Friday, August 28, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 369: Betty Keeps Poking The Dirt

Draco: Fortunately, Clownpiece has a few of Hecatia's shirts that'll fit Claire after she's rescued.
Cornwind Evil: Portmanteau aside, I don't see the Clownpiece/Claire thing as romantic
Jumpropeman: especially not after she sees Hecatia's shirts


pizza o’ clock: In which a stocking plushie says rude things
Jumpropeman: does she drink all my pepsi too?
Draco: AH! After ten-thousand years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
pizza o’ clock: no but she eats all your pudding
Cornwind Evil: Jumpropeman, Draco's escaped
Cornwind Evil: Recruit a team of RPers with attitude
Jumpropeman: *uses too much pink energy to do so*
Ghengis Jenga: And then jrm got a pretty cool side story in the comics
Jumpropeman: phrase I thought up but have no use for: "like a tornado with tits"
pizza o’ clock: So stocking? :U
pizza o’ clock: found it
Jumpropeman: you have my blessing to use it when appropriate
pizza o’ clock: Haunted stocking plushie that eats all your pudding and tells you to fuck off
pizza o’ clock: Also will do :P
pizza o’ clock: haunted panty plush that [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]


Cornwind Evil: Coulda sworn Koa was thiccer
Jumpropeman: like any touhou, her proportions vary wildly
Draco: Yeah, well, I'm not an artist and have to take whatever fancy outfit pictures of her I can get. :V
Jumpropeman: reminder that this is Meiling's official art
Cornwind Evil: Because Zun is not the very best artist
Cornwind Evil: He basically puts down the outline and the fan artists do the rest
RubyChao: on both art AND personality


Draco: Guys...I might donate my car to Kars4Kids.
Jumpropeman: YOU FOOL
Jumpropeman: they can't even drive them!
Draco: NANI?
Draco: Then why do they need cars?! D:<
Jumpropeman: to run 'em over BI


Jumpropeman: far as I know, Saturn is the only Hard Girl with a "sexy" statue variant
RubyChao: damn
RubyChao: that's sexy!
Draco: Nice.
ivel: the others don't need it to be a variant?
Jumpropeman: she's outta here


Bree: juan might be caprice's speed, idk
Harpy: juan's full of dad jokes
Bree: caprice secretly thinks that
Bree: kennedy wilson
Bree: is cute
Bree: (because he is, have you seen him, meow)
Jumpropeman: juan's a good man
Jumpropeman: a fine, sturdy man!
Jumpropeman: *spanks juan*
Jumpropeman: good stock!
Bree: o mai


Draco: Labrys goes to Green Hell without a suit.
RubyChao: wait, draco
RubyChao: so she's just going naked?
RubyChao: how shameless!
Bree: you've heard of Naked And Afraid
Bree: now prepare for
Bree: Naked And Radioactive
Draco: She'll wear socks, is that fine?


Draco: Yohane is ready for hockey season (obligatory beverage included)
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Jumpropeman: The Mighty Dork


(Sheep plans an event about going into the radioactive Green Hell Zone while wearing various protective suits)

Mist Sheep: link
Draco: Fancy!
Mist Sheep: link
RubyChao: i think we might need to cancel this event
RubyChao: it's making sheep too powerful
Jumpropeman: time to bring back chester
Bree: I'm just imagining dmitri cackling maniacally while digging up the stupidest looking suits
Bree: it's his moment. the moment he's been waiting for. when he can make everyone like him. so they can suffer as he does
Bree: printed on the inside of every suit is "it's pronounced oh-KER"
Draco: "Hey, why does this suit say Oo Car in here?"


MobileDraco entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: hello mysterious stranger
Jumpropeman: wanna talk about Lion King?
MobileDraco: You bet! Also, is it just me or is Taylor Swift...#THEBEST?
Jumpropeman HONKs in agreement
Del: wot
Harpy: *shrug*
MobileDraco: Hopefully this means my phone and PC aren't getting the same PMs.
Jumpropeman: now you can use this for burner PMs
Jumpropeman: I got the rugrats shaped macaroni and cheese if you got the cash BI
Jumpropeman: wait no that was supposed to be a pm-
ivel: they have Cheetos mac n cheese now apparently
Jumpropeman: they have flaming hot cheetos mac and cheese
Jumpropeman: they also have these
Jumpropeman: which I did eat one of
Jumpropeman: and it was not good
Jumpropeman: the degree of mental preparation needed to actually consume them was monumental


Jumpropeman: I found a good design for maya's environmental suit
Harpy: it has boobie plates don't it


(Massive heel heat from a Brine antagonist)

RubyChao: brine i hope you realize you have obligated yourself to a nadineplot event day at some point
RubyChao: we gotta punch this lady
Harpy: i am going to break this woman in half.
Harpy: she is the embodiment of southern kindness hiding a rotten apple, that tone someone takes with you when they think lesser of you
Brinehammer: It's coming sooner or later- glad the real Laurie got people invested. But at least there will be an oppurtunity to break her face!
Harpy: dust don't deserve this
MobileDraco: Dust can go to the Robot Orphanage.
Harpy: she's probably suffering the horrors of generic diner coffee
MobileDraco: D:
Brinehammer: It's corner store Hazelnut but it's been on the burner too long
Harpy: oh god that's even worse
MobileDraco: We must save her. ;-;
Harpy: its not even grab 'n go coffee, if they even have that
Harpy: which would have been an excellent weapon, mind
Harpy: but some backstreet "git 'n gone" shit
Harpy: i have no idea what grab n go's rival store name is and that's the best i can muster
MobileDraco: Grab N' Go has coffee. They have to or else Mary could have killed everyone with her BEAR HANDS.
Harpy: that's terrifying to think about
MobileDraco: Lift N' Leave. Snatch N' Scoot. Find N' Flee.
Harpy: i misread that middle one as "scratch 'n scoot" which is basically every animal's life motto
Jumpropeman: Acquire N Depart
Harpy: somehow all of these exist within olympia
Jumpropeman: Scratch N' Sniff
MobileDraco: I mean, we don't know what Reiko does when she's alone.


Harpy: troy will remember to give the big scoops to maya
Harpy: but only if her favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip
Jumpropeman: good man- :I strike that statement from record


Gooper Blooper: posted in robot rumble
Draco: Excellent.
RubyChao: holy goddamn
RubyChao: i think this is an event fite record
Draco: We should have Battlebot fites more often then. ;V
Gooper Blooper: admittedly, it is true that Chao and HP have been extremely busy lately with other engagements and all, and it's not fair to compare the three of us
Gooper Blooper: but I WIN YEEHAW
RubyChao: heeeh, yeah
RubyChao: plus, as you yourself said goops
RubyChao: this is basically eight years of waiting very patiently to finally get to indulge yourself
RubyChao: that's the kind of motivator that speeds one up
Gooper Blooper: It's true! I had the idea for a battlebots tournament in RP around 2012 or so, then eventually it mutated into the Tron Bonne event from Neo Kobber Plot
Gooper Blooper: but I wanted more.


Mystical Sheep: "Deb leans in as closely as she can"
Mystical Sheep: roll to avoid falling in poo :I
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco: She aced it.
Mystical Sheep: Deb does a backflip.
Mystical Sheep: Because she can
Draco: Damn right she can.
Draco: She's a big lady in a bigger suit. She's got to be careful not to accidentally step on Maya.


RubyChao: question for jrm
RubyChao: Game Gear is the only one with her real name confirmed on-forum, right?
Jumpropeman: you got it
RubyChao: guess we'll have to pair off the other three to learn
Harpy: i might go for saturn
Harpy: we'll see!
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive's real name is Maya, Saturn is Stoke, and Dreamcast's is Donkey Kong
Harpy: plz
Gooper Blooper: maya drive
Gooper Blooper: ...which is
Gooper Blooper: what she's doing right now
Harpy: Saturn is clearly Stella because she's outta this world
Jumpropeman: a third stella
Gooper Blooper: I'm waiting for the day two characters with the same name enter the Brawl in the same year
Gooper Blooper: The two Sonias just missed each other
Jumpropeman: we got two Veronicas
Jumpropeman: one thankfully already went as Ronnie though
Gooper Blooper: I did remember that one but the Dawnlings had like two or three additional names
RubyChao: true, but one of the Veronicas had- yeah
RubyChao: we haven't had "enter with the same main name" yet
Jumpropeman: we all know Saturn's real name already anyway
Jumpropeman: SATAN
Jumpropeman: at one point the two must meet
Jumpropeman: just for that to happen
Harpy: ivel..
Harpy: we have to do this..
Gooper Blooper: Picture it
Harpy: meanwhile i am just itching to throw troy at her just so my brain can be filled with Sega Saturn knowledge
Gooper Blooper: Saturn enters the bar for the first time ever
Gooper Blooper: IMMEDIATELY neptune pops up and Does The Thing
Draco: Saturn? You mean.............................................NEP?
RubyChao: jrm i do have a serious question
ivel: Saturn has to make someone cry first
RubyChao: do they all follow the pattern
RubyChao: and their real first names start with M, S, and D
Harpy: because troy only had a game boy and pokemon blue that looked like it survived a nuclear bomb
Harpy: he has not played anything other than pokemon
Jumpropeman: yes they do chao
Jumpropeman: and no, Mega is not Megan
Draco: Duh. That's almost as obvious as her real real name: Male, Sale, and Dale.
Jumpropeman: If Megan was her real name, Game gear would call her Meg all the time instead and when confronted say "What! It's a natural shortening of Mega!"
ivel: clearly her name changes to whatever Sheep has the M stand for each day
Gooper Blooper: The Meg's movie poster but it's Mega Drive eating genesis carts like she's dolby


Mystical Sheep: You have solved my poop puzzle.
Mystical Sheep: Huzzah.



RubyChao: "Märchen Mädchen. When the anime aired, a lot of people complained about the animation quality, so much so that after episode 8 aired, Hoods Entertainment announced that they would take a break from airing Episode 9 to improve the quality of the anime, which took them 2 weeks. The result? The quality took an amazing drop, ranging from stilted faces to awkward animations to even the voices not matching the characters, effectively being worse than when it aired."
Jumpropeman: sounds vindictive :V


Mystical Sheep: "The Headless Hoodwoman of Sleepy Hell-ow!"
Mystical Sheep: So Maya's employed, huh?
Jumpropeman: small edit
Jumpropeman: Maya's original plan was separating Betty and the bugs into layers like the hostage scenario, so made a small note to that effect
Jumpropeman: look sheep
Jumpropeman: in the article she won't have the hyphen
Jumpropeman: she's a professional
Draco: Professional what?
RubyChao: ahahahaha
RubyChao: jrm: before sheep told me they wouldn't go past the web
RubyChao: i was going to have betty call out to maya and ask her to do exactly that
RubyChao: i'm glad we're on the same wavelength
Jumpropeman: oh, didn't see your edit!
Jumpropeman: guess I should re-edit :V
Mystical Sheep edits out plot and replaces it with Salvager event
Draco: Moltar shows up and removes his glove, melting all the living metal and Betty too.
Mystical Sheep: And then Piper whacks Betty with her long arms
Mystical Sheep: just to be safe
Draco: Turns out the Green Hell Zone is the Green Hell Zon e because the 'd' and 'r' burned out.
Jumpropeman: edit made
Mystical Sheep: You caught me. I was running Dracoplot this whole time
Jumpropeman: I coulda sworn that barrel was a Salvager
Mystical Sheep: "Hey, whatever works!"
Mystical Sheep: :V
Mystical Sheep: Listen
Draco: The entire Green Hell Zone is a Salvager.
Mystical Sheep: Just because I specifically pointed it out
Jumpropeman: it's collecting that helpful radioactive water you need so much of in any starting universe
Mystical Sheep: and it was in a weird place
Mystical Sheep: and got a picture
Jumpropeman: it was more the art style seemed a lot like it was from the same game as Tenpin and Ming
Mystical Sheep: doesn't mean it's significant
Draco: Sheep makes a good point. I gave Yoshiko a picture and she hasn't been significant at all.
RubyChao: Yoshiwho?
Jumpropeman: Yoshiko, that green dinosaur


Draco: This is getting very interesting. A good mystery. :3
Mystical Sheep: Oh, thanks! Appreciate it
Jumpropeman: mhm
Jumpropeman: i too am eager to see more
Jumpropeman: poke more dirt
Jumpropeman: incinerate more feces


Jumpropeman: hi more people
Jumpropeman: things kicking off soon
Ghengis Jenga joined the chat
Ghengis Jenga: Things?
Ghengis Jenga: Kicking off??
Ghengis Jenga: How dare
Jumpropeman: too bad
Jumpropeman: things have been kicked


Hooded Pitohui: That reminds me, I've been meaning to make it known to you, Goops, that I, for some inexplicable reason that, trust me, I wish I knew, haven't been able to get Megumin going "Kazuma" repeatedly out of my head since I watched that one video. It's like an earworm except not catchy at all.


Hooded Pitohui: I can only hear "F-Zero" in the exact tone it's said in at the start of the F-Zero Medley in Smash
Cornwind Evil: Game over.
Cornwind Evil: Yeah.
Gooper Blooper: Where's your enthusiasm?!
Cornwind Evil: It went on vacation


Draco: "Someone who, if you don't act quickly enough, will be absolutely, positively annihilated by the end of today," <- Clownpiece is arresting Moonface and throwing him in the Bleed. Maybe. ;V
Bree: I'm in favor of moonface murder
Bree: that guy is slimy
Hooded Pitohui: Given his treatment of Claire, I wouldn't be opposed.
Cornwind Evil: I can call Julia.
Bree: I'm in favor of moonface getting julia'd
Mango Mel: I'm honestly more in favor of Clownpiece going Ghidorah on him :V
Gooper Blooper: Definitely been seeing some prime murdalize-tier targets this season
RubyChao: yeah clownpiece has earned this one, lel
Gooper Blooper: Clowpi getting the KO is a good idea, yes
Hooded Pitohui: Clownpiece has indeed.
Mango Mel: I'd personally also like to add explosions and Dia and Kisha possibly DOUBLE METEORING him.
Mango Mel: so basically that's, what, three times the explosions?
RubyChao: and then hecatia kicks him in the (moon)face
ivel: Dia summons Gino to also Meteor
ivel: out of nowhere
Mango Mel: dude we can't do that
Mango Mel: that's illegal
RubyChao: was it banned by
RubyChao: the Ginova Convention
Mango Mel: ppf
Bree: I'm in favor of moonface getting clownpieced
Hooded Pitohui: Boooooo, Chao, boooo I say
Bree: clownface getting moonpieced
ivel: the sound Harpy made at Chao's joke
ivel: amazing
Gooper Blooper: Woody Pop gets the KO
Mystical Sheep: If you give Woody Pop any KOs
Mystical Sheep: I will riot


Mystical Sheep: "Even Mystia Lorelei"
Mystical Sheep: Even Mystia Lorelei is offended!
Gooper Blooper: Even The Asshole Is Disgusted
Mango Mel: oh yeah, fun fact
Mango Mel: mystia's last name inspired kisha's last name
Mango Mel: they are not, in fact, related.
Hooded Pitohui: But Harps, what about our plans to reveal they were sisters all along?
Mango Mel: "MY MOM FUCKED A BIRD?!?"
Gooper Blooper: "A BIRD, MYSTIA"
Mystical Sheep: *Dmitri waddling in*: Mystia, my cousin, let us go rich-finding
Mango Mel: "ye" "THE FUCK, JUAN, WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" "you were too young to understand."
Mystical Sheep: I do miss the A BIRD ZFRP meme.
Gooper Blooper: HP would have enjoyed it
Hooded Pitohui: I'm sorry, there was a bird meme here?
Gooper Blooper: Allow me~
Hooded Pitohui: I must know, Sheep
Hooded Pitohui: Or Goops
Gooper Blooper: As you know, Utsuho Reiuji is, in fact, a bird
Hooded Pitohui: Indeed, indeed
Mystical Sheep: The song of Juan's forbidden love
Gooper Blooper: as in literally a bird, her original form was a bird and then she turned human
Mango Mel: Juan did not fuck a bird.
Gooper Blooper: The bird meme came from SK's characters, Pit and Dirk (Dark Pit), and it was Dirk's reaction to finding out Pit was in love with A Literal Bird
Mystical Sheep: Juan
Hooded Pitohui: So I see.
Gooper Blooper: RubyChao: "'Oh my fucking God, Pit, your girlfriend is a bird! Insert random jumble of swear words here!'" the best dirk impression hahaha
-Gooper Blooper: Dirk asks for Josephine's baby pictures in retaliation
-Gooper Blooper: "NO SEE MINE WAS CUTER"
-RubyChao: oh god now i'm imagining dirk finding out about okuu on his own
-RubyChao: "PIT YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A BIRD!!" "yeah i know" "BUT YOU'RE SHACKING UP WITH A BIRD" "i don't care" "A BIRD, PIT" "go away dirk"

Hooded Pitohui: Pffffft.
ivel: lel
Cornwind Evil: Aurora: Had he stuck with me he just would have had to deal with hot dog jokes.
Hooded Pitohui: You must understand, Dirk, she was a very cute bird.
ivel: HP speaks the truth
RubyChao: i forgot that was Raw's name and I thought of Aurora Argyris for a bit
Hooded Pitohui: I've already stated I have no jerks lined up for next year, I have no new merchants, either. The status of a bird in season 11, however, is currently up in the air...
Cornwind Evil: Dark Matter Utsuho?
Gooper Blooper: trying to find something I made for the A BIRD meme
Gooper Blooper: gotta be here somewhere
Mango Mel: i made a pic of utsuho and pit as birds
RubyChao: draco printed it out
Mango Mel: but that's not really a part of the meme
RubyChao: it's still on the wall
Gooper Blooper: found it
RubyChao: beautiful.
Mango Mel: oh man
Mango Mel: i made a muttley laugh
Cornwind Evil: Pit's girlfriend in another timeline
ivel: A CAT, PIT
Hooded Pitohui: "I careth not" is the correct response


Jumpropeman: srspost
Gooper Blooper: and then moonface got away niark niark the end
Jumpropeman: Moonface events all through September folks
Mystical Sheep: If only Moonface could Gridworks his broken reputation...


Mystical Sheep: Anyway, Woody Pop is dead or something
Mystical Sheep: go home


Jumpropeman: Clownpiece has been amazing, draco touhous are always pretty amazing though
Hooded Pitohui: I have to agree wholeheartedly with JRM on that point. I haven't said, because, well, I would have just keep saying it tonight with each post, but your contribution here has been amazing, Draco
Jumpropeman: really happy with the Moonface arc in general, thank you all for your contributions!
Draco: Aw shucks. ^_^
RubyChao: you're welcome!
Jumpropeman: such a despicable waste of life really brought out good stuff from everyone =D


Jumpropeman: "Rachel takes an extra hunk on top of that"
Jumpropeman: Saturn comes running
RubyChao: don't lie to saturn
Gooper Blooper: it's not that kind of hunk saturn
Jumpropeman: she knew it was too good to be true
Jumpropeman: no way would there be EXTRA hunks
Jumpropeman: they're a scarce resource
Draco: Andrew Carver is single, Saturn, and RICH!
Jumpropeman: hubba hubba!


Draco: "Heh... it was. I guess even a little explosion can have a big impact if you use it right." <- The moral this plot needed all along.
Jumpropeman: I did appreciate the small Megumin development even if it is out of necessity :V
Gooper Blooper: I've been going the JRM route with Megumin
Gooper Blooper: she learns something every event she attends as I try to make her powerset more suitable for RP
RubyChao: and sometimes she still gets to use the really big explosion
RubyChao: when she earns it
RubyChao: it's like how pitohui's reward for chardev was beating up an old musician!
Gooper Blooper: it's like turning in your gold stars for a treat


Jumpropeman: we GOTTA clear the air on Woody Pop
Jumpropeman: I'm getting fan mail from all sorts of flounders demanding answers
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: dropbox making it bigger just made it worse
Gooper Blooper: I used Dropbox's auto-screen-filling to my advantage this time
Gooper Blooper: I thought about making it bigger, then remembered DB would do it for me
Jumpropeman: and I approved your comment so now it's on the game hoard as well
Jumpropeman: fun fact: Kirby's Pinball Land is Game Boy while Pokemon Pinball is Game Boy Color
Gooper Blooper: I did think of that
Gooper Blooper: so you could sneak Kirby in there at least
Jumpropeman: I'm unsure about touching any Kirby game ever again, just in case I want to do a sequel Kirby Blitz
Gooper Blooper: There's enough Kirby games you could spare one! Though clearly this means it's too late and Pinball Land missed the cut :V
Gooper Blooper: Probably played Revenge Of The Gator instead
Jumpropeman: *Revenge of the 'Gator
Jumpropeman: I don't like the apostrophe
RubyChao: says the man who writes Fite 'Yer Mates
Jumpropeman: *Fite Yer' Mates
Jumpropeman: I don't really like that apostrophe either but we're too deep in
Gooper Blooper: let it go JRM
Jumpropeman: BlueCollarBeaver's legacy continues through that apostrophe!
Gooper Blooper: his legacy is his Ten-Way Tussle trophy!
Jumpropeman: it's shaped like an apostrophe
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: "I literally fell into a new cave nobody had found, which turned out to be the most important part of the whole dig!"
Jumpropeman: they found an entire child in that cave! It was an unprecedented discovery!
MobileDraco: Amazing!
RubyChao: :O
Jumpropeman: she had the devil's hair, so they named her Hellgirl
RubyChao: you're right, this was actually kanade's origin story the whole time
Jumpropeman: "humans wielding the power of kaiju"
Jumpropeman: Clownpiece uses her kaiju powers to eat hot dogs faster
MobileDraco: canon
Mystical Sheep: She uses a gravity beam to compress a bunch of hot dogs into The 'Dog.
Jumpropeman: that reminds me there was some brand of roll where I'd just bunch it up into an Orb of Bread to eat it because it tasted better that way
RubyChao: the Borb
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: THE DOG
Jumpropeman: nuff said
Gooper Blooper: one of those things that I was just baffled at when it was popular
Mystical Sheep: It's dog Funko Pops.
Gooper Blooper: "so they use perspective to make the dog have a big nose and... that's it"
RubyChao: ah, no wonder you're confused
RubyChao: it involves noses
RubyChao: and we all know how you feel about those
Mobile Pitohui: Oh my, I had forgotten about those dogs, and yet now I recall them, plain as day.


Jumpropeman: "Nadine can 'dance' well"
Jumpropeman: someone call Miror B
Gooper Blooper: link
Brinehammer: canon
RubyChao: but only in the bedroom


Jumpropeman: "and Miko simply has that staff thing she carries."
Jumpropeman: Miko's world famous The Staff Thing
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure that staff thing is a spanking paddle
Jumpropeman: here she come to spank
Gooper Blooper: she brought her pet owl, and you know what they say about pets looking like their owners
Jumpropeman: "She holds a shaku"
MobileDraco: Shaku shaku
Jumpropeman: *edits the wikipedia page on Shaku to say "spanking paddle" before anyone looks it up*
Gooper Blooper: SPANKO!
MobileDraco: Too late.
Jumpropeman: "The Hu was originally used at court for the taking of notes and was usually made of bamboo. Officials could record speaking notes on the tablet ahead of the audience, and record the emperor's instructions during the audience. Likewise the emperor could use it for notes during ceremonies. It eventually became a ritual implement. It also became customary for officials to shield their mouths with their hu when speaking to the emperor."
Jumpropeman: Hu being another name for Shaku
Gooper Blooper: so this is the 1hu I've heard so much about
Jumpropeman: "with the proliferation of paper, the hu became a ceremonial instrument."
Jumpropeman: freaking paper
Jumpropeman: killing the hu industry
Jumpropeman: "The hu fell out of use in the Qing dynasty. The greater ceremonial deference demanded by Qing emperors meant that officials had to greet the emperor by kowtowing, making it impractical to carry the hu to an audience."
Jumpropeman: freaking BOWING
Gooper Blooper: Millennials strike again!
Mobile Pitohui: Goops beat me to it, but I'm quite impressed by that lovely lady in the above picture... and the Miko standing next to her is cool, too, I suppose.
Gooper Blooper: HP roleplays as Mikowl next season
Mobile Pitohui: A tempting thought.


Cornwind Evil: And then an Ottoia worm ate Rip Cheato.
Gooper Blooper: PROBLEM SOLVED
Jumpropeman: oh man Rip Cheato is one of those names that just engraved itself in my brain and rises unbidden pretty much all the time :V
Gooper Blooper: Time to think about him some more then!!
Jumpropeman: Rip Cheato is too #relatable for a guy named Rip Cheato
Jumpropeman: I liked Origami King a lot
Jumpropeman: but the world needs Rip Cheato like characters
Gooper Blooper: Of course, Dolby compared him to a donut because I did the same thing as a kid
Gooper Blooper: just this inexplicable donut man living in the sewer
Jumpropeman: I have no idea what to call him
Jumpropeman: I just accepted this anglerfish man as his own thing


ITS A GLOOM EATER: i'm just glad that i just need ONE day
ITS A GLOOM EATER: there's another plot i have in mind inbetween that can serve as one more straw, but the camel's back isn't quite broken... it's getting there
ITS A GLOOM EATER: mostly addressing problems like Maya and "Beauregard....?"
Gooper Blooper: Maya's a huge problem
Jumpropeman: maya IS a problem yes
Jumpropeman: haha
RubyChao: maya is the biggest problem
ITS A GLOOM EATER: time to assassinate her
Gooper Blooper: I solve practical problems


Bree: good news chao we've confirmed that this particular variant of vampire is capable of lactation


Mystical Sheep: "Second place again..."
Mystical Sheep: Wacky Tracky strikes again!
Mystical Sheep: Well that's a good win. I feel like the character can get something out of that.
Jumpropeman: clearly Game Gear is holding her back
Mystical Sheep: Aaaand read
Mystical Sheep: Finally
Mystical Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: alright chao, now it's time to post the race
Jumpropeman: and when you're done, pitohui swings in with dym
RubyChao: i presume you mean right this minute
Jumpropeman: of course
Jumpropeman: back to back to back
Cornwind Evil: Here I'll handle it
Jumpropeman: Cornwind writes all the other racers in one big pile-up while Joy saunters to the finish line unopposed
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between Nova, Air Bud, Denise, Nibbles, Mel, Avox, Panty, Tsubara, JimBob, Motormer, Gino and Mystery. Chatzy chose: Mystery
Bree: did
Bree: did you forget hina
Bree: et tu, cornwind? *dies*
MobileDraco: It's her curse.
Cornwind Evil: Darn it.
Cornwind Evil: Unknown give it back
Bree: also forgot vinny
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between Nova, Air Bud, Denise, Nibbles, Mel, Avox, Panty, Tsubara, JimBob, Vinny, Motormer, Hina, Gino and Mystery. Chatzy chose: Mystery
Cornwind Evil: ....IT IS MEANT TO BE
Cornwind Evil: Just let me check something
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between Nova, Air Bud, Denise, Nibbles, Mel, Avox, Panty, Tsubara, JimBob, Vinny, Motormer, Hina, Gino and Mystery. Chatzy chose: Air Bud
Cornwind Evil: Just wanted to make sure it wouldn't somehow give me the same result
Jumpropeman: and the mystery racer
Jumpropeman: is Air Bud's wife
Jumpropeman: dogs win either way
Draco joined the chat
Draco starts blasting.
Jumpropeman: blasting B-Dawg's rap jams you mean
Draco: cover the sound of Nibbles shooting dogs.
Jumpropeman: shooting hops with dogs you mean
Jumpropeman: *hoops
Bree: nibbles, no! put the gun down! zeldoten can do it, because you're supposed to be driving!
Draco: Nope. Hops. Nibbles will get them to drink and drive!
Cornwind Evil: Nibbles is disqualified for promoting bad behavior behind the wheel
Cornwind Evil: Yes, it's right here.
Cornwind Evil: Rule 876, Sub-Category 6.
Cornwind Evil: "Crustaceans cannot present behavior that is dangerous to themselves or others as admirable or something to aspire to."
Draco: Oh! Well, in that case, it's a good thing Nibbles isn't some kind of ne'er-do-well.
Cornwind Evil: -Distant yelling- "He stole my heart pills...!"
Draco: Nibbles answers back. "......"
Jumpropeman: he stole my flintstones vitamins!
Jumpropeman: now how will I have the energy to yabba dabba dab on him?
Cornwind Evil: Fun trivia fact
Cornwind Evil: The script had Fred yelling just a normal "Yahoo"
Cornwind Evil: But his voice actor said "Can I say Yabba dabba doo here instead?"
Cornwind Evil: They let him and a new set of words was invented
Jumpropeman: in an alternate universe, the website is called instead since they didn't want to be mixed up with Fred's catchphrase
Cornwind Evil: Then what website replaced Google?
Jumpropeman: in this alternate universe Jeeves broke free of his website and started consuming all competitors
Jumpropeman: was a short-lived rival before he joined the Askollective
RubyChao: when's Jeeves in rp
Jumpropeman: I just need the right angle
Bree: jeeves has always been in RP
Bree: in fact
Cornwind Evil pulls off his face.
Bree: jeeves is in your house
Bree: right now
Cornwind Evil changed name to Jeeves
Bree: behind you
Jumpropeman: Jeeves is like a Japanese horror story
Jumpropeman: he's going to ask you a question that you have to answer correctly or he'll kill you
Jeeves: It turns out the question was "What is your favorite color?"
Jumpropeman: apparently
Jeeves: (I wouldn't get thrown off the bridge, it IS blue)
Jumpropeman: there is (was?) an Ask Jeeves iphone app
Draco: Maybe, Chao, you should ask Jeeves when he'll be in RP.
Jeeves changed name to Cornwind Evil
Bree: he can't, he's being violently murdered by jeeves right now
Bree: he'll get back to you
Jumpropeman: they made a 3D model of Jeeves for it
Jumpropeman: and I can't find an image of it in decent quality
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: >why am i back
RubyChao: i don't think i want to know the answer.
Mystical Sheep quietly adds Jeeves to Salvagers while JRM is being brutally murdered


Jumpropeman: this is why Mega doesn't get to make items
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Gale doesn't smile. D:
Jumpropeman: she was told to make a bird beak shape with her mouth
Jumpropeman: it just looks like a smile
Draco: Ah. That makes more sense then.


Draco joined the chat 71 minutes ago
Draco: Alright, new computer is set up and connected to the Internet. :)
Bree joined the chat 64 minutes ago
RubyChao joined the chat 64 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 64 minutes ago

Jumpropeman: here comes the team
Jumpropeman: all within a minute of each other :V
Bree: avengers assemble
Jumpropeman: this is us three in the back
Jumpropeman: coolest kids in school
RubyChao: who's in front, draco?
Jumpropeman: he's upset because we're taking credit for his graffiti
Bree: squad goals
Jumpropeman: i'm obviously bottom left girl with her arms up
Jumpropeman: I want to be the cool one on the boxes
Jumpropeman: but I know the truth
Draco: I'm in the back because I have glasses.
Bree: most of ZFRP has glasses
The Deleter: Glasses boy here


Gooper Blooper: A Disaster Report in video form
Bree: someone's hedging in on jrm's market???
Bree: we gotta kill 'em!
Bree: avengers assemble!!
Gooper Blooper: They did Rogue Warrior too but I haven't watched that one yet
Jumpropeman: I can't be upset with Quiet Man
Jumpropeman: it's just so fascinating
Jumpropeman: I can be upset that I had to play through it twice though
Gooper Blooper: XD
dork: ow


dork: the thick accent was a clear idea, though now i'm bout to slap some binches. miracles may happen
Draco: It'd take a miracle to understand what she's saying.
dork: honestly, i had such a hard time trying to read it that i stopped trying :V
Draco: There were even instances where I changed letters back to what they were supposed to be to make it a bit more readable. I will be glad if the Gene Queen never speaks again. ^_^;
dork: clearly i cast silence then we purify her with the miracle maidens double decker booty slam
dork: something something throw gale at her too before gale gets stuck playing gun gale online all day
Jumpropeman: Gale's gonna bring a whole package of batteries that day
Jumpropeman: That's how you know she's serious
Draco: Including Sanae makes it just 1.5 booty slam.
Jumpropeman: so that's why Sanae squirms in her chairs so much
dork: there's more than enough kisha to make up for it. she'll get curves for days.
Jumpropeman: Kisha presses up against Sanae, transferring curves to the shrine maiden
Jumpropeman: Puddlenaut on the sidelines with a steamed up porthole
RubyChao: sanae's just top heavy
dork: i don't know if allowing gene queen to motorboat two girls at once will release her from the curse...
Draco: We won't know until we try.
Mystical Sheep waves PG-13 sign
Draco throws the PG-13 sign in the Green Hell Zone with the rest of the blankets.

Mystical Sheep: You fool
Mystical Sheep: Struck down, it will only rise up
Mystical Sheep: more powerful than you have here known
Draco: Good.
Mystical Sheep in the radiation of the GHZ, the "13" fades from the sign leaving only..."PG".
Draco: Now only Sheep RP is left. Everyone else is removed from the schedule. Now we have two months of daily Green Hell Zone plot to finish uncovering the mystery. :)
Mystical Sheep: Denied.
Draco: *shocked Pikachu face*


Del: todays big galaxy del brain move
Del: sell ALL my steam cards en masse
Del: currently i have made
Del: £1.57
Draco: Excellent.
Draco: That's, like, $21000 American, I think. ;)
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Del: lol


Mystified Sheep:
Jumpropeman: having the human face visible
Jumpropeman: makes it seem like the guy inside is really fat
ivel: maybe he is
Jumpropeman: you break open the suit
Jumpropeman: he's that exact shape


RubyChao: i took a nap earlier
RubyChao: and i had a dream that dracoplot's big twist reveal
RubyChao: is that every remaining villain in it was actually a different Hibiki from a different universe
ivel: well now he needs to change it


RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: spy felt you should see this
Gooper Blooper: add a cute anime girl eating a donut and that's my RP


dork: i've just been listening to pokemon remixes while running Longa
dork: basically indiana jones-ing it
dork: could take some inspiration from this
Jumpropeman: by RPing LEGO Indiana Jones?
dork: no, it's Boshi as Indiana Jones.
Jumpropeman: *looks at Agama plans with "actually RP LEGO Indiana Jones" on them*


RubyChao: posted
RubyChao: betty doesn't have much to do here, unfortunately
Mystified Sheep: aaaaa
Mystified Sheep: I'm sorry T_T
RubyChao: it's okay! it happens all the time
RubyChao: like in general
Jumpropeman: they call it Betty's Curse
RubyChao: i didn't mean to single out betty like that :V
Mystified Sheep Betty jumps into the scrap, saving the day


Bree: for some reason the idea of simone comparing scars with jared is just funny
Working from Del: haha
Bree: partly because very few people are gonna have scars as cool as simone's
Working from Del: yeah they won't be
Working from Del: jared's will be like "here's where I got stabbed the second time"
Bree: but also because "comparing them" suggests that they're both gonna show theirs off and jared has like two or three little ones maybe and then simone just has like scars everywhere
Bree: and they're obvious because she doesn't intentionally hide them so like
Working from Del: lmao
Bree: I'm just imagining simone like... showing up in pants and a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie or something
Bree: and being like "okay let's compare scars. ren is going to be the judge. take off your shirt jared" and then simone just does nothing
Bree: if jared tries to point out most of her scars are covered up she's just like "nah I'm good. it's kinda cold"
Bree: finally simone admits this was all for the purpose of making jared take off his shirt. that's it. that's all it was
Working from Del: hahahaha holy shit
Working from Del: "You could have just asked."
Bree: "I mean, yeah, but what's the fun in that"
Working from Del: srspost
Working from Del: "yeah, alright. Fair enough."
Bree: "plus you're banging my sister. it's totally improper for me to just ask you to take off your shirt. this is a sitcom and I have to contrive the stupidest possible reason"
Working from Del: kek


Draco: "Will the world ever have enough of Troy?" <- I hope not.
Draco: "he'd have to actually LIVE here! and while not terrible ,that'd drive up electricity bills and get him booted out." <- Troy's hosting the first LAN party in Valhalla. Everyone bring your PC; we're playing Halo.
Harpy: "sorry i turned your bar into an internet cafe"
Bree: I think ZF corp is just resigned to the bar having ridiculously high bills and stuff
Bree: like... kobbers do/need weird shit so I feel like a randomly super expensive electric bill or water bill is just something they've accounted for
Bree: they have an "unpredictable expenses outta nowhere" section of the budget
Harpy: i'm sure they still turn a profit because i'm sure most kobbers are apologetic about "oh hey sorry i fucked up the bathroom and summoned a kraken in there" and leave a juicy tip in response
Harpy: or most of them would.
Bree: that section of the budget also covers stuff like "we have a person who visits the bar sometimes and likes to drink bleach. this is the money set aside to buy such things"
Bree: I mean not that the bar didn't already have bleach before trace but the bleach was for cleaning. somebody had to be like "okay this bleach is for drinking. man the things we gotta keep in stock here, whew"
Harpy: Juan wonders if they should sign waiver forms for that.
Bree: somewhere out there is definitely some legal fine print like "listen if you roll up to our bar and ask to drink bleach we're not going to stop you. it's not our fault if you make bad decisions"
Bree: "here at the king of beasts the customer is always right and that means if you were hoping we wouldn't let you consume radioactive waste by the barrelful then you're in the wrong bar"
Draco: Look, don't judge Utsuho's beverage choice.
RubyChao: unyu.


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: ringthulhu is a better logo than three circles stretched in photoshop imo
Gooper Blooper: graphic designers: we have completed our four initial designs
exec: what about the fifth one
graphic designers: we never made a fifth one, sir
exec: [eyes bleeding]
the fifth one
RubyChao: i'm laughing at how many people are going
RubyChao: "yeah this is just a kirby boss"
Jumpropeman: it's dark matter's cousin for 2021 plot


Jumpropeman: Press her hat and ????
Gooper Blooper: I've been meaning to ask
Gooper Blooper: Is Giggle a living toy in RP, or just a very small woman a la Inch High?
Jumpropeman: she's a very small woman!
Gooper Blooper: neat
Gooper Blooper: I thought that might be the case
Jumpropeman: Inch did not have to date a toy to find a lady
Gooper Blooper: "A TOY, INCH" "stop it theodore"
Jumpropeman: "SHE! IS! A TOY!"
Gooper Blooper: a child's plaything
Jumpropeman: Hening would have absolutely no backbone left if he took instructions from a two inch toy
Jumpropeman: *three inch
Jumpropeman: I forgot how HUGE she was
Gooper Blooper: that extra inch makes all the difference
Gooper Blooper: Inch likes em tall
Jumpropeman: Giggle is almost as big as your pointer finger!
Gooper Blooper: she could look my blind bag jurassic world figs right in the eye!!
Jumpropeman: giggle definitely has dinosaur toys
Jumpropeman: giggle definitely rides them and pretends she is giant
Gooper Blooper: perfect


Bree: ven in the session just now
Bree: "it's the future pharaoh of calimshan, gordon ramses"
Bree: collective groaning was made
Jumpropeman: ow
Gooper Blooper: return the lamb sauce or suffer his curse


Jumpropeman: I started watching a video called Sony's Three Biggest Mistakes and during the intro they show a Playstation with Omega Boost next to it
Jumpropeman: darn, Omega Boost goes for 18 bucks
Jumpropeman: that's out of my "lel let's buy it" range


RubyChao: so a while back, i was at a used bookstore, and i picked up a complete set of The Adventures of Solar Pons
RubyChao: the famous detective good at analyzing things from a mere glance
RubyChao: who works out of 7B Praed Street in london, with the help of his faithful companion, Dr. Lyndon Parker
RubyChao: if this sounds familiar... yes. yes it is.
RubyChao: solar pons is funny because it's a guy who asked arthur conan doyle "can i write more sherlock holmes", was told no, and then decided "i guess i'll write more sherlock holmes anyway but slightly tweak it"
Jumpropeman: sounds just like that film Sherlock Gnomes
Mystified Sheep: Solar Pons for Salvagers
Gooper Blooper: darn, I was just about to quote wikipedia
Gooper Blooper: "On hearing that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had no plans to write more Holmes stories, the young Derleth wrote to Conan Doyle, asking permission to take over the series. Conan Doyle graciously declined the offer, but Derleth, despite having never been to London, set about finding a name that was syllabically similar to Sherlock Holmes, and wrote his first set of pastiches. He would ultimately write more stories about Pons than Conan Doyle did about Holmes."
RubyChao: yep
Mystified Sheep: Not Sherlock Gnomes though
RubyChao: there's even a not-Mycroft
Mystified Sheep: Keep that in the trash
Jumpropeman: you're right
Jumpropeman: we have to do Gnomeo and Juliet first
Jumpropeman: or things will make NO sense
RubyChao: don't think there's a knockoff Moriarty though
RubyChao: anyhow this is why used bookstores are fun, you find random things you'd never pick up otherwise
Gooper Blooper: *Rip Cheato intensifies*
Jumpropeman: has anyone in this chat brought up Sherlock Holmes of the 22nd Century before
RubyChao: i think so!
RubyChao: -i think my favorite touch is that rather than pretend it's totally original
RubyChao: sherlock holmes is solidly canon to solar pons
RubyChao: and the latter greatly admires the former
Jumpropeman: what an awful intro
Jumpropeman: you can tell the person putting it together both just found all the options in their sound mixer AND all the visual options in the video editor
Jumpropeman: so many transparent bleeds between scenes
Gooper Blooper: dat 1999 CGI
RubyChao: i thought jrm was exaggerating but holy shit no
RubyChao: i love the constant pointless swaying
Jumpropeman: IT'S MORE DYNAMIC
RubyChao: god that was so hilariously incoherent
Jumpropeman: they repeat the title so much so you don't forget what this is meant to be for
Gooper Blooper: but is it better than Dick Tracy, who is a good cop?
RubyChao: but only a GOOD cop
Jumpropeman: you don't want him to get a big head
Jumpropeman: Diiiiick TRACY! He does his job!
Jumpropeman: Diiiick TRACY! Got no complaints!
Jumpropeman: C'TARI! He's a good bug!


RubyChao: holy shit
Gooper Blooper: A good use of ten years
Jumpropeman: Barbarapedia
Gooper Blooper: "This is the equivalent of the French Wikipedia being written as 'Ooh La La, le French Wikipedia'"


Mystified Sheep: fjgfjgfjlsgjiodf
Mystified Sheep grumbling
Mystified Sheep: Man, I gotta stop doing plots
Mystified Sheep: Next year, you and this guy fight and that's it :I
Draco: Will there still be a school bus?
Mystified Sheep: No.
Jumpropeman: sheep's villains just standing in a line
Jumpropeman: grabbing a number and waiting their turn to be punched
Mystified Sheep: Yes.
Mystified Sheep: No locations either
Gooper Blooper: joke's on you, sheep, Stella's entering BBB11 and the bus is her weapon
Draco: :O
Jumpropeman: don't get my hopes up goop
Mystified Sheep: I'd love to see that actually
Mystified Sheep: because she'd be running back and forth, up and down the bus to use the different stations without a team
Draco: My plot next year is about fighting fires. No supervillains, just accidents.
Jumpropeman: time to RP Sparky
RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: sparky actually appeared in RP
Jumpropeman: i thought so
Mystified Sheep: Oh yeah
Mystified Sheep: That did happen
Mystified Sheep: It actually happened
RubyChao: yeah he was a Danai summon in S5
RubyChao: -so guys, now that i've gotten to put Dark Matter Maria as her own thing
RubyChao: *pulls out list*
RubyChao: mind if i request like five more as their own thing
RubyChao: even when it doesn't make sense to shove them in
Jumpropeman: only if its the five sense gnomes and you're stealing them from sheep
RubyChao: i could NEVER
Gooper Blooper: gnomeplot
Gooper Blooper: each one gets their own event
Jumpropeman: and the final boss
Jumpropeman: is Sherlock Gnomes
Mystified Sheep: No.
Gooper Blooper: I believe you mean
Gooper Blooper: Gnome.
Jumpropeman: you're right
Jumpropeman: we need to do Gnomeo and Juliet first
Jumpropeman: or it's gonna make NO sense
Mystified Sheep: You already made that joke!
Mystified Sheep: Tonight!
Jumpropeman: I can't believe these accusations
Jumpropeman: I'll have you know I changed the wording
Jumpropeman: the Solar Pons of jokes


Jumpropeman: found *evil* miki
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Jill is evil *Kira*?
RubyChao: We should have known.
RubyChao: Did we ever see them in the same room at the same time!?
Draco: link
RubyChao: and now draco confirms dorothy is part of the ruse!
Jumpropeman: somebody acknowledged Dorothy! PULL THE ALARM
Gooper Blooper adds Dorothy to cast
RubyChao: in the end goops just RPs everyone from the game
RubyChao: even stabs Draco and takes Miki from him
Jumpropeman: whenever I'm on pinterest going through the latest Valhalla stuff it has thrown in my face it's like a torrent of Jill, a good chunk of Stella and Dana, smatterings of Miki and Streaming-chan, and then Dorothy, who I have never clicked on, trying to fill the rest of the space
Jumpropeman: sometimes alma or sei slip in
Jumpropeman: I've tried to get Beatrice but I don't think there's enough fanart for pinterest to pull consistently :V
Draco: He...already...has.... 😱
Draco dies.
Mystified Sheep: Oh no.
Mystified Sheep rifles through his pockets


Jumpropeman: I've started playing Neptune vs. Sega
Jumpropeman: and I now realize at some point
Jumpropeman: I will hear english voices for the hard girls
Jumpropeman: I'm not prepared for the uguu
Jumpropeman: Neptune makes her debut!
Jumpropeman: she's not even a motorcycle!
Jumpropeman: was I deceived?
Jumpropeman: and Saturn just sounds like a normal person :V


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman breaks the silence
Mystified Sheep joined the chat

Jumpropeman: hi sheep
Mystified Sheep repairs the silence
Mystified Sheep: Hello
Mystified Sheep: It's me
Mystified Sheep: Local colorful personality M Sheep
Jumpropeman: those colors being beige, eggshell white, and old lace
Mystified Sheep: Now, I shall sit here in silence while I poke around outside and grab some food


Mystified Sheep: "Please be prepared to do something about this..."
Mystified Sheep Deathborn activates the nuclear warheads
Hooded Pitohui: Deathborn launches Olympia into the sun in the mayoral equivalent of burning down a house to kill a spider inside of it


(Sheep posts a shirtless Marlow Briggs)

Mystified Sheep: srspost
Derpderp: ...
Derpderp: my stupid bi signal is shining up there in the sky
Derpderp: i must go
Derpderp: i cannot help with plot
Mystified Sheep: :I
Derpderp: sorry, i know a hot dude when i see one
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Gooper Blooper: Saturn.
Mystified Sheep removes Marlow Briggs from roster
Jumpropeman: link
Mystified Sheep crt+alt+del
Derpderp: you knew what you were doing.
Mystified Sheep: I very much did not
Gooper Blooper: he's even specified as VERY shirtless instead of, like, only a little shirtless
Mystified Sheep: Your GHZ guide has always been Dmitri
Mystified Sheep exorcises Marlow Briggs from history
Jumpropeman: *prepares to write another saturn post before chao posts again*
Jumpropeman: this is what happens when you let her out of her cage :I
Gooper Blooper: do it
Mystified Sheep throws blanket over cage
Derpderp: leave Blanket out of this!
RubyChao: i asked for saturn and i am receiving very well
Mystified Sheep: "Please hold on! You can't do that! We need that power station!"
Mystified Sheep: Guys
Mystified Sheep: Have we just tried
Mystified Sheep: talking
Mystified Sheep: to the scrap?
Mystified Sheep: Maybe they're just misunderstood
Mystified Sheep drains Marlow Briggs
Mystified Sheep: Totally redeemable.
Mystified Sheep: I'LL DO IT AGAIN
Jumpropeman: another srspost
Mystified Sheep dread
Mystified Sheep: ...My fears were justified.


Jumpropeman: srspost
Mystified Sheep dread level rises
Gooper Blooper: again, sheep
Gooper Blooper: you did this
Derpderp: you brought this upon yourself.
Derpderp: you made your choice. now it's time to live with it.
Mystified Sheep: I'm innocent, I tell ya!
Mystified Sheep: I'm a victim of society!
Hooded Pitohui: Don't have a hunk if you aren't prepared for someone like Saturn to come out of the woodworks with a particular brand of funk.
Mystified Sheep: I can't help he runs around ninety percent of the game shirtless
Mystified Sheep: "although his gripe was with Kobber methodology rather than Saturn specifically."
Mystified Sheep: But also Saturn.
RubyChao: i mean in fairness
RubyChao: i was the one who asked for saturn
RubyChao: and
Mystified Sheep: I regret some things


RubyChao: "The Québécois dub of King of the Hill (Henri pis sa gang) places the story in small-town Quebec (Ste-Irène) rather than Texas, making for some odd representations of Quebec (such as warm-weathered and football-crazy). The episode involving former Texas governor Ann Richards simply pretended she was Quebec-based Senator Lise Bacon.
The funniest part is when it's clear they can't get away so for one episode they are back in Texas, such as when Hank discovered he was born in New York or when it was about the American flag, the Hill teleport back to Texas for the length of the episode."

Gooper Blooper: eat your maple syrup, hank
Jumpropeman: there's a whole king of the hell episode about canadians moving in and being a nuisance
Gooper Blooper: KING OF THE HELL
RubyChao: king of the hell


RubyChao: "The single most important thing about Guiding Light is that it may be the longest recorded continuous narrative in the entire history of mankind. If you wanted to experience the entire show from beginning to end, and you could do so on a 24-hours-a-day schedule with no breaks, you would need around eighteen months to get through it all."
RubyChao: soap operas are powerful
Jumpropeman: the amount of character revivals and deaths could put zfrp to shame


RubyChao: so goops, what part of ingen plot is this
Gooper Blooper: I can always tell when a video got slapped with For Kids thanks to the wall of peppa pig thumbnails when it ends
RubyChao: peppa pig
RubyChao: and her mortal enemy
RubyChao: lucina
Gooper Blooper: I'm rooting for Lucina


RubyChao: reminder
RubyChao: Taito was so callously evil
RubyChao: not even being a Cute Anime Girl (TM) saved her
Mystified Sheep: Sorry
Mystified Sheep: It's a reflex
Gooper Blooper: From the dropbox archives
RubyChao: miu has done nothing wrong in her life, ever
Draco: Lucy supports her daughter's sticky nut juice.
ivel: it's okay, Sheep
Mystified Sheep suspicion
ivel: we all know Ranamon will be your main next year
Mystified Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: totally different ranamon, no memory of 2019
Gooper Blooper: still a bitch
Draco: Did someone say we're bringing back Ranamon because Sheep thinks she's super neato? :D
Mystified Sheep: No
Mystified Sheep: No one
Mystified Sheep: Not a soul
Draco: Well, you should say it. :I
Draco: We'll RP an Angemon for her to date.
Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: CANON


Lara is Lost (Lara Falls To Her Death Again) joined the chat
Hooded Pitohui: I'm not sure who Lara is but every time Cornwind joins the chat I become more concerned for her.
Gooper Blooper: Lara Croft, judging from last night's messages
Gooper Blooper: from Tomb Raider
Hooded Pitohui: (I know, I just enjoy how interesting his name changes sound out of context.)
RubyChao: plot twist
RubyChao: it's actually Lara from Golf Story
Lara is Lost: So I need to find a merchant
Lara is Lost: Run all over the city trying to remember
Lara is Lost: 20 minutes later
Lara is Lost: Get tired of it, look up a map
Lara is Lost: The merchant moves
Lara is Lost: Go running across city looking at all possible spots
Lara is Lost: Finally find her
Lara is Lost: ....she doesn't sell what I needed to begin with
Lara is Lost: The merchant in the main store marked on my map does


Jumpropeman: "Nep Bull"
Jumpropeman: by god she has a brand deal
Gooper Blooper: she is the protagonist after all
ivel: :U
Mystified Sheep: more like proto-antagonist!
Gooper Blooper: more like
Gooper Blooper: former tertiary antagonist


Jumpropeman: AHHH
Jumpropeman: Segami's voice actress is EDEA!
Gooper Blooper: ...
Derpderp: well then
Jumpropeman: I knew I recognized that pouty voice
RubyChao: aHA
RubyChao: that does explain the vibe!
RubyChao: yep yep
Derpderp: i don't know anything.
Derpderp: :D
Jumpropeman: I patreon request that harpy play sega hard girls-
Gooper Blooper: *automatically likes Segami a little more for being related to Edea*
Jumpropeman: Saturn with this normal ass voice
Gooper Blooper: Oh, JRM, wait until you hear Mega Drive
Gooper Blooper: I was not prepared.
RubyChao: man
RubyChao: the sega hard girls from the game feel weird now
RubyChao: they're all too... normal
RubyChao: they need JRM personalities
RubyChao: their Real personalities
Gooper Blooper: Dreamcast and Game Gear sound like I expected they would
Gooper Blooper: Saturn and Mega not so much
Derpderp: i need some time to play it
Derpderp: and i might need to get it on my playstation
Derpderp: because it doesn't run smoothly on my computer at all
Gooper Blooper: good thing it's multiplat
Jumpropeman: im playing it on vita!
Jumpropeman: i got the limited edition ages ago
Derpderp: vita has found a use... except not really
RubyChao: sega ages ago, even
Jumpropeman: with the IF pillow case that I will never use
RubyChao: well of course not
RubyChao: you'd need it to be a Mega Drive pillowcase
Jumpropeman: i am disappointed it wasn't the hard girls yes :I
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: too much neptunia in this neptunia game
Jumpropeman: that's actually how my vita looks now
Jumpropeman: it's a sticker
Derpderp: >orange heart
Jumpropeman: I should look at the art book sometime
Draco: >Iffy pillow
Derpderp: :o!
RubyChao: oh it's just a normal iffy pillow
Gooper Blooper: if only I had a pillow that would fit that case
RubyChao: i legitimately thought you meant a dakimakura
Gooper Blooper: I looked it up because I had to know if they'd given JRM a fucking dakimakura with his vita game
RubyChao: *googles*
RubyChao: well the original three hard girls have had dakimakuras made, apparently!
RubyChao: i am... not linking them!
Gooper Blooper: I liked Iffy in 2019 but Nep Vs Hard Girls really increased my enjoyment of her, she's a great character
Jumpropeman: oh mama
Gooper Blooper: remember the cirno pillows
Jumpropeman: they still crop up around Kuwahawi like a pest
Jumpropeman: seagulls drag them back into town
Jumpropeman: local kids say if you see one, you have to say Cirno is the Best nine times or she appears and TALKS to you
Draco: They appear in commercials about pollution in the ocean.
Mystified Sheep: Next Layer of Green Hell: It's Cirno Pillows.
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: too cool


RubyChao: i've got very bad news for sheep
RubyChao: tragic news
RubyChao: painful news
RubyChao: since she's not evil at all, we're keeping sally
Hooded Pitohui: It's a burden to bear, Chao, but we can find some way to live with it
Mystified Sheep lays on his deathbed

(Chao posts again...)

Hooded Pitohui: "Oh, but there was this guy in a weird metal mask! He called himself Death Gun and liked to talk about his Death Gun. Which he said would bring death. The death of the Death Gun." Oh god, please, Chao, no
Mystified Sheep: CHAAAAAAOBERT!
Jumpropeman: chao is trying to kill sheep
RubyChao: time to retcon Enzo into being someone from Fire Force
RubyChao: hey sheep i need a fourth anime that makes you suffer
Mystified Sheep: There's so many, they're blocking me from pulling out a single, coherent name
RubyChao: that's called automatic self-defense reactions, sheep
Gooper Blooper: This plot is getting better with every post.
Gooper Blooper: Tamaki comes back to help us save the day
Gooper Blooper: Curse lifted by Hina, she becomes the hero she always wanted to be
Hooded Pitohui: ...brb, grabbing Tamaki's text color from my archives for... purposes
Mystified Sheep continues building funeral pyre
Gooper Blooper: we oneshot dalton, saying it was boring to kill him
RubyChao: only AFTER he hulks up, goops
Gooper Blooper: well that goes without saying
Gooper Blooper: make sure you set up beforehand that he has a really unique and interesting power first
Mystified Sheep: Terrible people
RubyChao: we only do this because we love you, sheep
Mystified Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: It means you get to punch your problems, sheep
Gooper Blooper: except sally
Gooper Blooper: who did Nothing Wrong
Mystified Sheep: Well
Mystified Sheep: She did Some Things Wrong...
Gooper Blooper: like keeping up on the news
Gooper Blooper: that was pretty wrong
RubyChao: sally is the type of girl who you tell her "hey, your birthday's next week"
RubyChao: and she goes "wait, it's september already!?"
Gooper Blooper: coming next month: Sally birthday celebration
Mystified Sheep: Forbidden.
Jumpropeman: Sally no your birthday is in March
Hooded Pitohui: Give Sally the cake.
RubyChao: *looks it up*
RubyChao: i did not expect them to give her a canon birthday
RubyChao: well, clearly, she forgot when it was
Gooper Blooper: Chao, right before making the reveal
RubyChao: pretty much!


Jumpropeman: I have reached
Jumpropeman: Satan
Jumpropeman: *screenshots*
RubyChao: well, you can stop playing now
RubyChao: game's peaked
Jumpropeman: she literally appears
Jumpropeman: just to say that line
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me, JRM, I made an Imgur album of Nep Vs Hard Girls screenshots
Gooper Blooper: I'll share it with you after you finish
Jumpropeman: nice! they might turn out better than mine V:
Gooper Blooper: I mean, you would have just seen everything I screenshotted, but you could relive the magic
Jumpropeman: vita screenshoting has you press home + start so it triggers the auto progress every time
Gooper Blooper: Oof
RubyChao: oh no
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: honestly
RubyChao: i think that line is made at least 25% funnier
RubyChao: by the way her voice breaks on "SATAN"
RubyChao: the delivery is so good
Jumpropeman: *is probably indistinguishable from the PC version*
Gooper Blooper: The only problem is I didn't take any screens of combat or dungeon exploration, only cutscenes and dialog
Gooper Blooper: otherwise I'd totally go "JRM USE MY SCREENSHOTS I'D BE SO HAPPY"
Jumpropeman: those'll be safe to get I think
Gooper Blooper: and yes, the voice acting is definitely why that line hit so hard in this community
Mystified Sheep slowly, everyone ends up working for the Game Hoard
Gooper Blooper: Considering JRM's life goal of playing Every Game, eventually, yes, every video game RP character would be on Game Hoard
Gooper Blooper: we're already like 50% there
Gooper Blooper: if he reviews Mega Man 2 that alone should bump it to 60%
Brinehammer adjusts his official "Atrocious" hat
RubyChao: posted
Gooper Blooper: gotta do the fate grand order review to induct Oda, A3515, Nobu, and Jinako
MobileDraco: Not if I RP the guy from Too Human or Scott Pilgrim.


Jumpropeman: didn't expect to see this guy
RubyChao: but draco
RubyChao: that's clearly not the indy 500
RubyChao: :I
RubyChao: which means yes, there IS a rule
Draco: D8
Draco: I am undone. ;-;


Jumpropeman: so I don't know the mysterious umbrella lady in sheep's post
Jumpropeman: but my first thought was it might be from an obscure old show with puppets that was badly dubbed for america
Jumpropeman: and I thought "I should look that up and show it to sheep sometime" but I didn't actually look it up
Jumpropeman: top of my youtube recommendations
Jumpropeman: BOOM
Jumpropeman: a video about it
Draco: "Worst Show Cartoon Network Has Ever Aired" is a bold claim.


Derpderp: i just actually had a thought at work which boiled down to "what if troy typo'ed something in the code and accidentally made a kitty jumpscare game"
Jumpropeman: that's how you kill cirno
ivel: good


Jumpropeman: at what point do I add Saturn to my main profiles
Derpderp: now, before you continuously forget like i do
RubyChao: now
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: you also need to accept
Jumpropeman: that spamley needs one first you're right
RubyChao: it's gonna happen.


Jumpropeman: mega drive: played with her dolls until discovering video games, enacted plots and had character backstories for each. Game Gear: had one or two dolls, didn't do much with them besides sleep with them. Saturn: played with her dolls wherever her fancies took her, had a variety. Dreamcast: had dolls. Some she treasured, some she stuck firecrackers in
RubyChao: did dreamcast ever have a tragic mixup
Jumpropeman: she beat up a neighborhood boy when he made the mixup
Derpderp: posted
Derpderp: now including experience where harpsis actually tried to get in on the beanie babie madness
Derpderp: and me, being an unbelivably oblivious idiot
Derpderp: ruining her chances by ripping the tag off the beanie and being all :) about it
Jumpropeman: my family had a few fancy barbies for my sisters they weren't supposed to touch
RubyChao: luckily, i never had to deal with that
RubyChao: all the stuffed animals and such i had were to play with
RubyChao: which is good, because none of them are mint :V
ivel: same as Chao
Derpderp: i touched basically everything and i have never been forgiven for losing a giant snoopy on a casino cruise ship
Derpderp: my sister's giant snoopy.
Jumpropeman: I lost my Dabura from Dragon Ball Z figure on a road trip
Jumpropeman: no one cared
Jumpropeman: but it wounded me
Jumpropeman: I still had his included Cookie form though
Derpderp: also losing my bro's copy of pokemon blue AND his gameboy at a relative's house in florida
Jumpropeman: so in the games I played with my siblings he was just perma-cookie in the game lore
Derpderp: also confirmed: troy has a flamingo beanie baby somewhere
RubyChao: dabura noooooo
RubyChao: wait was he like just
RubyChao: a dude who walked around
RubyChao: but was cookie
ivel: I had a Spider-Man web shooter I dropped in the water during some fishing trip or something once
ivel: I was so happy to have it I wanted to take it with me and dropped it ;;
Derpderp: oh shit that just reminds me of a funnier thing
Jumpropeman: of course chao
Derpderp: like, we had bought some gator toy from somewhere, and it was my bro's i think?
Jumpropeman: and everyone now just permanently called him Dabura Cookie when holding conversations with him
Derpderp: and i was in the back of the van playing with it
ivel: also, only DBZ figure I had as a kid was Krillin
ivel: still got him tho
Derpderp: and i got it into my dumb brain
Derpderp: somehow
ivel: ...
Derpderp: that the gator must be freed
Jumpropeman: oh no
Derpderp: and threw it out the window and shouted, "BYE BYE, GATOR!"
Derpderp: said like a dumb 5 year old with a derpy face all cheerful like
Jumpropeman: somewhere in the florida everglades, a plastic gator raises a beautiful clutch of eggs
Derpderp: that gator will be in agama
RubyChao: oh my GOD
RubyChao: i'm sorry harpy but i'm laughing so hard
RubyChao: probably because kid me had those feelings sometimes of just wanting to yeet somehting out of the window
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: you actually did it
Derpderp: look, i deserve it because while i still have some lack of social skill now
Derpderp: younger me just had 0 social graces
RubyChao: also ivel that reminds me of when my mom lost a hat because she was wearing it on a fishing trip
RubyChao: and then the wind blew it right off her head
RubyChao: there it went on the ocean
ivel: aw
Jumpropeman: in the townhouse I lived in when I was like four, my brother and I had really tiny plastic toys, like a little bigger than fingernail robots, and one day we just started jamming them into air conditioning to send them on an adventure they could never return from. I think we were moving out soon too so someone else had to deal with the robot invasion of the ducts :V
Derpderp: my brain
Derpderp: me
RubyChao: jrm PLS


Jumpropeman: Saturn: so desperate so she has to pretend doors want a piece of her ass
RubyChao: hey hey
RubyChao: i'd take saturn
Gooper Blooper: I mean, we went from "haha saturn buried" jokes to her legitimately becoming the favorite sega girl of at least one user
Jumpropeman: and that user
Jumpropeman: is Hoodoo
RubyChao: Hoodooed Pitohui
Gooper Blooper: Hoodoo prefers Master System


Mystified Sheep screaming into the void

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