Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Zodiac has a sick sense of humor.

Okay so the good FFT news is I've gotten Sarah properly into the party as a white mage and she's been a great help so far.

The bad FFT news is that, thanks to me hiring her as a Chemist before seeing Harpy's comment about Zodiac signs, I've wound up with Alex and Sarah having bad chemistry.

(In all honesty it doesn't seem that huge a deal since I made Alex's secondary ability "Use Item" and had my black mage double up with white magic, but it still feels wrong. If only you could just change the names of generics I coulda made my other Chemist the white mage.)


  1. Heh heh heh, they have bad CHEMISTRY....heh heh...

  2. Yeaaah, compatibility plays a role here. If you have bad compatibility (or terrible ones), you'll end up doing less damage to that person, and vice versa. Same goes for healing.

    Also, be sure to save up the JP and look at other class abilities. If you're going to have mages, you're definitely going to need an ability that cuts down on charge times.

    ....backseat gaming at its finest D:

  3. *accidentally hits Right while on ability learning screen*

    I am such a noob at this, dear god. Maybe now that I have some decent abilities and did some grinding by making my guys attack each other I can beat that dang desert castle that Game Over'd me earlier (well it WOULD have if I didn't reset).

    1. Make Alex into a Monk. Get levels in monk. You will NEED IT.

      There will be "That One Boss." Thats prolly all I need to say at this point. Be careful.

      Also, random encounters. You should probably use them...
