Friday, September 11, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 370: Incinerated Beyond All Recognition

Derpderp: *puts saturn hype away*
Derpderp: *throws troy in the dumpster*
Derpderp: i sleep


Mystified Sheep: Gotta stop doing plots...
Mystified Sheep grumble complain moan
Jumpropeman: that's what we tell ourselves isn't it
Jumpropeman: I said I'd never megaplot again


Jumpropeman: "You play a boy in his puberty"
Jumpropeman: no
Jumpropeman: no I do not


Jumpropeman: might add people in the eventual srs depending on the situation
Jumpropeman: *nails a big NO SATURN TODAY sign over the plot*
RubyChao: :(
Draco: Guess nobody's attending then. :I
RubyChao: can't believe you'd deny us saturn rescuing the shirtless hunk
Jumpropeman: he never called
Draco: How do you know? Maybe he had an X-Large with Sausage and Mushrooms.
Jumpropeman: "constantly sarcastic and aloof, but if someone is trying to be funny, she can't help but chime in. Compliments embarrass her. She tries to act tough"
Jumpropeman: this is what the hard girls game pretends Saturn is
Jumpropeman: even though she doesn't act that way in the game V:
Draco: It's why she didn't appear in RP until the other Hard Girls. She forgot she wasn't actually constantly sarcastic and aloof.
RubyChao: remind me
RubyChao: did she have... any of those traits in the game
Jumpropeman: the only moment she has shown personality is when in battle she says "The headliner has arrived!" in reference to herself
Jumpropeman: everything else is from the same stock as the other hard girls save game gear who is actually lazy
RubyChao: i think the problem is what harpy mentioned
RubyChao: they're collectively playing the straight men to the wacky antics of the nepcrew (plus iffy and segami)
RubyChao: game gear gets off easy because nepgear was the straight man of the nepcrew to begin with
Jumpropeman: it's strange because you'd think the nepcrew were being used to draw attention to the hard girls, not the other way around
RubyChao: i know, right?


Draco: New office assistant.
Jumpropeman: garsp!
Jumpropeman: finally someone to keep that yohane in check!
Draco: Her photo gimmick will be bags of chips.
Draco: Haunted Sanae doll eats your Scoritos, drinks your Mt. Dufe, and beats your Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix high score.


Bree: did the zeldofamily name their nobu "pudge"?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: Because I couldn't think of a better nickname for a Nobu who is basically now their housecat.
Bree: excellent
Bree: fat nobu is a fun mental image :V
Bree: (I'm only assuming pudge is fat but I mean...)
Jumpropeman: Fat Nobu is ball shaped
Jumpropeman: put her in a cannon for the next nobu war
Gooper Blooper: This, but a nobu
Draco: (She'd be nicknamed Slim if she weren't, Bree.)


Draco: Goops drew me a thing.
Bree: I love it XD
Hooded Pitohui: And a very good thing, he drew. That's a cute pudgy Nobu!
Bree: let's get him to draw all 200 nobus
Draco: I'm sure he'll be excited. ;p
Brinehammer: That's fantastic =3
Draco: It's canon. She wears PJs and her hat and plays Nintendo all day.


Bree: I was reading shitpost calligrapher's tumblr and someone posted this, without context aside from "this is my desktop wallpaper"
Bree: I had to share
Bree: might see if I can get azure to enter him in BBB11
Gooper Blooper: it's small for a desktop wallpaper, so they either tiled it so you can see him over and over
Gooper Blooper: or they stretched it out to fill the screen
Gooper Blooper: OR it's just sitting there alone in a sea of black around it
Gooper Blooper: all good possibilities
Bree: all of these options make it funnier, doesn't it
Bree: that was some grammar, wow
Bree: anyway
Bree: big dicc marty cucks all of ZFRP


Jumpropeman: the Dogoo enemies in sega hard girls
Jumpropeman: I always read them as Doggo
Gooper Blooper: same
RubyChao: i read it as doggo immediately when you said this
RubyChao: so


Mystified Sheep: Somehow, the Robo Warrior costume manages to look cheaper over the course of the film.
Jumpropeman: is he just
Jumpropeman: wearing painted leather
Mystified Sheep: Yes


Jumpropeman: >engagement ring accessory
Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: you can make a character your official waifu
Bree: but only one?
Bree: however will you choose!
RubyChao: he needs four
RubyChao: one for each hard girl
Jumpropeman: i mean
Jumpropeman: I can buy four
Bree: no :I *shoves dreamcast in the garbage compactor*
Jumpropeman: careful bree
Jumpropeman: I have specifically avoided burying Dreamcast after how it turned out for Saturn
Jumpropeman: as soon as I make the jokes
Jumpropeman: she'll strike
RubyChao: it's true
Bree: this is obviously not burying her
Bree: it's a garbage compactor
RubyChao: all she needs a single shot
RubyChao: and she's in
Bree: we'll just throw her back out again


Mystified Sheep quietly adds Eat Man to Salvagers
Mystified Sheep: link
Mystified Sheep: link
Mystified Sheep: Not what I expected to find trying to find images from the anime.
Mystified Sheep: The expression kills me
Draco: We don't judge kinks here. This is a safe space.
Mystified Sheep: :I
Mystified Sheep: Eat-Man (Bolt Crank) is actually a scrapped Salvager
Jumpropeman: she can join the salvagers, but not Eat-Man
Jumpropeman: he looks somewhat familiar
Jumpropeman: you might have shared images before
Mystified Sheep: I have!
Mystified Sheep: The original anime is dry as toast bones
Mystified Sheep: it is glacial and not worth your time
Jumpropeman: my my
Jumpropeman: hey chao we found the fourth anime sheep hates-
Mystified Sheep: Eat-Man '98 is better, but I'm not sure by how much
Mystified Sheep: I have both on blu-ray!
RubyChao: excellent
RubyChao: now i know who the last member of Dalton's team is
Mystified Sheep: It was a bargain
Mystified Sheep: two whole anime on one disc!
Mystified Sheep: As a Salvager his strategy would have been, of course, Eating.
Jumpropeman: that's how Sarah got her spot on the Doomseye
Mystified Sheep: He was scrapped because
Mystified Sheep: boy
Mystified Sheep: do they play the Mysterious Drifter to a tee with him
RubyChao: so, Maria?
Mystified Sheep: any motivation was really hard to spin
Mystified Sheep: No, because Maria has ambitions and things
Mystified Sheep: Bolt Crank is a mercenary
Mystified Sheep: and that's it
Jumpropeman: one thing I have liked about your Salvagers is many of them are inspired by the second chance mentality
Mystified Sheep: Oh good
Mystified Sheep: That's the idea
Draco: Some VHS or DVD I have has an Eat Man preview.
Jumpropeman: that was The Stranger's motivation too!
Mystified Sheep: I wanted them all to have a different, logical reason to join up
Mystified Sheep: Escape the law, send away the thing that hurts them, escape society
Mystified Sheep: Upsilon's motivation is harder to reduce to bite-sized morsel
Jumpropeman: i hope how I did upsilon and such in the profiles was fine
Mystified Sheep: Opportunity?
Mystified Sheep: You know I wanted my Upsilon face
Jumpropeman: I might add a Fringe Cases spoiler for the inevitable full Salvager layout in my profile topic
Mystified Sheep: Selfishly, I did want him separate, but he's basically wrapped up, barring sudden case of Gotta Do A Plot-itis
Jumpropeman: the question with those two is if they were officially members since you left that open
Mystified Sheep: I did
Mystified Sheep: You're the man, dog
Mystified Sheep: You're the one who has to come down one way or another
Jumpropeman: but it's your stuff! :V
Mystified Sheep: Alright, then they're official then :I
Jumpropeman: now to debate with myself whether Fastidious Beaver counts
Draco: Time for my Salvager: Nia.
Mystified Sheep: More faces
Mystified Sheep: MORE FACES
Draco: Okay
Jumpropeman: gotta remove pinhit and ming then
Jumpropeman: they don't have any!
Draco: :O
Draco: Is this enough faces?
Mystified Sheep: Can't have too much
Draco: Alright, all enemies in my plot are replaced with those.
Mystified Sheep: Good
Mystified Sheep: Now make Sanae important
Draco: NEVER.
Draco: This Gundam however...


Jumpropeman: Britney Spears is apparently the world's fastest person: "The 38-year-old pop star initially claimed that she ran 100 meters in an astounding 5.97 seconds in an Instagram post on Wednesday, squashing the Olympian's 2009 record of 9.58 seconds."
SPINBALL: gotta run from the paparazzi
ivel: I mean, I wouldn't blame her


SPINBALL: sakaria despises the fart cave


Jumpropeman: >chao playing the Little Witch game before watching the show
Jumpropeman: even though the steam reviews all say "good if you like the show" V:
RubyChao: i'm a loose cannon chao who doesn't play by the rules


Jumpropeman: an image of Maya where half her face isn't her smile
Mystified Sheep: Disturbing
Jumpropeman: so much wasted face real estate!
Mystified Sheep: Why is Maya a Saturday morning cartoon villain at the Table of Evil in this picture?
Gooper Blooper: she could definitely trade some of that forehead for more grin
Jumpropeman: now you know my agama megaplot
Jumpropeman: The Cabinet of Lizards
Mystified Sheep: A leather cabinet
SPINBALL: maya is a nuke
Jumpropeman: i've heard her called a bombshell but a nuke is new ;p
Jumpropeman: The Brume with a Bombshell Bod
Bree: the article that got maya humiliated and fired was about her breasts
Bree: it was an exposé all about why lizard people would have mammaries
Jumpropeman: I have an offseason blogpost that explains the boobs :V
Jumpropeman: not sure when I'll write it
Jumpropeman: *it's three words "because sexy, duh"*
Bree: kek
Bree: I'm sorry if my jokes made you feel like you gotta explain the boobs :V
Bree: I really do accept "because sexy" as an explanation!
Jumpropeman: nah, it conveniently ties to the lore of the Brume people
Bree: I am intrigued
Bree: I look forward to reading about lizard titties
Jumpropeman: who doesn't-


Cornwind Evil: For the dino, not the kind shown here
Bree: pictured: the plan to capture rexy backfires


Bree: I keep looking over
Bree: and realizing that I have this carton of grapes
Bree: because it was a set of mixed fruit and I ate all the other fruit
Bree: and I keep going "I need to put away these grapes"
Bree: but then I don't.
Bree: when will I have robots to see to my every whim?!


Brinehammer: Srspost. Was going to do it tomorrow, but here's Lee.
Derpderp: i'll light lee up like a wasp's nest.
Jumpropeman: I just realized
Jumpropeman: after Brine's previous srspost where Laurie was going to pull legs off a cat
Jumpropeman: I post a picture of CKR's new three legged cat
Gooper Blooper: well that explains that then
Derpderp: laurie bout to catch these hands
Draco: Lee seems like an alright villain.
Brinehammer: While she can accept that Laurie is... Well, Laurie, the fact that Nadine is still alive and she's slapping around their nuke for fun is not going to keep happening.
Cornwind Evil: I take it when Julia rips Laurie a new asshole again Lee is not going to get the message
Jumpropeman: where'd tyzien go
Jumpropeman: Julia's stealing his thunder
Cornwind Evil: He's working on developing phased ki
Gooper Blooper: He's giving Crocomire flying lessons
Cornwind Evil: Also that
Jumpropeman: crocomire has not had good luck with the plots lately
Jumpropeman: not many he would be a good fit for
Jumpropeman: diving suits don't come in his size
Brinehammer: Eh... Half and half. Lee will keep trying to kill Nadine through proxies or herself until it gets to a point that it's not worth the monetary or people cost anymore. While it's personal and all, she does have a whole lot of other stuff going on she has to run.
Gooper Blooper: Sounds like Lee would make a great Greater Scope Villain for a future plot...
RubyChao: is it time for the legendary brine large plot
Gooper Blooper: haven't had one of those puppies since Season 1
Brinehammer panic sweats
Gooper Blooper: "oh shit, they want to punch the bad guy I just revealed has a huge network of stuff they do"
Gooper Blooper: "wat do"
Cornwind Evil: Pull a Shadow Broker
Brinehammer: My activity this year has been on a slight upswing and it actually kind of worked, so... Huh. Maybe. Depending on how everything shakes out I might just follow it through to the end.
RubyChao: this!
RubyChao: is a good idea!
Gooper Blooper: That would be neat!
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I think you had... one? One event last year
Gooper Blooper: No, two
RubyChao: brine had events last year?
Gooper Blooper: This year you've got four and a half, so technically more than twice as many!!
Gooper Blooper: We got two fights with Jacques pre-Brawl
Gooper Blooper: that was it
RubyChao: oh, right
RubyChao: i forgot about the part where we did things with jacques that weren't rubbing cirno and bikkie on him until he turned into a good guy
Cornwind Evil: Well he was never really a BAD GUY in the first place
Cornwind Evil: He was too self aware
Brinehammer: I even went on other people's plots a couple of times this year, how crazy is that? :V Yeah, you know what, depending on how stuff goes, there may possibly maybe be a Big Brine Braw- Big Brine Plot. Keep your fingers crossed.
Gooper Blooper: You know I always push to see more Brinestuff, it's good shit
Gooper Blooper: so I'm all for it
RubyChao: brinestuff is great
Derpderp: yep
Draco: Darn. One letter away from getting Brine to do the Brawl.
Jumpropeman: 80 cool ladies
Jumpropeman: only one survives
Brinehammer: Only one can be Best Girl.
Bree: what if it's cerberus?
Bree: that's three girls!
ivel: Best Girls
Gooper Blooper: They duel between themselves once they're the only ones left
ivel: in that case all three get headpats, clearly
ivel: or what Goops said
ivel: honestly it probably wouldn't be too tough to get a Best Girl Brawl :U
ivel: even I could make a full roster at this point!
Derpderp: uh oh
Derpderp: that will shatter this community's trust in each other, clearly
ivel: I would want to see Meiling attempt to do votes for that
ivel: :U
Draco: *plays the Ultimate Showdown theme on a kazoo*


Draco: Evil Tenshi
Draco: aka Tenshi


Hooded Phoenix: I started playing Ace Attorney for the first time ever today so I'm ready for words, words, words here, you see
Jumpropeman: ah! I thought you just died and were reborn
Gooper Blooper: >HP playing AA
RubyChao: trust me goops
RubyChao: i am going to make him play all 10 games
Gooper Blooper: At this point I'm pretty sure Chao is just trying to create a clone of himself
RubyChao: is there a problem with having two of me in RP
RubyChao: no.


Meticulous Sheep: Hey!
Meticulous Sheep: It's HGB!
Jumpropeman: he's freelance muscle these days!
RubyChao: shoulda brought some REAL muscle
RubyChao: like uhhhh
RubyChao: uhhhhhhhh
RubyChao: hatate
Jumpropeman: hatate is clearly too powerful that the Kobbers would have to attack her during this rare opening


Meticulous Sheep: "what I named an Eggert particle."
Meticulous Sheep: An Eggicle, if you will.
Jumpropeman: I did try to think of a different name for the particle, and all of them were as terrible as that :V
Gooper Blooper: just call them Eggs
Gooper Blooper: E G G
pizza o’ clock: did somebody say eggs?
pizza o’ clock: *insert blizzard of cat in the hat memes*
Hooded Phoenix: Pictured, The Salvager's Shelves
Meticulous Sheep: "Few would chastise the starving man who steals an apple from a market stall to survive."
Meticulous Sheep: Street Rat!
Jumpropeman: Dmitri derails the conversation to vilify the apple stealer
Gooper Blooper: JRM DID review Aladdin on Genesis for Game Hoard...
Gooper Blooper: Aladdin even throws all the apples he stole
Gooper Blooper: I'm cracking up at HP's video
Gooper Blooper: shelf after shelf of wiggling eggs


Jumpropeman: it didn't come up in chat I don't think but Nintendo is Japan's richest company now
Jumpropeman: I know why it's a special case, but I kinda wish other game companies saw that going for short term gains like microtransactions isn't how you get to the top
Hooded Phoenix: I believe I saw the same thing! Incidentally, I keep track of their stock, and it's been absurdly high - compared to its historical value - as of late.
Gooper Blooper: Nice!
Gooper Blooper: Now if only they'd explain why they're apparently producing no new products...
Jumpropeman: they can't reach their computers because their offices are swamped with money
Hooded Phoenix: 40 years worth, iirc, they have cash reserves that they could take losses uninterrupted for forty years before folding.
Jumpropeman: but pitohui, don't you mean "they're definitely going third party soon"?
RubyChao: now if only they'd accept some losses by making a new f-zero
Hooded Phoenix: Heeeh. Honestly, the biggest argument against Nintendo going third party is that people talk about it as if it would be the smart, obvious, and reasonable strategy to take. If there's one thing Nintendo never does, it's take the obvious and reasonable route
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, they need to say it's a ridiculous idea that would totally kill the company
Gooper Blooper: then Nintendo would do it and make even more money
Gooper Blooper: just to prove them wrong
Gooper Blooper: (I like Nintendo but god they're weird)
Hooded Phoenix: That's my relationship with them summarized, Goops
Hooded Phoenix: Relevant post
Jumpropeman: they're like a restaurant with amazing food but they can never quite get your order right


Gooper Blooper: link
MobileDraco: Very cute.
Gooper Blooper: she's just
Gooper Blooper: h a n g i n g a r o u n d
Cornwind Evil: Man Yamame is STACKED in that picture
Gooper Blooper: the cookies had to go somewhere
Draco: She already has one Cookie in bed.


Meticulous Sheep: "Jumpropeman: but its reductionist to toss them all out"
Meticulous Sheep: That said, I haven't seen a Funko I liked
Jumpropeman: look sheep
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna be spending the rest of my life playing a lot of H games
Jumpropeman: I can't just toss them all out
Jumpropeman: why must h games be so easy to make though...
Meticulous Sheep: Maybe you can use the cases to pave your walk or something, I dunno
Harp At Home: because sometimes, you just want to write the horny stuff and use RPG maker to share the horny.
Jumpropeman: I mean
Jumpropeman: I got Sonata out of one of them
RubyChao: i did not know that
RubyChao: was it hot?
Harp At Home: i don't think i-
Harp At Home: actually, i will refrain from speaking to that point
Jumpropeman: look at her on the left
Bree: why do those women look like they're going to murder us
Harp At Home: thats actually kind of terrifying.
Jumpropeman: for some reason lighter skinned there too
Jumpropeman: I have no clue they're all good guys who wanna fuck
Jumpropeman: are they shaming the player
Harp At Home: a very bad case of sameface
Bree: does this mean sonata would like some fuk?
Jumpropeman: "you will see our titties, but you will be judged for it"
Bree: meiling like "I'm cool with that"
Harp At Home: no thanks i'll play an h game where i'm not judged for looking at titties-
Harp At Home: i say as i continue to watch this one dude hemorrage yoshis in yoshi's story
Jumpropeman: sonata to meiling
Bree: meiling is not ashamed of who she is!!! judge her all you want for looking at titties!!!
Bree: they were all consensual titties. she has nothing to fear from your judgment
Jumpropeman: I reviewed Sonata's source game on the Game Hoard
Jumpropeman: she was originally intended to be a full on willing Salvager!
Jumpropeman: she was retooled by the time we met her though
Bree: that floofy bird alien I posted the other night is from an H game, some of them have good arts
Bree: I told jrm that in pm so he already knows :V
Jumpropeman: yeah, one of the few good things I've said about H games is they often put a lot of effort into the art that matters, they just then don't make the process of getting them very interesting nor does the writing handle the scene well
Meticulous Sheep furiously motioning off-stage for the crew to cut JRM's mic
Gooper Blooper: One of these days, JRM is going to give porn a Fantastic
Meticulous Sheep: oh nooooo
Gooper Blooper: it's gotta be out there somewhere
Harp At Home: *faptastic- no wait this is a family friendly blog... sorta...
Jumpropeman: you mean Mass Effect?
Harp At Home: ass effect-
Bree: ah yes
Jumpropeman: Mast Erect
Bree: I remember the moral guardians getting upset that mass effect was porn
Meticulous Sheep: I think it would have to transcend what is considered-There it is
Jumpropeman: yeah, at some point your game with sexy times starts just becoming a regular game :V
Harp At Home: is it time for you to play huniepop
Meticulous Sheep: No
Meticulous Sheep: No it is not
Jumpropeman: hypothetical version of King of Texas where the football minigame was instead the best virtual adaptation of Football put to video game form



Jumpropeman: "In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Wario never blinks."
The Deleter: If wario blinks all of existence is denied


Gooper Blooper: Spy suggested to me the ultimate shitpost fite of Human Wids vs Spy Is A Mantis For Some Reason but he didn't know Wids is a mantis again
RubyChao: i like that
Gooper Blooper: because let's face it
RubyChao: just have Human Wids be accidentally there for the duration of the fite
Gooper Blooper: some of these fites are gonna be shitposts
Gooper Blooper: and I'm all for that
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: My idea was literally just
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: Spy fucks with his old bud one last time
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: "I had the medic load me with Science and now I'm a mantis. I think it's temporary probably."
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: "Let's fite"
Gooper Blooper: "elohim dammit you enormous goober"
Jumpropeman: let's not get TOO shitposty until everyone's had a chance to get their legit ones in
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah, absolutely
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: Spy and Widow Maker was absolutely a legit idea. But then I went
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: "Wait we did that already"
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: "Wait hold on Widow Maker's human now"
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: "Oh no I have an awful idea"
RubyChao: *widow maker's hot now
JRM WHAT THE FUCK: I mean if I'm being fully honest




RubyChao: >see a one chapter story
RubyChao: >check comments
RubyChao: >from the author: "Yeah, this one's finished. I didn't plan enough before I published this one, so when I went to continue writing I had no idea where to go. Which is why I put a lot more planning into the other one before I put it out."
RubyChao: (it was the opening of what was clearly meant to be a long story)
RubyChao: >check other mentioned story
RubyChao: >it... also died after one chapter
RubyChao: rest in peace
Gooper Blooper: QUALITY


Jumpropeman: Maya vs. Kennedy
Jumpropeman: just crib the reporter fite from before-
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser vs. Pitohui
Jumpropeman: Blasto vs. Pitohui might have some legs actually
Jumpropeman: except they fought in the brawl
Jumpropeman: Giggle vs. Zia
Jumpropeman: Game Gear vs. a treadmill
Gooper Blooper: GG stands no chance
RubyChao: Dreamcast in a lethal fite
RubyChao: let this girl go full blood and thunder
Gooper Blooper: get in some BBB11 practice
Jumpropeman: any warhammer characters laying around? If she loses, she doesn't want her corpse recognizable
Jumpropeman: she'll definitely go Season 1-2 "Fite without limbs" if she has to
Gooper Blooper: she can fight Dark Matter Chronos Xarr
RubyChao: brine
RubyChao: you know what you must do.
RubyChao: -i think i shared this but similar to saturn's full goofiness
RubyChao: getting to see- oh
RubyChao: OH
RubyChao: JRM
RubyChao: Pitohui vs. Dreamcast
RubyChao: there ya go
Jumpropeman: haha!
RubyChao: i legit think that has legs
RubyChao: four of them
RubyChao: of which two are probably removed by the end


Jumpropeman: dia
Jumpropeman: vs.
Jumpropeman: gino
Harpy: gino's dead
Jumpropeman: *battle ends when the loser kisses the other*
Harpy: that sounds like an extreme version of tag
Jumpropeman: or the winner
Bree: xtreem smooch tag
Bree: meiling challenges ALL the ladies to extreme smooch tag
Jumpropeman: Night of 100 Ladies


Meticulous Sheep: Apparently there's an anime called Basquatch, where Bigfoots play basketball
Meticulous Sheep: So, I got very excited
Jumpropeman: I've already googled it
Draco: wao
Meticulous Sheep: Only to find "Bigfoots" are what this universe calls car body mechs with arms and legs
Meticulous Sheep: Sorry, Mario
Jumpropeman: Bigfoot the monster truck has left, appropriately, a large footprint
Meticulous Sheep: But that the very least, it SEEMS to be about playing basketball in car mechs?
Meticulous Sheep: So that's something
Jumpropeman: most people probably find that more interesting
Draco: Definitely not Deb though. Why would she be interested in an anime of robots?
Cornwind Evil: JRM Does Not Dig Giant Robots


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Oh god, I LOVE looking back at people gushing over the graphics of video game systems that are long dead now
Gooper Blooper: "If you do not get this amazing generation of Donkey Kong madness, you are stupid. Yes, I know. That's insulting, but it's also the truth."
The Deleter: Thems good skellys
Jumpropeman: my brother once paused super smash bros. melee because he was shocked that Link looked just like a real person
Gooper Blooper: precisely identical to a living, breathing human being
Jumpropeman: he roasts his old self for it all the time :V
MobileDraco: lol
RubyChao: why are you linking my high school yearbook photo?
MobileDraco: Because it's a Link to the Past.
Gooper Blooper: I remember there were a couple gens where the new consoles got hyped up by saying "they can do Pixar-quality graphics!!!"
Gooper Blooper: and they never could
Jumpropeman: pixar quality


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: What if I have a grandson but don't love him all that much?
Jumpropeman: you need the version with Taz then
Draco: Perfect!


Jumpropeman: I've almost made a few "but where's Miracle Matter" jokes
Jumpropeman: and then gooper goes and makes him like, Dark Matter's secret nuke
Harpy: i have plans for that one.
Gooper Blooper: I've been holding onto Miracle Matter for lategame!
Draco: Then we bring in Miracle Matter Prime for a showdown!
Gooper Blooper: A lot of potential Kirby boss fights got scrapped for time, but
Harpy: Ripple has attained maximum rage.
Gooper Blooper: we NEEDED Kracko and Miracle Matter, it was very very important to me they both get in
Harpy: i could have brought back a boss as a good guy if you push Troy hard enough
Gooper Blooper: so they're in!
Jumpropeman: Kracko was a good pull, I've liked seeing him around
Gooper Blooper: He slots well into that "larger-size tough guy I throw at big fights" niche I like to have
Gooper Blooper: Celesteela, Gigas, Rexy, etc
Gooper Blooper: huge hermit
RubyChao: dumb joke comment i forgot to make
RubyChao: maria is off in the corner being annoyed because come on, she has a great plan going on! give her a chance!
RubyChao: (but seriously that was great setup and i'm hype)
Jumpropeman: that setup works pretty well for Cirnoday approaching actually
Gooper Blooper: I couldn't wait until the board was cleared of course, but I wanted a big elimination to trigger that scene
RubyChao: and it was a good pick for it!
Gooper Blooper: Century's event was the ideal trigger
RubyChao: a much better pick than cirnoil. :V
Jumpropeman: how dare
Jumpropeman: she's turned at least three rats to the cause
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: look at that sinister servant!
Draco: Then Yoshiko becomes a Dark Matter and has to be killed.
Hooded Pitohui: Cirnoil shows up to fight with three rats, a pigeon, a Gulpin, an a non-living Matroshyka doll she has decided counts as five allies
RubyChao: don't worry draco
RubyChao: tachi will just punch her TO DEATH in their fite
Gooper Blooper: The doll should count as four allies, HP
Gooper Blooper: because then it adds up to nine allies total
Draco: Excellent
Hooded Pitohui: Oh, dang, you're right.
Hooded Pitohui: It had five nested dolls total, but it's missing one.
Hooded Pitohui: There we go.
Jumpropeman: she killed that one as an example to the others
Jumpropeman: it was the middle one though so it's kinda awkward now


Hooded Pitohui: Ah, ah, on the note of it nearing midnight. I really, I admit, must sleep. So, to Harps, thanks for the plot. And to the rest of you, I bid you a grand evening and a farewell! See you soon enough!
Harpy: mhm!
Harpy: have a grand evening
Harpy: try not to spontaneously adopt kindra
Harpy: i'll auction her
Draco: Bye HP.
Draco: I bid $10 and a bag of Cheeze-its.
Cornwind Evil: I bid whatever is in this box
RubyChao: srspost for jrm
Draco: Dang. I can't compete with that box! D:
ivel: I bid Draco
Draco: You have to bid HIGHER, Ivel. You're not good at auctions.
Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: I bid Draco after he's smoked weed
ivel: I say no to drugs BI
Draco: 8O
ivel: just like these pencils
Gooper Blooper: hahah I remember hearing about those but never got to see a pic
Gooper Blooper: perfect
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of the so-called Wicked Bible
Cornwind Evil: Which had one printing error
Cornwind Evil: Which was
Cornwind Evil: "Though shall ____ commit adultery."
Jumpropeman: will do
Cornwind Evil: I don't think you can do that if you're not married
Jumpropeman: not with that attitude
Jumpropeman adults
Draco: Shimmer's really been getting into adultery lately. She wears her cool suit everywhere saying "Business"
Draco: And she has no idea why Voyd blushes so much when she talks about it.
Jumpropeman: adulting ain't easy
Cornwind Evil: I think if any of us actually adulted ZFRP would expel us like when Father Callahan got tainted by Barlow in Salem's Lot and couldn't enter his church any more
RubyChao: srspost
Jumpropeman: ingrid did some adultery
RubyChao: it's true
Draco: That's why she hasn't appeared in years. Bl
Cornwind Evil: Wasn't she manipulated?
Jumpropeman: It's Complicated
Jumpropeman: srspost
Jumpropeman: Ingrid was groomed to be the Warrior of Light and married Bludletta willingly, unaware that Ingrid was being brought up to help inspire a Primal who could better defend Eorzea. Then Ingrid got freaky with a necromancer and fought a moogle to talk with her old wife
Jumpropeman: they just don't have that as a Relationship option on Facebook
Draco: Still a better option than the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Jumpropeman: Bludletta didn't make her go to the Waking Sands ONCE


Meticulous Sheep joined the chat
Meticulous Sheep screaming


Harpy: >scooby doo and the reluctant werewolf
Harpy: OH MAN
Harpy: >scrappy is in this movie
Harpy: Fuck
Meticulous Sheep: PUPPY POWER, Harpy


Meticulous Sheep: "appears to be a ray-gun modeled after the head of an icy dragon at the man"
Meticulous Sheep: Pitohui, I was legitimately concerned Jack had the Sapphire Dragon.
Meticulous Sheep: Particularly when you got to the part about it being powered by an inactive relic
Gooper Blooper: Stella Hoshii already has the sapphire dragon
Gooper Blooper: they hang out all the time


Jumpropeman: both my hard girls on dates today ;p
Jumpropeman: Mega Drive wanted a hot date, but not THIS hot!
Draco: "both my hard girls" <- Just BURYING Master System like that.
Jumpropeman: and Game Gear just can never pick a good music act for a date!
Jumpropeman: that's how master system enters RP
Jumpropeman: she'll find the right band for them
Jumpropeman: "Master System this is just a link to your soundcloud" "well yeah, you wanted the best"
Draco: "The best way to annoy the neighbors," says Lucy.
Jumpropeman: *almost starts describing why Master System and DeMonde would get along*
Jumpropeman: I'm NOT falling for this trap


Jumpropeman: *goes to a website* *clicks on search bar* *types that website's name into search bar*
dorkpy: same.


Draco: Edited to include some Wiki links so y'all know what a Zako, an Air Pirate, and a Sithspawn are.
Jumpropeman: a pirate... in the air?!
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna need a while
Meticulous Sheep: A Zako is, like, a hard, green vegetable right?
Draco: Exactly, Sheep. You nailed it.


Jumpropeman: does anyone else remember the Woodsy Owl "Give a hoot, don't pollute" slogan and ads? Well after the government got bored of it, this happened
Draco: Wow. That's just a BIT harsh, isn't it?
Jumpropeman: please make sure one of our employees is on hand to watch the immolation of our mascot
RubyChao: woodsy owl will be erased from history
Jumpropeman: it says nothing of what to do with the ashes
Jumpropeman: we could potentially pollute the world with Woodsy's remains
pizza o’ clock: But like
pizza o’ clock: Why destroy the costumes?
Jumpropeman: the campaign ended I guess
Jumpropeman: and they didn't want the costumes to be thrown out?
RubyChao: because if you destroy them
RubyChao: they can't rise up
The Deleter: This is the start of a fnaf fangame
The Deleter: Or an scp
Meticulous Sheep: They don't want people impersonating being part of the organization
Draco: If FNAF and SCP were in the same universe, you know Freddy Fazbear's would be an SCP.
RubyChao: Containment Procedures: all woodsy owl costumes must be incinerated beyond all recognition
Meticulous Sheep: But yeah, it definitely reads like an SCP page
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: you may have breathed in some woodsy owl at some point in your life
Meticulous Sheep: There's some Chatzy Madness
Meticulous Sheep: Emphasis on madness.
Jumpropeman: May?
Jumpropeman: I go out of my way to breathe in woodsy owl
pizza o’ clock: The ghosts of burnt woodsy owls haunt us
pizza o’ clock: Staring
pizza o’ clock: judging


Gooper Blooper: by the way, fun fact
Gooper Blooper: Welder is one of the best cards in the entire TCG and is extremely in demand
Jumpropeman: wow
Gooper Blooper: even the digital version of the full-art holo costs almost ten bucks
RubyChao: for gameplay, or for outfit?
Gooper Blooper: she's a metagame darling!
ivel: both
Gooper Blooper: I've seen plenty of good-looking cards get passed over for not having good enough effects so it's mostly gameplay
Jumpropeman: darling you say
Jumpropeman: *flips through single characters*
Gooper Blooper: Piper only has eyes for
Gooper Blooper flings dart
Gooper Blooper: Nia Teppelin
RubyChao: that could be a problem.
Gooper Blooper: WE'LL SAVE HER
RubyChao: no it's a problem
RubyChao: because in a dramatic reveal
RubyChao: despite never meeting her
Gooper Blooper: The fite determines who gets Nia
Meticulous Sheep: So is WALL!!
Meticulous Sheep: who is now part of this season
Jumpropeman: good!
Jumpropeman: it's the anniversary year after all!
Gooper Blooper: We were due a Wall appearance
Gooper Blooper: he did get those placeholder cameos but those have vanished into the ether
Meticulous Sheep: Pozzo returns, explaining nothing about what happened in Ardea, only proclaiming his eternal love for Nia Teppelin.
Jumpropeman: Doktor Hanz returns to RP for one day only to declare his love for Nia
Meticulous Sheep: The Mother arrives and-
Meticulous Sheep: Chatzy Madness 611: tank loves nia teppelin
Gooper Blooper: the prize for winning BBB11


Jumpropeman: corrupt xenophobic yoshis is very zfrp home: feels more like a possible super happy cult going on
Jumpropeman: even better
Jumpropeman: at their meetings they eat 30 fruits to get even happier


Gooper Blooper: reminder
Gooper Blooper: don karnage is from fuckin' Talespin
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP.txt home: sounds about right
Draco: Remind me to never use a Disney furry again. I want a badass picture of Don Karnage? I pay the price for it. *shudders*
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: you pays your money and you takes your chances
Jumpropeman: oh honey
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser home: bruh i saw boshi fetish art
Gooper Blooper: Miyu and Fay home: granted it's not elaborate so maybe i'm just like "WELL ME TOO"
Draco: So we've got a support group going already?
RubyChao: "Also: The one character isn't Don Karnage or whatever from 'Tailspin'. It looks like him, yeah, but it's not him. He's actually wearing a different outfit entirely even if you can't tell from this image bust."
RubyChao: but draco
RubyChao: that isn't don karnage!!!
RubyChao: HOW DARE
Jumpropeman: Clawhauser is practically openly gay in the movie so the fandom latched onto him hard home: *opens mouth* home: *closes it*
Draco: *gasps* I was lied to. D: home: now is not the time home: V:
Draco: Don't care; I'm keeping it. I'm not going back into Hell, not now.
RubyChao: (it's ok, really)
Jumpropeman: his appearance changed after his previous defeat
Draco: Well, you make a wolf man crash his plane and it scars him a bit.


Jumpropeman: there's a unique appeal to Local Business Has Some Fun advertising
Meticulous Sheep: Indeed!
Gooper Blooper: do I need to pull out Eagleman and Crazy Bruce's Liquors again
Jumpropeman: there was a business in San Antonio called Beyer Boys whose slogan was "we'll bend over backwards to prove we're the best" so one commercial had their family involved, and they had the young, spry ladies bend over backwards, but then the older guys who do the actual work showed up and two dads actually did it while the third just sat on the ground to the side in defeat
Jumpropeman: I can never remove that image of Defeated Dad from my mind
Jumpropeman: he knew he would be in the commercial
Jumpropeman: he had to know
Jumpropeman: but he was still there
Jumpropeman: "I'm the one that doesn't bend over backwards :("
Gooper Blooper: there are two local commercials from my past that I wish made it to youtube but I've never found them
Gooper Blooper: one was the long-gone Parkside Family Restaurant, which had a chorus of people singing a song about it and lines from the song became a running gag in my family
Jumpropeman: there was a radio commercial for some sandwich place with an impassioned man singing R&B about him getting a sandwich that I wish I could find
Gooper Blooper: We got one last burst of memery out of it when it closed and we were all like "I guess they DIDN'T got what it takes, ahu" home: GOOOOO PARKSIDE! *throws pom poms in the air* home: *pom poms obliterate me off the face of this planet*
Gooper Blooper: The other one was a store called The Christmas Loft that might still be around, which sold nothing but Christmas items all year long
Gooper Blooper: this one I actually got to visit once
RubyChao: i wish i remembered some good local ads
Jumpropeman: there was a random Arkansas car dealership commercial that reintroduced Hoity-Toity to my vocabulary
RubyChao: instead i'm stuck with kars for kids
Gooper Blooper: they also had a song but it was just one very passionate woman
Jumpropeman: we're not like those OTHER hoity-toity car dealers
Jumpropeman: dude, you're in small town arkansas
Jumpropeman: there is no hoit to toit
Gooper Blooper: *~*~THE CHRISTMAS LOFFFT~*~*
Meticulous Sheep: Since I can't find the song, I'm inflicting this on you
Gooper Blooper: WHERE THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS... COMES TO LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE~~~~~ home: don't be a fuddy duddy home: i'm imagining that sung by an opera lady now. home: nobody can stop me
Gooper Blooper: Oh, and not really local since it's a regional chain, but
Gooper Blooper: Price Chopper doing their House Of BBQ promotion
Gooper Blooper: I briefly worked at Price Chopper at the very same time they debuted this promotion for the first time.
Gooper Blooper: it will never leave my brain home: uh
Jumpropeman: ah yes
Jumpropeman: the memory by way of indoctrination
Gooper Blooper: and this one, this one DID make it to youtube
Gooper Blooper: ...this video is marked as Liked on my account
Jumpropeman: that jazzy roar at the start home: that's it
Jumpropeman: in a Price Chopper haze, Gooper liked all their videos
Jumpropeman: the indoctrination is a success home: that's the generic hot rock jazz theme
RubyChao: you like them!
RubyChao: you really like them! home: that does look good though... home: but that's... like... home: texas roadhouse.
Gooper Blooper: Did I ever reference the house of BBQ in RP because that's exactly the sort of stupid shit I would do home: and some other steakhouses...
Gooper Blooper: *searches forum for BBQ* home: and lo did goops regret his decisions
Gooper Blooper: "Bloodtalon gets a face fulla BBQ sauce. He looks absolutely baffled" home: bloodtalon just sounds like an edgy furry name..
Gooper Blooper: "Clownpiece is justifiably upset that her BBQ has been ruined though."
Jumpropeman: harpy dissing her own names home: well yeah i make some stupid names sometimes. home: also i forget who that be.
Jumpropeman: Etrohus related guy i think home: OH RIGHT home: that dick home: i have picked a good name home: because that planet's full of stupid names
Gooper Blooper: the first use of BBQ on Zeta
Gooper Blooper: was General Cleft's intro


Draco: Blargh. Now even I'm mistaken my avatar for Brine. I thought he'd made a post but it was me. XD home: it was you all along, draco...
Gooper Blooper: Pudge, master of illusion
RubyChao: bwahahahahahhahaha
Draco: I AM Brine. D8


Jumpropeman: *boots up Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2*
Jumpropeman: first song that plays on the menu screen is Superman
Jumpropeman: that has to be deliberate
Gooper Blooper: they knew what they were doing
Gooper Blooper: *futo etc*


Bree joined the chat home: hi bree
Bree: >no cornwind
Bree: lame
Bree: hi other frands that I also love very much :V
Jumpropeman: hi bree home: :V
RubyChao: hi bree
RubyChao: i can pretend to be cornwind if you need
Bree: I would genuinely like to see you try XD
Gooper Blooper: V:
Jumpropeman: *Cornwind mode activate* that reminds me of this scene in a 1980s Horror B Movie
Meticulous Sheep: That you saw with your good friend Orville?
Bree: very authentic. it's like I'm talking to the real cornwind!


RubyChao: a dumb post
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: at last
RubyChao: you understand
Jumpropeman: my third eye has opened
Draco: When will your second eye open?


Cornwind Evil: I wonder if it is possible for Lilith to actually get sated on combat and bloodlust
Meticulous Sheep: Let's find out!
Meticulous Sheep lowers Junko into the grinder


Meticulous Sheep: What even IS the deal with Stonehenge?
Meticulous Sheep returns to silence
Jumpropeman: ??
Meticulous Sheep: Yes.
RubyChao: the deal with stonehenge is
RubyChao: Me


RubyChao: link
Meticulous Sheep: Good picture
Gooper Blooper: futo what did you doooooooooo
RubyChao: futo just started
RubyChao: a SMALL fire
RubyChao: nothing to worry about
Meticulous Sheep: It was small when it started at least
Jumpropeman: it's a contained fire, in that it won't escape earth's atmosphere at least


Jumpropeman: HM
Jumpropeman: HM HM HM
Jumpropeman: I might be able to combine two salvager events come to think of it
Gooper Blooper: Gasp!
Jumpropeman: it sort of upsets the whole clean cut arc structure but makes perfect sense still
Jumpropeman: I won't commit to it until I've had more time to think
Jumpropeman: but it gives me the parts I wanted of one event and the parts of a another with only like, action setpieces trimmed
Gooper Blooper: I just got the stupidest mental image and burst out laughing
Gooper Blooper: JRM's five events in October:
Gooper Blooper: one each for the four Under The Skin alien things and then everyone else dumped into the last day
Jumpropeman: they're THAT important
Gooper Blooper: and then we tell JRM "could you maybe compress this" and he's like "sure" and combines Becky and Proptop into one event, but then Cadabra gets two
Jumpropeman: Cadabra IS the one who tricked Clownpiece after all
Jumpropeman: err
Jumpropeman: tricked us by being Clownpiece


Bree: enid was also a little inspired by demonde *blush*
Bree: demonde is just a really cool lady, okay?!
Gooper Blooper: Everyone seems to agree!
Bree: demonde best character
Jumpropeman: Game Gear clinging to her side like a koala "Don't I know it"


Bree: FINALLY posted
Bree: it's long as shit


The Deleter: Sprinkles in the Grove
The Deleter: He's not a champion he's just here now
The Deleter: A distant, fearsome MYAOW


oops: i keep hearing "great king moggle mog" to the tune of "Halloween"
Draco: ...I can heart it now too. XD
oops: granted i can't complete the lyrics
oops: but that one line.


Meticulous Sheep: remind me never to plot again
Meticulous Sheep silently screaming
RubyChao: okay sheep
RubyChao: DON'T do the dark matter reveal i know you've been waiting so desperately to make
RubyChao: do not
RubyChao: no
Meticulous Sheep: I'm replacing all my plots with Draco plots
Jumpropeman: and THOSE are getting cancelled!
Meticulous Sheep: That's the plan!
Meticulous Sheep: Gotta game the system!


Meticulous Sheep: Harpy's going to turn Evil Cirno into tartar sauce!
Spooked: am i really
Meticulous Sheep: tar-tar sauce
Meticulous Sheep: tar
Spooked: ha.
Meticulous Sheep: See, it's funny because-


RubyChao: i love when the most basic jokes make me laugh like an idiot
Spooked: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: man, I'd totally forgotten about that time Nancy comics were posted in chatzy and they were both surprisingly good and sported modern jokes despite retaining the old-timey art style
Cirnoropeman: new nancy strip is top shelf
Gooper Blooper: I hit previous and the comic before this one has her doing goddamn remote learning
Gooper Blooper: nancy with the finger on the pulse
Gooper Blooper: hey harpy is this you
Spooked: yes.
Gooper Blooper: why is this comic of all things so good
Gooper Blooper: how is it even alive
Gooper Blooper: I have no idea


Gooper Blooper:
Draco: I didn't give them permission to put me in a comic.
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: *looks at unstarted review in another tab*
Jumpropeman: let's talk more about that nancy comic
Gooper Blooper: I linked this one for a reason


Gooper Blooper: oh god, just the first couple seconds of that video
Gooper Blooper: cirno jiggling her way into frame
Gooper Blooper: glorious
Cirnoropeman: canon


Cirnoropeman: oh
Cirnoropeman: darn
Cirnoropeman: my cute thing is lost on you east coasters
Cirnoropeman: Cirnoil turned good around 9 pm my time ;p
Spooked: if we could turn back time...


Spooked: i
Spooked: i went "pspspst" at my pet
Spooked: in mabi
Spooked: in real life
Spooked: to try to get it to come to me
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: reminds me of that time Sheep said hello to his computer when we all said hi when he came in
Spooked: i regret not getting my clarity coffee for the day
Cirnoropeman: to be fair, I installed malware in sheep's computer so I can always hear him
Cirnoropeman: even when he's not at the computer
Cirnoropeman: it's really good malware
Spooked: guess it doesn't help that the pet sounds like a cat


Dobile Mel: I have edited my TF2
Dobile Mel: So that
Dobile Mel: When I kill someone
Dobile Mel: This plays
Dobile Mel: It has improved my experience tenfold
ivel: lel
Dobile Mel: Headshot a medic?
Dobile Mel: DIE
Dobile Mel: Rocket a heavy?
Dobile Mel: DIE
Dobile Mel: Backstab?
Dobile Mel: DIE


RubyChao: to be fair
RubyChao: it's the office building on top of a subway!
RubyChao: :D
RubyChao: (no that doesn't answer her question)
Spooked: riding up stairs must have been rough
RubyChao: it was.
RubyChao: but valon wanted style.
Spooked: okay valon, we'll pop your tires.


Gooper Blooper: Fun story: On a whim, Goopsbro decided to do a twitch stream of himself playing Guitar Hero a little while ago
Gooper Blooper: Reminder that Goopsbro is, legitimately, one of the best GH players in the world
Gooper Blooper: he made forty bucks in donations
RubyChao: nice!
Meticulous Sheep: Oh wow
RubyChao: and yeah i remember
RubyChao: second in the country and would have been first if he had gotten the chance earlier, right?
Gooper Blooper: He tossed up a donation goal thing for a $25 guitar controller adaptor and beat his goal
Gooper Blooper: Not sure if he was second in the country, you might be thinking of my Space Invaders Get Even run, but he was in the conversation for top ten in the world
RubyChao: still absurdly impressive
Spooked: man.
Gooper Blooper: And yeah, it was due to circumstance and starting out on sub-optimal systems (Wii, then PS2, when all the pros were on PS3 and 360)
DarkMatterDraco: Oof.
RubyChao: someday i will become the world record speedrunner for some touhou fangame nobody else has speedrun, ever
Hooded Pitohui: I did not realize Goopsbro possessed such skill!
Gooper Blooper: He spent a lot of his "career" playing catchup
RubyChao: yeah goopsbro is a GUITAR WARRIOR
Gooper Blooper: he pointed out that he got a perfect score on one really hard song in like six months when other people had taken two years to do it, but they'd still beaten him there
Gooper Blooper: He's tried to "go pro" on a few other games, like he's been in Call Of Duty leagues
Gooper Blooper: but Guitar Hero is his baby
Cornwind Evil: But can he play Through The Fire and Flames?
Jumpropeman: I can play Through the Fire and the Flames
Jumpropeman: not well though
Spooked: "call of duty leagues"
Gooper Blooper: He can do basically anything
Jumpropeman: and I'd probably lose
Jumpropeman: but I can play it!
Spooked: *flashbacks to lil harpbro's hardcore CoD days*
Gooper Blooper: It took months of practice but he eventually FCed (Full Combo, it means to hit every single note without missing any) TTFAF
Spooked: hot damn
Gooper Blooper: At one point he turned away from the TV and attempted to beat it without even looking at the screen and he got about two-thirds through
The Deleter: Hell yeah
Spooked: time to give him a dragonforce album
Spooked: or a psychostick album
Jumpropeman: nice!
Jumpropeman: I watched some High Score History video about TTFAF once
Gooper Blooper: I think the earlier-mentioned song he beat in less time than anyone else was Devil Went Down To Georgia, btw. It was a boss fight song so he couldn't play it normally on Wii but when he finally got a 360 they had a DLC pack that let you play the boss songs as normal songs without the versus mode powerups and stuff
Jumpropeman: I wonder at which point he cropped up :P


Spooked: oof, missed the explosion bit
Gooper Blooper: tfw Harpy misses the explosion
Spooked: edited
Spooked: i can't believe megumin's in plot


Brinehammer: I'm actually a little surprised at how well Sharknado and what Dust does match up, I never thought about it before.
Gooper Blooper: Based on her name and the talk of how dangerous she is, I have some idea of what Dust's special power is
Gooper Blooper: gonna have to be careful who I send to that one :V
Jumpropeman: she's good at vacuuming
Draco: Dust's special power is b...darnit, JRM beat me.
RubyChao: time to send my most brineloved characters to that event and have them be as cool and brineappealing as possible
RubyChao: so that he has to do nothing bad because he doesn't want to make them sad
Gooper Blooper: *sends Mary and Jinako*
Spooked: time to send dia and troy
Draco: * I guess?*
Gooper Blooper: Pudge will save us all.
Draco: Pudge is an elite Nobu Army sniper with over a hundred confirmed kills in Call of Duty. Don't mess with her.
RubyChao: "Nobu did you just say about nobu, you nobuing nobu!?"
Draco: "NOBU YOU DIDN'T nobu"


Jumpropeman: *keeps nearly typing Valon as Volan*
Gooper Blooper: Varan
Spooked: yuran-
Jumpropeman: in Timesplitters: Future Perfect, there are a bunch of load screen comments between playing stages and such. Some are trying to get you to play modes by saying like, "Have you played Virus yet?" "Have you tried Arcade yet?" but there's a joke one where it tells you to play as a very minor character named Pulov Yuran for multiplayer. Thing is, if you take all the other suggestions, it removes them from the rotation, so most load sceens have the question "Have you played as Pulov Yuran yet?"
RubyChao: well jrm
RubyChao: have you?
Jumpropeman: you know it
Hooded Pitohui: I keep doing that, too, JRM - Volan instead of Valon
Jumpropeman: his wiki page
Jumpropeman: he's just a random mook so he's not even interesting besides his punny name
Gooper Blooper: "Pulov Yuran's name is a play on words, sounding like "pool of urine"."
Jumpropeman: it took me and my bro a long time to figure out why he got so much emphasis because the pun didn't register
Jumpropeman: "I don't know if this happens on PS2 version but on my copy of the game when the loading screen appears before startiong a match the scroll bar ALWAYS says "Have you played as Pulov Yuran yet?" its ALWAYS the 1st thing said like every single time."
Jumpropeman: someone has the same thing happen :V
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: misclick
Jumpropeman: should have reentered as Pulov Yuran, damn
Meticulous Sheep banishes JRM from the island
Gooper Blooper: so he's a salvager, right
Jumpropeman: YOU KNOW
Jumpropeman: it would be tempting
Jumpropeman: *remembers him for next Curse type organization*
Meticulous Sheep: Clearly, we need a Second Salvager Surge
Gooper Blooper: I'll pencil him in for Mr. Hippo's Extravaganza
Meticulous Sheep starts cranking open the garbage compactor
Spooked: *shoves yuran into a trash bin*


Gooper Blooper: as if I didn't like this chick enough already
Draco: lel
Spooked: OH GOD
Gooper Blooper: she's apparently a HUGE fan of the film, considering her comments about characters' movements and expressions and other little details you'd only see after watching the same movie ten times
Spooked: oh god that's
Spooked: a level of fandom i seem to only have for like mabi :V
Jumpropeman: "this kind of grandpa that appears in movies... I really like them"
Jumpropeman: oh god, she's trying to appeal to me too


Spooked: new mabi event!
Draco: NEW EVENT?! 8D
Spooked: it's where dia does all of some kid's homework for her.
Draco: ...Dia, no, Clownpiece needs to learn math.
Spooked: and its another idle event though the thing takes a bit
Meticulous Sheep: You talking about
Meticulous Sheep: ...
Meticulous Sheep: uh
Meticulous Sheep flips through pages
Meticulous Sheep: Y-yuran?
Meticulous Sheep: that can't be right


RubyChao: so since it's unlikely to come up IC
RubyChao: who wants to know OOC what the motive behind today's plot was
Spooked: me!
Gooper Blooper: I'm quite curious!
RubyChao: it was basically the opposite motive of the green hell one; while that would have been something dalton could have pointed to as "i have harnessed the green hell zone! i will make olympia better with it!"
RubyChao: having the subway get fucked over by one guy on deathborn's watch would have been something dalton could say "wow, while deathborn was mayor we had this major subway disaster. hmmst"
RubyChao: sabotaging the guy he hates, basically
RubyChao: but kobbers happened, so it didn't work
Draco: Makes sense.
Spooked: petty
RubyChao: quite!
Spooked: shoulda put him in egg prison but that's weird.
Gooper Blooper: swing voters be all like "well deathborn makes sure the trains run on time"
Gooper Blooper: dalton be all "OH YEAH?!?!"
Meticulous Sheep: I'm not a fan of Deathborn's fiscal policies.
RubyChao: valon was just a pretty ineffective boxer who was easy enough to say "help me as one of my big boss guys and we'll rig things to make you the champ like the curse did for balrog"
Meticulous Sheep: And his policies for teleporting things that displease him into the sun.
RubyChao: and he was dishonorable enough to go for it
RubyChao: unlike sally, he did read the papers
Meticulous Sheep: What?!
Meticulous Sheep: Nobody reads that rag!
Meticulous Sheep: They'll print anything!
Meticulous Sheep: Even if a lizard wrote it!
Meticulous Sheep: Yes, hello? I'd like to buy a subscription.
Jumpropeman: you talking bout
Jumpropeman: Maya?!
Jumpropeman: that is supposedly the lizard she's based on
Gooper Blooper: I can see it!
Spooked: those legs
Jumpropeman: sometimes the red is more purplish
Jumpropeman: so that's probably why she so pink


Jumpropeman: so I think the game I'm playing, if I pause it in a certain area, has very quiet background noise on the pause screen... before a very loud trilling like a cricket or frog, to the point I thought one must be in my room


Jumpropeman: IT WASN'T THE GAME
Jumpropeman: TIME TO HUNT


Gooper Blooper: I'm thoroughly enjoying Death Gun's lines, chao
Gooper Blooper: good work
RubyChao: thanks, goops!
Hooded Pitohui: This is a much better take on Death Gun. He kills me, but in a good way
Meticulous Sheep: I wish this is the Death Gun we'd gotten in the show :I
Hooded Pitohui: Me too, Sheep, Me too. Here's hoping Abridged does us justice some day
RubyChao: so pitohui
RubyChao: does that mean death gun
RubyChao: brings you death
RubyChao: with his gun
Spooked: noooo
Hooded Pitohui: .......Chao......


Spooked: god i just wanna watch more eizouken but i feel like i never have any time to do anything
Spooked: i was just complaining to my sis that i felt like i didn't even have enough time for basic self-care stuff
Meticulous Sheep: So you're saying
Meticulous Sheep: you're going to
Meticulous Sheep: Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken
Hooded Pitohui: Booooooooo
Meticulous Sheep: I've done it
Spooked: i'm quitting your plot preemptively, sheep.
Meticulous Sheep: I've told the best joke I can
Meticulous Sheep: I've peaked
Gooper Blooper: *large flashing neon signs of a bowtie and a glass of water light up on either side of sheep*
Meticulous Sheep: It's time to ascend
Spooked: goodbye sheep
Meticulous Sheep: I can return to the forest
Meticulous Sheep:
Hooded Pitohui: Sheep has achieved peak comedy, I admit
Spooked: and i'm going to listen to drivel
Meticulous Sheep: ....lassht
Meticulous Sheep dentures pop out
Meticulous Sheep clothes turn orange
Meticulous Sheep explodes

Meticulous Sheep: THE SHEEP!
RubyChao: a javelina runs off sadly...


Bree: this is relatable on many levels but I looked at this and just thought "ren"


Cornwind Evil: "Once its HP is decreased to 25,600, Storm Dragon will attempt to give itself Image and Haste statuses, accompanied by the text "Storm Dragon cloaks itself in wind! Speed and evasion increased!" Storm Dragon is immune to Image and so it only gains Haste status."
RubyChao: Flawless planning.


RubyChao: so question
RubyChao: how much do you think Sheep would die if I brought Sally back for Agama?
RubyChao: like would it just
RubyChao: kill him
RubyChao: every single day
Draco: Yes, and that's why you shouldn't do it.
Hooded Pitohui: You replace Triple Citrus with Triple Sheeptrus - that being Sally, Tamaki, and whoever picks up the death gun and becomes the new Death Gun
Gooper Blooper: send her to every sheeplot
Draco: You should do it because Sally is a cutie patootie genius who needs to study the Grove.

1 comment:

  1. Jumpropeman: *almost starts describing why Master System and DeMonde would get along*
    Jumpropeman: I'm NOT falling for this trap

    And then Master System snuck in anyway.
