Thursday, July 29, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 389: Delicious Sexy Burritos

Jumpropeman searches Little Hope on Gamefly, Littlest Pet Shop: City Friends is a top result
Jumpropeman: I know it just flagged the word little but
Jumpropeman: still ominous
Harpyathome: ominous.
Jumpropeman: dang, its unavailable
Jumpropeman: I won't learn of the dire circumstances those pets are in
Jumpropeman: didn't realize the monkey was on a slide at first
Jumpropeman: i thought it was an altar in front of a pyramid
Draco: Praise monkey
Jumpropeman: The Shrine of the Saccharine Monkey
Jumpropeman: I could legit add that to shrine hills, have it be some place to pray at for the safety of your pets or farm animals...
Draco: Legends of the Hidden Templeplot when


Jumpropeman: what I do have energy for: vacuuming my room, doing the laundry
Jumpropeman: what I don't have energy for: getting up to swap the cartridges in my Switch


Jumpropeman: she dead


Medic Sheep: FINALLY
Medic Sheep: read all the spoilers
Medic Sheep: One reason I dread a Brawl win:
Medic Sheep: Making everyone sit on their hands until I finish reading
RubyChao: trust me
RubyChao: i could survive the wait
ivel: it would be worth it


(Fat Of The Land comes back to life, but as a human girl instead of a crab hivemind)

The Crableter: Srspost
Cornwind Evil: Oh god Del
Cornwind Evil: You monster
RubyChao: i can't believe Fat of the Land has been Touhouified
Medic Sheep: Chunor has company!
Cornwind Evil: Now Julia has to put HER in the hospital too!
Bree: I have been waiting to make this comment since del told me about this plan: I can't believe fat of the land is a real girl now
Draco: lel
The Crableter: Lmao at these reactions
Jumpropeman: Fat of the Land better be chunky or why even have the name :I
Medic Sheep: Something, something, bountiful tracts of land
The Crableter: I'll be real I didn't think too hard about her physical appearance
Harpmobile: Amazing
The Crableter: I'm gonna sleep now, we shall check on this situation tomorrow perhaps :3
Draco: If she isn't, we can call her FLAT of the Land.


Harpyathome: ivel got my brawl prize for me
Harpyathome: it was resident evil revelations 2
Harpyathome: but the message is hilarious
Draco: XD
Jumpropeman: hahaha!


Jumpropeman: oh gosh where are my dialogue tags
Jumpropeman: my sticky notes are a mess :V
Harpyathome: rip
Jumpropeman: "[bgcolor=white][color=orange][/color][/bgcolor]"
Jumpropeman: I never would have guessed...


Harpyathome: plot twist: a different marisa avvie each month
Draco: Plot twist twist: a different Marisa each month.
Harpyathome: we can't do this to dreamcast or mira
Harpyathome: we can't do which witch is which


Harpyathome: i work 2-9 so I better lunch up beforehand
Harpyathome: gib panera
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, on our Shelburne trip we passed a panera bread and Goopsmom said "I've never eaten there, wonder if it's any good" and I said "Harpy gives it an enthusiastic recommendation" and she replied "well, if it's Harpy you can't go wrong"
Harpyathome: lel
Gooper Blooper: she also extends her congratulations on your victory
Harpyathome: aw thanks goopsmom
Bree: the most trusted source
Harpyathome: i almost said "thanks mom"
Bree: goopsmom confirmed the omnimom
Harpyathome: mom for a minute
Gooper Blooper: she's a mom at least


Bree: are we gonna finally unlock dreamcast's real name in this scene
Bree: is the thing gonna happen
Jumpropeman: I think it's almost wrapped up so probably not unless harpy swings for the fences like Ravio did :V
Bree: go harpy go
Bree: get those fences! they owe you money!!!
Bree: get their asses
Harpyathome: prolly not gonna push it, i'm tryin to lead gently into the epilogue
Harpyathome: and explain where they got those sunglasses-
Bree: the fences live another day...
Jumpropeman: besides, if Marisa learns her name, that seals their fate
Jumpropeman: The Sega Hard Trap
Bree: seals their fate as girlfriends? :V
Bree: is that supposed to dissuade me
Bree: 'cause it doesn't
Bree: I'll ship it
Jumpropeman: XD
Harpyathome: we have to do normal friends first before we apply for the girlfriends dlc
Bree: don't threaten me with a good time
Harpyathome: i hear the charge is $11
Harpyathome: but can only be played in postgame
Jumpropeman: Dreamcast's still coming to grips with the fact someone genuinely likes her as a person
Bree: someone needs to sit dreamcast down and be like "what is it about yourself that you think people WOULDN'T like you?"
Bree: I sure don't see anything
Bree: where are these "flaws" you speak of
Jumpropeman: she actually kinda said it already, things like her impulsiveness and that toxic masculinity baked into her
Bree: not like there aren't plenty of impulsive folks in the kobbers :V
Jumpropeman: she actually didn't think people should see anything deeper of her personality for a long time because she grew up thinking that would make her a sap or a chump
Bree: don't worry dreamcast, no matter what kind of human dumpster fire you are there'll always be someone that vibes with it
Harpyathome: self-esteem issues cannot be solved with just a post-brawl talk
Bree: I know :V
Jumpropeman: Marisa's doing good work so far though!
Harpyathome: unless people want it but that doesn't make for good development even though the prefite did great
Bree: marisa and miracle are making good progress though
Jumpropeman: Miracle too!
Harpyathome: i realized it could come off as a lil stern and i didn't mean it that way
Bree: nah it's fine
Harpyathome: i'm just cautious about progressin 2 fast
Harpyathome: when it doesn't feel right
Jumpropeman: i don't think you have to worry about me speeding these kinds of things up ;p
Harpyathome: *spoken like she hasn't been like 'i wanna save the monster... and then fuck'*
Bree: no such thing as progressing too fast, you kiss that cute video game girl right this second!
Bree: just plant a big sloppy smooch right on 'er!
Harpyathome: dreamcast speedrun any% for next year's Girls Done Quick
Jumpropeman: if the hospital room is rockin', don't come a knockin'
Jumpropeman: REISEN NO
Harpyathome: i realized just how bad that can be taken
Harpyathome: i'm great at accidental innuendos
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Jumpropeman: didn't click for a bit
Harpyathome: shit i said something and that means i ruined it
Gooper Blooper: no loading times here, baby
Jumpropeman: Meiling is obviously the host of Girls Done Quick
Jumpropeman: she explains the speedruns as commentary
Harpyathome: i'm just
Harpyathome: i need to finish this post before i die
Gooper Blooper: "There's a lot of girls and we don't have much time! Every Girl!"
Jumpropeman: The Girl Hoard
Gooper Blooper: link to the girl hoard
Bree: "now you may think I'm not doing these girls quick enough but listen, LISTEN. if a job is worth doing it's worth doing RIGHT, and that goes for girls too"
Bree: "we have to strike the right balance of speed and care. every girl must receive the proper amount of attention"
Jumpropeman: Meiling likes to do 100% runs
RubyChao: I found the solution
RubyChao: TWO meilings.
Bree: that sure is two meilings
Jumpropeman: gotta say, I prefer the suit
Jumpropeman: very dashing, meiling
Harpyathome: good scene jrm!
Harpyathome: lfjdljlkfgjlg
Jumpropeman: i agree
Jumpropeman: lfjdljlkfgjlg


Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: with more mush
Bree: jrm
Bree: does saturn ship maricast
Bree: tell us your secrets
Jumpropeman: she is going to ship it so hard
Jumpropeman: dreamcast was always teasing her about ravio
Jumpropeman: now Saturn is going to ineffectively attempt the same :V
Bree: do mega and game gear ship it
Bree: are they rooting for dreamcast to join them on team lesbians
Jumpropeman: meredith would be slower on realizing they aren't Good Female Friends, but Gale would be able to successfully tease Dreamcast about it! And possibly high five her
Jumpropeman: wait a minute, crap, I forgot to slyly imply there isn't any potential romantic angle for maricast
Jumpropeman: the ruse is ruined
Bree: implying there's no romantic angle is so cliche
Bree: the hip new joke is implying it's a love triangle with the weirdest possible third person
Bree: in this case it's obviously marisa/dreamcast/miracle
Jumpropeman: marimiracast
Bree: we gotta hurry up and seal the deal though 'cause we can only pair up one sega girl at a time and I wanna get to master system
Bree: the best sega girl
Jumpropeman: Bree planting the flag early
Hoooded Pitohui: Your Maricast comments are making me imagine all of the Sega Hard Girls and their partners getting together for one big holiday meal and evening, Bree, and, honestly, with that mix of personalities and good feelings, that's a beautiful thought.


 Gooper Blooper: 4:10 - When you decide to try the bonus boss as soon as it becomes available "just to see if you can do it"
Jumpropeman: "a fan favorite among stupid people"
Jumpropeman: my kind of character
RubyChao: can confirm, goops, that's about how bonus bosses treat you
Jumpropeman: I can't believe that one ghost was the most important person to the host...
Gooper Blooper: The subtle gags are strong with Gooseworx videos
Draco: Skug? More like Dreepy.


Harpmobile: Oh well *sets things on fire*


RubyChao: "Subverted in Double Dragon Neon: while just starting the game gets you an achievement, it's only worth 1 GS, something which most people who collect gamerscore hate due to it making their score no longer divisible by 5: to even it out, you need to beat the game to get another achievement worth 19 GS. The game makes a point to make fun of this by naming the initial 1 GS achievement "Skullmageddon's Curse" with the description 'Nyahahahaha! Now finish what you have started!'."


Jumpropeman: "they were usually content to live simple lives in the jungle... this one was aiming higher." this snake is gonna piss on the MOON
Gooper Blooper: Kumonga is a bitch-ass motherfucker
Jumpropeman: "Protect your fungus! " ah yes, that old bit of advice
MobileDraco: Back in Sicily, pa would always give me that advice.
Gooper Blooper: Sheep vanishing after the Brawl so he didn't see my Sicily post saddens me
Gooper Blooper: SOMEDAY


Gooper Blooper: >Hellhawk
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Harpy: i aws gonna make one up but then hey a canon titan... sure, i love hawks that eat snakes
Harpy: *just looked up what eats snakes*
Gooper Blooper: we're already a surprising amount of the way along, might as well do Every Godzilla Monster in addition to Every Touhou
Jumpropeman: ive been tempted to do a titan myself
Harpy: hellhawk be like "oh, shit, kumonga you're awake! how ya fukin been"
Jumpropeman: i already used godzilla characters but they are strictly non-combat :V
Harpy: i'll make a discovery entry later
Harpy: jet jaguar is not a discovery, sad to say
Gooper Blooper: I do thank you for crossing Jet Jaguar off the list regardless!
Jumpropeman: Titanus Legoindianajonesicus
Draco: Titanus Stocking
The Crableter: Titanus Titanus
Harpy: Titanus Diademus
Draco: Titanus
Harpy: woah
Harpy: you're just giving SK free ammo, draco
Draco: Go go Power Rangers
Harpy: granted i was sorta tempted to use Sannyo but like... sumalee and boss were here first :I
pizza time: God, I remember when they kept using Titanus for the second and third seasons
pizza time: but then just used the toys since there wasn’t footage of the megazords interacting with him
pizza time: Draco: Titanus Stocking
pizza time: That’s just what Kouta calls her chest :P
Harpy: titanus tiddy
The Crableter: Titanosaurus would probably get called Titanus Titanus
Gooper Blooper: no, no
Gooper Blooper: Titanus Aurus
The Crableter: I love it
pizza time: Amazing
Harpy: dam


Draco: "It's probably best it wasn't like a frog tongue, which might have yanked Joy in and eaten her. Which would be bad." <- Suwako vs Joy coming to theaters this Fall
pizza time: neeko has one of those tongues but it’s just so she can smooch joy better ;)
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: that's why she didn't return this year
Harpy: oh no.
Gooper Blooper: ANNNND she's dead *one second of sad piano music before moving on*
Harpy: *seinfield theme song plays*
Draco: Dark Matter Suwako
Cornwind Evil: Her dry cleaning bill must be horrendous
Draco: I would make a joke using Zalgo text, but that stuff is bad for Chatzy.
Harpy: she has prestidigitation.
Draco: Iä! Iä! Suwako fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Suwako R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Harpy: oh my god plz


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: "alone on a friday nite? ;D"
Gooper Blooper: juts remember...... this witch


Gooper Blooper: you get a warbat! and YOU get a warbat!
Harpy: "so like we puttin eel sauce on this shit"
Harpy: "bitch we're also puttin spicy mayo"
Harpy: <I hate mayo, actually-> "we get it, you like it raw"
Gooper Blooper: break out the cookbooks


Harpy: last night gave me a dream that gave me the greatest idea, a weapon of which MAGIC could possibly dominate the entire brawl with
Harpy: infinite
Harpy: chicken
Harpy: pocket
Harpy: i was pullin chickens out of my pocket like it ain't no thang
Harpy: i was chicken woman


Jumpropeman adding more characters to an already packed cast? sure why not >_>
Draco introduces, like, four more Little Witches, five Touhous, and two OCs.
Harpy: finally, people know my struggle...


Harpy: i can't get the storm eagle remix out of my head
Harpy: we're going to beat shin godzilla in guitar hero
Draco: The Shin Godzilla for Harpy's characters.
Harpy: *panicked keyboard playing from Hiroki*
Harpy: mechagodzilla 21 would do it but then things would get stupid and this is srs
Draco: link
Harpy: vespula is going to fucking wreck shin godzilla
Harpy: "you lil baby boo bop"


Cornwind Evil changed name to Eeeehhh Yo There Goes Bostono
Harpy: :D
pizza time: GO GO GUDZILLER
Gooper Blooper: Penny's going to be so sad
Gooper Blooper: where will they make cream pies now???
Harpy: picture it
Harpy: boston, 1986


Harpy: i have NOT forgotten about that fuckin spine brain godzilla has and i will never forget
Draco: Shin Godzilla has at least five brains right now.
Harpy: and we're gonna obliterate all of them :D
Gooper Blooper: But can he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Harpy: he will, but then he'll die so he can never tell the tale.
Draco: Yes, because he has a few hundred eyes. It's the cinnamon swirls in every bite.


Draco: And then at some point I reveal Bergman's behind the Fumo Swarm too.
Jumpropeman: I wasn't mad at Bergman before, but THAT'S unforgivable!
Draco: If she says sorry and gives Zozo a pile of ethically-sourced left legs, will you forgive her?
Jumpropeman: only if she's sorry with a cherry on top >BI
Draco: Deal 💗
Draco: Even though she's secretly plotting to turn ALL CHERRIES into grapes.
Jumpropeman: phew! Was worried I might have to hurt my favorite rp character- SHE'S BACK ON THE NAUGHTY LIST D:<
Draco: "Cherries once got a stain on my favorite coat. I must wipe them and everything that resembles them out of existence with a Gamera I made from the contents of a Bento box."
Jumpropeman: once cherries have been eradicated, true peace will reign
Draco: Milkshakes need not ever be tainted by them again.


Cornwind Evil: If you go into a museum and see a nuke
Cornwind Evil: ...don't shoot the nuke
Cornwind Evil: ...never mind that's not how a nuke WORKS....
Jumpropeman: what if the bomb was made of pressure sensitive switches used to activate it
Cornwind Evil: Why would you make a nuke out of those
Cornwind Evil: And then leave it in a museum
RubyChao: so that your opponents feel
RubyChao: under pressure
Jumpropeman: nukes ARE made to be exploded
Cornwind Evil: Technically you could argue they're made to NOT be exploded
Jumpropeman: not the ones I make


Gooper Blooper: 0:28 to skip the intro
Harpy: ah yes its me vs ivel
Harpy: over the last pepsi
Harpy: i can't believe vegeta's fucking dead
Gooper Blooper: I like how the video went up on July 11 of LAST year
pizza time: Rip
Gooper Blooper: so close.
Harpy: sooo close.
Harpy: a daring prediction


pizza time: i dunno why i feel the need to clarify this
pizza time: but Ultraman Trigger will never say ‘fuck’
pizza time: not even once
Jumpropeman: important detail
Harpy: very important detail
Gooper Blooper: a pure boy
pizza time: Yes
Gooper Blooper: innocent squeaky clean hero


Harpy: waiting for an order from red lobster today was
Harpy: a hoot.
Harpy: and by that i mean "could you guys clarify where the fuck curbside is because last time we remember the curbside was on the side, not two small parking spots in front of the building"
Harpy: and then i got cold shramps and merely warm cheddar bay biscuits
Gooper Blooper: gonna need to go to Cheddar Bay yourself to get em hot
Harpy: we'll be tackling cheddar bay in dreamplot 2 next year
Harpy: instead we are doing a mario and luigi based plot in honor of alphadream
Harpy: hm, that came out weird, i meant "next year, where we are doing the mario and luigi thing"
Gooper Blooper: alphadream is just what you call it when you have visions of Gojira in your sleep
Harpy: i choked
Harpy: doesn't that make mechagodzilla the alphadream
Harpy: spoooooky
Gooper Blooper: don't let your alphamemes be alphadreams
Harpy: *mechagodzilla thumbs up in the distance*


Gooper Blooper: Ahhhhhhh... I've missed Maya being a badass.
Harpy: god we've been getting the good content lately
Gooper Blooper: you raze a city, there are consequences!
Gooper Blooper: Bergman: *surprised pikachu*
Draco: Bergman watching the news.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: "Me? Accountable? Since WHEN?"
Gooper Blooper: what a face
Gooper Blooper: a small pile of snapped pens on the desk
Harpy: that fuckin pic
Harpy: i swear.


Gooper Blooper: me looking at the girl who lost her anchor:
The girl who lost her anchor:
Harpy: the cookie was THIS BIG
RubyChao: the trick is to make your big plan a character attached to two others
RubyChao: so you'd have to bring them back
RubyChao: and thus you can justify not adding yet
Harpy: the trick actually is to have fun and go with the flow... on my part
Harpy: just don't overdo it!
Gooper Blooper: There's another character who's been tugging at me lately but that one's been easier to set aside
Harpy: says girl who added police officers and has been thinking of amber nonstop for the past few days
Harpy: who downloaded genshin just to get to know her better
Gooper Blooper: HP just went and made literally the best and most perfect possible plot for the character I was trying to save for later so get fucked
Harpy: and i haven't seen if my potato computer can play it yet
Harpy: yeah that was
Harpy: pretty much a hook, line, sinker
Harpy: anyway reminder to everyone: please, stop showing me cute girl pics, i might succumb to urges and put them in RP
Harpy: please...
Harpy: spare me...
RubyChao: ahahahahah, yeah, it happens
Harpy: but if they are men i would gladly appreciate them.
RubyChao: remember when Del created the perfect location that just helped rocket Chimata into RP
RubyChao: instantly
Harpy: he just did it
Harpy: 4d chess move
Harpy: he's also responsible for Hiroki having a mecha again
Gooper Blooper: I told a couple people this already but when Eggette was looking for hired help for the last HP event
Gooper Blooper: it was gonna be That Girl
Gooper Blooper: Then Harpy saved me. Briefly.
Harpy: i didn't know it at the time
Harpy: i was just being goofy and like
Harpy: and then suddenly ghost pirates
Gooper Blooper: It was a good angle!
Draco: P-p-p-p-p-pirates D:
Draco: Silvania is responsible for pirates. If only she'd killed the onion.
Harpy: onion is okay
Harpy: ssssh, silvania
Harpy: its okay
Harpy: so where's she gonna get her infinite amount of dolphins
Gooper Blooper: TOTSUGEKI
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: Lost her anchor, is that-
Cornwind Evil: 'infinite amount of dolpins'
Cornwind Evil: Yes it is


Cornwind Evil: So One Piece this week had a crossover with, of all things, Where's Waldo
Cornwind Evil: Or Where's Wally depending on your region
Cornwind Evil: Can you find him?


Cornwind Evil: "She never even noticed the deep space satellite, the Red impacting it and shearing a huge gash out of the hulk and one of the enormous mirror panels" Jason-3 no


Cornwind Evil: Chao:
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: yeah.


(Chao starts playing Hitman a lot)

RubyChao: fun fact, hitman wants me to kill the super mario bros
Jumpropeman: mario must be killed with ANY METHOD AVAILABLE


Jumpropeman: an old video but more relevant than ever
RubyChao: i remember seeing that video in the past
RubyChao: and it's even better now that i can confirm
RubyChao: yeah that's how it goes
Cornwind Evil: The Hitman thing isn't that much of an exaggeration, really
Cornwind Evil: Just act like you belong and 95 percent of the time no one will question it
Cornwind Evil: Heck, my dad got onto the set of Cinderella Man by accidentally walking through a space they had missed closing up and got to stay just by acting like he was supposed to be there
Draco: Oh boy...I have an unusual Cinderella Man memory. Around the time it was in theaters, I went to a baseball game in Anaheim and they were doing the t-shirt cannon thing. One shirt was launched up near me and the guy who caught it looked at it, saw it was a bland Cinderella Man t-shirt, and gave it away.
Gooper Blooper: Ha!
RubyChao: ahahahahahahaaaa
RubyChao: also yeah re: cornwind, it's pretty much based off the ol' clipboard and uniform principle
RubyChao: and of course the 5% who would question it
RubyChao: that's who you steer clear of
Jumpropeman: you say you're new
Draco: Then it backfires when a Karen sees you standing around and wants to speak to the manager.
RubyChao: that's when you choke them out :V


Jumpropeman: "Photobucket is the premier standalone photo and video sharing site, with a large and active user base around the world linking billions of personal photos, graphics, slideshows and videos daily to hundreds of thousands of Web sites."
Draco: Is that the fading wording on a sign sitting outside their headquarters building that's been abandoned long enough that nature has begun to reclaim it?


Draco: I am now launching into the Infernal Hellscape of Despair that is Dragon Maids Season 2. I am loving it so far.


Gooper Blooper: I googled JRM's newest sig
Harpy: oh my god
Harpy: of course


Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty happy with our overall pace so far this season, plotwise
Gooper Blooper: It's looking like we actually may avoid plot crunch this year, knock on wood
Gooper Blooper: as long as nobody's secretly sitting on like 20 events or anything
Harpy: all i'm sitting on is "proving to myself that yes I can write a fite if i'm inspired and bah gawd it'll be a pogeymans one"
RubyChao: *sweats awkwardly at his 20 event plot*
Harpy: sorry guys
Harpy: i had this whole plot
Harpy: about dia exploring agama
Harpy: it's like a whole month
Harpy: i must explain in excruciating detail
Harpy: that ice cream sandwich she is enjoying
Harpy: or that cute outfit she's wearing
Harpy: or that cute outfit she's wearing
Harpy: or-
Draco: I'm on pace to destroy the entire East Coast as planned.
Harpy: please no
Harpy: i live here
Draco throws atrocities at Florida I guess.
Harpy: florida can handle it


Jumpropeman: "In another of Stewie's homosexual moments, when they travel to a universe of half-naked men and Stewie says "Love it!" and Brian says "Hate it." Brian's dog habits are shown when he and Stewie reverse it when they travel to a universe of fire hydrants."
Jumpropeman: the family guy wiki is strange


The Crableter: I
The Crableter: I missed the Kepler/Chuunor shipping????
The Crableter: Jail for brine! Jail for brine for one thousand years!!!
Harpy: brine did it all himself


Gooper Blooper:
The Crableter: Ban: Gooper Blooper


Gooper Blooper: woah that's lightning!
Gooper Blooper: BIG THUNDER
Gooper Blooper: if I poof from the user list you know why!
Jumpropeman: Belle, stay in RP
Jumpropeman: you can't attack the RPers
Gooper Blooper: well clearly it's actually Kracko who's outside though
Jumpropeman: Belle shoved Kracko out of RP
Jumpropeman: you ever get hit so hard you become non-fiction
Gooper Blooper: "Noooo, Belle, don't turn me into a marketable plushie..."
Jumpropeman: that looks difficult to cuddle with


Gooper Blooper: I can barely believe we've gone from "Marisa is small time" to "Marisa is a minor villain" to "Marisa is Harpy's nuclear option"
Gooper Blooper: it's beautiful
Harpy: marisa graduated from doing nothing to anubis to throwing everything at Belle
Harpy: basically i just had a "no marisa SUCKS" phase and now i look back and i'm like "you don't deserve the hate i'm sorry babe"
Harpy: and if this battle goes on long enough, draco can gaze in awe as Marisa turns into a gundam, courtesy of kanako-
Harpy: -MoF joke
Gooper Blooper: hell, I remember as recently as this past offseason you almost tried to claim Marisa was still in prison because you forgot you'd let her out a while back
Gooper Blooper: imagine if she'd missed out...
Harpy: then clara would win instead
Harpy: :V
Harpy: no marisa earned her spot
Gooper Blooper: clara lost to a mole.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: honestly what did it was that i was watching so much marisa content
Harpy: because the 2hu player i watch uses marisa exclusively when he can
Harpy: and I forgot how fuckin sassy Marisa can get
Harpy: she also got owned in that one fangame so I decided to be like "okay you got comeuppanced, you're allowed to be cool again"
Harpy: but the real kicker was me bullshitting how to approach Dreamcast
Harpy: it felt like Marisa at her very best, even if she thought she wasn't doing a great job
Gooper Blooper: I remember your original Brawl lineup didn't include her
Gooper Blooper: then she squirmed in there last minute
Harpy: tori walked so Marisa could SPAHRK
Gooper Blooper: So many tiny circumstances coming together
Harpy: she's our champ now
Harpy: and she's my girl :3
Jumpropeman: her talking to Dreamcast already rocketed her high up my list of Harpchars, then she wins the Brawl and I'm like "dang girl, you fighting for favorite huh"
Harpy: Marisa's good people. or, well, better
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: you MONSTER
Jumpropeman: Marisa defeated by donut
Harpy: marisa was on good behavior when they let her have a donut at prison
Harpy: other than that she lived off frito pies and various ramen recipes
Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: casually ran over rumia.
Harpy: just like Brine.
Jumpropeman: Dreamcast spends her mil on getting Marisa the biggest donut ever
Jumpropeman: "Now eat it quick it'll probably expire in like three days"


Jumpropeman: I almost expected Kindra to make a pen to put Belle in
Harpy: i thought of that but then i was like "that'd be kinda uncomfy wouldn't it..."
Jumpropeman: Belle would be like "Can I go back to suffering instead?"


Harpy: by the way goops.... this one's for you
Gooper Blooper: w e e d l e
Harpy: i have 0 idea if that's a reseal or not but that is some insanely weird luck
Harpy: and i found it immensely funny
Gooper Blooper: I'm pretty sure packs are designed not to ever have two or more of the same card, so it was either a resealed pack or a severe factory error
Gooper Blooper: you might get the same card as both normal and reverse holo, but never exact dupes
Harpy: i'm goin with reseal because the simplest reason is probably the real reason
Harpy: because I would be dumbfounded
Harpy: if that was a factory error


Jumpropeman: small post, doesn't need a reply
Draco replies anyway.
Jumpropeman: )=<
Brinehammer: I love it.
Brinehammer also replies anyway.
Jumpropeman crumbles to dust


The Crableter: Hey goops
The Crableter: Good news
The Crableter: You don't need to play the Pokémon moba
Gooper Blooper: The only people who NEED to play such a thing are those few lunatic souls who have decided to try and play every video game
The Crableter: Well uh, bad news for jrm then
The Crableter: :U


Gooper Blooper: post
Gooper Blooper: it is done.
Hooded Pitohui: Ah! So this is the mysterious anchor girl!
Jumpropeman: "The Disaster of Passion" describes a lot of RP girls during their confession scenes ;p
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: goops has been trying to resist for months
RubyChao: to make sure this wasn't a flash in the pan
RubyChao: and then you tossed Ghost Pirates at him
RubyChao: and he just went "okay, it's real"
RubyChao: kind of like me with Chimata except chimata happened in one day lol
Hooded Pitohui: If there was any good to come from this plot, it was dragging in another Goops pick early
Harpy: i want this disaster of passion
Harpy: i, too, am a disaster of passion
Harpy: in a good way
Gooper Blooper: She came THIS CLOSE to appearing on the previous HP event as well
Harpy: i only proved myself as a stopgap
Gooper Blooper: I don't believe HP was present when I said it - When Eggette was trying to find an escort by reading the classifieds from Vondu's newspaper, I was going to use that to bring her in. Harpy's characters offered instead
Gooper Blooper: And so in the end Eggette became her escort, which, yes, was intentional, for the keks
Jumpropeman: many keks were had
Harpy: keks are happening
Jumpropeman: a kektastrophe
Gooper Blooper: of passion


Gooper Blooper:
Harpy: mankind knew they could not change society
Harpy: so instead they blamed the TOTSUGEKI
Gooper Blooper: "I don't see any différence, what is the mod doing?"
Harpy: this will haunt my nightmares
Harpy: this is how wizeman dies.
Harpy: ...actually, this is how doremy dies


Jumpropeman: "Chimata uses a weird move she's pulled off before - changing one of her arms into a cannon and firing a shot"
Jumpropeman: and why wasn't this in her brawl abilities?!
RubyChao: honestly? i didn't remember i'd had her use it when i was picking abilities :V
RubyChao: if i had, i would have swapped short-range teleport for it
Jumpropeman: Chimata got a lot of use out of that teleport though
Gooper Blooper: Chimata can do almost anything! She just needs to find someone with that thing and buy it off them, like a capitalist Smeargle.
Harpy: capitalist smeargle
Harpy: that sounds like
Harpy: a pokemon run challenge...
Gooper Blooper: harpy no
Harpy: offseason things, i have better things to do onseason like nervously talk about everything and anything
Harpy: and make dia fat jokes
Gooper Blooper: dia is so fat even her ribbons are plus size
Harpy: plus
Harpy: ultra.
Gooper Blooper: Thanks to Death Battle making liberal use of the sound effect, whenever anyone does a short range teleport in something I'm reading, including RP, I give it the Dragonball Z teleport noise in my head
RubyChao: nothing personal, kid
Jumpropeman: capitalist smeargle has pay day, Happy Hour...
Jumpropeman: embargo
Harpy: imprison.
Gooper Blooper: Covet


Jumpropeman: "For six days last week, Snoop Dogg accidentally streamed on mute and didn't realize until a friend came and fixed the problem."
Draco: lol
Cornwind Evil: Weed does have its issues



Jumpropeman: "I hear his oldest is going to kindergarten this fall"
Jumpropeman: I found the culprit
Jumpropeman: it's always the person you least expect....
RubyChao: posted
Gooper Blooper: it's that guy's kids, standing on each others' shoulders
Jumpropeman: I was even going to ask about Pennzoil myself originally
Gooper Blooper: you know I had to get pennzoil in on this
Gooper Blooper: Vondu working the angles
Jumpropeman: the weapon was not a gas-powered stick
MobileDraco: Vondu IS working the angles because he's the killer!
Gooper Blooper: "I'm just saying if we go see that guy with a kid in kindergarten I still feel like he'd be wearing his helmet and no shirt." well now it's canon
RubyChao: including when he picks up his kid
Jumpropeman: pulls up to the school on his motorbike
Gooper Blooper: leaning on how all these characters are based on the same mook got a good laugh out of me, good work JRM
Gooper Blooper: fuckin' SOR bikers, man...


Bree: I was playing red dead online with some frens and they mentioned an NPC that they have nicknamed "Incest McBigtits"
Bree: naturally, I had to ask.
Bree: this woman wears a very low cut cleavage-showing top (like, it's open all the way to her belt!) and she lives with this dude that's like... apparently they can't tell if he's her husband, her brother or both
Bree: a romantic relationship is implied, they did not explain why he might or might not be her brother??
Bree: this is made by the same people that made GTA so I wouldn't put it past them, it's got that kind of humor :V
Bree: the husband/possibly brother looks like his name ought to be Cletus
Bree: or Judd or Bubba
Bree: when we went to do a mission from this lady so I could see wtf my friends were talking about, the dude was wearing overalls. and... nothing else
Bree: no shirt under the overalls, no shoes
Bree: just overalls
Gooper Blooper: it's all ya need!
Bree: murrica


Jumpropeman: "But that means he can toss the jacket away"
Jumpropeman: oo la la, coatless Kennedy
Jumpropeman: I thought he was like Vondu but with notepads and pens instead of guns
Gooper Blooper: XD
Bree: 👀


Who the Phone Pole This Time: “My favorite godzilla is the one where he talked”- ivelchild
Gooper Blooper: ivel no.
Vina: Good choice.


RubyChao: ahahahahah look what i just found
RubyChao: and it's free dl
RubyChao: imma play it even though i can't understand anything
RubyChao: because lel
RubyChao: "I liked Helltaker too much, so I made it myself."
Draco: I like that Clownpiece is Cerberus.
Jumpropeman: well she does have three heads in rp
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: Clownpiece, we learned to process and cook meat so our teeth could develop to be SMALLER.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: With teeth like that you might as well just take a bite out of the hanging slab of cow.
Gooper Blooper: The lunatics looking great in that art style
Draco changed name to Clownpiece
Clownpiece: RIP AND TEAR
Clownpiece changed name to Draco


Working from Del: we definitely need to execute on maidplot
Brinehammer: Yeah, it really lined up. Hmm. I was going to do a thing where people got to bring their dudes/bring out rival maids for a big last man standing type battle with the side goal of cleaning a small museum, that sound good?
Working from Del: that sounds great
Working from Del: everybody gets a maid!
Working from Del: the curse, but its maids
Brinehammer: Exactly! Maid combat everywhere. Yeah, I'll start laying groundwork and getting it going, should be cool.
Working from Del: im definitely gonna introduce benita's rival maid with [9 to 5] now >:3
Working from Del: jenny fanning herself as she watches all these maids-
Brinehammer: Seeing Benita in a maid outfit awakened something
Working from Del: LMAO


RubyChao: who's ready for kotohime backstory reveal
Dobile Mel: Not me :U
RubyChao: oh okay
RubyChao: *deletes post, puts "kotohime attacks lol"*
Jumpropeman: i've been ready since 2008
Jumpropeman: which is definitely not a typo
Jumpropeman: and I should probably have said 2017 instead
MobileDraco: JRM has been waiting for Kotohime backstory for so long he forgot to write it himself.
Dobile Mel: Lol


Gooper Blooper: *passionately sings about burritos*
Harpy: this commercial had no right
Harpy: to be sung as sexily as it was
Draco: And was.
Harpy: horny steak burrito hours
Draco: My younger brother is younger than that commercial.
Harpy: so you gonna be the annoying older brother to shove that in his face
Harpy: delicious sexy burritos
Harpy: i'm not sponsored or anything
Draco: The new Harpy Burrito now at Taco Belinda.
Harpy: Its Taco Belle, you uncultured swine


RubyChao: [11:33 PM] Hooded Pitohui: ....I'm still doing it


Jumpropeman: fidget spinner ticket game where you spin a fidget spinner on a fidget spinner to get tickets
Harpy: wao...
Harpy: ...i'd get trapped in gambling hell.
Gooper Blooper: so when's the review going up on The Amusement Hoard-



Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: imagine dr blooper in place of the omanytes
Jumpropeman: perfect
Jumpropeman: the aegislash one would have megavitamins instead though
Jumpropeman: trying to get him to take his meds
Draco: The amazing legendary weapon, Melon Lance.
Draco: Melance




Gooper Blooper: just got my one August day at the moment, would like to get in one more towards the end of the month but I can wait
Harpy: i read month as mole
Jumpropeman: THE END OF THE MOLE
Gooper Blooper: The end of the mole is November 1, 2022
Jumpropeman: yeah prob


Gooper Blooper: I've been able to find something for just about everyone in my crew
Gooper Blooper: some of them who haven't done much yet are just waiting for plots that haven't kicked off
Harpy: there's a few on my end i haven't thought about yet, but i'm not gonna stress
Jumpropeman: Kogasa's probably my least fed
Harpy: they'll fit in like a puzzle piece in the right spot once the right puzzle comes along
Gooper Blooper: she's waiting for people to be surprised she's present
Jumpropeman: got Claire over there too
Brinehammer just dumps his whole cast over the side for Belle.
Harpy: you cannot fucking dump
Harpy: for Belle.


Gooper Blooper: From the "was posted in chatzy years ago, but now is more relevant than ever" files
Harpy: i can't fucking believe
Jumpropeman: Belle visits the Moon District
RubyChao: but who's that with her
Jumpropeman: no one, there are no men in rp
Harpy: yeah basically
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: it's Belle and Kindra
Harpy: but who's who-
Gooper Blooper: "Brinehammer just dumps his whole cast over the side for Belle."
Gooper Blooper: what's especially funny about this, by the way
Gooper Blooper: is that Brine had already dumped his cast to the side in favor of "antagonists"
Gooper Blooper: it's just
Gooper Blooper: he then proceeded to do it a second time.
Harpy: child abandonment
Harpy: del kicked it off
Harpy: we did it, we did the cycle


Jumpropeman: "madescent- slightly moist, or becoming so"
Jumpropeman: did we need this word, English
Harpy: that's exactly what i need for my lemon fic or whatever those dern kids call it
Harpy: *joking*
Jumpropeman: finally, a fanfic about Grandpa Lemon from Annoying Orange...
Gooper Blooper: Azazel's true name, Madescent
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: it's true


Jumpropeman: in the One Piece anime adaptation of the Dressrosa arc
Jumpropeman: guess how many times they reused one singular flashback
Gooper Blooper: Twelve
Harpy: 36
Hooded Pitohui: I'm going to try and give them benefit of the doubt and hope it was no more than seven.
Hooded Pitohui: We aren't putting the One Piece anime team on trial
Jumpropeman: in 118 episodes, they used the same flashback about Rebecca's past 48 times
Gooper Blooper: amazing quality, excellent use of time
Jumpropeman: that, my friends, is filler incarnate
Harpy: why am i proud yet upset at the same time
Harpy: that i got the closest number
Gooper Blooper: because your guess was ridiculously high but you still fucking undershot it because the show is just that lazy
Harpy: bruh...
Hooded Pitohui: 48 times.... Maybe we should put them on trial after all.


Harpy: so hey you want some kuroma chardev
Harpy: "no-" yeah you do, now fuckin read it



RubyChao: "Unable to sustain his fraudulent business practices, co-founder Eddie Antar cashed in millions of dollars' worth of stock and resigned from the company in December 1986. Crazy Eddie's board of directors approved the sale of the company in November 1987. The entire Antar family was immediately removed from the business. The new owners quickly discovered the true extent of the Antar family's fraud, but were unable to turn around Crazy Eddie's quickly declining fortunes. In 1989, the company filed for bankruptcy and was liquidated."
RubyChao: So crazy!
Draco: Dang.
Jumpropeman: I mean, it's their fault for not believing the adjective
Draco: Very crazy of Eddie.


Draco: Klara: Pros and cons of dating me.
-Klara: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
-Klara: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-


Working from Del: procrastinating on SA
Working from Del: found this line
Working from Del: "How could an orangutan sin so severely in the eyes of God?"
Harpy: blatantly
Working from Del: new agama character concept - orangutan out for revenge
Harpy: isn't that just lanky kong
Working from Del: yes
Harpy: they abandoned him
Working from Del: god has abandoned lanky kong, now he has nothing left to lose
Working from Del: he will reach heaven through violence
Harpy: guilty gear kong
Working from Del: but whats the orangutan's eidolon-
Working from Del: no i got it
Working from Del: [Stickerbrush Symphony]
Harpy: rest in pieces
Working from Del: lol


Harpy: Help im looking for blonde girl refs that fit sonia and all i can think of is bowsette
Working from Del: harp
Working from Del: you
Working from Del: you gotta play bowsette now
Harpy: im cursed, the chaos corrupts and azathoth always wanted a bowsette, a true waifu
Working from Del: give cali another girl to be charmed by

(Harpy goes for it and makes Chaos Sonia, AKA Nia, look like Bowsette)

Harpy: oh no
Harpy: goops pointed out
Harpy: nero/belle has a meme
Harpy: maple also took meme forms
Harpy: clownpiece is a meme
Harpy: and now sonia "bowsette" revel, who is also a meme
Harpy: true chaos is memes
Brinehammer: It's memes all the way down.
Harpy: azathoth just doesn't comprehend them, that boomer


SteelKomodo: and now
SteelKomodo: it's time for the moment you've been waiting for
SteelKomodo: when SK
SteelKomodo: makes a poste
SteelKomodo: on the forume



Jumpropeman: "-cute
-nobody cares if the bee is cute"

Jumpropeman: DISAGREE


Draco: link
RubyChao: nnnnnOOOOO
Jumpropeman: D':
Gooper Blooper: zeldoten took our fumo...
Draco: BI You can have it back when you finish your homework.


Gooper Blooper: robotnik demands tails accept his gifts
Jumpropeman: Robotnik Spoils Tails ASMR POV RP
Harpymobil: Im amazed
Harpymobil: What'll it be?!?
Harpymobil: Okay now i speep
Harpymobil: Nite
Gooper Blooper: nite
Draco: Bye Harpy!
Harpymobil: don’t forget to choose your gift
Harpymobil: He’s waaaiting


Cornwind Evil stares in bafflement.
Cornwind Evil: ........wha
Jumpropeman: well, im curious about Lamb now


Harpy: time for aika to freeze her ass off tomorrow
Harpy: time for klara to be harassed by cats


Cornwind Evil: So, comedian Eddie Murphy in the 80's was dabbling in music
Cornwind Evil: And he was hired to host the MTV Awards
Cornwind Evil: So he joked that he wouldn't do it unless MTV played the music video of his new single
Cornwind Evil: Thing was his single didn't HAVE a music video
Cornwind Evil: MTV called his bluff and said they would play it 'every hour on the hour' on the day leading up to the show
Cornwind Evil: So Murphy had to rush out and film the video all in one day


RubyChao: i just wanna rub chimata on characters

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