Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Petition and First Thoughts on FFT

Figured I should link this.

I got my PS1 memory card in the mail this morning, and after checking that it worked I started up a file on Final Fantasy Tactics. First impressions:

-I remember Harpy mentioning on Zoofights that she likes woobies (hence Rain X Stella, and why bad things happen so frequently to Alex). The first thing I'm shown upon starting this game up is the statement that Ramza was forgotten by history in a church coverup. That's pretty woobietastic all right.
-Oh jeez you can rename Ramza. No points for guessing what my brilliant name change was.
-"Rad". I love Engrish.
-After playing so much Disgaea and La Pucelle, I am NOT used to the control layout of FFT. Pressing down makes you move southwest instead of southeast, with all the other directions rotated to match. Took me three times as long to play thanks to that. Gah!

Now to get one of these generics made into a White Mage as quickly as possible.


  1. You can go "order" good ol' people to join in, with proper zodiac and all. Compatabilities are...somewhat important.

    Don't forget to get a chocobro later :P

  2. Chocobro's before hoes, mang.

