Sunday, January 29, 2012

(Minor FFT Spoilers) CLASS WARFARE

1 percent of the population owns 99% of the gold. Occupy the Thieves' Hideout.

(Good riddance Algus you jackass)

(Also I now have a certain orator on the squad, hooray. Hey, Harpy, is there a way to make her speechcraft more accurate? The hit rates are kinda abysmal)


  1. I dunno about increasing accuracy, but according to something I read, you should not use a pair of characters named Rafa and Malak. They are apparently pretty darn poor.

    1. Haven't gotten far enough to meet those two, although I did just get several generics foisted upon me at the start of the second chapter. Thanks to the tiny number of guys you can use at one time (four or five, depending on the level), I probably wouldn't make room for anyone besides Alex and my favorite generics anyway.

  2. I'm not sure about increasing accuracy, but I do know that the tractor can be a little crazy. You can even miss on a 94, and usually you DON'T miss on a 94. People usually rage about this.

    If you want to see a good, informative Lets Play on FFT, which can probably explain things better than I can, you should look up HCBailly's LP of it. Pretty funny and informative.

    In the meantime, I usually take a chance with Speechcraft. Better if you have a secondary skill on her so she can do more disabling and such. Speechcraft is only really good for recruiting monsters. Geomancy does a better job at inflicting status ailments, or Mystics.
