Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 390: Tums Festival

Harpy: *bowsette does a slam dunk off the top rope*
Working from Del: i wish i too was a turtle girl with horns and boobs
Harpy: i'm a girl with boobs
Harpy: that's it.
Harpy: that's all we're getting.
Working from Del: lol
Working from Del: thats all we are allowed


(Re: Hitman)

RubyChao: "During the cutscene that plays in the last part of the Orphanage mission, 47 will point whatever weapon he has in his hand at another character. This results in 47 pointing any number of objects—a shotgun, his fiber wire, a syringe, a book—like it was a handgun. It makes what is otherwise a very serious scene utterly hysterical. For bonus points, you can threateningly point a loaded bible at someone while dressed as a priest."
RubyChao: stop or my bible will shoot
Harpy: stop or i swear, god will smite you with the fury of a thousand suns.
RubyChao: it turns out, the way to make me REALLY like a stealth game is either to make it about killing people or to make it Touhou


Jumpropeman: oh yeah
Jumpropeman: my mom asked about the brawl winner
Jumpropeman: and she was very happy to hear the story about both harp and marisa finally getting a win
Jumpropeman: all moms support a harpwin
Gooper Blooper: On that note, a Goopsmom anecdote
Gooper Blooper: We read all of the Zoofights together so she knew about Zoofights 3 and the creepy orphan child that featured heavily in the lore, Lily Limbcake
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom took to calling any creepy doll a "Lily Limbcake"
Harpymobil (Harpy) joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: This was around when I got that Marisa plush, so of course she called that Lily Limbcake as well
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: and then after not using the name for years and years, when she asked who won, I took out the Marisa plush (having told her earlier when Marisa won the popular vote that the character's name was Marisa and she was Harpy's)
Gooper Blooper: and she fucking said "Lily Limbcake won the Brawl?"
Draco: XD
Draco: Yes, Lily Limbcake won the Brawl. She rose up from her humble origins to be the best.
Harpymobil: Marisa “Lily Limbcake” Kirasame
RubyChao: holy shit
RubyChao: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: Lily Limbcake will win the Brawl when Necronomitron is on a tear
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad harpy came back in to see that
Harpymobil: I came in for a different reason but yes that’s hilarious
Harpymobil: Wait is Marisa Fumo a creepy doll now?!!?
Jumpropeman: I don't remember the context for gooper giving me four images for the fite but he sure did
Gooper Blooper: As I recall, it was just me being incredibly hype and providing images for how I imagined the fite going, and you worked them in because you were obliging like that
Jumpropeman: well those pics stuck with me so great job! I always think of that screaming lily first when I remember the character
Gooper Blooper: and yes, my Marisa mini fumo was considered "creepy" by goopsmom
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: RUDE


Jumpropeman: guess waht boys
Draco: Waht, JRM?
Jumpropeman: "Mission duration » 5 years (planned)
5 years, 6 months and 12 days (elapsed)"

Jumpropeman: Jason-3
Jumpropeman: has been in space longer than intended
Jumpropeman: they're just doing such a bang up job
RubyChao: spaaace
Jumpropeman: technically they should have been decommissioned at the end of 2020 RP
Jumpropeman: not like to the date but still
RubyChao: jrm denied his desire to make a heroic sacrifice...
Gooper Blooper: Jason-3 can't be decommissioned until we finally get that Motormer confronting David Mammoth scene
Harpymobil: Yesss


RubyChao: well... the guy got evidence for his book, at least!!
Jumpropeman: I thought this was a real guy until I looked over and saw the video game face :V
RubyChao: ahahahahha


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: the pepsi!
Gooper Blooper: This is A Thing, apparently.
Jumpropeman: the meme has power
Gooper Blooper: the pictures included with the top rated review are A+
Jumpropeman: something about chibi character dolls, I tell ya
Jumpropeman: they're made for photography
Draco: :O
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: that eye symbol kinda ruins the animu gaze
Gooper Blooper: their commitment to verisimilitude overrides their desire for the perfect plush stare
Draco: It's a sin.


Harpy: i return to do one of two things
Harpy: 1. nia
Harpy: 2. shitpost


Harpy: *casually watching dude make amaretti cookies*
Harpy: *remembers: wait, isn't amaretti a char in RP?*
Harpy: *looks*
Harpy: of course the cookie lover would be named after a cookie
SteelKomodo: amaretti vs cookie monster
SteelKomodo: oh wait that's not a thing anymore
SteelKomodo: ;_;
Draco: We'll get Rose in here and have Cookieplot.


Harpy: witness protection activate
Harpy: but who would you like as a bodyguard, dess-
Gooper Blooper: a mole
Harpy: oh welp, i dunno if i have a mole police officer sorry...


Harpy: rest assured
Harpy: more cute girls are coming your way
Harpy: and perhaps
Harpy: a cute boy?
Harpy: ;O
Gooper Blooper: gasp
Bree: woo, cute boys!!!
Harpy: we need more dudes
Harpy: like, the girl to boy ratio is off and therefore i cannot appreciate them equally
Harpy: help
RubyChao: i approve of adding more cute boys
Gooper Blooper: I am afraid I cannot help you *dumps more cute girls into RP*


Jumpropeman: we went and visited my sister Angel today and I saw my nephew's phone wallpaper and I leaned over and went "Is that Touhou?" and he did indeed have Flandre Scarlet as his wallpaper so he started talking to me about touhous and it felt odd saying certain names out loud :V


RubyChao: i beat Hitman!
Jumpropeman: all the men were hit!
Draco: Chao is turning all his characters into Hitmen to celebrate, even Kiryu.


Jumpropeman: "she's going against my not-wanting-billions-dead values"
Jumpropeman: Regigigas, you need to entertain the opposition's views or you're just close-minded


Gooper Blooper: Oh yes, I already reported this important event to JRM but for the rest of you, on my walk today I popped into Walgreens and saw for sale
Gooper Blooper: candy corn
Gooper Blooper: It has begun.
RubyChao: i saw a spirit halloween setting up a couple days ago
Jumpropeman: hollow out your weens everyone
Gooper Blooper: Oh wow, I didn't know they were this proactive
Gooper Blooper: Though I suppose with a lot of places going out of business over the past year and a half, that would allow more tempting empty store lots for Spirit to worm itself into
Harpy: i know someone who was stocking truck for their store and they looked at the back room and there was halloween stuff
Harpy: and they went "AUUUGH"
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: Christmas Creep bugs me more than Halloween Creep and I think the biggest reason for that is that Christmas is actually shoving aside other important holidays, particularly Thanksgiving and Halloween itself. But Halloween is the first of the big late-year holidays, so the major seasonal thing it's pushing aside is... Back-To-School.
Gooper Blooper: So it's like, big deal :V
Harpy: halloween is 2 kewl 4 skwel
Harpy: look i want my 25 cent crayon boxes from target to hoard like some sort of craft dragon who also can't stop making characters


Harpy: HE'S GOT ARMS?!?
Harpy: OH SHIT


Jumpropeman: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures has an incredibly odd way of doing cutscenes
Harpy: i'm sorry i immediately saw that and thought
Harpy: "T...totsugeki?"
Gooper Blooper: May is paying attention
Jumpropeman: before a level starts you get a description of what you're going to do in the level, not too weird yet, but then the cutscene tells you how you do it, then shows stuff that happens after you do it. It will say you defeated a boss before you ever met them or freed captured sealife only for the level to start and you hear that sealife begging to be free
Harpy: they're showing you the good end before throwing you to the wolves
Harpy: mr. dolphin's in jail
Jumpropeman: it would be like if Mario started with "Bowser has kidnapped the princess! You need to get through all the levels to fight him! Mario got through all the levels by jumping over enemies and going through secret warp zones and beat Bowser and saved the princess! Now get started on World 1-1."
Jumpropeman: GARSP! When I freed the sea animal I already freed in the level opening cutscene, he told me Poseidon's plan! The plan he also told me at level start!
Gooper Blooper: lemme guess
Gooper Blooper: you can't skip the spoiler cutscenes
Harpy: oh no
Gooper Blooper: any time I see "oh no" by itself, including when I type it myself, I read it in Meme Man's voice
Gooper Blooper: unless it's Knuckles, of course
Jumpropeman: you can make the next voiced over dialogue box appear but it doesn't let you spam it so you'd at least get a visual spoiler
Gooper Blooper: Do what I do and look away from the screen while mashing the button
Harpy: break your A button any%
Jumpropeman: the things you have to do to maintain the integrity of a Shamu game's plot
RubyChao: oh no
Harpy: they just want things to go just so
Jumpropeman: oh, B does skip them
Harpy: he is saved, by the grace of gaming jesus
Jumpropeman: so the play is to watch the stuff that sets up the level and quickly skip once it starts saying how you finish the level
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: how will you ever know how you beat the level?
Harpy: i guess he'll just have to go in blind
Harpy: have mercy on your soul


SteelKomodo: link
Draco: I know what SK's getting for Christmas.
SteelKomodo: yes
SteelKomodo: or maybe
Draco: Sorry, too pricey. You get the evil doll.
SteelKomodo: D:


Harpy: okay time to get the best of both worlds.
Jumpropeman: Hannah Montana?
Harpy: yes.


Gooper Blooper rewinds to watch Sumi's three-second cameo multiple times
Harpy: goops plz
RubyChao: did you guys know that sumi is a dumb nerd
Gooper Blooper: SHE IS NOT DUMB!!!!!


brolivel: usual sharing of the Humble Monthly picks
Jumpropeman: ooo good stuff
Jumpropeman: ivel always tempting me
brolivel: j-jrm-sama...
Jumpropeman: speak cheap indie games to me ivel
brolivel whispers
brolivel: Bad Rats...
Jumpropeman faints


Jumpropeman: Dirkette
Draco: Dirk's appearance didn't change.
Harpy: i have 0 words
Harpy: okay i had 4


Gooper Blooper: People who saw Battlebots last year: If you were wondering why that one kid named his robot "Perfect Phoenix"
Gooper Blooper: he named it after a damn beyblade
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
Jumpropeman: the beyblade has an empty trivia section but I think we know what should go there
RubyChao: did he
RubyChao: LET IT RIP
Draco: Jesus was a Beyblade?
Gooper Blooper: What's especially funny is that Perfect Phoenix was originally named Brutality and was a championship-winning robot responsible for permanently ending the career of legendary heavyweight Biohazard
Gooper Blooper: and now it's a kid's beyblade dream come true
Draco: Beyblades killed Biohazard. ;-;


MobileDraco: "I lived, bitch."


Harpy: wizeman's a fuckin jerk
Harpy: my toy sucks now i'm gonna melt him and turn him into a cooler toy like THE CORPS!!!! with FOUR EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!
Harpy: noooo i don't wanna turn into an eviler emotionless version of my self that's possibly marketableeeee


Gooper Blooper: t o t s u g e k i


Gooper Blooper: Radical Dreamers Finale sneak preview: 

Harpy: i am glad i'm not drinking because holy shit
Draco: Guys we need to save Zinnia.
Gooper Blooper: I realized at some point earlier today "wait a second... there's no one left besides her, is there."
Harpy: i can't believe zinnia's being sacrificed
Harpy: zinnia just kinda yeeted herself out. stealthily.
Harpy: or maybe she's being a ninja.
Harpy: idk man it could be literally anything with her
Harpy: she's gonna come over here and avenge the whismur we accidentally murdered
Jumpropeman: "accidentally"
Harpy: accidentally... ON PURPOSE
Gooper Blooper: Is it me or does this gif feel like "I know EXACTLY what I'm doing!! (I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.)"
Harpy: very much


Draco: Yoshiko is slightly offended that Fudo thinks she's inconvenienced by getting to beat up Yakuza on the streets.
RubyChao: yoshiko treats it like kiryu
RubyChao: >men appear
>spend 30 seconds punching them until money flies out
Draco: It's her primary source of income!


Cornwind Evil: Dolby's Holy Grail
Jumpropeman: I thought you said Dobby's and I was waiting for a sock to show up
Draco: That's Sheep's Island of Misfit Clothes plot next year.
PhoneModo: kek


Harpy: i'm just over here implying almathea tax evades
Harpy: "how can i turn this sentinel against her... TAX FRAUD
Harpy: i'm going to make her life hell on sunday
Working from Del: lol
Harpy: i'd do the same for gai but idk what to do besides beat him up :(
Working from Del: thats how you get em
Harpy: he probably actually pays his taxes for political influence
Harpy: bribery, they call it-
Working from Del: yeah but you know he ain't paying his real taxes
Harpy: this is how the big villains fall
Harpy: tax fraud
Working from Del: its how we got yoshi
Working from Del: and its how we'll get almathea
Harpy: jenny now learns about taxes
Harpy: being an adult on earth is hard
Harpy: now she has to pay property tax and sales tax and "got dat sexy booty" tax
Working from Del: which jenny is this
Harpy: jenny envy
Working from Del: okay good i can make the joke
Working from Del: benita's already collecting that last one-
Harpy: benita's gonna come for you like the IRS bae-
Harpy: i'm dying why am i saying this
Working from Del: LMAO
Harpy: you know she want dat booty
Working from Del: im trying not to break down laughing in the living room in front of people
Harpy: SK confused in the other room
Harpy: ...i got nothin
Working from Del: hes not here right now but mum is here-
Bree: tell yer mum bout the sexy booty tax
Bree: do it u coward
Working from Del: i am not going to relay the terrible sex jokes we make to my mom, who assumes i am working instead of procrastinating :U
Brinehammer: Srspost.
Bree: brine
Bree: I demand you participate in this buffoonery this instant
Brinehammer: I'm not funny this early!
Brinehammer: Or ever!
Harpy: so, that was a lie
Brinehammer: I'm just trying to do my incredibly serious Hub OC RP. Original Miirko do not steal.
Harpy: Miirko's gonna sound less like concrete and more like helium by the time this plot resolves
Brinehammer hunches over his keyboard, chortling as he plots ways to make everyone miserable
Harpy: look, Brine, if that's even your real name
Harpy: misery will be combatted with extreme kindness
Brinehammer: Just you wait! I'm going to make Miirko really interesting and redeemable and then let Julia kill her! Ahahaha
Bree: no you aren't because if you do I'll punish you >:I
Bree: beware my wrath
Harpy: i can't believe miirko is like al from FMA
Bree: I'll go put a new rule in the forum rules thread right now that says brine gals can be villains but only if we eventually get to turn them good and smooch them
Bree: what will you do then? huh?
Bree: the same thing you were already doing because that's already how it works, that's what!
Brinehammer stops chortling.


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: is that the first level of a touhou game, because that's as far as she'd get
Draco: It's the mobile game, so it's easy enough that if Cirno stole your wallet she could buy good characters.


RubyChao: i still remember learning about how chatzy logs were organized and going "oh"
RubyChao: "Oh."
Harpy: hot diggity
Gooper Blooper: I don't think I told anyone else
RubyChao: oh, i won't share if you don't want me to
Harpy: i'll pretend you did
Gooper Blooper: nah it's fine, I was building up to it :V
Harpy: i'm good at doing that 99% of the time
RubyChao: go for it then
Gooper Blooper: How did you think it was, again?
RubyChao: me? i originally thought it was sorted and labeled by date
RubyChao: like you had a 2012-08-01 log, 2012-08-02, etc
Gooper Blooper: That would have been better! But alas, that is not how it is sorted, since I didn't realize Chatzy would end up such a major part of our community
Gooper Blooper: so I simply named the logs "Zoofights Chat 1", "Zoofights Chat 2"... up to today's "Zoofights Chat 3278"
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: wow
RubyChao: by the time that goops realized oh, shit, chatzy is liike the focal point
RubyChao: he was at log... 500 or so?
RubyChao: so it was way too late to mass rename
RubyChao: and, well, here we are
RubyChao: so if you've ever asked yourself why it's hard for goops to find something specific without a search term
RubyChao: now you know
Harpy: hmm, kinda makes sense actually
RubyChao: yeah it totally made sense at the time!
Jumpropeman: ive definitely made worse sorting systems for more important things
RubyChao: season 2 chatzy was just kind of a side thing and season 3 rp was very unstable in general and it seemed like it might not even get to season 4
Harpy: bold of you to assume i sort things-
RubyChao: it took a long time to realize chatzy was permanent
Gooper Blooper: Though I did eventually realize how bad this was for finding things and now whenever I want to mark a log as taking place during a certain thing, I'll include that in the filename! For instance, July 10 2021's file is "Zoofights Chat 3251 BBB11"
Harpy: very important distinction
Gooper Blooper: And I've done that more often in the past couple years
Jumpropeman: reminder: chatzy was brought into the community because I wanted to play a card game I invented with people and we played it but once
Gooper Blooper: The card game didn't take off but boy am I glad you made it :V
Harpy: how else am i going to harass you people? via PMs? excuse me?!?
Gooper Blooper: that's fuckin ROB getting the NES into toy stores level of trojan horsing
Jumpropeman: that's why it's called King of Beasts Casual Chat. There was King of Beasts Game Chat too for playing the card game
Harpy: i just accepted the name like "yeah makes sense"
Jumpropeman: casual chat so that things wouldn't get crowded with side chat during the game
Harpy: i just exist
Draco: And then we had Space Chat.
Harpy: key word: had
Jumpropeman: I believe SK made that?
Harpy: not sure of the origin here
Harpy: i'm a post-chatzy origin baby
RubyChao: we passed four hundred million bytes in this chatzy room btw
RubyChao: good work us
Harpy: that's how many gigs again-
Draco: I remember I had to ask for a link to the Chatzy because nobody thought to tell me. :V
Harpy: we were trying to surprise you clearly
Harpy: surprise
Harpy: chatzy
Draco: I was surprised!


The Crableter joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi crab
Jumpropeman: crabliter
Jumpropeman: one liter of crabs
Harpy: hello i would like a 2 leter dr. crab
Gooper Blooper: I've got a big bag of crabs here
Jumpropeman: im gonna put them in my mouth, oh yes
The Crableter: Oh god
The Crableter: I haven't thought about that in YEARS
The Crableter: God I'm old now??
The Crableter: I'm old
Jumpropeman: i think its more shocking that remembering Weebl animations makes us old
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: goops you have to tell 'em
Gooper Blooper: I was thinking about weebl earlier today after making an accidental discovery this morning, so no wonder I thought of it
Gooper Blooper: turns out he did Magical Trevor 5 last year after like a decade-plus of no trevor cartoons
Jumpropeman: i still sing the magical trevor song that mentions his magical toe to myself sometimes
RubyChao: plot twist
The Crableter: What
The Crableter: Th
The Crableter: There was more than one magical Trevor?
Gooper Blooper: oh yes
Harpy: i feel like a ten year old hanging around with older friends talking about something i've never heard of
Harpy: i am baby


RubyChao: yo dawg i heard you like bread
Harpy: wh
Gooper Blooper: Honk's favorite!
Harpy: i'd say thats weird but that'd probably be something i'd eat
The Crableter: Okay
The Crableter: I can't explain the toast Sandwich
The Crableter: I apologize
Gooper Blooper: We were counting on you...
The Crableter: I have heard of it maybe once before
The Crableter: But never eaten one


Cornwind Evil: "it seems one of our forces has already defected and gained a doctorate." Well there's the ticker
Jumpropeman: shoulda had better benefits, nia
Harpy: dr. blooper's making six figures
Jumpropeman: six action figures
Gooper Blooper: I love that circumstances has resulted in me sending Doctor Goddamn Blooper to Brine's finale
Gooper Blooper: I never would have predicted that in May, not in a million years
Gooper Blooper: thanks bowsette
Harpy: thowsette
Harpy: bowsette's proud of her nobel prize winning squid
Gooper Blooper: you even got a snippet of Dr Blooper lore
Gooper Blooper: as a treat
Harpy: oh no he was part of the great mushroom kingdom war of old...
Harpy: he's like a war veteran


Draco: "And lay waste to anyone who tries to make this bad situation worse." <- Oh good. Give poor Miirka an ulcer at, what was it, 21? 23?
Cornwind Evil: I will leave it to Brine exactly what Julia does
Brinehammer: I should have had her ask Clownpiece if the Planeswardens are hiring, she's going to be popping tums like candy in a few months =[ Salim thought he was free and clear until Julia told him he had to run this damn company at 3 in the morning.
Draco: The first person in the multiverse addicted to Tums.
Jumpropeman: excuse you
Draco: "No! Humans don't eat each other." "Why not?" <- There's a real answer and then there's the answer Silvania would give: "Meat's too stringy."
Draco: Miirka's ancestor.
Jumpropeman: if I didn't reference it
Jumpropeman: sheep would never forgive me
Draco: You're doing the Lord's work, JRM.
Jumpropeman: "Capt. Bonano : You know what you've done for me? The commissioner's on my ass. I get gas. Every day ends with a Tums festival! Right now, because of you I gotta go to the bathroom."
Jumpropeman: Hollywood Cop is a masterpiece of writing
Cornwind Evil: Julia is fine with "You run the company until the girl comes back to claim it if she wants to."
Cornwind Evil: "Or you find a proper replacement."
Draco: Congratulations. Kal-Vec is now operated by ZAIA Japan! :D
Cornwind Evil: Until Julia kills their CEO too
Draco: Now Julia is the CEO!
Jumpropeman: Julia vs. Julia for the fate of Julia Inc.
Cornwind Evil: How good is Julia at being a CEO
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Cornwind Evil: She quickly sells to Parsee
Jumpropeman: "Julia, the company is bleeding money." "Well then pick up the money after it bleeds out."


Working from Del: phone del
Working from Del: digivolve to
Working from Del: working del
Jumpropeman: unlike most digimon, he got LESS leather straps by doing so
Working from Del: i was going to say i had a disappointingly low amount of leather straps, but i think any number of leather straps is pretty disappointing imo


RubyChao: >mayumi on plot
RubyChao: alright
RubyChao: time to make Kanade's first action re-collapsing the ruins
Harpmobile: Time to plunder
Hooded Pitohui: Chao's about to kill her...
Jumpropeman: we're trying to get into La-Mulana but there's all these PRICELESS ARTIFACTS in the way
Draco: Too bad we crushed La-Mulana on the way into House Kal-Vec.
Harpmobile: Help kanade i’m trying to sneak into la mulana but mayumi being excited about artifacts is alerting the enemy
Gooper Blooper: Kanade in La-Mulana:
Harpmobile: Oh god


Gooper Blooper: I'm keking at Mayumi not even getting inside before she declares MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
Gooper Blooper: Myoom is such a fucking DORK
RubyChao: kanade kicks the standing door on her way out, it breaks off and falls over
MobileDraco: Yoshiko reveals she brought ten talented masons in her backpack.
Hooded Pitohui: If Mayumi had her way, this would be potentially hundreds of expeditions to give each and every single artifact - and she has a wiiiiide definition of artifacts - the due attention it deserves
Gooper Blooper: Mayumi is basically the archaeology version of Can't Hug Every Cat
Hooded Pitohui: 100% accurate, Goops
Hooded Pitohui: It's the reason why, even though she would love it, she cannot ever be allowed to run a museum. She could never accept that she could not keep and put on display with plaques and explanations literally everything that comes her way.
Jumpropeman: mayumi's museum plaques are digital with super tiny scroll bars you can barely even tap with your finger
Gooper Blooper: Mayumi's museum description for an ancient piece of pottery:
Mayumi's museum description for a kinda old frying pan:
Mayumi's museum description for a random stone she thinks might have been used as aquarium gravel in the 1960s:
Hooded Pitohui: PFFFFT
Hooded Pitohui: I'm laughing so hard because it's true
Gooper Blooper: Mayumi when she saw the door:


The Crableter: link
Gooper Blooper: I remember those things!!
Gooper Blooper: My Mcdonalds got them in like 2001 and I was baffled they picked the N64 of all systems, but now that I think about it again I realize they must have chosen the N64 because at that point you could buy them cheap
The Crableter: My Eidolon, Fast Food Rockers-
Modus Sheep: An Angel from this anime:
The Crableter: Ohhhh I hate this
Modus Sheep: Ahahahah
Modus Sheep: But, Del
Modus Sheep: She's just hungry
Modus Sheep: for hope.
MobileDraco: Weirdest Lancer game ever.
The Crableter: Oh christ
Modus Sheep: The Chicken Wars really escalated-
Gooper Blooper: That's Draco's plot next year
MobileDraco: Logo Burger vs Meh Burger for control of Agama's fast food market


Gooper Blooper: "All of this dust might look alike to the laymole... layman, sorry!"
Gooper Blooper: Everypony
Jumpropeman: what's your molesona
Hooded Pitohui: My molesona: Those inexplicably green Monty Moles from Flower Fields that have a unique name in Japanese and which have a specific weakness to Hammer Throw used literally nowhere else in the game
Gooper Blooper: my molesona is just Moguera
Jumpropeman: my molesona is Bill
Jumpropeman: he's been a self-insert the whole time-
Harpy: my molesona is monty mole in super mario party
Harpy: holy shit look at this handsome man...
Jumpropeman: not as handsome as the monty mole from super mario party
Harpy: i know but sometimes you gotta like
Harpy: enjoy other species, ya get what i'm layin down?


Modus Sheep: *squish* *squish* *squish*


(Sheep introduces a mysterious painting titled "Portrate of a Dashing Rouge")

Gooper Blooper: Portrate Of A Dashing Rouge
Jumpropeman: you ain't wrong
Modus Sheep: That's it
Modus Sheep: You solved it


RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: I like how the Hitman reddit capitalized everything except the i, for some reason
The Deleter: Lmao


(Mega Drive summons a UFO from Math Blaster)

Gooper Blooper: Math Blaster had a Genesis game?!?! I thought that thing was a PC exclusive, wow!
Jumpropeman: it was on SNES as well!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, i googled to confirm! Meanwhile, Gale is Garfield. God I love these fucking girls.
Jumpropeman: she relates a lot to that cat
Jumpropeman: eat, sleep, talk shit about Saturn Nermal, she's pretty much a Garfield gijinka


Gooper Blooper: oh god, animu math blaster
Gooper Blooper: CD-I MATH BLASTER
Gooper Blooper: if you need instructions on how to get through the math quiz, check out the enclosed instruction book
Harpy: oh no
Harpy: math...
Gooper Blooper: my worst enemy...


Hooded Pitohui: May have to skip me this round, sorry
Hooded Pitohui: Got caught in a Wario's Woods match and this is a long game
Gooper Blooper: That's one the best "not posting" excuses I've ever heard
Gooper Blooper: A+
Gooper Blooper: you are QUITE excused, my good man


Jumpropeman: did you know
Jumpropeman: there is a Madagascar babies tv show
Harpy: *sigh*
Harpy: no, but i wish i didn't
Gooper Blooper: XD


RubyChao: link
Harpy: oh no i'm dead
Harpy: totsugeki'd
Harpy: spared of this horrible life
Harpy: now i'll reincarnate as a spider and die.
Harpy: again.
Gooper Blooper: it plays once and then just
Gooper Blooper: dolphin face forever.
Jumpropeman: no one survives the dolphin


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: better listen, or else...
Draco: The adventures of Lil' Cirno.


(Miirko arrives in Agama and is healed and treated kindly by Helios at the same time an armyplot kicks off)

Harpy: miirko feels better in the hospital
Harpy: immediately hears alarms blaring and feet on the ground and sees some weird fuckin shit
Harpy: "...i just got here."
Brinehammer: I was thinking that! Miirko just sighs for seven seconds straight and then gets up to go to work.
Harpy: now is it weirder or less weird than Bowsette's Castle...
Harpy: hey brine i think we found your pattern
Harpy: "i'm not people i don't matter" Kobber: well fuck that noise, BOOM. YOU'RE PEOPLE NOW, FUCK THE HATERS
Working from Del: hell yeah
Brinehammer: With Miirko I'm trying to go with that season 1 no holds barred everything's 110% cranked up... But forgot the response would be proportionate. That Helios post, gosh!
Harpy: Helios bout to throw these hands


Dobile Mel: Oh god I should go to bed
Harpy: *tucks del in*
Harpy: *puts blooper plush besides him*
Harpy: go the fuck to sleep
Harpy: doctor's orders
Harpy: don't make him get out the glock
Dobile Mel: Can't argue with the doc with the glock
Harpy: that just makes me crack up
Harpy: my life


Jumpropeman: "Violet’s unlikely assistant turns out to be a nerd"
Gooper Blooper: XD
Hooded Pitohui: "There's a nerd in RP!" "WHICH ONE?"


Hooded Pitohui: You're welcome, Nintendo. "Mario & nbsp" is such a classic series, I just had to
Harpy: fuckin kek
MobileDraco: Man, those Nintendo guys are so eloquent.


Jumpropeman: if I can get a series x and then a laptop that isn't on its last legs thats like, all my big purchases set for years
Jumpropeman eyes the Playdate
Jumpropeman: FOR YEARS
Gooper Blooper: p l a y d a t e
Jumpropeman: I'll be fine as long as no cute human version is made of it
Harpy: rip u
Harpy: someone's gonna do it
Gooper Blooper: there's a bunch of different ones on consoletan booru
Gooper Blooper: I'm partial to this nerd with a dhalsim arm
Jumpropeman: this is just May when she was a kid isn't it
Gooper Blooper: I also immediately thought of that :V
Gooper Blooper: totsugeki.
Jumpropeman: turn the crank to produce dolphin


Jumpropeman: "Recently, the United States Senate voted unanimously that November should be officially designated as "Hip-Hop History Month," in celebration of the American-born musical genre that includes rap in its many forms, as well as making August 11th "National Hip-Hop Day""
Jumpropeman: apparently the one thing everyone can agree on is rap is sick
Draco: Bipartisan needs for dope rhymes.


Brinehammer: I'm going to keep sending Isabelle to plots! Maybe!
Brinehammer is in an empty room at 6 in the morning talking to himself.


Harpy: *does not forget that glitz' middle name is BlackSin*
Harpy: respect your goth fairy people
Brinehammer: Oh no she's adorable
Harpy: wait til you see her pastel mode
Harpy: oh wait you're into goths nvm-
Harpy: oh no i'm giving her reines mannerisms
Harpy: with excessive "OH!"
Brinehammer: Oh no!
Brinehammer rubs hands together like a fly.
Harpy: the truth, exposed
Harpy: latest scandal: brinegirl is cute
Harpy: everyone tripping over themselves to help them
Harpy: and here's miirko in a tums ad
Brinehammer: I don't think Miirko is going to make a lot of friends quick, while Reines on the other hand... So many goths in one place!
Harpy: miirko has friends in the form of Dr. Blooper and Helios
Harpy: docs with glocks
Harpy: and if you're friend with one sarahkin you're technically friends with all of them
Harpy: i don't make the rules
Brinehammer: True! Those poor Sarahkin I guess I'm going to have to invent a pretext to switch her emotions back on sooner or later or she'll be a wet blanket forever. Even if I like writing her that way :V
Harpy: turn on wet blanket mode whenever she has to be serious
Harpy: "i can't cope with all this... this happiness, i cannot-"
Brinehammer: Heeeey, you know what, that just might work!
Harpy: "help i have this weird feeling and i don't know what it is" *miirko looking at hot girls*
Harpy: the emotional intelligence of a teenager
Brinehammer: Oh, gosh. Yeah, I love it, I'm lifting it wholesale. She's going to have to figure out how to wean herself off it, but in the meantime plenty of flailing followed by flatness.
Harpy: it's prolly the best way, i don't think she'd like the meltdown she'd have from feeling everything all at once
Brinehammer: No, definitely not. Way too much all at once.
Harpy: posted
Harpy: this makes this 1000% more hilarious
Harpy: a witness to BlackSin's crime.
Harpy: i present to you, "two brain cells"


MobileDraco: link
Harpy: amazing.


Harpy: alright, time to settle into bed and maybe weep a little bit from how much humidity is in the air
Harpy: >95% humidity
Harpy: god fucking kill me i hate this so much
Gooper Blooper: 100% humidity.
Harpy: *screams*
Harpy: chao take your summer and shove it, spring and fall is where its at
Harpy: winter's on thin ice.
Harpy left the chat


RubyChao: hi friends
RubyChao: i'm still cheating on you with my other forum so i won't say much but
RubyChao: i thought i'd pop in tonight
Harpy: its not cheating
Harpy: you just doin you
Harpy: it is good to see you tho
Jumpropeman: hi chao
Jumpropeman: don't worry, we've been taking good care of Annie while you're gone
RubyChao: did you remember to feed and water her
Harpy: yeah she got chicken and mushroom skewers
Harpy: and soup
Jumpropeman: we put a bowl on the floor
Jumpropeman: we remember to fill it sometimes
Harpy: shlurp shlurp


MobileDraco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi draco
Jumpropeman: it's your turn to take Annie for a walk
MobileDraco: Okay.


Harpy: tfw you're such a fangirl for hu tao you just make your character a cosplayer to explain why her outfit changes in a different ref pic
Brinehammer: Eh, if it works!
Harpy: hu tao actually comes into RP, she and glitz point at each other like the spiderman meme


Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: hmmm
RubyChao: i wonder why goops likes this scp
Harpy: Oh my god im cryin
Harpy: i love her...
Harpy: This is wholesome
Gooper Blooper: bonus fanart
Harpy: aaaaAAAAAAA NO
Jumpropeman: I was waiting for the SCP-ness to kick in
Harpy: y u do this..


Dobile Mel: Sheep!
Dobile Mel: Hi
Modus Sheep: Hi!
Dobile Mel: I'm not sure where to take this conversation next :U
MobileDraco: How are you, Sheep?
Dobile Mel: Yeah that's usually the next step


Modus Sheep: "You're talking about Garrute, right?"
ModusSheep: I feel the need to clarify, because of my own spotty memory, I remember Garrute's name. MARLOW does not :I
Jumpropeman: but do you remember Garrute's favorite flower?
Modus Sheep: Fish.
Jumpropeman: he's good >_>;


Picture of Angela

The ultimate 1-Star Yelp review. A solid slab of precious metals and jewels depicting a Brume, Angela, in striking detail with a caption: the Brume word for "Fraud". It was crafted by the Gensokyo mountain goddess Suwako Moriya after being insulted by the subject of the picture and not getting so much as a single "Sorry" from the miscreant. It has been fused with the exterior of the Blue Tongue newspaper office so it cannot be easily removed. She's very proud of it and made an Instagram account just to show it off.
Modus Sheep: I don't believe Suwako knows how to use Instagram.
Draco: are correct. That's why this discovery entry is NON-CANON.
Jumpropeman: also it's not much of a discovery if everyone in town can see it ;p
Draco: A few thousand people co-discovered it five seconds after it was finished
Jumpropeman: Angela would like to undiscover it
Jumpropeman: maybe she will destroy some history BI
Draco: That would be exceptionally rude. :I

(later, a post is made that mentions the Angela picture has a tarp placed over it)

MobileDraco: Suwako ribbits angrily today. >=(
iKomodo: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: a bunch of people saw it still! They just need some time to actually understand why someone made that callout :V
MobileDraco: Well, just for that, she's doing one of Garrute. It says HANDSOME
Jumpropeman: 😳
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, even the Brume are like "yeah no we kinda suspected something was up with Nojj"


Jumpropeman: someone made a parody version of Netflix, but all the shows and movies are fake ones from movies and shows
Jumpropeman: like Itchy and Scratchy, or that mobster movie from Home Alone
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: the stills for that one are great
Jumpropeman: new cop for the zfpd
Jumpropeman: we need a K9 unit anyway
Gooper Blooper: I mentioned during the Bullet adoption discussion that I considered adding a dog to the ZFPD at one point, and I didn't say this before but it would have been a pug
Gooper Blooper: so there it is


Harpy: *sees brine*
Harpy: *tired and derpy*
Brinehammer freezes when he's spotted


Jumpropeman: I can't wait for Komi to meet Constanze
Draco: They'll have such thrilling conversations.

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