Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Costumes of Years Past

Well, it's Halloween night. Aside from some opportune gold digging at the bargain racks, this is everyone's last chance to get their fix of spooky fall fun before Santa rides in on a turkey and takes over reality for two months. I'm going to take a look back at my childhood again, this time to review all of the Halloween costumes I've ever worn - that I can remember - and their rough order...

Pumpkin - Infant costume, a simple set of pajamas with a pumpkin motif.

Dinosaur - I was still just a toddler, so I didn't go trick-or-treating in this.

Bear - This is the earliest costume I can recall that I went trick-or-treating in. I'm pretty sure it was homemade. I was not a scary bear. >_>

Skeleton - The typical skeleton costume is an all-black ensemble with white bones, so it looks pretty skeleton-y at night. My mom liked the idea but not the costume quality, and set to work making a homemade version. She painstakingly painted a skeleton onto a plain black shirt and pants. It was pretty damn impressive.

Devil - I always liked the costumes with accessories. Here my mom made me a pitchfork out of cardboard and aluminum foil.

Magician - One of my more unusual costumes, and also one of my last. I think I picked it because I got a magic set for my birthday a few weeks earlier. A simple, cheap costume choice, I already had the plastic hat. I simply added a plush rabbit, a black set of clothes, and a mustache courtesy of a makeup crayon sorta thing and I was good to go.

Zombie - I think this was my final costume, worn in fourth or fifth grade. Pretty sure it was just tattered old clothes and some face makeup to make a big fake scar.

I also have a vague memory of possibly being a vampire one year, but can't place when that was. Probably between devil and magician.

You guys ever go as anything interesting?


  1. ...I once went as a polywhirl..we shall never speak of that of event.

    I also went a wizard, and even went to the trouble of a beard(which was hot and itchy as all get out) and kept a stuffed animal in my wizard hat while I was wearing it so I could do "magic." It likely comes as no surprise that I am now in college for theatre...

    But, man, that wizard robe was just too long, l kept tripping the whole time!

  2. I always went as the White Power Ranger.

    Because he was the best.
