Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ten Things For A Dime: The Ten Cents Challenge

Last winter I had an eBay gift card. After buying a bunch of stuff with it, I was soon left with a balance of exactly ten cents.

This would not stand.

It was my mission to begin searching eBay for items that started as one cent auctions with free shipping, bid on them, and hope and pray nobody else was interested. It was a long and hard struggle, but eventually I prevailed. The gift card was completely used up. But what exactly can one buy for a penny? Let's find out. My Hedorah and Baltan four-inch figures will be modeling the goods.

1: Digital Camera USB Cable
The most useful of the ten items, this cable was purchased to serve as a backup in case the original, identical one our digital camera uses ever went missing. We go back and forth between having two cables and finding only one, so I'd say this was a great buy.

2: Europe-To-USA Plug Converter
Can you say Crazy Prepared? On the off-chance I ever fly to the UK or France, I can bring along the home electronic of my choosing!

3 and 4: Rubber Fishbone Cable Winders
 The second-most useful item I purchased was the blue fishbone there. I had a pair of headphones with an unusually long cord, and the fishbone saved the day by making the cable shorter! However, those headphones broke a while back, so the fishbones remain in reserve until I once more have a long, thin cable that needs shortening.

5: Online Wi-Fi Pokemon Trade
The user's name was, I believe, "Pokemontrainer2000". The auction name was "Certian Kind of pokemon over wifi" (yes, he misspelled "certain") and boasted of Mewtwo, Dialga, Giratina, and other Pokemon available to trade. I won a trade from him and sent my Friend Code along with a request for a Mewtwo. He never responded, even though I paid, and a week later his account was closed. HOPE YOU CHOKE ON THAT PENNY, PUNK.

6: Butterfly Pins
While that last one was a bust, THIS worked out better than my wildest dreams. I entered a butterfly pin auction and lost, but was given a "Second Chance Offer" to purchase a one-cent pin outright. Hell yeah, bro.

And then when it arrived they gave me a second one. HELL YEAH, BRO!

I don't know what it cost to make these pins, but it was probably more than half a penny. Deal get.

7: Tongue Scraper
Because why not. Its best function is actually as an action figure weapon, as helpfully demonstrated below.

Aw yeah.

8: SD Card Case
Hey, this could come in handy! I saw an SD Card lying around in the open when I ordered this, but by the time it arrived, I couldn't find the card anywhere. Probably it was placed back into the Wii or whatever. If I ever need to hold one, though, I won't be wanting!

9: Drawstring Pouch
This pouch's main function is to hold some of the other items, like the tongue scraper and the plug.

10: A Penny
(Note: Model penny is a different penny than the one I purchased)

Yes, I bought a penny for a penny. But my penny was eBay gift card money. Therefore, I managed to convert gift card money into cash, and everyone has wanted to do that at some point in their lives.

Plus, the penny was a "Lincoln log cabin" penny, talked up big time by the sellers despite them having 600 of the darn things listed simultaneously. My mom took an interest in the penny and bought it from me for a dollar, technically making this one of the biggest scores of them all with a 99-cent profit!

And so, that's the story of how, with a lot of patience and a little luck, you can get ten things for ten cents even with today's prices. Fun Fact: Everything except the penny, the failed Pokemon trade, and the cable is from Hong Kong.

1 comment:

  1. Father Squid would be proud!

    I on the other hand(hoof) am sea-green with envy! Ah, if only I could bargain better!
