Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chatzy Madness Volume 357: We Respect Your Grinch Lust

Jumpropeman: ive been eager for the next madness
Gooper Blooper: because you knew it would have the alvin and the chipmunks wiki in it, right


Jumpropeman: "I really want to find me a woman who gets stuck in tight spaces in Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel"
Jumpropeman: put this on my gravestone


Merit Sheep: "12 Games of Christmas: Adolescent Santa Claus"
Merit Sheep dread

iKomodo: Good
iKomodo: Oh dear
iKomodo: much dread
Merit Sheep: I will say
Merit Sheep: JRM's article on it is well constructed though


Jumpropeman: oh yeah cornwind
Jumpropeman: they updated River City Girls to have a marginally better secret ending!
Cornwind Evil: Well stomp on frogs and shove a crowbar up my nose.
Jumpropeman: give me a second, I don't have a crowbar on hand
Gooper Blooper: A+ Garfield reference CW
Cornwind Evil: The fact that GB recognized that reference kinda scares me
Gooper Blooper: It was one of my favorite strips back in the day
Gooper Blooper: Garfield at his most aggressively sarcastic


Jumpropeman: I went to family video again today, place is stripped dry
Jumpropeman: didnt buy anything except ice cream
Jumpropeman: the few games I'd still want to buy left hadn't discounted below 10 bucks
Jumpropeman: the shelves had 1: sports games 2: kinect/playstation move games and 3: Fallout 76 :V
Gooper Blooper: they're happy no one bought their freezer yet so they could still sell ice cream


Bree: snom? snom.
Tori: Appletun is so good
Draco: SNOM


Jumpropeman: oh no
Jumpropeman: I had forgotten that I had given Dracozolt Gijinka a name
Tori: HAHA
Tori: i’m sorry for your loss


Cornwind Evil: In weird dream imagery
Cornwind Evil: The Lord was keeping Beck in a cage. Like a giant bird cage. Why? Who knows.


Jumpropeman: this
Jumpropeman: is the most amazing trailer for a card game I've seen
Jumpropeman: im feeling emotions over here
SearchingForTeacups: that pie looks great
SearchingForTeacups: those foods look great
SearchingForTeacups: oh no
Jumpropeman: the ultimate love story
SearchingForTeacups: Revenge of Gingerbread Princess
Jumpropeman: "What the hell, did I just get emotionally invested in the tragic backstory of a damn cookie?!"
SearchingForTeacups: is this a new magic theme deck
Jumpropeman: "Sister: "Why are you crying?"
Me: "Magic the Gathering cookies""

SearchingForTeacups: i would destroy lives with cookies
SearchingForTeacups: i didn't cry because i'm a big girl now
Jumpropeman: apparently it's related to the MTG digital card game somehow
SearchingForTeacups: its not a real deck though so that hurts me
Jumpropeman: not a real deck
Jumpropeman: YET
Jumpropeman: Old mcdonald had a card
SearchingForTeacups: alas
Cornwind Evil: A McDonald's Magic card strikes me as a card that's worthless except that six expansions later it interacts with some new card that breaks the game because no one was paying attention
Brinehammer: If it was a mythic rare, I'd try and buy it without the food. 😐
Cornwind Evil: I'm sure there are near worthless mythic rares
Brinehammer: Well, yeah, but they're mythic rares.
Brinehammer: Mythic rares.
Draco: I remember back when Beanie Babies were a thing and McDonald's was packed full of people who just wanted those. Some guy offered to buy my meal if I gave him the Beanie Baby.
Cornwind Evil: Well yeah if you're a COLLECTOR
SearchingForTeacups: beanie babies?
SearchingForTeacups: value?
SearchingForTeacups: hhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Brinehammer: Here's a garbage one that was going for like 30$ at one point.
Jumpropeman: feh, time reversal! I wouldn't even pay 10 bucks for that power!


Bree: I want to share this cursed tumblr post
Gooper Blooper: XD
SearchingForTeacups: you know what
SearchingForTeacups: they're absolutely right.
Draco: "carbon pawprint"
Draco: lol


Merit Sheep: "The best approach to avoid having the Grinch’s heart expand prematurely is to employ stealth."
Merit Sheep: What a sentence.
Merit Sheep: "It’s not really a plot that seems to lend itself well to a game adaptation, but one was made for the Game Boy Advance anyway,"
Merit Sheep: Print out
Merit Sheep: frame it
Merit Sheep: that's it
Merit Sheep: that's the industry
Jumpropeman: when looking around the internet I heard someone refer to the Grinch for GBC as "the one with the oddly sexy Grinch"
Merit Sheep: That is a good looking Grinch

(Sheep pauses for just a little tiny bit too long)

Merit Sheep: In that I mean the art is good
Merit Sheep thought for a minute
RubyChao: it's okay sheep
RubyChao: we respect your grinch lust
Draco: link
Merit Sheep: :I
Draco: Chatzy Madness 8675309: We Respect Your Grinch Lust


Bree: dawn's next body should be plump. we need marshmallow dawn
Merit Sheep: Dawn's next body is
Merit Sheep: THE SUN
Draco: But the sun isn't as big.
Gooper Blooper: Dawn's next body
Merit Sheep: Dawn's next body
Gooper Blooper: Dawn's bodies always seem to have some unique purpose no previous body is able to fulfill
Gooper Blooper: so she'd need a reason to be a robo-marshmallow... or a gonk droid
Cornwind Evil: Droid to be undercover
Merit Sheep: I miss Saucy Triangle Dawn...
Bree: dawn: "I am trying to better my understanding of human emotional expression. for this purpose I have created this huggable body"
Cornwind Evil: Then she ruins it by making it all added extra armor
Bree: "its pleasing round softness makes it pleasurable to demonstrate physical affection"
SearchingForTeacups: ah, yes, i appreciate this huggable mode- wait why are there spikes
Merit Sheep: Hmm, maybe it'd be gel for some purpose??
Merit Sheep: Oh
Merit Sheep: Xel?!
Merit Sheep: Isn't that the Mighty Number 9 thing?
Merit Sheep putting too much thought into this
Draco: Dawn fills herself with Ballistics Gel to battle a gun-crazy villain.
Cornwind Evil: Dawn: The extra weight presents an appearance of weakness so the sharp points discourage any would be predators.
Bree: chonk droid
SearchingForTeacups: i appreciate
SearchingForTeacups: thank
Draco: nice
Bree: "the extra weight presents an appearance of weakness" camera pans over to sarah, komachi, et al
SearchingForTeacups: camera pans over to kisha
SearchingForTeacups: does not do so for selena
SearchingForTeacups: i mean have you seen her, she's ripped
Merit Sheep: camera pans over to
Draco: camera pans over to Deb, shot is filled
Bree: "the extra weight presents an appearance of weakness so--" and then dawn is interrupted as komachi throws her brawl trophy at dawn's head


SearchingForTeacups: "It grabs people and pokemon and carries them off somewhere. Where do they go? Nobody knows."
SearchingForTeacups: drifblim is literally just judgement boy, possibly.
Gooper Blooper: judgement blimp
Draco: Drifblim just didn't want to go watch the Championships alone.


Merit Sheep: "This is likely the first game Jolliford Management Limited ever made since they were established mere months before the game’s release and seem to have not done much else before they were dissolved in 2014,"
Merit Sheep: Oh neat. I enjoy being presented this sort of research trivia
Jumpropeman: every now and then I find something worth mentioning
Jumpropeman: my arcade reviews lately have more of it because I need padding
Gooper Blooper: I liked how you finally reviewed a game so simple you specifically had to point out in the review that you'd said literally all there is to say
Jumpropeman: Hat Trick has a CRT color monitor and one channel of Amplified Mono sound!


Bree: ven offhandedly referred to "sex cards" in witcher 1, apparently when you sex a lady you get a freaking card that says you did???
Jumpropeman: collect them all?
Bree: collect them all
ivel: yep
ivel: never played it but I heard about the cards
Spin2Win: i can't type
ivel: who's Al
Jumpropeman: whoever he is
Jumpropeman: he has a busy night ahead of him


Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite folks
Gooper Blooper: I leave you with someone scoring a quarter of a million points in Pressure Cooker
Jumpropeman: that's a lotta boygas
Draco mods Pressure Cooker to have Clownpiece.


RubyChao: The First Wizard King! | Black Clover
Crunchyroll Collection
Recommended for you

RubyChao: sheep needs to be aware this video was recommended for me
Jumpropeman: as it should be


Merit Sheep: Hullo
Merit Sheep: It is time
Merit Sheep: I must finally brave that which I have so dreaded
ivel: Black Clover?
Merit Sheep: The review of "Who's Your Santa?!"
Merit Sheep lies down
ivel: oh welp
Merit Sheep: "Who’s Your Santa!? is also The Game Hoard’s first covered game to include achievement spam,"
Merit Sheep: We did it, everyone.
ivel watches a single piece of confetti fall on Sheep's head
Merit Sheep shatters into a billion pieces

ivel: whose turn is it to clean Sheep up this time?
Merit Sheep: "Elf Bowling is perhaps the most famous Christmas-themed video game of all time,"
Merit Sheep: Wait, really?
Jumpropeman: i mean, can you think of any others
Merit Sheep: I
Merit Sheep: Night Before Christmas: Oogie Boogie's Revenge
Merit Sheep: I never knew the history of Elf Bowling
Merit Sheep: or that it was a thing!
Jumpropeman: did that have 7.6 million players
Jumpropeman: because elf bowling did
Merit Sheep: I couldn't tell you off-hand
Merit Sheep: It did not
Merit Sheep: "Somehow getting them onto his icy bowling lane,"
Merit Sheep: So this is where you draw the line of video game logic
Merit Sheep: right down the bowling alley
Jumpropeman: look, elf unionization is a touchy subject for me
ivel: I played Elf Bowling
Draco: How was it?
ivel: it was elfy
Jumpropeman: so brave and yet so true
Draco: Excellent review.
Draco: You should take over The Game Hoard.
Jumpropeman: The ivel hoard is three word reviews with a different third word every time


Merit Sheep: "12 Games of Christmas: The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (GBA)"
Merit Sheep: Lord, I know you put these things on Earth to test me...


ivel: the Switch Yugioh game is good at proving the heart of the cards doesn't exist :U


Merit Sheep looks through my queue
Merit Sheep hits Bug Fables
Merit Sheep breaks out into a cold sweat


Jumpropeman: this game just opened with a kid being tortured in an electric chair by a fat general while five lizard people watch on and it didn't think I needed an introduction to why this was happening
Draco: Ah! Star Fox? :V
Merit Sheep: ah
Merit Sheep: hm
Jumpropeman: the kid apparently recognizes the lizard people somehow
Jumpropeman: and the electric chair, naturally, transforms him into a lizard as well and opens an interdimensional portal
Merit Sheep: I
Merit Sheep: actually know this game
Spy Indeed: Realtalk I thought JRM was talking about Elf Bowling for a bit
Jumpropeman: draco already said it was star fox
Merit Sheep: Chipcheezum and Friends played this game during their last Gextra Life
Draco: D:
Merit Sheep: Cannot remember the name though
Spy Indeed: Wait shit I might know this one
Spy Indeed: Scaler?
Spy Indeed: I legit just saw it in a Nitrorad video today
Jumpropeman: I was even thinking this was very gex like
Jumpropeman: Scaler, yes!
Merit Sheep: Ah, yes, that's it!
Jumpropeman: I should really check out NitroRad some day
Jumpropeman: but he keeps playing the games I'm playing and makes the videos before I write the reviews so now he's my rival instead
Draco: Has HE played Pressure Cooker yet? I bet not!
Jumpropeman: Pressure Cooker's MY turf BI
Jumpropeman: ...
Jumpropeman: the most recent uploaded image on Knowyourmeme
Jumpropeman: is of Scaler
Draco: Scalerrific


RubyChao: "Every frame, in order, of various Super Mario Bros Super Show episodes. Posts once per hour. (Formerly CD-i Screens)"


Jumpropeman: i realized today
Jumpropeman: Impidimp's little bat wing on the back of his head
Jumpropeman: is actually the start of his body-covering hair
Jumpropeman: it's an ugly little tuft
Spin2Win: Stupid hair.
Jumpropeman: speaking of impidimp
Jumpropeman: how
Jumpropeman: does he sleep
Jumpropeman: his disproportionate head size means he can't sleep like a typical humanoid
Jumpropeman: he'd have most his body off the ground
Jumpropeman: this was what actually made me realize the wing was hair
Jumpropeman: because otherwise, he'd have to lay his head on the wing in my original thought experiment
Jumpropeman: he's not like another disproportionate head haver, Chewtle, who would sleep like a quadraped
Jumpropeman: impidimp's lack of a neck only complicates matters too
Jumpropeman: it is very important to me this ugly goblin gets some sleep
Spin2Win: He slep
Spin2Win: on his flep
Draco: He sleeps upside-down.
Philosiraptor: he sleeps in such a way that it's infuriating for others to watch, so he can snort that sick trolled air


Jumpropeman: "For JRM: The Famous Corkboard Scene in Partners is worthy of its name."
Jumpropeman: consider me intrigued
Merit Sheep: It's the movie RLM covers in the second half of their first Black Spine episode
Merit Sheep: It Came From The Comments: "I can't believe you guys reviewed "Partners." I actually was hired as the original DP on this film and my oh my do I have stories."
Merit Sheep: "In a nut shell, I walked off that production and took my crew with me after 3 days of shooting because it was such a shitshow. That's one of the reasons why the director's name appears in the credits for almost every position."
Merit Sheep: "With regards to the badge being upside down, Pete did that intentionally because it was a real badge on a fake cop. His logic was that no one would know it was real if it was upside down (because it would be "unreadable")."
Merit Sheep: "I shot the opening scene, the bar scene and one other (I believe I still have the raw footage) after that Pete took over and the rest is history. The drive-by scene was when I decided to split for good. There was no safety prep, no permits, no nothing. As a matter of fact a blank did actually fire out of the Uzi and scared the shit out of the crew."
Merit Sheep: "We were filming on Staten Island and a Swarm of NYPD rolled up on us after reports of gun shots in the area."
Merit Sheep: 8I
Merit Sheep: "Overall your assumptions about how the crew changed constantly is 100% correct."
Merit Sheep: "In Iengo´s resume it says that the film was the "Winner of Best Crime Drama for a Feature Film at Staten Island Film Festival""
Merit Sheep: HOW?!
ivel: it was the only nominee?
ivel: also what's a DP
ivel: "A cinematographer or director of photography (sometimes shortened to DP or DOP) is the chief over the camera and light crews working on a film, television production or other live action piece and is responsible for making artistic and technical decisions related to the image." ah
ivel: I had to specify dp film, as dp just gave me that youtube channel Dude Perfect


Jumpropeman: ""Shall we date?: Magic Sword" is the first ever western fantasy created by shall we date series based on the legendary King Arthur." Finally! I can't believe it took society so long to make a Western Fantasy Created By Shall We Date Series Based on the Legendary King Arthur!


Sith Monkey: The Galarian starters are based on those great British pillars of culture - football, James Bond, and the homeless guy outside the London underground playing the steel drums
Jumpropeman: can't argue with that


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: starting a new metroid prime file
RubyChao: last time i played i got all pickups except for a single one without even touching a guide
RubyChao: can i do it?
Merit Sheep: No, next question.
Jumpropeman: that was my original metroid other m experience
Merit Sheep: Of course you can :I
RubyChao: god this is probably gonna be my.... seventh or eighth playthrough of metroid prime 1


Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: as told by ginger
Jumpropeman: that cartoon that follows a girl through high school in a somewhat realistic depiction of adolescent life?
Merit Sheep: Indeed.
Jumpropeman: has ghosts and a recurring psychic character
Merit Sheep: Did it?
Jumpropeman: i mean, it had your typical TV drama ridiculousness at times
Merit Sheep: Are you on a wiki, young man?
Jumpropeman: i swear i'm not!
Merit Sheep: :I
Jumpropeman: maybe I should be...
Merit Sheep shakes hand frantically
Jumpropeman: "Ginger Foutley (voiced by Melissa Disney)"
Jumpropeman: damn, Disney relative working on nickelodeon!
Merit Sheep: Oh my!
Jumpropeman: "Many fans believed Ginger's break up with Darren is one of the saddest break ups in animation, along with Usagi's break up from Sailor Moon and Sharon's break up from Braceface."
Jumpropeman: "Ginger is one of the five Nickelodeon lead character to have fallen in love, married, and having children with their spouse that they knew from childhood or if they are new to the neighborhood, the other three"
>the other three. That ain't how math work, bruv
Jumpropeman: GAH
Jumpropeman: NOT TONIGHT
Merit Sheep: jrm
Merit Sheep: no
Merit Sheep: don't do it
Merit Sheep reads newspaper
Jumpropeman: you're not getting a wiki crawl out of me!
Merit Sheep: A wiki hobble?
Jumpropeman: all you're getting is that wiki dip-of-the-toe up there
Merit Sheep: So long as I can keep the toe
Merit Sheep: I'm making a necklace


(JRM and Sheep post WOOF WOOF in Chatzy every time they finish watching an episode of Harley Quinn, for reasons I'm sure I would understand if I saw it myself)

Merit Sheep: WOOF WOOF
Sith Monkey: Excuse me!!
Sith Monkey: I think you mean
Sith Monkey: Wan wan!


Draco: link
Jumpropeman: they made the same joke I woulda made at the end :I
Draco: Do you work for The Onion now? :U
Jumpropeman: I work for its less popular cousin, The Chive
Draco: Good choice.


(Re: Google Stadia's failure)

Jumpropeman: I just hope Gylt isn't contract locked to this sinking ship
MelMel: i have no idea who that is but rip to all the people who bought into it
Jumpropeman: Gylt is the only game unique to the service
MelMel: oh no
MelMel: Oh NO
RubyChao: imagine JRM buying a stadia for one game
RubyChao: because
RubyChao: every game


Bree: professor kukui is kinda hot
Jumpropeman: wrong, bree
Jumpropeman: professor kukui is hot
Jumpropeman: no kinda
Bree: I'm glad you agree :V
Solid Pizza: I mean, duh, Professor Kukui is hot is like water is wet
Jumpropeman: water isn't the only thing wet when kukui's around
Bree: it amuses me that the pokemon professor went from "shirtless buff dude" to "sweet old lady" from sunmoon to swoosh
Jumpropeman: you actually don't see much of the sweet old lady, it's more about her cute granddaughter
Mobile Pitohui: It's almost a shame Magnolia and Sonia couldn't have had more specialized niches, so we could have seen more of the former without intruding on the latter.
Jumpropeman: Magnolia feels a lot like a classic professor in that you see them at the start and that's pretty much it
RubyChao: reminder that once you leave pallet town with the dex, you can go the entire game without seeing Oak again until champ
RubyChao: i always forget how grumpy oak's original art was
RubyChao: >:(


Draco: link
YOUR VEINS WILL BLISTER: I can only wonder what Garfield snarky line he would say
Jumpropeman: Mondays are so messed up
Jumpropeman: Get off the damn table, Odie
Jumpropeman: Congarfulations


Merit Sheep: I'm heading out of town, so you guys won't see me until Saturday or Sunday
Draco: Fair enough. Have a good trip!
Merit Sheep: I should hope it's fair!
Gooper Blooper: draco just likes to note that things are fair enough
Draco: I could say UNFAIR enough if you'd rather, Sheep.
Merit Sheep: I do :I


Draco: Is it bad that I want a picture of Sine or Dawn wearing this?
Draco: They oddly enough seem the most appropriate in all of RP since they, y'know, owned a pizza place. :V
not...enough...mana...: Dawn: Why a pizza hut dress?
Draco shrugs.
Draco: Dunno. Just saw it on a Discord and had to share. XD
Draco: Never mind. Looks like one of Cornwind's characters already tried it on.
Jumpropeman: wow
Jumpropeman: suits him
not...enough...mana...: "why me"


Octopus Pal: Ok folks
Octopus Pal: Gen 8 rep in smash
Octopus Pal: Who and why
Jumpropeman: Galarian Mr. Mime so everyone suffers


Octopus Pal: Bee
Jumpropeman: by all known laws of aviation, the Calamity Bee is fucking scary


Jumpropeman: Chess Toys!
Jumpropeman: Now with 100% less chess!
Octopus Pal: I feel like if you have to state that this is an interesting toys on the packaging
Octopus Pal: You have losing customer


Jumpropeman: I think this might be the funniest video I've seen on Youtube. Talk to Transformer but instead its a text adventure game randomly generated by your inputs
Troy: Let it steep
Troy: It uses the same neural net that produced t2t
Troy: iirc?
Jumpropeman: not sure, website doesnt say
Jumpropeman: you gotta pay to play unfortunately
Troy: Alas


Jumpropeman: I don't watch Matt McMuscles's content outside of Wha Happun, but youtube recommends his videos to me a lot, and I've noticed he plays a lot of the games that are in my gamefly queue V:
SoonABirthdayHarp: oops
Jumpropeman: those games probably won't get to me for a while
Jumpropeman: some of them just get infinitely buried as I find new interesting stuff to put above them
Jumpropeman: maybe one day I'll play Casper: Spirit Dimensions, but it's got 45 more interesting games ahead of it
Jumpropeman: more interesting games like Playboy: The Mansion


SoonABirthdayHarp: new harpchar who dis
Gooper Blooper: lord help us all, she has TWO meatballs
Gooper Blooper: we're not ready
SoonABirthdayHarp: girl's got a lotta hair
MobileDraco: Twice as powerful as Yohane!
Gooper Blooper: (needs freckles)
SoonABirthdayHarp: ...i don't think that's an option here but
RubyChao: yohane will just have to UPGRADE.
Gooper Blooper shamelessly gave Uguu Zia freckles
SoonABirthdayHarp: no freckles in this peekaboo
SoonABirthdayHarp: just moles
Gooper Blooper: I like how Yohane is delighted to receive a second bun but additional ones result in diminishing returns


SoonABirthdayHarp: OH MY GOD
SoonABirthdayHarp: KINETIC SAND


Birthday harp: *suddenly has robot wars recommendations on youtube*
Birthday harp: this is your fault goops
Birthday harp: thanks
Gooper Blooper: kek


Jumpropeman: i decided my evening will be spent with a turbografx game
iKomodo: Hahaha
Octopus Pal: Thats
Octopus Pal: Not bad
Octopus Pal: Are you strong bad??
Octopus Pal: In disguise?
Jumpropeman: don't be silly, how the crap would I type with boxing gloves on if I was


Jumpropeman: you know what they should put on Disney+
Harpy: ?
Jumpropeman: DISNEY 411
Jumpropeman: "Yeah, Monica and the 411 sting were meant to definitely sort of make you go "really!?". I think it crops up like 27~31 times?"
Jumpropeman: I forgot how absurd I got with that
Gooper Blooper: clearly you should have done it 411 times
Jumpropeman: a pre-fite show as long as the brawl itself


Jumpropeman: I forget Tallish whenever I do the Brawl quiz
Jumpropeman: he just keeps gnoming me
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: tallish's retirement
RubyChao: link
Draco: lol


Birthday harp (Harpy) joined the chat
Birthday harp: Hooo
RubyChao joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi you two
RubyChao: hello
RubyChao: and hi brine
RubyChao: i see you there
RubyChao: lurking
Brinehammer: https://youtube.com/watch?v=8yGfQak-q9M


Manual Sheep entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: welcome to our chatroom Manual
RubyChao: hello new sheep
RubyChao: i see you killed and replaced the old sheep, in the cycle of sheep
Manual Sheep: It was his time.


Manual Sheep: "Qix (pronounced “kicks”) takes place entirely in one giant rectangle that fills most of the screen,"
Manual Sheep: So
Manual Sheep: like most video games
Manual Sheep: think about it
Manual Sheep: "Luckily, if you have no one willing to play this minimalist hockey game with you,"
Manual Sheep squinting

Manual Sheep: "that is essentially all the information that can be provided on Hat Trick unless I start describing the make and model of the arcade cabinet itself."
Manual Sheep: Well
Manual Sheep: now I'm curious
Jumpropeman: apparently it comes in three different setups, but this is the one I played, a fairly plain cabinet
Jumpropeman: there's also a cocktail table where both players look down on it and this thing
Jumpropeman: in case you want to hide your hat trick playing
Manual Sheep: Secret Hat Trick
Manual Sheep: Now that's a sport


The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Okay. Who here has seen The Secret of the Ooze?
Jumpropeman: i have not seen any ninja turtle movie
Jumpropeman: i have been trying to watch more movies lately
Bree: obviously I have not seen it
Jumpropeman: i dont think I'll be watching any ninja turtles though :V
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Well, the film is subtitled "The Secret Of The Ooze"
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: ....guess what is never revealed.
Bree: the ooze's secret was not appropriate for the target audience, clearly
Harpy: guess it was a secret to everyone
Bree: lewd ooze
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Now, you COULD argue it is revealed
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Through background dialogue
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: The secret might be "There was more than the canister that created the Turtles and it was dumped elsewhere and now EVIL is going to find it/find the way of making it."
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Or it might be that the ooze was just a bunch of waste chemicals with dangerous mutagenic properties instead of anything special, hence making Donatello feel like he and his brothers were just a mistake created from another mistake
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: But the actual secret, the one that the title was based on, was filmed...and then cut from the film entirely.
Bree: for being too lewd!
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: There's a secondary character called Dr. Jordan Perry
Jumpropeman: the secret of the ooze is that its just a natural byproduct of Vanilla Ice's presence
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: He runs TGRI, the company revealed to have created the ooze
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: He's attempting to find where it was dumped and properly dispose of it when the film starts
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: But THE SHREDDER and the EVIL FOOT CLAN have other plans, kidnapping him and making him create MORE OOZE so they can make some new mutant animal weapons to use against the turtles
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: The turtles rescue the professor and he helps create a counter agent for them.
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: And while the Turtles defeat Shredder's mutants, Shredder still has a canister of ooze.
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: But plot makes it get kicked out of his hand
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: We see the professor then grab it up and he runs off and...
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: That's it. He vanishes completely from the movie.
Jumpropeman: "In January 2001, Ice was arrested by police in Davie, Florida, for assaulting his wife, Laura. According to the criminal complaint, Ice and his wife argued as they drove on Interstate 595. Ice admitted to pulling hair from her head to prevent her from jumping out of the truck's window." My Vanilla Ice joke was mostly just because he was a dick on some VH1 show but damn
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: While the final scene does have a news report where he left a note for the turtles thanking them, you'd think he'd at least do it in person
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: But there's a tossed off line in the news report
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Talking about "The mysterious disappearence of TGRI"
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: This ties into the deleted scene that was the point of the whole movie.
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: The professor was going to reveal himself to be an Ultrom, the aliens from the original comic book, and TGRI vanished because he and his fellow aliens left.
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: That was the secret of the ooze. It was alien made
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: The thing is, at the time...the Ultroms would only be known by the hardcore comic book fans. While the Ultrom concept was used to create Krang for the 1987 series, the 1987 series was what 90 percent of the movie's audience was familar with, and the Ultroms never showed up on that at all.
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: So I do sort of understand why they cut it, but....
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: They still kept the title of the final reveal which made the secret obvious EVEN THOUGH NOW THERE WAS NO OBVIOUS SECRET REVEALED
Jumpropeman: maybe the secret was the friends they made along the way?
The Secret of the Ooz-DELETED: Then again the moral guardians made it so the turtles couldn't use their weapons any more so the film had more issues than that I guess


Jumpropeman: so I've been learning about one hit wonders and their related bands lately
Jumpropeman: and I have made a most magnificent discovery
Gooper Blooper: ooh
Jumpropeman: so, you know I'm Blue, Da Be Dee Da Bee Da and its music video with the blue aliens that are like the less ugly cousins of the Butt Ugly Martians?
Jumpropeman: if you don't, this could jog your memory
Jumpropeman: the terrible cgi aliens in this music video
Jumpropeman: have lore
Jumpropeman: and names
Gooper Blooper: I've actually never seen the music video for this song!
Gooper Blooper: oh shit
RubyChao: that's
RubyChao: that's beautiful
ivel: huh.
Jumpropeman: here are some highlights I've found
ivel: I have seen the music video but not the site
Jumpropeman: this flubber guy
Jumpropeman: "Jakajee
the head engineer of the space craft , he comes from the Floppy Planet"

Harpy: *flop*
Jumpropeman: The Floppy Planet
Jumpropeman: harpy gets it
Jumpropeman: "Elena Alukambaduamisaner... She uses the Gradod Yo-Yo , a powerful alien weapon which looks like a Yo-Yo , that was found during the researches ."
Jumpropeman: The Researches
Jumpropeman: "In the beginning the character of Zorotl , was supposed to be � The malicious one� but , since he came out with a funny round physic , the authors of the video �s Blue liked him a lot , so to make him appear �lovely� , the authors changed the script , giving a happy ending to the story."
Jumpropeman: he is quite �lovely�
Jumpropeman: but the crew does not compare to the batshit insanity of the plot and lore to this guy
Jumpropeman: which was posted wholesale on the Eiffel65 wiki
RubyChao: so jrm
RubyChao: you're completely rewriting your Season 10 plans to make them all about these guys, right?
Jumpropeman: it's tempting
Jumpropeman: "This wiki is all about Eiffel 65, the best band in history."
Jumpropeman: "Zorotlekuykauo Sushik IV (commonly known as “Zorotl”) was born in 45,651 (Standard Galactic Pulse), on the planet TUKON4, constellation Hr453"
Jumpropeman: Big words and random numbers = space
Jumpropeman: Zorotl's quest is to find a universal language, for future reference, and that language is SPOILERS music
Draco: It's like Alruthines, but with space.
Draco: 15641653154
Draco: 5446536575476
Draco: 2121213124235
Draco: I just invented my own Eiffel 65-verse OCs.
Jumpropeman: Sayok6 is the bad guy alien I think
Jumpropeman: which gives us this: "Space travels were quite common among humans, and what Sayok6 did not know as well, was that EIFFEL65 had a starship too, and they knew how to use it. Very well."
Jumpropeman: "Sayok6 wasn�t very worried, but he understood that humans were more advanced technologically than he thought, and more than everything , they were kind of brave.
Anyway , he would have captured them later, once arrived on Tukon4."

Jumpropeman: I'm fairly sure the site itself was not in english first
Jumpropeman: but I appreciate the casual attitude of the main villain as the heroes come to save Zorotl
Jumpropeman: "�Capture them � Zorotl said � are you crazy like a Tukonian frog during the reproduction time?�"
Jumpropeman: "In one of his trips, while he was resting and drinking a Kylanese tea in a Galactic Bar on the planet Kylan-Ho," I'm sad it's not a Kylan Bar with Kylan cups
Gooper Blooper: JRM has struck gold once again
Jumpropeman: "Jen-Ewu Zorotl Sushik III discovered, among others, KEULLOY3, the planet of the BIKKERDER plants .the Bikkerder plants were famous all over the galaxy for being the only vegetal form able to communicate by telepathy." Bikkerder can't be pronounced in a serious way, it's impossible
Jumpropeman: ZOROTL I Wanna Be . Lyrics
I Wanna Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be
I Wanna Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be
I Wanna Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be
I Wanna Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be, Be (Be, Be, Be, Be)
I Wanna Be, Be, Be Far Away, Ay, Ay
So I Can Be, Be, Be There At Home

Gooper Blooper: "the only vegetal form"
Gooper Blooper: i taste a vegetal.
ivel: Vegetal, what does the scouter say about his power level?
Draco: It's....
Draco rolled a die with 9001 sides. The die showed: 3682
Draco: Pretty high.
ivel: only 3682? Let's kick his ass
Jumpropeman: fun fact: the band Eiffel 65 gets its name from... a random word generator for Eiffel and a printing error for 65. "the producer had written a phone number on a piece of paper and two digits of it ended up on the label copy"
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: Zorotl has his own music video
Jumpropeman: and it starts with a Star Wars like crawl with all the lore... but even it speeds through it because it's too much :V
Jumpropeman: GARSP
Jumpropeman: the zorotl lore never mentioned Kangyao, of the planet Durai!
Jumpropeman: who is
Jumpropeman: pretty much the goblin king
Jumpropeman: so we Knack 2 baby
Jumpropeman: unfortunately, Zorotl's lore, while long, has been quickly exhausted of highlights
Jumpropeman: i appreciate this failure to make a music mascot though


Jumpropeman: i realize in retrospect what makes the deep lore behind I'm Blue (Da Bee Dee) even greater. The song is almost entirely a list of blue things with no purpose beyond saying "this guy's REALLY sad" but they tried to inject so much extra meaning to it all


RubyChao: i have meatloaf now
RubyChao: and mashed potatoesRubyChao: i mashed them myself
ivel: nice
ivel: two foods with very accurate names
ivel: mashed potatoes is just potatoes mashed up, and meatloaf is a loaf of meat
Jumpropeman: that is why it is also a good name for the musician meatloaf


Mortified Sheep: Alrighty, I'm going to head out
Mortified Sheep: See you lot later!
Mortified Sheep left the chat
Gooper Blooper: good, sheep is gone, now I can post this
Jumpropeman: sheep feels a pain in his chest and he doesn't know why


Octopus Pal: This supper bowl
Octopus Pal: Is good
Octopus Pal: Man what a game
Octopus Pal: Can't believe the Packers ran in and body-slammed everyone and won the super bowl


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom has been informed of Goopsbro's idea for us to visit Funspot and she is on board and confirmed the trip will happen
Draco: Neat.
Bree: what's funspot
Harpy: big arcade in new hampshire
Gooper Blooper: supposedly the biggest arcade in the world, to be precise
Bree: oh shit son
Gooper Blooper: JRM is jelly
Bree: jellyropeman
Gooper Blooper: it's only a couple hours from here
Draco: I just looked it up. Looks kind of neat. It's got that arcade, indoor mini golf, and some other stuff. The website is quite proud of being called New Hampshire's Disneyworld.
Harpy: >indoor mini golf
Harpy: dude
Harpy: i'd go there for that alone
Harpy: i have little chances to play mini golf in spite of being about ~45 minutes away from one
Harpy: and ivel dislikes playing in the heat/sun
ivel: I can also get stressed with mini golf if I keep missing easy shots
ivel: but I love it as a whole
Harpy: i mean at least you weren't so angry that you swung at the ball and got a hole in one
ivel: okay now that you've mentioned that I should talk about it
ivel: I'll note this was at a bowling alley
ivel: out to the side outside they had a tiny mini golf course
Draco: https://www.classicarcademuseum.org
ivel: ivelmom and I met up with Harpy there and we did a little of the golf and bowling
ivel: at one point ivelmom got so frustrated she pulled the club back and swing HARD, terrifying an employee
ivel: but she sunk it.
Bree: "terrifying an employee" XD
ivel: we offered to make it a hole in one but she denied it
ivel: it's true, there was an employee there :U
Harpy: i mean it wasn't really a good minigolf course, its like... super budget
Harpy: but it was fun
Jumpropeman: "Bree: jellyropeman"
Jumpropeman: maybe a little
Bree: XD


 ivel: huh, Stadia's getting a free tier
ivel: some time in the next few months
ivel: I guess they said before that it'd happen and now it is
Jumpropeman: there's a lot of space left on the sinking ship!
Jumpropeman: climb aboard!


Jumpropeman: "Sorry Mom, I need your screams..."
Jumpropeman: this children's game can sound dark without context
Brinehammer joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi brine
Jumpropeman: i need your screams
Brinehammer: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jumpropeman: excellent, that should last about 30 mario spinoff games before we need a new line for Waluigi


Jumpropeman: Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove only took 3 hours to beat
Jumpropeman: but man did it feel like more
Jumpropeman: the game wasn't awful but those long story scenes certainly made it feel long
Draco: Two levels and three hours of cutscenes!
Jumpropeman: there are like 20 dances to story mode, most are around a minute long. So that's like 20 minutes of gameplay to 2 and a half hours of conversation :V


Jumpropeman: the hell is this
ivel: multi-arm technique?
Jumpropeman: he's not tien
Harpity: a bad tien
ivel: he copied it from Tien
ivel: obviously
Draco looks at the figure and just dies.
Octopus Pal: Ah, Robert the four-armed fighter
Jumpropeman: "Goku here does his “Fast Punch,” as does the 6-inch Piccolo figure (the only other 6-inch figure is Yamcha, who does a fast kick). The hunchback here is so that the toy owner can insert the attached rip cord to create the “fast-punching” action; the dial is for those who don't have the coordination to insert the rip cord, or have lost it.
Let me make a positive statement here: if you look at the figure head-on, the “fast-punching” looks good. It kind of looks like Goku is punching in four places very quickly, much like he does during one scene in the movie. This is achieved by effectively having a second arm hidden inside the regular arm, which detaches from the main arm, and punches in a different direction. Again, this looks kind of good when you're looking at the figure straight on. Otherwise:"


Gooper Blooper: heading to bed, nite
ivel: nite
Draco: Bye Goops.
Jumpropeman: seeya goop
Harpity: bye goops
Harpity: almost said bye bitch...
Harpity: i'm tired
Harpity: and forget whom i can say shit like that to


Draco: Doing a Gigantimax Grimmsnarl Raid and our host is using normal Grimmsnarl. It's like one of those "You vs the man she tells you not to be worried about" memes.


Gooper Blooper: link
No Longer Sad. Because cookie: she is so fucking smug
Octopus Pal: Daisy
Octopus Pal: More like
Octopus Pal: *wracks tired, rum-filled brain"
Octopus Pal: Jonesy????
No Longer Sad. Because cookie: i was gonna say "smugsy"
Draco: Daisy more like Day Z
No Longer Sad. Because cookie: dragon ball daizy?
Jumpropeman: more like Muttley
Octopus Pal: Dragon Ball Jonesy
Octopus Pal: Problems solved too fast, most of the series is about jonesy being a disaster mom
Draco: Jonesy actually defeats villains instead of letting them power up twenty times? Madness!


RubyChao: regarding fighterz
RubyChao: "They can't put Goku in Smash because they accidentally dumped the whole Goku supply into this game"
Boop: accurate
RubyChao: "This page is about base form Goku. For Goku in his Super Saiyan form, click here. For Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue form, click here. For Goku in Dragon Ball GT, click here. For Goku in his Ultra Instinct state, click here."
RubyChao: keep in mind
RubyChao: not only are there five Gokus
RubyChao: there is also one Evil Goku
RubyChao: and two characters with Goku as a component
Jumpropeman: im just glad finally kefla is getting in
RubyChao: in short this game is Goku & Goku & Goku & Goku & Goku
RubyChao: kefla is a good pick
Boop: yes
Boop: i keep reading that as "keffy"
Jumpropeman: when pan
Boop: "why is a pokemon in DBZ"
Boop: "did the accidental god cleffa escape imprisonment"
RubyChao: oh the accidental god cleffa reminds me
RubyChao: i showed this anecdote from a friend to goops
RubyChao: but not to anyone else iirc
Boop: tell me
[5:23 PM] layze: this clefairy that only knows metronome is ripping me a new one oh my god
[5:23 PM] layze: what did I do to deserve this karma
[5:25 PM] layze: oh my god I did it
[5:25 PM] layze: the hell clefairy is dead
[5:25 PM] layze: fucking thing had like
[5:26 PM] layze: +1 evasion, +3 speed, +2 atk and spatk, +2 defense, +1 spdef by the time I finally brought it down
[5:26 PM] layze: that was horrendous
[5:26 PM] layze: OH MY GOD
[5:27 PM] layze: A CLEFABLE
[5:27 PM] layze: >IT'S A ONE-HIT KO
[5:29 PM] layze: oh my god the battle is over
[5:29 PM] layze: I've done it
[5:29 PM] layze: the clefairy KO'd four pokemon and the clefable got a fifth
[5:29 PM] layze: but they're dead
[5:29 PM] layze: I'm free
[5:30 PM] layze: is this what they meant when they said "I want to get off mr. bones' wild ride"

Boop: this shit right here is why i love metronome
Boop: this man has every right to hate every clefairy and clefable known to man.
Boop: and, by extension, me


Jumpropeman: I had no idea this was Marian from Double Dragon when I played River City Girls
ivel: abs.
Boop: holy shit she's hot
Jumpropeman: here's Marian from Double Dragon Neon to show why I didn't recognize her V:
Boop: holy shit she's hiding ABS underneath?!?!
Boop: she's going to fucking kill us
ivel: I thought you were gonna repeat holy shit she's hot
Boop: i mean i could but
Jumpropeman: she's been punched in the stomach so much she developed countermeasures
ivel: welp
ivel: I mean can you blame her
Boop: also the girls are like
Boop: "lesbeans activated"
ivel: "holy shit she's hot"
Boop: er, sorry, bibeans
Boop: though one's like "i'm hiding behind my friend in case she comes out and breaks me"
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: that's not marian from double dragon
RubyChao: that's just dana
Jumpropeman: we can't see one of her arms
Jumpropeman: it could be metal
Jumpropeman: link
Boop: speaking of danas!
Boop: i have gotten one!
Boop: yes there's two but the other one is for the person actually RPing her ;V
Jumpropeman: they're multiplying
Boop: link
Jumpropeman: when the lesbian tables have turned
Jumpropeman: that caption applies to both images? :V
Boop: "i must sleep now, jilly bean" "...why"
Boop: also that middle gal is basically 1. potato chip witch and 2. definitely a harpchar
Jumpropeman: I was able to find that specific image because someone else made the potato chip witch comparison :V
Jumpropeman: and I shared it because harpchar :V
Boop: yes
Boop: a million times yes
Boop: but not now, i already have an overflow of characters i am wondering what the fuck i can do with
Jumpropeman: don't worry harp
Jumpropeman: I'll only dump like, twenty more potential harpchars on you before the end of the offseason
Boop: i mean
Boop: considering pokemon was responsible for two chars
Boop: and i just came up with two of them with 0 prompting


(Re: Game Hoard)

Jumpropeman: gooper commented as much on the review, but I'd like to share his observation that the game Suicide Guy's three Related Reviews suggestions... are all Kirby games
ivel: welp
Boop: kirby no
Jumpropeman: time to make a Game Theory video suggesting Kirby was dead the whole time
Gooper Blooper: it's so fitting!!
ivel: Kirbicide?
Jumpropeman: maybe the algorithm thinks after reading about death you want a pallet cleanser of kirb


Gooper Blooper: link
ivel: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ybPx5alFrrI
Jumpropeman: #DecimaDeservedBetter
RubyChao: decima more like
RubyChao: deci... deci... bad
ivel: decima, more like decimated
Gooper Blooper: more like hexadecimator
Jumpropeman: more like Rubad Chao
Draco: Decima's our next bartender?


Jumpropeman: i have taken a risk
Jumpropeman: and am on the candyland wiki
Boop: stop
Gooper Blooper: >candyland wiki
Jumpropeman: Queen Frostine: "In the 2002 board, she is described as being "everything you could want in a wife."" The reason I looked her up is she was on lesserknownwaifus today V:
Jumpropeman: "In Candy Land: The Great Lollipop Adventure she is given no personality, skating while Lolly tries to confide in her, and saying "Daddy knows best" but still offering the advice to go see Gramma Nutt. This is mainly because Frostine was treated as a minor character in the film"
Jumpropeman: I can taste the sourness in the line "given no personality"
Gooper Blooper: I remember when Candy Land came up in Chatzy years back because of the redesign
Jumpropeman: Categories: "Deuteragonists"
Boop: i remember using the king for Ponderosa's Pastries
Boop: Ponderosa Plot 2016
Jumpropeman: I KNEW IT
Jumpropeman: what's more
Jumpropeman: Categories: "Main Deuteragonists"
Gooper Blooper: ah yes
Gooper Blooper: the triskaidekatagonists of candy land
Boop: duerragonists?
Jumpropeman: WHAT'S MORE
Jumpropeman: Queen Frostine is the only character in either category
ivel: what about side deuteragonists
Jumpropeman: "Title » Princess of Candy Land ( formerly)"
Jumpropeman: THE DANGER
Boop: JRM no
Gooper Blooper: I have a wild theory that the candy land wiki is mostly maintained by the world's only Queen Frostine fanboy
Jumpropeman: I just wanted to see the different designs!
Boop: i mean
ivel: rip jrm
Boop: who's to say it isn't a useless fangirl
Jumpropeman: oh god princess lolly
ivel: never underestimate a wiki
Boop: im so tired
Boop: not tired enough to appreciate Lolly
Boop: just... god, no
Gooper Blooper: I do like how the same wiki quirks are so spread around, almost as if the same people are running all of them
Gooper Blooper: IT'S A CONSPIRACY
Draco: Isn't that one of Sine's regenerations?
Boop: i mean, long as there's no mentions of circumcision on the prince
Jumpropeman: "Gramma Gooey briefly replaced Gramma Nutt."
Jumpropeman: It's like they tried to make the name less lewd
Jumpropeman: but failed
Boop: why is gooey a grandma
Boop: when did dark matter become involved in this
Jumpropeman: "She is somewhat of an expert when it comes to making cakes. Chocolate cakes are her specialty. No other patissier in all of Candy Land can best her when it comes to making Chocolate Cake."
Jumpropeman: Is she somewhat or the best
Jumpropeman: make up your mind
Boop: only specifically chocolate cakes
Boop: she's out of her element with cheesecakes!
ivel: or ice cream cakes
Boop: my god, how can you even begin to make graham cracker crust?!?!
Gooper Blooper: clearly that means granny's full name is Gooey Nutt
Boop: oh no
Jumpropeman: https://candy-land.fandom.com/wiki/Jolly
Jumpropeman: there are
Jumpropeman: 16 comments
Jumpropeman: all saying nice
ivel: nice
Boop: >dinosaur creature
Boop: ....
Boop: no wonder you went extinct.
Gooper Blooper: excuse you
Gooper Blooper: one comment says "h"
Boop: i can't open my amazon package anymore
Boop: laughing too hard and ivel is holding it hostage
Jumpropeman: link
Boop: paint me like one of your sexy gumdrops
Jumpropeman: "Bazz, known by his nickname Bazztard, is the dog and official pet of Gramma Nutt."
Jumpropeman: i don't think that nickname is official
Boop: we don't know if he's certified
Gooper Blooper: are you telling me the candy land wiki may contain unofficial information?!
Boop: he could be the dog of Gramma Gooey
Jumpropeman: "King Kandy is the king of Candy Land and the main tritagonist"
Jumpropeman: who is
Jumpropeman: the secondary tritagonist
Boop: i understand nothing
Boop: thank you for bein better than sleep meds
Gooper Blooper: XD
Jumpropeman: the comments imply there is a storied history of vandalism on the wiki
Boop: please share lore
Draco: You know you have too many tritagonists when you have to identify the main one.
Boop: ...
Boop: oh man instead of circumscision sheenanigans we get komaeda dick pic controversies
Jumpropeman: this page is so anemic
Jumpropeman: and it's about the board game the whole wiki is about
Jumpropeman: luckily for my evening
Jumpropeman: the candyland wiki was small
Jumpropeman: I can do other things tonight
Boop: like look through the animorphs wiki
Boop: (no)
Draco: (Yes)
Gooper Blooper: the uncle wiggily wiki
Gooper Blooper: (I checked, there isn't one)
Draco: I wish I'd kept up with the Animorphs series. I went through their wiki once and it sounds like it got DARK.
Boop: i think it was always sorta dark
Boop: but i don't recall ever reading about them ever
Boop: i stay in my lane and reread Artemis Fowl
Jumpropeman: i imagine the animorphs wiki is fairly well maintained partially out of necessity
Jumpropeman: because that series got wild
Boop: damn
Boop: i can't make you read it now
Gooper Blooper: trying to think of dumb shit that might have a wiki
Jumpropeman: "Impossible
It is impossible to prove that something is funny. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:35, 1 May 2009 (UTC)
The article should mention that it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep all the balls inside Mr. Bucket for any period of time. Its a game that's meant to occupy children for a long period of time. No one ever wins, and the game ends when all the children have colappsed from exhaustion. 12va34 03:48, 1 July 2007 (UTC)
why was the section about the controversial song deleted? That was a major part of the toys history. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:05, 17 March 2008 (UTC)
Probably because it was unreferenced original research. --Ouzo (talk) 14:27, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
Anyone can hear that song. Unless you're suggesting that the song and the commercial were fabricated, I don't really see how this is unreferenced (or at least unreferencable) or original research. Alhanalem (talk) 21:31, 18 January 2011 (UTC)"

Boop: annoying orange wiki-
Jumpropeman: this is from Mr. Bucket's Wikipedia talk page
Boop: ...
Boop: uh
Boop: ?
Gooper Blooper: weighing in at 884 pages
Gooper Blooper: it's the Heathcliff wiki
Boop: goops why would you do this
Jumpropeman: gooper please
Boop: don't make me put you in the time out box like jill did to dana
Jumpropeman: well I clicked on the pages for the female Heathcliff characters and came out unscathed
Jumpropeman: this might be a well maintained wiki
Jumpropeman: despite being
Jumpropeman: plastered with tons of stub templates
Gooper Blooper: yeah I checked Healthcliff's page and he doesn't have a million personality descriptors
Boop: gonna punt that wiki away like a rescued baby now right
Gooper Blooper: brilliant idea, thanks harpy
Boop: time to check the mighty switch force wiki inst-
Gooper Blooper: The Mighty Switch Force Wiki
Boop: i'm a prophet
Boop: but did i profit?
Jumpropeman: "Dislikes
Criminals escaping"

Jumpropeman: I hope to see this reflected in your rp goops BI
Draco: Profit Prophets are what financial forecasters at the Church of Greed are called.
Jumpropeman: "Patricia is what can be described as a "ham"."
Boop: you mean thats not how-
Boop: ...
Boop: sorry what
Boop: i thought you used the word "thicc" for that sorta thing, bud
Jumpropeman: there's a lot of "probably"s and "likely"s on this wiki
Jumpropeman: "She probably likes training and doing exercise" "likely assists her with other duties, perhaps even a friend of hers."
Gooper Blooper: I'd say that's because the actual MSF games have literally no dialogue or backstory
Gooper Blooper: so they have to guess at everything
Jumpropeman: I accidentally knocked my PS4 controller to the ground and when I picked it up I accidentally turned the system on
Jumpropeman: it's begging me not to get lost in a wiki
Boop: basically
Boop: mayhap she enjoys the pastries
Jumpropeman: "Likes
Chaos (not officially stated)
Prison (not officially stated)"

Boop: chaos like the i wanna destroy the world kinda chaos, or chaos as in "i want to pet the blue pudding thing" chaos?
Boop: *not serious*
Draco: Oh man. I wonder I could just keep mashing the "Vote" button on this Heathcliff wiki and skew the results towards "Heathcliff and Dingbat"
Draco: Or would that be an abuse of Democracy?
Jumpropeman: if you do
Jumpropeman: I'll counter with voting for Heathcliff and Marmaduke
Draco: Some poor Wiki mod will look at it later. "Wow. How did 300 people find our wiki and vote in the last ten minutes?"
Gooper Blooper: do I dare unleash this weapon I've found on JRM
Jumpropeman: oh god
Gooper Blooper: https://sandwich.fandom.com/wiki/Sandwich_Wiki
Jumpropeman: "Eat a sandwich, wear a sandwich, even marry a sandwich, who cares, we all love sandwiches and so what if people think that that is weird, we are far more normal than some famous people, join me in this chant will you?

Jumpropeman: ...I... I can't
Jumpropeman: I can't just copy paste this whole wiki in here
Jumpropeman: "Exactly like the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with pickles instead of jelly.
The kinds of pickles used, how they are cut (slices or spears), and how the spears are placed if used is up to personal preference.
My mom made it in the late 90s twerps."

Jumpropeman: TWERPS
Jumpropeman: somehow
Jumpropeman: a page called Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich
Jumpropeman: is only a CANDIDATE for deletion
Jumpropeman: "The Nyan Cat Sandwich is a sandwich that is not real.You can make it real by getting a pink poptart with sprinkles with a gray cat's face on it,gray legs,and a rainbow coming from it's butt drawn on it."
Jumpropeman: this wiki is just one giant shit take
Jumpropeman: its like bait for a wiki trawler like me
Draco: Ew.
Jumpropeman: its like lol so random tweens found their last bastion on the internet
Gooper Blooper: sandwich sandwich sandwich sandwich was taking it too far, but this is okay
Jumpropeman: well they have to have a limit
Jumpropeman: four is just ridiculous
Gooper Blooper: https://sandwich.fandom.com/wiki/Toast_Sandwich
Jumpropeman: I like that I basically have to navigate this wiki by way of Random Page
Gooper Blooper: yeah, I couldn't find any way to just look at the pages
Jumpropeman: we need categories for deuteragonist sandwiches
Draco: Kind of want a toast sandwich now.

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