Friday, August 9, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 344: I'll Send One Of The Boys Over

Del in Tent: Jinteki are anti-thicc
Del in Tent: Confirmed
Draco: Good to know.


N Goat: whaaaat
RubyChao: aaaaahahahahahaha
RubyChao: beautiful
Jumpropeman: I bet that's what caused the gold glitch
Jumpropeman: implementing this VITAL, more important than borders, feature
Gooper Blooper: who needs borders when you have hats
RubyChao: time to use hats to indicate where borders used to be
Jumpropeman: I like that their example post of a post with a hat is Tapatalk explaining how to disable a feature
RubyChao: i have slain festive hats
RubyChao: i apologize
RubyChao: but we are not yet good enough as a community to deserve hats
RubyChao: we must defer hats
RubyChao: to when we have EARNED it
Jumpropeman: I considered not telling anyone they existed
Jumpropeman: and just thrusting one on someone one day
Jumpropeman: when tapatalk adds Unusual Hats
Jumpropeman: then we'll be in business


Jumpropeman: "Classic Game Consoles Mini Retro Game Consoles Built-in 620 Games Video Games Handheld Game Player AV Output 8-Bit Bring you happy childhood memories" What a name!
Jumpropeman: and of course its packaging just looks like a crappy NES classic
donk: Oops
Gooper Blooper: 620 games! What value!
Jumpropeman: reminds me of the Pro 200 handheld I had
Jumpropeman: that was like, 100 variations of tetris and 30 variations of some racing game


N Goat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
N Goat: :I
N Goat: Avak, please
N Goat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
N Goat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
N Goat: Oh my STARS, AVAK


Gooper Blooper: >goes to site where I get my battlebots eps
Gooper Blooper: >there's a new Critters movie
Gooper Blooper: HOW


Cornwind Evil: I keep reading Thok as Thot
Gooper Blooper: BEGONE THOK
Draco: :O


Jumpropeman: RainbowDash was showing me her new car
RubyChao: the fact that rainbowdash has her own car is a glorious example of the strangeness of the passage of time
Draco: Ooh! What's her sweet new ride like? :3
Jumpropeman: RainbowDash got... A CROSSOVER
Jumpropeman: she knows nothing about the jokes and I even had to double check the model online because I couldn't believe it was actually one
Draco: Neat.
Jumpropeman: its got a lot of nifty accoutrements, all those fancy things like park assist and reverse cameras and a bunch of little doodad lights. It was a former rental car so she got it for a steal, but its got mileage for days sadly as the price for that
Jumpropeman: over 100,000 miles on it already
harp: crossover solidarity
harp: ...i think ivel's is an actual SUV tho V:
harp: "infinity war is the most ambitious crossover ever" rainbowdash: "hold my drink"
Jumpropeman: it does have extra cupholders for that purpose!
Draco: XD
harp: jrm has accidentally crossed the streams
harp: life imitates joke


Jumpropeman: "What games does it have?
There is a list of games, just pay attention to description."

Jumpropeman: *scrolls up to description*
Jumpropeman: "Features: frogger."
Jumpropeman: "Does this unit have Galaga?
Yes and you can add it later too."

Jumpropeman: when one Galaga isn't enough


RubyChao: hmm, this could go either way
RubyChao: so i'll just straight up ask people
RubyChao: arrest or kill reidak and thok
Jumpropeman: arrest the golem
Gooper Blooper: I don't really have a preference for this one, either's fine
Draco: Arrest is fine.
Jumpropeman: no pref
Draco: We lock Thot up in a Mr. Freeze-style cell in a prison they didn't forget to install locks in.
Cornwind Evil: Feed them to the Maw
RubyChao: aight
Cornwind Evil: NO TAKEBACKS
Jumpropeman: CHAO NO
Jumpropeman: Maw freezes Katina, wins the war
Jumpropeman: all it needed was ice powers all along
Cornwind Evil: Maw becomes an ice cream truck. It turns out that all it wanted to do was make sweets but it didn't have the right powers.
Cornwind Evil: Cirno takes over as Captain
Jumpropeman: delivering planet sized ice cream sandwiches, it solves universal hunger
Cornwind Evil: Maw is destroyed in two weeks when Cirno flies it into a black hole thinking it's a space door.
Jumpropeman: are you saying she's wrong
Draco: Yes.


RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: now that she escaped
RubyChao: can we expect even more traps from frost
Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: Frost really doesn't make me feel welcome with all these mats
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: "It's an ironic name you dolt" Frost yells from over a hill


RubyChao: anyone else posting
RubyChao: if not, i have a post to make
RubyChao: and then i will be done
Gooper Blooper: I am done posting
Jumpropeman: *makes Voyd vomit again*
Gooper Blooper: pls
Gooper Blooper: remember Shimmer Barf Watch? JRM remembers.
Jumpropeman: it's now Voyd Barf Watch
Jumpropeman: she passed it on to her pupil
Draco: When is it Eadis' turn to barf?


Jumpropeman: Game Freak sitting in their high castle tower, thinking to themselves... "WE NEED ANOTHER FORGETTABLE FISH! BRING IN BRUXISH!"
RubyChao: basculin has one thing going for it
RubyChao: and that is
RubyChao: red basculin looks like Eustace Bagge
Gooper Blooper: I like Basculin :<
Jumpropeman: I like the story behind Basculin's creation
Jumpropeman: where they had forgotten they didn't really have a normal fish for you to catch in Gen V's regular water areas
Jumpropeman: they had ocean fish, ocean ghosts, and stunfisk


RubyChao: the votes have been rolled
RubyChao: dym has been decided
RubyChao: in like two months you'll get to actually read it
Draco: Oops. Accidentally killed off Yohane. My B
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: time to rewrite nothing
Draco enters Moltar-in-a-wig in her place.
SteelKomodo: XD


Cornwind Evil: I've begun noting phrases and actions that carry across my RP as a whole.
Cornwind Evil: Like, when someone does some serious thinking, they hold their chin
Cornwind Evil: I also like certain phrases. "Quantity has a quality all its own." "In life you will make friends and you will make enemies (but you should not make pointless enemies)..."
Cornwind Evil: There are probably others
RubyChao: "that... hurt" used to be one
RubyChao: but i don't think you've used it in a long time
Cornwind Evil: Did I ever show you where that came from?
Cornwind Evil: It came from here
Cornwind Evil: Oop, another one. "Let's not muddy the waters." and variants of it.


Draco: "I did a random coin flip in chatzy one day to determine which brother went to which user" <- This was a brilliant idea, BTW. It really worked out that the Secret Fiter had two characters to divide up. X)
Jumpropeman: I think I'll be a bit more suspicious though when five people submit The Jackson Five as secret fiters
Jumpropeman: this was just amazing symmetry


(Draco adds Vic Hoskins from Jurassic World to The Curse)

Jumpropeman: I can't believe Draco put Paul Blart in Curse
harp: so much
harp: rage
harp: (not really)
N Goat: Til Dead Do Us Blart


Jumpropeman: you know, now that the blogpost is done, I guess I can delete the sticky notes, but first, a final highlight from them
Jumpropeman: "76 Grey Moon DEAD"
Gooper Blooper: DEAD
N Goat: He died.
Jumpropeman: "BBB9 Results:
1 Komachi WINNER
2 Patty/Gendarmor DEAD
3 The Conductor DEAD
4 Pitohui DEAD
5 Blasto DEAD"

Gooper Blooper: they're all dead, jim
Jumpropeman: look it's an easy way of noting who is dead
Jumpropeman: it said 1/2 next to Patty for a long time though
Gooper Blooper: Very proud of Patty
Gooper Blooper: I remember when I first wanted to RP her I worried she'd be another Bow or DJ Candy where I got too excited and thought I had a winner but it turned out the character was nothing special in the end
Gooper Blooper: but nah
Jumpropeman: this could have been patty
Gooper Blooper: I have that picture saved in my cops folder
Gooper Blooper: I don't know when I would ever use it, but it's there


N Goat: And!
N Goat: I finally read to and through my section in the Brawl Blogpost
Jumpropeman: M SHEEP
I have nothing to say about his cast. MOVING ON
N Goat: Only true if every entrant had been Grey Moon


Jumpropeman: I never realized before but
Draco: Oh?
Jumpropeman: after watching a video that said it
Jumpropeman: so it's not my revelation
Jumpropeman: but Mario, all of the Mario series... is a spinoff, since his first game was Donkey Kong which is classified as a Donkey Kong game
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: naturally it feels like DK spunoff instead but he was the headliner and they even put the OG game in the DK series for Smash and stuff
Draco: Wow. Never thought of it like that.


Jumpropeman: "even if all the stuff he tried to teach me mostly went in one ear and out the other " I FAILLLLLLLED
Donut Justice: uhhhhhhhhhhhh I think there was a candle or something?????? ...COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS!!!
Jumpropeman: by dissing it so hard, I've ensured people will remember that principle of Kwanzaa at least :V


Jumpropeman: I think I'm going to post to keep things moving
Jumpropeman: some
Jumpropeman: *waits a bit since saying that usually makes him post right after I do*
N Goat: srspost
Jumpropeman: HAHA
Jumpropeman: my plan worked!
Donut Justice: JRM has sheep all figured out


harp: its funny because Nikki actually does have a pal I made for her!
harp: and i had no idea what to use her for because, as i realized today, she's basically "shimmer, except her powers are weak and she has pink hair"
harp: she's... involved in "things"
Donut Justice: Oh yeah!
Donut Justice: I forgot Harpy had that character on the docket
harp: she has no idea what kinda bad things she's in
Jumpropeman: shimmer has pink hair :V
harp: i thought the mention of a pink haired girl convincing people to give them cerato would jog your memory
Jumpropeman: It's only brown when her lights are down! She's still shiny shimmer!
harp: i still have bootleg shimmer
harp: :V
Jumpropeman: we'll probably never see brownhaired shimmer again because you guys liked her too much :I
RubyChao: we will
harp: binch.
RubyChao loads gun
RubyChao: when she's DEAD
harp: either way we'll see her, but she's extremely background
RubyChao: wait, did she go back to brown hair when she died
RubyChao: now i'm curious
Donut Justice: For some reason when I saw that bit about a pink-haired girl, I thought it was Jackpot... despite Jackpot being with The Curse and not CarverCorp... and having red hair, not pink. I have no idea why I thought of her.
Jumpropeman: nope! Shimmer's color changing will last even as a corpse, her color reverted when her powers were messed up
Cornwind Evil: "Bootleg shimmer" I read that as "booty Shimmer"
harp: i mean
harp: she could have more booty than shimmer
Jumpropeman: Shimmer's got very little booty game. More than Voyd, but not on the BUTTS radar
Donut Justice: Sarah and Utsuho's habits did not rub off on Shimmer
Donut Justice: no booty
Jumpropeman: they did improve her from Stick to Healthy Weight
Jumpropeman: but her general distaste for sweetness saved her
Draco: Mama DeMonde prescribes 20cc of 'sghetti.
Cornwind Evil: Plus she strikes me as a woman who has one of those blast furnace metabolisms
Jumpropeman: she does skate everywhere
Jumpropeman: so she stays pretty active
Donut Justice: *Celestia retreats to her Fortress Of Evil to scheme further*


Jumpropeman: some absurd defensive luck from Blazar and Quasar this round, hence the "no defense" next round to avoid the same V:
N Goat: I, for one, am all for everybody getting demolished by two pop stars.


harp rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
harp: dashra no
RubyChao: bye dashra!
harp: is it bad that i want her to be flung out of the establishment
Jumpropeman: some inner city bloke looks out their office window and sighs, wishing for a more exciting life
Jumpropeman: and then a carnotaurus girl smashes through his window
N Goat: I'd read that manga.
Jumpropeman: My Dino Maid


Jumpropeman: so kill or arrest these girls
RubyChao holds up knives
RubyChao: ready for the stabbing
Bree: make them Regret
RubyChao: but yeah they're pretty horrible so
RubyChao: no going easy
MobileDraco: Make them join The Zeldoten Gang!!!.
harp: i was hoping to reenact the dramatic moment in Anime Girl vs Bottle
harp: in which the bottle defeats the girl
harp: but shooting them is just fine!
RubyChao: this is one case
RubyChao: where cute girlness is outweighed by magnitude of crime and personality
Bree: bury them next to halley solaris
Donut Justice: nonsense, we'll reform them and they'll come back next season as protags
Jumpropeman: they'll become good guys and only spread a NICE drug instead of a MEAN one


Gooper Blooper: Looking forward to Gullstrand papping "Black Hole forever" into a puddle of blood as he dies


Jumpropeman: HGB confirmed okay but in need of lots of medical attention!
Jumpropeman: maybe he wasn't so horrible and gelatinous after all
N Goat: I'm pretty sure he was that gelatinous


N Goat: "First let me begin by speaking with you, Blasto as me, Painleve. My species shares a symbiotic relationship with Gullstrand's where I translate and perform complex tasks for him in return for the necessities my species were genetically designed to require. As such, I will be speaking for Gullstrand in this conversation unless indicated otherwise, and will be using pronouns as if I was Gullstrand."
N Goat: So polite!
Jumpropeman: did you judge him just because of his enormous arms, fangs, and the name PAINleve
N Goat: I judged him for being part of the Black Hole Gang.
Jumpropeman: well I mean, he's totally complicit, but he's NICE about wanting millions of pointless deaths!
N Goat: "...Oh, an aside, he's monologuing here and... well, I personally disagree with him revealing this stuff to you, but I must, so, back to Gullstrand Voice..."
N Goat: These may be my favorite villains this year.
Bree: but how is hot foot going to tell us blasto's in danger... *cut to caprice sticking her hand in a ball of fire for psychometry*
N Goat: "(It is red, but we are trying to get a dye ready for the concoction before we release it)."
N Goat: Perfection.


N Goat: "Also, giving Draco Snow Miser and Sheep Heat Miser fits perfectly if you ask me."
N Goat unsure what to draw from this
MobileDraco shrugs.
N Goat blasts fire at Draco

Jumpropeman: well you do sort of have the ability to melt anything in your clutch
MobileDraco melts.
Jumpropeman: you're too much sheep
N Goat: :I
N Goat does some shuffling tap
Jumpropeman: I've always liked Heat Miser more
Jumpropeman: fite me
MobileDraco: Okay.
MobileDraco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
MobileDraco wilts.

Jumpropeman: It's probably just because of my gravitation to grumps


Jumpropeman: "He's died to acid before and it's not enjoyable" I appreciate these are the kinds of thoughts RP characters have
Gooper Blooper: Browny does not often get to reference his time in BBB4
Gooper Blooper: Probably because he was in BBB4 for about eighty seconds before he died
Jumpropeman: poor guy, I bet he'd do better after the ZFPD became a thing though
MobileDraco: Browny should've waited for Brawl 9 to shine.
Gooper Blooper: I have considered letting him get another shot, but this year was the most likely year for that and I'd decided well beforehand to drop Browny and enter Patty instead
Gooper Blooper: and we see how that went :V
Jumpropeman: clearly Browny would have got first
harp: plague would have gotten first
Bree: small confession: even though I literally fucking won, I am slightly sad that patty dethroned caprice as the cop who did best in the brawl :V
Bree: only very slightly!
Jumpropeman: Caprice just needs to kill Patty to assert dominance
Gooper Blooper: Can't hug every cat hold every record
Bree: hugging every cat is what clara nisei is doing offscreen
Bree: her epic quest
Bree: ren's like "that's a stupid goal--" simone's like "YOU CAN DO IT CLARA BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!"
Bree: the one with the cutiefly since Names Are Hard
Bree: Too Many Niseis


N Goat: Oh hey, katarts
N Goat: :I
N Goat: *katars
Cornwind Evil: I read that as kratts
Cornwind Evil: And am oddly sad that Spy decided Joshy's demise in the Brawl was a permadeath
RubyChao: i literally learned what a katar is from neptunia
RubyChao: educational!


iKomodo: [STANDING BY]
RubyChao: ah so that's pitplot 2020
iKomodo: Kek


N Goat: "For Mawquest Part 3, characters will be divided into two groups after some color. So, best to bring two characters at least."
N Goat: We must cut the Kapoorian in half!
N Goat alternatively, sends Grey Moon's body with one group and astral projection with the other.


Wow! Real Harpy! (accidently couped de graced) joined the chat
MobileDraco: Hipy
Wow! Real Harpy!: hi
N Goat: Is that REAL Imitation Harpy?!
MobileDraco: I can't believe it's not Harpy!
Wow! Real Harpy!: :V


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Canon
Draco: Marisa and Reimu are Magikarps.
Gooper Blooper: gotta run that one by harpy first, they're hers after all
Gooper Blooper: very important
Draco: Can I walk instead?
Wow! Real Harpy!: uh
Gooper Blooper: leisurely stroll it by harpy
Draco: I'll sashay it by Harpy.
Wow! Real Harpy!: i mean
Wow! Real Harpy!: given how badly they jobbed, yep.
Gooper Blooper: at least they're having a great time
Draco: They're all smiles.


Jumpropeman: ""If only there was a way to cut through this confusion"
Jumpropeman: youmu's really gotta use that more often
Draco: Indeed. We're going to have to name a villain Confusion just so she can cut through them.


RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: it was the barchives that made me realize
RubyChao: tapatalk doesn't have a character limit
Jumpropeman: if only Painleve had more arms though...
Jumpropeman: so what you're saying chao


RubyChao: wan wan
Waluigi: Wan wan!
Del Is You: Wan wan!


Del in Tent: Erdrick continues to be the lamest sword
Cornwind Evil: Ash: For once we're in agreement.
Cornwind Evil: Though I suspect his and your definition of lame are different
Del in Tent: Probably
Cornwind Evil: Why would YOU say he's lame?
Del in Tent: Well
Del in Tent: This whole true neutral thing is just sort of a thing for him to hide behind when he does a bad thing
Del in Tent: Like
Del in Tent: Oooh I'm true neutral I'll do whatever it's just how I work
Cornwind Evil: Well, keep in mind, Joy doesn't know if that's the case, she's theorizing heavily
Del in Tent: But my counterargument is no, you caused suffering and devastation on an insane scale this time
Cornwind Evil: Keep in mind, he came along after the Maw had united with Rose. He was swimming against a very heavy tide.
Del in Tent: Vince is gonna put Erdrick in a lead lined glass case and put him up in the bar
Del in Tent: With "world's dumbest sword" on the placard
Cornwind Evil: Erdrick: To be fair, it's not like I have much in the way of peerage there.


Gooper Blooper: Sheep, The Magic Voyage is on Youtube so I watched the climax to get Swarm Lord details
Gooper Blooper: and my god this movie is incomprehensible
N Goat: Yes, it is


N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: Yo
Dreadball Del: hey shep
N Goat: My name is M Sheep and I'm here to say
N Goat incomprehensible screaming


N Goat: A new reaction gif against RP criminals
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: villain confirmed not cute, time to murder (we had a couple of recent exceptions to that though)


MobileDraco: I'm pretty sure Wildfire likes Pitohui's music.
Hooded Pitohui: Oh? Is Wildfire a Japanese pop fan generally, then?
MobileDraco: She also likes Kaede's piano stuff.
MobileDraco: Anything with a beat she'll like.
MobileDraco: She'll fight Pitohui, recognize her voice, and end the fight to get an autograph and a selfie.
Hooded Pitohui: Ah, but Draco, The real question is, then, when will Camilla, Elsa, and Eadis get together for a meeting of the double-identity crew?
N Goat: When Vahni, Pitohui, and Wildfire get together


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: sup
N Goat: Hello, JRM
RubyChao: hiropeman
RubyChao: or should i say
RubyChao: *aims gun*
RubyChao: dieropeman
Draco: Oh no. JRM. Someone save him.
Draco goes back to reading the newspaper.


N Goat: Read the Donut County review, by the way
Jumpropeman: did it shake you to your core sheep
Jumpropeman: are we still friends
N Goat: "What's that?" He said, erasing JRM's name from the Christmas card list.
Draco: D: Sheep has a Christmas card list?!


cursed with forbidden knowledg: virgina was good, now eating and preparing to go home
cursed with forbidden knowledg: at cracker barrel
SteelKomodo: enjoy
cursed with forbidden knowledg: and im like
cursed with forbidden knowledg: wow i sure hope i dont rp a sentient cracker barrel one day
Draco: The worst villain.
Draco: Note to self: beware of Cracker Barrels in RP.


RubyChao: i love how the mask of vulcan is just
RubyChao: a bucket
RubyChao: it's a fucking bucket.
Gooper Blooper: Kisume flips over her bucket and wears it as a hat
RubyChao: and it makes her invincible?
Gooper Blooper: THE MASK OF VULCAN!!!!


N Goat: Tiny worm still fight
N Goat: news at 11
N Goat: Retreat?
N Goat: Kapoorians do not simply..."retreat"
N Goat: "Time for your own vital last card up your sleeve."
N Goat: I don't think Basu's going to have any sleeve left after this!
Cornwind Evil: He attac
Cornwind Evil: He attac
Cornwind Evil: .....actually he just attac


Cornwind Evil: Anyway, time to sleep before I start having characters randomly have low level shonen fights all over the streets of Olympia.
Draco: Too late; Wildfire's probably gotten in three.


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: i'm curious
RubyChao: can you tell that lance banson is... kind of an idiot :V
Gooper Blooper: It's been obvious for a long time :V
Gooper Blooper: He's like a buff Admiral Alfonso
RubyChao: pretty much
RubyChao: his default reaction to every situation is "how can i get them to pay attention to me"
RubyChao: no matter how bad an idea it is


banished: IVEL FUCKIN


RubyChao: i saw someone named Jumpman sign up on a mario forum and for a second
RubyChao: i read it as Jumpropeman
Jumpropeman: im spying on u
Jumpropeman: the perfect cover name


N Goat: srspost
N Goat: found a place to cut him off and wrap it up!
Gooper Blooper: I like how the wording makes it sound like Sheep was actually struggling with David Mammoth to make him stop talking
Draco: Officer Wagon, I'd like to report a MURDER.
Hooded Pitohui: I mean... are we sure that's not what happened, Goops? - I wouldn't have wanted to cut him off either, the way he spoke
N Goat: It's never a matter of David Mammoth being done talking, but finding a place it can be stopped.
Draco: David Mammoth is my hero. I hope he and Camilla find happiness. Just not with each other.


Waluigi joined the chat
Cherry Pepsi joined the chat
Cherry Pepsi: howdy wa
Waluigi: Heyo
Cherry Pepsi: like ships passing in the night...
Waluigi waaaaaaaas in the ocean fog


iKomodo: BEES
RubyChao: dr. bees?
Jumpropeman: would dr. bees's bees qualify as his nurses


RubyChao: you guys know all those creepypasta that are "you! the reader! you're gonna die soon unless you do this/you're gonna die becuase you read this!"
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: someone beat the internet to it
RubyChao: by seventy years
RubyChao: read a story from 1947 today that's literally the same gimmick
RubyChao: "i cut this out and pasted it into the magazine you're reading in advance warning of the fact that i am going to kill you, the reader"
Jumpropeman: make sure to telegraph ten constables or you will have your gob smacked!
iKomodo: top kek


Bree: a tumblr post that amused me
Bree: "I know a lot of landlords are jerks but my favorite landlord ever was an older eccentric gay man and whenever something went wrong in my apartment he would always say “I’ll send one of the boys over.” And then some absolutely shredded young man would show up in white jeans, exceptionally polite, and fix it the same day."
Bree: somehow the story reminds me of meiling
Bree: just this old gay landlord dude that apparently has like a harem of capable, well-mannered, sexy af repairmen
Bree: someday meiling owns her own branch of kawashiro technologies and it's just that
Bree: we got sexy kappas that will fix your stuff and call you beautiful
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: Hot For Kap
iKomodo: Honestly out of context that guy sounds like a mafia don
iKomodo: ”Yeah, I’ll get da boys to fix dis”
Gooper Blooper: Don Pianta sending out da boys
Bree: the gay mafia


(Vega backflips and the narration says the out-of-shape Kuroma is jealous)

The Great Kuroma: kuroma, can you even begin to perform a backflip like that
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
sickvel: I expected a 1
The Great Kuroma: so if she was cirno, she would totally ace that backflip
sickvel: what about... Aldebaran
sickvel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
The Great Kuroma: :I
sickvel: he backflops
The Great Kuroma: pretty sure kela could do it
The Great Kuroma: maybe
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
The Great Kuroma: yeah i figured
sickvel: Nep
sickvel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
The Great Kuroma: i mean, she gets one flip in
sickvel: not bad
The Great Kuroma: ivel just challenged me to "roll for the dino"
The Great Kuroma: he didn't specify which one
The Great Kuroma: so here's a roll for all of them
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
The Great Kuroma: ...
sickvel: :U
The Great Kuroma: cerato is very dangerous
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
The Great Kuroma: angrysaurus can't
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Gooper Blooper: I can see a raptor backflipping
The Great Kuroma: i mean yeah you do it all the time with your Blue fig
The Great Kuroma: i bet gonzy could flip.
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
The Great Kuroma: one flip.
sickvel: Almaric
sickvel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
sickvel: as expected.
The Great Kuroma: wizards can flip easily
sickvel: warlocks, however, can't
The Great Kuroma: oh
sickvel: :P
The Great Kuroma: i don't know why i latched onto this backflip thing anymore
sickvel: because you could
The Great Kuroma: sueflip
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: more like sueflop
The Great Kuroma: just plops down into a seat to drink instead
The Great Kuroma: OKAY LAST ONE, I SWEAR
The Great Kuroma: uh
The Great Kuroma: UH
Gooper Blooper: sammy
The Great Kuroma: i can't roll for that because technically, because of her electromagnetism powers, she could flip whenever the fuck she wants
The Great Kuroma: no real skill required
sickvel: So rad!
sickvel: ;o;
The Great Kuroma: ON A SKATEBOARD
sickvel: :O!
Gooper Blooper: as expected, Sammy is the raddest
sickvel: how about... Sun Shang
The Great Kuroma: ...why do i just want the most 90s fucking pic of Sammy ever
sickvel rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 59
sickvel: she can do 59 backflips in a row
RubyChao: bikkie
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
RubyChao: bikkie can also do it perfectly if she is cirno at the time
The Great Kuroma: with 90s shades and her skateboarding over a bronchosaurus
sickvel: because it's Sammy
Gooper Blooper: See, I just put the backflip in because Vega's super fuckin nimble and he does them in actual street fighter
Gooper Blooper: but now it's tonight's thing I guess, lel
The Great Kuroma: you got me with the way you phrased it
The Great Kuroma: kuroma is definitely seething with envy
The Great Kuroma: "I CAN DO THAT TOO, YA KNOW!"
The Great Kuroma rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
The Great Kuroma: "SEE, I CAN-" accidently backflips off the roof
Gooper Blooper: You emphasized she wasn't the best choice for an on-foot chase and I had to poke fun at her for it (don't worry Kuroma I've got plenty of cast members who woulda sucked here)
sickvel: she can fuck?
Gooper Blooper: It's different from all those other chase plots because we're on foot this time!!
The Great Kuroma: I was expecting hand-to-hand and emphasizing she was not in the best shape of her life after netflix robbed her free time
The Great Kuroma: so it's true
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
The Great Kuroma: WELL
The Great Kuroma: cirno did the backflip
Gooper Blooper: Excellent work, Cirno
The Great Kuroma: *somewhere there's 'running in the 90s' intro playing in the background*


RubyChao: fowler is already MIA again
The Great Kuroma: god damn it fowler
RubyChao: kotohime just shrugged and went "he'll come back when he comes back"
Bree: I can imagine someone, maybe denise because she's goofy enough to commit this sort of accidental rudeness, being like "he's an alien? but he looks exactly like an anthropomorphic earth chicken..."
RubyChao: wow denise
RubyChao: wow denise
RubyChao: *kotohime leaves her handcuffed to a desk and walks off in a huff*


RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: i have made
RubyChao: a Mistake
RubyChao: i installed cuphead
Draco: :O
Draco: Did you install it backwards?
The Great Kuroma: guess you'll die


The Great Kuroma: my arteries are clogged just looking at these
The Great Kuroma: and yet
The Great Kuroma: i'm going to probably get one :V
The Great Kuroma: before defaulting to chocolate glazed (with sprinkles)
Gooper Blooper: or three
The Great Kuroma: that only goes for my usuals :I
Draco: Yum.
Bree: "If the technology exists to fill a Krispy Kreme doughnut with Reese's Peanut Butter Kreme and Chocolate Kreme, then how could we not offer that to America? Well it does. So we are. And it's amazing," Dave Skena, the company's chief marketing officer, said in a statement.


Cornwind Evil: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
Cornwind Evil: No idea.
Cornwind Evil: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
Cornwind Evil: Still no idea.
Cornwind Evil: What do you call a deer with no eyes, legs, or genitals?
Cornwind Evil: Still no fucking idea
Gooper Blooper: those poor poor deer


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: Yohane gets her own Symphogear and joins the Curse.
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
RubyChao: easily defeats bikkie
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 12
Gooper Blooper: Rachel puts up a fight but is also defeated
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Jumpropeman: rest in pepperoni Entire JRM Cast
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 15
RubyChao: honoka puts up the toughest fight yet
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: We've secretly replaced Dana with Prizm
Gooper Blooper: Let's see if anyone notices
RubyChao: but what about
RubyChao: jilly bean
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Gooper Blooper: of course
RubyChao: our savior jill
Draco: Long live Jilly Bean, champion of the drunkards.


Jumpropeman: at my nephew's birthday party last weekend I saw some familiar looking barrels of colored water
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: RP has gone on so long, the stupidest shit is getting ruined now
Jumpropeman: nothing is safe
Jumpropeman: *introduces a character really into those swirly light bulbs*
Gooper Blooper: *introduces a competing character who prefers LED bulbs*
Jumpropeman: you loved bread wars
Jumpropeman: now you'll love bulb wars
MobileDraco: *introduces a rival who really likes neon signs*
Jumpropeman: we'll emerge from 2020 rp extremely knowledgeable about lighting
MobileDraco: Just like how we all know Ceratosaurus exists thanks to this year?
Gooper Blooper: ARRIVE - SNIFF - LEAVE
Jumpropeman: Cerato was like, a dinosaur I technically knew existed before
Jumpropeman: but now it's one I actually think of
Gooper Blooper: And tomorrow we get a whole plot about it


Cornwind Evil: Hey Cornwind, do a mega dungeon in WOW, how long can it be?
Cornwind Evil: TWO HOURS LATER

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