Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 366: I Forgot Poor People Exist

Ghengis Jenga: Dat there sure was a brawl!
Ghengis Jenga: Nicely done
Jumpropeman: thanks!
Jumpropeman: I'd be worried if it wasn't a Brawl!
emit azzip: Pffft
Ghengis Jenga: Somehow jrm wrote war and peace instead of a brawl
Jumpropeman: fuck
Jumpropeman: you would think I'd realize halfway through at least
Ghengis Jenga: Yeah it was weird how hard you doubled down
Ghengis Jenga: I appreciate the commitments tho
Jumpropeman: "War and Peace has 587,287 words, making it more than ten times longer than your NaNoWriMo novel."
Jumpropeman: I didn't realize NaNoWriMo was only 50,000 words
Jumpropeman: I guess I could NaNoWriMo if it was instead just about a bunch of video game characters killing each other
Spyleepless in Spyattle: Wait, how long was brawltide
Jumpropeman: Spy: BBB10 was 107,000 words and some change. Pre-Fite was just short of 21,000 words
Ghengis Jenga: Flipping heck
Spyleepless in Spyattle: Holy SHIT JRM


RubyChao: i don't think spy will be insulted if i say
RubyChao: hogan winning in BBB5 would be the most retroactively awkward brawl winner possible of the ~500 candidates
RubyChao: no contest
Spaps is HYPE: Honestly, yeah
Spaps is HYPE: There's "awkward because member loses interest in the char"
Spaps is HYPE: There's "awkward because of awkwardness between members"
Spaps is HYPE: If I won BBB5 with Hogan, I would've legit asked JRM to give the guaranteed champ slot to 2nd place that year
RubyChao: "well, you see, bbb4 was won by mac tongiht, bbb5 by *STATIC DISTORTION*, and bbb6 by zeldoten..."
Jumpropeman: when people go check out the ten gold statues, they notice one is covered with a sheet full time
Ghengis Jenga: The winner of bbb5: this inanimate carbon rod
Jumpropeman: it turns out Hulk Hogan didn't win, it was his shirt, who will now fite independent of his former host
Spaps is HYPE: Like, that's already kinda what we did! Said it was The Avatar of Hulkamania rather than Terry Bollea
Spaps is HYPE: Buuuuuuuut even then that lasted, like. Long enough to smile and wave him far, far offscreen
RubyChao: and to have him fight Stone Cold Steve Austin
RubyChao: but that was it
emit azzip: I’d vote for inanimate carbon rod


Gooper Blooper: the feeling I get when the brawl's done is the feeling I get after I'm done opening all my christmas presents


(Stocking agonizes over baking for the first time)

Maul Sheep: "Because they don't tell you what two hundred and eighty millilitres is or what it looks like, and they don't tell you how long it takes to get soft peaks,"
Maul Sheep: I'm so mad you made me feel for this character, but this bit was really good.
Maul Sheep: Her two paragraphs of dialogue after the line break are excellent as well.
CUIADO E AMIGO: mel all like “HEY BITCH WANNA MAKE SOME BOMB ASS MILKSHAKES?!?” She is still drugged. Very good scene tho
emit azzip: I return
emit azzip: And thank, sheep
Spaps Lives: Sk, that was friggin GREAT
emit azzip: Thanks :)
CUIADO E AMIGO: Thats so fuckin good
CUIADO E AMIGO: Because thats “first time cooking” in a nutshell
CUIADO E AMIGO: Also mel and stocking should hang sometime
emit azzip: Probably, yeah
CUIADO E AMIGO: “Quick, i’ll distract panty with, uuuh.... HEY TROY CAN YOU DISTRACT HER WITH SEXY?” “i’m a hacker not a hooker D:<“
emit azzip: hahaha
CUIADO E AMIGO: Alternatively: “only if she doesnt mind me wearing a horsehead mask.” “...why?” “Ugly barnacle face, mel.” “..oh”
CUIADO E AMIGO: This will never happen
Spaps Lives: >Horsehead mask
Spaps Lives: *Jacket intensifies*
Maul Sheep: Anyway, I'm going to ruin it now as it borders a post about a man stealing dinosaurs with the power of yodeling.


Spaps Lives: Back from Dinner
Spaps Lives: . . . W . . . why did I capitalize Dinner
Gooper Blooper: because the CD-i memes are still embedded in your brain
Spaps Lives: Me rn
Jumpropeman: Spy M. Mean
emit azzip: RENNID


Gooper Blooper: >looks at recently viewed items on ebay
Gooper Blooper: >A3515 plush
Gooper Blooper: >Megumin keychain
Gooper Blooper: >Pennzoil promotional sticker sheet
Gooper Blooper: you people have ruined me
Jumpropeman: by god, the pennzoil advertising is paying off
Gooper Blooper: I've also looked up Wilkins Coffee on ebay before because of course I have


(Sheep does a Home On The Range event)

wars: >plays K.K. Steppe
wars: >ivel reads a bit of the post
wars: "is that what he's yodeling to? :V"
Maul Sheep: :I
Gooper Blooper: *watches entire video*
Gooper Blooper: *is greeted with Lord Dominator when the video ends and turns into a wall of thumbnails*
Gooper Blooper: oh hi there
Maul Sheep: Ahahahah
wars: hidden lore unlocked-
wars: i should watch home on the range...
Jumpropeman: not really!
Jumpropeman: you saw the best part already :V
Gooper Blooper: XD
wars: wow
wars: you just ruined my enthusiasm!
wars: look i need to get my high back from the godzilla binge
RubyChao: i watched home on the range when it came out, in theaters
RubyChao: and i remember... basically nothing
Jumpropeman: oh my
wars: well if that isn't a ringing non-endorsement then i dunno what is
Gooper Blooper: Harpy has bingewatched Godzilla films, the entire Jurassic series, and a fuckton of battlebots and robot wars
Gooper Blooper: I'm running out of things to throw at her, guys
Gooper Blooper: what's she gonna watch next offseason?!
RubyChao: the solution is to bingewatch
RubyChao: and by Symphogear
wars: i mean maybe finally i'll- yes if you link me a source
RubyChao: i mean the three seasons that are actually good
Gooper Blooper: AS REPOARDED


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: damn that link gives me goosebumps even though it's dumb
Gooper Blooper: it's because that song brings up the sweetest memories for you
Gooper Blooper: of Shrek 2 and Wailord
Jumpropeman: both equally amazing
Jumpropeman: the real question though
Jumpropeman: is who the himbos are in RP
Jumpropeman: it's sort of sad when my first thought is "...Theodore Rex?"
Bree: sean is a good contender for himbo status
wars: all i can do is "yoyoyoyoyoyoy"
RubyChao: sean would absolutely qualify
RubyChao: jiang too
Gooper Blooper: oh god, gonzy, yeah
Gooper Blooper: perf
wars: *gonzy thumbs up*
wars: love fucking writing that dumbass
Bree: I feel like despite her firmly established femaleness meiling deserves to be in the himbo club
RubyChao: she hits basically all the traits, yep
Gooper Blooper: I just realized
Gooper Blooper: Plague.
wars: yep.
Bree: once read a tumblr dissertation on how himbo is linguistically fascinating because it's almost always used in a positive manner, it's not an insult
RubyChao: yeah, Plague
Bree: unlike what you might consider to be the female counterpart, "bimbo"
Bree: oh god plague yes
Maul Sheep stares into the middle distance


Ghengis Jenga: Is Nadine on the list for being brawlnapped or what
Brinehammer: Hey ya'll. Nadine's not on the list, no. Nobu
Gooper Blooper: I've got tons of folks to be Amigo'd already
Jumpropeman: so what you're saying is you want dunston amigo'd
Gooper Blooper: I did get an idea for one joke Amigo-ing, actually
Gooper Blooper: Ping-Ping. Not Varrick or Zhu Li. Just Ping-Ping.
Jumpropeman: that's amazing
RubyChao: Do it
Gooper Blooper: I amigo Fuzzface and he follows us around the entire rest of the season afterwards in gratitude
RubyChao: nnnnnnOOOOO
Jumpropeman: all of Basu and Ren RP now must include FuzzFace commentary
Gooper Blooper: Helios just kinda standing over Fuzzface's body like
Gooper Blooper: "do I have to?"
RubyChao: goops you gave me the mental image of helios "accidentally" spilling something on fuzzface's paperwork
RubyChao: "oh i can't read it but it looks like it says "don't revive" oh well" *nudges fuzzface into the furnace*
Gooper Blooper: don't worry though, Sarah revived spider-pig again
Gooper Blooper: so he can try a third brawl in another seven years
Jumpropeman: FuzzFace is called up out of the grave in Double Dragon Neon
Jumpropeman: hence why I had to explain how this seemingly invincible creature died
Jumpropeman: the only way to get rid of FuzzFace in DDN after you meet him is to turn off the game or experience a glitch


wars: i am about to break some nobu laws
Gooper Blooper: jailed for nobu crimes


Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vtoVf8wCGb0
wars: oh shit
wars: if only i can @ivel here
wars: IS ALL.
wars: oh shit hi ivel
wars: so anyway that's why ivel didn't put chicken man man into brawl
wars: chicken man man
wars: shall become
ivel: he turns into Zamasu oh shit
wars: brawl planet
Gooper Blooper: Chicken Man Man for BBB11
Gooper Blooper: reminder that Chicken Man got two KOs
wars: two KOs.
wars: "imagine if chicken man had been my winner"
wars: 1. i'd be impressed
wars: and 2. chicken man plot
wars: chicken man vs chicken man man, who put him up to this task to achieve world domination
ivel: chicken man was one of chicken man man's men who went rogue
wars: look now i want to do a stupid plot about that
wars: chicken man vs dr. amigo first ho
wars: ...tho, not ho.
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Amigo Amigo'd one of his chickens
wars: a chicken that throws dark matter chicken men
ivel: more like
ivel: Dr. Enemigo
wars: that throw more chickens that OH GOD THEY HAVE TEETH ON THE UNDERSIDE
Jumpropeman: those spears cranked up pretty quickly
Jumpropeman: and then suddenly all of existence was Chicken Man Man
wars: accurate depiction of what happened during the alternate dimension brawl


wars: "I just found out about the VIP GBA game
I'm about to fucking start crying
Pixilated, snatched toothpick Pamela Anderson was too much for me"

wars: found on another discord server i'm on and
wars: did i find the treasured garbage...
Jumpropeman: oh my god
wars: i'm sorry JRM
RubyChao: "Today on Super Adventures I'm learning that 'V.I.P.' was a TV series starring Pamela Anderson that somehow ran for four years a decade or so ago without me ever learning of its existence. This isn't even the only licensed V.I.P video game, as there's at least three of the things available on systems like the PlayStation 2, Game Boy Colour, and Game Boy Advance, and I can't imagine that this is in any way a good thing for the humans who have to share the planet with them. That's not a knock on V.I.P. by the way, I've never seen the series, I just know that games based on any TV series (even the good ones) aren't typically regarded as things that have any business existing. Though I will of course give this one a fair chance to win me over."
Jumpropeman: I knew of the playstation version
Gooper Blooper: oh dear lord
Gooper Blooper: that sprite
wars: clearly this is an abomination
Gooper Blooper: every game.
wars: it must be done.
Jumpropeman: people want 25 bucks or more for this thing
Jumpropeman: the game boy color version looks like a different game
Jumpropeman: so that means
Jumpropeman: three different versions of VIP exists that all play different
RubyChao: e v e r y g a m e .
Jumpropeman: please, I just earned my freedom from brawl work
Jumpropeman: i'm not ready to suffer
Gooper Blooper: gameplay starts one minute in
Jumpropeman: yup, this confirms it
Jumpropeman: I was watching some of the GBC version and they are all different
Jumpropeman: clicking around randomly and it doesn't look atrocious
RubyChao: >doesn't look atrocious
RubyChao: right
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: i'm not getting you this for christmas, then.
Gooper Blooper: only games that are definitely absolute garbage can be proper Chao Christmas Gifts


wars: but i am not yet free of my random "mid-season new person" sheenanigans
wars: will i ever cast away these shackles of my own device?
wars: probably not.


Ghengis Jenga: I told my mum to git gud today
ivel: welp


Bree: so out of curiosity I checked the brawl standings because I was wondering, if panty was determined to only bang a dude that wasn't taken, how far down the list would she have to go
Bree: the answer is basu
Bree: who got 6th place :V
Bree: or if giant space grubs aren't really her thing, the next option is david mammoth.
Bree: let's say she doesn't wanna bang the mammoth man either. next option is optimus prime.
ivel: welp
Bree: if panty's not into robots and decides to look a little farther, we finally end up with a regular human dude who's not taken! score!
Bree: it's elliott.
ivel: XD
emit azzip: XD
Bree: as you can see, it's probably a good idea she settled for game gear
emit azzip: Man, considering how flustered David Mammoth got around Panty
emit azzip: Can you imagine how that would have gone down?
Ghengis Jenga: Optimus Prime just transforms and drives away
Bree: optimus prime is more interested in panty and stocking's car
Ghengis Jenga: Oh gods
emit azzip: See-Through, sadly, is not a transformer
RubyChao: so as far as i can tell
Cornwind Evil: We never did find out why Optimus didn't remember his adventures during year one...
Ghengis Jenga: I may do something with that later
RubyChao: if panty wanted to go for the first human male who wasn't currently in any kind of relationship and was around her preferred age
RubyChao: as far as i can tell she'd have to go down the list to 44th place
Bree: actually that depends, chao
Bree: from elliott, the list is bob bifford --> rasppule --> lord death man --> herman/otto --> big bobby --> THEN jake marshall
RubyChao: oh i forgot to count lord death man
Jumpropeman: underneath that mask he's a total hunk!
Bree: jake IS the highest on the list that's going to appeal to panty and be down to clown
Ghengis Jenga: We can safely eliminate big Bobby I feel like
Bree: on what criteria, del :V
Ghengis Jenga: I feel like the rhyming would be the major problem :V
Bree: are you kidding? ask him to dirty talk and that's some comedy gold right there
Bree: how many words can big bobby rhyme with fuck
ivel: chuck
Cornwind Evil: I could have died happy never having that concept placed in my head...
Bree: it was a rhetorical question, but the answer is "enough to last an entire night, for sure"
emit azzip: Big Bobby is legally not allowed to fuck
Jumpropeman: Big Bobby could summon a very sexy boss character in his stead
Jumpropeman: problem is they'd only last 30 seconds ;p
Bree: imagine panty getting on with lord death man and coming back home like "I didn't realize you could literally fuck a man to death"
Bree: stocking has to explain that's his entire gimmick
Ghengis Jenga: I'm dying
Ghengis Jenga: Help
Bree: is it my fault
Bree: sorry if I killed you
Ghengis Jenga: Yes lmao


Bree: wow lord, please back completely the fuck off
Bree: general nobu ain't need your handouts!!!!
Jumpropeman: since no one trusts Dawn or Sine's handouts these days, Cornwind has to use his more reliable character The Lord to give them out
Gooper Blooper: XD
Bree: I have my own plans for nobu
Bree: but apparently those plans might need to include enid throwing the sun at the lord
Meridian Sheep: Nobu?!
Spyleepless in Spyattle joined the chat
Spyleepless in Spyattle: I'd trust The Lord's pamphlets
Meridian Sheep: The nobu summoned Spy
Bree: the grove has one. peko confirmed its sun-ness. I WILL yeet it at the lord with the force of ten thousand oceanuses punching god
Meridian Sheep: Here comes the sun
Meridian Sheep: doo doo dooooo
Bree: you've seen bad guys get thrown into the sun
Bree: but have you seen
Bree: the sun get thrown into the bad guy


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: JRM where are you digging for internet gold today
Jumpropeman: my usual orbit has been very nice today


Clara: because she extra angy now
Bree: boy darkverse jeff really signed himself up for a serious kobbering
Bree: a HELLUVA kobbering, you might say
Bree: every post is just like *angryness of kobbers intensifies*
Gooper Blooper: I am very okay with this
Bree: ZFRP be like "here, I painstakingly and lovingly crafted this absolutely despicable villain for you. destroy him :3"
Gooper Blooper: yep!
Gooper Blooper: With some of the buildup people were posting, featuring sad and exhausted characters desperately looking for their friends
Gooper Blooper: I was actually getting mad at my own plot and made Jeff as horrible as possible to ensure you'd kill him
RubyChao: guilty as charged!
RubyChao: *sweeps sad bikkie under the rug*


RubyChao: you know
Mandolin Sheep: I don't
Mandolin Sheep: but I have a feeling you'll tell me
RubyChao: considering how iconic he's become as head of the zf hospital
RubyChao: it's weird to remember when helios was Dead Backstory Character
Mandolin Sheep: Helios Dies At The End
RubyChao: no no
RubyChao: Helios Died At The Start
Mandolin Sheep: When ZFRP is at its end, Goops' final line will be
Mandolin Sheep: Helios is not alive.


Hooded Pitohui: Chao and I have been joking for months about this image, and how if you replace the girl in the middle with Tachi, and the dark-haired girl (Miku) with Honoka, you basically have Triple Citrus.
Mandolin Sheep: Hah!
Hooded Pitohui: And we were joking about it earlier tonight in preparation for the Citrus reunion here, and I joked to him "you should just edit Tachi's face onto the girl in the middle", at which point, he pointed out to me that he'd also have to replace Miku with Honoka, which...
Hooded Pitohui: ...I had completely overlooked, because at this point, my mind sees someone hugging Hibiki, and it just goes straight to Honoka, with no real thought to anyone else


Gooper Blooper: Let me know when everyone's cleared out of the storehouse, I have one last post to make for when the building is empty
Jumpropeman: good thing I didn't do the storehouse bathroom
Jumpropeman: I did consider it but didn't want someone to just burst in like "I GOTTA PISS AFTER THAT ADVENTURE!"
Gooper Blooper: XD


Mandolin Sheep: Still here
Jumpropeman: I'll be the judge of that!
Jumpropeman: yeah he's here
Mandolin Sheep was actually just a very realistic painting
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: MAXIMUM CHONK
Mandolin Sheep: Did
Mandolin Sheep: Did you just have that on hand?
Gooper Blooper: nah, I just ran to google images as soon as you said "painting" and picked the "best" sheep painting I could find in thirty seconds
Gooper Blooper: Apparently the ghastly proportions are on purpose and back in the day there were a whole bunch of artists who would draw livestock in ridiculously exaggerated fashion to emphasize their features
Mandolin Sheep: I've seen that pig painting somewhere
Jumpropeman: Brother, may I have some oats
Mandolin Sheep: That's it
Gooper Blooper: link


Mandolin Sheep: "I'm from South Carolina"
Mandolin Sheep: "Ah yes." says Haehyun. "The South of Carolina."
Jumpropeman: I did wonder how much she knew about stuff like that :V
Mandolin Sheep: She'd struggle to name more than ten states, I think.
Mandolin Sheep: If that many


Del: can't believe the new paper mario is bad
Del: who would have thought
SteelKomodo: me :P


Actual Taylor Swift (Godzooky) joined the chat
Jumpropeman: =o
Jumpropeman: TAYLOR
Actual Taylor Swift does a dance and sings human music.
emit azzip: Hi
Jumpropeman: you know I had my doubts for a second
Jumpropeman: but only Taylor would do those two things in tandem
Gooper Blooper: I see right through your disguise... *KIRA* MIKI!
Jumpropeman: =o
Actual Taylor Swift left the chat
*Kira* Miki (Actual Taylor Swift) joined the chat

*Kira* Miki: How did you know? 😱
Jumpropeman: >=| I'll never get a chance to talk with the REAL Taylor Swift and send her bitcoins
Bree: the real taylor swift lives inside your heart, jrm
*Kira* Miki: The real Taylor Swift is an actual human.
Jumpropeman: guess again Kira Miki
*Kira* Miki: That's clearly Jade, not Taylor Swift.


Jumpropeman: link
Spaps Lives: Bottom: in the finished game’s data, the numbered karts from the pre-release version can still be found. However, only the karts with the numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are present. Luigi’s kart with the number 2 has been very specifically erased from the files. The reason why Luigi’s kart was singled out in this manner is unknown.
Jumpropeman: spy and I both checking out Supper Mario Broth at the same time :V
Spaps Lives: Its good content
Draco: Supper Mario Broth is forbidden.
Hooded Pitohui: Broth is a nice guy. I once had a chance to talk to him about the webcomic he was doing. It was very pleasant.
Jumpropeman: in that case draco
Jumpropeman: Sonic the Hedgeblog!
Draco: That is permitted.
Bree: what if
Bree: guys this'll be funny
Bree: guys what if
Bree: what if
Bree: in that sonic picture
Bree: you replaced the yellow circles in the tank treads
Bree: with pac mans
*Kira* Miki: Wakka
Gooper Blooper: *Skeiron drops from the sky*
Jumpropeman: you just got yourself a spot on the Pac-Man Joke Book writing team
Bree: *wipes tear* I'd like to thank the academy...
Spaps Lives: We need to give Bree her commemorative IV feed
Jumpropeman: link
Bree: why is the IV feed going under him though
Bree: that's more of a pac-enema
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: Pac-Man betrayed his own game
Jumpropeman: I FOUND IT
Jumpropeman: THE WHOLE BOOK
Gooper Blooper: Even the Pac-Man Joke Book writers refused to stoop to the point of making a Pac-Man pun out of "Pac-Man".
Gooper Blooper: There are two Pac-Man joke books btw
Spaps Lives: I AM
Spaps Lives: SO HAPPY
Jumpropeman: yup, the images I just linked were from the second
Jumpropeman: Pac-Men On Hollywood Squares ain't even trying
Bree: "pac-man eating crow" wut
Jumpropeman: eating crow is actually a decent pun considering its company
Bree: they could've made some of these jokes better by just having less simplistic art... like "pac-rat" is just a generic rat...
Spaps Lives: Soft Pac makes me uncomfortable
Gooper Blooper: *~follow for more soft pac~*
Jumpropeman: "Pac-Man Chewing Tobacco"
Jumpropeman: how
Jumpropeman: DARE
Jumpropeman: they not have him chew To-pac-o
Bree: there's definitely things called a soft pack but I can't really think of which one they might be referencing
Bree: unless it's "all of them"
Jumpropeman: "Pac-Man Dressed up for 'Let's Make a Deal'"
Bree: paczilla is not really a pun or joke but the image is still funny
Bree: "the pacson five" *the pac mans are colored darker*
Bree: das racist
Jumpropeman: I can't believe he's wearing pac face
Bree: *rimshot*
Bree: "pac-man biting the bullet" this is even darker than pac man with an IC
Bree: *IV
Spaps Lives: I am so mad how much my girlfriend and I are on the same page
Jumpropeman: the second pacman jokebook recycles the AMAZING Pavarotti joke
Jumpropeman: ah wait, it wasn't in the first one
Jumpropeman: that was Pac-Beard
Jumpropeman: they look alike
Bree: "pac-man's driver's license photo" is this...is this the first-ever rendering of pac-man from the front
Bree: "pac-man finances" ...is this, in fact, an attempt at explaining why you wrote this book?
Bree: "96 pac-filled pages of biting humor" how dare you not say jam-pac'd


ivel: I sent Aero the pac-"jokes"
ivel: Awesomenaut:
» :D
» I love it


harp: I wanna squeeze
harp: Ivel has squeezed me.
harp: I am


Spaps Lives: Guys
Spaps Lives: You may find yourself debating watching Yu Gi Oh GX Season 4
Spaps Lives: If you were to, say
Spaps Lives: Do a marathon of any and all Yu Gi Oh content
Spaps Lives: I have a recommendation
Spaps Lives: Maybe Don't


Cornwind Evil: By the way Chao
Cornwind Evil: Looking at the Big Bar Brawl Chatzy Madness post
Cornwind Evil: You correctly rolled the Citrus placement
Cornwind Evil: Draco also correctly predicted Mel's 1-10 placement
Cornwind Evil: I didn't want to do it because I was worried I'd jinx myself, sso
Cornwind Evil: Alternate universe, what is my character's placements
Cornwind Evil: Tyzien
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 56
Cornwind Evil: He only does one slot better!
Cornwind Evil: Ash and Christine
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 40
Cornwind Evil: They do a little better!
Cornwind Evil: Joy
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 27
Cornwind Evil: She does a fair bit better!
RubyChao: i enjoyed seeing myself roll Citrus better
Jumpropeman: a rather ho hum altverse so far
Spaps Lives: Oceanus
Spaps Lives rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 7
Cornwind Evil: Dawn
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 62
Spaps Lives: Rasppule
Cornwind Evil: She does a lot worse!
Spaps Lives rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 48
Cornwind Evil: And finally, Sine
Spaps Lives: Leo
Spaps Lives rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 25
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 2

Spaps Lives: Bob
Spaps Lives rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 56
Jumpropeman: I was waiting for the 83 on Sine :V
Spaps Lives: Conductor
Cornwind Evil: ....this would have been a lot better alternate universe for Sine
Spaps Lives rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 11
Bree rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 32

Bree: ren probably still would not have been happy with 32nd
Cornwind Evil: Also one I think JRM would have preferred writing
Jumpropeman: Mega drive/game gear
Bree: but it's damn well better than 76th
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 2
Jumpropeman: ...
Draco: LOL
ded: same feel
RubyChao: it was meant to be, JRM
RubyChao: it was meant to be.
Gooper Blooper: fantastic
ded: mel
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 39
ded: hansel
Gooper Blooper: but Sine already got second, so what does that mean?!
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 45
Cornwind Evil: All in all I would have prefered this alternate universe, but it is what it is.
ded: stella
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 29
Draco: What if I'd entered....Zeldoten?
Draco rolled a die with 83 side. The die showed: died before the preshow.
Jumpropeman: they fusion dance with Sine
ded: carla
Draco: Proper. ;p
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 40
Cornwind Evil: Sine used her suit to absorb them
ded: aaaaaaaand that last one i keep forgetting
ded: eclair!
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 4
RubyChao: draco, please, you know the rules
RubyChao: zeldo would have died IN the preshow
Cornwind Evil: Eclair takes Mel's place
ded: So basically that's how well I did in this brawl, all top 40 places :V
ded: it still wouldn't be my year tho.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn rolls the tractor for Zeldoten
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 22
Cornwind Evil: That's pretty decent, all things considered
ded: now if keiki managed to swooce her way in via secret fiter slot
ded: how well would she have done?
ded rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 53
Gooper Blooper: WAS she your secret?
ded: yes!
Gooper Blooper: neat
ded: i said as much much before
Gooper Blooper: musta missed that
RubyChao: now to see
RubyChao: how Duke Devlin would have done
RubyChao rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 1
RubyChao: ...
Gooper Blooper: oh
ded: OH GOD
RubyChao: what have i done.
Gooper Blooper: oh no.
Gooper Blooper: you broke it.
ded: 10/10
Cornwind Evil: He really was bringing sexy back
Gooper Blooper: rolling for freddie freaker
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 83 sides. The die showed: 51
Spaps Lives: OH NO
Spaps Lives: OH MY GOD
Spaps Lives: ALWAYS
Spaps Lives: BET
Spaps Lives: ON
Spaps Lives: THE
Spaps Lives: DUKE


ded: urge to watch something even as bland-ish as home on the range... rising..
ded: or maybe binge sympho
ded: or something
Gooper Blooper: This Home On The Range urge Harpy has is hilariously persistent
Draco: O_o
ded: i just need to know
ded: context
ded: or i can just wait out the curiosity and keep doing what i'm doing
ded: i just want the earworm out of my mind plz
RubyChao: binging symphogear is good
ded: i might just see what's on amazon videos to watch
ded: or just watch
ded: robo vampire under sheep's reccommendation
Hooded Pitohui: Can confirm binging Symphogear is good, even though I'm 90% sure I drove Chao up a wall because it took me months to finish because I don't do bingewatching
Spaps Lives: Its okay Pito I'm holding him off for you
Draco: I don't need to WATCH Symphogear! I can just play the mobile game and......!
Draco: Oh.
Gooper Blooper: too soon
RubyChao: big oof
ivel: ;;
RubyChao: oh speaking of i told draco but for ivel
RubyChao: the last translated event is finally out
RubyChao: it has Kanade!!
ivel: it has Kanade? Damnit
ivel: I'd love to check the event out but my phone is full of various other apps again and it would pain me to reinstall for Kanade to shut down not long after
RubyChao: but
RubyChao: Kanade
RubyChao: how can you deny this, Ivel?
RubyChao: (this card is not in english version)
ivel: then I can deny it because it's not :U
ivel: if it was... that would be tempting
ivel: I like both of them :U
ded: Enjoy baseball Kanade while you can!
*Kira* Miki: More like while we can't because it's not in English.
ivel: rip
RubyChao: don't worry
RubyChao: when the kobbers need to form a baseball team
RubyChao: I'll be sure to put Kanade up to bat
Bree: an inexplicably purple kool-aid man bursts through the wall with a shout of "SPORTS"
Jumpropeman: that's how I'll bring the Pulverizers back next year
Jumpropeman: every year a new sport for them
Jumpropeman: every time we have to save their new league from dying
Bree: every year koala king is like "honey I support you staying fit but how many sports do you plan on--" "ALL OF THEM DADDY"
Gooper Blooper: I feel just a little bit bad for laughing so much at how JRM is desperately trying to use the Pulverizers again despite not knowing what to do with them
Gooper Blooper: poor guy!
Bree: they could just... be around and like... do stuff
Gooper Blooper: #stuff
Gooper Blooper: stuff and... and THINGS
ivel: I'll send Knud to be the pitcher
Bree: although, maybe you could come up with some sort of undercity outreach project they'd enjoy working on? and maybe show that off now and then?
ivel: he just builds a sentry turret to shoot the ball
Bree: like, idk
Cornwind Evil: They could play hockey
Bree: their very own undercity roller rink
Gooper Blooper: They try to enter Battlebots Fite with a Circuit Sister as their entry
Spaps Lives: They enter Blood Bowl
Bree: starting up an undercity roller derby team to prepare for next year's league tournament having more teams
Bree: aiko is the captain and the team is called Gangstas on Wheels
Bree: okay no :V but back to the serious suggestion, I say an undercity thing might be good because like... as far as I remember, the other PNP haven't found out sonata lives in the undercity, still
Bree: that could be a little arc for them, they realize sonata's been keeping it from them, maybe because she's ashamed or maybe not, and how they never really thought about how the situation down there is less than great, and they've kinda been up topside having nice places to live totally forgetting that some aren't so lucky
Bree: or whatever
Bree: not like they have a full-on class privilege crisis (though I mean, KP lives in a literal castle? :V she might have some strong feelings about it if she finds out sonata's home isn't so great)
Bree: but they're like "oh, we should care more about ~society~ and stuff"
Jumpropeman: i could dig it
Bree: I am totally now imagining KP being like "oh no! I forgot poor people exist!"
Jumpropeman: that might as well be a quote
Bree: and everyone's like "...KP..." and she's just all "I'm sorry! but I did!"
ded: unforgivable.
Cornwind Evil: Sonata: -wearing clown makeup- You see, Koala Princess, we live in a SOCIETY....


Cornwind Evil: So....whose narrators are who now?
Cornwind Evil: Draco now has Beezelbub with Gamara retiring, Brine has Kayle, I have Lumine...
Jumpropeman: sheep's is Spat clearly
RubyChao: my narrator
RubyChao: is Albert Einstein
Gooper Blooper: I never gave myself a narrator character so my narrator is either just narration or if you want to make it be a character I guess it's The Actual Gooper Blooper Somehow
Spaps Lives: Wait, shit, we have narrators now!?
RubyChao: only a few people
Jumpropeman: it's a joke but also not
Spaps Lives: I can't believe every single post of mine is Zephyrus, at the ripe old age of 90, reading a book about his exploits to his grandkits
Spaps Lives: *grandkits
Spaps Lives: *GRANDKIDS
Gooper Blooper: grandkits works as a robot pun though
Spaps Lives: . . . Shit that's true
Spaps Lives: My fingers tried to give me the muse my brain couldn't
Spaps Lives: I am sorry for doubting you, fingers
ivel: lel


Marten Sheep: "Jumpropeman: you know what stinks"
Marten Sheep: boiled cabbage


RubyChao: you ever think it's interesting
Marten Sheep: no
RubyChao: that the first setting is always referred to only as-
RubyChao: oh
Ghengis Jenga: Damn it
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: alright
Ghengis Jenga: Sheep beat me
ivel: I thought it too, lel
Spynternet: You tried, Chao
RubyChao: but seriously it's just sticking out to me that everyone always refers to the first setting as "Manhattan"
Gooper Blooper: Now that you mention it, Chao, I get what you mean
Gooper Blooper: as opposed to us saying it's New York City
RubyChao: yeah
Gooper Blooper: which we never, ever do
ded: new donk city
RubyChao: probably has to do with a combination of name persistence (it's like that because it was ALWAYS like that) and recognizability to people who are not me
Gooper Blooper: the rest of NYC was surrounded by a No-RP barrier
Spynternet: Can confirm
Spynternet: Was in Queens. Nothing happened
Jumpropeman: there were people who called it Zoofights City back in the day
Gooper Blooper: ONLY MANHATTAN
RubyChao: i remember that, jrm!
ded: i can also semi-confirm
RubyChao: i think that was when it was less a Like Reality Unless Noted setting?
Gooper Blooper: The post-Croctopus verse was still orienting itself
ded: i'm fucking forgetting what part of new york city my cousins and uncle are in
RubyChao: i.e. the shift from Zoofights City to Manhattan/NYC was part of the gradual shift to making the RPverse more... grounded, for lack of a better word
RubyChao: see also stretch lizards


Ghengis Jenga: I sleep
Ghengis Jenga: Nite, have fun!
Spynternet: Nite Del!
emit azzip: Same, nite
emit azzip left the chat
Spynternet: Nite S- Damnitk!
Spynternet: Still 1/2
Gooper Blooper: still easier than saying goodnight to Pitohui
Gooper Blooper: he always goes "have a grand evening" and then .001 milliseconds later he de-materializes off the face of the earth until next summoned by citrus and/or birds


Marten Sheep: ...Why do I still have Pictionary music open?


Marten Sheep: "Speaking of sights for sore eyes, one came touching down right now! His frame looked a little bit more worn than it was in past years, the lights in his eyes were a little bit dimmer, and his hands were free of any cannon, claw, or questionably-approved weapon, but his lack of a head and big old chest fan were unmistakable."
Marten Sheep: After all this time
Marten Sheep: it brings a tear to my eye to see him
Marten Sheep: Aircon Man
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xt3t8SgGji8
Spynternet: Amazing
ded: ....
ded: ow!
Spynternet: Though *strokes beard* As a CONNOISSEUR of awful music
Spynternet: This is a bad John Cena midi
Spynternet: A proper mm2 wood needs to go . . .
Spynternet: Deeper
Spynternet: Quality like this is once in a lifetime
Jumpropeman: those saxophone animations are classic
Spynternet: I'm a fan of my favorite instrument, Gregorian Choir
Jumpropeman: I love it when I'm at church and any time the choir sings they thrust upward into the air
ded: god is calling them
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=O_HpAyakLv0
Jumpropeman: they have to strap themselves to the chair to prevent ascension
ded: the rapture is starting
Jumpropeman: so since the rapture makes you leave your clothes behind
Jumpropeman: are there some poor people who get raptured and lose like their pacemakers and stuff
Spynternet: This is friggin amazing
Jumpropeman: so they just die on the way to salvation
Cornwind Evil: One would assume that if they really did get taken by the rapture
Cornwind Evil: They'd have immediately ceased to be bound by the frailties of the mortal flesh
Cornwind Evil: And who else would be fitting to join in SRS?
Big Yams: I mean, you die to Rapture anyway, right?
Marten Sheep: Did someone say
Marten Sheep: bad music?
Big Yams: Several times.
Marten Sheep: Oh.
Marten Sheep: Sorry, my hearing's going
Big Yams: They said BAD music, Sheep.
RubyChao: if you die in the rapture, you die in real life
Big Yams: XD
Big Yams: I sing that song every time you enter chat, Sheep.
Marten Sheep: Sorry, of course
Marten Sheep: My bad
Marten Sheep: I can see you're a true appreciator
Marten Sheep: I'll have to get out the hard studd
Marten Sheep unlocks suitcase
Gooper Blooper: Panty's been looking for a hard stud for a while now
Marten Sheep: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cVISxph0_fc
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, the sweet singing talents of motormer
Big Yams: O mai~
Big Yams: Sheep-sama 💗
Marten Sheep: I think this was actually the last song in the film
ded: i'm
ded: i've never been so disgusted with how a dog's face was animated
Jumpropeman: it doesn't help that he's flirting with what seems to be a non-cartoon dog
Jumpropeman: she's just acting and looking like a regular animal
Big Yams: It's Rodney Dangerfield's actual face as a dog.
ivel: yep
Marten Sheep: Particularly in "Id Give Up A Bone For You" the animators have some fun with making Rover look grotesque
ded: fucking disgusted.
RubyChao: that looks
RubyChao: very cursed
ded: i can't get past it
RubyChao: oh my god the film is literally just
RubyChao: rodney dangerfield, but it's a dog
Marten Sheep: Well, yes
ivel: hence the name
RubyChao: look, i thought it was like
ded: nooo
RubyChao: a side character in a film
Marten Sheep: Oh no
RubyChao: i didn't realize it was just
RubyChao: an entire film baed on that one joke.
Marten Sheep: HE'S A STAR, BABEH
Jumpropeman: its funny how cartoons can make their characters look like celebrities well, but when the actual celebrity is involved its grotesque and breaks the art style
ivel: I made an actual disgusted noise at that
ded: ugh
Big Yams: *ded*
Marten Sheep: Again
Marten Sheep: I can't believe the last song in the film
Marten Sheep: the one you're left on
Marten Sheep: is....that
Marten Sheep: Other songs in the film make sense
Marten Sheep: but that one just comes out of nowhere
Jumpropeman: contract said seven songs, sheep!
Marten Sheep: I do enjoy though
Marten Sheep: how the female dog just backs away as Rover starts to sing
Marten Sheep: She knows what's coming by now
Gooper Blooper: "It was originally planned as an R-rated animated film"
Gooper Blooper: Rover Dangerfield
Gooper Blooper: was going to be rated R.
ded: UH
ded: I NOPE
Marten Sheep: That would make a lot more sense, honestly
Jumpropeman: Fritz the Cat vs. Rover Dangerfield
Marten Sheep: if it just went full Ralph Bakshi
Marten Sheep: Also, towards the end of the song, there's just a bunch of dogs from nowhere backup
Marten Sheep: Who are they?
Marten Sheep: Where did they come from?
Marten Sheep: Where are they sitting in the snow by this porch?
ivel: oh god Fritz
Jumpropeman: the implication Rover has friends is an unsettling one, yes
Marten Sheep: When Rover went by earlier, they are not there


Jumpropeman: playing a horror game called Close to the Sun and entered the room of an eighteen year old man that's been torn apart after he hastily left the spooky ship the game takes place on
Jumpropeman: and that man
Jumpropeman: is Albert Einstein
RubyChao: "It’s 1897. Deep in international waters, the Helios stands still. Dark clouds loom overhead as unforgiving waves crash against the hull. Colossal effigies of gold, decorated with magnificent finery, stretch as far as the eye can see."
RubyChao: is it actually Albert Einstein for once
Jumpropeman: yes
RubyChao: amazing
Jumpropeman: it also has Edison and Tesla of course, so just like Another Sight I bumbled into more historical fiction
Jumpropeman: Claude Monet watch: hasn't appeared... YET
Marten Sheep: Helios stands still.
Marten Sheep: He coughs.


Marten Sheep: "You guys ready?"
Marten Sheep: "ok"
Marten Sheep Purnima ruins everything by blasting Osh with her cannon
RubyChao: time for my characters
RubyChao: to be unable to help
RubyChao: :D
ded: >child shields
ded: why would
ded: you do that...
Marten Sheep Purnima flies through a sliver between curtains real fast and makes Oceanus guess which pose was hers
Gooper Blooper: XD
ded: god damn it sheep i hate it
Jumpropeman: why would Sine bring the ki... sheep you cruel cruel man
Gooper Blooper: Then if he gets the pose right she pats him with her fan and does it again but faster
Spynternet: Oh no, Goops
Cornwind Evil: You make it sound like Sine pulled out her kids and is waving them around in front of Oceanus.
ded: .075th of a frame guessing lets fucking go
Gooper Blooper: for the next two hours
RubyChao: i mean, cornwind
RubyChao: wouldn't she?
Cornwind Evil: NO
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: i guess i'll have to have Bikkie show and do that with the lemon instead
ded: even if that isn't the case i'm still a mildly concern
RubyChao: bikkie from the future
RubyChao: from what i can tell
Cornwind Evil: I don't know why a bum car would make Oceanus give pause.
RubyChao: sine's kids are not ACTUALLY in any danger
RubyChao: at all
Jumpropeman: cornwind has become fond of the "very concerning threat that technically won't happen"
RubyChao: she's just saying "what if"
Spynternet: Sine
Spynternet: ./I'm kidding I'm kidding
Cornwind Evil: And it's phrased not as a threat but as a "Hey come on now, consider something beyond some adrenaline desire."
ivel: Jumpropeman: CHILD SHIELDS, LET'S DO IT
ivel: so you're being Peach?
ded: IVEL NO
Spynternet: Wahoo
Jumpropeman: Mario even kicking Toad's dick
Jumpropeman: no class
ivel: hence Toad's expression
Jumpropeman: he had a normal voice before that kick


Big Yams: I am here!
Big Yams stomps the crickets before they chirp.
Jumpropeman: what are the lizards supposed to eat now...
Jumpropeman: MAYA WAS HUNGRY
Big Yams: She can have Cookie Casserole. BI
Gooper Blooper: I hear there's a new cookie casserole she can try
Gooper Blooper: dammit
ded: she can have ants on a log for one-


Bree: one of my favorite stupid ideas from our offseason Stupid Idea Fest was jared trying to get ren to meme and being Extremely Sad when she does not know any memes
Bree: and then finally after he introduces her to enough goofiness he manages to get her to play along with like
Bree: the dat boi meme
Bree: like just imagine ren sighing and then going "oh shit whaddup" and you have the essence of the idea
Gooper Blooper: link
Marten Sheep: Why is this frog so popular?


Jumpropeman: there will be an explanation for Maya's tits next year
Jumpropeman: and that sounds like a joke
Jumpropeman: but it's not
Bree: widow maker could certainly explain maya's tits
Bree: jrm writing a book on brume biology and how they're actually mammals that just look like lizards
Jumpropeman: as if the truth would be so simple-
Gooper Blooper: Ten paragraphs of Widow Maker analysis about Maya's bod


(Race Yer Mates 4 opens signups)

Marten Sheep: "Your vehicle is allowed to carry weapons"
Marten Sheep sound of demon train in the distance
Jumpropeman: chao, I need a rule clarification
Jumpropeman: is there
Jumpropeman: any rule
Jumpropeman: excluding
Jumpropeman: a certain domestic animal
Jumpropeman: from participation
Marten Sheep: I'm afraid orcas are right out, JRM
Jumpropeman: fuck
Jumpropeman: time to lock Willy back up


RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: spy mentioned it but i can confirm
RubyChao: he's had this idea bouncing around for osh ever since osh retired
RubyChao: this is a plot literally years in the making
Sprop: Chao's right. Though it didn't all come together til year 8
Sprop: But some parts of this, yet to be seen, date all the way back to Year 3!
Sprop: The boss of the very next part, in particular, is a pull from back then
Jumpropeman: shhh, they aren't supposed to know we kill Leo next!
Sprop: XD Leo went back to Solomand with 0 issues
Sprop: Everyone else from the Spy roster but Hank and Joshy is very much alive
Gooper Blooper: Except Needle Man
Gooper Blooper: he's still dead
Sprop: Actually, Meat Boy just died
Sprop: Actually, he's alive again
Jumpropeman: that meat boy aint right
RubyChao: jrm falls asleep after posting the signups for BBB20, content in nine years of no spy
RubyChao: suddenly his eyes shoot open
RubyChao: "i never got spy to enter Needle Man"
Sprop: Needle Man does not count
Sprop: Needle Man does not have rights
RubyChao: (needle man, the duke of flies, RED heavy, little horn, and poseidon for BBB11)
Gooper Blooper: When's The Snatcher, Goku, and Vegeta?
Sprop: Damnit, guys xD
Draco: Look, Goops, if we bring in Snatchers, then I need to bring back Metal Gears.
Jumpropeman: the little metal gear from Snatcher does feel like he'd be perfect for Draco cast
Draco: He's even called Metal Gear.


Draco: With the faintest hint of hesitation on her cheeks, Sakuya slowly made her way through the apartment she shared with her fantastic significant other, approaching Sean from behind as the lovable dork sat on the couch trying to comprehend Scarlett's physics speech, wrapping her arms around his chest and finding comfort in his warmth. "Sean," the dignified maid said with all the poise and courage she could muster. "Let's bang."
RubyChao: A+, draco
Bree literally dies
Bree left the chat
The Ghost of Breemas Past joined the chat

The Ghost of Breemas Past: draco why
Cornwind Evil: That reminds me of how in soap operas, if they have to switch actors
Cornwind Evil: The new actor will walk in and the show will pause and the narrator will say "So and so is now being played by so and so."
Cornwind Evil: So I'm just picturing Panty walking into that scene and Beelzebub going "The part of Sakuya is now being played by Panty."
The Ghost of Breemas Past: kek
Draco: "The role of the most dignified and graceful Sakuya Izayoi will now be played by...*sigh*...the walking libido, Panty Anarchy."
Cornwind Evil: Hey you know what they say
Cornwind Evil: Meek in the streets...


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: you're just in time goops because holy crap
Jumpropeman: I played King of Texas a long time ago and it was a crappy sexy visual novel game, but I'm playing another King of- game from the same developer and one of the endings has characters from King of Texas get mentioned. There's a freaking h game extended universe
harp: guess you die
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: you realize
RubyChao: now you need to map out the entire King Of Cinematic Universe
Gooper Blooper: that's wonderful, JRM
Jumpropeman: this game keeps using the term man chowder and I don't like it
harp: ...
harp: what
harp: what in the world
harp: is... is that a euphemism of sorts?
Jumpropeman: yeah
harp: i'm hoping its just a very shitty euphemism
Jumpropeman: this game rarely comes out and says actual terms for sex
harp: ah yeah you suck up my man clam chowdah lets do it ugh -possibly the most disgusting thing i regret typing
harp: i hate this
harp: i am a worse person for it
Jumpropeman: are you the writer for this game?!
Gooper Blooper: clearly not
Gooper Blooper: because she regrets it
harp: no because for one, i know how to write good
harp: and know that some euphemisms are much, much worse to use in a serious work than others.
Jumpropeman: nothing's sexier than having a guy actually yodel at the end
harp: is... is that our cowboy?
Jumpropeman: alameda no
ivel: how dare you taint his name in such a way
harp: he really makes those cows go "moooo"
harp: a voice most divine for the best of bovines
Gooper Blooper: Clearly we should have finally gone with the wild west setting idea
Gooper Blooper: the westerns just keep popping up!
harp: mine was planned only after saki was a thing
harp: mostly because i thought her theme was cool.
harp: also i wanted to do gang sheenanigans
harp: i would not mind also unleashing "Cowboys vs Ninjas"
Gooper Blooper: Kela vs Cordie
harp: kela wins, easy
Gooper Blooper: well, going by brawl performances...
Gooper Blooper: yep
Draco: Agama is now a desert that has the occasional forest.
Gooper Blooper: jungle cowboys
harp: i mean
harp: there's a whole pantera song about cowboys from hell
Draco: Ven's cat writes music?
Jumpropeman: "This is the real me, Selma. A crazy horn dog that managed to become mayor."
harp: you fucked your way there freddy.
Gooper Blooper: *record scratch, freeze frame* "You're probably wondering how I got here."
Jumpropeman: he's the REAL Freddy freaker
Draco: The REAL Freddy Fazbear?
Gooper Blooper: JRM told me he wound up going down the Freddie Freaker rabbit hole after I gave him my secret fiter, and that was the real goal of submitting him anyway so I'm happy
Gooper Blooper: send the dumbest shit to JRM so he has to go look it up
Jumpropeman: there's a bunch of videos trying to confirm the legitimacy of him
Jumpropeman: and he was in fact a real commercial thank goodness
Jumpropeman: I want to live in the world where Freddy Freaker is genuine
Gooper Blooper: There were a ton of bizarre 900 numbers like that in the 80s
Gooper Blooper: I've learned about some thanks to Dinosaur Dracula
Jumpropeman: i'd be interested in some more of them
Jumpropeman: that's my kind of rabbit hole
Jumpropeman: speaking of holes I just got all the endings in the King game
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Jumpropeman: and I'm kinda gobsmacked
Jumpropeman: most of the endings are YOU DO HER WITH YOUR SAUSAGE AND GIVE HER THE MAN CHOWDER
Jumpropeman: but the final ending was actually sweet and had good writing?
Jumpropeman: and now I'm wondering where this has been
Draco: You don't have to dig deep to know about Actual Cannibal Shia LeBouf.
Jumpropeman: if this was the only path in the game it would be a cute little h game, but you have to get three other endings first at least to unlock it sooooo
Jumpropeman: ....
Jumpropeman: *facepalms*
harp: and then they fucked
Jumpropeman: it's a game made by King Key Games
Jumpropeman: King Key
Jumpropeman: Kinky
Jumpropeman: I never
Jumpropeman: how did I not notice
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: glorious
Gooper Blooper: Anyway here's a 900 number for you
harp: i have 0 idea how to feel
Jumpropeman: "the newest and longest recording ever."
Draco: O_o
Jumpropeman: that boy ended that sentence
RubyChao: that's amazing, jrm
Jumpropeman: well, that's another porn game for sheep to look forward to down the road
Jumpropeman: hopefully I won't kill him with these
harp: oh boy.
Gooper Blooper: well, I mean
Gooper Blooper: he insists on reading them!
Jumpropeman: its important to know your enemy
Gooper Blooper: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7m5G0gLDsI4
Jumpropeman: time to rp that guy i guess
Gooper Blooper: dibs on the secretly friendly pterosaur
Draco: "FAST" "FUN" "A dollar sixty-five a minute..."
Jumpropeman: i bet the guy on the line takes a long time to look through his Tips and Tricks magazine before answering too
Jumpropeman: "King of Volleyball is a romantic comedy yuri dating sim set in the gorgeous US Virgin Islands. Play as Kiera Marley, a retired pro soccer player turned sports consultant, as she meet some young beach volleyball players who are in desperate need of her help and advice.”
Jumpropeman: Meowza! The King series branches into yuri!
harp: shouldn't that be "queen"
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: if the trailer is to be believed
Jumpropeman: they recycle a girl from King of Texas for it :V
Jumpropeman: which means the EU grows even larger
Gooper Blooper: It's not recycling, it's a callback!
Jumpropeman: King of Spies has the same bar background as King of Halloween
Jumpropeman: King of Bali also recycles character designs
Jumpropeman: and it has the brother of the guy from King of Texas in it!
Jumpropeman: I'm so fascinated with this extended universe but don't really want to get more games in it :V
Gooper Blooper: that's okay JRM
Gooper Blooper: I'll just keep buying them for you
Jumpropeman: soon I will be the King of King Key


Gooper Blooper: Today I finally thought to actually look up the AIN'T NO RULE scene and it's everything I could have hoped it would be so it did not disappoint
Jumpropeman: you know what you should watch harp
Jumpropeman: Air Bud
harp: all of them?
Jumpropeman: oh man
Jumpropeman: that's an undertaking
harp: look my dumb brain can manage just about anything


Gooper Blooper: she's free
harp: freeee
Draco: huzzah
Jumpropeman: i was wondering how long until the megumemes began
Gooper Blooper: I've got Plans
Gooper Blooper: though most of them are for Agama


harp: hi spy
Spynternet: Eyo!
harp: i made a post-plot post since i couldn't do it right after plot
Draco: Hi Spy.
Spynternet: Oh boy
Spynternet: Harps, is it time for my 11:39 PM soul flattening?
harp: if you fucking make that joke again i'll whack you
harp: D:<


(On a Sheep plot day)

Jumpropeman: hi there
harp: hi jrm
Marten Sheep hides
Jumpropeman: SHEEP
Jumpropeman: we need three bags full of plot and the black sheep is missing
Jumpropeman: so pay up
Marten Sheep raises the drawbridge
harp: :V
RubyChao: hi j-man
Marten Sheep replaces Web of Shadows with yodeling cowboys
Jumpropeman: we'll never escape the shadow of Slim
Marten Sheep: He is very wide.


Jumpropeman: Ladies and gentlemen of the chatzy, I have made an incredible discovery
Jumpropeman: "Rumpology is sometimes called butt reading in modern parlance. It is the art of reading the lines, crevices, dimples, and folds of the buttocks to divine the individual's character and gain an understanding of what has occurred in the past and get a prediction of the future."
Jumpropeman: If you are willing to pay Sylvester Stallone's mom 600 dollars, she will look at a picture of your butt and tell you your future
Marten Sheep: There are few things people HAVEN'T tried to divine the future with
Jumpropeman: but if you're trying to get your future told on a budget, you can send her 300 dollars instead and she'll divine your future with just one buttcheek
Jumpropeman: "I have been asked many times about the gluteal cleft. It is more than an advertising sign for plumbers, teens, and non-conformists. IT HAS REAL SIGNIFICANCE."
Jumpropeman: "Modern technology has helped bring the ancient art of Rumpology into the 21st century. Thanks to digital photography, you can take a very accurate picture of your rump, a POSITIVE image, print it and and send it to Jacqueline and have her do a reading! "
harp: posted
Jumpropeman: "Rumpologists, such as world remowned Jacqueline Stallone, can now have a more accurate and detailed "butt picture" than the ancients ever dreamed of! These photogrpahs" too busy looking at butts to spell properly
Draco: Josephine Stallone
emit azzip: Dirk’s all like, “Hey, I’m a real Rumpologist when Jo lets me~”
Jumpropeman: there are example images of successful butts on her site, some of which have fake tattoos lazily placed over them that don't match the image quality


Gooper Blooper: https://i.redd.it/q7excopy1ub51.jpg
Jumpropeman: this is a scene from Land Before Time V right?
Gooper Blooper: land before time 78: rise of the carnos
Jumpropeman: for some reason the Land Before Time official youtube channel has this video Rumpologists, such as world remowned Jacqueline Stallone, can now have a more accurate and detailed "butt picture" than the ancients ever dreamed of! These photogrpahs
Jumpropeman: ....
harp: UH
Jumpropeman: now THAT would be something
Gooper Blooper: ah yes
Gooper Blooper: dinosaur butts
Jumpropeman: this is what I meant to link :V 23 minutes of scary scenes from their children's series
Jumpropeman: uploaded back in march of this year
ivel: that would be a weird video to be on Land Before Time's Youtube channel, yes :U
Jumpropeman: I think detailed butt pictures of dinosaurs would be more than ancients ever dreamed of


Gooper Blooper: "Vinny can stretch his arms and legs"
Gooper Blooper: just for you
Ghengis Jenga: We've gone even further beyond here
Ghengis Jenga: Vinny lacks both style and grace so we're basically there


Marten Sheep: "I don't know anything about dragonflies! They don't even do dragon things"
Marten Sheep: So you do know something about dragonflies.
Jumpropeman: sheep found it
Jumpropeman: cirno's one logic mistake
Jumpropeman: but yes I decided at some point Web of Shadows might be the only time I can reasonably allude to Eternity's backstory unless, you know, someone asked her, but that would involve talking to Eternity
harp: finally, something carla can do-
RubyChao: i'll talk to eternity IN BAR TOMORROW
Marten Sheep: I can't believe my plot was useful for something. This is a horrible upsetting of the natural order!
Marten Sheep: "Lots and Lots And Lots of Knives."
Marten Sheep: It's Lots and Lots of Trains!
Marten Sheep: You failed.
Gooper Blooper: sorry JRM, it was all I could think of
Gooper Blooper: lionel knife bank
harp: thats where she's storing lots and lots of knives
Jumpropeman: Eternity just putting tiny knives in one giant plastic knife bank
Spynternet: Clickity clife
Spynternet: Ending your life


Cornwind Evil: I follow Draco's super post with my own... mildly important post
Draco: Your first music link is blocked in 'murica. Good post though.
Jumpropeman: I ONLY like posts when the music isn't blocked in america :I
Jumpropeman: *didn't even click that particular music link*
Jumpropeman: "those who dance always appear insane to those who can’t hear the music" especially if it's blocked in america!
Draco: XD


Del: im playing masks right now
Del: and my character
Del: is an idiot
Del: and i love her
Del: "they're replaced all the food with guns!"
SteelKomodo: tell us more
Del: "... oh nooooooo!"
Del: she's the daughter of VOLCANOSAURUS
Del: she's an eight foot tall kaiju girl
SteelKomodo: aw yissssss
Del: she breathes fire
Del: she loves hot dogs
Del: she's easily fooled
Del: like she's a moron
Del: she's immune to bullets
Del: and likes shouting about it
Del: she's gay


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: bloop
harp: you're no goops!
harp: faker!!!
Jumpropeman: ha! I'm not good enough to be his fake!
ivel: hi joops
harp: ...ow
harp: that just reminds me of ivel and i checking out a store and there's weighted jump ropes
harp: "hey its JRM's weapon!"
Jumpropeman: seeing JRM with a jump rope again would require him to do stuff again!


RubyChao: "The Quiet Man became the undoing of Human Head Studios. Madison, Wisconsin-based Human Head Studios built its reputation with games like Rune and Prey (2006), but the 2010s proved to be difficult for the studio with flops like Brink and Defiance. The studio thus shook things up by collaborating with Kensei Fujinaga from Square Enix to create an ambitious beat-em-up/FMV combination that would not be reliant on sound. Unfortunately for Human Head Studios, what resulted was an Obvious Beta that ended up as one of the worst reviewed games of 2018. The studio attempted to go back to the basics with a sequel to Rune, but its Troubled Production mixed with The Quiet Man's critical and financial failure led to the studio's closure."
RubyChao: your disaster report singlehandely destroyed them
Jumpropeman: digging at the Quiet Man scab
Jumpropeman: It's so weird they thought that would work
Jumpropeman: playing through the first time without sound is so surreal
Jumpropeman: it was practically begging for my brother and I do to a joke dub of it
RubyChao: speaking of
RubyChao: excellent teardown on Firefly Diary
RubyChao: it was delicious
Jumpropeman: I was very happy with my term "poisonous flower" because I feel a lot of awful games get by on a really nice art style
RubyChao: yeah that art style would have interested me
RubyChao: if i hadn't been warned away
harp: that normal final boss
harp: ugh
Spynternet: oh man. Did JRM take on Firefly Diary?
RubyChao: he did
harp: spy sounds like he knows (tm)
Spynternet: I saw y'all talking about it in chat but I didn't know if it was Game Hoard or personal pleasure
Spynternet: Or in this case displeasure


Jumpropeman: this picture of elderly Eternity showed up on my pinterest today between all the cute pictures of Valhalla and Helltaker
GaoGaiGardetto: She really is eternity!


Gooper Blooper: "Come to think of it, this kind of looks like the dance scene from Theodore Rex..."
Gooper Blooper: I still need to watch this
harp: hey wanna do a group wa-
Jumpropeman: you really don't!
Gooper Blooper: XD
harp: wow
Cornwind Evil: Even before JRM, Theodore Rex will always stick in my head
Jumpropeman: reminder that not only did I start RPing Theodore Rex as I watched his movie, but I was also falling asleep during the movie
harp: truly it was memorable, all you needed to know about theodore rex came before
Cornwind Evil: Because I remember a small article in a corner of a page of Electronic Gaming Monthly saying "Whoopi Goldberg has agreed to star in T-Rex etc etc..."
Cornwind Evil: Mixed with much later acquired information that she basically had to be FORCED to do it
Cornwind Evil: And I always wonder if the article was very early word or dog whistling over the strangeness of her 'agreement'.
Gooper Blooper: "Nobody start calling me Doctor McMaya"
Gooper Blooper: Just don't become Dr. Mario World DLC and nobody will, Maya
Jumpropeman: Maya in a doctor outfit makes Dr. Trixie Melons look modest
Gooper Blooper: so
Gooper Blooper: Valentine?
Jumpropeman: Helloooooo nurse
Draco: Everyone knows the cutest nurse in RP is Teacups.
ivel: naturally
Bree: can confirm


Draco: link
RubyChao: wow draco
RubyChao: that's a pretty elaborate metaphor


Gooper Blooper: Oh, wait up
Gooper Blooper: Harpy's post says Hojo is just a hologram, so Hazel can't attack him, I don't think
ivel: oh, I missed that
ivel: nice catch, Goops
Grumpspy: Did you just say
Grumpspy: He's just a hologram!?
Gooper Blooper: Yes. Yes I did.
harp: he's a hologram but you can at least try to punch him!
Grumpspy changed name to A HOLOGRAM

Gooper Blooper: punch the hologram generator
harp: sorry if i can't murder him in FF7 remake right away neither can you guys in RP
harp: but let me smug
Gooper Blooper: It's a Dawn favorite!
Draco: Hazel will try punching out a hologram. She's got spirit, not brains.


Jumpropeman: geeze louise
Jumpropeman: some golfing website keeps spamming me because it thinks me talking about how bad the swings are in Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf was actually me complaining about my own golf swing
RubyChao: well, JRM?
RubyChao: don't you want to improve your swing?
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: "Nice to e-meet you!
I saw your page about the golf swing, here https://thegamehoard.com/2019/04/01/lee-... aaaand I think I have something smart to say about that :D"

Gooper Blooper: I feel for poor JRM having to deal with all these spammers and dirty casino article writers
Gooper Blooper: Honoka no
Gooper Blooper: the bakery can't be doing that badly
Jumpropeman: she had like four days where it was closed because of brawl/kidnapping
Jumpropeman: she's gotta make back the lost money


harp: ah shit i forgot the pogeys
harp: and the poke ball
harp: ._.
RubyChao: it's alright, it can just Not Work
RubyChao: the pokeball, that is
harp: edited
harp: sparknotes version: due to the flailing and sludge bombs, the poke ball bounced back
harp: so no definitive answer to "did it work?"
RubyChao: ok
harp: just gotta try again and aim it where nobody's attacking!
harp: and end up catching bees
Marten Sheep: Give 'em
Marten Sheep: the
Marten Sheep: beesness
Marten Sheep: see
Marten Sheep: because
harp: suffer.
Marten Sheep snert
Marten Sheep: bees
ivel: beecause*
Jumpropeman: wow sheep
Draco: Don't you mean....."snbeert"?
Jumpropeman: you're unbeBEEvable
Jumpropeman: *unbeebeevabee
Bree: heard you wuz makin bee jokes
Bree: challenging me, the QUEEN B(R)EE of BEE JOKES
Hooded Pitohui: That made me think of this, JRM
Draco: I breelieve in the queen.
Bree: you might as well BEE on your way. a newBEE like you could never defeat the likes of BEE! I mean...ME!
Draco: You beetter beelieve you can't beeat Beeree.
Bree: pictured: me
Draco: bee still my beeating heart


RubyChao: i will throw Kaede at the Lord
RubyChao: just Kaede
RubyChao: She will win.

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