Monday, June 14, 2021

Chatzy Madness Volume 386: Skeleton Pee

HORP DE DORP: damn i missed some boob discussion
HORP DE DORP: it was a good discussion
Jumpropeman: boobs are very important
nijisanjivel: agreed
Rose joined the chat
RubyChao: hey rose!
Macaque Sheep: Hello, Rose
Rose: Wtf you're telling me I missed boob discussion
Rose: This is unbelievable
Rose: Hi all
Jumpropeman: hi rose
Jumpropeman: sorry about the boobs
Rose: why the apology


Rose: Oh my god I missed the Peppa v. Lucina fight
Rose: I can't believe it
RubyChao: guess you'll have to quit RP forever
RubyChao: we peaked
Rose: This fight keeps getting better
Rose: Oh my lord


Macaque Sheep: So I was thinking...
Macaque Sheep: How many gaming themed food places have a Jill Sandwich on the menu?


Jumpropeman: im starting to have dreams of me playing new pokemon snap
Jumpropeman: i think I need to buy it
Jumpropeman: nintendo is advertising in my dreams like a futurama episode
RubyChao: Pokemon Sleep strikes
Jumpropeman: so THAT'S what that is


Macaque Sheep: I should attempt to make a post, but don't wait on me
Macaque Sheep: Not feeling the best
RubyChao: no problemo
Jumpropeman provides sheep the wine list and menu
Macaque Sheep: This is, in fact, the opposite of what I wanted.
Jumpropeman: ah, I see you already received your whine


Gooper Blooper: Something that finally clicked for me earlier today that I found amusing was the realization that Zoey, who loves magic, is surrounded by magic, constantly talks about magic, goes to a magic college, and knows more about it than most characters we've seen... can't actually cast any hecc dang magic
Jumpropeman: life can be so unfair
Draco: So she's a sports fan. Can't play Football or Call of Duty, but she knows every geeky statistic and all the big names.
Jumpropeman: luckily for Zoey, the magic academy isn't hogwarts where you have to do wingardium leviosa to even make it past the first day


Gooper Blooper: >gets a newsletter from nintendo
Gooper Blooper: >"games we think you'll like"
Gooper Blooper: >Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Jumpropeman: haha
Jumpropeman: nintendo u so smrt
Gooper Blooper: if you actually click through it takes you to a "how to redownload deleted software" support page
Gooper Blooper: this game does not exist


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: finally a true fifth turtle


Bree: here's a screenshot from the anime that always makes me laugh when I come across it
Bree: what is she yelling at peko about? who knows


Gooper Blooper: The scene in srs was excellent, got some of that Agama archaeology going and I am continuously impressed with how JRM has a mole for every possible job
RubyChao: and i got to show kanade actually putting her childhood knowledge to use with minor tidbits she picked up
RubyChao: that was important to me
Gooper Blooper: she was so excited, it was cute
Jumpropeman: i might even add a mole or two more!
Jumpropeman: as I notice other jobs there could be
RubyChao: i just assumed there would be new moles
RubyChao: for even the most minor roles
Hooded Pitohui: I have to agree, Goops. How naturally that excitement segued into "here's some actual, grounded archeological speculation" was grand.
Gooper Blooper: I'm laughing at the mole roles getting hilariously specific and niche
Macaroni Sheep: The mole that counts the other moles
RubyChao: the mole who delivers the first load of dirt
RubyChao: separate from the mole who delivers the second load of dirt


Bree: okay I don't know the context for why akane has been tied to a stake here
Bree: but jesus christ nekomaru be THICC
harp: uh
harp: OH
harp: OH MY GOD
harp: oh
harp: what a dude
harp: what a guy
harp: i'd slap that
Bree: plz
harp: ah.... dudes...
harp: *being bisexual, please hold*
harp: *elevator music*
Bree: kek
Bree: also feat. sonia in her terrible anime outfit, that's her


Draco: "fjkljasdlgjlfjdl, w-well you... uh... you have nice eyes, too! And a nice personality. And sword. And you look cute in glasses." <- Clara smooth enough not to say "Nice butt." at least. ;)
harp: she'll save that for when soleil is comfortable
Draco: Comfortable in Clara's lap, you mean? ;V
harp: ljfgfjkdljgfdl DRACO PLZ


Dobile Mel: I'm gonna make posts
Dobile Mel: And nobody can stop me
Brinehammer refreshes the forum every 20 seconds from a safe distance.
Dobile Mel: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: look at this amazing sea urchin
Jumpropeman: tis a Shingle Urchin
Hooded Pitohui: That's one cool urchin!
Hooded Pitohui: "The upper surface is a mosaic of tiny polygonal plates formed from modified spines to form a smooth mosaic. This is fringed by a ring of large, flattened modified spines." - Ah, so that's what's going on here.
Jumpropeman: I want to wear him as a brooch
Hooded Pitohui: I can understand your desire, JRM


Macaroni Sheep: "There's... actually rather little to note as the expedition gets underway,"
Macaroni Sheep: WHAT IS THIS??
Macaroni Sheep: No terrible bunch of mud to slog through?
Macaroni Sheep: No making characters crawl through tight, slightly irradiated spaces??
Gooper Blooper: we're not all like you, sheep!
Macaroni Sheep shakes fist from rocking chair


Draco: Oh man. I sure do love Pop Tarts!
Jumpropeman: Send a complaint to the Pop-tart factory right away!
Jumpropeman: I have officially lost track of Draco's impressive Fumo collection


Macaroni Sheep: "She reaches into her sweatpants pocket again, this time producing a white cookie that glimmers with brown sugar in the sunlight."
Macaroni Sheep: We did it, everyone
Macaroni Sheep: We found the Crystal Skull Cookie
Jumpropeman: LEGO Indiana shrivels up once in contact with it
Jumpropeman: the same way his franchise did
Macaroni Sheep: It's all coming together.
Draco: All according to...*puts on his glasses, checks his Old Meme list*...keikaku.
Macaroni Sheep: cookieku
Gooper Blooper: Amaretti_at_bedtime.avi
Rose: Can confirm
Macaroni Sheep: "Two types of cookies? In her pocket? On an expedition? Clearly, this woman was living a life of luxury."
Macaroni Sheep: That's it.
Macaroni Sheep: That's the ticker.
Rose: Yes!
Gooper Blooper: ...May I eat one?
Rose: ... No.
Gooper Blooper: (I know we're focusing on meming the cookie stuff because that shit's hilarious but the rocket shoes/rocket fists are cool too)
Rose: So far I've resisted the urge of having her pocket straight up be a built-in rocket oven where she's baking her cookies in real time
Gooper Blooper: So far.
Rose: That could change


Brinehammer: I thought Jenny was going to have to crash the Brawl as a Villain, but I guess not at this rate :V
Working from Del: lmao i know, the reaction was like "oh look, a new brine villain! *shoves human interaction at her as fast as possible*"
Working from Del: also maybe the fastest pairing we've ever done lmao
Brinehammer: I think we have the forum pairing Speedrun record on lock. Hell yeah though!
Working from Del: the only way it can be beaten is if two people introduce new characters who have a pre-existing romantic relationship :U
Brinehammer: I didn't even think about that, shoot! Eh, no one's that crazy.
Brinehammer looks directly at the camera.
Working from Del: XD


RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi chao
RubyChao: hello
Jumpropeman: want to hear something painful?
Macaroni Sheep: I'm not sure.
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: hurt me!
Jumpropeman: Brain Age 1 on DS sold more than the entire Metroid series combined
RubyChao: that hurt.
iKomodo: Yeouch


Gooper Blooper: Ran errands today. Car sticker sightings included "my other ride is a chocobo" and "SQUAD GOALS" with a picture of Sailor Moon and her team


harp: bethania "betty" peña
Draco: Biscotti is Stacy's sister?
harp: no :I
harp: biscotti is no longer betty
harp: she is
harp: biscotti "biscotti" biscotti
Draco: :O It makes perfect sense.
harp: biscotti doesn't even look like a real word to me anymore
Draco: Biscotti Biscotti and her sister Luigi Biscotti
harp: i couldn't think of any better name and i thought of my actual cousin
Draco: That works.
Gooper Blooper: Biscotti was never Betty, I know that was her "real" name but for me she was always biscotti
Macaroni Sheep: That's Mama Biscotti to you!
harp: *heave*


acaroni Sheep: Oh right, for those that care
Macaroni Sheep: WHICH IS NO ONE
Cornwind Evil: I care!
Cornwind Evil: ...for you to keep watching my RE8 playthrough
Macaroni Sheep: I'LL GET TO IT
Macaroni Sheep: Other Colored Snow Witch magic in the book was scrying and such with her crystal ball, causing people to automatically answer questions truthfully that she asked, and hypnotism with her crystal ball.
Jumpropeman: she could have gotten so many reveals out of Mole Miner Max
Jumpropeman: like how he was an independent digger before he joined Mole Digging Co. and "Mole Miner" was part of his brand
Macaroni Sheep: Who's Mole Senior?
Jumpropeman: 8I
Macaroni Sheep: Who's Mole Senior, JRM?
Jumpropeman: shoulda had her ask when you had the chance, sheep
Draco: Deep down, aren't we ALL Mole Senior, Sheep?


MobileSarah: My two favorite Godzilla monsters.
Jumpropeman: Youmu would be taller if she stood up
Jumpropeman: I expect this to be reflected in RP canon


Draco: Thank you for the scene, sir. :)
Jumpropeman: mhm! I wanted to do something before the next contest so this worked well for that
Draco: Now we just need to beat the Sega girls!
Jumpropeman: rest of the season Meredith is just lying outside the arcade giving it puppy dog eyes
Draco: And Gale's just lying outside the arcade because moving is hard work.
Jumpropeman: Sintendo wins the competition, but they can't Gale to physically leave the arcade, and she wins property rights via intense squatting
Jumpropeman: not the exercise squatting, the living illegally on land kind :V
Jumpropeman: if it required exercise squats, she'd just give up immediately
Draco: She has to get up to sign the deed though.
Jumpropeman: looks like the arcade will forever be in limbo then...
Draco: Season 12 plot: getting Gale to move...



(Posted minutes before midnight on May 22, 2021:)

RubyChao: "hmm, these rice cakes taste kind of stale. is there a best by date?"
RubyChao: >May 23rd
RubyChao: >2020
RubyChao: "Ah."
Harpy: uh OH
Gooper Blooper: Mystery solved.
RubyChao: yeah they got overlooked
Jumpropeman: they're almost as old as Elvis Impersonator's cheese balls


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: Chunor when she learns about the Hardcore Prawn banquet in season 9
Gooper Blooper: oh man, she missed out!!


Jumpropeman: I found Giggle McDimples in a phone game ad
Draco: She's become a traffic cop! She's moving up in the world.
Jumpropeman: hopefully the cars can see her as she directs traffic


Dobile Mel: Today
Dobile Mel: In fire emblem
Dobile Mel: I help the lady pope with a huge ass and a hidden agenda give weed to my students
Draco: A noble goal.
Del: i gave it to ignatz and marianne so i can make the fanfic canon
SteelKomodo: kek


Cornwind Evil: Hippo Wonderworld is just Eggmanland with "Hippo" Stuck over the Eggman parts


Cornwind Evil: "They are armed on the front with a weak, short-range repeating gun and on the back with the much more powerful Backwards Utilizing Tracking Torpedoes."


Jumpropeman: im so used to seeing only ironic among us memes that I dont remember the unironic ones ever existing
Gooper Blooper: when the imposter is sus
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Peppa Pig looking kinda sus
Gooper Blooper: Now I just need someone to RP Spider-Man so Lucina can pair up with him
Jumpropeman: "This dude is my one mute on pixiv because the Lucina section has like 5 of these stupid renders for every actual piece of fanart so looking for anything was a complete chore at one point."
Draco: Someone has to RP Ruby then so they can fight over Spidey.
Gooper Blooper: new peppa pig game coming out October 22 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch
Gooper Blooper: Every game.


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: aka "how to get Haunted Hoard content"
Draco: It works!


Rose joined the chat
Rose: I'm alive
Gooper Blooper: Reports of your death were greatly exaggerated
Rose: Don't worry everyone, I wasn't crushed by a building in a heroic act of self-sacrifice
RubyChao: hello rose
Rose: yo
Jumpropeman: hi rose
Rose: 'ello
Jumpropeman: gonna have to look into getting more powerful collapsing buildings so it sticks next time...
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: glad to hear you're back!
Rose: I should've known it was your doing when I saw the bombs marked "JRM Enterprises"
Jumpropeman: hey, anyone who survives the blast definitely remembers the brand!


RubyChao: "you have to admit it was kind of metal when the 4kids writers were told they couldn’t mention death and so decided to invent an entire torture dimension your soul could be damned to out of whole cloth"


Jumpropeman: for a Regireveal party, Regigigas hurls a chunk of whatever material he made the latest Regi out of across the room
Jumpropeman: if you are concussed, you're going to build a regi next!
Gooper Blooper: oh boy!!
MobileDraco: Yay! Constanze can't wait to build Regivenom!


MobileDraco: And then Soleil went and helped Clara unpack.
Harpy: i MEAN
Harpy: she ain't doin it for free
MobileDraco: She's doing it for a massage from the Cutie.
Harpy: Betty just looks over at Clara like "hello, she's basically helping you because she wants you to touch her."
Harpy: Clara just
Harpy: stares
Harpy: because she doesn't know what Betty really means by that.
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: Soleil innocently wears a tank top and short shorts.
Harpy: "Are you staring at her butt?" "...shut up-" "no, keep looking, her butt's amazing" "SNSGJKLSGJ SHUT UP BETTY" "what? i'm complementing your taste in ass."
MobileDraco: "Are we talking about donkeys? They're cute, but I prefer alpacas."
Harpy: "Have you ever touched an alpaca? aren't they soft?!?" "better than llamas. one spat in my eye. jackass." "no, that's a llama-" "shut up betty."
MobileDraco: "I LOVE ALPACAS. I have, like twenty plush alpacas at home. I buy a new one every year."
Harpy: Betty glances over at Clara.
Harpy: "you're going to need to bring her an alpaca as an offering every month" "...isn't that- actually no, it isn't too much." "good, now you better start alpaca scouting"
Harpy: clara no you can't buy an actual alpaca
Gooper Blooper: On the first day of Brawl Season my cutie gave to me an alpaca in a pear tree
Harpy: damn man the grove's got power if there's an alpaca growing on there
MobileDraco: The Alpocalypse has begun.
Harpy: how well can you make an alpaca wool hat, betty
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Harpy: damn you can 360 no scope a zombie but not knit a sweater
Harpy: what 'bout you clara
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: lel
Harpy: ah, yes, the eternal procrastination
Harpy: "i'll try it sometime-" *never does*
Harpy: just called myself out.
MobileDraco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
MobileDraco: Soleil just knitted a sweater. One arm is slightly longer.
ikkivel: I feel called out
Harpy: okay i'll call sears
Harpy: you didn't call sears, babe?!?
Gooper Blooper: Forecast says tomorrow's gonna be hotter! LIKE YESTERDAY!
Harpy: sounds like the dominican republic
Harpy: ...but less bad if its dry heat


The Deleter: I revealed my mysterious person and it's
The Deleter: A gremlin with a stand
Harpy: 'bout to show this gremlin a good time
Harpy: not like that.
The Deleter: Lmao


The Deleter: Post
The Deleter: In which it turns out Blood Sugar fucking sucks and is the worst Stand
Harpy: its amazing


Harpy: i honestly know for a fact that planeswardens will not get that much screentime unless there's some dimensional shenanigans going on
Harpy: so yeah, tbh, not too worried about planeswardens, they will be there for when they are needed
Harpy: mostly gonna focus on the newcomers who came from olympia, MAGIC, agaman newcomers
Harpy: if the planeswardens have something to do or if anything interests them in particular i will throw them in
RubyChao: that's me with utsuho and tenshi
RubyChao: if we ever get any existential threats utsuho and her idiot wrangler will fall out of the sky and fight them
RubyChao: yes i have been made aware that tenshi being an idiot wrangler is the blind leading the blind


Gooper Blooper: "Punk: A punk."
Gooper Blooper: thanks game


Jumpropeman: Strange Juice is a citrus themed magical girl with a straw as a weapon
Harpy: is that just a harpchar...
Jumpropeman: her mission control partner calls herself Pumpkin Chair
Jumpropeman: and she's a goopchar-
Harpy: oh NO SHE'S CUTE
Harpy: *desperately trying not to throw everyone at people for dates*
Gooper Blooper: you know who Strange Juice reminds me of though
Jumpropeman: I was actually trying to remember that game recently!
Jumpropeman: I found some other game about Vitamins is why
Gooper Blooper: I was looking at old Chatzy Madnesses and found it again
Jumpropeman: i did not remember that Vitamin Girl is a Pepsiman homage
Harpy: for someone who's athletic her legs look woefully underprepared
Jumpropeman: too much vitamins, not enough leg days
Gooper Blooper: and of course the reaction back then was exactly what you'd expect
Gooper Blooper: RubyChao: i gotta admit vitamin girl does look cute
-Harpderp: wow she is
-Harpderp: cute
-Harpderp: wow...
-Harpderp: *immediately slipping into useless bi mode*

Harpy: i mean
Harpy: lets be real
Harpy: thats me with literally almost anime girl
Harpy: considering my tastes
Draco: My dream girl is immune to soda too.


Draco: Harpchars
Gooper Blooper: zfrp.png
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: yeah
Harpy: there's more to being a harpchar than being lesbo or bi
Harpy: the girl to boy ratio, however, makes it impossible to avoid girl pairings :V
Harpy: ya'll don't give me men to work with and it makes me cry
Harpy: nah jk i love 'em
ivel: Knud is available-
Harpy: if you wanted me to throw someone at knud you woulda thrown him at me
ivel: let's be real, nobody deserves to deal with Knud
Gooper Blooper: I hear there's plenty of eligible bachelors in RP this year
Gooper Blooper: it's just they're all moles
Harpy: look i had a kirby date a state
Harpy: mole mate monday is not off the table
Jumpropeman: make sure to buy your Moles of Agama pin-up calendar
Jumpropeman: I hear they don't even wear their hardhats in it!
Jumpropeman: that's how you know it's not safe for work
Gooper Blooper: LITERALLY!


Harpy: link
Jumpropeman very much is
Gooper Blooper: My opinion of Suwako keeps going up
Gooper Blooper: she's fun
Draco: Just like her hat.
Harpy: is the hat tower canon
Harpy: maybe when she's going to intimidate shin-godzilla.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Draco: Shin Godzilla is not impressed. He read the Caps for Sale book.
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Harpy: the peña cousins standing on each other's shoulders are more intimidating clearly.
Harpy: Betty's T posing with Clara.
Harpy: Stacy's on the bottom carrying both of them.
Draco: Incredibly intimidating. The might of a professional chef...
Harpy: its all in the legs


(Later, a day after the above pic was shared in Chatzy:)

Gooper Blooper: link
Jungle 2 Jungle: Luigi and daisy = ravio and saturn
Hooded Pitohui: Not inaccurate in the slightest

(Even later on!)

Jumpropeman: another good image of Saturn and Ravio-
Harp: yeah basically


Jumpropeman: supposedly from the Powerpuff Girls leaked script: "One exchange had Buttercup declaring, “Life is one big hate boner.” In another, Bubbles referred to her dad dating “beaker bunnies and science hoes.” They talk about sex a lot, because they’re adults now, and that’s how we adults signal our adultness to each other"
Jumpropeman: the gritty live action one they were workshopping
Harpy: uh
Harpy: mmmm
Harpy: not everything needs a gritty reboot, guys
Harpy: can't i just have an actual reboot that's like the original in spirit?
Cornwind Evil: I am getting flashbacks to that Mario script I think Max Landis wrote
Harpy: i signal my adultness by declaring i have credit that dropped 64 points and i also bought a mattress
Cornwind Evil: Though I can definitely see an adult Buttercup saying that
Jumpropeman: real adultness is complaining about your back but denying that the back pains are from growing older
Harpy: real adultness is realizing you can buy things
RubyChao: i am eating gelato right out of the container
RubyChao: this is true adultness
Gooper Blooper: maximum adultocity


Cornwind Evil is hanging around if Brine shows up.

(Time passes)

Cornwind Evil looks again.
Cornwind Evil: Guess he's busy

(More time passes)

Brinehammer breaks open the door and smashes into an end table, turning and pulling down a coat rack, turning again and knocking a picture off the wall, spinning to land on your couch with mud on his shoes
Brinehammer: I made it!
Brinehammer: I didn't make it!
Brinehammer realizes he's been in the wrong house this entire time.
Brinehammer: FUCK
Working from Del joined the chat
Working from Del: lmao
Working from Del: oh no
Working from Del: what a saga
Brinehammer: I was so close, yet so far =/


Harpy: horrible thought: 3D printing rubber screaming chickens
Working from Del: OH NO
Harpy: take 10d8 psychic damage and thunder damage
Working from Del: nightmarish
Harpy: benita smiles as one chicken appears, only for her expression to shift into pure terror as hundreds of them fall upon Belle, their screams piercing the night upon landing on her
Harpy: if those chickens could summon dark umu i'd be terrified too
Working from Del: this sounds like a surefire way of defeating belle ngl
Harpy: if somehow it does defeat her then she's going to cry like a spoiled child
Harpy: "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I, THE RED CONQUERER, WOULD BE DEFEATED BY- *sniff* s-so many... screaming chickens! *sniff* Damn witch, I-I'll get back at you and paint your world red-"
Harpy: Clara hurls another screaming chicken at her for good reason
Harpy: belle's 'bout to get bullied
Harpy: but only after the kobbers get bullied by her
Harpy: have to build up to that level of comeuppance
Working from Del: lol
Working from Del: true


Jungle 2 Jungle: Im officially sus!
Jungle 2 Jungle: Won first game as imposter in amogus
iKomodo: amoongus


Draco: I saw a lizard outside. It was a light color.
Jungle 2 Jungle: Was it Maya
Draco: No. It was not red and it lacked boobs.


RubyChao: jrm, goops, i found it
RubyChao: the perfect summary of how i feel about "procedural roguelike" being thrown into otherwise good game


(Chao is helping run an estate sale)

RubyChao: hello
RubyChao: i am selling things
RubyChao: i sold a bucket
Harpy: damn
Harpy: i wanted that bucket
Harpy: curse you bucket buyers
Harpy: (i just bought a bucket yesterday to use as a "mask washing station")
RubyChao: we also sold a table
RubyChao: such is the nature of Everything Must Go


Draco: link
Harpy: shook.
SteelKomodo: this does not expand dong
SteelKomodo: not even a little


Cornwind Evil: So Fox Box often had themes for their Saturdays.
Cornwind Evil: So, Kinnikuman/Ultimate Muscle had its share of toilet humor
Cornwind Evil: Like the main characters farting so hard it propelled them
iKomodo: Yep
Cornwind Evil: And the original main character fighting an ancient Aztec Urinal
Cornwind Evil: And then their sons fought, and the urinal's son was a toilet man
RubyChao: who got one of the best dub gimmicks
RubyChao: the toilet man that is
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, they adapted the lone Kinnikuman movie/OVA into a three part episode, so we had six villains show up out of nowhere to get beaten
Draco: LOL
Cornwind Evil: One of them was literally a butt man. He was just a muscled butt with eyes for a face
RubyChao: it was a full-blown filler arc!
RubyChao: of like seven episodes
RubyChao: it was actually pretty good
iKomodo: BUTTS
Cornwind Evil: And he had an attack where he could turn his hands into feet and leap and stomp on people, which the dub called "Four On The Floor"
The Deleter: Somehow, I continue to underestimate how wild kinnikuman is
Cornwind Evil: Also the dub made him stereotypically french
Cornwind Evil: And his tag team partner was a frog man choujin
RubyChao: he was also french in the dub
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, some time after the filler arc, they annouced that one of their next Saturday events was going to be "This Saturday all the shows will be hosted by Mister Cheeks."
Cornwind Evil: And apparently Fox Box heard of this and went "No, you cannot have an ass man appearing before and after every show."
Cornwind Evil: So Mister Cheek's Hosting Week got cancelled.
Cornwind Evil: Evidently this annoyed the people who actually put those things together
Cornwind Evil: So instead, they made Mister Cheeks the official recapper of Ultimate Muscle: he'd appear at the start and recap what happened in the last episode.
The Deleter: Lmao
RubyChao: yep!
Cornwind Evil: So instead of one weekend
The Deleter: Fox are cowards
Cornwind Evil: We got like 26 weeks of the guy showing up
Cornwind Evil: Albeit only at the start of Ultimate Muscle
Cornwind Evil: But still.
Gooper Blooper: Before Chao put the series in RP, Monsieur Cheeks was one of the very few kinnikumen I knew existed and it was because of the extra exposure he got from that whole bit
Gooper Blooper: good work, censors!


The Deleter: I went back to incorrect quotes generator
The Deleter: Benita, pointing: May I sit there?
Jenny: That's my lap
Benita: That doesn't answer my question, Jenny.

Gooper Blooper: let her sit!
The Deleter: Let her sit!!
iKomodo: Kouta: You have to apologize to Panty
Stocking: Fine.
Stocking: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.

iKomodo: Kouta: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Panty: You’re a hazard to society
Stocking: And a coward. DO TWENTY.

iKomodo: Kouta, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Panty: You did WHAT–
Stocking: William Snakespeare


(The Sixty Whiners from Mutant League Football appear in RP)

Cornwind Evil: So I just remembered something random
Cornwind Evil: So in a gaming magazine, we had Mutant League Football cards
Cornwind Evil: But the only one I remember is this guy
Cornwind Evil: Now you can't see it, but it had info on the back
Bree: it does say sixty whiners in the corner there!
Jumpropeman: an appropriate coach for the worst team in the game
Cornwind Evil: And it basically talks about how his coaching, or lack thereof, makes his team do stuff like "Fall apart, blow up, cry," something else, "or wet their pants on virtually every play."
Cornwind Evil: Then while looking at JRM's setup
Cornwind Evil: I was suddenly like
Cornwind Evil: "...they're all skeletons."
Cornwind Evil: "How can they wet their pants?"
Bree: his coaching skills are so transcendentally terrible
Jumpropeman: they're crying that hard
The Deleter: Skeleton pee
iKomodo: Skele-Jarate?


(Re: Sintendo Plot)

Gooper Blooper: We've been focusing on the Nova stuff for Chao in this plot and for good reason, but I also like that this gave Captain You some nice early focus
Gooper Blooper: and frands
Jumpropeman: it made me a You fan!
Jumpropeman: the moment she crammed a hand in that toilet I was sold
Gooper Blooper: XD


Gooper Blooper: what a nice plot
Jumpropeman: now we're stuck with five more delightful girls though
Gooper Blooper: Oh no. How terrible.
Gooper Blooper: What are we going to do.
Bree: hey man I wanted to save six cute girls today but you only let us save five!
Bree: (vodka drunkenski cutest girl)
Gooper Blooper: well, there's Nova
Jumpropeman: link


Jumpropeman: dreamcast was released on 9/9/99
Jumpropeman: meaning she is the most cirno person to ever live
Draco: So Cirno Day this year is about Dreamcast then? :V
Jumpropeman: dreamcast is the villain for it yes ;p


Bree: *slaps roof of panda* this bad bitch can fit so many powers in it


Dobile Mel joined the chat
Dobile Mel: W e e d
Dobile Mel left the chat 


Dobile Mel: Wow belladonna ate shit
Dobile Mel: Lol
Chillmodo: She ate the hardest shit
Draco: We froze the shit into the shape of a dagger and stabbed her with it.
Dobile Mel: Lol
Chillmodo: The next kobber killer fight won’t be so easy, i promise :P
Draco: Good, because I expect to send someone less capable at fighting.
Dobile Mel: Lmao
Dobile Mel: I'll send Benita
Harpmobile: Welp
Chillmodo: Delpls
Draco: I'll send...
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Sucy, Roll and Penny's dad. Chatzy chose: Roll
Draco: Excellent. Roll from Mega Man Legends vs. someone dangerous
Dobile Mel: She'll die
Chillmodo: She might turbo-die, depending on who I send next


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: 2011 rp energy
Harpy: what the fuck is this how dare you
Harpy: i feel offended by the image actually
Draco: How dare they pour juice on a brawl champ and not in the cup?! D:
Harpy: they aren't even pouring the drink into the cup!
Harpy: absolutely atrocious


Gooper Blooper: I don't plan on adding a brume to RP (no space), but if I did it would almost certainly be a shen design
Draco: I have better than a Brume: I have Clownpiece.
Gooper Blooper: I wound up with this fuckhuge cast and now there's a couple new characters leering at me from the shadows waiting for someone to retire so they can cram in too
Jumpropeman: im not convinced clownpiece isn't a brume. I'm not convinced she isn't twelve different species
Draco: Just go to DeviantArt and look for a picture of a Ghidorah with boobs. That's Clownpiece. (Just kidding. Please don't do that.)


Jumpropeman: "How to be suspicious in Among Us"
Jumpropeman: I don't think Nintendo understands the idea of this game
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: finally, I too can be sus



Harpy: okay this re6 menu shit would drive me up a fucking wall
Harpy: like they don't tell you what the buttons do, it has a vague symbol and it doesn't tell you how to open menus or anything during the prologue
Harpy: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbruh i mean don't hold my hand all the time but hold my hand a lil bit in the beginning
Harpy: a teeny bit
Gooper Blooper: our fingers briefly intertwining as you whisper to me how to switch weapons
Harpy: thats hot yo
Harpy: use B to make luigi jump...
Harpy: oh god i choked 


Jumpropeman: not a flattering angle but the best size comparison image I can find for the Drimogemon family
Jumpropeman: no context needed
Draco: "I'm Artie! Strongest the world!"
Hooded Pitohui: This feels like one of those screenshots a person would post on Tumblr with "someone who's never watched X, describe what's happening in this picture" as a caption
Jumpropeman: it must be mole monday in the city
Gooper Blooper: Drimogemon (Leader)


AlternateChao: here is a horror story
AlternateChao: goops:
AlternateChao: imagine if Raiko was in the Quiet Man disaster report
Jumpropeman: she'd find a way to leave somehow
Gooper Blooper: I should have sent Raiko to Fantasia, Quiet Man, and Math Gran Prix
AlternateChao: Do you want her to die?
AlternateChao: Because that's how you kill Raiko.
Jumpropeman takes notes
Gooper Blooper: this kills the drum
Jumpropeman: genesis fantasia literally ruined that song for me
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: now whenever you hear any other version
Gooper Blooper: all you can think of
Gooper Blooper: is this.
Jumpropeman: i remembered it slightly better than the reality
Jumpropeman: so, you know
Jumpropeman: "thanks" for the refresher
Gooper Blooper: thanks I could help bro
Gooper Blooper: so nice they remixed it twice
AlternateChao: i can't tell what the original is because i can't listen to more than 3 seconds of that
Gooper Blooper: just imagine Raiko's reaction
Jumpropeman: did that image ivel linked have a worst soundtrack box
Jumpropeman: I think I have my answer for it


(Sheep returns after a week of absence)

Macintosh Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
AlternateChao: HI SHEEP
Macintosh Sheep:
AlternateChao: I MISSED YOU!
DREAM TEAM MOFO: sheep returns
Macintosh Sheep: Hello
AlternateChao tackles sheep with a flying hug
AlternateChao: i wasn't there for it so i didn't get to say hi to my friend!
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Macintosh Sheep loses balance and goes rolling down several flights of staircases
Macintosh Sheep: Hello, hello!
Draco pushes Cornwind down the steps for good measure.
Hooded Pitohui: Hello there, Sheep! It's been a hot minute, as they say.
Macintosh Sheep: Is that what they say?
Macintosh Sheep: Can we get someone on this?
Gooper Blooper:
Macintosh Sheep: Cry havoc, and let loose the sheep of war!
Macintosh Sheep does absolutely no posting tonight


Macintosh Sheep: >Brawl's coming
Macintosh Sheep looks at roster
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, carpet seller and tiny coin man
Gooper Blooper: true champions of the arena
Macintosh Sheep: ...I end up doing this to myself every year
Gooper Blooper: You seemed pretty well-stocked during the Olympia years!
Gooper Blooper: Don't even know who all in Sheepcast has rolled in for Agama yet really, though I remember you saying you were trying to avoid too many returns
Macintosh Sheep: Yeaaaah
Jumpropeman: Haehyun's a lock for Brawl!
Macintosh Sheep: :I
Draco: She's locked in all of Sheep's slots so far, I think.
Gooper Blooper: Kum Haehyun SEEMS obvious, we just need to have an out for the clan stuff
Macintosh Sheep: >:I
Jumpropeman: one slot: Haehyun
Another slot: Jonryoku
Macintosh Sheep: Weaknesses: Common Sitcom Premise of needing to be in Two Places at Once
Hooded Pitohui: Don't worry too much, Sheep. "I end up doing this to myself every year" is me looking at my cast every year and trying to figure out who can fight more than a common thief
Gooper Blooper: I mean, fighting game character, c'mon, it's right there
Gooper Blooper: Sheep enters Faust instead
Gooper Blooper: Reminds me of when Sheep told JRM he was at one point planning to use one slot to enter Camilla and another to enter Vahni and then we all watch her melt as she tries to keep up the ruse
Macintosh Sheep: That was a joke!
Macintosh Sheep: I really wouldn't do that to JRM
Macintosh Sheep: Besides it being illegal
Jumpropeman: suuuure
Draco: >things are illegal now
Draco: D:


AlternateChao: i love that this game is literally only remembered because of a programmer who left in an angry rant


Draco: “Scars Kars” <- 1-800 Scars for Kids?
Dobile Mel: "What didn’t kill a Ravensky, made them stronger." - seinfeld bass line plays
Brinehammer: Clash is Jerry, Cecilia is Elaine, Kepler is George, Jenny is Kramer
Draco: Dammit, I snorted at that one.
Draco: “No hospital.” <- The motto of Cornwind characters.


MobileDraco: I had a dream, but the only thing I remember is the judge allowing cute cat art as evidence.
Harp: that sounds like an ace attorney case


Macintosh Sheep: Right, now let me just look through my teeming, heaving cast of charact-
Gooper Blooper: an all-star cast
Macintosh Sheep moth and a toy man flies out
Gooper Blooper: binders full of horror
Macintosh Sheep: ...I'll take the moth.
Gooper Blooper: send the moth
Macintosh Sheep: Oh, Stella's going
Macintosh Sheep: ...
Macintosh Sheep brings back The Hound


Jumpropeman: so, the Crash Bandicoot mobile game Crash on the Run has made a ZFRP level character pull
The Deleter: Oh?
Harp: uh oh
ivel: yep!
Jumpropeman: there was a random Crash Bandicoot tiger electronics handheld back in the day
Jumpropeman: where inexplicably he is robbing a haunted mansion of its gold
Jumpropeman: the main villain of the game is a very generic evil ghost named Mr. Crumb
AlternateChao: oh my god
Jumpropeman: Mr. Crumb has now appeared as a boss character in the mobile endless runner, his first appearance since that 1998 handheld game
ivel: oh I thought you meant the insanity of them getting The Noid
Gooper Blooper: They put The Noid in there last month so clearly they're having the time of their lives over there
AlternateChao: between this and CTR
AlternateChao: i think the crash team just loves making wildly obscure pulls
AlternateChao: also WOW that's a glow-up


(Cali hits on Lilith)

Macintosh Sheep: "Well, except the incredible view from behind Lilith"
Macintosh Sheep: why
Macintosh Sheep: Del, why
The Deleter: Because, sheep
The Deleter: Welcome to the jungle
The Deleter: We're all trans and gay


Cornwind Evil decides to fire up Cosmic Star Heroine again.
Cornwind Evil has completely forgotten what he was doing or how to play.

Harp: same.
Gooper Blooper: RIP


Jumpropeman: loving rug combat this year
Jumpropeman: enter Zauderberder with a pack of rugs into the brawl
Gooper Blooper: he can show you the world
Macintosh Sheep: Zauderberder lacks the killing instinct for Brawl!
Macintosh Sheep: And he bruises easily
Macintosh Sheep: like a fragile peach
AlternateChao: that didn't stop aimiko from entering!!!
Gooper Blooper: Him getting a mention earlier today makes me toss out into the ether the suggestion
Gooper Blooper: Ladislaus for brorl
Macintosh Sheep: Ladislaus too hungry for Brawl
Macintosh Sheep: Local man too hungry to die


AlternateChao: "you know what would be nice to have? strawberry milk"
AlternateChao: *checks fridge*
AlternateChao: milk expiration date: june 1
AlternateChao: The Ride Never Ends
Gooper Blooper: not agaiiiiin
Gooper Blooper: at least it wasn't year-old milk.


MobileDraco joined the chat
Rose joined the chat

Rose: Oh no I accidentally joined with my sockpuppet nine seconds too early
Jumpropeman: hi rose!
Rose: Hello
Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Jumpropeman: oh no, your other sockpuppet came in late
Rose: C'mon guys we coordinated this


Draco: For some reason, this is the first thing I took with my new phone's camera.
Chillmodo: Kek
Jumpropeman: terrifying


Harp: why does
Harp: miitopia for switch
Harp: Look so fuckin fun
Bree: marketing magic
Harp: Here i am with the base game goin “am i really about to shell out 60 more dollars to make the most amazing shelby rendition ever”
Bree: really though idk but HORSE
Harp: Shelby bein alex’s horse
Harp: Pony
Bree: if it makes you happy then spend money on whatever you want
Harp: i like spending it on frands
Bree: as long as you can still afford like, food n stuff
Gooper Blooper: I know Harpy also wants the new Disgaea coming out
Gooper Blooper: so if you had to choose between the two new vidya I'd suggest getting the all-new game
Harp: i’m payin over 4 payments for disgaea
Harp: I had the money set away since i thought they’d charge me sooner
Gooper Blooper: oh yeaaaah, you got that special edition preorder
Gooper Blooper: like
Gooper Blooper: months and months ago!
Gooper Blooper: forgot about that
Harp: Yeah binch imma uh
Harp: take pics
Harp: And make dia
MobileDraco: Just start selling Plasma.
Gooper Blooper: Hazel no!
Harp: sorry i like my blood
Gooper Blooper sells plasma for plastic dinosaurs
Bree sells plastic dinosaurs for plasma
Gooper Blooper: a trade bargain is struck
AlternateChao: imagine it going right to left
AlternateChao: "did somebody say trade bargain"
Gooper Blooper: "bargain for the world, my final message, goodbye"


Jumpropeman: "1977 has several new titles such as Space Wars."
Jumpropeman: Wikipedia's like "we can only name one, but we assure you there are more" 


Harp: bleh, too muggy to stay up much longer but hey i got a mug brownie now.
Draco: Yum
Jumpropeman: why did you put him in a mug D:
Harp: i put him on a mug
Harp: because he is a good dog
Gooper Blooper: because it's too muggy, JRM
Harp: "IF NOT, you're welcome"


Gooper Blooper: SK didn't tell us that this is one of CROSSNIQ+'s playable characters:
Jumpropeman: Crossniq just got a whole lot more interesting
The Deleter: I can't believe he's keeping info like that to himself!!
Chillmodo: I did not
Chillmodo: honestly the characters aren’t a big deal, they’re just there for vs mode
Chillmodo: there was gonna be a story mode for the game but that didn’t pan out
Gooper Blooper: ouch
Gooper Blooper: they deprived us of octopus lore
Chillmodo: Yep


Macintosh Sheep: Did I read Pac N' Roll?
Macintosh Sheep: Let's find out
Macintosh Sheep: "After Pac-Pix made use of Pac-Man’s iconic 2D shape for a DS game all about drawing him, Namco decided to quickly put out another Pac-Man game but with a different approach to playing as the pellet-muncher."
Macintosh Sheep: Call of Pac-Man, the first person shooter.
Macintosh Sheep: "The arcade game Pac-Mania featured Pac-Man in a ball-like form"
Macintosh Sheep: As opposed to his regular form
Macintosh Sheep: "Pac ‘n Roll doesn’t restrict the ball form of one of gaming’s biggest icons to mazes though, instead making a little adventure out of it that goes some rather odd places."
Macintosh Sheep: Pac-Man Goes to Washington
Macintosh Sheep: Pac-Man Goes to Space
Macintosh Sheep: Pac-Man Goes to Hell
Macintosh Sheep: "Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this unassuming DS game is that it attempts to create an origin story for the character nearly 25 years after his debut."
Macintosh Sheep: If I have to watch Ms. Pac-Man get shot in front of a movie theater ONE MORE TIME-
Jumpropeman: when pac-man was a kid, a bunch of ghosts pushed his mom off a cliff
Macintosh Sheep: "Ghosts are a frequent problem in the land of Pac-Land, and as such, people train to properly combat them."
Macintosh Sheep: Who you gonna call?
Macintosh Sheep: "The Pac-Master"
Macintosh Sheep: Presented without commentary
Macintosh Sheep: Except that reading this makes the cg cartoon show that was around a couple years back suddenly make more sense as a pitch
Macintosh Sheep: "and during training Pac-Man even meets the lady who would one day be his almost equally famous wife"
Macintosh Sheep: This biased journalism.
Draco: Break the Glass Ceiling! Give female video game protagonists equal MSRP!
Jumpropeman: look man, there ain't a song called Ms. Pac-Man Fever
Macintosh Sheep: "four ghosts call upon a legendary ghost that had been banished to space"
Macintosh Sheep: ?
Draco: "This is what Slimer looks like today. Don't you feel old?"
Jumpropeman: slimer got fit
Macintosh Sheep:
Macintosh Sheep: 1.) What a line read
Macintosh Sheep: 2.) Wha...
Macintosh Sheep: 3.) WORDS MEAN THINGS
Jumpropeman: every part of Casper's face must move when speaking
Jumpropeman: this is the law
Jumpropeman: also: Sniveler for new Secret Fiter threat-
Macintosh Sheep: :I
Draco: Not if I enter him as one of my fifteen entrants.
Macintosh Sheep: "This legendary ghost is apparently a rock star inspired spirit named Golvis"
Macintosh Sheep: !
Macintosh Sheep: !!!
Macintosh Sheep: It's THAT guy!
Macintosh Sheep: "There is an attempt to add a challenging mode to Pac ‘n Roll."
Macintosh Sheep: An ATTEMPT
Macintosh Sheep: "but at least Pac ‘n Roll started to realize its potential instead of being an entirely mediocre execution of its premise."
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: Pac n' roll should pack up and roll over dead


Jumpropeman: why would you want a nice date when you could be attacked by dinosaurs


Macintosh Sheep: "Bouncy Bubble will let Eevee deal heavy Water damage and heal itself, Sizzly Slide’s Fire attack guarantees a Burn, and Baddy Bad will"
Macintosh Sheep: Wait
Macintosh Sheep: Hold up
Macintosh Sheep: That last name
Macintosh Sheep: They just gave up, huh?
Jumpropeman: I need to RP Partner Eevee
Jumpropeman: so I can kill a big villain with Baddy Bad
Harp: baddy bad.
Jumpropeman: Partner Eevee puts on a pair of shades
Harp: They were trying for alliteration
Jumpropeman: "You think you're bad? Well, I'm BADDY bad"
Macintosh Sheep: Baddy Bad


Harp: i'mma continue bein cute with clara
Gooper Blooper: good
Gooper Blooper: more cute harpchar moments *paps table*
Macintosh Sheep: I demand more
Macintosh Sheep: U G L Y
Macintosh Sheep: Harpchar moments
Macintosh Sheep: Please understand.


Macintosh Sheep: "This first leg of the journey isn't too bad"
Macintosh Sheep: boooo
Gooper Blooper: *sends Stella to the first event Sheep does just so he can bask in listening to her complain about how shitty his travel sequences are again*
Macintosh Sheep: ahaha
Draco: "watching a large spider's ass" <- Gloria does this every day.
Gooper Blooper: And she loves it!!
Jumpropeman: srspost
Draco: "Maya kept her camera at hand, making sure to catch the rare good angle on the spider that wasn't an ass shot." <- That magazine got Yamame through spider college, okay? >:l
Gooper Blooper: Cordie trying to look casual as she glances over the local stores' magazine racks


RubyChao: look at all this ruined
Gooper Blooper: I see a NERD
Macintosh Sheep: I see a
Macintosh Sheep: I'm not RPing a Touhou.
RubyChao: sheep:
RubyChao: you know you can't hold out forever
RubyChao: one of us
RubyChao: one of us
Macintosh Sheep: I can hold out pretty dang long
RubyChao: you can even RP one of the weird esoteric hus from early touhou!
RubyChao: like the one that's just five eyes with the silhouette of a person!
Gooper Blooper: okay wow I only knew about Yuugenmagan being five Dark Matters, I didn't know about the LIGHTNING GIRL inside it
RubyChao: yep
Bree joined the chat
RubyChao: and naturally, people went what if just normal girl
Gooper Blooper: that's fuckin awesome- that is less awesome
Gooper Blooper: hi bree
RubyChao: hi bree
Bree: I'm less awesome? :(
Macintosh Sheep: booo
Jumpropeman: you came before the image bree!
Jumpropeman: so order of operations puts you first
RubyChao: don't worry
RubyChao: lightning girl remains popular


Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: I guess I never heard it before but
Jumpropeman: Dot from Animaniacs
Jumpropeman: is named for the dot after Warner Bros.
Harp: oh my god
Harp: genius.
Draco: Excellent. XD
Gooper Blooper: my god
Gooper Blooper: coming soon from JRM: The Fite Yer Mates brothers and their sister Apostrophe
Jumpropeman: it's the con ten years in the making
Harp: damn are you spoiling the mystery fiter already? shit dude you gotta calm doooown
Harp: now its gonna be scooby dum :(
Gooper Blooper: I'm throwing out spoilers so JRM has to use The Sniveler
Harp: why am i still awake
Harp: i work at 12 tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: spider adventures were just too exciting
Gooper Blooper: nite harpy
Harp: talkin to friends is just too exciting
Draco: Because you had to read about flirty spiders and the lizard ladies who photograph them.
Draco: Byepy
Harp: fifty shades of spiders
Harp left the chat
Jumpropeman searches for more sniveler casper clips

Jumpropeman: for some reason youtube threw tons of kayaking videos in response
Gooper Blooper: 2023, Sniveler... just you wait...
Jumpropeman: his actual name appears to be Snivel and he calls himself the sniveler
Macintosh Sheep: Sniveler is BANNED
Jumpropeman: as evidenced by
Jumpropeman: the entire transcript of the movie he appeared in
Draco: Game Hoard when
Jumpropeman: >Wayforward helped make this
Jumpropeman: it's so easy to forget the mountain of trash their more memorable titles are built upon


Draco: Today's plot, four years in the making.
Jumpropeman: all of rp was planned in advance


(Brine schedules a fight with Belle, warns people to send strong characters)

Harp: "Dont send your cute fluffs" bitch dia can come back all the time she’ll nuke this fucker
The Deleter: lol
The Deleter: i AM sending benita
The Deleter: nobody can stop me
Jumpropeman: brine has found the ultimate method for setting up a massacre: being genuine in his warnings not to send people who will get massacred
The Deleter: Lol
The Deleter: It's true
Brinehammer joined the chat
Chillmodo: Hi brine
Brinehammer: Hey hey
RubyChao: hey hey
RubyChao: as per your request, brine
RubyChao: i will make sure to send Dr. G. Nerique and Kaede Akamatsu
RubyChao: belle has no chance.
Jumpropeman: im not sure who I can legitimately send, my cast is not known for defense
The Deleter: I'm sending Benita's friends and you can't stop me
Brinehammer: TFW you realize you're going to be knee-deep in cute characters
Chillmodo: That is legit horrifying
RubyChao: Umu~
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: utsuho doesn't have any real strong reason against belle
RubyChao: she just got the news from the kobber grapevine about "very very strong kobber enemy" and went
RubyChao: *points at the sky* "i'm going to Fight that"


RubyChao: pitohui
RubyChao: how do we explain loic.
Hooded Pitohui: LOIC
Hooded Pitohui: LOIC FROM CANADA
RubyChao: okay so
RubyChao: this one guy just once up and decided to post a thread asking anyone who lived in canada
RubyChao: if they knew his friend loic, who moved from florida
Hooded Pitohui: I have to get back to posting before I get sucked into Mario Wiki talk but have fun, Chao
RubyChao: he didn't even say WHERE in canada
RubyChao: he didn't even say anything about loic
RubyChao: he was just "if you're in canada, do you know him"
RubyChao: and it fuckin' exploded
RubyChao: there were a bajillion loic jokes
Harp: i could be loic
RubyChao: loic became a folk hero
RubyChao: we all love him


Jumpropeman: zauderberder's eyebrows are the fastest in the west
Jumpropeman: they'll shoot a bodega cat off a fencepost before it can so much as meow
Macintosh Sheep: They are large and fluffy
Macintosh Sheep: Do not make Zauderberder too excited or they will flap and fly him away
Macintosh Sheep very tired


Jumpropeman: "Yes! They are distinctive. They go like SHOWOWOWOWOW and they’re all swirly!"
Jumpropeman nods in appreciation

Bree: that is almost word-for-word an actual line from strikers
Bree: that's how sophia describes the metaverse exit portals in the game
Bree: it's fucking adorable
Macintosh Sheep: "but frankly shit today was already weird, and her head hurt, so she gave up"
Macintosh Sheep: Iconic.
Bree: that bit was a fun example of the power of collaborative writing
Macintosh Sheep: "Look, I never claimed to be smarter than Ryuji."
Macintosh Sheep: I just thought it
Bree: del wrote that futaba line of "does anyone hear any weird voices?" because I commented on how after witnessing several persona awakenings over the course of p5 (and two in strikers!) they should be able to recognize the telltale signs
Bree: so it was kind of intended even by del as a joke
Bree: but I was like "nope. ibuki is going to actually try it." and then I fell down a rabbit hole of "if your imagination determines what's reality in the metaverse, what happens if you just try to imagine a persona into existence"
Bree: it didn't work, but still
Macintosh Sheep: "A stupid little pumpkin-headed thing that... honestly, wasn’t that intimidating. Its eyes glowed like dying embers in the recesses of its sockets, and its lantern guttered and its cloak moved like it was alive, not a mere accessory. But while it had a subtly sinister effect about it, overall it looked like a Halloween decoration."
Macintosh Sheep: Excellent description here.
Bree: thank you :V
Bree: bootleg samhain so menacing
Bree: be scared
Gooper Blooper: Samhain so offended by Bootleg Samhain
Gooper Blooper: Action Replay Packaging Samhain
Bree: the forms the shadows take are because they're concepts in the collective unconscious so technically it's a case of imitation is a form of flattery
Bree: samhain is important enough and exists as a concept in enough minds that shadows look like him sometimes!!
Gooper Blooper: he's famous!
Macintosh Sheep: "Clear ‘em out, Fox!”
Macintosh Sheep: Way to go, Joker!
Bree: plz
Bree: (sheep is referencing p5's canned overly repetitive stock battle lines :V)
Bree: strikers lets you play as any party member so it features the thrilling addition of canned lines complimenting *every* party member!!
Macintosh Sheep: Oh, neat
Macintosh Sheep: That you get to play as the others, I mean :V
Bree: in case what you really wanted in your game experience was NICE ONE FOX instead of WAY TO GO JOKER
Macintosh Sheep: "But could someone like her put it into practice in a place like this?"
Macintosh Sheep: No.
Macintosh Sheep: B A D E N D
Bree: rip


Jumpropeman: honoka energy
RubyChao: :)
Gooper Blooper: just a normal lunch 


(One day after Saturn reveals her real name to Ravio, Dreamcast almost says her real name to Marisa but catches herself)

Harpy: DIANA?!?! -wild guess on Dreamcast's name
Jumpropeman: I almost put a second letter after D but the hint might have given it away
Jumpropeman: you ain't getting two girl names in a row!
Jumpropeman: besides, at her lowest maybe isn't the best point for her to give that out
Harpy: i will continue to guess until the name egg hathes
Harpy: ...
Harpy: hatches.
Jumpropeman: Dreamcast's real name: D-egg
Harpy: Degg...
Jumpropeman: Deggette
Cornwind Evil: Dangwhaup
Jumpropeman: hahaha


Dobile Mel: Here are my demands for the next persona 5 spinoff:
Dobile Mel: 1) the phantom thieves should be gayer
Dobile Mel: 2) whenever ryuji isn't on screen, everyone should be asking "where's ryuji"
Dobile Mel: 3) sojiro should have a gun
Draco: I think we can arrange for at least four of those, but no more than two.
Dobile Mel: Lol
Dobile Mel: I'n willing to give up point 2 but only because I know people won't understand that Ryuji is best boy
Draco: I whole-heartedly agree to Point 1, especially if it's Futaba and P5 Royal Queen Kasumi.
Draco: 3? Can it be TWO guns?
Dobile Mel: Yes
Dobile Mel: Sojiro can have more than one gun
Draco: Perfect! I approve whole-heartedly now.
Dobile Mel: Yayyy


Macintosh Sheep: "I'm no 'girl who cried wolf spider'!"
Macintosh Sheep: Maya has an editor, right?
Macintosh Sheep: "Can't really ask Humongous Kumongous myself"
Macintosh Sheep: She does, right?
Draco: No.
Macintosh Sheep sound of glass shattering




Gooper Blooper:
Harp: cursed.
Jumpropeman: ^the epilogue to the cirno fumo arc
Jumpropeman: the one that attacks the others is lil' cirno


Jumpropeman: I can't believe Ravio just made himself a harem-
MobileDraco: He's a stud.
Jumpropeman: *ruins a very nice moment with a character I love with jokes*


Jumpropeman: "Check out DreamController Original Wireless Custom Xbox One Controller - Xbox One Custom Controller Works with Xbox One S/Xbox One X/PC/Laptop with Windows 10, Custom Anti-Slip Gaming Controller with Bluetooth by DreamController"
Jumpropeman: can't argue with that sales pitch Amazon Best Deals
Gooper Blooper: Ah, word salad product titles. I see plenty of that on ebay and amazon
Gooper Blooper: Amazon really struggles with Jurassic World figures, I've noticed in my obsessive browsing
Gooper Blooper: "Jurassic World Roar Attack Ankylosaurus Bumpy Camp Cretaceous Dinosaur Figure with Movable Joints, Realistic Sculpting, Strike Feature & Sounds, Herbivore, Kids Gift 4 Years & Up"
Gooper Blooper: real short and snappy and to the point, amazon, good job
Jumpropeman: well, I wasn't interested until I got confirmation it's an herbivore
Gooper Blooper: "Jurassic World Amber Collection Pteranodon"
Gooper Blooper: sometimes they do better


Chillmodo asked Chatzy to choose between Vent, Kouta, Panty & Stocking and Varan. Chatzy chose: Varan
Chillmodo: ...HOO BOY
Jumpropeman: a good pick actually!
Jumpropeman: that eel's been in Varan's waterways!
Draco: He probably even gave Varan the finger at some point.
Jumpropeman: that's extra offensive because he had to find a finger first!
Draco: Spontaneously grew a hand with enough fingers to have a middle finger just to offend Varan.


Jumpropeman: "Notable releases of the year 2002"
January 1 » Lilo & Stitch Pinball

Harp: okay look
Harp: its pinball
Harp: i can forgive it.
Jumpropeman: Wikipedia, you don't have to have a game for january 1st
Jumpropeman: you can move right ahead
Gooper Blooper: I took a look at a few of those Wikipedia years in gaming articles, and yeah some of them are flooded with random licensed junk I've never heard of in their "notable" release lists


Gooper Blooper: An article I found today that is a nice little summary of the rise and fall of GarfieldEATS, and even answers one of the questions we had about it that we couldn't answer
Harp: goops why
Harp: my curiosity will keep me up...
Gooper Blooper: specifically, why did the website have random Garfield Movie merchandise from 15 years ago
Harp: *reads anyway*
RubyChao: "GarfieldEATS, world's 1st Garfield theme restaurant known for Garfield shaped pizzas, big lasagnas, and Garficcino coffee in Toronto with a pop up store at 995 Bloor St. West that has turned into a nightmare for the beloved cat and the young founder Nathen Mazri, who is also a social media influencer in entrepreneurship with over 115,000 followers and advocate against homelessness," the statement reads. "Garfield has entertained the world for 41 years and a heartless landlord has shown no form of appreciation for the beloved cartoon."
Gooper Blooper: didn't you know that you can just waive rent payments by showing your landlord garfield comics?
Harp: am i actually reading this right now
Harp: is that real
Harp: because i'm pretty sure if he pulled that shit in the US his ass woulda been grass
Jumpropeman: I think advocate against homelessness is there so you feel bad for the eviction
Gooper Blooper: no wonder they stayed in canada
Jumpropeman: this guy HATES homelessness and now he lost his shop!
Harp: i could say something about that
Gooper Blooper: I was wondering why they didn't try this in, y'know, the country Garfield is from
Harp: opening up a new biz in this climate? eeeeEEEH
Chillmodo: What is it about garfield that attracts the weirdos
Harp: and if you're not payin rent then the lawsuit sharks are gonna come for ya
Chillmodo: i don’t understand
Chillmodo: anything
Harp: trust fund babies are fucking weird
Gooper Blooper: Could say the same about any number of other franchises
Harp: there's weirdos in every fandom
Jumpropeman: Sonic fans are perfectly normal people
Harp: as a sonic fan, i disagree heartily
The Deleter: I'm a Knuckles fan
The Deleter: Unlike sonic fans, I don't chuckle
Draco: I don't believe you.
The Deleter: That's fair
The Deleter: I wouldn't believe me


RubyChao: symphogear xdu's latest collab is... a woman's pro wrestling federation
RubyChao: because fuck it, why not
Gooper Blooper: they're just throwing darts at a franchise chart over there
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: and somehow they STILL haven't nailed Love Live 


(After some Sad Backstory about Julia)

Bree: as I once said to jrm (I think it was jrm) sometimes in RP I like to take the marshmallow and STOMP ON IT
Bree: but the marshmallow has to be okay after. it has to receive gentle pats after its ordeal
Bree: and also I like to stomp on my marshmallows very hard sometimes but if someone else stomps on their marshmallow I'm like "no!!! not so hard!!!!"
Bree: julia is not a marshmallow. but you know what I mean
Jumpropeman: julia is not a marshmallow YET
Gooper Blooper squeaky noises as Missy is stepped on


Bree: jrm, do you want to do some dreamcast stuff? is she still moping about?
Bree: 'cause I would still like to inflict dittos :V
Jumpropeman: she's not moping per se, she's trying to pull herself out of the hole though
Bree: well, does she need
Bree: Moral Support
Bree: in the form of two blobs
Jumpropeman: I've been meaning to make a barpost showing how she is and I do think maybe Ditto application could help her
Bree: just be warned once the dittos are applied they are permanent
Bree: they cannot be removed
Draco: That's what Bergman needs: Dittos. Then she'll like humanity a lot more and only want to kill 99% of them.
Draco: "The town of Humansville can remain. This I command."
Bree: if they make big sad eyes can they get it down to 98%?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: 97% if they give her a Quarter Water. 


Draco: Someone's stolen Suwako's Pop-Tarts! I wonder if the thief left a clue.
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: we'll solve the mystery yet
Jumpropeman: be careful around that doll though, I heard it does terrible things if it grabs you
Bree: a CLEW!
Bree: we'd better hire jammy lacloo to investigate


Jumpropeman: "Later, babe. Keep wearing those pants."
Jumpropeman: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Lilith then ran home in only a shirt
Chillmodo: Kek
The Deleter: Lmao
Jumpropeman: somehow, actual footage from the show
Harp: not surprised
Chillmodo: What


Bree: barpost
Bree: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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