Thursday, July 1, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 387: Avoid Being Baked At All Costs

Macintosh Sheep: Hey kids, want to see a dead body?
Macintosh Sheep: Wait, no
Macintosh Sheep: The other thing
Macintosh Sheep: Hello
Macintosh Sheep: "we have perhaps gone overboard" Immersion ruined. ZF Corp would never asked themselves that.
Macintosh Sheep: IT'S HER!
Jumpropeman: hope I didn't step on your toes sheep :P
Macintosh Sheep: I forgot she had a bird's nest in her hat.
Macintosh Sheep: "so this Brawl might actually benefit the jungle more than hurt it!"
Macintosh Sheep: Alright, gang...How many times can we nuke this jungle in one Brawl?
Macintosh Sheep: "and the old sawmill even still stands!"
Macintosh Sheep: And over there's the old sawmill...Yeah, you keep aware of there. Some folks say that sometimes, they seen a Cirno fumo in the window...
Gooper Blooper: This is a great arena. I like how the sawmill and waterfall give it a flavor that ends up feeling like Jungle Paul Bunyan
Macintosh Sheep: "Entrants must be capable of interaction with other competitors"
Macintosh Sheep: *Insert joke about painfully shy character here*
Macintosh Sheep: "I reserve the right to replace them with Snivel from Casper: A Spirited Beginning without warning."
Gooper Blooper: He's going to snivel his finest snivel!


Macintosh Sheep: If ye could change yer fate...would'ja?
Macintosh Sheep: "-Lucina is the true entrant. Kakuna is her assistant."
Macintosh Sheep: booooo
Macintosh Sheep: "no, this is Kakuna's entire movepool"
Macintosh Sheep: *rubs hands together like a fly*
Macintosh Sheep: "combo his techniques into one another to create new attacks"
Macintosh Sheep: Yeeeeees


Macintosh Sheep: Alright, having read the available profiles, I shall now rest these weary and oddly sandy bones...for just a moment......
Macintosh Sheep left the chat
Draco: He's gone.


Draco: ...I have left myself a cryptic calendar reminder about who to enter as my Secret Fiter. I wish past me had gone into a bit more detail.
Gooper Blooper: Draco's Secret Fiter is so secret even he doesn't know who it is
Draco: It is a mystery.
Gooper Blooper: No, JRM picks that one


Draco: Alright, Brawler 3 is up and it is purely because you geeks won't stop teasing me for obeying the one weapon/assist rule JRM really wanted them.
Jumpropeman: even BETTER than a placeholder ; w ;
Draco: NEVER ASK ME FOR ANYTHING ELSE EVER AGAIN until you want something else.
Jumpropeman: hey draco, can you give me... a hug
Jumpropeman: sorry, didn't finish, give me a huge jar of cheese balls
Draco: Yes, absolutely. Anything for you my beloved friend.
Jumpropeman: please don't, I haven't finished the one I have D:
Draco: Too late. Amazon's going to have twenty of them at your house tomorrow.
Jumpropeman: I'll make a couch out of them then
Draco: They're individually wrapped.
Jumpropeman: good, I don't want all those balls spilling everywhere
Jumpropeman: Chao: Peko threw the wine glass down right
Jumpropeman: RIGHT
RubyChao: she has to wait for the brawl to do that
Jumpropeman: also: does she contain Dracula's most incredible power: making blue flames appear over buried treasure
Jumpropeman: oh wait, never mind, apparently that's just something unrelated that happens in the book
Draco: Brawler 4 posted

(Draco's "fourth Brawler" is a huge jar of cheese balls, as a placeholder)

Draco: Dang! Does that mean I'm violating the "No real people" rule? D:
Brinehammer: Chunor posted.
Draco: Chunor has good powers.
Brinehammer: She was Cirno bait when I made her, can you tell? :V
Draco: Cirno's greatest enemy, someone already frozen.


Cornwind Evil: Draco your blasted Cheese Balls entry invaded my dreams


Jumpropeman: Chunor hanging out with the Cirnos could be fun!
Jumpropeman: Cirno and Cirnoil and Chunor and Lil' Cirno eating Churros at Chuck E. Cheese
Jumpropeman pronounces Cirno as "Sir-No" but had to make the joke
Jumpropeman: wait crap they should have been doing it at Chernobyl


Jumpropeman: my brother just asked if I'm still doing Zoofights and then asked "Is there even a zoo?" so I explained to him that things started off with modified animals fighting but we came away from that. Then he said, without any further details, "so is it all anime girls now?" and I was like "there's quite a lot of them yeah"
Gooper Blooper: pfffffffff
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: yeah it is
Gooper Blooper: well he's got us pegged
Hooded Pitohui: He knows what's up
MobileDraco: XD
MobileDraco: I'll try to bring in someone who isn't an anime girl.
MobileDraco: Silvania isn't an anime girl!


Jumpropeman: weird
Jumpropeman: when I scroll past harp's post
Jumpropeman: the little sonia carries on into HP's and SK's area :V
Harpmobile: Sonia’s doing sonia things
Harpmobile: Like a sonia fumo: cursed
Jumpropeman: might have to do with spoilers or something
Jumpropeman: S O O N
Jumpropeman: Sonia WILL have birb
Harpmobile: Sonia plot 2021
Harpmobile: Sonia must get the burb


RubyChao: multiple people sent this to me.
Gooper Blooper: We know you too well
Harp: basically
Draco: Poor Samus. :(

(But then...) 



RubyChao: man
RubyChao: i still can't get over
RubyChao: we finally get metroid 5 and it's the legendary metroid dread and it releases on my birthday
RubyChao: it's been 13 hours!!
Draco: :3
Gooper Blooper: If it hadn't been for Chao I would've been like "hey, that's really cool, I might get it"
Gooper Blooper: but knowing how happy it would make him made me appreciate it all so much more
Jumpropeman: it looks pretty unique too
Jumpropeman: robits ervywhere
Jumpropeman: I look forward to EMMI in RP, chao
RubyChao: oh it's happening
RubyChao: i'm not going to even joke about it
RubyChao: those cool designs?
RubyChao: they're coming into RP next year


Harp: i can't believe pudge just ate a horse


Jumpropeman: "He cited a student that needed help with a paper, which he relayed with an odd dread" Zoey? :V
Gooper Blooper: the spectre of zoey hangs over the university like a big pear-shaped cloud
Jumpropeman: professors set timers for their office hours so they can escape on the dot
Meh Sheep: Yes, it was a reference to Zoey
Gooper Blooper: JRM: Imagine, if you will
Gooper Blooper: Zoey being Widow Maker's partner for the analysis
Jumpropeman: "Your post has reached the forum character limit"
Gooper Blooper: we turned the character limit off a few years back, but she'd hit the max regardless
Jumpropeman: the forum can only hold so much data after all
Gooper Blooper: the back half of the analysis would be all widow maker because Zoey would eventually lose her voice
Jumpropeman: that's her weakness
Gooper Blooper: remember to put that under Weaknesses on her entry form
Jumpropeman: Zoey's weaknesses will also break the character limit-
Jumpropeman: there was a very brief period she was considered legitimately
Jumpropeman: then I remember she gets her gundam AFTER brawl
Gooper Blooper: I do love her but she's definitely an armchair brawler studying it from a distance rather than jumping right in there. Of course, Kaede entered a Brawl and scored a kill so anything is possible, but-
RubyChao: Kaede entering a brawl as the actual entrant remains a highlight.
RubyChao: No question.
RubyChao: I never doubted it.


Jumpropeman: "No time for introductions! Pudge, the elite Nobu gunner"
Jumpropeman: HUZZAH!
Jumpropeman: "she had something more important: a grudge!"
Jumpropeman: Pudge with a Grudge is my favorite Disney Channel original
Gooper Blooper: 100 Grudges For Nobu McPudge
Gooper Blooper: (The series was cancelled with Pudge still a Nobu and only sixty grudges done.)
Jumpropeman: good


Draco: "Your choices could have bad results, so hopefully those results never happen." <- Bit ironic considering who's saying it. ;V
Cornwind Evil: Julia's world viewpoint has a bit of a sampling bias.
Draco: Fair enough. ;V


Brinehammer: I guess now that Belle's dead I can move on to other stuff. Like maid plot.
Working from Del: lol
Working from Del: hell yes maid plot
Working from Del: me, banging on the table with my hands: maid plot maid plot maid plot


Dobile Mel: Brother Blart, Mall Chaplain
Draco: Oh man. That's amazing. XD


Jumpropeman: I'll make a little reaction post between as well to show how Doga and Rockwall's trio feel
Gooper Blooper: *sounds of lizards booing in the background*
MobileDraco: *sound of Pudge booing at the amateur pitfighting club*
Gooper Blooper: "Were you saying 'boo' or 'nobu'?" "BOOOOOO!!!!" "I was saying nobu..."


Jumpropeman: I was even thinking how Kamen Riders are beside touhous in "we pretty much have one a year"
MobileDraco: Excuse you what about Wriggle?
MobileDraco: 1. Bug themed
MobileDraco: 2. Transforms
RubyChao: her face does not look ridiculous enough
MobileDraco: 4. Machine gun???
Jumpropeman: we are currently at a Wriggle brawl streak of 1
Jumpropeman: will she be the new tradition?!
Gooper Blooper: Also, I had no idea the beams would be the turning point in that round when I threw them in, kek
MobileDraco: Wriggle is the new Rainbow Dash


Harp: i gotta figure out how stupid i want my secret fiter to be
Harp: i'll worry about it tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: I have some stupid secrets and some serious secrets
Gooper Blooper: Rexy vs Freddie Freaker, for instance
Gooper Blooper: join the party the fast and easy way
Harp: i have three choices in mind
Harp: but i'mma think on it
Gooper Blooper: well just tell us about them and we'll pick the best one
Gooper Blooper: (no, that's how you get Sniveled)
Harp: well, if you insist, I was hoping to do Scooby Dum-
Gooper Blooper: Harpy's three picks are Scooby Dum, Hairy Scary, and Snivel
Harp: excuse me!
Harp: captain caveman and dick dastardly were prioritized over those two whatchamacallits
Harp: *those are not my actual ideas btw just sayin*
Harp: i like to talk but not when it could get me sniveled
Draco: Same.
Draco: Hype for my Secret Fiter but I can't discuss it.
Gooper Blooper: God, I'm laughing how well that phrase works. We never said anything like "you'll get scooby dummed"
Hooded Pitohui: Sums up my state right now, Draco
Gooper Blooper: but getting Sniveled
Gooper Blooper: that's a threat.
Harp: "honeeey, it's time for your july 10th Sniveling-" "yes dear...."
Harp: i don't know why i thought that so you guys can suffer, too
Draco: I approve...
Harp: of your own suffering? why would you do that
Harp: you deserve better


Harp: link
Draco: Starring Honoka
Hooded Pitohui: Instead of robots chasing her around it's a hungry Hibiki
Gooper Blooper: If she catches you with no bread in your inventory......
RubyChao: There is only one way to appease.
Harp: this sounds like some crazy fanfic our spoopy metroid crappypasta friend would make
Gooper Blooper: amogus
Harp: except, like, actually good, because otherwise reimu would return to smack him


SteelKomodo: I just looked at CW's brawl entries and
SteelKomodo: >"her little tomato"
Bree: I ship it
Bree: I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ship it but I'ma ship it
SteelKomodo: same
MobileDraco: You haven't been?


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i love touhou
Bree: o rly?
RubyChao: yep
Bree: I don't believe you
RubyChao: :<


Bree: dr blooper is precious and adorable btw
Gooper Blooper: thank, I've been meaning to send him on a plot eventually when the circumstances are fitting
Gooper Blooper: probably something that makes use of the rivers or canals so he can swim
Bree: but do the megavitamins dissolve in water
Draco: Should've sent him to fight Titanus Hydrus.
Gooper Blooper: He and Helios will also appear in the bar sometime before the Brawl so they can meet the people they gotta put back together
Gooper Blooper: The Megavitamins dissolve to reveal little sponge toys when placed in water
Bree: don't send him on a plot that's too serious. dr blooper is baby
Bree: he is a respectable highly trained medical professional of course
Bree: but also he is baby
Gooper Blooper: Yeah Draco's event would have been a bit much
Draco: ;p
Gooper Blooper: we fought a 200-meter-long three headed eel with lightning powers
Gooper Blooper: that's how you get fried bloop
Harp: kindra will protect the bloop with her life
Draco: Mmmm calamari
Harp: she will channel her inner belle for him to keep him safe
Gooper Blooper: We're years removed from Nurse Tongus, I needed another ridiculous tiny healer
Bree: protecc the bloop
Gooper Blooper: help him
Harp: i can't believe we have to cure the flu
Gooper Blooper:
Harp: dr. blooper is the best thing to come out of dr. mario world
Harp: i do not need literal babies practicing virology on me



Harp: god i just want floofy hair


Harp: i'd go to bed now but i have a crush to chug
Harp: er, Crush
Harp: that sounds
Harp: uh
Harp: maybe my mind's in the gutter
Draco: I really want to Chug Jug with you
Draco: We can be Pro Fortnite Gamers
Harp: draco you're fuckin terrifying me


RubyChao: ha, i just realized
RubyChao: this year is metroid's 35th anniversary
RubyChao: for once
RubyChao: they treated it right
Draco: Yay! :D
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: "She's sweating because she doesn't know how to tell him she's the only one getting a game this year."
Draco: I love how they added the "Hilarious in Hindsight" pool
Gooper Blooper: "One gets a new game this year.
One gets thrown off a cliff into a volcano."

Draco: Pit was sacrificed so Samus could have a game. D:


The Deleter: Ranking of "most likely to say poggers" in descending order: Téo, Benita, Emily, Cali


Gooper Blooper: I'm noticing multiple people expressing a lot of excitement for their Secret Fiter, which is interesting
Gooper Blooper: I don't recall there being this much hype around the position before!
Draco: We all entered the Miser Bros again.
Draco: And we don't realize it.
pineappvel: lel


Cornwind Evil: Is Rainbow Dash finally done entering?
Cornwind Evil: Is the streak over?
Gooper Blooper: JRM talked with her a few days ago and from the conversation it was clear RD is done
Gooper Blooper: The pony rests.
pineappvel: after last year, I'm not surprised
Cornwind Evil: I guess to her Tank counted
Gooper Blooper: JRM says he thinks that's exactly it :V
Gooper Blooper: Tank survived and RD is content with that
Cornwind Evil: End of an era
Gooper Blooper: BBB10 definitely felt like one in many ways
Gooper Blooper: that's one of em!
Gooper Blooper: I look forward to seeing who won the Secret roll tomorrow morning
Gooper Blooper: It'll be Sheep again
Meh Sheep: I always want that Secret Roll
Meh Sheep gets his grubby hands all over it
Draco: Sheep, you'd better not have submitted my Secret Fiter again. I'm not sharing the SMB Movie Mario and Luigi with you. :U
Meh Sheep: It was a fear on my mind a couple times. But I am CERTAIN no one so much as thought of this.
Draco: Who? Alligator Megatron who appeared only in the tie-in comic with early Beast Wars figures back when it was expected that the franchise would be a direct continuation of G1?


Jumpropeman: "If a death tournament's the new way to advertise"
Jumpropeman: it increasingly is!
MobileDraco: Apparently so!
Jumpropeman: so as I read Zauderberder's entry it's clear
Jumpropeman: this guy's gonna win and I'm gonna have to justify it
Jumpropeman: especially after I write 200 reasons to vote for Zauderberder
Cornwind Evil: Have him reveal to not have died when the last two Brawlers are on the verge of killing each other, reveal he has 10 giant Zauderberder robots that blow them up, and then he goes up to the barely alive survivor and smashes his head in with a rug.
Jumpropeman: Zauderberder ends up under the superheavy rug at the very start, unable to move, and the other brawlers all kill each other, leaving him the technical winner
MobileDraco: Zauderberder was Jumpropeman all along


Jumpropeman: GARSP!
RubyChao: swwwweeEEERVE
Cornwind Evil: They went to go eat cheeseballs.
MobileDraco: I was wondering when someone would notice.
Meh Sheep: Y'all are a bunch of cheeseballs.
Jumpropeman: It's a good thing we did, I almost finalized entries without looking :V
MobileDraco: I would have had a good chuckle.
Jumpropeman: I believe that would make it time then
Jumpropeman: to roll for secret fiter!
Meh Sheep slowly turning into Spinel in the garden, waiting for JRM to roll the Secret Fiter
Jumpropeman: hold on, gotta make sure I didn't miss anyone!
Jumpropeman misses sheep DELIBERATELY
RubyChao: fun fact that i don't think jrm would mind me sharing
RubyChao: assuming he went through with it
RubyChao: spy is a candidate for Secret
Jumpropeman: he did!
RubyChao: neat!
Meh Sheep: I'm always fine not winning the Brawl, but I find myself usually wanting to get the Secret Fiter slot!
Meh Sheep: Oh! Wonderful!
MobileDraco: Neat.
RubyChao: yeah as per discussion since he's not participating normally due to having no one left to enter
RubyChao: he just gets to jump right to the goofy filler entrant
RubyChao: without needing a regular one
MobileDraco: He could have entered five Fumos.
Meh Sheep: A Jar of Fumos
MobileDraco: YES
MobileDraco: Swarm of Cursed Cheeseballs
Jumpropeman: it would seem the lucky user this year is... Gooper Blooper!
RubyChao: :O
RubyChao: i think this is the first time he ever got it!
Meh Sheep: Me, currently.
Meh Sheep: Congratulations, Goops!
Jumpropeman: I will ask people to keep their secrets, well, a secret til brawl time
RubyChao: yeah, lesse
Jumpropeman: I know I have some ideas brewing
RubyChao: bree, sheep, sk, cw, me, draco/sheep, ivel
RubyChao: never before has it been gooper mcblooper
Chillmodo: Congrats to the bloops
MobileDraco: Darn. I really liked my Secret too.
RubyChao: same draco
Meh Sheep: Remember ups when you're famous, Goops
Meh Sheep: *us
Meh Sheep: Please forget about the UPS.


Cornwind Evil: The way Kiryu is positioned, it looks like his hair is turning into Momopie
Draco: That's his secret power.


Brinehammer: Finally, srspost.
Harpmobile: Ah, yes
Harpmobile: Gerard’s people need a proper asskicking
Brinehammer: Yeah... A lot of things have changed for them, but one thing has remained a constant; Goat people are opportunistic assholes.
Harpmobile: “Time to take belle to taco belle and dye her hair brown out of pure spite”
Harpmobile: “They cant summon and bind her if we summon her first- wait if we call up an Order elemental would we call her bluebelle?
The Deleter: :((((
RubyChao: so time to face turn belle and then nuke kal-vec from orbit, got it brine
The Deleter: Beastmen rework for total Warhammer looking gnarly
Harpmobile: Dia’s preparing the orbital laser
Harpmobile: Bubba is preparing the ancient rituals to summon the Taco Belle
Harpmobile: :bellePoggers:
Brinehammer: The end of this one way or another had to be storming the Hub, so might as well grease the wheels :V Shift Lead Belle! Befriends the worst customers so they come back and fight some more
Harpmobile: Ma’am
Harpmobile: I AM THE MANAGER
Harpmobile: Then theres a whole lotta teeth- oh shit did this get too real
Brinehammer: As long as it ends with someone saying they're never coming back, accurate :V
Brinehammer: Julia THOUGHT she could just get her broken tacos replaced, but not without a receipt! Belle never gave her a receipt in the first place
Harpmobile: Julia needs a baja blast and a doritos locos taco
Harpmobile: Also
Harpmobile: Brawl 12: The Belle of the Brawl
Harpmobile: “Lol belle if we summon you you can do this!” *points at all the manslaughter in the brawl*
Harpmobile: jenny’s goat mom sux
Brinehammer: She does. Product of her environment, blah blah blah, but yeah, Amalthea is just awful. Full on "ends justify the means" type thinking, she doesn't feel bad about any of it.
Brinehammer: I would have to laugh if Belle got summoned from underneath her, just because it really would be a matter of "Did the ritual work?... No?... Well, she's not a piece of toast under a couch, do it again until she appears." and the growing frustration, lol
Harpmobile: Someone mispronounced the name as delle and adelle, the paint elemental, is really confused why she was pulled away for this shit
Brinehammer: Dead silence until Amalthea facepalms. "I'm surrounded by idiots."


RubyChao joined the chat
Harp: hi chao
RubyChao: hi
Harp: are you ready to obliterate the true origin of sin, Goats?
RubyChao: yes
Harp: hell yeah
RubyChao: and here's how
RubyChao: also how
Harp: okuu saves elementals
Harp: i guess former queen tenshi of mondor is helping too
Draco votes for Goat King.
Jumpropeman: between this and the sheep it's clear RP just needs to keep all caprines out
Harp: queen goat was an omen


Jumpropeman: Jungle Juice looks like quarter water...
Jumpropeman: it's just not in a barrel
Harpmobile: Quarter Water: resurgence
Jumpropeman: this coast to coast post is most elaborate!
Jumpropeman: tiny suwako was very good
Draco: When I was grabbing the pictures for the Jungle Juice, there's a Wal-Mart listing that says a 1 Qt is $7. Pricey stuff!
Harpmobile: What a ripoff
Jumpropeman: ahh, PREMIUM Quarter Water
Draco: Agreed. They apparently also had to switch to Jungle Punch at some point due to a lawsuit with Bug Juice or something? I didn't look much into it.
ivel: 50 cent water?
Draco: Dollar Tree sells little six-packs of Quarter Water, though they're just one flavor and not a variety pack.
Harpmobile: BUG JUICE
Harpmobile: gross


The Deleter: SK and I are doin a Thing
Draco: Nice
The Deleter: Writing the line "put it out of her head"
The Deleter: But was listening to dankmus
The Deleter: So I accidentally wrote "put it out of ideas"


Draco: "I have both Red and Blue warring in me." <- Oh man, I loved that show.


Gooper Blooper: >Ani fighting in an event
Gooper Blooper: JRM playing a dangerous game
Jumpropeman: come on, no one would like a lizard nerd right
Draco: Definitely NOT me.


Jumpropeman: regirock is id, regice is superego, and registeel is ego
Harpy: what does it make their dad tho
Jumpropeman: AWESOME
Harpy: excellent
Gooper Blooper: "the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual desires; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic agent that mediates, between the instinctual desires of the id and the critical super-ego;"
Gooper Blooper: okay but, this is literally what they are ingame and kind of in RP too
Harpy: why do you think jrm said it
Gooper Blooper: of course Registeel is the mediator, he's the one with balanced stats


Meh Sheep: Another for the pile.
Meh Sheep: Saw some footage of Northernlion playing it with some people and looked fun
Jumpropeman: that technically means you recommended a dating game to me sheep
Jumpropeman: you can't complain about King of Halloween anymore :P
Meh Sheep: Unless the Baron card has a flipped side with dropped trousers, I most certainly can :I
Jumpropeman: time to get to work on a mod
Draco: Sheep is a badass.
Meh Sheep: No.
Draco plays his Reverse Uno card.


Meh Sheep: "Nobody Remembers Balto"
Meh Sheep: These clickbait titles are getting out of control!
Jumpropeman: sounds like perfect Mystery Fiter material


Meh Sheep: "I don't have any magic of my own... but I see how much it helps people"
Meh Sheep: Zoey said, handing Bergman a giant piece of Cheeze-It.
Meh Sheep: "it can heal, it can help people come together"
Meh Sheep: DeMonde looks up from the pile of writhing limbs on her operating table
Meh Sheep: "it makes marvels reality"
Meh Sheep: "I majored in biology, chemistry, and psychology."
Meh Sheep: Sousa bursts out of the closet again
Draco: Bergman gets out another gun and shoots Sousa.
Draco: Thrice.
Meh Sheep: It's not the first time he's been shot in a closet.
Meh Sheep: "You saved me...I am eternally grateful, but...I must go."
Meh Sheep: Penny says as she floats upwards
Meh Sheep: she must return to her home planet
Meh Sheep: "P-penny...are you...alright?"
Meh Sheep: "Salutations"
Meh Sheep: "Oh good, she's fine."
Meh Sheep: "So much to many things I've done..."
Meh Sheep: Would
Meh Sheep: Would you like to sing about it?
Jumpropeman: He's committed every kind of atrocity, from Atrocit-A to Atroci-Z
Meh Sheep: "Once Penny was clear though, Zoey crumples to the ground,"
Meh Sheep: I can't believe Zoey's dead.
Meh Sheep: "Alli even trying to cure Zoey"
Draco: Hey, nobody checked on Constanze yet. She could be dead too if you pretend I didn't say she's alive
Meh Sheep: Turning her head into wood
Jumpropeman: Constanze? CONSTANZE?! She's not saying anything!
Draco: She's not in the Brawl. I'm allowed to finish her off. >=|
Jumpropeman: now it all makes sense
Jumpropeman: same reason Zoey didn't enter


ivel: "My Hero Academia Toru Hagakure Figure Released"
ivel: the madlads did it
Chillmodo: Hahaha



Harpmobile: >thunderstorm warning
Harpmobile: Please dont be bad enough that i can’t hunt for toys in walmart
Harpmobile: Almost said “in godzilla”
Harpmobile: No, not “im godzilla”
MobileDraco: Harpy confirmed not Godzilla.
Harpmobile: Im sorry, i can never be a 10 story tall, 120 ton monster
Harpmobile: I can, however, play a role as Sonia-
Draco: Up from the depths, 30 stories high, breathing fire, his head in the sky...not Harpy
Gooper Blooper: NOT HARPY! NOT HARPY! NOT HARPY! And Not Iiiiiiivellllllllll...
Harpmobile: I almost died at work goops i can’t just make ugly dry heave laughs here


Brinehammer joined the chat
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil starts tearing up the sod for Brine.
Cornwind Evil has made a total mess of the chat room.
Cornwind Evil would RP with people, but now has to get back from China.
Working from Del joined the chat

Working from Del: oh god who made a mess of the chat room???
Working from Del: now i gotta clean up
Brinehammer: What is this, sod?
Working from Del: apparently!
Working from Del: great, i don't know anything about sod or turf, i gotta look this up, mumble grumble


Working from Del:
Harpy: oh my god.
Harpy: the absolute irony.
Harpy: holy hell.
Working from Del: lmao
Working from Del: games journalism is a fuck


Bree: what the opossum from the brawl is up to these days
Bree: not all heroes wear capes


RubyChao: "Because of the secrecy regarding the movie it was continuing, when Godzilla: The Series began production, they created a bunch of stuff to throw people off the trail; it was presented as a superhero series called HEAT Seekers (after the boat used by the human characters in the show), complete with fake character designs and even a logo. To additionally preserve secrecy about the Godzilla design until the movie was released, they used codenames ("Gorgon" and even just "Thingy") in scripts and different designs in production artwork; storyboards would have placeholders (up to and including sockpuppets) drawn in until the crew were given approval to use the final Godzilla design."
Jumpropeman: release the HEAT Seekers cut
MobileDraco: I was tempted to bring HEAT into RP.


Jumpropeman: fun fact: I almost had Jungle Juice continue to climb beyond ten points
Jumpropeman: but I realized that at some point a character might get like 16 points and I was like "that might be overdoing it"
RubyChao: nonsense
Harpy: thats like 75 points for one dude
RubyChao: what's wrong with a 16 point vote-
Harpy: i can't believe bullet's going to win after all!!!!
The Deleter: Okay but under that system you'd have to immediately tell us if someone ended up on 69 points
Jumpropeman: The Nice Clause


Draco: Time for the greatest challenge: finding a picture of Kanade that isn't lewd.
Meh Sheep: You madman.
Hooded Pitohui: You need a hand with that Draco? Because I have a lot
Bree: he said NOT lewd, pitohui!!!!
Bree: (jk jk jk)


Jumpropeman: I can't believe Tsubasa voted for herself
Jumpropeman: very on brand votes from Elsa! Dreamcast's keeping her spirit alive
Jumpropeman: I can't believe Bernie Sanders is now RP canon
Hooded Pitohui: It was interesting looking at the final lists I end up with and trying to figure out who worked as the speaker for each section
Jumpropeman: awww, I like Mayumi's sponsorship premise. "I will use this platform to geek out. This is not negotiable."


Draco: "I will also allow you to display this in your bar so you may also hug twelve thousand chickens at any time you would like" <- Silvania looks at it and THROWS IT TO THE MOON. D:<
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me, Draco - HP, congratulations on simultaneously the best and the worst sponsorship vote I have ever seen
RubyChao: RUDE
RubyChao: can't believe you just destroyed myoom like that
Hooded Pitohui: Poooooor, Pooooor Myoom! She just wants to share her cool collection!
Draco: "Designate an official color-changer to guard it and change its colors as they desire, and you can share the joy this has given me over time!" <- We have JUST the person! There's this wonderful girl named Gamecube..
Gooper Blooper: Why should I win the Brawl? I'LL TELL YOU. *presents century-old traffic light*
Draco: "One particular scam-runner from thousands of years ago continues to be remembered and mocked!" <- Chimata's been around for a long time!
Draco: Well, I'm convinced. Sorry, Regis, but I have to give your vote to the girl with the Stop Sign.
Draco: You're lucky she isn't bringing it or she'd stop EVERYONE.
Cornwind Evil: I can't believe Charles Ponzi is still remembered in the year 6021


Gooper Blooper: So a while back I commented that Liz (HP's Liz) and her speaking style, particularly the use of "dontcha know", reminded me of a specific voice that I couldn't attach to any characters and I was unable to properly communicate what I was thinking of
Gooper Blooper: One Youtube search later, I have managed to find a character that, while I don't remember watching this cartoon, she has The Exact Voice I was thinking of
Gooper Blooper: That. That's Liz.
Hooded Pitohui: Goodness gracious, Goops, you're right

(The trope for this accent is "Minnesota Nice".)


Jumpropeman: "Liz’s biggest strength?"
Jumpropeman: her accent


Jumpropeman: I forgot to mention it in my entry but Dreamcast will still be cool with Miracle around Brawl time
Bree: I don't think I ever clarified but despite wanting to prove herself, miracle is totally willing to ally with people, this isn't a "she has to go it alone" sort of thing
Jumpropeman: which does feel important to note since right now Dreamcast trusts very few people
Bree: aw, dreamcast
Bree: honestly the hard girls could get a decent size alliance going with ravio, marisa and miracle
Bree: but I think dreamcast's character issues would interfere with that, which does make it interesting since alliances getting fouled up by distrust is still interesting brawl stuff! :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm always looking for possible alliances in my analysis studies
Gooper Blooper: and then JRM always pulls out a couple surprise ones during the preshow I don't see coming
Bree: I can't remember if we've ever had a team entrant stop being allies before, that'd be potentially the most interesting thing that could happen imo
Harpy: there's always going to be one
Bree: is if dreamcast got fed up with saturn and went splitsville
Harpy: damn i can't believe purugly just left mars to die
Bree: I can, she's a cat
Harpy: understandable, have a nice day
Bree: *chen nightmare face*
Rose: Can't wait for Sheldgoose to ditch Felldrake
Jumpropeman: Sheldgoose wins the Brawl on his own power
Harpy: marisa gets one place above reimu
Harpy: thats it.
Rose: Good luck Sheldgoose
Gooper Blooper: Sheldgoose with no Felldrake vs Zauderberder with no rugs
Gooper Blooper: final two
Harpy: rest in pepperonis
Hooded Pitohui: You say that like it wouldn't be a battle for the ages, Goops
Jumpropeman: neither of them are fiting each other, they're just dodging the residual chaos left behind by other brawlers
Bree: I voted for amaretti but I love both of rose's entrants and sheldgoose and felldrake are just in general a hilarious amazing character
Bree: characters, plural
Rose: Aw shucks thank you
Gooper Blooper: A random assistant is still lurking around and Zauderberder and Sheldgoose have to try to convince the uncaring assistant to pick a side
RubyChao: i mean bree, that'll probably be what happens with the Yakuza duo
Jumpropeman: there's been turncoat assists but I can't think of team entries doing it
Bree: shut up their bond is unbreakable and extremely homoerotic
Bree: they'll win together and then kiss passionately and then have a big damn battle
RubyChao: is it even a backstab if majima is this upfront about it
RubyChao: or just a frontstab
Bree: people will be like "oh brawl's over congratulations-- wait stop killing each other!!!"
Jumpropeman: depends on where the stab lands
Bree: I told chao to let me know if my "lel they're gay" jokes got annoying/out of hand and he was like "no I like the jokes :V"
Bree: "I just haven't decided if it's gay yet" "well the ambiguity is a crucial part of the process"


Meh Sheep: "Did you know she was a gigantic squid before she became a girl who is still a giant squid inside? That’s important."
Meh Sheep: Keep the giant squid alive inside, kids
Jumpropeman: but its eating my organs :(


Harpy: kindrapost
Harpy: small, simple, something i wanted to do last time but the dummy just woke up and screamed about dark umu
Cornwind Evil rolls a die to see if Julia heard the screaming.
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5

Cornwind Evil: No
Harpy: julia's not even in the hospital!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Draco: Constanze heard the screaming, but there's no one for her to tell.
Harpy: silence of the constanze
Meh Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: zauderberder's ears fell off
Harpy: cursed
Meh Sheep: Zauderberder couldn't hear it because he is, also, screaming
Gooper Blooper: he waggled his eyebrows too hard
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
RubyChao: dr. nerique heard the screaming but was then paged away
Cornwind Evil: Had I rolled high I would have said "Julia heard it...if she was in the hospital but she was somewhere else in the city entirely so it doesn't matter."
Harpy: is everyone trying to see who hears about dark umu?
Meh Sheep: THERE
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Jumpropeman: BUT I GOT THE BIG ONE
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Jumpropeman: Doga hears the yelling and goes to make sure it continues-
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Brinehammer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

RubyChao: wow
Brinehammer: Oh Yeah!
Cornwind Evil:
RubyChao: kindra is just gonna be MOBBED
Meh Sheep: monsters
Harpy: Jenny heard the screaming
Hooded Pitohui rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Gooper Blooper: I got the cirno crit
Harpy: she screams, too
Jumpropeman: all these twenties
Hooded Pitohui: We keep popping 20s
Harpy: everyone got screaming goats
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Draco: Lucky 13
Draco: It's the Goat Clinic, starring Doctor Goat.


Hooded Pitohui: There's context that led to this image that's lacking here and I'm not here to just randomly comment on the looks and styles of characters, but:


Jumpropeman: "mars is squishy and she ain't got no crab shell bones"
Jumpropeman: why NOT
Harpy: because DEMONDE wasn't gonna mess with FAT OF THE LAND for some CRAB SHELL BONES
Jumpropeman: I know what's going in the pre-fite show now >:I
Harpy: and SHE'S THE ENEMY
Harpy: damn you really wanna give her krabby bones
Harpy: shiiit
Harpy: crab battle
Jumpropeman: i mean, if fat of the land transforms her
Jumpropeman: she's got crab bones
Jumpropeman: ive been clicking the music links while making the notes for the brawl
Jumpropeman: but mayumi's jam is so powerful its distracting
Draco: You can't make bones out of just ANY crab! It has to be one that charges a huge fee for his services.
Bree: nibbles makin that bank
Draco: He'll be making even more when Julia breaks every bone in her body and needs even more bones.
Harpy: mars will die a terrible death.
Jumpropeman: Purugly will avenge her
Jumpropeman: what will a cornwind character do when a cat attacks after all
Harpy: final two is julia vs purugly
Harpy: julia gets mufasa'd
Bree: julia surrenders because she can't beat up this cat that's done nothing wrong
Bree: alternately: it turns out purugly is a war criminal
Harpy: i wouldn't go THAT far; sins of the trainer are the sins of the pokemon, something something
Draco: Purugly did EVERYTHING wrong.
Harpy: Purugly, by herself, is responsible for the partial murder of Megumin and screaming for food at 4 AM
Harpy: or like 10 minutes after she was fed
Bree: true but megumin is also frequently responsible for the murder of megumin
Bree: ekkusuplosionnnnn
Draco: Mugimen
Harpy: WRONG PERSON i meant megumu the crow
Bree: lel
Harpy: purugly did not do anything to megumin and if she did she wouldn't exist
Jumpropeman: "Mayumi herself must avoid being baked at all costs."
Jumpropeman puts down the blunt :(

Harpy: oh no
Harpy: Chatzy Madness: Mayumi Can't Be Baked
Bree: chatzy madness volume whatever: jumpropeman puts down the blunt
Harpy: oh god
Hooded Pitohui: Mayumi's true weakness: weed sellers in the Brawl
Draco: Chatzy Madness 454363677897897855656734: FREAKIN LEL
Harpy: *cries*
Meh Sheep: Chatzy Madness 0: *cries*
Harpy: i'm out of pepsi caffeine free
Bree: critical bepis shortage
Harpy: there's regular bepis and bepis: nothing
Meh Sheep: The void
Harpy: but no bepis: energy free


Jumpropeman: Ravio is more or less an average AMAZING human, a little on the shorter CUTER side and not quite as physically gifted as many of the Kobbers FREAKING HUNKY. *This message sponsored by an anonymous donor named Saturn*


Jumpropeman: "Tressa brings out a stave and whacks someone with it" Truly a dangerous ability we must avoid at all costs


Gooper Blooper: gonna head off, nite guys
Jumpropeman: night gooper!
Bree: nite goop
Draco: Bye Goops.
Gooper Blooper left the chat
Hooded Pitohui: Sleep well, Goo-
Hooded Pitohui: He reversed it on me!
Bree: you done got BLOOPED
Draco: Get BLOOPED
Draco: D:
Draco: #Gooper Blooper
Hooded Pitohui: Alright, it's later than I should stay up. Time for me to head out. You all take care and enjoy the evening! You'll see more of me - I have plans for these next two nights.
Jumpropeman: "He might get distracted by a particularly fascinating molecule" one day you'll find that perfect molecule for you Vent :)
Jumpropeman: night Pito!
Draco: Bye HP.
Draco: Sorry you got Gooped.
Draco: A perfect molecule...named Sonia.
Bree: jrm straight up forgetting that vent is still dating sonia
Draco: I remembered.
Jumpropeman: which of her molecules is his favorite though
Draco: Unlike Ren's last name.
Draco: The boob molecules.
Bree: her eye molecules of course because he hasn't seen her boob molecules yet. that's for marriage
Jumpropeman: the eye molecules are the window to the soul molecules after all
Bree: Vent: *examines your soul under a microscope*
Draco: *under microscope molecules*
Jumpropeman: you spent so much time looking through your microscope that you never noticed ITS beautiful molecules
Jumpropeman: Vent then left Sonia for a microscope
Draco: *o*
Bree: breaking news, novoselic to outlaw all microscopes
Bree: okay I'm going to head off too, I really need some rest
Draco: Bye Bre.
Draco: *Bree
Draco: Sorry you got Bre'd.
Bree: Dr. Bre
Jumpropeman: night bree!
Bree: since my name's brenda it's technically more accurate to my name if there's only one E :V
Bree: anyway goodnight frands
Jumpropeman: I'll call you Nda
Jumpropeman: to complete the name


Jumpropeman: googled Dragon in a Wagon
Jumpropeman: google suggested "Custard"
Jumpropeman: because there's a story called The Tale of the Custard Dragon
Jumpropeman: can't believe CKR swerved us with this dragon instead of that
Jumpropeman: time to actually read Dragon in a Wagon
Jumpropeman: i can't believe it, they ditched the wagon right after its debut!
Jumpropeman: apparently the idea is they just can't find a form of transportation that suits their ever growing group of friends and creatures
Jumpropeman: wow, after the plane starts to struggle to fly everyone just jumps out in parachutes and Megan and the Dragon abandon them
Jumpropeman: but they do at least find a circus wagon for the dragon in the end that he fits in
Jumpropeman: thank you
Jumpropeman: now I have the DEEP LORE
Draco: :OOOOOO


Jumpropeman: "Shirabe draws nearer, getting a better view of Keiki’s technique, leaning forward ever so slightly so she can better make out"
Jumpropeman: Wow, moving fast Shirabe!
Jumpropeman: "better make out the fine details of Keiki" WOW
Harpy: damn pito's tryin to do a relationship speedrun
Jumpropeman: "'s sculpture"
Jumpropeman: oh of course


Mwuahaha Sheep: "#Jungle Juice Zauderberder"
Draco: YES HE CAN.
Mwuahaha Sheep: I won't allow it!
Mwuahaha Sheep: BANISHED!
Mwuahaha Sheep: DISHONOR ON YOU
Hooded Pitohui: They're very nice rugs, Sheep
Hooded Pitohui: They have power over people
Draco: Sheep talking to Draco right now


Draco rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 1
Harpmobile: Rip demonde
RubyChao: alternatively un-rip if it means she didn't have to drink ten shakes at once
Bree: she does have to drink them all because you don't test one result and then stop because it's good!
Bree: that's not science
Draco: Yeah, Chao, you're obviously not a woman of science. ;p
Draco: There was testing and measurements and other scientific done to ensure that the test results were as accurate as possible so Kindra can safely grow more teeth.
RubyChao: sounds like there might have been a few
RubyChao: teething problems
Draco: loooooooooooooooooool


Cornwind Evil: Hey guys, who would you say are the strongest Kobbers who entered a Brawl and didn't win?
Harpy: a lot
Jumpropeman: shuma
Bree: well, amity :V
Bree: in my opinion anyway
RubyChao: jaxx, utsuho, tenshi, regigigas, biollante, beth
RubyChao: those come to mind
Bree: lots of others but I wouldn't be able to think of any others
Bree: yeah
Bree: strength/power level is kinda subjective
Jumpropeman: as so many analysis mention too, being incredibly powerful is a great way to put a bullseye on you, so you're also up against a bunch of other really strong guys
RubyChao: yeah, i think that's generally been the takedown of a bunch of the strong guys
RubyChao: tenshi and gigas is an example, they saw each other in the final ten and immediately went "i'll fight that"
RubyChao: and thus set up how they both lost rather than one winning
Draco: The strongest Kobber who didn't win? Goomy.
Harpy: i don't know who's the strongest but it sure aint' ikki
Harpy: oooooo
Jumpropeman: excuse you
Harpy: i know who the cutest is
Harpy: dia-
RubyChao: ikki
RubyChao: most mediocre of the 100 orphans
Draco: Ikki more like ICKY
Harpy: sicky


Draco: ......I think Goops' last effort terrifies me.


MSheep: OKAY
MSheep: because I need to get up in a couple hours
Jumpropeman: woah, spooky Syzygy art!
MSheep: GOOD
MSheep: I will not be Syzygy
MSheep left the chat
Jumpropeman: sheepzygy


Jumpropeman: hello again
Jumpropeman: it's been some time
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport posts seven songs.
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: DAMN IT
Jumpropeman: you fool!
Jumpropeman: Now then, the Jungle Juice votes were for: Miracle, Secret Fiter, Kiryu, Liz, Lord Felldrake, Miracle, Kiryu, Chick and Stew, Dragon in a Wagon, The Calculator, Zauderberder, Raiko, Marlow Briggs, Marisa, Mystery Fiter.
MobileDraco: Is that the order you rolled?
Jumpropeman: nope, just posting it here to make sure I didn't miss anyone
Jumpropeman: that's 15 votes for 15 voters though so I think I'm good
Jumpropeman: NOW I roll for the order
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: But are there seven bribes for seven brothers?
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: ....bad typo
Jumpropeman: Our Jungle Juice results are, with points listed and then the name after... 1 Miracle, 2 Chick and Stew, 3 Zauderberder, 4 Marisa, 5 Lord Felldrake, 6 Secret Fiter, 7 Kiryu, 8 Dragon in a Wagon, 9 Marlow Briggs, 10 Miracle, 9 Liz, 8 Kiryu, 7 Mystery Fiter, 6 Raiko, 5 The Calculator
Jumpropeman: Miracle managed to get the low AND the high :V
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: Any idea which Miracle got the low?
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: Ie me or Dracos
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: What a miracle. X3
Jumpropeman: I used's list randomizer for this and unfortunately it doesn't differentiate the names. I should have marked them differently, that would have been cute
RubyChao: god damn kiryu is just gonna be riding this, huh
Jumpropeman: if I had used my original idea for Jungle Juice, Calculator would have got 15 votes from this :V
Jumpropeman: instead Kiryu did ;p
MobileDraco: No kidding. Mira got the best and still got fewer votes than they did.
Draco: Now for a timer to tick down until the Brawl is posted. Bl
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: JRM moved the Brawl post date because it now takes him until the 4th just to tally up everyone on a voting block and go through them
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: vote closing post made!
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: I remember Brawl 3 he rolled the winner like five minutes after it was closed
RubyChao: farewell, jrm
RubyChao: we will miss you while you are in the Brawl Cave for the two weeks
Jumpropeman: it was easier, then
Jumpropeman: back when like, the total vote count was equal to a single person's output now
Draco: Stop giving us eighteen thousand votes then.
Jumpropeman: as if you'd let me get away with that
Draco: I do know where you live dess.
Stupid Smelling Apple Passport: ...Draco, you went the wrong way. You're in my bedroom typing on your phone.
Draco: Knew I should've taken the left turn at Albuquerque.


RubyChao: tiny smug chimata
Jumpropeman: whoever draws all those tiny chimatas is a hero
RubyChao: it is the same guy
RubyChao: who used to draw lots of tiny Sumirekos
Jumpropeman: !!!


Brinehammer: Srspost
Harpmobile: Ah, humanizing moments
Brinehammer: It can't be all business all the time.
Harpmobile: Stop you’re making it a smidge harder to murderblender goat mom
Harpmobile: Only a smidge.
Brinehammer: Reines brings out the best in Amalthea because she fits the very narrow criterion to where she can show affection, so while her and Jenny were always a step apart, to Reines she really is her antelope goat mom.
Harpmobile: Wow that’s repulsive!
Harpmobile: I’ll go punch a boulder in frustration
Brinehammer: Pretty much! Their whole dynamic is more positive but ultimately messed up. You can tell who the favorite is. For example, Reines is sheltered, so she knows she's leading a ritual to summon something out of the Void, but doesn't know it's Belle. They've met, she just thought Belle was a kooky human.
Harpmobile: i mean she’s not wrong
Harpmobile: belle better not hurt that puppy or kindra will kick off wwe smackdown 2021
Brinehammer: Belle views Reines like a housecat; Fun to pet and pick up, maybe fun to chase around, but actually hurting her would be a little wrong. Mostly she just wants to get out of the void. Now I can finally write that scene, at least.
Harpmobile: So reines is gonna knock down a vase and scream for food?
Harpmobile: maybe scratch up the good furniture
Harpmobile: we sure are glad she didnt summon void panther
Harpmobile: All the fur on almathea’s couch…
Brinehammer: Yes, absolutely, then roll over and expect belly rubs Reines takes after Amalthea if Amalthea was basically good hearted, except she can't quite manage it yet, so she just sounds like she's putting on airs. But she tries! She even microwaves her own food so the servants don't have to do it.
Brinehammer: Well, okay.
Harpmobile: You’re a fuckin rich goat mom and you don’t even get your adoptive-possibly-purposely-orphaned fuckin high quality mcdonalds?
Harpmobile: ma’am this is child abuse
Harpmobile: give her the ostrich nuggets
Brinehammer: On that one chart, Amalthea is a hard, hard "We have food at home." and drive past the McDonald's. Every time, even if there's no food at home. 😐 Jenny and Reines had fine organic artisan seasoned cruelty free ingredients and they damn well liked it!
Harpmobile: “Cruelty free,” she says.
Brinehammer: Amalthea just started adding that to everything that was cooked after Jenny had her big Vegan phase that lasted a whole week, it was easier.
Brinehammer: "Did you know a turkey suffered and died for that sandwich? I can't believe you're just going to eat it." And then Reines wouldn't eat it and Amalthea had to make wheat squares or whatever rabbit food Jenny had again.
Harpmobile: dont tell reines about earth thanksgiving


Jumpropeman: "Julia is in the 'run away' category with Varan, Tyzien and Syia, and the three legendary golems" *removes scene of Momopie soloing them all*


Harpy: six hours without a break? hello, almathea? you gonna get this girl a snickers?
Harpy: i'd say "get yo girl a good meal" but belle would probably be a dick and have it herself.
Brinehammer: Don't worry, Belle's going to mess everything up :V it's a big deal for Reines, that was the other reason she got all dressed up.
Harpy: call forth the ancient gremlin energies
Harpy: combine the power of nobus
Draco: Six hours without a break? She working in retail or something?
Harpy: draco no


MSheep: Hello
MSheep: So that's how I am
Del: lmao
Del: i think i skipped that
Del: clearly im not a true harvey d godlove fan
MSheep: "It's not porn. It's just a pinball table about porn."
MSheep: :I
MSheep: "According to this press release...This is all in Japanese."
Del: lmao
Del: harvey definitely doesn't read japanese
Del: he's got many skills but being multilingual isn't one of them
MSheep: "This is the second Harley Davidson pinball machine-"
MSheep staring into the middle distance
Del: lol
MobileDraco: Sheep is loving his pinball trivia.
MSheep: "It's got all your favorite Adamses"
MSheep: Who
MSheep: Who are your disliked Addams Family members?
MobileDraco: Pugsley
MSheep: "Yeah, pinball table designers are horny. It is known."
MSheep: "This table is based on German Operetta, that is based on a book, that is based on a play"


(Re: the Brawl soundtrack)

MSheep: "Currently lacking any music for"
MSheep: May I suggest the soundtrack from Rollergator?
Harpy: *slowly brings up sniper rifle*
MSheep: Genesis Fantasia then?
Draco: Freebird


RubyChao: guys it's 96 degrees on tuesday
Harpy: nOOOOO
RubyChao: yesssssss
RubyChao: I AM
Gooper Blooper: chao I like summer but there are limits
Gooper Blooper: glad I have an air conditioner now :V
Harpy: winter i can at least megabundle up
RubyChao: i think my cap is like
RubyChao: it's Too Hot Outside when it breaks into the triple digits
Harpy: summer? you just die.
MSheep: Harpy the humble bundle
Harpy: i'm a bundle of joy i'll tell ya wot


Bree: in my youtube recommended there's a channel called "cowboy kent rollins"
Bree: and the video is titled "steak fingers with gravy"
Bree: he's showing you how to make 'em
Bree: they're like chicken fingers but
Bree: with steak
Bree: yeehaw?
Bree: he literally has a cowboy hat, I haven't seen this cooking channel before but 11/10
Bree: that reminds me
Bree: today while running errands
Bree: saw a pickup truck that had a sticker on the back window
Bree: of a rifle
Bree: and above it simply the word
Bree: MERICA!!!
Bree: with three exclamation points, just like that
Bree: not america with an A
Bree: MERICA!!!
Bree: so anyway that's what living in the U.S. is like


Harpy: super duper dumb idea: boot up randomized crystal, do pure chaos mode, comment on what the fuck is happening while also crying that furret's suddenly a dragon type
Harpy: while recording and banning myself from using the speed up button.
Harpy: while recording anyway.
Harpy: :V
Draco: Oh no
Draco: Not Furret!
Harpy: chaos crystal 2: "what the fuck why do all my moves suck ass for my starter"
ivel: never forget my randomizer that gave my rival's starter SONICBOOM
Harpy: judgement rattata.
Draco: link
Harpy: ...thanks, i hate it


Cornwind Evil:
Gooper Blooper: "Gonna start calling 4pm Bonky"


Harpy: i'm tired
Draco: Hi tired.
Bree: harpy you can't be tired! I'm tired!
Harpy: i didn't drink caffeine all day until now with my decaf
Harpy: you can't expect me not to be tired
Bree: but wait... if you're tired... and I'm tired... THEN WHO'S DRIVING THE CAR?! *plummets off cliff*


Bree: brine why are you making amalthea and reines' relationship so wholesome
Bree: we're gonna murder her mom and reines is gonna cry
Bree: how could you do this to us
Harpy: because he can't just write pure black and white scenarios anymore
Gooper Blooper: brinevillains are like ogres, which are like onions
Gooper Blooper: they have layers
Bree: brine hunched over his keyboard chuckling about how he's gonna make us sad THIS time
Harpy: i'll feel bad for hurting the goat mom but hello, you're just tryin' to get your other daughter back, possibly?
Harpy: and you possibly... orphaned reines?
Harpy: on purpose?
Gooper Blooper: I especially liked how he brought in the completely psycho umu, then she got a ton of development and backstory, and then yesterday it was back to ripping folks apart
Gooper Blooper: U M U
Harpy: okay i'mma stop before my blood pressure rises
Harpy: excuse you, she ripped people apart... and ate at mcdonalds.
Bree: belles gotta belle
RubyChao: umu.
Harpy: gotta distract her with boardwalk fries
Brinehammer: I just wanted Amalthea to have at least one outlet so she didn't come off as 100% mustache twirling evil. Maybe 80%. Belle made progress! She asked Reines if she was going to eat that Big Mac instead of just taking it off her tray.
Harpy: ...i'm projecting of course
Gooper Blooper: XD
Bree: it was a filet-o-fish, brine!
Harpy: it was delicious is what it is
Gooper Blooper: hear me out
Gooper Blooper: Big Filet-O-Fish
Bree: they came out with a double, goops
Draco: Filet-O-Mac
Bree: so yes there's a big one now
Gooper Blooper: well there you go then!
Draco: You know, we could make her good if we took her somewhere with good food, like Meh Burger or Ponderosa.
Harpy: draco that is psychological torture akin to being locked in a room with my mom a great old one that is right in your face
Gooper Blooper: the lives of everyone in that restaurant depend on getting belle's order correct
Harpy: belle's a megakaren at that rate
Harpy: I SAID
Harpy: NO LETTUCE!!!
Gooper Blooper: and don't forget the pickles
Harpy: i'm going to end up choking on my coffee at this rate
Draco: Reines and Belle go to McDonald's. "SHE SAID NO PICKLES" *BLOODBATH*
Gooper Blooper: don't forget to forget the pickles
Harpy: i can only imagine belle actually defending reines like daisy in that one pic
Bree: belle, flossing her skin-teeth with a man's intestines: I told them extra mustard. it's not my fault they don't understand that "extra mustard" doesn't mean "a normal amount of mustard"
Brinehammer: And THAT is why Amalthea goes so hard on the "We have food at home" axis. Just once she wants a Mcchicken and not to get banned for life because Belle got an onion ring in her fries and burnt the store down.
Harpy: belle that's a bonus
Harpy: the fuck you on about
Harpy: you do not say no to a freebie!
Harpy: unless you're allergic to onions in which case get ready to cry
Gooper Blooper: Heaven help you if the ice cream machine is broken again
Bree: with the amount of strong opinions she has about fast food of course we gotta make belle a kobber
Harpy: the ice cream machine is always broken.
Harpy: i heard about the shit that happens with them
Harpy: never again.


Bree: idk why but the belle situation reminds me of a joke about critical role
Bree: so of the NPCs was effectively the perfect intelligence asset for the bad guys in the empire. he was powerful and well connected, wasn't close with anyone, felt alienated from his peers etc etc
Bree: the mighty nein then just sort of blundered onto the scene and they know absolutely fuck-all about spy shit, but just coincidentally happened to fix everything about this NPC that made him a good spy contact
Bree: they told him about the consequences of his actions (not realizing they were his actions), they befriended him and listened to him so he didn't feel alienated anymore, etc etc
Bree: and this person making the post basically sums up: "so this group of fucking idiots accidentally are counterintelligence supergeniuses and I just can't"
Bree: tl;dr that's kindra
Bree: alternately that's the kobbers in general
Bree: we don't know what the fuck we're doing but we're really good at making your dudes into our dudes. watch out
Gooper Blooper: It's like the numbers advantage trick I've mentioned in the past (that is burned into my brain from an old Pokemon card strategy guide, of all things)
Gooper Blooper: If you kill one of your opponents that's a +1 advantage for you, but if you convert them that's a +2 (because they lose a unit and you gain one)
Gooper Blooper: and considering how disgustingly powerful Belle is it's a hell of a +2
Bree: I found it
Bree: I think arguably my favorite part is toward the beginning they point out essek's government position basically means he'd be the one assigned to investigate himself if anyone else learned there was a traitor
Bree: you can't get much more perfect a double agent than "this is the guy that roots out enemy agents"
Harpy: welp
Bree: he's like, director of the xhorhassian CIA
Harpy: granted, kindra's sheer boldness in reaching out is ONLY because the void numbed her emotions
Harpy: which means she doesn't have the usual inhibitions she would have due to her anxiety
Harpy: it wouldn't work without The Void
Bree: so the fact the empire (xhorhas' enemy) got him to work with them is literally the most perfect political move Of All Time and then the PCs swooped in and went "see this guy? this guy right here? he's our best friend now. we love him."
Gooper Blooper: Voyd: *confused thumbs up*
Bree: and they aggressively befriended him until he went "oh no, what have I done" and realized the consequences of his actions by befriending a bunch of people who are way more compassionate and moral than he is
Harpy: and thats what makes everything so beautiful
Bree: thanks voyd!
Bree: doin us a real solid
Harpy: and interesting: kindra has to deal with all this shit she feels overwhelmed by in real life but learns to gradually just be herself and be compassionate
Harpy: niftu and the ZFPD gave her that chance
Harpy: now, it feels like its her turn to give at least Belle that chance, too
Gooper Blooper: oh yeah, I keep forgetting that bit, with Kindra being originally an antagonist as well
Gooper Blooper: it's a domino effect
Harpy: yeah! and in a VERY familiar scenario to Jenny/Reines and Goat Mom
Harpy: bad mom bullshit


Jumpropeman: "We interrupt this interaction with a cute girl with a nice butt to bring you another cute girl with a nice butt."
Jumpropeman: I think this transition works for most rp scenes


Dobile Mel: I love how I made a throwaway gag/reference to warmachine and now it's the biggest minis game in zfrp :U
Brinehammer: I remembered it and had to keep using it, it took off!


Harpy: i am going to stay in bed forever.
Harpy: ....or for a while.
Gooper Blooper: nite harp
Gooper Blooper: I'll lure you back out of bed later with patty
Harpy: lure me with gardenia
Gooper Blooper waggles gardenia
Harpy: violet's into it
Harpy: but violet's into a lot of things.
Harpy: what things?
Harpy: well-
Harpy left the chat
Gooper Blooper: kek

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