Sunday, January 19, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 356: Resting :D Face

(Re: new ZFRP setting)

MobileDraco: Let's go to Appalachia so I can do Fallout plots revolving around game-breaking glitches.
Tori: dear god, going to a setting where things are completely not what they seem
Tori: so feywilds
Jumpropeman: problem is we'd have to pay 100 dollars to make new topics for the setting
MobileDraco: 100 a year, thanks


Jumpropeman: *scrolling through youtube recommended*
Jumpropeman: I do not know why Youtube wants me to watch a woman give birth
Jumpropeman: or why they would feel it must be marked official
Jumpropeman: so tired of those fake L&S child delivery videos!
MobileDraco: D8


Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: rented Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 from the family video
ivel: enjoy!
Jumpropeman: til death do us blart is within my grasp
Jumpropeman: they also had a bunch of random games dirt cheap like the last visit where I bought such hits as Smurf dance Party
Jumpropeman: mainly bought a bunch of kinect games no one was touching now that I have one
Jumpropeman: got animal crossing amiibo festival and some amiibo used to play it
ivel: nice
ivel: I liked amiibo festival honestly
Jumpropeman: they split them up to sell them separately but it still came out less than if you bought it near launch
ivel: I didn't like the animal crossing amiibo flood but :U
Jumpropeman: they were in a 2.99 box but didn't actually cost that for some reason
Matter Sheep: Hmmm. I see.
Matter Sheep: Hope you Blart.
Jumpropeman: blart was a buck for a five night rental
Jumpropeman: they were just happy someone took it
Jumpropeman: I was even talking about wanting to rent Paul Blart 2 at the register before CKR wandered off and found it
Jumpropeman: she wanted to rent Joker but they don't have it yet :V


RubyChao: "Also, before I forget about it altogether, thought it was humorous, earlier today, when I saw this. To make a long story short, I started researching those AGGO trading cards - most of them use screencaps or stock art of the characters from promo stuff, but there was one of Pito I hadn't seen anywhere else and one of Elsa likewise. Decided to search Pixiv, Safebooru, DA, Instagram, all the inage hosting sites I could think of to see if anyone had the clean version of the art without the card text. No one did, so eventually I decided to go for broke with GIS. Didn't find it, but thanks to the odd smattering of words I was using, I did get 'suddenly Shimmer and Voyd'"
RubyChao: from hooded pitohui
Jumpropeman: why have AGGO cards when you can have a Shimmer card
ChampionTori: Welp
Matter Sheep: Hah!
Jumpropeman: I sent them to keep an eye on pito


NewPhoneDel joined the chat
NewPhoneDel: I had a nightmare
RubyChao: was it the one where you keep writing words for an online site and realize you're in too deep
NewPhoneDel: No
Matter Sheep: Was it the one with the clown reading a newspaper?
NewPhoneDel: Oh god
NewPhoneDel: This is
NewPhoneDel: Uh
NewPhoneDel: Involved
NewPhoneDel: The nightmare bit involved being trapped in a five nights at Freddy's fangame
Draco: That is the weirdest combination of puppets and anime.
NewPhoneDel: Until I realised that actually, I am the scary monster
Matter Sheep: The monster was gamers!
Matter Sheep: All along.
Matter Sheep: Now, was this a serious Five Nights fan game?
Matter Sheep: Or
NewPhoneDel: Uh
NewPhoneDel: It
NewPhoneDel: Started as one!
Draco: Weird.
Matter Sheep: Then it became memes?
NewPhoneDel: Oh god I barely remember half the dream but I think after a few rounds of me being "jumpscared" it turned into like
NewPhoneDel: Suddenly I realised I wasn't being killed and that I was actually invincible and then all the animatronics turned into like, dumb cartoons of themselves
NewPhoneDel: And I went around being a huge dick and taking their stuff
NewPhoneDel: And then the pizza time theme from Spider-Man 2 started playing and I woke up
Matter Sheep: Hmm
Gooper Blooper: Now THAT'S scary!
NewPhoneDel: And now pizza time is in my head
Matter Sheep: Very interesting.
New Year Evil: That's dreams for you
New Year Evil: Mine really can become a chaotic mess of nonsense
NewPhoneDel: And then I checked my discord and wulf was complaining that Italian pizza sucked
RubyChao: mine are very coherent, as goops well knows
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: not coherent
RubyChao: but at least they generally have enough vivid stuff to share
Draco: Clearly a nightmare. The real Wulf enjoys pizza.
NewPhoneDel: She does but she hates Italian pizzas
NewPhoneDel: Idk
NewPhoneDel: Oh also I'm leaving out the start where we were on a school trip somewhere, on a horrible steam train that smelt and sucked, and we'll all rebelled and ended up on mushrooms in an apartment complex in Sheffield
NewPhoneDel: And then the animatronics broke into my apartment and i was transported into YouTube fnaf hell
New Year Evil: Just give them some weed
NewPhoneDel: Which is the connective tissue I guess
Draco: Not Sheffield! D:
NewPhoneDel: Sorry CW they did not want to inhale
NewPhoneDel: They were engaging the human motherfucker
Matter Sheep: But the opening item in a parade of poor taste
New Year Evil: Then tell them if they don't go away I'll RP them more and you know what will happen THEN
Matter Sheep: Does it
Matter Sheep: involve
Matter Sheep: the sun?
Draco: lol
NewPhoneDel: Yeesh
NewPhoneDel: I guess this is me conflating the fnaf fangames I've been watching on YouTube, the pizza time memes I watched last night, and uh
NewPhoneDel: Drugs?
NewPhoneDel: Still have pizza time in my head btw!!!
NewPhoneDel: Anyway
Gooper Blooper:


Jumpropeman: the 90s in one vhs tape
NewPhoneDel: Jesus
NewPhoneDel: That's highly specific
RubyChao: so you're buying it for goops right
ivel: and yet I understand why it existed
DecadeModo: Same


Jumpropeman: I am back
Jumpropeman: from Family Video
Jumpropeman: I practically rushed out the door when I was told they are going out of business
Jumpropeman: because I had to get those SWEET CLEARANCE GAMES
Jumpropeman: Compared to my previous Family Video haul that included highlights like Imagine Party Planner, this has things like Horizon Zero Dawn and Dragon Quest Builders
Jumpropeman: had to go for the dregs this time
Draco: I'm sorry for your loss.


(Re: Pokemon Swoosh)

Jumpropeman: Best Fossil is a Sword/shield mix
100PogeydexEntries!: the fishes just make me think they are suffering
100PogeydexEntries!: zolts are just like "LOOK MOM, I GOT BIG ASS! :D "
Jumpropeman: I'd like Arctozolt better without the snot drip
Gooper Blooper: they're just happy to be here
RubyChao: where's that gijinka picture when jrm needs it
Gooper Blooper: Snot drip is never cute no matter how many times JRM insists it is
Gooper Blooper: see also: cubchoo
Jumpropeman: I've never liked snot drips actually
Gooper Blooper: that was a really bad typo/slip
Gooper Blooper: I was trying to say "Japan insists"
Jumpropeman: I am Japan
RubyChao: Japanropeman
Jumpropeman: it's official
RubyChao: if you're japan can you make it easier for me to buy merch
Gooper Blooper: I know you're not Japan
Gooper Blooper: because if you were
Gooper Blooper: you wouldn't let there be any japan-exclusive video games
Jumpropeman: too true goop
100PogeydexEntries!: look, zolt's just
100PogeydexEntries!: tryin to get over the million year old flu virus that hitched a ride into the modern world
Jumpropeman: also because Chao mentioned it
Gooper Blooper: just pretend the snot drip on the gijinka is a squidward nose
Gooper Blooper: NOW IT'S ART
Jumpropeman: ADORABLE
Jumpropeman: clearly she just got caught at a bad moment and will sniff it up permanently after the picture


Draco: #Swoosh Postgame: link link link link
Gooper Blooper: Draco pls XD
Mettle Sheep looks at Swoosh spoilers
Mettle Sheep: ...
Mettle Sheep: DRACOOOO
Draco: Wakka wakka :V


(Re: Tapatalk's PM System malfunctioning, but only for me and no one else)

Gooper Blooper I'll see if it's better tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: but if I don't reply to your messages, guys, you know why :V
Draco: Because you don't like us. Got it! ;V
100PogeydexEntries!: because there's nothing else to be said about SOR4, yes
100PogeydexEntries!: it's good
Gooper Blooper: but I didn't tell everyone else they rule 63'd Blade
Draco: O mai~
100PogeydexEntries!: well that's a crime
100PogeydexEntries!: you can't say things like that and not show them
Draco: Srsly
Draco: Or we're taking away your Bug-types.
Gooper Blooper: well, for those I didn't already show this to, I was catching up on the SOR4 trailers I hadn't seen this morning and for a couple seconds they showed the new design for the biker enemy I got Blade, Gust, and friends from
100PogeydexEntries!: *squints*
Jumpropeman: that's Silence in Blade's outfit
100PogeydexEntries!: now that i get a zoomed in pic
100PogeydexEntries!: my immediate thought was
100PogeydexEntries!: "dracozolt!"
N Goat: Harpls
100PogeydexEntries!: look jrm and gamefreak together have ruined that design for me in such a good way
N Goat: This is the character they just advertised coming with a prebuy or something of a DBZ game.
Gooper Blooper: I guess that's what the new biker looks like with the helmet off
100PogeydexEntries!: freeza force...


Draco: link


Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Niftu!
Draco: He's been turned into a cyborg by the Earthbound guys!
Meandering Sheep: It really does look like Cheezy Sci Fi Robo-Niftu!
Jumpropeman: clearly that's his son
Draco: Nifty?
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman changed name to :I
Draco: Good call.
Meandering Sheep: I:
Gooper Blooper: XD


Jumpropeman: for del
Sith Monkey???: Oh no, skeleton!
Jumpropeman: the yellow box must've been written before the art was made
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: at this rate I'll need to make a place to store all these ridiculous comic book panels
Jumpropeman: and that place will be chatzy
Sith Monkey???: Lmao
Sith Monkey???: Well
Sith Monkey???: I gotta sleep
Jumpropeman: night sith monkey
Sith Monkey???: But that is one ape that will not turn to the dark side
Jumpropeman: you are the hairy VILLAIN
Sith Monkey???: Nite, stay cool
Sith Monkey???: Hahaha


RubyChao: my goodness
RubyChao: it's the birthday of both brinehammer AND marduk!
Jumpropeman: it might be erebus's birthday too if i recall correctly
Jumpropeman: maybe they're triplets?
RubyChao: we'd better ask brine when he gets on
RubyChao: he might know if it's a coincidence or not
RubyChao: i'm out
RubyChao: g'night
Draco: Bye Chao.
Jumpropeman: now that chao is gone we can openly talk about the truth behind the three simultaneous birthdays
Jumpropeman: and that's that brine is a time traveler who has to relive his life over and over and we're simply on the third cycle, or the Brine Cycle as scholars are calling it
Draco: And next is the Rinse cycle?
Jumpropeman: hopefully, we don't want his clothes smelling like taco bell his entire fourth life
Draco: I'm suddenly craving Cheesy Roll-ups. Thanks.
Jumpropeman: would you accept fruit roll-ups dipped in cheese?
Draco: Yes.
Draco: I've eaten weirder.
Draco: Like Cheesy Roll-ups from Taco Bell.
Jumpropeman: an iron gut on this guy
Jumpropeman: too late for curse
Draco: Sadly, yes.
Draco: BUT when Harpy forms the Neo-CURSE in Season 14, his time to shine will have come.
Jumpropeman: he might be even be part of the big sixty-three!
Draco: Oh man! Not the Big 63! What if they recruit someone else? Does he have to sing a Beatles song?
Jumpropeman: I don't know Draco, you tell me, SINCE YOU'RE NOW MEMBER 64!
Draco: How did you know? BI


Jumpropeman: saw this earlier today: Dracozolt but if he was from metroid
Draco: "It's a livINGAHGDIGBNGBNU"


Jumpropeman: I am shocked
Jumpropeman: SHOCKED
Jumpropeman: that the first Namco Museum game did not have Dig Dug
Gooper Blooper: pretty sure there have been namco museums without pac-man
Draco: Fake museums.
Gooper Blooper: Aha
Jumpropeman: the original Namco Museum series didn't repeat any games across its five volumes, so they might have pushed Dig Dug back to make that work
Gooper Blooper: The GBA version of NM has the four games there on the box, plus Galaxian
Jumpropeman: I bet Pac-Man wasn't on there because he had an NES Series game on GBA
Gooper Blooper: Doubtful, the NES Series was several years after this release
Jumpropeman: ahh
Gooper Blooper: The GBA later got this
Gooper Blooper: Still only five games but they swapped two out and put two others in
Gooper Blooper: It is literally impossible for Namco to just put all of their old games in one collection
Gooper Blooper: it's like asking Valve to count to 3, it just doesn't happen
Jumpropeman: Dig Dug is on that cover three times
Gooper Blooper: It does a good job of making it look like there's more games than there are. I was fooled until I saw the "5 WHOLE GAMES WOW" starburst
Jumpropeman: 2DIG2DUG
Jumpropeman: Dig Dug apparently separated from his wife
Jumpropeman: I guess you can say
Jumpropeman: she didn't dig him all that much
Gooper Blooper: he's also Mr. Driller's dad
Jumpropeman: Dig Dug's wife was apparently the star of a series called Baraduke
Jumpropeman: I'm digging myself down this Dig dug hole
ToriCaughtCell?: i don't know what even
RubyChao: planning for dig dug MC 2021, right
Msomething Sheep: Capcom vs Dig Dug
Jumpropeman: he's digging beneath Not Wakanda to find what made them so advanced
Jumpropeman: turns out? Lotsa Pookas
ToriCaughtCell?: fossils
Msomething Sheep: Starring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
Msomething Sheep: & Knuckles.
ToriCaughtCell?: we will still be playing with prehistoric creatures come 2021
Jumpropeman: what if a touhou became a dinosaur themed kamen rider
Jumpropeman: and they were a brine cool lady to boot
Msomething Sheep: Sounds unlikely.
Draco: So are you saying Rumia is a Dinosaur-themed Kamen Rider?

(Later, after the discussion shifted to Pokemon Swoosh)

ToriCaughtCell?: i'm just kinda like "how do i even choose"
ToriCaughtCell?: i do wanna have at least one fairy
ToriCaughtCell?: apple pie dragon
ToriCaughtCell?: corviknight
Jumpropeman: it's simple harpy
Jumpropeman: six Dracozolts
ToriCaughtCell?: i mean I could roll with that
ToriCaughtCell?: but i'd need names for all of them that aren't dupes
ToriCaughtCell?: and i'd need more of the zolts!
Jumpropeman: i can't help you there
ToriCaughtCell?: well
Jumpropeman: I can't even think of what I'd name the Dracozolt Gijinka when I roleplay- SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY
ToriCaughtCell?: *Holds ghost corsola*
ToriCaughtCell?: oh
ToriCaughtCell?: she seems like a Dani to me
Jumpropeman: Zoey?
ToriCaughtCell?: Zoey is also a very good name
ToriCaughtCell?: or Zoe with the two dots on the e
Jumpropeman: *sweats as the joke inches closer to reality*
Gooper Blooper: it's ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: you know how this works by now.
RubyChao: he's doooooomed
ToriCaughtCell?: look, you brought this upon yourself
ToriCaughtCell?: just as I have made a joke idea reality, so, too, shall yours.
Jumpropeman: look, I'm just gonna place my Safety Claim on her for now
Jumpropeman: and surely I'll lose interest
ToriCaughtCell?: she'd be great for 2021 if nothing else
Jumpropeman: oh god you're right harp
Jumpropeman: we need a new setting idea
Jumpropeman: I'm thinking the sun's surface
Jumpropeman: dawn will love it there
Gooper Blooper: at last, the All Utsuho All The Time RP I've always wanted
ToriCaughtCell?: suffer, jrm
Draco: So much for my Swiss Alps setting idea. D:
Jumpropeman: I don't want to meet a stranger in the alps though D:
Draco: :V
Jumpropeman: *shuffles through papers desperately to find a counterargument to that bombshell*
Draco: The only bombshell you should be countering is a Decepticon. :V
ToriCaughtCell?: arctovolt.


Jumpropeman: oh wow
Jumpropeman: til death do us blart goes back to 2015
Jumpropeman: that's the year the movie released!
Draco: Truly a defining moment of our civilization.
Jumpropeman: no joke, the Paul Blart 2 special features have Kevin James saying that Paul Blart 1 defined a generation
Draco: How many times did it take for him to say it with a straight face?
Jumpropeman: he was almost too serious when he said it, so this must be after like, 47 takes over three hours to the point he's too mentally drained to laugh
Draco: Saying it like the president of a corporation announcing to his employees that they're going out of business?
Jumpropeman: maybe he was saying that line before his unfilmed announcement that there won't be a paul blart 3
Jumpropeman: or alternatively, there will be a paul blart 3
Jumpropeman: whichever is more distressing
Jumpropeman: "Paul Blart 2 is the new pornography" this podcast is off to a great start
Draco: Fortunately, Paul Blart is like Valve: he can't count to 3.
Msomething Sheep: I want to hear all about this


Jumpropeman: apparently around 1-3 AM this morning target was accidentally selling Yoshi's Crafted World, Melbits World, and What Remains of Edith Finch for a buck
ivel: what
ivel: that's a heck of a mistake
Jumpropeman: there are people who bought like 20 copies of Yoshi to resell or giveaway
Jumpropeman: honestly if I had known I might have bought some for a giveaway
RubyChao: i can't believe we live in a world where a yoshi's crafted world racket is real


Gooper Blooper: Chao, what is the meaning of this?!?!
Gooper Blooper: That's a whole lot of expressions that aren't :D
Jumpropeman: heresy!
Jumpropeman: c-clearly they're just mid-transition to :D right?
Jumpropeman: like smear frames
RubyChao: see, the thing is
RubyChao: honoka is capable of making expressions that are not :D
RubyChao: it's just, that's her default expression when not putting in active effort to make others
RubyChao: like how some people have resting bitch face, honoka has resting :D face


Bree: I read another nero wolfe story
Bree: in said story, someone deadass puts a live venomous snake in nero's office
RubyChao: he's had worse
Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that pretty much every nero wolfe story shared in chatzy so far has had at least one batshit ridiculous plot point
RubyChao: it's a series trademark


Bree: wolfe has a very specific schedule that shall not be disturbed. he goes upstairs to his flower rooms from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 4 PM to 6 PM, and he absolutely is not to be bothered under any circumstance for any reason for those four hours a day
Bree: the president of the united states of america could come to wolfe's house at 9:15 and archie would be like "sorry mr. president you'll have to sit in the office for an hour and 45 minutes"
RubyChao: it's true
HarpWork: Yeah wolfe will not budge
Draco: He would budge if he weren't fat.


ivel: I didn't realize during the raid
ivel: but a couple days ago I caught a shiny Cottonee!
ivel: I realized after I caught it
Draco: Nice.
Jumpropeman: did you nickname it Cottonee Joe?
ivel: I did not
Jumpropeman: might as well surprise trade it away then
ivel: :I
Gooper Blooper: if it's surprise traded then the recipient won't know where it came from and Ivel won't know where it went


Gooper Blooper: this fakemon tho
ivel: that fakemon should clearly exist
RubyChao: i read clover
RubyChao: and i thought Black Clover
Gooper Blooper: nobody went to the Black Clover store at the Olympia Mall last year
Gooper Blooper: maybe this year!
HarpWork: i would
Draco: "Jasper! Jasper jasper!"
Jumpropeman: Baby Jasper!
Jumpropeman: >obsession Pokemon
Jumpropeman: perfect for ZFRP
Jumpropeman: also, we never did learn where the Zoidberg bros came from...
Jumpropeman: the answer is Kentucky
Draco: Darn. My money was on HELL.
Jumpropeman: H E Double Hockey Sticks has no time for their nonsense
ivel: what about the Home For Infinite Losers, HFIL
Draco: They rebranded. They're calling themselves Valhalla now. Not VA-11 HALL-A, Valhalla.
Draco: Joyce Jr's least favorite Pokemon.
Jumpropeman: I was very worried about what direction the evolution might go
Jumpropeman: "Fishnism
Feminist Pokémon"

Jumpropeman: Sjwhale
Jumpropeman: this Pokemon wiki rapidly went strange places
Gooper Blooper: oh my~
Gooper Blooper: it is truly pizza time
Jumpropeman: to anyone who dissed Eiscue, I present what the fandom does instead
Gooper Blooper: coolcube
Jumpropeman: that is the kinda Pokemon I drew back when I first discovered Pokemon
Jumpropeman: such as Fireballex
Jumpropeman: who get this
Jumpropeman: was a fireball with a face and limbs
HarpWork: sounds like a meme man meme
Gooper Blooper: oh god, I went to the pokemon list and the very first Pokemon, the grass starter you can pick to go on your adventure with you, is named
Gooper Blooper: Grasshole
Jumpropeman: literally a pokemon based off Smogon
HarpWork: sounds right
Jumpropeman: oh god grasshole's final form
RubyChao: this is
RubyChao: an adventure
Gooper Blooper: Bulbapedia and Serebii got Pokemon, too
Jumpropeman: the fire type starter is an arab terrorist
RubyChao: is water hilariously normal by comparison
RubyChao: or just as weird
RubyChao: okay so just as weird.
Gooper Blooper: this is early 2000s pokemon parody level stuff
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: Smogaroben: "This Pokémon is highly competitive, although it only likes to use certain moves. If it loses, it will cry for days."
Jumpropeman: "Birdhouse is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon.
It is not known to evolve from or into any Pokémon."

Jumpropeman: literally just named Birdhouse
Draco: Smoxilon: "OU Pokémon"
Jumpropeman: the really weird ones are where the fakemon actually seems to be trying to be a regular Pokemon
Jumpropeman: it's just a cartoon mosquito
Jumpropeman: Pokedex just mentions normal mosquito stuff
Jumpropeman: and I wouldn't bat an eye at this Fakemon in a fakedex
RubyChao: looking at the front page it is A: 4chan and B: collaborative, which explains everything at once
Jumpropeman: meanwhile
RubyChao: the regular ones are from different people with different goals than the more....... esoteric ones
Jumpropeman: and now I've found the literal semen pokemon
Jumpropeman: PENGAS
Jumpropeman: "Octai
Hentai Pokémon"

Jumpropeman: there's
Jumpropeman: there's a Fakemon that is just Happiny hanging itself
Jumpropeman: the Chansey zombie with a human heart instead of an egg is actually cool looking though
Big Brando (Lapras): that sure is some spoopy
Jumpropeman: zombie chansey
Jumpropeman: a rainbow pony Pokemon named Geigh
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: If it weren't for the heart, I could see that as a legit Pogey.
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the subtle joke in the name of an ancient jar pokemon that has nothing untoward about it save for the name Jarape
Jumpropeman: the joke being Cofagrigus having fag in its name for no good reason and thus getting Pokemon caught in language filters
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: very creative design, wish it wasn't just part of this fakemon wiki!
Draco: Same! If you hadn't told me it was from a wiki, I'd've thought it one of the new Swoosh DLCs!
Jumpropeman: a design I unironically like even though it can't be a Pokemon for obvious reasons
Jumpropeman: "Sprucifix knowing Surf is a reference to Jesus walking on water. "
Jumpropeman: im not gonna share any more of the offensive ones, but rest assured I've found racist caricatures, fecal, and sexual fakemons
Jumpropeman: "Pokédex entry
This Pokémon sure is flaming, all right."
Jumpropeman: hey you, whatcha gonna do
Jumpropeman: "Anonymouse: Atheist Pokémon
Anonymouse are known to be euphoric, having been enlightened by their own intelligence."

Jumpropeman: literally named Motherfuck
Draco: Such dignified. ;o;7
Jumpropeman: there's a three stage evolution line based on Lanky Kong
Jumpropeman: "Trivia
Lankong has no style.
Lankong has no grace.
Lankong has a funny face.
Lankong can hand stand when he needs to.
Lankong can stretch his arms out just for you.
Lankong has the lowest base stat total of all Pokémon that can handstand when they need to."

Draco: That's still better than Conkledor or whatever the one carrying the steel beam is.
ivel: durr
Jumpropeman: "Faptime is a dual-type Rock/Psychic Pokémon.
Faptime lives in dark caves."

Jumpropeman: Humpunny and Bunnorgy are just a bunch of colored bunnies doing it
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: could practically be an official Pokemon amiright
Jumpropeman: and before I end up looking at literally every one of these awful things
Jumpropeman: I end with this little dude
RubyChao: jrm goes back to the well tomorrow
Jumpropeman: I stopped so I'd still have material for tomorrow
Big Brando (Lapras): welp
Gooper Blooper: I unironically love this one
Big Brando (Lapras): ....
Big Brando (Lapras): i want bug house to be real.


Big Brando (Lapras): fuck mespirit
Jumpropeman: I'll try but I think it's genderless
Mower Sheep sound of teacup rattling against saucer


Gooper Blooper: My old computer DID need to be replaced, it was showing signs of severe issues
Gooper Blooper: but I'll need to either upgrade this one or else not get to play Nep for five years
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: you say that like playing nep is a good thing.
Gooper Blooper: YOU played Nep!
RubyChao: i did!
Gooper Blooper: And you liked it!
ivel: you don't simply play Nep. Nep plays you.
RubyChao: look i'm trying to dunk on the memelord
RubyChao: stop undercutting it with logic
Gooper Blooper: this is her year, Nep for Brawl winner 2020
Jumpropeman: epilogue will just be a Nepilogue
Jumpropeman: written entirely in Nep
ivel: good
ivel doesn't enter Nep in the Brawl to spare everyone
Draco: Nep? More like NOPE.
RubyChao: neptune
RubyChao: more like DEADtune
RubyChao: because she's dead.
Draco: Camilla's going to win this year and become the Queen of Olympia and wear fancy dresses.
Draco: It's all part of my five-month plan.
ivel: but if she's dead... the who was Nep?!
RubyChao: Nepgear, duh
ivel: but she isn't in RP yet, she doesn't count :I
Gooper Blooper: also not in RP yet
RubyChao: in RP yet
Draco: Technically in RP yet


Gooper Blooper: I appreciate that the grand final for this robot combat tournament came down to two robots named after simpsons memes


Draco: link


Big Brando (Lapras): i’m just down for whatever since i’m not that fussy
Jumpropeman: alright harp
Jumpropeman: next setting is YOUR HOUSE
Sith Monkey???: Oh no
Big Brando (Lapras): please no
RubyChao: that sounds like a very crowded party


Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Jumpropeman: my dogs don't get no Dr Pepper
Jumpropeman: that's all for me
Draco: Stop being stingy, Uncle JRM. :I


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: if we do jungle magitech gensokyo
RubyChao: do we call it
RubyChao: Kyosogen
Gooper Blooper: Oykosneg
Jumpropeman: Reimu's Summer Home


Jumpropeman: my offseason goal is to resist the urge to make more characters
Sith Monkey: Mood


Jumpropeman: "Video game arcades at the time became as common as convenience stores, while arcade games like Pac-Man and Space Invaders would appear in most locations across the United States, including even funeral homes."
Jumpropeman: idea for a creepypasta: funeral home pac-man's four ghosts are real people
Sith Monkey: Oh man
Jumpropeman: clearly that's why one's named Clyde instead of following the naming convention
Sith Monkey: He's the one who remembers
Sith Monkey: But he likes being in a video game so he doesn't mind
Sith Monkey: "it beats dentures!"
nanivel: welp


Jumpropeman: so like five years after a friend of mine implored me to watch the Half in the Bag episode about Prometheus it is finally done, if only I could still contact him in some form
RubyChao: was that friend
RubyChao: Albert Einstein
Jumpropeman: i was literally thinking about that joke like half an hour ago
Jumpropeman: so yes it was


RubyChao: i love this one
Gooper Blooper: Everyone else LOVED the floor pork!!
Mixtel Sheep: Floor Pork
Draco: Flork


Tori: i need to read through some of these pogeydex entries and research movesets
Tori: not like i'm doing competitive or anything, i'm just looking around for cool support pogeys to write about in everyday life
Tori: i already got nurse/assistant Audino, anesthesia performer and general dream checker Munna, and secretary/maid Indeedee
Draco: Neat. :)
Draco: And massage therapist Golurk


Jumpropeman: sleepy
Jumpropeman: but so close to end of gmae
Gooper Blooper: "just one more level" has never been so literal
Draco: Cripes, reminds me of when Halo 3 came out. I spent my entire day after class playing and stopped that night when I finally got tired...and I was on the last level.
Draco: Didn't realize that until the next day when I finished the fight.
Jumpropeman: FInAL BOSS TIM-ZZZZ
Draco pushes JRM off a cliff and into bed.
Jumpropeman: I have a special ability active that makes a little orb that attacks on its own in this game, and during the text box conversation it was attacking the boss and I didn't realize what was happening until the fight started and he was missing like 1/5th his health bar :V
Jumpropeman: now to nap through the credits
Mixtel Sheep: JRM was never seen again


Mixtel Sheep: I really don't know what to make of The Amazing Bulk
Draco: It's beautiful?
Mixtel Sheep: No
Mixtel Sheep: No, it is not.
Draco: Just say it is so you can get that sweet bribe money from the creator. I bet they'll give you upwards of TWENTY CENTS.
Jumpropeman: oh wow, that's the entire box office gross!
Mixtel Sheep: It's going to take at least a quarter to buy my integrity :I
Jumpropeman: how else will you afford a barrel of colored water?
Draco: What if......I give you a RP Camilla next year?
Mixtel Sheep: 8I


Draco joined the chat
Draco: The Windows 7 partisans live on.
Murdered Sheep: Not to be confused with the Windows 7 Parisians.
Draco: Oui oui
RubyChao: hello draco
RubyChao: my fellow holdout
Draco: How goes the rebellion, comrade?
RubyChao: they haven't taken me out yet
RubyChao: so, good
nanivel joined the chat
nanivel joined the chat
nanivel joined the chat

RubyChao: i see our Ivel Cloning Project is off to a good start as well
nanivel: what was that about a rebellion?
nanivel: just out of curiosity, of course.


Murdered Sheep: "Depicted as the rose that, when it loses its last petal, will lead to the Beast’s death, the timer here is oddly short but refilled by picking up petals in the stage."
Murdered Sheep: I'm imagining Beast just
Murdered Sheep: Furiously gluing petals back on
Draco: It apparently works.
Murdered Sheep: "but they do have a funny quirk to them, that being if you fail to catch three of them… you die."
Murdered Sheep: Just like a real snowball fight.
Murdered Sheep: Who will ever forget the horror of the Winter of '98?
 Murdered Sheep: "but so much of the game is Belle casually strolling about and needing to react to the incredibly aggressive wildlife that’s coming for her blood."
Murdered Sheep: Goodness!
Jumpropeman: those birds can't resist the delectable wine that is French blood
Murdered Sheep: "and with no pumpkin farmer in sight to tell it exactly what it needs to do." -JRM, 2019-2020
Jumpropeman: the final boss of my plot next year will only be vulnerable in one way, but luckily a pumpkin farmer will be a bar regular by that point and approach us before we even know the fight is coming
Draco: Listen, you, how did you know that Wildfire is now a pumpkin farmer?
Jumpropeman: I saw her at the initiation
Murdered Sheep: WOAH
Murdered Sheep: The bear in one of the Roar of the Beast review images has a pair of jaws on him!
Jumpropeman: that boy's got a game-winning grin
Murdered Sheep: "Whether it be the odd smiling bear in the castle,"
Murdered Sheep: Oh, you even pointed it out!
Murdered Sheep: "Perhaps the truth lies in the name of the developers, as who would be a better pick for such an out of the blue game idea than a company called Left Field Productions."
Murdered Sheep: :I
Draco: :3


Jumpropeman: "Jack and Jill is the most racist film since Birth of a Nation"
Jumpropeman: Jack and Jill had a higher budget than John Wick and John Wick 2. Combined.
RubyChao: >racist
RubyChao: this i gotta hear
Jumpropeman: the specific cited example is a long diversion where Jack and Jill go to a Mexican party. Neither form of Adam Sandler has any issue with mexicans or whatever in the movie, but one mexican character constantly makes the easiest stereotypical mexican jokes that can ever be made and than says "I'm kidding" with the substance of the joke being "say something offensive, then say it was a joke without having any purpose within the film's universe for making them"
RubyChao: ooooooof.
Draco: Owch.
Jumpropeman: I like the alternate universe that many Sony films take place in where people actually use Sony products besides the Playstation
Draco: Impossible! Everyone knows everything Sony makes is just a kind of Playstation.
Jumpropeman: what's that? I was busy listening to something on my 1000 dollar sony walkman
Jumpropeman: "Just a quick reminder that Jack & Jill cost more to make than the INFLATED budget of the entire Star Wars original trilogy."
Draco: Damn. HOW?
Jumpropeman: Adam Sandler had to pay all of his friends SOMEHOW
Draco: I realize Lucas was using cannibalized Battleship games to make the Death Star, but c'mon! Was Adam Sandler paying himself THAT much?
Jumpropeman: there's a scene that takes place at a lakers game in Jack and Jill... except it doesn't. They edit regular sports footage and have the characters sit in a sound stage with green screen of the game around them


Working Del: Please forgive Sakurai. We trained him to pick bad characters on purpose, as a joke.


MobileDraco: GOTY Jan 2020
Jumpropeman: I told you people should be eager to hear me talk about Pressure Cooker!


Gooper Blooper: what a perfect conclusion to the Pressure Cooker saga
Jumpropeman: I really didn't expect Pressure Cooker to not only be great, but my favorite atari game :V
Gooper Blooper: and you have Draco to thank!
Gooper Blooper: Short-Order Sam joins the kitchen crew next season
Draco: I'm glad Pressure Cooker was actually a good game.


cookivel: there's a black clover app that just released, though it seems it needs to be fully polished to avoid some crashes and stuff. Wizard King count in the first few dialogues before you even get to the combat tutorial, 2
Jumpropeman: excellent research work ivel
cookivel: there's a third one now
cookivel: downloading the rest of the game data, but considering the Wizard King count before you even get to that point is 3, I have high hopes
cookivel: also I'm amused that count just kinda became a thing here :U
Jumpropeman: ivel's chatzy Wizard King count: 2
cookivel: huh. This app lets you reroll your first summon, but they actually have a limit on it :U
cookivel: the limit is... 99 attempts at summoning
Jumpropeman: haha
cookivel: that SHOULD be enough attempts to get someone good, but I'm amused they set a limit
cookivel: I don't know who Mimosa is but she's apparently good, welcome to the team. It'd help if I knew anything about Black Clover :U
cookivel: why is she named after a drink? We just don't know
Bree: um excuse me, mimosas are plants
Bree: it's like an entire genus of plants or something
Jumpropeman: it seems the mimosa drink was named after them because of similar coloration to a mimosa flower
Jumpropeman: for some reason
Jumpropeman: Mimosa's page on the black clover wiki is in my browser history
Jumpropeman: "Mimosa is the third most beautiful woman." thank you black clover wiki
cookivel: welp
RubyChao: speaking of mobile games based on anime that have come up here
RubyChao: english version of symphogear's gacha game has been confirmed to release mid-February
cookivel: oh, neat
Jumpropeman: we'll miss you
RubyChao: thanks
RubyChao: considering both the symphogear and love live gacha games have done crossovers in the past
RubyChao: imagine if they ever do a symphogear x love live event
cookivel: that would be too powerful
Jumpropeman: then I'll know you're on the development team
Jumpropeman: rp was just a stealth testing ground for the concept
cookivel: no, you'll know he's on the dev team when they add Reimu


RubyChao: so this is how Dark Matter dies, right


Jumpropeman: "Bubbly, confident, brave, outgoing, boisterous, impulsive, daring, friendly, hilarious, strong willed, caring, musical, reckless, charming, energetic, cool, witty, athletic, sardonic, opinionated, mischievous, sassy, dramatic, free spirited"
Jumpropeman: *cracks fingers*
Jumpropeman: got another live one kids
Draco: Oh boy. Another Don Bluth character wiki?
Gooper Blooper: oh hell yes, I was just thinking earlier today it'd been too long since JRM went digging for wiki gold
Jumpropeman: welcome to the disturbingly comprehensive Alvin and the Chipmunks wiki, where there exists a page documenting every positive interaction between Alvin and Brittany of the Chipettes despite them constantly kissing and dating to confirm they're a thing
Jumpropeman: also, please note the awful font choice
Jumpropeman: "In Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, after Brittany asked Ian if he could represent them, Eleanor says, "And hang out with the Chipmunks!!" Both she and Jeanette giggle excitedly, meaning they are already smitten with The Chipmunks from fame and inspiring them to sing.
In Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, after Jeanette and Eleanor talk about Simon and Theodore, she says to them, "Yeah, I know. But, guys, remember what Ian said? We can't trust them." hinting she has a crush on Alvin, but has no choice except to follow Ian's rules."

Draco: "This page contains support indicating the coupling of Alvin Seville and Brittany Miller, and their most accepted couple name is Alvittany (Alvin + Brittany), though some prefer the pairing name as Alvinatty. ALVINNN!!! gave another potential pairing name in Albrittina." <- Oh man. This wiki is really getting political. :V
Jumpropeman: it feels like they're reaching for something that doesn't exist and then you go down and find like ten pictures of alvin and brittany kissing and its like
Jumpropeman: guys
Jumpropeman: you don't gotta reach
Gooper Blooper: but they DO gotta document every last detail in the chipmunkverse
Gooper Blooper: because if they don't, who will?!
Draco: That font really is awful.
Jumpropeman: Britanny's page:
Being dirty, fog, the color green, evil forces, fighting, Jeanette being clumsy, sexism, trickery, threats to her family and friends, fighting with Alvin.
"Good, cause now... I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!""

Jumpropeman: she dislikes fighting because she likes getting right to the kill
Jumpropeman: "They are shown in the future as married with twin boys." Alvittany again confirmed hard but gotta scrounge up everything
Jumpropeman: "David "Dave" Seville is the tetartagonist of all the Chipmunk series and many of the films."
Draco: My God...that's even better than a Pentahexagagonist!
Jumpropeman: Dave's page
Jumpropeman: is very sparse
cookivel: is Dave the new Seiya
cookivel: or is it at least better than his
Jumpropeman: if it ain't about chipmunk dating, it ain't important!
Tori: what am i looking at
Draco: We need 10,000 pages supporting shipping two chipmunks....JRM said it.
Jumpropeman: "In The Chipettes, Eleanor offers Theodore breakfast." SHIP CONFIRMED FOLKS
RubyChao: so ivel
RubyChao: would you say
RubyChao: he is the strongest of the 100 producers
cookivel: I would sei ya
Gooper Blooper: I was actually reading the Chatzy Madness with the initial JRM wikicrawl in it earlier today
Gooper Blooper: they either kept JRM's edit to the Auntie Shrew page or changed it to something completely new
Gooper Blooper: since it doesn't say tri-attack antagonist or whatever
Jumpropeman: okay I'm joking about the connections between Chipmunks and Chippettes but: "They both share names with famous Roosevelts."
Jumpropeman: that's a genius connection
Jumpropeman: of course right after they say their next similarity is "They get stuck in tight spaces due to their size in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel"
Jumpropeman: I really want to find me a woman who gets stuck in tight spaces in Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel
Jumpropeman: very uncomfortable energy in this image
Tori: but why would you suffer like this
Tori: ...i didn't need to see this.
Jumpropeman: I'm not surprised to see a bustling forum section on this wiki
Jumpropeman: "Tycio wrote: Were they chipmunk-human hybrids?
No. They are a fictional species of chipmunk that just so happened to have evolved to take on a human-like niche. Granted, this is just my hypothesis, but there is no evidence in support of them being hybrids, quite the contrary actually."

Jumpropeman: "When You Wish Upon a Chipmunk features songs from animated Disney films. Disney did not sponsor or endorse the creation of this album"
Jumpropeman: I think the Chipmunks made a bootleg Disney album?
Jumpropeman: with bara Alvin on the cover
Jumpropeman: "This episode somewhat contradicts A Dog's Best Friend Is His Chipmunk since Dave had an allergic reaction to dogs, while in this episode, he has an allergic reaction to cats. However, oddly enough, Dave develops an allergic reaction to dogs near the end of this episode."
Jumpropeman: at least they care enough to track his allergies
Draco: Dave himself apparently isn't!
Jumpropeman: I was reading the page about Cookie Chomper III, a kitty the chipmunks adopted and... it took a sharp left turn
cookivel: did they chomp it, or not that sharp
Jumpropeman: the kitty does not survive the episode
RubyChao: "That night, Cookie Chomper III jumps out the window by accident and is hit by a car early the next morning and everyone is very upset." holy SHIT that's darker than i expected chipmunk show to go
cookivel: ...
Madness Sheep (Murdered Sheep) joined the chat
cookivel: damn
cookivel: hi MWizardKing Sheep
Madness Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: do
Jumpropeman: do they sing about the cat
RubyChao: hi sheep
RubyChao: or should i say
Madness Sheep: :I
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: it looks like they do.
Jumpropeman: I always needed a chipmunk song In Memoriam
Jumpropeman: meanwhile, I just got a page that quickly blocked its content and said THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS
RubyChao: here you go, jrm
Jumpropeman: but after closing the only tag I've found of that kind on the wiki... "Jeanette and the Chipmunks orchestrate a break-in at Bocarter's house to rescue a chimpanzee he keeps in a cage." is pretty much all there is on the page
Jumpropeman: "Grandpa is an elderly chipmunk who appears in the Alvin and the Chipmunks Easter special The Easter Chipmunk. He lives in the same retirement village as the aunt of the Easter Bunny, Mr. Hoppity. He tells the boys that he was the original "Easter Chipmunk," hinting that there could have been more after him." Deep Chipmunk Easter Lore
Jumpropeman: not only does the easter bunny have an aunt, but there is an easter chipmunk too, OR MULTIPLE
Jumpropeman: "Songs
"Ode to the Easter Bunny" [citation needed] "

Jumpropeman: I REFUSE
Tori: citations? what dat
Draco: Amazing.
Jumpropeman: "However, over the course of the special, Alvin begins to believe him. He gets to the point where he tries to take Mr. Hoppity to court. It later becomes clear that he is in charge of delivering the Easter baskets for the whole world, while Grandpa is in charge of only four."
Jumpropeman: Alvin tried to sue the easter bunny
Jumpropeman: the vacant puppet expressions
Jumpropeman: especially theodore at the bottom
Draco: "mini-munks" Wot
Jumpropeman: 140 people have voted on the quality of minimunks
Draco: We're resorting to Muppet versions of Alvin and the ChipMinimunks.
Jumpropeman: and found it wanting
Draco: The songs must not have been that enchanting.
RubyChao: i have learned from bree that i had to tweak komachi's rumble elimination very slightly to properly account for komachi coffee preferences
RubyChao: v. important
Bree: it's been all this time and I barely even read it and I managed to get chao to add one (1) word :V
Draco: Absolutely.
Bree: by accident
RubyChao: yeah i thought komachi was never into coffee but it turns out she was pre-this year
RubyChao: as in pre-2019
RubyChao: luckily, an entire year of not drinking wilkins was enough to justify wilkins targeting her
Bree: I don't know if wilkins is Coffee Dad Approved coffee but ironically since komachi's sense of taste was always poor even before she lost it
Bree: she'd have happily drank shitty coffee without complaint
Bree: so maybe she was secretly a loyal wilkins drinker all along???
Jumpropeman: I hate how aggressively naked the chipmunks start off as in the Cgi films
Tori: komachi has turned her back on the wilkins universe
Bree: why are you talking about naked chipmunks when you're getting this shocking komachi coffee deep revelations
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: I have not found a chipmunk episode where the 100 some people who voted on it put it above three stars
Jumpropeman: a self-hating fanbase
Jumpropeman: "I will always love the first CGI Chipmunks movie the best. It sparked my passion for those irrisitable munks! Whats yours?"
Jumpropeman: irresistable munks
Tori: ...
Tori: that sounds really weird
Jumpropeman: "He flushed the toilet to give Simon a swirly and exchanged comments about Theodore's weight for only a couple instances."
Jumpropeman: Only a couple
Tori: i cannot deal with these
Tori: "irresistable" chipmunks
Tori: :V
Jumpropeman: "Personality
Altered by multiple spider bites, evil, selfish, greedy, sneaky, manipulative, cruel, short-tempered, sadistic, bitter, arrogant, self-centered, dishonest, outgoing, delusional, determined, deluded (formerly)"

Tori: ...
Tori: is that even a personality trait
Jumpropeman: it is now
Tori: damn, spiderman's so developed!
Gooper Blooper: yessss, a "formerly"
Draco: Yamame pls
Jumpropeman: gonna make a character next year who acts in SUCH an Altered By Multiple Spider Bites way!
Jumpropeman: "Appearance

Jumpropeman: they'll note every strand of a chipette's hair but this human woman and main antagonist of a film is just safari-like
Gooper Blooper: you can get boring old humans in anything
Gooper Blooper: it's the chipmunks that matter dammit
Jumpropeman: "she has brown hair (still darker than her sisters) held in a bun (with a few loose hairs on the sides in front of her ears) with a purple band or occasionally a purple clothespin." just in case you thought that was exaggeration
Draco: Gloria gets spider bites all the time and hasn't been altered.
Jumpropeman: "She wears some sort of safari shirt whenever she does go safari or not, which more likely is an open tan-colored button-up shirt." later in the article they do try to clarify what safari-like is at least
Jumpropeman: Enemies
Alvin Seville (formerly)
Simon Seville (formerly)
Theodore Seville (formerly)
Brittany Miller (formerly)
Jeanette Miller (formerly)
Eleanor Miller (formerly)
Dave Seville (formerly)
Ian Hawke (formerly)

Madness Sheep: I mean
Madness Sheep: Princess Spiderbite is a character that happened
Draco: Yikes.
Jumpropeman: "Zoe is often thought to be the (former) secondary antagonist of the third film."
Jumpropeman: I often think that yes
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: That one reminds me of when we were looking through the Mario Wiki's hall of shame and that one guy kept adding shit like "some say Klobber is the fifth-scariest enemy in a mario game"
Jumpropeman: this wiki has been edited since arrival
Jumpropeman: to add more content to the Theodore/Eleanor shipping page
Gooper Blooper: More evidence for the theory!!
Gooper Blooper: but it's just a theory
Gooper Blooper: a munk theory
Jumpropeman: hopefully one day they'll crack the case of which munk is dating which
Draco: Turns out Alvin's taking Shaymin.
cookivel: good for him, nothing to be ashaymed of
Madness Sheep: The Pokemon?!
Jumpropeman: "According to Romancing Miss Stone, Alvin says that his birthday is nearby"
Jumpropeman: my birthday is somewhere over there in that pile
Jumpropeman: just gotta dig around and find it
Jumpropeman: "it's suggested that Simon is 12 or older due to the age range on the hoverboard box." Simon wouldn't play with a toy he's not old enough for... would he?
cookivel: Alvin, definitely. Theodore wouldn't. Simon is the wild card.
Draco: I thought they were triplets.
Jumpropeman: they are, and alvin is the oldest at eight
Draco: Ah. XD
Jumpropeman: "Ian is constantly believed to be the (former) secondary antagonist in the third film."
Jumpropeman: I
Jumpropeman: CONSTANTLY
Jumpropeman: believe this too!
Gooper Blooper: There it is again! XD
Draco: Man, it's hard to figure out who the secondary antagonist is in these movies!
Jumpropeman: "Goof: A caveman is shown living in the same time as the dinosaurs, or vice versa."
Gooper Blooper: Boy is their face red!
Draco: GOOF
Jumpropeman: "This was considered one of the most sought-after episodes because of its failure to air more than a few times before the show was taken off the air and since it was almost impossible to find. Despite popular rumor though, Simon and Jeanette never kissed. They came close but were interrupted by Dr. Bubbles."
Jumpropeman: *clicks over to the site Sheep and I watch Harley Quinn on*
Jumpropeman: found it in three clicks
Jumpropeman: what a journey
Jumpropeman: "Goof: As Jeanette jumps over the fence to stop the two football players fighting she can be briefly seen with legs." without the context that she is a mermaid in this episode this reads wonderfully
Gooper Blooper: well I mean
Gooper Blooper: stuff USED to be hard to find
Gooper Blooper: but then the internet got gud
Jumpropeman: "Though most fans prefer the Simon and Jeanette couple, Jeanette is the love interest of Alvin while Simon shows no affection to her (or concern for her safety when she is kidnapped and while Alvin rushed to help her, he was in no hurry to help her) sparking the Alvinette fan world." A RIPPLE IN THE STRAIGHTFORWARD ROMANCES
Jumpropeman: I need to go find that Alvinette Fan World
Jumpropeman: 2021 setting: Alvinette Fan World
Draco: Yeah, forget Magitech Jungle, we need CHIPMUNKS.
Gooper Blooper: Magitech Jungle 2: The Squeakquel
Jumpropeman: to close out the chipmunk wiki, here is a picture of a VHS where you got one single 25 minute episode of the chipmunks parodying robocop
Why Indeed: Why do the chipmunks at least kind of look like animals
Why Indeed: But the chipettes just kinda look like tiny people
Jumpropeman: i think you know the answer
Jumpropeman: and the answer is
Jumpropeman: maybe I should have mentioned it but
Jumpropeman: the Chippetes backstory is they were orphaned Australians who go to an orphanage where Miss Grudge forces orphans to sing for money and they get saved by a kangaroo who takes them to a pier to send them to america
Jumpropeman: also, if you are wondering why I even found this wiki today, I was looking into the existence of this character
Jumpropeman: "Sam Valiant is a shady private investigator (Sam Valiant, Private Nose), real estate agent (Sam Valiant: Real Estate), and hotel room clerk (Dude Ranch). He is a fast talker who relies his decisions on what his long nose smells and, in combination with his carelessness, causes destruction. He's quick to place blame on or con the person he is closest to. In his last appearance, he attempts to replace The Chipmunks. "
Jumpropeman: he's pretty much built to join my rp roster!
RubyChao: "In need of plumbing, Clyde invents it; heedlessly inventing the plumber as well. Soon after the plumber leaves, Clyde starts his bath but unfortunately finds he forgotten to invent the drain, so he must quickly invent swimming."
Draco: O_o
RubyChao: so this is probably how miu's day goes, right
Why Indeed: I have so many questions
Why Indeed: And all of them are why
Jumpropeman: "Clyde is a bold man who seeks to improve life by inventing things that unfortunately already exist leading to interesting results."
Jumpropeman: unfortunately, the same path that lead me to Private Nose there also told me that Clyde Crashcup's segments of the show were rather dull
Jumpropeman: they sound fun on paper at least
RubyChao: tragic
Tori joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: harp rises
Jumpropeman: she came running to see the ninja turtle rock concert
Tori: Im here for chipmunk lore
Tori: and that
Jumpropeman: i spent like two hours on that wiki, I need to do other things with my night
RubyChao: >there's a competitor
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: which one is more professional, you tell me
Gooper Blooper: it's close
Jumpropeman: i mean, maybe the other wiki also had JOSE IS A GAY BITCH as the only info on Theodore, I couldn't tell with that font
Tori: time to
Jumpropeman: their... their blue word links head to the other alvin wiki
Tori: complete a zfrp wiki instead
RubyChao: >a zfrp wiki
RubyChao: i feel like we'd have thousands of articles and still not be complete
Tori: yeah
Tori: much like my appearances in season 2
Tori: ooooooø
Jumpropeman: I wonder if they just copy-pasted some pages
Gooper Blooper: if ZFRP was 15 years ago I would have actually tried to do such a thing
RubyChao: back when there were a bunch of wiki farms
RubyChao: but then they all closed
RubyChao: or changed
RubyChao: or in one case their servers burned down
RubyChao: i'm not kidding about that one
Tori: yïkes
RubyChao: there was one wiki farm i used once that died because the servers were incinerated in a fire
RubyChao: and they hadn't kept backups because they were idiots
Jumpropeman: "The Chipettes are a fictional trio of beautiful singers"
Jumpropeman: oh no


Tori: might be watching monster trucks
Tori: on my birthday
Gooper Blooper: *checks*
Gooper Blooper: *Harpy's birthday is not on a Sunday*
Gooper Blooper: alas
Tori: 25 bux for a monster truck ticket
Tori: yeah its friday and sat only
Gooper Blooper: remember that time I randomly bought a PS2 monster truck game and actually got really into it and played through the whole thing?
Tori: i dont but that sounds legit
Cornwind Evil: Good thing it wasn't Big Rigs Over The Road Racing
Draco: That's a good price for a Monster Truck ticket.
Tori: the monster trucks available for these aaaree
Tori: muddy girl, ratnasty, nothing but trouble, backdraft, split personality, anger management
cookivel: at least, the ones they're listing if not the whole selection
Draco golf claps.
Tori: they all sound like battlebot names
cookivel: also apparently that civic center will also host a WWE event and the Harlem Globetrotters
Gooper Blooper: it was this one
cookivel: presumably not related to each other, but who knows
Tori: Big fuckn truck
cookivel: also hopefully the WWE event is unrelated to the monster trucks
Tori: i would go to the wwe event
cookivel: that didn't go well the last time they tried it
Tori: i joked that vince mcmahon is getting fucked monster trucks
Tori: anywho, i’d fuckin go if i can somehow wrangle the harpsibs and ivelfam into this
Tori: even on my birthday tho i wouldnt force anyone to go where they aren’t comfortable
Tori: I’m perfectly fine spending the night trying to catch shrimp at a hibachi and getting one right in the eye
Tori: Or bowling
Gooper Blooper: monster trucks driven by shrimp go bowling
Tori: ..that just makes me think
Tori: shrimp is monster truck
Tori: is this a new zoofight monstrosity


Jumpropeman: i had plans for today that didn't involve napping on the couch
Jumpropeman: napping on the couch changed that


Sith Monkey joined the chat
Sith Monkey: The fucking Hunter s Thompson of our times
Sith Monkey: That was probably too aggressive an entrance huh


Tori: dnd book
Tori: smashed me foot
Tori: ow
Draco: It's a mimic.
Tori: :I


Tori: shit this discord livestream is lagging to hell
Tori: sucks because i wanted to kill time :I
Tori: and hang out with pals
Jumpropeman: KILL time?!
Jumpropeman: you're going to jail, missy BI
Tori: *points gun at jrm* not if i kill you first
Jumpropeman: jokes on you, I have no defense against bullets oh god don't shoot me please
Gooper Blooper: link
Tori: he's arresting the wrong person
Tori: hohoho
Jumpropeman: justice is served
Gooper Blooper: how could you?!
Tori: rip
Gooper Blooper: Now Missy can't get promoted and be an important character in Season 11
Jumpropeman: this mythical season 11 can't happen after she killed time!
Gooper Blooper: I knew it was a bad idea to put Kronoculus in RP


Jumpropeman: there we go
Jumpropeman: got the astral chain spirits in smash
Jumpropeman: so now
Jumpropeman: once again
Jumpropeman: I have 100%ed smash ultimate
Jumpropeman: but not for too long :V
Gooper Blooper: it'd be funny if Smash had an overdramatic "YAYYYYY YOU GOT 100% YAYYYY" cutscene
Gooper Blooper: and JRM just kept re-triggering it every other month
Tori: dear god
Tori: i'd die
Jumpropeman: WOW! INCREDIBLE!


Jumpropeman: time for me to go... but before I do. Draco, do one thing for me...
Jumpropeman: get
Jumpropeman: Mendoza

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