be cool
SteelKomodo is secretly Waluigi.
TheDeleter: also waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
SteelKomodo: Expecting a normal Chatzy day?
TheDeleter: pretty much


Saberwulf: The storage card that came with animal crossing is still sitting in my gamecube, and it's gonna sit there until the sun explodes


Gooper Blooper: I remember once I talked to a villager while I had a gyroid in my inventory
Gooper Blooper: She told me it was nice and then stole it
Gooper Blooper: In retaliation I set up signposts around her house so she could never go to bed again
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: my god, villagers can be dicks sometimes
Saberwulf: Messing with villagers was hilarious in AC
Gooper Blooper: PITFALLS
Saberwulf: And then you fuck up and fall in your own pitfall
SteelKomodo: ouch :<
Saberwulf: ...Shit. City Folk is 14 bucks on Amazon
Saberwulf: Must resisssttt

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 39: Dork Pot

Jumpropeman: well, my time here was short lived
Jumpropeman: off I go again
SteelKomodo: later!
TheDeleter: later man
TheDeleter: stay cool
SteelKomodo: and there he goes
Gooper Blooper: the squirrel....... has his game
TheDeleter: we have
TheDeleter: LIFDOFF
Gooper Blooper: maybe there right
Gooper Blooper: that some times
Gooper Blooper: video games
Gooper Blooper: DOES CAUSE violence
TheDeleter: HE HE
TheDeleter: HE
RedSpy: Bye JRM!
Gooper Blooper: Spy with classic lateness
Gooper Blooper: oh you
SteelKomodo: *sitcom jingle*
Saberwulf: The King of Beasts Chatzy is filmed in front of a live audience
Gooper Blooper: The audience is made up of the kobbers
Gooper Blooper: it's all a big cycle
TheDeleter: rpception
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker pulling the strings of everyone
SteelKomodo: And Pit exploiting those marketing loopholes for all their worth
Saberwulf: I told you
Saberwulf: So many cycles
SteelKomodo: no longer just action figures, but lunch boxes and Annuals as well
TheDeleter: i warned you about cycles bro
TheDeleter: i TOLD you dog
Gooper Blooper: I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these roles
TheDeleter: i TOLD you man
TheDeleter: i TOLD you about cycles
SteelKomodo: it's time to put EXCABLIUR
SteelKomodo: back in its' sheaht
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: fuck
Saberwulf: I'm phonetically reading that as shee-it
SteelKomodo: Jaxx: ...No. Fuck you, I'm not doin' this. *goes off to buy more cocaine*
Saberwulf: Buy? Why waste precious credits when you have all these Wulf Caravans crates full of the drugs, guns, various minature breeds of horses, etc.
Gooper Blooper: David is going to sell such ridiculous shit in SaRahPG
Gooper Blooper: you don't even know
Saberwulf: Fuck yeah
RedSpy: Yessss
Gooper Blooper: Pull up in a horse cart, "WHO WANTS UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVES?!"

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 38: Wind Wanker

Gooper Blooper: So out of nowhere yesterday I decided to see how ol' Akinator the Web Genius Genie has been doing
Gooper Blooper: "Does your character have a connection to potatoes?" Oh fuck he does "I think of Wheatley" GOD DAMMIT
SteelKomodo: :<
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: pffft
TheDeleter: man akinator
TheDeleter: you're good
Gooper Blooper: Other kobbers he knows include but are not limited to Ramza, White Mage, and Rain
TheDeleter: magic
SteelKomodo: man, he's sharp
SteelKomodo: don't get in a poker game with him, he'll read all your cards
Gooper Blooper: Yep, he just got Eddie Riggs
Gooper Blooper: I did however stump him with Browny, although Browny was in his database
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Akinator also knows Kayle, Morgana, Air Man, and Shuma
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: Okay, time to give him a serious challenge
Gooper Blooper: let's see if he knows THIS guy
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: First he guessed Roger Rabbit, then he guessed Cat in the Hat, then Earthworm Jim and finally Hellboy
Gooper Blooper: But he couldn't nail down Theodore Rex
TheDeleter: hahaha
TheDeleter: nice
SteelKomodo: Yay, you beat him!
Gooper Blooper: (he knows Hella Jeff btw)
TheDeleter: aw
SteelKomodo: damnnation!
Gooper Blooper: "Is your character linked to advertising?" Yes. "Is your character an animal?" Yes. "Is your character referred to by an honorific title?" oh fuck
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: holy shit it only took him 20 questions to get Clippy
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: "Does your character have an animal shape?" "Is your character a bear?" "Is your character a beverage mascot" MOTHERFUCKER
Gooper Blooper: years of this have made him more powerful than you could possibly imagine
SteelKomodo: He is a wily opponent
Gooper Blooper: Hahahahahaha, I tried to beat Akinator by thinking of the statue standing next to him
Gooper Blooper: it didn't work
TheDeleter: haha, nope
TheDeleter: he''s onto you
SteelKomodo: XD:
Gooper Blooper: He knows Wheelchair Guy from Happy Wheels
SteelKomodo: wha
SteelKomodo: how
SteelKomodo: do they get together and have coffee?
SteelKomodo: "So, how goes the movie deal?" "Not that great. They gotta cut out the harpoon guns." "Sucks, man."
Gooper Blooper: Akinator knows everybody
Gooper Blooper: he's got connections
SteelKomodo: he sure does

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 37: This Goldfish Will Get You Laid

TheDeleter: i am never playing dota 2 ever again
TheDeleter: >:I
SteelKomodo: D:
TheDeleter: let me describe it to you
SteelKomodo: kk
TheDeleter: an hour and ten minutes long
SteelKomodo puts on tin hat.
TheDeleter: our timbersaw - 0/17/9, goes afk at 40-50 minutes in
TheDeleter: their team - clinkz, carry omniknight
SteelKomodo: fuck
TheDeleter: also on our team, a doom who spends 75% of his time farming the jungle, and 25% of it trying to 1v5 the enemy
TheDeleter: i an venomancer, a support
TheDeleter: jesus fucking wept
SteelKomodo: DDD:
TheDeleter: i wanted to kill myself
TheDeleter: next game, i'm gonna instalock skeleton king
TheDeleter: and just have a ball regardless of my or their team
SteelKomodo: i thought you said you never wanted to play the game ever
SteelKomodo: exaggerating again? :P
TheDeleter: yeah
TheDeleter: u no me
SteelKomodo: i do

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

GB's 100 Games: 5-1

I cannot believe I wrote this whole thing nonstop every day (save the one-day Chatzy Madness break). But it's finally over. We've seen good games, bad games, and so-bad-they're-good games. Games I cribbed characters from to make RP characters, games I played in my early childhood, games I played last year. Games I played in an arcade, games I played on compilations, games I played on Virtual Console, games I found at garage sales, at Wal-Mart, at GameStop, got as Christmas presents, the works. Shooting games, fighting games, role-playing games, platform games and beat-em-up games.

In short, a freakin' truckload of vidya, representing the last twenty years of my life.

And now it's time to finally finish it. My favorite five games ever made. Suffice it to say, if anything ever beats these juggernauts I will be so hyped and you will never hear the end of it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

GB's 100 Games: 10-6

We're no longer talking about games that were just fun, or engrossing. We're talking about games that had significant influence on my childhood and teen years. Games I bonded with people over, games that I've memorized up and down, games that have implanted themselves into my subconscious. These are THE video games.

It's the first half of the final ten.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

GB's 100 Games: 16-11

We've now reached the games I consider permanent classics. Two are from my childhood and early teen years, but the other three are all relatively recent. Two of them I just played last year. Even though I sometimes feel concerned that I'm losing touch with video games and sometimes go long periods without playing one, games like these remind me that there's no getting off this train I'm on.

Today's update is brought to you by Saralex and Liberty Medical.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

GB's 100 Games: 20-16

It feels like it's been ages since I began this series, and now the final twenty entries are here. These were the games that truly hooked me. I played them top to bottom and fell in love with their miniature worlds.

Let's begin.

Friday, February 1, 2013

GB's 100 Games: 25-21

 A good mix of the obscure and not-obscure today, including what is probably the highest-rated game on this list that nobody reading has ever heard of.