Friday, January 6, 2012

Obligatory SOPA Post

Hey, you know what would be wiped off the internet if the Stop Online Piracy Act passed? Zoofights. Even disregarding all the folks roleplaying as existing characters, you still have Ironichide's mixes to target. Also I linked to Space Invaders once.

Can I get my fellow Americans to take a sec and sign up at to sign the petition?

If nothing else, it won't hurt.

Also, here's Hitler reacting to SOPA. Not certain whether to classify this as "SOPA is so terrible even Hitler is disgusted" or "If you're against SOPA you're with Hitler". >_>

And... (taking a page from RedSpy) Funnest fact: This is not the first time Hitler's been mentioned on my blog.

UPDATE: I found another site for anybody - including people from other countries - to sign!

SECOND UPDATE: Apparently there's been an amendment that mostly neuters SOPA, making it much less extreme and dangerous. I'm going to leave the rest of this post up just in case there's any hidden problems and/or to be on the safe side.

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