Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gaming Retrospective (Part 6)

While I have stuck behind Nintendo, getting the DS and Wii and planning on a 3DS, my brother has been branching out to other companies. The trigger was Guitar Hero. He showed interest in the series, and when Guitar Hero 3 released he snatched up the Wii version on launch day and played the absolute living daylights out of it, forever ruining Dragonforce in the process. That next spring, he used his Christmas money to buy a PS2 Slim and Guitar Hero 2. He ordered them online, and much to his dismay GH2 arrived first. What a tease!

A few years later he opted to get a 360 since the Wii always got the shit end of the stick when it came to multiplatform releases. He now plays Microsoft's system almost exclusively, and his library is almost entirely first-person shooters and music games - genres I've never cared for. We used to like the same games, but around when he found Guitar Hero we started drifting apart. The last game we extensively enjoyed together was Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

Neither of these systems has really been played by me a great deal - they're not really "mine". The 360 in particular is just where I've played a couple Xbox Live Arcade games I liked. The PS2, meanwhile, has seen a lot more use from me, first in the form of compilation games like Capcom Classics Collection and then later some of Nippon Ichi's strategy games after I played and thoroughly enjoyed Disgaea DS. So keep in mind my experience with both systems is pretty weak.

As for the DS and Wii, there's not much in the way of interesting anecdotes surrounding them - it's pretty brief. First there was my mom's heroic efforts in acquiring a DS in November 2004, managing to get an employee to hold the systems for her at Toys R Us so she could drive down there and claim them, even though the employee wasn't supposed to do that. Our Wii, meanwhile, hails from Florida. My father was taking his annual trip to Florida and my brother and I gave him our money so he could buy a Wii and Super Paper Mario. My brother and I have had a complicated relationship with my dad I won't go in-depth with here, but suffice it to say 1) My parents divorced over a decade ago, 2) I no longer see my father, and 3) Recently he took off to live in Florida permanently, and if my mom hadn't spied on his mother's FaceBook we wouldn't have known until he sent us a court summons ordering that he wanted to pay less child support (my brother is still a minor). In short, he's a douche and I hope he dies, but at least we were able to use him as a Wii-retrieving pack mule back in '07.

GB's DS Favorites
-Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and every sequel (LOCALIZE AAI2 CAPCOM YOU MORONS)
-Pokemon DPP
-Pokemon BW
-Disgaea DS
-Kirby Super Star Ultra
-Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
-New Super Mario Brothers
-WarioWare: Touched
-The Legendary Starfy
-Mario Kart DS

GB's Wii Favorites
-Super Smash Brothers Brawl
-Super Paper Mario
-Space Invaders Get Even
-Blast Works
-Deadly Creatures
-Godzilla Unleashed
-Mortal Kombat Armageddon

What GB has liked so far on PlayStation 2
-Capcom Classics Collection 1 and 2
-Disgaea 2
-La Pucelle Tactics

What GB has liked so far on Xbox 360
-Castle Crashers
-Assault Heroes

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