Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 367: BLA STO

Marten Sheep: how do I keep from entering Motormer into a race he might actually do well in...
Marten Sheep enters Basu on foot
Marten Sheep: perfect


Season1Draco: Read Chatzy Madness, tempted to try writing some rhyming dirty talk for Big Bobby and Panty later.
SteelKomodo: DRACO PLS
Del: i forbid
Del: veto
Del: veto!!!
Season1Draco: Veto the veto? Okay.


Must Sheep: "Marten Sheep: "Jumpropeman: you know what stinks"
Marten Sheep: boiled cabbage"
Must Sheep: This was not worth being in a Chatzy Madness
Must Sheep: I demand better jokes
Must Sheep: From me :I
ANCHOR SHOT: Sheep telling himself to git gud


Must Sheep: "Something almost seemed to...inhale."
Must Sheep: FREDDY HELP!
Del: let me guess
Del: you want me
Del: to go find your fucking head
Cornwind Evil: "no i know where it is the lord shoved it up your fucking ass."
Must Sheep: FREDDY!
Cornwind Evil: "no he did-"
Cornwind Evil: -The Lord shoves Bonnie's head up Freddy's ass-


Jumpropeman: new drink for the bar menu
Ghengis Jenga: Oh no
Ghengis Jenga: Airport Juice
Jumpropeman: you were so caught up in what you were doing you forgot all about it


SteelKomodo: okay so
SteelKomodo: panty is going to do something outrageous here
Gooper Blooper: good
Jumpropeman: i should hope so
SteelKomodo: so brace yourselves, everyone
SteelKomodo: and if it's problematic, don't hesitate to say
Spap: I can't believe Panty's going to slap the Lord's ass, killing him instantly
Ghengis Jenga: Holy shit if only
Gooper Blooper: I mean, I can't be the only one sitting here waiting to see Panty try to bed the lord
Jumpropeman: the lord pulls back his robes to reveal he has no ass
Jumpropeman: Panty wants the Lord's Richard
Gooper Blooper: Skeleton King laments that bone lord now means something entirely different
Ghengis Jenga: "Risbun, who keeps sending me these letters?!"


Season1Draco: If the Ultimate Pianist opens a gaming center, is it an Arkaede?


(The Lord creates "evil clones" of all his opponents)

Jumpropeman: what if the person is so evil their clone would be good
emit azzip: kek
RubyChao: but Maya isn't here.
Gooper Blooper: Maya final boss 2020
Jumpropeman: she wants to learn what happened in Green Hell... so she can harness it
Bree joined the chat
Bree: maya's tits final boss 2020
Bree: not the rest of her somehow
ivel: I mean, someone had to say it
ivel: I was thinking of a clever way to and failed :U
Bree: can't be clever, it's a titty joke
Jumpropeman: are we gonna fight on top of her breasts like she's a video game boss
Season1Draco: I'll think of something clever, Bree. It will be very titillating.
Bree: I... have never encountered a video game fight like that
Jumpropeman: you haven't been fighting the right bosses
ivel: you've been playing the wrong games
ivel: lel jrm


RubyChao: one day left to join rym! nearly everyone has, but if you haven't, there's still a bunch of time!
Gooper Blooper: Bree and Ivel and that's about it I think
Bree: *stage whisper* ivel he's talking to us
Bree: ninja'd
RubyChao: i mean... yeah :V
Gooper Blooper: kek


Gooper Blooper: "..where IS everybody? Oh well, time to order those drinks I'm normally too self-conscious to order."
Gooper Blooper: drinks like
Gooper Blooper: airport juice
Tori: ew
Swish Swish Ping: Snakewater
Draco: Hey, don't judge until she's grown a third eye or two.


Jumpropeman: *looks at potential Race Yer Mates votes list*
Jumpropeman: If I vote #MELTORMER, you think I can sneak in six


RubyChao: That's it. That's the franchise.


Bree: the real question is whether ren would go to the policemen's ball
Must Sheep: Yes
Must Sheep: She brings her roommate
Bree: whose name you definitely remember, right sheep?
Must Sheep: ...Yes.
Must Sheep: I think it starts with a J, but my mind keeps coming up with Joshua, who is not them.
Bree: it's indeed not joshua. his name's jared
Must Sheep: That's it
Bree: though I have trouble not mixing up jared and joshua, not because the character joshua is similar in any way, but because we make a lot of jokes about jared being like mythical kitchen's josh
Bree: so, you're valid, is what I'm saying
Bree: well, she's very police-adjacent, but she lacks much reason to be interested in the policemen's ball. she can't just claim she's there for the free food, she's (lel) a vampire
Jumpropeman: she's there for the free food *leans over and drains Theodore of blood*
Must Sheep: She's there to show Jared the people she's been complaining about
Bree: ren complains about everyone
Must Sheep: "And this is Grey Moon. If he actually does anything in the department, I don't know about it...Yeah, they employed a hamster."
Bree: also, she probably does more complaining about the bad guys than the good guys, to be honest. like "the other day I had to chase a pokemon around olympia because it fucking kidnapped a girl" and such
Bree: okay, yes, she'd have many things to say about a hamster being on the police force, all of which are "why the fuck"
Bree: but not grey moon. her opinion on grey moon is "there is nothing I could say to or about him that he'd consider more insulting than his own existence."
Must Sheep: Hah!
Must Sheep: It's funny because it's true.
Bree: "he doesn't need me to make him the butt of a joke. he is a joke"
Bree: ANYWAY, enough mocking grey moon, I'm off to bed for reals now
Must Sheep: Seeya!
Bree left the chat
Draco: You can't mock Grey Moon enough.
Jumpropeman: but we can try
Draco: Yes, yes we can.


ivel: apparently we have 69 topics on the forum
ivel: nice
ANCHOR SHOT: Now we just need to really push and get 420 topics
harp: screenshot, ivel
harp: we must celebrate
ANCHOR SHOT: The panty and stocking number
ANCHOR SHOT: So anyway Giselle's dead


RubyChao: dark joshua being joshua-level enthusiastic but about being evil is both very jarring and kind of adorable
RubyChao: felt i should share that
Working from Del: good, it's working
Working from Del: josh loves being evil and hanging out with his evil friends
Working from Del: he doesn't have a cat but if he did the cat would also be evil
Working from Del: evil sparkles
Working from Del: poops on your carpet


ivel: I was reading peoples' posts about the latest random game mystery bundle on Fanatical, and people are somehow really interested in trading their game keys for... Garfield Kart :U
Working from Del: can't escape the garf


Must Sheep: The Mystery Racer is Dick Dastardly.
RubyChao: sheep, i wouldn't do that
Must Sheep: It's always Dick Dastardly.
RubyChao: because Goops already did that
Must Sheep: It'd just be another generation or iteration of Dick Dastardly
Must Sheep: I hope its Dracula from that time Shaggy turned into a Werewolf.
Jumpropeman: I hope it's Garfield from Garfield Kart
Must Sheep: I do not hope that
Must Sheep: No cats or candies please
Must Sheep: :I
Must Sheep: I don't know if I can take a whole race of APPROACHING SOUND BARRIER
Jumpropeman: okay but hear me out then
Jumpropeman: Crazy Frog
Must Sheep: I would not wish that on Chao
Must Sheep: That's a lot of writing sound effects
CorvegaDraco: Chao already told me the Mystery Racer is Hibiki carrying Honoka.
Ghengis Jenga: The Mystery Racer is, in fact, Mickey Mouse as portrayed in Mickey speedway usa


Bree: del I can't believe you and brine killed giselle
Bree: how could you
Draco: They had no choice. She needed to die before we stopped loving her.
Bree: but aiko's gonna be sad!!!
Bree: and/or mad. most likely both
Ghengis Jenga: She's gonna be both!
Ghengis Jenga: ;;
Bree: del why
Draco: So mad she's going to go date Panty Game Gear Ravio.
Ghengis Jenga: Because brine asked and I had a dark matter character lying around doing nothing, so let's build up some heat
Ghengis Jenga: Speaking of the devil, hey brine
Draco: It's still cold from Spyplot, yes.
Draco: Drat. Gotta go to work or I'd throw a super-relevant character at Mega Drive. Because Clownpiece is always relevant.
Bree: aiko and giselle better get to live happily ever after when giselle's done being dead and dark matter's gone
Bree: that's the required penance for making them so sad
Ghengis Jenga: On the bright side, we've determined that evil Joshua has a cat too
Jumpropeman: Game Gear be glaring at Draco
Jumpropeman: that's all she can muster though
CorvegaDraco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: maybe in a few weeks she'll grumble at him too
Jumpropeman: she's too lazy to progress her character arc
CorvegaDraco: You know DeMonde is allergic to video games. :I
Ghengis Jenga: Also of course Aiko and Giselle will get a happy ending, this is zfrp
Ghengis Jenga: Just gotta work for it first 😈
Bree: del c'mon they've already worked for it
Ghengis Jenga: Devilish laugh
Bree: I literally thought aiko was gonna join the fight with century and evil joshua because that's happened like five times already
Bree: where someone tries to kill giselle and instead aiko does some dumb shit and gets grievously wounded
Bree: or just breaks an ankle that one time but was still in the hospital forever
emit azzip: I may introduce a dark matter character this weekend
emit azzip: Been mulling it over in my head
Ghengis Jenga: Is it evil Jim dale
Bree: anyway guess ren will have to get mad on aiko's behalf too
Ghengis Jenga: Jared will also get mad
Ghengis Jenga: Y'all about to see mad Jared up in here
Bree: he can make aiko a flamin hot cheetos chicken sandwich in these trying times
emit azzip: It is not evil jim dale
emit azzip: but that’s pretty genius
Bree: does jared wanna go to the policemen's ball
Ghengis Jenga: Aiko with bloodshot eyes biting into the sandwich, grudgingly admitting it's good
Ghengis Jenga: Uh, sure
Bree: well I'm asking because like
Ghengis Jenga: It will be very awkward
Must Sheep: Yaaay
Bree: sheep suggested it :V
Bree: yeah see
Ghengis Jenga: I haven't posted any Jared in forever, it'll be a nice change
Must Sheep: He'll bring a casserole and then realize that's not actually a thing
Ghengis Jenga: "oh shit I got mixed up with a potluck"
Must Sheep: And just end up holding it the whole night because he doesn't know what to do with it
Bree: it's gonna get crashed though, plot stuff and whatnot
Must Sheep: We must weaponize the casserole.
Bree: I bet I know why jared would go too
Bree: ren just describes who's on the ZFPD and then jared just has to see it for himself
Bree: "yeah so there's this fat cheetah, a dinosaur, a guy who's one inch tall, a hamster..."
Ghengis Jenga: "wait what"
Ghengis Jenga: "I GOTTA see this"
Bree: "also there's my sister but she's, like, normal"
Bree: "the chief is an alien space mole. one guy's a jellyfish"
Bree: "there's this little ball of fire dude but they're gonna cure him of that. of being a ball of fire I mean"
RubyChao: "they have a visiting chief from space. he's a space chicken."
Bree: "a space chicken???" "yeah just, like, straight up a literal chicken"
Ghengis Jenga: Lmao


Jumpropeman: link
Must Sheep: I like that the cartoonist had so little faith in their audience that they labeled the book.
Jumpropeman: no wonder no one is reading it, it probably just says WORDS WORDS WORDS every page


Hooded Pitohui joined the chat
CorvegaDraco: Hi HP.
Hooded Pitohui: Hello there, Draco
Jumpropeman: hi pito
RubyChao: howdy
Hooded Pitohui: And to you and Chao as well, JRM. How goes life this evening?
CorvegaDraco: Good.
harp: yo
Spap: Eyo HP!
Hooded Pitohui: 'Ello, 'ello, Spy!
Spap: How goes?
Hooded Pitohui: It goes quite well! Working on a few things tonight, but making good progress on all of them. What about for yourself?
Jumpropeman: life could go either way pitohui! IT ALL DEPENDS ON DRACO'S NEXT POST!
Jumpropeman: *suspense!*
Jumpropeman: Can a lazy video game blob find love?
Must Sheep: No.
Jumpropeman: oh well
Must Sheep: Next question.
harp: i mean if i can so can she-
Jumpropeman: sucks to be you, Dragon Quest Slime
Jumpropeman: but what about Game Gear?


harp: this just in: dia eats some food so good, she almost permadied and nao had to rescue her
harp: that's new.
harp: so i guess that's gonna be the hot new way villains try to get rid of her
Jumpropeman: i was gonna say
Jumpropeman: the kobber weakness right there
harp: one of these days we'll face a chef whose food is so good they send people to hea-
harp: ...and now i recall the one boss who literally did that in Bravely
CorvegaDraco: He made pancakes too, so he's the natural enemy of Helltaker girls.


Gooper Blooper: now Dawn HAS to use a gonk droid body because all her others are broken, ha-haaa!!
harp: gonk gonk gonk WRRRR


harp: :D
Gooper Blooper: I remember that outfit!
harp: the waffle witch outfit is great
Gooper Blooper: it's extremely you and also extremely dia
harp: i have a rental on though and i'm like "it looks... moderately okay if i ignore the fact that its puce colored."
Gooper Blooper: since you ARE dia, this is understandable
harp: *chokes*
harp: not the worst outfit color scheme i've ever gotten from a rando box but like
harp: dia kinda looks like a booger.
Gooper Blooper: at last
Gooper Blooper: mrs mucus
harp: OH NO
harp: worse yet, she has cleavage
harp: truly living in the worst timeline.


Gooper Blooper: link
harp: behold, the megumin orb
Jumpropeman: Megumin's got the blorbs D:
Gooper Blooper: next year I'm just gonna fling golems and witches at everyone
Gooper Blooper: hope that's okay
harp: only if i get to keep one.
Gooper Blooper: there's enough cute witches for everyone
harp: *hoards some like a gremlin*
harp: i am the waffle witch


Jumpropeman: HOLY
Jumpropeman: NO ONE LOOK AT SRS
Gooper Blooper: the great tag tragedy
Bree: you're right about it being the biggest yeah
Jumpropeman: please don't read post either
Jumpropeman: I worked real hard I want it good ; w ;
Bree: I am indeed not reading it
Bree: just looking at this absolute insanity you've created
Bree: how does the text keep getting bigger, how did you do this
Jumpropeman: I think if Size tags aren't closed, they stack
Bree: did you forget to close all of them
Draco: I mean, that's one way to fill a page. I'll do that next time instead of writing robot scenes! X3
Jumpropeman: I think I did [/color] for every time I meant to do [/size]
Must Sheep: There's always the issue some phantom tags snuck in there
Bree: too funny not to preserve for all eternity, sorry
RubyChao: BLA
RubyChao: STO.
Gooper Blooper: BLA

Must Sheep: It was at this moment JRM regretted saying anything
RubyChao: god i'm howling
RubyChao: this should not be so funny!
RubyChao: why is it so funny??
Gooper Blooper: because, chao
Gooper Blooper: it's 1:30 AM
Jumpropeman: alright
Jumpropeman: I believe I fixed it
RubyChao: lucky me
RubyChao: i haven't refreshed the page yet.
Jumpropeman: that's gotta be like
Jumpropeman: size=1200 or something
Bree: I'm trying to get to the end of the messed up post just to see how big it actually gets
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: oh god.
RubyChao: i just reached it.
Bree: but single words are taking up the whole screen at this point
Jumpropeman: it's a good thing the forum auto-shrinks images too or else one would be even bigger than the words
Bree: made it to the end of the post by zooming out the page as far as it'd go
Jumpropeman: I left the image of a certain character deliberately big because you are meant to view it full size
Bree: hentai be like
Jumpropeman: oo la la
Jumpropeman: I love the period too XD
Draco: "Long time no see, Blasto. Missed me?" <- That's the Yohane's text color! SHE'S TURNED HER BACK ON THE ZFPD UNIVERSE!
Jumpropeman: "Actually Yohane, this one saw you like two weeks ago"
Must Sheep: Do you think the forum programmers ever just broke a ton of text size tags, but to see how big the forum could handle the characters getting?
RubyChao: well, sheep
RubyChao: i know i would.
Draco: link
Jumpropeman: well at least I can back up how booming his voice is meant to be now XP
Jumpropeman: they can't disagree
Jumpropeman: if they're deaf
Must Sheep: "If he had lost his touch, did he deserve to run with the other officers?"
Must Sheep: A police force with a chubby cheetah, an inch high private eye, a bumbling dinosaur, a hamster, and Grey Moon.
Jumpropeman: hey, if they don't have Blasto, they'd all be smears on the floor!
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: jrm writes all future posts with this guy with the text as big as it was here, but only for his dialogue
RubyChao: y/n
Draco: Bad news Bad Guy: C'tari can just talk INTO YOUR BRAIN.
Jumpropeman: *notices an errant size tag at the end of my post*
Jumpropeman: I ain't touching it
Jumpropeman: it's like removing a piece from the bottom of the Jenga tower
Bree: n, chao
Bree: the dialogue is the size it is in the corrected post
Bree: except for when he says "blasto"
Draco: Y
Bree: then it's huge
Bree: like his voice just increases by two hundred decibels when he addresses blasto by name
Jumpropeman: BLASTO my boy
Bree: each time he's about to say "blasto" he has to pause
Jumpropeman: in space, there is no sound
Jumpropeman: but you can still hear him say BLASTO
Bree: and everyone reflexively braces for when he says it
Bree: every time
Bree: it sets off all the car alarms in all of olympia
Jumpropeman: the most terrified Olympia ever was or will be was the day he entered this store
Gooper Blooper: it's that meme with bart simpson and the line of megaphones
Must Sheep: It's like the alruthine who ran the Silver Dollar Casino, Jabba the Hutt, and a wood chipper fused together!
Must Sheep: I love the tail ring.
Jumpropeman: Black Hole's got class, Sheep
Jumpropeman: I hadn't thought of the Jisadjok similarities but I see it :V
Draco: If Black Hole had class, I think they flunked out.
Must Sheep: The boxy was a neat distinct detail
Bree: the third time that BLASTO echoes out across olympia mayor deathborn just goes "look I don't know who this blasto person is but they're banned from the city forever."
Must Sheep:
Must Sheep:
Must Sheep: Alright
Must Sheep: I need to sleep
Must Sheep: Seeyaaaa
Jumpropeman: well at least people are talking about him!
Jumpropeman: night sheep
Must Sheep left the chat
Bree: we'll try to keep this guy quiet so you can, sheep
Jumpropeman: Blasto and Cerulean's past
Bree: o mai
Bree: well I mean obviously blasto's just defending her from the bad guy that stole all her clothes
Bree: and he's holding her because she can't walk on the ground! she's got no shoes! there might be sharp pebbles!
Jumpropeman: I mean what else would you think it was?
Gooper Blooper: off to bed, nite
RubyChao: night!
Jumpropeman: night Gooper BLOOPER
Bree: nite goop
Gooper Blooper: BLOO

Gooper Blooper: tentacles.
Bree: chatzy madness number whatever: BLA STO.


(All of Dawn's stuff, including her many bodies, is blown up)

Cornwind Evil: While writing it I went "Oh yeah, Skywire. Guess he gets a reprieve."
Draco: We'll put Dawn's brain...IN A FLOPPY DISK.
Cornwind Evil: Worked for Optimus Prime
Jumpropeman: it's a nice callback
Jumpropeman: the skywire thing
Jumpropeman: and then it turns out he can reconstitute himself from even a single cell!
Cornwind Evil: Nope. Covered that. I said he was definitely utterly gone
Cornwind Evil: Unless for SOME reason JRM wanted to bring him back
Cornwind Evil: In which case he isn't
Jumpropeman: time for the redemption arc
Cornwind Evil: Well the Lord didn't get his so...
Draco: We'll do Mega Drive's redemption arc instead after she gets caught playing a Neo Geo.
Jumpropeman: unforgivable :I


Gooper Blooper: A redesign of Cordie has confirmed she's got human legs
Ghengis Jenga: She's a real girl now
Jumpropeman: was never sure which fanart to trust on her human leg situation!
Gooper Blooper: It's usually ambiguous!
Jumpropeman: I think I drew her with full spider legs in her KO pic
Jumpropeman: not that my art has always been a bastion of accuracy
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I'd been leaning full spider but I don't think I ever did anything that would force it, she could always just be tucking the humie legs in when skittering about
Gooper Blooper: deep thoughts about dumb spider cowgirls
Jumpropeman: this will be important when the Kobbers must defeat the final boss with a cancan number
RubyChao: listen, JRM
RubyChao: anything that contradicts brawl art HAS to be noncanon
RubyChao: of course saxton hale is 60 feet tall
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: all chainsaws are triangle shaped
Ghengis Jenga: Saxton Hale is as tall as he wants to be
Gooper Blooper: Okay, I'm gonna actually try to figure this out
Gooper Blooper: Keeping in mind his legs aren't in the picture, Saxton is roughly as tall as two Guirons are long
Ghengis Jenga: Holy shit
Ghengis Jenga: Oh no
Ghengis Jenga: "Looks like they started making his nose and couldn't stop!"
Jumpropeman: even with art harder to coordinate states apart, I did have to turn down some CKR art this year because it was too inaccurate
Jumpropeman: Optimus Prime, instead of being crushed by his trailer, was being crushed by his truck form V:
Gooper Blooper: Gojipedia says Guiron is 85 meters tall. Based on comparing that with other stats, they mean if he stands on two legs, not at the shoulder when he's on all fours
RubyChao: post
Gooper Blooper: This puts Saxton at 170 meters in height
Hooded Pitohui: srspost
Gooper Blooper: Or 557 feet
RubyChao: holy SHIT
Jumpropeman: that's fairly large.
Jumpropeman: maybe even bigger than a barn.
Gooper Blooper: For comparison, Biollante's official size is 120 meters
Ghengis Jenga: That's improbable
Ghengis Jenga: Even for saxton
Jumpropeman: this is why you defer to the writing, not the art V:
Ghengis Jenga: Does that guiron height include his snout
Gooper Blooper: yeah
Gooper Blooper: full knife head and all
RubyChao: apparently, del
RubyChao: that means saxton is the height
RubyChao: of about a 50 floor building or so
emit azzip: Guiron is gui-gone
emit azzip: ...i’m tired
Jumpropeman: maybe just, when you pull out Guiron's knife nose, he deflates to tiny lizard size
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: *sounds of a balloon losing air*
Ghengis Jenga: Lmao


Gooper Blooper: ahahahahahah the last sentence of HP's post
Hooded Pitohui: I'm a bit tired tonight, so I'll take any good joke I can insert to marginally improve my writing!
Must Sheep: I was good
Must Sheep: *IT
Jumpropeman: no i agree sheep you were
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep is excellent, grade A quality
Must Sheep: >:I
Must Sheep: This is a vicious attack on my personage


Must Sheep: "It seems even Space Hollywood"
Must Sheep: With their Space Movies
Must Sheep: Shown in Space Theaters
Gooper Blooper: grab some space soda
Must Sheep: Where you can buy Space Pop and Space Popcorn
Gooper Blooper: sit in your space chair
Gooper Blooper: watch some space previews
Gooper Blooper: and try not to go to the space bathroom during the best part
Must Sheep: Maybe use those previews to hit the space can
Must Sheep: darn it, beat me to it
Must Sheep: Space.
Gooper Blooper: spess mahreens
Gooper Blooper: we haf failed da emprah


Working from Del: time for annie to be awful
Working from Del: srspost
Working from Del: in which annie calls nadine a ho
Working from Del: but all fancy
Brinehammer: You know... I think they really hate each other :V
Working from Del: :U


ANCHOR SHOT: So Seattle has a new NHL team and it slaps
ANCHOR SHOT: They're called the Seattle Kraken
ANCHOR SHOT: And all their graphic design is dope
ANCHOR SHOT: Also the money from their merch sales is apparently going to help minority communities which is cool if it happens
ANCHOR SHOT: But now I want ZFRP hockey teams
ANCHOR SHOT: The Olympia Thunderbolts
Brinehammer: The Undercity Nobus Nice. Their graphic design is on point for sure.
ANCHOR SHOT: I'd cheer for the undercity nobus
Brinehammer: Strengths: Nobu. Weaknesses: Nobu.
ANCHOR SHOT: Their entrance theme is nobustep
emit azzip: The Green Hell Devils
Working from Del: Leoric has to get involved and sponsors the Ostarian Legionnaires
Working from Del: they're all skeletons
Working from Del: Manhattan Godslayers
Working from Del: Vegas already has a hockey team but it sucks so lets replace em :U
Working from Del: the Vegas Last Chancers
emit azzip: The Kuwahawi Mantas


(Draco makes a Sheep quote the ticker)

Must Sheep: Draco, how dare
Must Sheep could feel a disturbance in the force.
Draco: You want a disturbance? HERE'S a disturbance.
Jumpropeman: well then
Must Sheep: Well, i can't argue with that
Jumpropeman: that sure is draco
RubyChao: that's not how you combine the nerds!
emit azzip: Hahaha
Ghengis Jenga: Jesus


Spap joined the chat
Jumpropeman: "Sharkboy & Lavagirl will return in Robert Rodriguez's Netflix film 'We Can Be Heroes' as superhero parents who now have a daughter with shark & lava powers"
Spap: I picked the right time to log in, huh


Jumpropeman: butch hartman will do art commissions for $200
Jumpropeman: that's his art on the left
Bree: good guy twitter telling this artist to value their work more
Bree: which I strongly agree with because goddamn that's some amazing art
Spap: Yeah, holy shit. That's like professional quality
Jumpropeman: another 200 dollar Butch Hartman masterpiece
Jumpropeman: and its accompanying "reference image"
Spap: That Dib can't be $200


Jumpropeman: I'm listening to a guy talk about Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey for the Wii and hear "But it quickly made way for a very predictable plot. The story is about a terrorist group who has cloned an army of suicidal gun crazy maniacs who take over a few random places." He transitioned into talking about a game called Target Terror without introducing it :V
Bree: that is not a predictable plot
Bree: especially for a game called Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
Draco: I saw it coming from a mile away. Unfortunately it was two miles away when it hit me. ;V
Jumpropeman: if that plot happened to a princess in RP I'd be like "sounds about right"


Bree: does anyone remember when I complained about the traders in nuka-world continuing to wear their slave stuff after they're no longer enslaved?
Spap: I do!
Bree: well uh
Bree: they're all naked, instead
Jumpropeman: woah
Bree: they are not, in fact, in their slave clothes
Bree: they're in their nothing
Spap: Oh no
Jumpropeman: oh yes- I mean oh no
Bree: (except the Censor Required Underwear)


ivel: "Featuring a vast array of new-to-bundle and highly-rated games, it’s time to treat yourself to an elite roster of awesome titles with the July/August edition of the Platinum Collection - Build your own Bundle!"
ivel: >Garfield Kart
ivel: I wonder if they realize most of the reviews are joke reviews...
Early Morning Spap: Its okay
Early Morning Spap: Let Garfield happen
ivel: I'm not one to hate on Garfield Kart, but... Garf :U
ivel: also it taught me there's two Garfield Karts on Steam
ivel: so there's that
SteelKomodo: ...why are there two?
ivel: I guess they thought it was good enough to make a sequel
SteelKomodo: god



(Sheep makes a post that ends with Santa Claus getting shot. It was a tranquilizer, but that wasn't revealed until later)

Ghengis Jenga: Holy fuckin SHIT sheep
Jumpropeman: HO HO OH NO
RubyChao: holy shit sheep
Gooper Blooper: I can't believe Santa is fucking dead
Brinehammer joined the chat
RubyChao: hi brine
Gooper Blooper: hi brine, merry christmas
horp: hi brine
horp: rip
Brinehammer: Hey ya'll. I can't believe Santa's dead.


Bree: doubt it'll make it into a post but let it be known that bikkie received a dakimakura/body pillowe printed to look like a loaf of bread
Bree: "your waifu is bread, right? eh, close enough."
Bree: like one of those pillows with the sexy half-undressed anime girl on it but instead it's just. bread.
Bree: fuckin sexy-ass bread tho
Bree: like damn son you see them buns?


Jumpropeman: Beta Rampardos
Gooper Blooper: yessss more beta pogeys
Gooper Blooper: YES
Jumpropeman: oh god Beta Torterra
Jumpropeman: Beta Prinplup you uh
Jumpropeman: you're trying too hard there
Gooper Blooper: "BROS"
Gooper Blooper: "HELP ME"
RubyChao: so that's part of your 2021 plot, right goops?
RubyChao: when we encounter Reggigagis
Jumpropeman: that placeholder reminds me of that one pokemon wiki we looked at with like, weed and condom pokemon
RubyChao: beta propbopas
Jumpropeman: Beta Togekiss another tryhard
Jumpropeman: you're right chao
Jumpropeman: beta probopass indeed
Gooper Blooper: Some of them are obviously just placeholders, so the ones that have proper shading and stuff but are completely different designs are the ones I like the most
Draco: Some of those Betas remind me of Earthbound.


Jumpropeman: time to do some VERY IMPORTANT WORK
Jumpropeman: *watches Neptune bathe until she's in the perfect pose for a picture*
Middle Sheep: 😱
Jumpropeman: look man, it's important
Draco: It's for Race Yer Mates, he swears.
Jumpropeman: look, the original pictures of Neptune in the bath I took didn't turn out, so I have a legit reason for taking these
Draco: Ah
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: what a world when that's not the specific Neptune bath scene I'm referring to
Gooper Blooper: look man, the people want to nep it up, and she's a crowd-pleaser
Draco: Truth.


Spaplot: . . . I now meditate on how the HFIL to set up a plot when all my chars that could set it up are MIA
Middle Sheep: Conductor plows a train into the bar.
Middle Sheep: "Get on, pecknecks, we're going plottin'!"
horp: i'd say ask goops since, y'know, celestia?
Spaplot: Touche!
Draco: 17 arrives at the bar and waves his claws. Then Nibbles punches at him for swearing.


Working from Del: i am here
Working from Del: time to post aiko
Working from Del: i have no idea what to post
Working from Del: except "she sad"
Working from Del: hey brine
Working from Del: help me
Brinehammer: Hmm.
Brinehammer: Aiko being comforted by her friend Century?
Working from Del: oh gosh
Working from Del: jesus
Working from Del: yeah okay lets do it
Bree: brine that's horrible
Bree: are you trying to build the most titanic heel heat ever
Working from Del: enough heel heat to fry an egg
Brinehammer: Century's inserted herself into the situation, so she probably has or is going to comfort Aiko about the whole thing while trying not to smile or it'd be weird.
Working from Del: gotta keep up the pretense
Working from Del: meanwhile evil josh is robbing old ladies or smth idk
Working from Del: he's feeding his evil cat
Working from Del: with evil cat food
Brinehammer: Century just wants him to let her rub his belly, but he's bitten her like four times.
Working from Del: hes all lying on his back meowing and waiting for her but its a trap
Brinehammer: Exactly! And she KEEPS FALLING FOR IT 😐
Working from Del: sprinkles is just too adorable
Working from Del: srspost
Brinehammer: Srspost
Working from Del: mwahahaha
Working from Del: feel the guilt, century
Working from Del: feel the tiny bit of guilt
Brinehammer: This was supposed to be fun!
Brinehammer: Joshua and Century get together every night at some diner and just complain about their respective days to see who had the worse one. Evilly.
Working from Del: hahaha
Bree: would it be too on the nose if ren just arbitrarily disliked century
Working from Del: i think it'd work
Brinehammer: Yeah, I think it'd be fine.
Bree: yeah but would it be like "oh it's just ren being ren, she just dislikes people" :V
Working from Del: jared would think it's just ren being ren tbh 😜


Middle Sheep finally watching that Spongebob anime thing
Del: who needs em
Del: homestar runner proved you don't need em
SteelKomodo: truth
ivel: you can't be as cool as Strong Bad without arms though
Del: i would highly dispute the coolness of strong bad
Middle Sheep: Some hot takes in chat tonight!
SteelKomodo: honestly i agree with del, strong bad's kind of a weirdo loser in his own way


RubyChao: who's ready for the return of Honoka in DYM
Hooded Pitohui raises hand with a loaf of bread in it


(Sheep every time there's a ZFPD plot:)

Middle Sheep: I'm tempted to send Spat.
Middle Sheep: God help me.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: touhou but everyone is little shits
Middle Sheep: BUCKET
Hooded Pitohui: this was my understanding of how Gensokyo just... is, like naturally


horp: this is stupid.
Bree: that's why it's great
Bree: ZFRP: where stupidity is not only encouraged, but mandatory


Ghengis Jenga: Oh hey chao
Ghengis Jenga: You're a book nerd right
Ghengis Jenga: We've established this
Middle Sheep: wow
Middle Sheep: you can't just call somebody a book nerd to their face
Ghengis Jenga: Yes I know I'm coming right in with the accusations
RubyChao: i am
Ghengis Jenga: Okay so
Ghengis Jenga: The new Kamen rider for 2020/2021 has been previewed
Ghengis Jenga: And he uses books to transform
RubyChao: nice
Gooper Blooper: Kamen Rider Patchouli
Jumpropeman: I can't wait to see him use the Kamen Sutra
Bree: fucking kek jrm


Ghengis Jenga: I haven't responded in a while because how do you riff on "Kamen sutra"
RubyChao: i mean
RubyChao: the Kama Sutra
RubyChao: does teach a lot about Riding
Ghengis Jenga: Vince would probably pen the Kamen sutra and it's about how to have a decent love life when you're also a marketable superhero
Ghengis Jenga: "this is the greatest book of All Time."
Gooper Blooper: that's the cover blurb
Jumpropeman: you've heard of the rider kick
Jumpropeman: but what about the rider kink?
Jumpropeman: they even call the Rider Kick pose the Sex Kick in Smash Bros


Middle Sheep: "JP Spamley's the name!"
Middle Sheep shuts door
Middle Sheep closes blinds
Middle Sheep turns off lights


Gooper Blooper: "Spat, I trusted you!"
Gooper Blooper: Voiceover: "That was just his latest mistake in a life full of them."


Hooded Pitohui: Oh, by the way, I know some of you have also had some fun with Talk to Transformer, so you might like this, too. There really is an AI that will try and make sound from pictures!
Hooded Pitohui:
Gooper Blooper: it... it fits really well!
Middle Sheep: link
horp: i wasn't sure what to expect so i flinched.
RubyChao: link
horp: oh god its nothing but cowbell..
horp: oh god...
horp: i cannot.
Gooper Blooper: spat's got a fever
horp: i'm crying, spat's is true hell for me
horp: ...kaede's is also terrifying in a different way
Gooper Blooper: OH GOD KAEDE
Gooper Blooper: you wait for the explosion and it never comes.
RubyChao: kaede will become the top kobber
RubyChao: by any means necessary
Gooper Blooper: oh no
Gooper Blooper: guys
horp: did you make the worse
Gooper Blooper: The Mailman was just a distraction
Gooper Blooper: the true mastermind was hiding in plain sight
horp: i don't know how chompette is associated with crimmus
Middle Sheep: WHA
Middle Sheep: I DON'T
Middle Sheep: WHAT
Middle Sheep: Okay
Middle Sheep: so
Middle Sheep: I put another Spat image in
horp: i wonder what would happen if i put a slightly suggestive picture in there.
Middle Sheep: and it's now shouting "Head Lice" at me.


ivel: I need to decide who I'll submit to DYM
ivel: maybe I'll send Vert, or maybe it's drunk Ikki time, who knows
Jumpropeman: >vert
Jumpropeman: hide Xyra
Gooper Blooper puts Xyra out on full display


Gooper Blooper: Even here, Natasha is a badass
horp: hot damn that's hot.
Hooded Pitohui: I mean, this is the same woman who punched a Crite! It's natural
Bree: frost is a badass and I Appreciate her
Gooper Blooper: Moments like this and her final fight in the Brawl are reminders of how Frost got promoted to being a regular character in the first place
horp: oh dear motherfucker that's also hot, what is it with badass ladies today
horp: *stupid bi mode, activate! like it wasn't active before!*
Hooded Pitohui: Despite her name, I have to agree, Harps. Frost is as hot as can be right now
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: Chao explicitly told me "yeah just fuckin wreck him" and I mean, c'mon
Draco: Harpy activating Useless Bisexual Mode.
horp: i didn't think he meant NEUTER HIM
horp: DEAR LORD.
Hooded Pitohui: If anyone can, it's Frost!
Gooper Blooper: I wrecked his fuckin
horp: oh no
Bree: right in the dingle dangle
horp: i was gonna have nikki do that but i thought about the last time i did that way back when and i was like "...i'll be respectful. i guess."
Bree: frost may be canadian but she ain't got no respect for these scrubs
horp: anyway its kinda funny how i'm like "hmm i think of the sweetest cutie patooie to ever exist" and then suddenly see these gals and i'm like "yes i love you guys too very much oh god someone's gonna die"
horp: so basically
horp: my range in different types of people i like is very wide
horp: hooray me!
Jumpropeman: why limit yourself
Bree: he should probably count himself lucky frost didn't get to bring any welcome mats
Bree: imagine a welcome mat to the dick
horp: oh god
horp: bree i felt that
horp: i don't even have one of those and i flinched
Gooper Blooper: the ol' snap an' zap
horp: "its time for your 4 PM dick zappening" "y-yes honey..."


horp: blblb
Bree: hi harpfish
horp: hi


Bree: Bree Today at 5:52 PM
caprice would subsist entirely on black coffee if it were possible
I feel like caprice is that person in the family where, like
there's a limited selection of things you know they like, so any time there's gift-giving it's a permutation of that thing
and for caprice it's coffee
ren always gets caprice a new mug and it always says something that caprice is embarrassed to be seen holding at work
like a coffee mug that just says "fuck you"
(she does however like the "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" mug)

Jumpropeman: the goofier cops just standing to the side, waiting for Caprice to drink so they can finally talk to her
Jumpropeman: Caprice taking her time
Bree: realistically she probably does not wait until she gets to work to have her first cup of coffee :V


Metered Sheep: "Dishonor on you AND your heirs."
Metered Sheep: AND your cow!
Bree: no! not the cow!
Bree: she's innocent D:
Jumpropeman: turns out
Jumpropeman: he owns HELLCOW


Metered Sheep: "Is it... too late for me to try and do good now?"
Metered Sheep: Yes.
Metered Sheep gunshot


MobileDraco: Do we need to get Vahni a salt lick
Metered Sheep: Vahni's already salty, Draco!
Metered Sheep: Vahni tends to really emphasize Camilla's personality failings
RubyChao: you mean
RubyChao: personality SUCCEEDINGS
Metered Sheep: No
Metered Sheep: the opposite
Metered Sheep: actually
Metered Sheep: I
Metered Sheep: I thought I'd just said that
Metered Sheep: Can we check the tapes?
Metered Sheep: Somebody play that back
ivel: Metered Sheep: Vahni tends to really emphasize Camilla's personality SUCCEEDINGS
The Evil General Blitz: Roll that beautiful bean footage
MobileDraco checks the tapes.
Metered Sheep: Oh
MobileDraco: They're rewound,Sheep.
Metered Sheep: I retract my comment then, Chao
The Evil General Blitz: Wait, no, that's a deepfake!
The Evil General Blitz: Besides, with tapes you make anyone say anything. Watch.
ivel: The Evil General Blitz: Wait, that's no deepfake!
MobileDraco: *plays the Pokemon evolution theme on a kazoo*
The Evil General Blitz: Vahni: MY-TA-INT-IS-MADE-OF-BAKE-CON.
Metered Sheep: Well, that escalated quickly!
MobileDraco: Someday we'll realize that Vahni is evil and arrest her.
MobileDraco: But not today.
Bree: arrest her...and toss her in the proverbial playpen that is the Redemption Program
Bree: frost gives her a free complementary welcome mat
MobileDraco: There's no redeeming pure evil like her.
Bree: pitohui gives her a free complementary slap on the ass or whatever
Bree: I think I briefly confused pitohui for meiling
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: pitohui only slaps selected asses
RubyChao: just ask kanade
Cat Guardian: nikki will give therapy.
Cat Guardian: she will not slap your ass.
Cat Guardian: she's your therapist not your kink buddy.
MobileDraco: Not with THAT attitude.
Hooded Pitohui: I mean, to be fair, she only slaps selected asses, but she's willing to select a wide range of consenting asses
Bree: if you find yourself disappointed in the extent of nikki's services she can refer you to dr. meiling
Cat Guardian: "find it in yourself to have the confidence to slap ya own ass."


(Widow Maker turns into a human again)

RubyChao: yaaaay
RubyChao: our favorite widow maker form!
RubyChao: and her least favorite!
Metered Sheep: Darn it, Elohim.
The Evil General Blitz: Dr. Phale: Not my fault! I am still dead!
The Evil General Blitz: Lord: Not my fault!
The Evil General Blitz: Dawn: Probably my fault, somehow.


MobileDraco: So does Clownpiece get a kick back from Nikki for giving her more business?
Cat Guardian: i mean if you want fanfiction, she can provide
Cat Guardian: its not like she can really give all the money
Cat Guardian: have to pay for student loans and all.
Jumpropeman: once she meets claire she'll want the kickback back
MobileDraco: Awesome. Clownpiece wants a fanfic of ZFDP as a high school.
Cat Guardian: Nikki dies inside as she has to make niftu run towards school with toast infused into his breathing tank.
Cat Guardian: thats how this works right.
MobileDraco: Yes
Jumpropeman: niftu will pay you to burn that fanfic
Cat Guardian: i mean, is it better or worse than blasto doing it?
MobileDraco: Clownpiece accepts payment in art supplies and ranch 👗 ing. BV
Cat Guardian: Nikki is disgusted but has no choice in the matter.
Cat Guardian: Nikki would also like for nobody to search her writing history.
Cat Guardian: or
Jumpropeman: a dress that an entire ranch can wear?!
Cat Guardian: she doesn't write those sorts of things, no sir, she's only good at writing police reports
Bree: caprice in a high school AU... dear god...
Bree: I'm picturing the trope of like, the overachieving smart asian student with the parents that have impossible expectations and get angry if you get an A minus
Bree: except it's chairman hiro
RubyChao: the real question is
RubyChao: does High School Student Kotohime
RubyChao: still wear a kimono every single day
RubyChao: nobody knows how she gets away with it
Cat Guardian: "the girl who everyone will draw with big fucking honkers, possibly backbreaking proportions."
Jumpropeman: Blasto's the bad boy who skips class
Cat Guardian: "why is the sexiest person here fucking grandpa kung pao chicken."
Cat Guardian: Ms. Featherbutt knows what she likes.
RubyChao: you just made me imagine Gym Teacher Fowler for some reason
Cat Guardian: he is going to be completely anime.
Cat Guardian: possibly anime eyes.
Bree: miss featherbutt has a crush on biek?!?!
Bree: *slaps it on the pairing wall*
Bree: totally not weird to ship a regular chicken with a chicken man, right
Cat Guardian: she may be sitting on a normal chicken biek body pillow that doesn't sell at beach episode
Bree: now I'm imagining police ball: take two and biek shows up like "I'd like to introduce my wife"
Bree: and it's just
Bree: a normal ass chicken
Bree: alternately
Cat Guardian: "MISS FEATHERBUTT?" "Bok bok bok.*" *That's MRS. Featherbutt to you.
Bree: "I'd like to introduce my wife" *holds up KFC bucket*
Cat Guardian: D:
MobileDraco: lol
MobileDraco: Clownpiece is pleased with this fanfic.
Cat Guardian: it won't ever crop up in RP
Cat Guardian: about nikki's writing habits
Cat Guardian: let it remain this way
Cat Guardian: for all eternity


The Evil General Blitz: I managed to talk about VGCW for 45 minutes on Discord without mentioning Red once
The Evil General Blitz: Do I get a prize?
MobileDraco: Yes.
RubyChao: you get
MobileDraco: A BATH.
RubyChao: a No-Prize


(Just before attending a ZFPD plot, Zeldoten wistfully looks at a photo of her family.)

Jumpropeman: OH NO ZELDO
Jumpropeman: it's too late for her now
Draco: Congratulations, JRM. Zeldoten came on the plot to get killed. :3
Draco: Everything she does, including breathing, walking, and laying down a sick rhyme will fall to the whims of the tractor. :V
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Jumpropeman: that breath was a little hitched but successful
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Jumpropeman: oh no, she suffocated already D:
Jumpropeman: she really shouldn't have stuck her head out the ship's window
Ghengis Jenga: RIP
Draco: She forgot there's no air in space.
Jumpropeman: zeldo turns to Sumireko "glad we're serving together so close to my retirement!"


RubyChao: oh, JRM, very important question
RubyChao: when we were massauring black hole's aliens
RubyChao: was the room filled with a constant cacophony of "BLACK HOLE FOREVER!"
Bree: XD
Gooper Blooper: oh god I didn't think of that
Jumpropeman: you can still hear it echoing
Gooper Blooper: FOREVER AND EVER


Gooper Blooper: *sends a battlebot just to get hit by the killsaws*
Jumpropeman: Einst almost had a right hand alien
Jumpropeman: he could have manned the pulverizer
Metered Sheep: That made me laugh way too much
Gooper Blooper: ...wait! Of course!
Jumpropeman: *swaps out the TerrorDrive for Einst entering with that*
RubyChao: so, jrm
RubyChao: is it time for me to reveal
RubyChao: this guy was inside Einst all along and driving him like a robot
Jumpropeman: and then
Jumpropeman: inside the hole in his head
Jumpropeman: is Giggle piloting HIM
Metered Sheep: And inside Giggle is Inch High
Bree: and inside giggle, piloting her... is plankton
Bree: dammit sheep
RubyChao: you're both right
RubyChao: plankton is the one piloting inch high
Metered Sheep: and inside Plankton is an Einst too large to fit into this dimension.
Metered Sheep: 8I


RubyChao: so, what excuse do i use to strip kotohime down THIS time
Gooper Blooper: the acid burns the kimono off
Jumpropeman: Kotohime seduces Einst
Gooper Blooper: even Tamaki is like "boy, she sure does lose her clothes a lot"
RubyChao: "at least i wear a uniform underneath"
RubyChao: she has only lost that uniform ONCE
Hooded Pitohui: Tamaki gets out of prison, her and Kotohime form a support group
Jumpropeman: they keep a pile of backup clothes on a table, and yet they still end up leaving the meeting without them on
Metered Sheep: The police will have NO SEDUCING!
Draco: Too late. Spat's already got three partners.
Jumpropeman: Hamster Dating Sim
Jumpropeman: Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartmend
Metered Sheep: They better be prepared for some Ham-Ham Heartbreak!
Jumpropeman: when zfrp ends, and even the likes of bolstus and the Lord have been redeemed and turned to the side of good
Jumpropeman: Spat's still gonna be a little shit
Draco: They are. Everyone knows Spat's one fear is commitment.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: finally
Hooded Pitohui: Thank goodness
Jumpropeman: considering the only impact Sword Art has had on my life is giving us Pitohui
Jumpropeman: I consider its existence profit
Draco: lol
RubyChao: giving us Pitohui AND Hooded Pitohui
Hooded Pitohui: One of my fandom guilty pleasures is going and watching the mainline SAO fans have literally hours-long arguments on Twitter about whether or not the promotional materials calling the final cour of Alicization "the final season" means it'll actually be the final season or not
RubyChao: i believe i've shared it but it was his RP of Pitohui on our other mutual forum that made me go
RubyChao: hey this guy would be real good at this rp thing
Metered Sheep screaming in the distance
Jumpropeman: over on the other forum, Pitohui enjoys puppies and daffodils instead of wanton murder
Hooded Pitohui: Friendly reminder that I knew nothing about SAO or AGGO or any of this - I literally needed a roleplay for a forum game and I decided to look up my username on TV Tropes and found this character named Pitohui and my dumb brain went "what if... Pitohui roleplays Pitohui?"
Draco: And you've never been wrong since.


Jumpropeman: too late for Curse: 30 FMV grandmas armed with pistols
Gooper Blooper: too late for Curse, BUT NOT TOO LATE FOR SALVAGERS
Jumpropeman: when we get aboard the Doomseye, there will be grannies behind every corner
Cat Guardian: but will they be abuelas?
Cat Guardian: that will determine whether or not this is a fight we can win
Jumpropeman: you think you defeated them by taking their pistols
Jumpropeman: but then they reach down and grab the chanclas


RubyChao: i like human wids
Bree: meiling likes human wids *eyebrows*
Jumpropeman: I refuse to express positive opinions on human wids :I
Bree: meiling may in fact be delighted that human wids happened again
Bree: this means there is a distant possibility that one day she'll get to bang human wids!
Gooper Blooper: she's been waiting years for her chance!
Bree: meiling figures wids has gotta get used to it first before she'd ever be interested in... activities :V


Metered Sheep: The BIG rat!

(Sheep posts a broken link)

Metered Sheep: Aw, it didn't work :I
Jumpropeman: i was denied the rat
Metered Sheep: Hm
Metered Sheep: Let me try this

(Sheep posts a broken link)

Metered Sheep: Nope
Metered Sheep: HMMM

(Sheep posts a broken link)

Metered Sheep: HMMMMM
Metered Sheep: Well, the page should work at least
Jumpropeman: oh my! He big!
Metered Sheep: My work here is done
Metered Sheep flaps cape


ivel: I find it amusing that my DYM entries basically decreased in size slightly over time
ivel: Jorro the Giant, Aldebaran, Zhurong, then Nep
Jumpropeman: 2025: Ivel enters the Dumblebork to keep the shrinking DYM entrant chaing going
ivel: lel
ivel: I'd end up entering Gino in his chicken transformation
harp: Miss Featherbutt sees this as a challenge.
ivel: Miss Featherbutt
harp: that would be her drink image submission.
harp: the sheer possibility of what that drink could be
harp: is terrifying.
harp: but of course, being the hungry bitch i usually am, my thoughts go to "it's fucking straight up blended chicken wings and Hot Ones signature bastardly hot sauce with pepper X as a drink"
harp: okay maybe i'm just evil.
Gooper Blooper: kanade chugs it
harp: no, i'm not evil, because that sauce is good..
harp: pure evil is mixing it with Da Bomb
harp: which is basically "hey, guess what? we're not even gonna make a tasty sauce, we're making this so you suffer."
Gooper Blooper:
harp: "Had just a drop to test it out. It burned so hard I had to stop everything I was doing and just lay down and a huge glass of milk to hopefully get rid of the pain. The pain does not go away and lingers for a hour, I honestly wanted to die as an easier option rather then face this agony again. It made my stomach tingle and even hurt my throat. I was looking up ways to safetly saw my tongue off to feel the sweet mercy of relief.
I recommend it."

harp: an actual amazon review
harp: which i'm pretty sure may possibly be kanade in disguise
Gooper Blooper: so if Kanade and Myuri ever went on a plot together would that be
RubyChao: i mean, possibly
Gooper Blooper: Spice And Wolf
RubyChao: that girl loves her - boooooo
harp: i kinda want to try different hot sauces to see where the hell my tolerance ends
harp: then again... i get flashbacks to "Oh it can't be that spicy"
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom's hot sauce of choice
harp: the terror, the horror, the comeuppance, the sheer determination not to fucking waste my soup
harp: that's a good sauce
harp: i picked out a bottle of asian zing Buffalo Wild Wings sauce
ivel: Ivel's hot sauce of choice :U
harp: i thought you were just gonna post salt
Gooper Blooper: my hot sauce of choice
ivel: harpy laughed
harp: before i realized "no, wait, he's not a pasty white dude who confuses salt for a spice"
harp: that's the sauce for when you're hot
ivel: I'm just a pasty white dude :U
harp: you're part irish and japanese
harp: i think you can handle a lil bit of spice
Gooper Blooper: link
harp: plz


Jumpropeman: Gamefly removed like 100 360 games
Jumpropeman: I hate that they're clearing out their older offerings :I
horp: yikes
Jumpropeman: don't they see I keep renting them?!
Jumpropeman: Someone wants to play NanoBreaker for PS2!
pizza o’clock: Oh no D:
Jumpropeman: I think they're selling a lot of their old game stock so they can purchase more full-priced goku statues to sell to no one
Jumpropeman: they're basically trying to be like Gamestop by selling a lot of nerd merch now rather than just renting games out, but who is going to go to to buy full-priced nerd merch?
RubyChao: nerds
Jumpropeman: nerds have better options :P


Draco: Are we finally getting Purnimaker?
Magnified Sheep: No.
Magnified Sheep: Purnima would just break her heart :I
Gooper Blooper: Purnima: "I call this look 'Bold and Brash'!"
Widow Maker: "More like, 'I belong in the trash'!"
Gooper Blooper: "This is normal, even if Zephyrus is a strange program and Widow Maker is hotter than usual."
Gooper Blooper: "You people have no taste!"
pizza o’clock: Kek
horp: i have tastes and i know what i like. :I
Magnified Sheep: Purnima does think Widow Maker looks better as a mantis. She's just trying to be supportive!
Gooper Blooper: but yes, with so many spy events I can really play around with who comes and how so what better time to throw Human Wids at a plot
Jumpropeman: I may prefer her a bug, but Wids is Voyd's type so long as she's the same species :V
Gooper Blooper: (Widow Maker DOES appreciate the compliments, she's going through a difficult time)
Draco: And then Wriggle arrives to flirt with Widow Maker too.
RubyChao: i like human wids
RubyChao: i don't want human wids all the time but i'm glad she made a return
Magnified Sheep: Basu arrives and is disgusted
horp: i like both
horp: i also have weird tastes. :V
Spap: Wids is best girl tbh
horp: personally i think josie is best girl but-
horp: *suddenly ZFRP waifu wars*
Draco: Suddenly?
ivel: best girl?
ivel: you talkin bout
ivel: Nep?
horp: i thought yours was vert
ivel: Nep's been around longer, she's better for the joke :I
pizza o’clock: Funny way to spell Okuu :U
horp: honestly out of my cast i have too many good ladies
horp: BUT-
horp: *vain*
Ghengis Jenga joined the chat
ivel: Tabitha best harpgirl-
Draco: I'll RP a human male the day I stop being one.
Jumpropeman: del here to set the record straight
Ghengis Jenga: Okay y'all saw Koakuma Simmons right
Gooper Blooper: XD
horp: dakota best girl
Ghengis Jenga: Cos Vince needs a better surname now
Draco: No, I didn't. Where is it? ;3
Ghengis Jenga: Hehehe
Draco: I was just having fun. Not trying to suggest anything.
Ghengis Jenga: Now I'm fucking imagining beach episode crying at the wedding
Ghengis Jenga: Blowing its nose???
Jumpropeman: Vince Memera
Jumpropeman: the adoption is official
Draco: Unrelated
Ghengis Jenga: Pudding!!
Gooper Blooper: Miko!!
Jumpropeman: White background!!
Ghengis Jenga: Text?
Magnified Sheep: POSTS??
RubyChao: spoon!!!
horp: the thunder duo
Magnified Sheep: A macrame owl, however...
Gooper Blooper: A BUCKET OF DUCK
Magnified Sheep: Just put a bird on it
pizza o’clock: WE FRIED SANTA
Magnified Sheep chatzy dissolving into impenetrable slurry of memes and injokes
Gooper Blooper: just like old times
Ghengis Jenga: Ah, this is that season three energy I missed
Magnified Sheep: I thought we FREED Santa, though
Gooper Blooper: I've been rereading Chatzy Madnesses from the beginning so a lot of ancient memes are refreshed in my head
Magnified Sheep: It's just like...COLD times
Magnified Sheep: I was going to say, if I could resurrect one member of the Curse, it'd be Jack Frost
Magnified Sheep: But I realized it'd actually be Noonsa, of course.
Gooper Blooper: god, he was hard enough to put down the first time!
Gooper Blooper: Jack Frost, that is.
Gooper Blooper: Noonsa was not hard to put down.


Bree: henlo frands
horp: hi
Bree: does anyone want to hear how badly we fucked up in D&D
ivel: sure :U
Draco: Of course!
Bree: harpy already knows because she was there
Bree: all right
Bree: picture if you will
Bree: we're in my character kithri's birthplace, the halfling town of colwyn
Bree: a local innkeeper has posted on notice boards all over that there is a plague ravaging colwyn and adventurers are needed to delve into the cave from which the sickness is emanating
Bree: the innkeeper tells us about the plague and the cave system - which is officially called "the dreaded tunnels of ruxabar" but which we nicknamed "the cave of farts," as I've told about here before
Bree: innkeeper says he might be able to cure the plague using two items that are lost within the cave of farts. one is a ritual book, and the other is a staff that can be separated into three pieces
Bree: on our way out of colwyn, the mayor stops us to tell us that the innkeeper is suspicious as fuck and don't trust him. we don't trust the mayor either but we take this under advisement
Bree: so we delve into the dreaded cave of farts and we find the ritual book. it turns out to be a diary as well. some dude who worshipped a demon of pestilence infiltrated the (benign, non-evil) cult that lived in the tunnels
Draco: Oof
Bree: he betrayed the cult and opened a portal to the so-called "plane of pestilence" where his demon master lives. the infectious miasma spewing from the cave and infecting everything in the region is actually a magic demon plague that's coming out of this portal
Bree: okay? this part's important. the plague is bad because it's literally from the magical land of turbo disease. to get rid of it, we must close the portal
Bree: the ritual book/diary also revealed that the innkeeper and the evil demon-worshipper were the same dude. he started the plague, but he hired us to go get the book and staff because the ritual wasn't actually complete. it was supposed to also summon his demon master to this plane
Bree: he obviously meant to trick us by saying he could use it to cure the plague
Bree: so, we all decided this book was Bad and would be very dangerous in the wrong hands and so we tore out all the ritual pages and burned them, keeping only the diary as proof of the innkeeper's real identity and his crimes
Draco: Oof
Bree: that was a bit ago.
Bree: cut to today.
Bree: we rescue a hill giantess who was part of the (benign, non-evil) cult that formerly inhabited the cave, the one that the evil guy betrayed. we removed a curse from the giantess and cured her of the plague, and she expressed gratitude and said she would help us go close the portal to stop the plague
Bree: then we learn the problem.
Bree: the leader of the now-dead cult, ruxabar, had planned to use the ritual book and staff to close the portal, by reverse-engineering it in a way
Bree: the portal, you see, is not fully open, and it must first be opened before it can be closed.
Bree: can you figure out why this is a problem?
ivel: yes :U
Gooper Blooper: rip
ivel: oof
Bree: no but here's the part that kills me
Bree: in the original adventure as written, there is no other solution. nothing. nada. zip. we would be at a complete and total dead end, unable to do anything whatsoever (unless our DM pulled something out of his ass).
Bree: luckily for us, however, our DM has already pulled things out of his ass. in our last quest, which was homebrew, we acquired a very powerful, very dangerous magic item that allows us to open rifts to parallel dimensions.
Bree: you get no points for guessing what our solution to this quest is going to be.
Bree: if you guessed anything other than "literally travel to a parallel dimension to get another copy of the ritual book," you get negative points :V
Bree: we literally botched this adventure so badly that we have to travel to a different timeline in which we didn't fuck it up!
Draco: . . . . .wao
Bree: and that concludes my recap of how bad we failed at D&D today


Magnified Sheep: I need to schedule plot days
Magnified Sheep ages a thousand years
Magnified Sheep bats around Green Hell on his plate like a brussel sprout


Jumpropeman: we'll never do blastoplot 3 because I finally will commit to killing him at the end


RubyChao: i got all three of the gacha-exclusive Honoka Birthday Cards in love live (ofc, without spending a cent)
RubyChao: Honoka has smiled upon me today


ivel: link
Jumpropeman: the strength of righteousness is how Blasto revived after BBB9
ivel: who revived with secret yoga tricks? :U
Jumpropeman: Meiling, but it was specifically Hot Yoga
Jumpropeman: I know Hot Yoga isn't just Sexy Yoga, but Gun Gun Pixies sure pretended it was
Hooded Pitohui: I went to look up and find out what that was, JRM, and... "it will be up to you to infiltrate a college girls' dormitory" Ah, yes, that's always a sign of a... good start...
Ghengis Jenga: That's how the classics start alright
Jumpropeman: that's the game where you shoot bullets at Neptune as she takes a bath
ivel: I was actually interested in Gun Gun Pixies
Draco: That's how FF7 originally started too.
Ghengis Jenga: Mario 64 starts with bowser infiltrating a college girls dormitory right?
Hooded Pitohui: Peach's Castle feels large enough that it could be converted into a college dormitory.
Ghengis Jenga: I don't know how far I can take this joke
Ghengis Jenga: I lack the innate ability to discern between good and bad ideas
ivel: well then
ivel: I have just the video for you!
Ghengis Jenga: These don't seem to be terribly helpful ivel :U
ivel: sure they are! :U
Jumpropeman: i didn't know what this video would be at first, but as soon as I heard that narrator voice I knew it was animaniacs :V
ivel: yep
Jumpropeman: "Bad Idea: Cleaning up kitty litter"
Jumpropeman: you heard it here folks
Jumpropeman: let it get nasty
ivel: to be fair, he didn't exactly do it properly :U


ivel: "When you just bought the game and you start off with a ranked match."
Lurk: aggressively flappy
Lurk: OH GOD
Lurk: wedge antweights are fucking nuts
Lurk: sorry, sumobots
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Lurk: goops sensed it.
Jumpropeman: hi goop!
ivel: oh god 4:05
ivel: and 4:11
Hooded Pitohui: Hello, hello, Goops!
Lurk: oh god
Lurk: 4:05 is a roboticist's nightmare
Jumpropeman: so many "oh god"s
Jumpropeman: I feel like I'm a thin-walled brothel
Jumpropeman: *waggles cigar*
Lurk: the robot sumo brothel is shocking
Magnified Sheep: JRM, there's no smoking here.
Bree: yes, you heard it here folks, jrm is in fact a living, talking, anthropomorphic brothel
ivel: "5:28 Ladies and Gentlemen I present... the early 2000's Inkjet Printer strategy! lol"
Jumpropeman: check out my HBO series when you get it free with cable
ivel: oh god it's true
Jumpropeman: for two weeks


Hooded Pitohui: I have composed a srspost with What I admit is a very unorthodox Dark Matter reveal done with Goops' blessing.
Jumpropeman: calling it now: Dark Matter Red-Brief J
Hooded Pitohui: time to delete it all and start over with that idea, JRM


Hooded Pitohui: Ripple is low-key up there with Mel as one of my favorite Harpchars right now and I think it's entirely because I could picture Ripple finding a reality warping god and running up to it and trying to punch it with her fairy arms and it's not working but she just keeps wailing on it anyways
Lurk: Ripple feels like she'd be in a part of "Something About ZFRP: Dark Matter Plot" video
Hooded Pitohui: That's an accurate take, Harps
Gooper Blooper: A Something video for an RP megaplot would be amazing
Gooper Blooper: Something About Curse
Hooded Pitohui: I don't know exactly what that looks like, but I know one of the gags involves there being one moment where Chompette busts through a wall to take on an army of foes and tears through them and there's another moment where the exact same animation is used to make you think she's about to do it again but it turns out she was just really eager to get with Plague to play with dino toys and he was on the other side of the wall
Gooper Blooper: And Chompette runs with a two frame bouncing animation
Lurk: now i'm just
Lurk: imagining the Zero talking to X scenes
Lurk: except its like... maybe Ribbon just talking to her and the rando generic fairies from the ending art posing behind her
Lurk: "you know, me and the big girls."
Lurk: ...imagining her in that "I'M A MEGA MAN NOW" style is absolutely horrifying and i wish i didn't have the ability to imagine such things so easily.
Lurk: i feel like something about cirnoplot would be hilarious too
Jumpropeman: just a hole in a wall opening and a flood of Cirno's streaming in and screaming 9999999
Lurk: oh no
Lurk: now i have to rewatch more of this
Lurk: "Remember kids:
When you hear Yahoos in the distance, you better start praying for your life."

Lurk: biscotti meming as Speedrunning Mario is extremely dangerous.
Lurk: pray for dark matter in these trying times.
Sorry Lara: Lord: Stop that. (to Ripple)
Lurk: 1:37 is Ripple's reaction to Lord. :V
Lurk: (loud sound warning)
Sorry Lara: Lord:....that....hurt.
Sorry Lara: (His feelings)
Draco: Oof.
Draco: His weak spot.
Bree: the lord has FEELINGS?!
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: for cats and nobus
Bree: does he have feelings for this sun I'm going to throw at him
RubyChao: the sun says unyu
Gooper Blooper: he's ded, throw the sun at mary instead
Bree: oh no the sun is kawaii
Draco: So Parsee throws her down the stairs because she's more kawaii than Parsee?
Bree: you know, utsuho is the exact right combination of cheerful and dumb as a rock, she might be very resistant to mary's drama powers
RubyChao: the greatest threat to CW villains ever
Lurk: which mary
Lurk: can't be me i spell my name different
Gooper Blooper: The Brawl is over and Mary Bishop went back to Vegas so you can expect most references to a "Mary" in RP to be CW's evil bitch
Spap: Awwww Damn, Goops throwing down some Bs
Bree: she also has two last names if that floats your boat better
Gooper Blooper: unless fried food on a stick is involved, that is
Gooper Blooper: She's pretty awful, spap!
Bree: the webcomic dumbing of age that I read had problems with some comment flame wars
Bree: so they permanently added a filter that replaces all instances of the word "bitch" with
Bree: "bongo"
Bree: but now you can't tell if someone is trying to say bitch or is literally just calling this super shitty awful character a bongo
Bree: it is some excellent slang
Draco: lel
Lurk: welp
Gooper Blooper: Mary's a total goddamn bongo
Bree: ironically dumbing of age also has a character named mary and she is only spared from being the indisputable biggest bongo because there's also abusive parents and stuff among the characters


SPEAK UP LARA: I properly entered Drown
Jumpropeman: that
Jumpropeman: is a shorthand I'm not sure anyone's used before
Gooper Blooper: D R O W N
Jumpropeman: makes me want to make a character named Drown
Jumpropeman: *pulls out template* they'd be a cute but nervous young lady with ____ powers
Gooper Blooper: XD


Bree: elmo messes up a take
RubyChao: what really gets me is just
RubyChao: the slow sinking
HarpsAtHome: yep.
ivel: absolutely
ivel: relatable


Draco: BBB11 winner
RubyChao: wait, draco
RubyChao: so is it Megumin or Kazuma winning bbb11
Draco: Yes.


Bree: sheep when someone compliments him or his characters roll well or succeed at anything

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