Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 341: Chompette, I Choose You!

Cornwind Evil: Dawn's kicks got smashed in the Brawl
Cornwind Evil: Her kids, rather
moth: her shoes...
moth: biggest loss in the brawl..


Jumpropeman: you can tell by the way he walks he's a goopy man, no time for bloops


Jumpropeman: thanks for the Cirno vote Brine <3
Draco: If Cirno gets exactly nine votes, does she automatically win?
Jumpropeman: yes, so you better give her lots of votes to prevent this
Draco: Can I give her anti-votes? I want to vote for Yotam instead.
Jumpropeman: the only antivote allowed is calling someone rainbow TRASH
Draco: RUDE. Rainbow Dash is going to WIN IT.
Waluigi: I would have given her my Sponsorship vote too if I could've :V
Jumpropeman: she's not your character... yet


Bree: komachi: *sleeping in a pile of votes*
jinx: *scratching names into the sides of bullets to dedicate one shot to each voter!*
ren: *sulking in the corner*


The Quest To Not Be Exploded: Someone list all the Curse members in the Brawl for me
Gooper Blooper: The six characters I drew in the first post after JRM opened voting
RubyChao: and Kaede
Gooper Blooper: rank: Kobber Historian
Gooper Blooper: Codename: PEACHPUFF
Jumpropeman: King Biruritchi, Chompette, Robbie Rotten, Futo, Jinx, Plague
Jumpropeman: 3 girls, 3 guys
Jumpropeman: makes the epilogue weddings easy to write when Plague wins
Gooper Blooper: The Curse is an equal-opportunity employer
Gooper Blooper: Plague calls dibs on Chompette
Bree: biruritchi is a real king though
Bree: very eligible bachelor
Jumpropeman: *Sonia fans herself*
Gooper Blooper: I'm imagining The Curse's epilogue just being something stupidly wholesome and happy despite their villain status
moth: bold of you to assume anyone is worthy of anyone else
Jumpropeman: Curse epilogue: They take over olympia


Draco: The closest thing to a Moltar theme
Jumpropeman: Is that naked lava man at the start Moltar suitless
Draco: It is if you want it to be ;D
Jumpropeman: Phew! I'm getting a little hot under the collar! And now my collar is on fire! And my flesh is burning!
Draco: Fun Fact: Moltar has a wife, Linda.
Jumpropeman: I read that on his wiki page!
Jumpropeman: The creators regret her existence!
Jumpropeman: probably because they created the perfect wife and they can't have her
Draco: I don't though, so she's RP Canon.
Jumpropeman: *Scraps Moltar marries Chompette epilogue idea*
Jumpropeman: poor Chompette will have a different epilogue now
Draco: It's okay, Chompette, there's still Pitohui and...oh wait, Joy's taken.
Jumpropeman: yeah, taken... TO THE CLEANERS
Draco: While doing some Moltar research of my own, I...*gasps dramatically*...found a page claiming Moltar had all kinds of other powers from some comic book, but I didn't want a bunch of random things like "can shoot heat rays that feel like someone's poking you" and nonsense like that.
Jumpropeman: he can poke people perfectly fine without heat rays
Draco: Indeed!


Jumpropeman: "Dawn of the Neps"
Jumpropeman: worst future
ivel: more like best future
N Goat: They Nepped it up!
N Goat falls to knees in the sand
N Goat: They Nepped it all up!


Jumpropeman: Vahni's sticky note had the phrase "ball shrinkage" on its own so I think I'm gonna be a bit more elaborate
Gooper Blooper: XD
N Goat blinks


Jumpropeman: so sheep
Jumpropeman: when Wrexer was a kid
Jumpropeman: was he a tiny t-rex with a baby for arms
moth: plz
Jumpropeman: at least I'm not asking about the birth, harp
N Goat: Yes.
Jumpropeman: amazing
N Goat: It is an actual question since some mutations don't show up until later in life.
N Goat: But usually the drastic ones are from birth.


Draco: My votes are probably fine.
Jumpropeman: how can they be fine if you didn't vote for Cirno


moth: nobody's prepared for a sonia win.
moth: sit down, goops.
moth: :I


Jumpropeman: "Daipenmon is a Cyborg Digimon. It possesses power over Ice that has transcended legend by inheriting all the might of AncientMegatheriummon and acquiring unknown abilities."
Jumpropeman: "Crimes: Attempted Murder"
Draco: A sinister monster.


moth: Anyway hi i’m a goof
Gooper Blooper: hi goof I'm dad
moth: GOOPS NO


Bree: *ren and aiko are tied on votes per the unofficial count*
Bree: ren and aiko slapfight for last place
Bree: caprice invades the arena to mom voice at them "renata! stop squabbling with your cousin aiko! >:I"
Bree: (aiko told akira she doesn't want to be considered his family, not sure if that extends to caprice and co. but they'd avoid it just in case. however, OOC I like to think of aiko as their cousin :V)
Spy Z: Oh wow. I totally didn't expect Magolor to be that low
Spy Z: This is what you get for betraying Kirby~
moth: fuck magolor
Gooper Blooper: shoutout to JRM for being the most likely winner to repeat
Spy Z: #Toxx: If Magolor comes back from literally last place to win, I will replace all of my Season 10 Brawl plans with awful Youtube Poop memes
Gooper Blooper: Good news, Spy
Gooper Blooper: You did an entire plot about those, so they're all spy characters already
Spy Z: Nah
Spy Z: I mean going even deeper
Spy Z: George Volcano and Tyrannosaurus Alan will be my headliners
Spy Z: Sonic Sez is going to be my ringer
Bree: but yeah so I gotta get a new headset.
Spy Z: And how could I ever forget Mama Luigi?
RubyChao: but spy
RubyChao: george volcano and tyrannosaurus alan are sk's characters
RubyChao: you can't just take them from him like that!!
Spy Z: SHIT I forgot about that


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *delicate flop*
RubyChao: HI JRM
Gooper Blooper: hey there fitemaster
moth: hi jrm
RubyChao: how does it feel
RubyChao: to know the winner
Jumpropeman: I know the winner
Gooper Blooper: knowledge he will be haunted with for the next two weeks
RubyChao: and the winner
RubyChao: is
Gooper Blooper: kaede
RubyChao: the surprise 80th entrant, vince mcmahon
Jumpropeman: and their name does not start with the letter 🙌
RubyChao: right, jrm?
moth: um.
Jumpropeman: don't try and read anything into that I just clicked the first silly emoji
moth: oh okay.
Gooper Blooper: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid pulls off his mask
Gooper Blooper: it was the wrong vince
moth: i was about to have a panic attack
Gooper Blooper: it was McMahon all along
RubyChao: what about the letter ⏳
moth: god damn it
Spy Z: Letter 🚆
Spy Z: Letter 🍖
Spy Z: Letter 🦎


Barricade The Invincible: "1980: IBM introduces the first gigabyte hard drive. It is the size of a refrigerator, weighs about 550 pounds, and costs $40,000."
Draco: A bargain!
Draco: I bet I could run Oregon Trail on a machine like that.


N Goat: "Today in the bar, there is... a dude!"
N Goat: This isn't the ZFRP I know!


moth: time for my chars to get 79th-74th place
RubyChao: i didn't know you had six entrants
moth: that's 5 bud
RubyChao: 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
moth: ...
moth: sue is a contender.
moth: :V
RubyChao: good save
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: Sue absorbs another brawler and they become her
Jumpropeman: she was the true Unity
moth: *ironically sue dies in the battle between the last two brawlers*
ivel: welp
moth: *somewhere goops screams*
moth: *its cw vs sk*
moth: *friendships were broken over this*
moth: "what place did i get? was it last?" "hun you got 3rd place, because gino's spirit is in neptune" " mean gino rebirthed into Neptune?!?"


Jumpropeman: pre-fite show's written, actual brawl writing on pace
RubyChao: time to post the pre-fite show then
RubyChao: doing the classic bbb1 method
RubyChao: of posting as you write
Jumpropeman: I did think we were lacking in intermissions!


Jumpropeman: alright, I got distracted with the pokemon thing
Jumpropeman: need to go write the Brawl
moth: *grabs the whip*
Jumpropeman: but I'm sorry to say future Brawls going forward will not allow all the fiters to participate
Jumpropeman: they may appear in future Brawls though
RubyChao: so we'll enter 80 entrants
Jumpropeman: so give me money
RubyChao: and then you'll put in 40
RubyChao: but the other 40 will be dlc!
RubyChao: am i right?
Jumpropeman: thinking more like the original 18 brawlers and then like 12 new ones
moth: D:


N Goat: Okay, time for some more srs thread thorough reading
N Goat: Right, I'd left on a Western spider lady riding a Gallimimus.
N Goat: "Cordie has fashioned some reins out of spider silk. They help her hang onto Gallimimus when American Sports Team nails her with a basketball."


N Goat: Is plot happening?
N Goat: Already??
N Goat: At this hour???
N Goat: Localized entirely within your srs thread???!
SteelKomodo: Yes!
N Goat: ...
N Goat: May I see it?
moth: Plz


Barricade The Invincible: "A short one-shot story in Judge Dredd introduces The Great Arsoli, whose act involves pulling ever larger things from his nether regions, finishing with his lovely, smiling assistant. Dredd arrests him for not declaring those items through customs."
Bree: truly the highest of highbrow comedy
Draco: Then Arsoli gets one up on Dredd by pulling out the documents for each of those things.
moth: welp


Gooper Blooper: so did anyone else notice that The Maw defends itself with eldritch my little ponies
moth: no :V
Gooper Blooper: Look at this thing again
RubyChao: you're right
RubyChao: nice
Gooper Blooper: My Little Ftaghn
moth: oh
iKomodo: Oh god it took me a while to recognise that
iKomodo: that’s creepy as shit
ivel: Painbow Dash
Draco: Damn. So it turns out the Maw is just Equestria all along.
Barricade The Invincible: I was looking around for stuff, found that
Barricade The Invincible: And went "Well this fits with my intended hints and looks different enough, I'll use it.'
Barricade The Invincible: It only looks like a pony if you know to look or squint close


N Goat: Ok, so,
N Goat shuffles papers
N Goat: Notes on The Demolisher.
N Goat: I said this already, but he's an entirely forgettable one-off villain from Thundercats
N Goat: I've wanted to try and nab somebody from Thundercats since forever, but all the COOL villains have a bunch of stuff I didn't want to drag in to RP
Barricade The Invincible: Use the coolest villain of all
Barricade The Invincible: Pyron
N Goat: So this guy got just because...he was based on a thylacine
N Goat: I knew nothing else about the guy going in
N Goat: Tracked down the episode
Bree: thylacines are neat
N Goat: and proceeded to realize I'd made a huge mistake
N Goat: Voice: terrible and almost injured the guy doing it
N Goat: The episode was a weird retread of a moral they already did
Barricade The Invincible: That reminds me how the Simpsons stopped having Dr. Marvin Monroe on the show because his voice hurt the voice actor
N Goat: They actually let this fool BEAT MUM-RAH
Barricade The Invincible: They even had a background reference where a sign said "The Marvin Monroe Memorial Hospital"
Barricade The Invincible: Then he just turned up randomly several seasons later
Barricade The Invincible: Although when Marge said she hadn't seen him in forever, he just replied "Oh, I've been very sick."
N Goat: In the dumbest way possible. Mumm-Rah was playing this man for a fool and then... he saw his reflection in The Demolisher's boot. Mumm-Rah is nearly invincible except for his weakness to his own reflection.
N Goat: Then Mumm-Rah sends this guy to fight Lion-O and the next fifteen minutes is me attempting to keep all his gear straight
N Goat: They just had stuff do whatever they needed it to do to get to the next beat of the fight. I didn't even go through all of his stuff.
N Goat: He loses the skull on his belt or the jet pack from scene to scene
N Goat: And his sai-thingy is huge in one scene where it needs to be to trap a character between the prongs
N Goat: So it just took some time to actually make sure everything was what it was supposed to be
N Goat: Oh! he also had a little armadillo sidekick named Dirge
N Goat: Who I didn't have appear because he was just a cheerleader who would get pasted immediately
N Goat closes book
N Goat: The End


IDelneth Delkin: Okay
IDelneth Delkin: This may be many years too late
IDelneth Delkin: But I watched boardwalk empire
IDelneth Delkin: And Steve buscemi is good in it
IDelneth Delkin: And what I'm building up to is
IDelneth Delkin: I forgot what the running gag we have about Steve buscemi is about :U
Bree: I mean... I dunno, I thought it was just because saying "steve buscemi" is funny


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: darn, had a question for someone who isn't here!
RubyChao: but jrm
RubyChao: i am not here
Bree: who did you need to ask
Jumpropeman: my good man sheep
Jumpropeman: *writes while in chatroom like a madman in hopes sheep comes in while doing so*
Gooper Blooper threatens to give Sheep's characters high rolls unless he appears posthaste
moth: hey, hey sheep
moth: character development.
Waluigi: Man, is Black Clover good or is Black Clover good?
Gooper Blooper: Can't get enough of that Black Clover
Gooper Blooper: WIZARD KING

(It didn't work)


RubyChao: "Is my own word worth so little?" i mean there was that time when a guy turned out to be one of the biggest baddest villains of the year in disguise............
Jumpropeman: which time was that Chao V: it happens a lot
Jumpropeman: like that awful maria
Gooper Blooper: MARIA- I mean *cough* yeah that terrible person Maria
Draco: It kinda does, yeah. Sine was the Lord's pawn, right? Then there was Zook and Rinoa. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Gooper Blooper: Chao probably means Phoenix
RubyChao: i meant Phoenix/Black Shadow, yep
Draco: Oh yeah. That's a good example.
Jumpropeman: and Zeldoten
RubyChao: and Hibiki
Gooper Blooper: You can tell Zeldoten is evil from how she holds Sumireko's hand and blushes.
Draco: She's the worst, always stealing things like Sumi's heart.
RubyChao: LITERALLY wait no that's the Kollector
Gooper Blooper: I like how we got a whole pile of fighting game Curse members at once
Gooper Blooper: it wasn't planned!
RubyChao: speaking of fighting game curse members
RubyChao: >balrog, vega, sagat all in the curse
RubyChao: could this....... be leading somewhere????
Jumpropeman: wait until you see my fighting game curse member: Dr. Mario of Super Smash Bros
Draco: It's leading to Tuesday
Gooper Blooper: I hope you're ready for Dee Jay
Jumpropeman: gonna bring in the entire cast of Ballz
Gooper Blooper: from the people who brought you bubsy
Gooper Blooper: OPEN WIDE FOR CHUNKY...
Spy Z: . . .
Spy Z: I look back for 5 seconds and I am horrified
Jumpropeman: link
Draco: o mai
Draco: I think I've played that game.


N Goat still alive
Draco Doubt
N Goat screams into the void
Draco makes a noise complaint.


RubyChao: >playing f-zero gx grand prix
RubyChao: >black shadow knocks another racer off the track with a spin attack
RubyChao: >black shadow then falls off the track while spinning
dumb fat fingers made me leave: run.
dumb fat fingers made me leave: oh.
dumb fat fingers made me leave: nvm!
RubyChao: I don't think he thought this through.
Gooper Blooper: rip
dumb fat fingers made me leave: and then we never saw him agaaain...


N Goat: "It's a Hibiki!"
N Goat recoils in sheer terror
N Goat: "It's just a Hibiki."
N Goat: oh phew
N Goat: "A scorcher for sure..."
N Goat: But it's a cyber-futuristic dry heat.
N Goat: "I didn't realize it would get this hot up here! I thought high elevations were cooler..."
N Goat: Tokiko pokes her head outside and sees the secret weapon Curse member held in reserve
RubyChao: XD
Gooper Blooper: Codename: 'NOTHER SCORCHER
N Goat: Rank: Celestial Body
RubyChao: the text color is red on orange with a yellow border
RubyChao: for MAXIMUM HEAT
N Goat: It's a dry hate.
RubyChao: but sheep
RubyChao: when do we reveal the Angry Sun's two brothers
RubyChao: the Furious Moon and the Raging Star
N Goat: We can't fight the moon!
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: all we gotta do is get dr. wily on our side
N Goat: Operation Eggermoon is in action
HarpyKuro(ma): might as well just throw mr. shine and mr. bright in there
Gooper Blooper: Dr. Wily's dead tho
HarpyKuro(ma): like, c'mon.
RubyChao: damn, you're right
RubyChao: goops, what if we give zephyrus a doctorate
RubyChao: then he would be a Dr. Wily
N Goat: "...It's not magiTECH, though, j-just magic!" Tokiko hastily adds, in case Kaoruko was an anti-magic Olympian."
N Goat: It was at this moment Kaoruko removed the pearl-handed revolver from her Gunpla kit executed Tokiko on the spot.


N Goat: I kind of want to Plague to try to recruit Yuka by challenging her to a Pokemon battle
MobileDraco: "Chompette, I choose you!"
N Goat: But he doesn't have any Pokemon, so he just throws Shrapnel at her-exactly!
Hooded Pitohui: That's nice about the raise, Harps. And I'm glad to hear the bets were all good, Goops. I tried to look over last year's to get a feel for it, and it seems to have gone well.
N Goat: Yuka beats on five Shrapnel and then Plague pulls out a dinosaur or Chompette
Hooded Pitohui: Yuka vs Plague is the battle I never knew I wanted. Thanks for that, Sheep
N Goat thumbs up


Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: By the way, Bernard did place a wager for Kaede to make the Top 10
N Goat: Craaaap
N Goat: Still need to place bets
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: I just haven't been able to write it out because I don't know WHAT he'd wager
N Goat: His hand
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: No.
N Goat: I suppose he could wager knowledge and skill if not coin or objects.
N Goat: He know anybody what makes magic times or Tapestries?
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Llarness
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: He can also make very crude ones.
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: But they'd be trinkets
N Goat: Well there's something to bet!
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Yeah but he was trying to place a wager with Grab and Go
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: What does God need with a spaceship a convenience store need with a druid's handcrafted trinkets?
RubyChao: have you seen some of the things people bet at grab and go in the past years
N Goat: Vahni's literally using a magic wand someone bet last year
N Goat: David Mammoth bet an executive movie credit!
Draco: Vahni is going to win.
N Goat: Technically possible.
N Goat: But I would be surprised.
Draco: It's good that Camilla didn't enter too. I don't think how I'd be able to split a 1st Place Vote.
N Goat: Camilla? Please. She wouldn't last five seconds.
N Goat: A good thing she's nowhere near the Brawl!


RubyChao: you ever realize how incredible it is
RubyChao: that we live in a world where solid snake, sonic, ridley, king k. rool, cloud, ryu, pac-man, simon belmont, and banjo-kazooie are all in smash
RubyChao: all those fake rosters from the early 2000s are slowly becoming real
Draco: So we ARE getting the Grinch?
RubyChao: probably
Draco: Excellent.


N Goat: "Josephine promptly grabs all the pumpkin bread she can find to add to her purchase. How many loaves did she end up with?"
N Goat: Is this a math problem?
N Goat: You have to tell me if this is a math problem
HarpyKuro(ma): it's actually one of those "if you guess how many is in her bag right now you get a thousand dollars" kinda things :V
N Goat: Otherwise it's entrapment
HarpyKuro(ma): which i am boldly guessing is 42
N Goat: "To that end, Josephine can only get seven loaves of pumpkin bread."
N Goat: The house keeps the pot.
N Goat: "Trust me when I say that you don't have to worry at all - I'll be here to make sure that Olympia is guaranteed to have good bread no matter what happens!"
N Goat: I for one cannot wait for the tour of Honoka's Doomsday Bread Vault.


IDelneth Delkin: So I made jonesy for ff14
IDelneth Delkin: She's some kind of Viking orc lady pirate
Spy Z: That
Spy Z: Honestly sounds really on brand for Jonesy
IDelneth Delkin: It's her
IDelneth Delkin: She's got a big red face warpaint tattoo
IDelneth Delkin: And she's huge
Big Bad BeetleDel joined the chat
Big Bad BeetleDel: behold
Big Bad BeetleDel: a jonesy
Big Bad BeetleDel: i'll get better at photo mode one day
Spy Z: Oh no she's awesome
Big Bad BeetleDel: right now she's uh
Big Bad BeetleDel: doing menial tasks
Big Bad BeetleDel: for that sweet sweet exp
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Such is the nature of MMOs
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: I recall back in the Everquest days. Hours spent smashing bugs and selling bug bits for pennies


IDelneth Delkin: Hey goops
IDelneth Delkin: I made a Jonesy
Gooper Blooper: I saw!
Gooper Blooper: Reminded me of ye olden days when you put Jonesy in everything
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Remember when Jonesy dragged a sleeping Sine's bed into Fite Club?
Gooper Blooper: Vaguely!
IDelneth Delkin: I did, it owned
Draco: Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Jumpropeman: >spell check suggests I change Succubi to Succubae
Jumpropeman: well
Jumpropeman: they are pretty bae
Gooper Blooper: XD
sickvel: you aren't wrong
HarpyKuro(ma): hot baes, getcher hot baes right here!


N Goat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
N Goat: :I
HarpyKuro(ma): sheep continues to suffer the tractor caring about him.
N Goat: Just seal me into the pyramid already.
sickvel: we told you you'd be cursed with luck
sickvel: we would, but the pyramid we had planned for you imploded
sickvel: the fates didn't want you sealed
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

HarpyKuro(ma): sheep
HarpyKuro(ma): so you wanted low rolls...
Gooper Blooper taunts sheep with my double 1s
HarpyKuro(ma): hot ones, getcher hot ones right here!
N Goat rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
HarpyKuro(ma): finally
HarpyKuro(ma): some bad fuckin rolls
N Goat: Sometimes, you gotta shake them outta the can.


Jumpropeman: "The Stone Baby and the Underwater Cow"
Jumpropeman: touhou song names are great
Draco: Don't make fun of the pure and perfect realm of Touhou or I'll bap you with a rolled-up Cirno poster.
Draco: jk
Jumpropeman: phew, dodged a bullet there
Draco: Not even you deserve a Cirno poster.


Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Several days ago I had a dream which worried me some because in it I was a very poor sport about something
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: But my main rememberence was that I acted badly and that there was a list of BBB placements
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: And Joy was at 70th.
Gooper Blooper: Yikes!
Gooper Blooper: I'd be upset too if I'd never won a Brawl and my main character who won the popular vote got bottom ten in a field of 79
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Since things are often said to be reversed in dreams, maybe she actually got 7th
Jumpropeman: don't worry, joy was removed from the brawl entirely to prevent any hard feelings
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: Hooray
Buck Barrow WILL NOT DIE: ....wait what


Jumpropeman: "Mom, can we go see Aldebaran?"
"No, we have Aldebaran at home."
The Aldebaran at home:


Gooper Blooper: they're really excited about that one point of articulation
Draco: That's all this knockoff has going for it.


N Goat: "Call them Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms."
N Goat: No
N Goat: "MUTO for short."
N Goat: Maybe
N Goat: "Muto if you want it to look like a proper name."
N Goat: Alright, fine!
N Goat: Coop isn't so much as a shock as the other cartoon cartoons
N Goat: He's practically Kobberian!
N Goat: I think he had a Wiki Lady on a rejects list.
N Goat: "It's BARAGON!"
N Goat: You can't fight Baragon!
Draco: Why not? >:I
N Goat: Insurance purposes.


N Goat: “Did that knight say his name was Bumbum?” “No, it’s Buttbutt,” corrects a female trooper.
N Goat: We're going to be here a while.
N Goat: "Are you watching, Cirno?"
N Goat: Cheng'de?
N Goat: "His mighty codpiece protects him"
N Goat: Moving on
N Goat: "When he regains his bearings, he's greeted with an eyeful of Cirno's ass."
SteelKomodo: i love watching sheep go over our RP
N Goat: "Shovel Knight places the trophy on Cirno's waggling behind"
N Goat: "though he's bitten off the tip of the baguette. It's only 2 feet and 7 inches long now!"
N Goat: That's very specific!
N Goat: "Meanwhile, inside Valhalla, Ima has struck paydirt. Carefully, quietly poking around Dana's desk, she finds a copy of the recipe book."
N Goat: Really, the ultimate swerve would have been if Ima Goodlady revealed she was a mech piloted by Plankton.
N Goat: "Stormtrooper Heather takes off her helmet in disbelief. “He gave that girl’s ass a trophy,” she declares aloud."
SteelKomodo: yep
N Goat muffled laughter into his keyboard
N Goat: I do hope that made ticker.
N Goat: "A cup of coffee and a biscuit on the house - both are quite improved since your last visit, I promise!"
N Goat: boo
Jumpropeman: it aint valhalla unless you're eating paper and drinking mud
N Goat: This has taken a turn.
N Goat: "No, no Daiyousei. You're over her now."
N Goat: Stay strong, fairy person
N Goat: "Butts are a force for good!"
N Goat: :I
N Goat: "They help us so much during the day! Imagine sitting without a butt! You would just fall apart, because your legs would be separate from your body!"
N Goat: Well
N Goat: She's not wrong.


Jumpropeman: this is the perfect battle stance
Jumpropeman: if you keep most of your body below your butt, your can absorb gunfire with your cheeks
N Goat: :I
Draco: I think you'll find THIS is the perfect battle stance.


Jumpropeman: RainbowDash has started her art and I'm stuck in too
Jumpropeman: its happening folks
Gooper Blooper: Hard to believe we're only half a week away now
Jumpropeman: there will be a brawl
Gooper Blooper: God, I'm hype
Jumpropeman: it is very relaxing to not be writing anymore
Jumpropeman: I had to think about the brawl so much in the past week
Jumpropeman: laying in bed for hours trying to sleep but then going "WHAT IF THIS IN BRAWL"
Jumpropeman: I did get out of bed and sometimes even add stuff before trying to sleep again :V
Gooper Blooper: I had a Brawl dream last night I already told... everyone here except Sheep :V
Gooper Blooper: but it had Dream Predictions
Gooper Blooper: 1: Joy gets seventh
Gooper Blooper: and 2: JRM teased me by saying I'd "really like the winner"
Gooper Blooper: so we'll see!
Jumpropeman: when chao has his brawl prophecy dream, make sure to pay attention
Spy Z: I can't believe Goops is drawing the unholy union of the Music Alliance and the Mammals are Lazy Patrol
Spy Z: Thereby forming a supergroup on par with the New World Order


Spy Z: Remember how I was totally gonna write a Godzilla rumble?
Spy Z: Yeaaaaah
Spy Z: Tractor said A) Big G comes in in 7 out of 30
Spy Z: And B) he wins the whole thing
Spy Z: And like at least 3/4ths of my struggle was "hoo boy how do I not make this feel like BS"
Spy Z: So I just didn't 😄
RubyChao NEO: oooooh, that's why it never happened!
Gooper Blooper: Oh wow, you rolled the tractor for the Godzilla rumble and Godzilla fucking won?
Gooper Blooper: Amazing
Spy Z: I don't remember any other tractor spot
Spy Z: But I remember that clear as day


Jumpropeman: it starts smalll
Jumpropeman: just 18 guys
Jumpropeman: seems easy
Jumpropeman: and then they keep coming
Jumpropeman: and things get longer


Jumpropeman: does space godzilla have nose teeth
Jumpropeman: wait
Jumpropeman: that's destroyah
Jumpropeman: i think
Draco: Yes.
Gooper Blooper: Destroyah doesn't have a nose
Jumpropeman: so a kaiju you designed then
Draco: Then how does he smell?
Gooper Blooper: Awful!
N Goat: Bad
Draco Ba-dum tsh.
Jumpropeman: rainbowdash has turned in some art
Jumpropeman: without noses
Gooper Blooper: good work RD
Draco: Hooray for Rainbow Dash! :D


Jumpropeman: chao why is this being recommended to me
RubyChao NEO: because love live wants to be like touhou
RubyChao NEO: and have everyone rping a love live
RubyChao NEO: instead of just me and Draco
N Goat: I don't think
N Goat: I will be RPing a Love Live
N Goat: I just don't think it would end well
RubyChao NEO: nonsense
RubyChao NEO: goofy normal people fit 100% with the sheep style of rp
Draco: Youtube knows you don't have anything better to do for ten hours.


N Goat: "Hot Foot was absolutely devastated today."
N Goat: What is your deal?
N Goat: "Basho the Sumo Wrestler Sculpture Glass-Topped Table"
N Goat: You learn something new every day
N Goat: Even if you didn't want to!
N Goat is reading reviews of a sumo sculpture table, please stand by
N Goat ...looking at glass table sculptures

N Goat: "Oh boy! Is this where the people who stole King Plague's coins are?! I don't see them! I bet they're hiding! Like that's going to do any good!"
N Goat: It begins.
Big Bad BeetleDel: WAN WAN


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: I don't know what I expected to see when I clicked that
Gooper Blooper: but it wasn't that
HarpyKuro(ma): "why" -ivelchild 2019
Draco: Damn, Mickey. Get that looked at.
Draco: Mickey's always watching in the Magic Kingdom.
Jumpropeman: Wash Disney


N Goat: "It seems a large number - far too large a number - of traders are buying up papayas in bulk."
N Goat: How very sinister...
N Goat: "Yet, the purchases are small enough to go unnoticed, and almost all of them are concealed from the public eye, purposely shielded from rivals."
N Goat: Sounds like we've got a real
N Goat: Papayblem!
Jumpropeman: ehhh, you missed pal
N Goat: pa
N Goat: papayblem
N Goat: because
N Goat: of the mysterious sales of
N Goat: papaya.
Gooper Blooper: papayadicament
RubyChao: steve buscemi
N Goat: Darn it, Goops' one was better


Jumpropeman: gooper, is it alright if I mention one (1) Pokemon that has been confirmed to be returning in Sword and Shield
Gooper Blooper: yeah, go for it
Jumpropeman: Maractus is backtus
Gooper Blooper: how the fuck
Jumpropeman: because it fits the UK region
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, because when I think United Kingdom
Gooper Blooper: I think fucking CACTI
RubyChao: what if it's only back
RubyChao: because of cactus ring game
Gooper Blooper: Cactus Ring Game is included in Swoosh
N Goat: The sweeping cacti fields of Britain are a historic treasure
Jumpropeman: I have an awful feeling when it sinks in Incineroar and Greninja and all those other big names are gone, Maractus is gonna be the "BUT YOU BROUGHT THIS BACK" whipping boy
Gooper Blooper: I mean, though, hey, Maractus is one of those poor single-stage oft-forgotten Pokemon, so it's nice that it survived the purge
HarpyKuro(ma): Leave gina alone...
Gooper Blooper: but yeah I can totally see people hating on it for that reason
Jumpropeman: imagine if they did something with it by bringing it back
Jumpropeman: give it a cool new ability or something, I dare not hope for an evo
Gooper Blooper: massive buffs to its' stats and a huge buff to Needle Arm
RubyChao: Mega Maractus


Jumpropeman: The Big Drunken Brawling Consolation Race/Eating Contest with Minor Characters Only and it's on Halloween
Gooper Blooper: Make it Olympics and I'm sold
N Goat: the laff-a-lympics
N Goat: Joke Yer Mates: This Time We Make Them Do Stand Up And Never Again


Jumpropeman: man I still got PTSD from Rush: A Disney/Pixar Adventure
Gooper Blooper: Look, when they said Rush
Gooper Blooper: they weren't fucking kidding with you, alright
Gooper Blooper: you better MOVE YOUR ASS
Jumpropeman: you can't notice the game's bad if you aren't able to stop and think


HarpyKuro(ma) joined the chat
HarpyKuro(ma): fd;gjk;fldgkl;hj
Gooper Blooper: fkhbsfsfhf
ivel: rsyncbxvbfgndfgn xfg
Jumpropeman: come, on, fd;gjk;fldgkl;hj, come on fd;gj;fldgkl;hj
Gooper Blooper: everybody to the limit, the sheep is to the limit
Jumpropeman: that rsync is too way legible
RubyChao: it's an alruthine dj name
RubyChao: DJ Rsync
HarpyKuro(ma): i understand nothing
Jumpropeman: DJ Rsync can be an alruthine who is a dj and also really wants to have bones


Jumpropeman: getting the different Kwanzaabot images was harder than you might expect
Jumpropeman: unless you want the back of Fry and Leela's head in them, not many isolated expressions :V


Jumpropeman: found final boss 2019
Brawl Worryworm: i'm the final boss
Gooper Blooper: here I made this
Brawl Worryworm: kek
RubyChao: what have you done goops
N Goat: A weezepuff!
Jumpropeman: that's how Jigglypuff will enter the next brawl
Draco: Jigglyffing evolved into Wigglyzone!


ivel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: QUICK
Jumpropeman: HIDE THE NEPS


N Goat: Auuugh
N Goat: Need to make bets
N Goat crawls in hole instead
Draco: I bet that Sue is the cutest dinosaur assistant this year.


Jumpropeman: holy moly
Jumpropeman: Dhalsim from street fighter wears the skulls of village children who died from a plague as part of his costume in Street Fighter V
N Goat: I
N Goat: did not know that.
N Goat: Goodness.
Gooper Blooper: hardcore
Jumpropeman: and they put ads on those to market Capcom Cup
Jumpropeman: literally slapped a logo on baby skulls
N Goat: ...
N Goat: ooooooh
Draco: Wow.
Gooper Blooper: they would have wanted it that way
Draco: Capcom is metal.


  1. Alas, we were both wrong.

    Ren, among the lowest votes. Joy, the highest single vote total. Ren gets higher than Joy. THE TRACTOR.

  2. Is it the growing season? Because here comes THE TRACTOR.
