Friday, July 26, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 343: The Bastard Irish Ghoul's Recipe Finally Revealed

Gooper Blooper: Canon: Sedusa's never eaten at Chili's
Jumpropeman: HOW DARE
Attempting to be a Dad: :o
Attempting to be a Dad: i had chilis for the first time the other day!
Gooper Blooper: Cordie has though, that's how you know she's face-turning


Draco: "Sadly, Joy did not YEEEEE-HAWWWWWW as she rode Fully-Spider Cordie" <- I'm making this the ticker and nobody except everybody can stop me.


N Goat looks at art of Futo
N Goat: I'm sure I just don't have the context for it, but I'm still unsure as to what the uniting theme of Futo is between plates, the boat, and GASOLINE.
N Goat: I thought her carrying the gas and matches was just something you added, Chao!
MobileDraco: Uh...powerboating at dinner, duh.
RubyChao: nah, she has some canon spellcards that involve fire
RubyChao: and fanon made her a full on pyromaniac
RubyChao: so i ran with it
Attempting to be a Dad: feng shui
Attempting to be a Dad: just set your house on fire for good luck
N Goat: Oh right, and the feng shui stuff too!
N Goat picks up Futo and shakes her


Jumpropeman: check out this actual animation company's website
Jumpropeman: check out some of their work
Bree: thanks, I hate it
Jumpropeman: they helped make a Dr. Rabbit cartoon
Gooper Blooper: I see Toonmakers worked on Stan Lee Presents The Condor
N Goat: I found my danmaku girl:
Gooper Blooper: funny how things overlap sometimes
Jumpropeman: they also made something simply called
Jumpropeman: Tigger
RubyChao: >they did that
RubyChao: ahahahahaaaaaaa
RubyChao: (for those who do not know the context, i did some digging recently and i have a toonami broadcast from 2007 recorded on vhs)
N Goat: Oh!
RubyChao: (stan lee presents the condor was a tv movie that's on said tape)
Jumpropeman: I was wondering if there was some curse member or something from it
RubyChao: not yet!!
N Goat: Was The Condor on Toonami?!
RubyChao: it was
RubyChao: i know the vhs also has one piece, naruto, bobobo, prince of tennis, and something else i forgot
RubyChao: and i know
RubyChao: it's 4kids one piece.
RubyChao: so you guys know i GOTTA get around to watching the rest
N Goat: Don't give it up
N Goat: give it up


RubyChao: hey goops, vahni's attack wasn't covered
Gooper Blooper: Sheep wrote it failing
Gooper Blooper: the club dissolved
RubyChao: oh, i misinterpreted her intention
N Goat: The attempt was to throw the detritus up into Sedusa's eyes.
Gooper Blooper: Oh!
N Goat: It failing is entirely fine.
Gooper Blooper: I'll still roll though since there was an attempt
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: welp!
Jumpropeman: hahaha
Bree: There Was
Bree: An Attempt
Gooper Blooper: okay yeah it failed
N Goat: Vahni's visor does nothing and SHE is blinded


N Goat: "Use your murderous talents to wreck the malicious and you will be rewarded with cakes and good coffee. That's the Kobber way!"
N Goat: Zeldoten hands her a pamplet
Draco: It's the pamphlet she stole from Attwater.
N Goat: "Have you accepted Kobber into your heart today?"
N Goat: Darn you, Zeldoten!
N Goat shakes fist
N Goat: "I bet taking down that big hairy lady felt really good, didn't it?"
N Goat squinting


Gooper Blooper: going to bed, nite
Jumpropeman: night gooper
N Goat: Bye, Goops
RubyChao: night
Jumpropeman: plot was fun
N Goat: Literally said it to my computer :I
N Goat: They don't work that way, me
N Goat: It's like when I've turned my ear to my mic :I
N Goat: :I
Gooper Blooper: sheep getting in too deep


N Goat: "Oh, Mumble, you ignorant filly."
N Goat: !
N Goat: Mumble's a pony now?!
Draco: Yep. My Little Mumble.
N Goat: "Jacques said grandly as a burning Starbucks collapsed,"
N Goat: Practically a hero
N Goat: "I know you put a lot of thought into this attack. Thank you for letting the civilians go. I brought you each a treat."
N Goat: Magnolia, you're supposed to FIGHT them, not FEED them!
Draco: Obviously you've never tried killing someone with donuts. It's a long, SLOW death.
N Goat: "Out of the way, because I'll... I'll... are there any good construction jokes?"
N Goat: Hmm.
N Goat nods
N Goat: "I leave you alone for a few days and you befriend a villain..."
N Goat: The Life and Times of a Small Fairy
N Goat: "All except Cirno, who as far as he knew was a child, fairy or not, and frankly in bad form for the Kobbers to have brought here."
N Goat: Release
N Goat: "You don't want to fight me? That must mean I won your heart! There is some good in you after all, Jack!"
N Goat: There must have been some magic in that ice fairy we found
N Goat: "And hurting is wrong, if you didn't know!"
N Goat makes a note
N Goat: "But right now, Jacques's heart is spooky and abandoned!"
N Goat watches a bat fly out of Jacques' helmet
N Goat: "Aevar had fire, and Alocyn Ice... Come, guess what element was present at my death."
N Goat: Jacques lifts up his face plate and shredded wheat spews out.
N Goat: "...Why are you so mean?"
N Goat: Made me laugh.
N Goat: "Cirno, NO! What are you doing?! There's no good in me at all, don't you see?! Hurting is the only thing there is, the only way to really communicate anything to anyone... You have to understand." He said, covering her with his arm and shoulder as he rode into any Kobbers he could and ate laser fire.
N Goat: It says all it needs to about itself.
N Goat: "But that's fine, because a convenience store has just joined the battle!"
N Goat: I beg your pardon?!
N Goat: "Riding atop a pair of massive tank tracks, Grab-N-Go drives into the battlefield."
N Goat: Well!
N Goat: I never knew I wanted this.
Draco: In Soviet Olympia, store drives thru you!
N Goat: "But it doesn't shoot cannonballs, instead firing a twenty-pound bag of kitty litter."
N Goat nods sagely
Jumpropeman: it's actually part of the building code that all convenience stores must be mobile
Jumpropeman: and armed for war


Jumpropeman: critical role stuff is appearing in my recommended section and I know exactly who to blame


RubyChao: somewhat flop
RubyChao: busy unflopping
iKomodo: How does one unflop
iKomodo: Because i just picture those old ytp’s that reverse the footage of someone falling over
RubyChao: that
IDelneth Brawlkin: Lmao
iKomodo: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: "The Bad
Nothing is bad about this game."

Jumpropeman: the game? Trashman on Commodore 64
Jumpropeman: who knew we achieved perfection so early
Jumpropeman: he only gave it 4 out of 5 stars too :V


Bree: "I must be in space, because I'm seeing a heavenly body! Hachacha!"
Bree: this is both a cheesy pickup line and a pun and I'm so
Bree: fuckin
Bree: jealous/proud/angry at sheep XD
Bree: first we got BK and now this
Bree: sheep has this reputation for the weird and the spoopy, but then he tosses in just...the funniest nonsense
Bree: and it's somehow twice as funny because it's sheep???
Bree: sorry
Bree: just
Gooper Blooper: I think that's part of why Junko Saten was so popular too
Gooper Blooper: Because it was Sheep playing against type
Bree: goddamn I love this character and I've read like 2-3 posts worth of him XD
Bree: sheep has a real talent for humor
Bree: I'm not sure how I'd describe his brand of humor because I'm really dang tired
Bree: but it's unique
Gooper Blooper: Motormer also popped up for an F-Zero race Draco did last week and predictably didn't get very far
Bree: there's something about, like, baffled father squid and anime melodramatic purnima and... ladislaus, who doesn't get any adjectives because I can't think of any, maybe his name should be an adjective now
Bree: because he's just so ladislaus
Bree: anyway there's something about all that stuff that just feels very quintessential sheep humor
Bree: P.S. don genie vs ladislaus WHO IS FATTER??
Jumpropeman: Chunk Off
Jumpropeman: who will be the ABSOLUTE unit
Bree: end of season we defeat don genie and then feed him to ladislaus so that finally ladislaus can be the indisputable King Of The Fat
Jumpropeman: a last man standing contest
Jumpropeman: literally
Jumpropeman: whoever sits first is... the winner?
Bree: The Biggest Loser
Bree: like that (fucking terrible) weight loss competition show
Bree: you know when I made the pairing joke I hadn't gotten to the actual flirting
Bree: this car and this satellite are literally flirting
Bree: is the pairing canon already XD


Jumpropeman: don genie has to make sure to crush hopes and dreams while they're fresh
Jumpropeman: that makes them tastier


Jumpropeman: same energy
Gooper Blooper: XD


RubyChao: >keeps attempting to delete a period
RubyChao: >period does not delete
RubyChao: >that's because the period does not exist and is a speck of dust on the screen
RubyChao: guys i'm good with tecnology


Jumpropeman: so today I learned
Jumpropeman: my mom takes Tramadol
Jumpropeman: and I got to explain tapogres to her
donk: oh no.


donk: is this race yer mates 2020
Jumpropeman: this is why Sue and Elliott can't meet
donk: yeah, because duplicating yourself to increase your odds to win is silly!
donk: they have an entire ponzi scheme going on


RubyChao: i forget
RubyChao: did i ever mention why i canonized that nova dyes her hair
Jumpropeman: to me yes
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: i will mention it in general
RubyChao: basically, after i picked the reference for Astro Solaris
RubyChao: i realized i had given both nova's sister and nova's dad blond(e) hair
RubyChao: and she felt too "normal" to just have it be Anime Hair Shenanigans, if that makes sense
RubyChao: so instead the mix of blue and pink just overrides nova's natural blonde
RubyChao: thanks for giving me an opening to put it on-forum, jrm
RubyChao: twas appreciated
Jumpropeman: my pleas man
Jumpropeman: hmm
Jumpropeman: not sure that's how best to appreviate pleasure
Jumpropeman: or spell abbreviate
RubyChao: what do you plead for
RubyChao: tell me
RubyChao: so i may reject it
Jumpropeman: good rp from you in the future
RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: time to channel
RubyChao: my inner Devil Ed
Jumpropeman: Chao's curse guys are all dead because he couldn't think of how to end it
Draco quickly rewrites the ending to Dracoplot.


Jumpropeman: "She's just been busy dealing with Nep things."
Jumpropeman: phew
Jumpropeman: haven't we all been there


ivel: was tempted to have Gino joke that someone lost a lot of money betting on Nep so she's being jailed
Jumpropeman: Never go in on Nep


Jumpropeman: I can send Shimmer
Jumpropeman: because like
Jumpropeman: she's Shimmer


(Sheep is cleaning)

N Goat: The bin...
N Goat: Has been emptied.
N Goat: The universe is at-*looks at other boxes*-RAAAAAH!


Gooper Blooper: Funny belated Brawl observation:
Gooper Blooper: Buff brick shithouse Selena did not get any KOs in the Brawl, but small pudgy assistant Biscotti got three
Jumpropeman: who's the REAL assist amiright
Gooper Blooper: Biscotti also lasted longer than Selena
oh no: jrm's biases are clear
Gooper Blooper: the true powerhouse was right there all along


Gooper Blooper: today at Comic-Con Mattel confirmed 17 more new species of dinos for next year's additions to the line *throws out all other possessions to make room for more plastic dinosaurs*


Cornwind Evil: The irony is
Cornwind Evil: The whole Captain Crunch cereal pitch for years and years
Cornwind Evil: Was built around that it wouldn't, or rather, took longer, for it to get soggy in milk
Cornwind Evil: This being so terrible they made anthropomorphic representations of it to serve as the villains
Cornwind Evil: Now, as an adult?
Cornwind Evil: I prefer my cereal soggy
oh no: i prefer crunchy and slowly getting to the soggy bits
Gooper Blooper: We've lost Cornwind to The Sogmaster


Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: I am studying
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Because Monday I will have a test
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: On mixology
Draco: Oh no! \o/
Jumpropeman: gg spy
Jumpropeman: i mean, gl
Bree: good game on having that test, spy! XD
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Thanks!
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: tbh I'm actually excited
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: But also nervous
Gooper Blooper: I like how the timing lines up with DYM closing signups
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: xD Yep!
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: I've been taking the classes for a good 2 weeks now
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Super small summer course
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: . . . Huh
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Goops, I have a dumb idea
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Remind me the components of the Bastard Irish Ghoul so I can see how awful of an idea it is in real life
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: (Not ACTUALLY making one but now that I Know Thing looking up the ingredients and probably being horrified)
Gooper Blooper: that's gonna take an old forum trawl, please wait warmly
Gooper Blooper: Wow, I actually found it
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Noice
Gooper Blooper: Bastard Irish Ghoul
2 Irish Car Bombs
2 Zombies
2 The Bastard on the Beach
"Shake it all up, dump it in a tall glass, and chug."
*A hefty tentacle hauls a massive stone mug from the shadows and drops it in front of the knight. The smell could kill a horse.*
"Gezora would like to remind you that it can not call 911 in case of serious internal damage. Gezora's tentacles keep breaking the phone."
"Come on knight boy, if you can't handle this, might as well stab yourself right here."

Gooper Blooper: (Jaxx ordered it for Alex to make him man up)
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Okay that isn't 1/3rd of each, that is TWO portions of each
oh no: i literally thought there was bombs in there because i am a naive
oh no: foolish
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So already this is gonna be a thing
oh no: idiot :V
Gooper Blooper: "I didn't plan on this, really. I just wanted to satisfy a sweet tooth. And I can already tell this is going to be very, very painful. But if you insist, Jaxx..." *Alex chugs down the Bastard Irish Ghoul without a second thought, and sighs* "That wasn't too bad...not bad at all. Give me another, if you will!"
oh no: i am hurting inside
Gooper Blooper: *Jaxx narrows his eyes at the boy.*
"Gezora, give him ten. Put it on David's tab."
"What? Come on, I can barely pay for the shit you racked up last week!"
"Deal with it or I'll smack that pineappletini right out of your fruity hands."

oh no: (not really)
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: OH BOY
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: THIS GON BE GOOD
Jumpropeman: >david not able to pay for something
Jumpropeman: ahh, to be young again
Draco: Jaxx had a REALLY big tab, okay?
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So first, we get the Irish Car Bombs
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Fill a shot glass with half Bailey's, half Jameson
Jumpropeman: does this mean we might get a real life Finisher from Spy too
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: A shot glass is notoriously undefined, but standard size tends to be 1.5 oz
Jumpropeman: oh wait, you're just doing it as test training
Jumpropeman: I wondered if you were making one :V
oh no: i dunno if he has the funding to buy those things :V
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Typically that's one standard drink, if you're only talking liquor. We're adding in a mixer, too, so that's gonna be like. Maybe 3/4ths of a drink?
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: JRM it would A) be disgusting and B) if it didn't kill me my family would
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Anyways~! Then you drop that shot into a big ol' pint of Guinness
Bree: yeah if you aren't gonna drink it, don't make it, and don't drink it because... that'd be stupid
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: A standard beer is about 12 oz
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Remember, Jaxx ordered two of these
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: We are already dealing with . . . lessee, 3.5 drinks and about 27 ounces of liquor
Jumpropeman: spy's a loose cannon, I can't predict what he'll do
Jumpropeman: he plays crash bandicoot without aku aku masks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This is already almost a quart
Jumpropeman: that's the deadlier decision imo
Bree: spy should help chao come up with DYM drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: We are not even close to done
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Next up is the zombie
Gooper Blooper: For the record, Alex proceeded to chug nine of them minimum
Bree: I'll make a list as you go spy and post a final ingredient tally :V
Gooper Blooper: we never found out if he took down all eleven
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 2.5 ounces of rum (1 ounce white, 1 ounce dark, 0.5 ounce spiced), with 1 oz of pineapple, 1 oz of sweetened lime juice, and 1 oz of sour mix (which is basically . . . a differenter sweetened lime juice)
oh no: well did he?
oh no rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
RubyChao: well he did
oh no: so, about those last two-
Gooper Blooper: HE SURE DID
Bree: these are undoubled, right :V
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Anyway, remember, 1.5 oz of a standard liquor is a single drink. So gonna say the zombie counts as another 2 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That means 2 zombies = another 4 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: We are at 7.5 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And this liquor-juice monstrosity is now at about 39 cups from all of the liquid components
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: *39 ounces
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Not 39 cups, that'd be disgusting
ivel: lel
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Last ones, Bastard on the Beach?
oh no: 39 cups sounds about right for duer
Bree: harpy we're not done yet :V
oh no: i know, right?
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This is the one that makes me realize that Wulf probably found this page and just grabbed the 3 things on the top
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: The recipes for the Zombie and Car Bomb are slightly different than the ones in my book . . . and even *boozier*
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And then this wonderful list tells me the Bastard on the Beach isn't even a real drink
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: It's three other drinks Voltroned together
oh no: i thought it was four? :V
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: I thought this was just a Megazord, but now I know at some point the Megazord fucked a Combiner and now we get something ridiculous
ivel: XD
oh no: its a boozed up train
oh no: megazord
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Oh shit it's 4, that's even worse
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So we have the Suffering Bastard, 1 shot of run, 1 shot of gin, 1 shot of lime juice, 4 shots of ginger ale, right?
oh no: "Some people say there's a fifth drink"
ivel: oh god that name
oh no: don't attempt this out of RP, kids!
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Remember that I just said a shot is 1.5 ounces
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: I just mentioned 7 of those
Bree: a shot is one drink that's like eight drinks right there and it's only one component out of four components of the three components of the total drink
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 10.5 ounces. Remember that the Irish Ghoul component is at 39.
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Well, lime juice and ginger ale don't count as drinks thankfully. But that's still 2 drinks. And this is all before doubling
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Because I'm adding this whole thing together first
oh no: this is a puzzle unlike Baba has ever faced
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So Suffering Bastard. 10.5 more ounces of fluid, 2 more drinks. Double that, we get 21 ounces and 4 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Total of 60 ounces and 11.5 drinks
N Goat: Oh!
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Next is the Dying Bastard, and BOY
N Goat: I missed a bit!
oh no: sit your ass down we're getting schooled
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 1 shot of brandy, 1 shot of gin, 1 shot of rum, half a shot of lime juice, and 1 shot of ginger ale
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This is less total volume, so our hypothetical GIANT GLASS is a little bit spared, but we have even more alcohol now
N Goat: Got another container cleared
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: After the doubling, add 7 ounces and 6 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 67, 17.5
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Next up is the dead bastard, because Jaxx is NOT finished with Alex yet
Bree: and alex said this wasn't too bad :V
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 1 shot brandy, 1 shot bourbon, 1 shot gin, 1 shot rum, half a shot of lime juice, 1 shot ginger ale. This is just the fucking dying bastard with some bourbon this shouldn't even count as a new drink
oh no: alex is on a whole 'nother level apparently
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: AND YET
Bree: this is like an entire bar's worth of drinks in one drink
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: HERE THE FRICK WE ARE
oh no: he chugged 9 of those things at least
oh no: and then i rolled a 21 to figure out retroactively "hey did he drink the others?"
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Also I miscounted sorry. It's 9 ounces (forgot the ginger ale) for the last part
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So we missed our opportunity to say nice at 69 ounces
oh no: how alex is still fucking alive is basically Juan's fault, entirely
oh no: because it's a goddamn miracle
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And this new part is 5.5*2 ounces, 4*2 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 80 ounces of drink in total, 25.5 drinks
Bree: twenty-five drinks!
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: We're not done yet! Time to go to heaven with the Mai Tai
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And I mean it when I say that
Bree: oh shit we're still not done? XD
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: At 16+ drinks per hour
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: You have a BAC of 0.40+
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This means 0.40% of your blood is alcohol
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And also you are fucking dead
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: But now we add this mai tai
oh no: Juan is absolutely responsible for how alive Alex was after this
oh no: just
Bree: pouring this mai tai on a literal corpse "he hasn't finished his drink"
oh no: just gonna say that
N Goat: Booze math
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: For once, this one is actually lighter on the website than in my book
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So, fuck it
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Gonna use my book's recipe
ivel: I love that video
N Goat: Exponential alcohol!
ivel: Spy plz
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 1 ounce dark rum, 1 ounce light rum, half an ounce driple sec, half an ounce almond syrup, 2-3 ounces pineapple juice
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: At this point we're going 3 ounces on the juice just to make this glass overflow
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: In spectacular fashion
oh no: almond syrup tho.
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Oh yeah, and we double it too
Bree: I think we've surpassed glasses. this is like a bathtub now
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Like everything else Jaxx ordered
oh no: i regret my RP decisions sometimes
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So 5 total ounces of alcohol (a little over 3 drinks) and 12 more ounces of liquid measure total
N Goat: Chatzy Madness 404: Exponential Alcohol
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: We BARELY don't make it to 100 total ounces of liquids
Bree: the drinker is long since departed, he's just a corpse marinating in a bathtub full of tropical juices and alcohol
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Because we stop at 92
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And 25.5 + a little over 3 . . . I'll be kind and say we end at an even 29 drinks
N Goat: This has become a chemical bath at this point
oh no: so uh
oh no: how is alex alive again
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: 92 ounces is about 3/4ths of a gallon, btw
Gooper Blooper: And Alex drank 11 of them
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: OH HE DRANK 11
Bree: and just think, this is one of the kobber classic drinks that doesn't have cocaine
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That is 319 drinks
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And 1012 ounces of fluids
oh no: savior of levia, the one who helped defeat yursarsh
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That's 8 gallons
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That's almost enough to fill a 10 gallon hat
oh no: and he kills himself on 8 gallons of booze
ivel: 8 GALLONS
Gooper Blooper: water balloon of levia
Bree: 8 gallons is absolutely a bathtub
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Doug Dimmadome could drink this shit out of his hat
oh no: its a Jacuzzi of boozy
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That's right
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Doug Dimmadome
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome
oh no: stole ivel's joke
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Bree is actually close
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: A bathtub is 80 gallons
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This is a tenth of a fucking bathtub
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: You could baptize a baby in this horrifying concoction
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And how horrifying is it?
Bree: I'm sorry in advance for this surprisingly good remix
ivel: Please don't baptize a baby in this
N Goat: Now there's a thought...
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Well, it has less types of alcohol than I expected, but more than I'd hoped
ivel: Sheep no
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Mostly rum, but with solid showings from beer, some bits of whiskey, bourbon and brandy, and fuck it lets throw some gin in there too
Bree: I was trying to find a different one that was stupider :V
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So a lot of types at once are probably gonna make it A) taste funky and B) fuck you up way faster
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: In addition, I HOPE you put the Irish Car Bomb in last
Bree: oh I think I found it
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: Because cream + alcohol = curdling
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So. Much. Curdling.
Cornwind Evil: Man, no wonder Alex drank that poisoned Meatshake and just ignored it, his liver is like, the equivalent of a water bear.
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: This also means you need to chug this 92-ounce drink
Draco: He's a Paladin.
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: The human stomach can hold 32 ounces of liquid btw
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: So you need to chug three times your stomach capacity
Bree: kobberdrinks.txt
ivel: he has a black hole for a stomach
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: And remember, Alex drank 11 of these
oh no: i'm definitely regretting my RP decisions
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: That total 1012 ounces means Alex drank 32 times his stomach capacity
oh no: this is why alex isn't allowed in DYM right
ivel: too powerful
Spy Sucks At Bash Candysnoot: My brain literally hurts from this btw


Bree: duck
N Goat: duck
Gooper Blooper: sheep going for the joke I instantly thought of
Gooper Blooper: good man
N Goat wiggles ears
N Goat tie spins


Jumpropeman: *posts the bee movie script in srs*
donk: no
donk: we need to save that and launch that into the Maw
iKomodo: bee movie but it’s the kobbers
Gooper Blooper: According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that The Maw should be able to fly. Its engines are too small to get its fat ten-mile-long body off the ground. The Maw, of course, flies anyway. Because The Maw doesn't care what Kobbers think is impossible.
donk: god damn it goops


Jumpropeman: link


N Goat: Time for a Giant-sized Attack On Titan Hour!
Draco: 100ft Giant Titan Golf
Gooper Blooper: 100ft Robot Blood Bowl
N Goat: Hoo
N Goat: This is a heavy episode
Jumpropeman: 100lb Titan Golf
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: 100lbs isn't that heavy V:
N Goat: 100ft Balloon Animal Golf
Gooper Blooper: 100ft Robot Fun In Balloonland
Draco: 100ft Viva Pinata
Jumpropeman: 100m Rainbow Dash
RubyChao: bbs
Draco: 100ft BBS?


N Goat: Wait, no, the other thing
N Goat: I saw Detective Pikachu today
N Goat: So I've got that going for me.
Cupcake Panda: Nice!
Jumpropeman: did you detect any pikachu
N Goat: I can say Pikachu was detected.


Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: the real reason Disney bought Fox


Jumpropeman: "Are you thinking of having sex with me or what?" the spam emails are getting annoyed that I'm not reading them
Cornwind Evil: Don't answer that
Cornwind Evil: every single way that question can be answered


N Goat: "Join The Curse!"
N Goat: But why is he dressed as a scorpion?
Bree: BECAUSE, sheep
Draco: Cursy the Scorpion is the Curse mascot.
N Goat: Really though?


 Cornwind Evil: Oh yeah. Charlie didn't GIVE Peko the Bloodstone, by the way, he just let her take a drip from it
Draco: DeMonde, however, busted out the Blood Orange Juice Box recipe and hit the crafting table to give the Brawl Babe Vampires their fix.
RubyChao: thanks demonde
Cornwind Evil: It still probably kept her satiated for like a week
Jumpropeman: Ryuk has some nice Blood Bananas he'll share
Cornwind Evil: But were they blood bananas made of blood?
Cornwind Evil: "I must be quiet." Cirno said, and then jumped shrieking through the window.
RubyChao: "On the 25th October 2015, the author returned with a Halloween special named Darker Yagami - Dark Yagami gets Dark. On the 30th October 2016, he made another Halloween special named Keijo Note Dark Yagami and the Haunted Chest."
Draco: To be fair, that IS quiet for Cirno.
Draco: Yes, I DO have the silly mental image of Peko and Ren sipping out of juice boxes while sitting in a doctor's office with DeMonde.
Jumpropeman: not your everyday ordinary juicebox
Draco: Her next creation will be Blood Quarter Water so even Vampire Hazel can afford it.


N Goat: "I mean," Shimmer tugs at her shirt, "I kinda dress more adult these days,"
N Goat: It's only a matter of time until it's all sequin powersuits and hazardously tall shoulder pads
N Goat: "But maybe if I had a pet... "
N Goat: "no, that already went badly."
N Goat: phew
N Goat: "Probably could have said "I have the power to shave my legs in one stroke" and she'd get excited honestly,"
N Goat: Well, yeah, that'd be a really useful power.
Del Is You: Haha
N Goat: "There was like, this girl named Halley, and she was SUPER evil!"
N Goat sounds of glass breaking violently
N Goat: "Really, you look more like her even though the colors are different."
N Goat sounds of tin cans poured out onto concrete
N Goat: "I mean, you're a blonde too!"
N Goat sound of gunshot
N Goat: Detective Shimmer is on the case!
N Goat: "...Nova said she doesn't have any sisters though!"
N Goat sounds of a yurt full of pottery falling off the side of a mountain
iKomodo: Pfffft
N Goat smash cut to erupting volcano


N Goat: "Like, this one time, the arm fell off of one of Plague's dinosaur toys as soon as he got it out of the box, so he raised a stink about it online and they sent him a new one!"
N Goat: "Plague", huh?
ivel: lel


RubyChao: "Operators traced an error in the Mark II to a moth trapped in a relay"
Jumpropeman: Myrrh why


Bree: random fact that popped into my head after reading bar
Bree: I thought honoka's bet was amusing and creative before the brawl
Bree: but now that komachi won it
Bree: I think it's hilarious
Bree: because I did just reveal komachi no longer has a sense of taste
Bree: and she has to design some fuckin bread
Gooper Blooper: poor komachi :<
Bree: komachi when she heard about that one was just like "*sweats*"
Gooper Blooper: she brings nitori to make sure her designed bread actually tastes good
Jumpropeman: give me your breadiest bread
RubyChao: nitori makes a mech
RubyChao: out of bread
Gooper Blooper: Skeiron stares in awe
Bree: it takes ten weeks to bake it
Bree: and costs eighty thousand dollars
Bree: but it's a mech
Bree: made of bread.
Bree: and because it's kosaka bakery, it is only the freshest handcrafted artisanal bread
Jumpropeman: it's got a built in shotgun that fires croutons
Bree: and a sword
Bree: that's just a baguette
Bree: hon hon hon une baguette en garde
Jumpropeman: This bread of mine is cooked with an awesome fire! Its browning crust tells me to defeat you! TAKE THIS! MY LOAF, MY FLOUR, AND ALL OF MY SHORTENING! BREAD FINGERS!


Gooper Blooper: >scrolling through imageboard
Gooper Blooper: >Mr. Electric reaction image
Gooper Blooper: welp
Jumpropeman: he's infiltrating the web
Jumpropeman: we'll have to fight him online like some sort of Millenium Bug
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: when are you changing his curse profiles icon to that
Jumpropeman: when the Kobbers show up for no reason after you innocently attack the city
Gooper Blooper: he was having a great time and he honestly feels so attacked right now


Cornwind Evil: Manic's walking around me, putting paws up on my chair, sticking his head in my stomach
Cornwind Evil: Oh no, he must be down to crumbs of food! He must be really hungry! Gotta finish this post fast...!
Cornwind Evil: Go over.
Cornwind Evil: Dish is full. Not even a hole eaten in the center
Cornwind Evil: ...I put a touch more food in
Cornwind Evil: He begins eating
Cornwind Evil: CATS


N Goat: We are now on the 100th page of Bar
N Goat: With Draco's prior post, I mean
N Goat: and my 2,000th post was David Mammoth doing a spittake.
Jumpropeman: milestones all around!
Draco: barpost
Jumpropeman: nice save maggy!
N Goat: "Please tell her Magnolia Arch bears her no ill will when you see her next and that she's welcome to a dessert if she chooses to visit us."
N Goat: Maybe some ill will
Jumpropeman: she'll never expect the poison cupcake now!
N Goat: a pinch of ill will


DEL is RP: So as you may have gathered
DEL is RP: Life in Midwich isn't great!
Draco: It's like a comfy prison except it's mind-numbingly boring and has an itch you can't scratch.
DEL is RP: Basically
DEL is RP: I imagine the average captive doesn't have as much room for free thought as Vince and Llarness do
DEL is RP: It's sort of like living life like a Warhammer model, in that you spend a lot of time in one place and exciting things only happen every so often
Draco: It's pretty bad. Koakuma will probably liken it as only mildly better than waiting in line to get a new license.
DEL is RP: Only mildly better in that you get to eat and sleep
DEL is RP: I'm excited to see who people bring into Midwich
Draco: Probably big-titted anime girls because I planned poorly and only have one character who isn't one of those.
DEL is RP: Lmao
DEL is RP: Can Midwich even control pure anime??
Draco: Gods help us if it can, because then Koakuma's plan to defeat it will probably fail.
Draco: Snark and anime are a terrible plan, BTW, but it's all she's got.
Cornwind Evil: We will battle Midwich with Kejiro
DEL is RP: Oh my god
DEL is RP: Destroy the 50s with anime tiddy
DEL is RP: I love it
Draco: Just...the big climax (ladies) and Midwich is just steamrolling everyone with awful catchphrases and black-and-white everything and suddenly...just...tiddies. Big ass tiddies that manage to vaporize it.
Draco: Children's card games will be involved somehow.


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: Operation Stymie The Fuck Out Of Midwich Valley is underway I see


N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: Shoobidoo!
N Goat jazz hands
N Goat lies down

N Goat: And that's my performance on the cycle of life.


Gooper Blooper: I know it wouldn't make any sense for Chao to bring Maria to this plot, but imagine the Shadow jokes
RubyChao: he instantly pulls over and gives up after having flashbacks
Del Is You: MARIA *explosion*


Jumpropeman: my 2020 megaplot
Jumpropeman: we fight every mighty bean


Gooper Blooper: Frost is secretly the smartest Curse member
Gooper Blooper: That's twice now she's just left some traps for the Kobbers to get caught by and then left before they showed up


Jumpropeman: Luke 12:54 KJV, so brb
ivel: Luke 12:54-56 King James Version (KJV)
54 And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.
55 And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass.
56 Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?

ivel: jrm just keeps impressing me with these
Gooper Blooper: he's never going to run out is he
ivel: eventually? Maybe?
ivel: I doubt it


Jumpropeman: a diamond in the rough?!
Gooper Blooper: only one way to find out
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, No Rules Get Phat
Gooper Blooper: a classic
Jumpropeman: I remember the ads in magazines
Gooper Blooper: I remember Seanbaby's review in EGM
RubyChao: "This game puts the player in the position of the main protagonist One-eye Jack. A hip-hop, skateboarding, cereal, recreation junkie youth who must stop an intergalactic terrorist organization called the "punkazzes" from launching an alien invasion, & alien conspiracy, to escape with his hometown's resources, scare all of its citizens, and overthrow the town's authority. Your arsenal includes: a slingshot, alien slime gun, skateboard, snowboard, and turntable."
RubyChao: so he's confirmed for curse now, right
Jumpropeman: "A hip-hop, skateboarding, cereal, recreation junkie youth"
Jumpropeman: cereal is not an adjective
Jumpropeman: i know its meant to say he's a cereal junkie
Jumpropeman: but my mind can't read it that way
Jumpropeman: "Herbie likes to win, so if he's doing well, he'll go faster, but if he just got hit or is last place, he'll be sad and drive slower." a good mechanic for a racing game
Gooper Blooper: "Verdict
This is not a good combination of extreme sports and platformer gameplay, gang. No Rules Get Phat is a flawed product right from the start...the only real good thing that can be said about the game is its powerful soundtrack. The rest of the title is just flat out terrible, from its poor level design to its awful controls. Get Phat needs to get lost."

RubyChao: if you want to hear the powerful soundtrack
Jumpropeman: No Rules Get Phat is also the motto of most fast food buffets
Gooper Blooper: XD
Draco: I don't think the soundtrack is very powerful at all.


N Goat: small barpost
N Goat: It's everyone's FAVORITE Kapoorian-
N Goat: No, not that-
N Goat: No, not that one eith-
N Goat: IT'S BASU!
RubyChao: yaaaaay
RubyChao: *muppetflails*


RubyChao: as usual dym will take a couple months due to my pace so
RubyChao: once voting closes
RubyChao: please don't permakill your entrant :V
RubyChao looks at sheep
RubyChao: this means you
RubyChao: no dead mammoths
N Goat: So much offense
N Goat kicks sheet labeled "Citizen Mammoth" under rug


iKomodo: "WHY DOES HE HATE FRUIT WINDERS?!" - Evolto, 2018


Jumpropeman: I should make Kwanzaa-Bot part of my main cast
Jumpropeman: he would just go on plots and tie them to Kwanzaa but not really fight at all


Cornwind Evil: The Maw is currently over fifty miles long and nine miles high
Cornwind Evil: Ie, it's grown a large amount since the season started
Gooper Blooper: The End was ten miles long
Gooper Blooper: my god
Cornwind Evil: Turns out eating a planet's life force is like, omega wheaties


RubyChao: i have to admit
RubyChao: i love how everyone's reaction to dubble was basically
RubyChao: "surrender or die"
RubyChao: it fits for these characters
donk: my characters are all like "no thanks, we'll just avoid you"
donk: i'm sure fenrir would have had a lecture but he's just like "are we DBZ now"
donk: he's an idiot, basically
Jumpropeman: is fenrir yamcha
donk: fenrir is faring better than DBZ yamcha
donk: otherwise he would have been exploded and in a hole on katina last plot! :V
Gooper Blooper: There are plots where we try and appeal to Save The Villain
Jumpropeman: good thing I didn't send Shimmer after all


RubyChao: don't worry friends
RubyChao: as i have already told goops
RubyChao: the Chiharu Got Fired sequence will be a lot different :V
Jumpropeman: because she won't get fired
Jumpropeman: when she reveals she was indoctrinated to curse
Gooper Blooper: (spoilers chiharu gets fired)
donk: damn.
N Goat: Chiharu's shot out of the office in a cannon for that one!
Gooper Blooper: Chiharu gets to be the puffy face guy in that board room meeting meme comic
RubyChao: hang on
RubyChao: found this but it's not the point of what i'm doing
Jumpropeman: Elliott!
Jumpropeman: you can't shout the name with a bunch of letters because you're not allowed to change the letter amount
Gooper Blooper: still two L's, two T's
Jumpropeman: TWO L's, TWO T's, ONE O, ONE E, ONE I!
Jumpropeman: ONE E, ONE I, ONE E, ONE I, ONE O!
Gooper Blooper: This is where I'd put an THAT'S OH-KER!! joke if Sheep hadn't beat me to it ages ago
RubyChao: add your own dialogue
Jumpropeman: that's a powerful meme
Gooper Blooper: Incredible, chao
RubyChao: thanks
RubyChao: i realized i had enough curse kawashiro to make it work
Gooper Blooper: I knew that's what you were doing but still
RubyChao: so i did
N Goat: Good job, chao
Gooper Blooper: I like how well chiharu's expression works for it too
Gooper Blooper: the smug is radiating off her in waves
RubyChao: i know, right?
Gooper Blooper:

RubyChao: A+, goops
RubyChao: that is going n chatzy madness for sure, i demand it
N Goat: That's good stuff, Goops
Gooper Blooper: thank


Cornwind Evil: "Always the same with you idiots! You'd rather be dead than in jail!" Dawn resists talking about Clyde Barrow and the wider issue he represented for his time
Jumpropeman: HOLD UP GUYS! I know there is a bomb but who wants some history trivia?
donk: not myrrh
donk: myrrh is trying to be important, like
donk: uh
Gooper Blooper: look at this moth, that I just found
donk: *looks at smudge on hand* janet
Jumpropeman: *throws a wool sweater to myrrh to keep her quiet*
MobileDraco: NO. NO WORDS.
MobileDraco throws dead Zeldos at the Maw until it dies.
Gooper Blooper: *Dawn gets back on the mic* "You only need one Zeldoten for The Maw to choke!"
Gooper Blooper: "Hachacha!"
MobileDraco: :l
Jumpropeman: if we have the Maw consume enough Sheepchars, it will collapse under its own bad fortune
donk: i dunno, The Mother's probably the luckiest of the gang
donk: she's still alive!
donk: :V


Jumpropeman: I'm actually very good at learning written languages
Jumpropeman: I can still write in Telugu if I had to and I even made up my own writing cypher in high school I could do from memory
Jumpropeman: I almost used that cypher for an RP character once
Jumpropeman: they were gonna constantly be warning us about trouble but no one would understand them :V
Gooper Blooper: Sounds frustrating :V
Jumpropeman: you might notice I have many scrapped characters who were too much effort
Jumpropeman: the fat seal saves you all from so much
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, you've had some scary/awkward concepts in your reject blogs
Gooper Blooper: I'm quite glad Lamp didn't go anywhere
Jumpropeman: I'll bring Lamp back and he'll catch the drowning disease
Gooper Blooper: and then the only way to save him is for all the kobbers to surrender
Jumpropeman: I guess it was inevitable one concept would leak through :V
Jumpropeman: the problem with broad tastes is wanting to write just as broadly
Gooper Blooper: I got broad tastes
Gooper Blooper: but this isn't where I talk about the ladies
Gooper Blooper: *rimshot*
Jumpropeman: gooper likes 'em sugary and nerdy
Jumpropeman: but this isn't where we talk about his favorite wonka candy
Jumpropeman: *rimshot*
Gooper Blooper borrows sheep's spinning bowtie while he's busy writing about a grub alien searching for the bomb in the lasagna
Jumpropeman: (note to self: RP the Nerds mascots somehow)
Gooper Blooper: *counters with the M&Ms Minis*
MobileDraco: 😱
Jumpropeman: don't make me whip out the Jelly Belly guy
MobileDraco sends the Sour Patch Kids.
Gooper Blooper: *drops the Warheads Candy Guy on the whole lot of them, obliterating the entire candy factory and leaving the M&Ms with one less track to ride on*
MobileDraco summons the Airheads.
Waluigi slowly prepares his 28 page Cadbury egg bunny backstory


RubyChao: so who's ready
RubyChao: for bizarrely strong chicken alien on saturday
Jumpropeman: sounds delicous
N Goat: Sounds delicio-darn it
Gooper Blooper: we already fought Poultra
Draco: we already fought Utsuho
N Goat: we already fought Miss Featherbutt
N Goat: wait.


Jumpropeman: I've got Blastoplot's prologue sitting in another window waiting to be posted
Jumpropeman: will wait until Maw's wrapped its stuff up though
Jumpropeman: might do a small Fay reply first too depending on who hitches a ride or something
N Goat: Syde pulls off her rubber mask and it's Blasto
Draco reaches over and closes all of JRM's tabs.
Jumpropeman: Blastoplot is really just more Mawplot
Draco: Robbie feeds Blasto an apple and captures him.
Jumpropeman: Blastoplot over thanks for coming


RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: little chonks
Jumpropeman: when does Marisa appear in RP again to try and REALLY make her mark this time
Draco: Sanaeplot.
Jumpropeman: Draco
Jumpropeman: I don't know how to tell you this
Jumpropeman: but you have improved my opinion of Sanae
Draco: I'm sorry to hear that, JRM. How can I make this up to you?
Jumpropeman: enter her in the Brawl next year
Jumpropeman: so I can kill her
Jumpropeman: and then Sanae wins
Draco: Deal. You can permakill her just to be safe.
Jumpropeman: I'll kill her in the prefite show so she can't win
Draco: Deal.


RubyChao: by the way
RubyChao: Don't Forget
RubyChao: To Vote
Jumpropeman: *deletes votes just so I can vote again*
Draco: #1 Mizuki #2 Kasumi #3 Chiharu #4 Nitori
RubyChao: wow
RubyChao: way to bury nitori
Draco: *#4 Tony Kapponi
Waluigi: #1 catKappabert


Jumpropeman: this is a good time to ask though
RubyChao: yes, i actually hate niftu cal
RubyChao: please finish killing him off
RubyChao: thx
Donut Justice: XD


RubyChao: "Whenever an item is stolen from a landmark, the entire landmark is closed down, even if the item should realistically not affect the location in any way. For example, the theft of a single Striped Prison Shirt causes Alcatraz to shut down."
Donut Justice: look man they need those shirts
Donut Justice: the best time to wear a striped prison shirt is all the time
RubyChao: i figured out how to do a kobber jailbreak
RubyChao: someone steals one (1) striped prison shirt
RubyChao: and the jail just shuts down
RubyChao: everyone is free to go


Jumpropeman: edited
Jumpropeman: I committed a cardinal sin
Jumpropeman: and made blasto use an exclamation point by mistake


Jumpropeman: Nerique may be a man of science, but I think he overestimates frying pans based on past data


Jumpropeman: "...So who's in charge of the Olympia PD now?"
Jumpropeman: link
RubyChao: jrm i would be okay with that
RubyChao: it's just Mammothman, he upgraded from security guard
N Goat: The new sheriff shall be determined in the traditional way
N Goat: Mortal Kombat
Jumpropeman: Kollector becomes sheriff
Jumpropeman: Olympia suddenly has an organ tax from all citizens
Donut Justice: Sheriff Grongo is our new sheriff obviously
donk: why would you do this
donk: i can't RP Grongo, he is too powerful
Jumpropeman: there is a temporary answer actually
donk: whew, grongo is safe
N Goat: The new Sheriff is Madeline Parr.
N Goat: muwahwaha
RubyChao: the new sheriff is hit new character
RubyChao: the ruby chao
N Goat: Dunston Checks In
N Goat: to The Sheriff's Office
RubyChao: he can check in any time
Jumpropeman: the new sheriff is Sheriff Woody
N Goat continues to stretch the joke
N Goat: Erebus suddenly returns, having been the Olympia Deputy this whole time
ivel: *insert guitar solo here*


Jumpropeman: poor funky cops, they drop by the disco and everyone is panicking all the time

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