Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 340: The Big Boob Brawl

Jumpropeman: that's a quality xyra picture
Gooper Blooper: I got a folder fulla them
Gooper Blooper: a xyra for every situation
Gooper Blooper: Stay tuned for Xyraplot when Project Scarlett shows up to kill and replace her
IDelneth Delkin: I cant believe the next Xbox is gonna be in zfrp
Bree: meiling's wife is gonna kill xyra and wear her skin?


Bree: "Black Clover - An exotic imports shop selling various knickknacks from far-flung countries, mostly Asian and African. Always smells like incense. Try the magic stones, which they like to call "Magic Stones", for a good luck charm!"
Bree: I hope you portray this store as being as hackneyed as the anime of the same name
Bree: because hina's shop does sell incense and "magic stones" also
Gooper Blooper: in that case it will be such a bad store you have no idea
Bree: yay! XD
N Goat staring into the middle distance
RubyChao: think of it this way, sheep
RubyChao: it could be worse
RubyChao: it could be
RubyChao: Store Art Online


Jumpropeman: aww sugar
Jumpropeman: post lost
Jumpropeman: clicked that very helpful print view option no one would ever use
N Goat: Has everyone been cursed tonight?!
Gooper Blooper: gotta print my RP
N Goat: I'm going to print out my next post and mail it to you guys, okay?
Gooper Blooper: it'll take a national park's worth of trees and enough ink to drain every squidkid in Inkopolis but we'll make it happen


dork: *think of random character*
dork: *tragic backstory!*
dork: i'm doomed
Cornwind Evil: That's why when I was working on Joy's backstory I decided "You know what? Her first foster home was actually pretty good!"
dork: no i mean, this is exactly how harpchars happen.
Jumpropeman: Voyd actually feels a bit bad about her comfy life before kobbering. Tragic backstories are a Kobber staple!
Jumpropeman: she'll never fit in!
dork: Edward has no terribly tragic backstory!
dork: Same with Jaz!
dork: and Dashra!
dork: ...Sue isn't so much backstory.
Waluigi: Uncomfortable_Decima.jpeg
Gooper Blooper:
dork: what
dork: anyway i hope you guys are ready
dork: meet the small fry! and the big fry!
dork: and lawyers.
dork: yes i have all these aliens i wanna introduce to you, why do you ask-
Gooper Blooper: I linked that because Chaika is Decima's faceclaim :V
Waluigi: Decima? Yes, Decima. Decima.
Jumpropeman: there's of course a 1 hour version of that chaika scene
Jumpropeman: just to really nail in that that's chaika
Gooper Blooper: the final nail in the coffin princess


Draco: "I can deal with a little battle royale." <- It just occurred to me that the Brawl is Fortnite.


Jumpropeman: i feel like a good benchmark for a character with a strong core characteristic is that people can imagine the gist of their reaction to a situation. Deeper character traits may mean they won't act that way when you write them, but a sort of base level where if you told someone "can you write my character, they're this and this" you'd get a good facsimile in play
Jumpropeman: some side and joke characters have strong core characteristics though so it's not exactly something that says "Hey I'm a great, well-realized character" or anything
Jumpropeman: Blails has a strong core characteristic :V
Gooper Blooper: him sit


(King Dice kills his underling after they fail)

Cornwind Evil: You are an asshole, King Dice
Draco: That's no way to speak about the gamest in the land. :l
Cornwind Evil: He's Mr King Dice, he's a complete and total dick
Cornwind Evil: He's Mr King Dice, did I mention he's a prick?
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: you're a penguin, dededice
Draco: It's really efficient of King Dice to guarantee we'll never fight the same thugs twice.


Del At Work: can't wait for jill to join kamen rider plot 2020


RubyChao: the craziest bit to me is that Banjo was only the third
RubyChao: who the hell does sakurai have lined up after this
RubyChao: in an ideal world, Reimu and Phoenix
Jumpropeman: don't get too excited chao
RubyChao: jrm i am an f-zero fan, it is my job to get too excited and then get nothing every time nintendo is announcing things


Jumpropeman: sheep casually killing off the best character of 2019
Cornwind Evil kills Taserface.
RubyChao holds a gun to Honoka's head
Cornwind Evil: THERE. Now the slot is freed up and....wait outside of Joy I have/had no idea who I was going to enter this year.
Cornwind Evil: Damn it.
dork: are you killing jaz
Jumpropeman: *kills Hot Foot*
Cornwind Evil stares at the dust covered three remaining slots.


N Goat: "Kobbers are good guys, can't tell me no different!"
N Goat: Satellite benefiting from my slow roll cast this year
Bree: dumb hypothetical: what if voyd came to talk to meiling while she's fixing up jason-3 and then they both give voyd romance advice :V
Draco: I'm not sure whose advice would be worse. ;V
Jumpropeman: Jason-3 is very much that friend who gives tons of advice they have never put into practice
Jumpropeman: although here it's because how would a satellite use that advice :V


N Goat: I just plugged the anime bottle girl review, may some higher power have mercy on my stained soul.
N Goat: These stained hands...
Jumpropeman: wow sheep
Jumpropeman: spreading a plague
N Goat: Out! Out dang spot!
N Goat: I'm sure I don't need to actually say this, but speaking from the purely soulless depths of marketing, the Game Hoard's strength in selling it is the range of games covered. So, I tend to push the odder games you've reviewed first in the hopes that if they look at the article they'll then browse the main page and have something catch their eye.
Bree: I'm not sure who the target audience is for games like that sesame street one, but there's gotta be one :V
Bree: if anything the appeal is the premise of a grown adult man reviewing baby games
Bree: well that's worded poorly. but the point is, there's something fascinating about seeing someone do a very serious, earnest review of something like "anime girl or bottle?" or games for four year olds
Jumpropeman: the other day I was looking for a review of Kong: King of Atlantis for Game Boy Advance just like anyone does with their time, and I realized it had been a long time since I read someone else's reviews because I was shocked by how much I had to skip around to get to descriptions of the game
Bree: skip around? how?
Jumpropeman: somewhere out there someone wants the details on Big Bird's Hide and Speak instead of a lot of jokes and talking about the source material instead of the game
Bree: well I do like reviews with jokes but talking about the source material sounds like wasting time
Jumpropeman: yeah, I do like humor reviewers, but I would like to know about the game too while they're at it
Jumpropeman: this Kong reviewer might have just been uninspired since it's GBA shovelware based on a DVD movie though, so perhaps I was a bit harsh in my judgment
Draco: Never did get why Kong was the king of an undersea kingdom.
Bree: not everyone can pump out 100,000,000 words about absolute garbage like you can, jrm
N Goat: It's a gift.
N Goat: And a curse.
Bree: definitely also a curse, yeah
N Goat: I can't wait for some of the characters off the box art for Counter Punch to cameo in Hibiki's Punch-Out.
Draco: Name: 100,000,000 words about absolute garbage
Draco: Rank: Review
Draco: Codename: TERRIBLE
Bree: I have never checked the word count on game hoard reviews, but they definitely seem like a hell of a lot of words
Bree: the brawl is the length of a novel that you write every damn year so you are definitely very talented and experienced at writing lots and lots of words
Jumpropeman: reviews are between 1,000 to 10,000 reviews, with the long ones being disaster reports of course since they're more in depth
Jumpropeman: *words
Bree: hot take: spider pig was practice for the game hoard
Bree: if you can write an engaging fight about a pig with spider powers you can write an in-depth review of big bird's hide and speak
Jumpropeman: I really do hope Chao pulls some Counter Punch characters
Draco: Each Game Hoard review is worth AT LEAST 1,000 reviews by lamer reviewers.
Bree: each game hoard review is worth AT LEAST 1,000 dollars
Bree: fixed that for you
Jumpropeman: each game hoard review takes a single word from another reviewer's review of the game
Jumpropeman: it is the perfect form of a review
Jumpropeman: which is why sometimes you see me writing "this is a a game"
Jumpropeman: and other typos that slip through
N Goat: The platonic ideal of a review.


dork: *exists 4 moth*


moth: do i do the stupid
Jumpropeman: is that the new dance craze?
Cornwind Evil: Yes Harpy. Do the stupid
moth: maybe.
N Goat: Dare I say
N Goat: Dare to be stupid


N Goat: When do we meet Myrrh's friend, Frankincense?
moth: when i am bold enough to give her an edgier friend.


Jumpropeman: time to listen to all 10 minutes of this jinx laughing video because I've lost track of my tabs
Bree: kek
Bree: she actually has three different laugh soundbytes. gotta have a variety of crazy girl cackling


Jumpropeman: alright, I'm gonna take a break to shave
Draco: That's a weird way to say showering.
Jumpropeman: that comes after :V
Jumpropeman: never mind, it's not charged
Jumpropeman: turns out the thing that I thought was my beard trimmer charger is not my beard trimmer charger
Draco: So you plucked the hairs out by hand, right?
Cornwind Evil: I actually had my Secret Fiter sent in weeks ago because I was worried I would forget it
Jumpropeman: alright, I found the beard trimmer charger and have been charging it
Jumpropeman: this time, FOR REAL
Jumpropeman: time to shave
Draco: So you claim.
Jumpropeman: I have contained the bear for now
Jumpropeman: *beard
Jumpropeman: that was close, people almost learned I'm like Jay Elbird except the bear clings to my chin instead of my chest
Draco: GASP
Jumpropeman: to be fair, you should have seen this coming considering all the blood dribbling from my chin and also the bear noises that frequently cover up what I'm say*GRRRARRRRR ROOOOO*
Draco: True.


Gooper Blooper: I'm enjoying Josephine F-Zero
Gooper Blooper: Just this entire side story where I get to gleefully make Josephine a complete badass
Draco: Excuse you.
Draco: She was ALREADY a complete badass.
moth: lel
Gooper Blooper: She was! But she needed a new outlet for badassery
Gooper Blooper: hence her makeover
ivel: with emphasis on the ASS
Draco: Fair enough.
Gooper Blooper: also, making fun of stupid f-zero cutscenes is a good time
Gooper Blooper: *gesticulates wildly*
RubyChao: (for those wondering, Chapter 1 happened in the preseason blogpost)
RubyChao: (in-season stuff started with Chapter 2 and Samurai Goroh)
 RubyChao: more like samurai BOREoh haha- *falls off the road*
Gooper Blooper: I also like contrasting Josephine's reactions to things with Captain Falcon's in the canon
Gooper Blooper: In F-Zero GX, after Falcon gets his prize money in chapter 3, he hears a troubling news bulletin and tosses the money away... I guess so he could run faster???
Gooper Blooper: Josie, meanwhile, showboated and posed for pictures while holding her sack fulla money
RubyChao: chapter 2, as well
RubyChao: goroh makes the same deal, but after the race the fire stingray just blows up while falcon dives off without a care
RubyChao: josephine meanwhile currently considers herself the legal owner of that machine


RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: i knew you wouldn't mind so
RubyChao: i've already scheduled a five-event collaborative plot between you and me
RubyChao: we're gonna do it between june 27th and july 6th
RubyChao: see you then!
Jumpropeman: *posts "Voyd explodes the bad guy" every day of the plot*


RubyChao: you know
RubyChao: i'm having dinner, and it gave me a realization
RubyChao: considering how weird some other people found the idea
RubyChao: i'm probably one of the only people who thinks raw onion is a viable snack
Hooded Pitohui: What? Are you kidding? I love the crunch and taste of a raw onion! I basically replaced chips with onions and radishes years ago
RubyChao: at last
RubyChao: someone else who understands
RubyChao: the real question, pitohui, is
RubyChao: layer by layer or some other method?
Hooded Pitohui: I've had friends joke to me that I go through onions like Wario goes through garlic, and they aren't wrong. Oh, definitely layer by layer for something like a side with lunch or dinner. I'll usually dice them to snack on throughout the day.
RubyChao: *stamps APPROVED on the pitohui opinion*
N Goat: Well, it is supposedly good for you?
Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: goops, i'm sorry
RubyChao: but i have to confess
moth: what
RubyChao: i was always the weird kid who unironically liked vegetables
RubyChao: and i grew up into the weird adult who unironically likes vegetables
moth: i'm so fucking lost
RubyChao: what's lost you
moth: i'm just multitasking thats all and then i come back to "RAW ONIONS ARE DELICIOUS"
Jumpropeman: I always knew there was something off about you chao


RubyChao: for harpy
moth: HEART=


RubyChao: i appreciate that thanks to Dana
RubyChao: we were able to make Honk a canon nickname
moth: Honky Tonk Badonka Donk
moth: *pictures of Honoka's butt flood the internet*
ivel: they haven't already?
MobileDraco: Honk
Jumpropeman: Never would have thought Honoka was a tapogre, and yet here we are
Gooper Blooper: turns out she takes all the money her bakery takes in and she goes and converts it to bitcoins
moth: plz.
MobileDraco: Honoka best chaoacter


Jumpropeman: how could you not vote for this guy
Draco swaps Moltar for Brak. :(
Jumpropeman: noooooooo
Jumpropeman: i usually keep who I'd vote for a secret until after brawl, but I would vote for Moltar :V
Jumpropeman: so that wasn't sarcasm
Draco: I mean, I picked him because he was on your Brawl Wish List, so I'd HOPE you would. ;p
Draco: If anything, that GIF supports Moltar because it shows him getting punched in the head and being fine later.
Draco: If Moltar wins, he's getting his own show.
moth: yo
moth: sonia profile up
Jumpropeman: I saw! I appreciate the cat constantly changing names depending on section V:
Jumpropeman: sk entries: I've been waiting for Robin! He's one of my favorite characters in Smash these days even
moth: if you don't change this cat's name at least once depending on how far sonia goes i will call it the most OOC thing ever
moth: kidding for the most part, i think consistency is probably better for the writing overall so nobody has to guess "is that the damn cat again"
Jumpropeman: I forgot about Robin's "enhancements" *unnecessary quotation marks*
iKomodo: Yeah, I had to trawl through old RP to remember that he had that stuff
iKomodo: because I wasn’t entirely sure if it was canon or not
Jumpropeman: the image looked familiar
Jumpropeman: me seeing Big Bobby as a lotto is probably the happiest anyone's ever been to see the ringmaster from Dumbo V:
Jumpropeman: Vince is a big boy now
Jumpropeman: that's the least goofy he's ever looked as Ex-Aid
iKomodo: Thanks
iKomodo: ..wait
iKomodo: fuck, you’re right
iKomodo: Big Bobby IS the ringmaster from Dumbo!
iKomodo: i just grabbed that image because I looked up generic circus ringmasters
Jumpropeman: it's a pretty good ringmaster look


They Keep Killing Susie: "or putting toilet paper on the wrong way" There is no wrong way
Jumpropeman: that's where you're wrong bucko
Bree: when being wrong takes more effort than being right, but you do it anyway


They Keep Killing Susie: Jacques "I'm evil" and Cirno "Don't be evil!" is truly the irresistible force meeting the immovable object
Jumpropeman: it's like trying to strain spaghetti with a regular bowl
Draco: Cirno should just be evil.
Jumpropeman: don't skip to the last page, draco!
RubyChao: but draco
RubyChao: futo already did that
RubyChao: you can't just have cirno copy her
N Goat: Unless she also tries to ride a boat everywhere.
N Goat: then you can
Draco: Yes I can.
Draco: I'm Vince McMayonnaise, dammit!


RubyChao: link
Draco: Can I enter Wigglyzone in the Brawl instead of Magnolia?
Gooper Blooper: Compromise: Wigglyzone is your Secret Fiter
Draco: Deal.


Jumpropeman: you know
Jumpropeman: in 5 years
Jumpropeman: Madden 25 is gonna face the issue that there is already a Madden 25
Jumpropeman: i bet they wont bother changing the name
N Goat: Why is there a Madden 25?
N Goat: Regale us with this tale
Jumpropeman: it was the 25th anniversary of the series so instead of calling it Madden 2014 that year, they went with 25


Jumpropeman: i should get 100 ft robot golf
N Goat: Well
N Goat: I've gotten a lot out of it
N Goat: But it's a bad game
N Goat: Not, like, Atrocious, but definitely one notch at least below the line of quality
N Goat: In my most ill-conceived fever dreams, Camilla and Vahni were going to be two entries as Camilla desperately tried to keep up the ruse.
Jumpropeman: that's a shame
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the concept even if I wouldn't allow it :V


N Goat: I'm here to kick butt and write fite profiles
N Goat: and I'm all out of fite profiles
N Goat: Sorry, I'm being informed I still have almost all my fite profiles to fill out
N Goat: We'll make sure an intern is fired for this
N Goat: and now the weather
Draco: Sheep, are you your own intern?
Draco: Asking for a friend.
N Goat: Yes, I've just started out at M Sheep and I'm so excited to-Oh, wait just a moment. I've been handed a note here...
N Goat: Oh.
N Goat: Hm.
N Goat: I'm afraid I have to change my answer to no, Draco.


Cornwind Evil: So what does Plague think of Joy now considering his experiences and what Lord Dom thinks of her?
Gooper Blooper: Worthy Opponent, pretty much
Cornwind Evil: Would he tell Dom 'all about it', ie accidentally giving her tactical tips?
Jumpropeman: "Hey Lord Dominator! I fought with Joy and her left shin is very brittle!"
Draco: "Hey Lord D, Joy likes milkshakes! I hope nobody gives her one full of poison!"
Cornwind Evil: Lord Dominator tries to get the poison used in the film The Hateful Eight
Cornwind Evil: Gets mad when she realizes it doesn't exist
Gooper Blooper: "She doesn't like getting hit with explosions!" "Not many people do, Plague." "Haha, yeah!"
Jumpropeman: Splosion Man thinks they're great though!
Draco: Bitch'n Heat liked them too.


N Goat: "her long golden locks wave majestically, like a slowly collapsing giraffe,"
N Goat: I apparently wrote this.
Jumpropeman: beautiful
Draco: As majestic as a slowly collapsing giraffe.
Draco votes for Camilla.
N Goat: :I
Jumpropeman: *votes for a slowly collapsing giraffe*
N Goat: But Camilla isn't in the Brawl
Draco: I'm voting for Camilla anyway.
Jumpropeman: all votes for Camilla are a vote for Yotam
Draco: GOOD. I was going to vote for him too!


N Goat: Almost finished with another profile
N Goat: But I am on weaknesses, so I could be a while
Jumpropeman: we've lost him, boys
N Goat: Okay, Entrant 2 is up. I'm sure I'll come up with more weaknesses later.
Jumpropeman: a weakness to smooth jazz


Jumpropeman: "The “Boobs Identification” system, which was in past Omega Labyrinth games, is only in the Switch version. This is the system where you need to identify items found in dungeons by rubbing them between the breasts of a character."
Jumpropeman: "The “Boobs Rock Paper Scissors” system is only in the Switch version. Basically, in dungeons, you can find “janken tickets”. If your party gets defeated while holding a ticket, you get to play boobs rock paper scissors, and you’ll keep all your items if you win. Pressing breasts together is Rock, moving them up and down is Scissors, moving them apart is Leaf."
Draco: wao
Draco: Surely this will be how the Brawl is decided.
Jumpropeman: it is if Morgan and Lily make it that far
Draco: Are you saying that Joy won't participate?
Jumpropeman: more like Killjoy
Draco: LAME.
Jumpropeman: this is why Cornwind needs to enter Llarness
Jumpropeman: Llarness could do Beach Episode proud
Draco: If only. X)
Draco swaps Moltar out for Koakuma.
Jumpropeman: truly this will be the Big Boob Brawl
Bree joined the chat
Jumpropeman: I summoned bree
Bree: that
Bree: is some incredibly hilarious timing


RubyChao: i forget
RubyChao: have i ever shared that there is an f-zero character named baba
RubyChao: BABA is RACER
Big Bad BeetleDel: BABA IS MOVE
RubyChao: now i'm just imagining the eventual f-zero race plot
RubyChao: baba shows up
RubyChao: assembles "baba is racer"
RubyChao: suddenly an f-zero machine manifests from nowhere for baba
Bree: it's a cartoony version of the f-zero baba's vehicle
Big Bad BeetleDel: can baba drive?
Big Bad BeetleDel: that seems very irresponsible baba
RubyChao: clearly, baba can drive only after completing the sentence BABA has LICENSE
RubyChao: (for those wondering, said plot is still happening, but it's much later in the year than originally slated because the relevant villain ended up FAR more important than i originally planned :V)
Bree: alternately: baba's vehicle is amity
Bree: it worked in twisted metal, it can work in f-zero :V
Big Bad BeetleDel: FALCON is STOP


Jumpropeman: >Jim Cummings is on Cameo
Jumpropeman: Brett Favre is on Cameo?
Jumpropeman: what a wonderful service this must be for people with money
Jumpropeman: oh shit Chris Hansen is on there too- okay time to read rp instead of imagining making celebrities say a silly :V
Draco: Jim Cummings was amazing there.
ivel: that video was indeed amazing


Jumpropeman: I have four words for you
Jumpropeman: Super Mario Bros. Royale
moth: no
ivel: yes


N Goat: "You want a shield because IT SPEAKS TO YOUR SOUL!"
N Goat: One day
N Goat: We'll have a character who deals in clothes and armor and isn't a total nut
N Goat: But today is not that day.
N Goat: "Their soul must shine! In whatever ways souls do. There are many!"
N Goat: Sunny, are you just making this up as you go along?
Cornwind Evil: Yes.


Jumpropeman: i was goofing around with an app
Jumpropeman: you can't put the whole thing in at once unfortunately :V
Gooper Blooper: I wanted to mess with Ditty ever since I first found out about it but it isn't for PCs, only mobile, so that turned me off
RubyChao: same
Jumpropeman: yeah, I rembered happy day the other day and decided to put it on my ipad
Gooper Blooper: it's a good day to have a good day
RubyChao: i always think of the mussolini invades greece one :V
ivel: jrm plz
moth: that app is ruined for me
moth: all i can hear is everything in that italian song thing


(Re: Secret Fiters)

moth: the only reason i say i can't do it is cuz ivel's usually right next to me :V
moth: i didn't have an idea and then i did
moth: inspired by something ivel did
Bree: ask him to leave, he's right here and he offered even
Bree: or just cover his eyes
Gooper Blooper: Gotta let Harpy have her privacy sometimes!
moth: time to censor him
Bree: he knows if he peeks and you win then we get scooby dum
Bree: and everyone would be disappoint in him :V
ivel: what if I want Scooby Dum
ivel: kidding, I would not look
moth: we got it sorted
IDelneth Delkin: Scooby dum doesn't scare me anymore
IDelneth Delkin: The real threat
IDelneth Delkin: Is scooby Dee
moth: look, as long as its not scrappy doo
moth: we're good.
Bree: hey don't hate on scooby dee :I
ivel: hey don't hate on Scrappy Doo
Bree: no scrappy deserves it :V
iKomodo: Wait is Scooby Dee a real thing
iKomodo: Oh god it is
Bree: yes it was a female great dane with a white coat and pink collar that was like
Gooper Blooper: Scrappy WANTS to brawl and has wanted to for years, but every time he just gets held back by Jumpropeman while swinging his fists and going "LEMME AT EM"
Bree: a love interest
IDelneth Delkin: That's a greater than average number of people than j expected to know who scooby Dee is
IDelneth Delkin: I was hoping for more confusion :U
Bree: scooby dee was a victim of male chauvinism you heard it here first
ivel: I think I actually recall Scooby Dee with that description
N Goat wakes up
moth: scrappy for team godbeast with garfield
iKomodo: Actually bree I just looked her up
RubyChao: "Although she was Scooby-Dum and Scooby-Doo's cousin, they were both in love with her; Scooby-Dee kissed them at the end."
Bree: remember folks, scooby doo was my religion as a child
iKomodo: she’s scooby’s movie star cousin
RubyChao: scooby-doo is into incest
N Goat: Let Monster Scrappy into the Brawl!
iKomodo: ...oh woooooooow
moth: god
moth: damn
N Goat record scratch
Bree: look at you accusing me of being wrong and here I am being right :V
N Goat goes back to sleep
Bree: I know what I'm talkin bout, I told you bro!
Gooper Blooper: Dog incest
Gooper Blooper: You know, for kids!
IDelneth Delkin: I'm really glad we got here
ivel: they're dogs, it's okay for them
IDelneth Delkin: I'm so glad
IDelneth Delkin: I'm laughing for real
Bree: real dogs don't give a damn about incest so... it's realistic at least??
N Goat: I have so many concerns
Gooper Blooper: Jinkies!
moth: i'm
moth: going to go back to dying as dia
Gooper Blooper: diaing
ivel: diaded


Jumpropeman: this is a website
Jumpropeman: "A fiery hot Sonic the Hedgehog rom featuring the original game but with a higher temperature"
Gooper Blooper: With a name like ALL Sonic Games I better get to play Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car
Jumpropeman: where's SegaSonic Popcorn Shop
Gooper Blooper: where's Sonic Eraser
Gooper Blooper: where's Tails and the Music Maker
Jumpropeman: "Sonic Snow Escape
Ride in Sonic's ski mobile and blast your enemies with your gun as you try to make your escape in a blizzard "

Jumpropeman: "Amy Rose Dress Up
A dress up game featuring Amy Rose. Choose from a huge variety of outfits and clothing and the tune isn't "

Gooper Blooper: Sonic Crazy World
Can you make it through all 10 Crrrrrrrrrrrrazy levels??!

Jumpropeman: The Tune Isn't
Jumpropeman: "Super Mario Star Scramble 2
Mario must scramble about the map collecting all the stars in order to open the wooden exit door. The exit door is not always at the proverbial end of the level but could be anywhere really. Even at the beginning!"

Jumpropeman: my favorite of the sonic games
Jumpropeman: "Sonic Vs Dogs" don't think I need to say more
Jumpropeman: "Sonic Adventure Kiss
See how long you can smooch with your girlfriend before anyone catches you. If you get caught, it will be very embarrassing and you will lose a life"

Jumpropeman: well I played that Sonic Kiss game on
Jumpropeman: about what I expected save for the horrified chao and Amy Rose being naked while also not being the girl Sonic is kissing
Gooper Blooper: poor chao couldn't handle it
Jumpropeman: gotta win him back somehow
Gooper Blooper: So when can we expect the review?


Jumpropeman: "Weaknesses: Aldebaran is strong, but slow," and he can't jump high, but this saint, is one helluva guy
ivel: plz


N Goat: Ball of Crites for Brawl?
Cornwind Evil: There's an idea
N Goat just keeps digging
Bree: Ball of Crites will win it all
Bree: vote for Ball of Crites, you won't be disappointed
Draco: I already am. :I


Bree: azure is on the forum
Bree: I repeat: azure is on the forum
Draco: WHAT?
Bree: she is composing brawl entries as we speak
Draco: Who gave her permission?! D:<
Bree: kek
Bree: I had to remind her what her username was so she could log in
Bree: I pointed out I could change her password via mod powers...but ironically that wasn't the part she was having trouble with XD
Bree: once she got her username right she successfully logged in on the first try
Bree: tell CKR she "helped" :V
Bree: azure was like "nah I don't want to write up a bunch of shit" and I said "ok lemme give you one more link as a last effort to convince you"
Bree: and I linked her CKR's entries and said
Bree: "does this look like a lot of shit to write?"
Bree: and of course she's exactly like me, she's writing a bunch of words now
Draco: GASP
Bree: (exactly like me in that I'm like "oh I'll do a simple entry since I'm tired" etc and then you get a bunch of words)
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: Ckr's reply: "I serve a purpose"
Draco: CKR is my spirit animal.


Gooper Blooper: "Please consider becoming a Premium User - it's only 2-3 dollars a month. Click here for more information."
Gooper Blooper: please
moth: pwease
moth: pway us
Gooper Blooper: uwu
moth: pwease
Gooper Blooper: >w<
ivel: it told me I was a trusted user
ivel: "You're trusted... to give us money!"


Jumpropeman: now for lotto...
RubyChao: i'm ready to have my heart shatter when i miss all of my faves
Jumpropeman asked Chatzy to choose between all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them, all of them and none of them. Chatzy chose: all of them
RubyChao: whaaaaaa
Jumpropeman: well, I guess I can't argue with chatzy
N Goat: Everything turned out better than expected!
RubyChao: i cannot wait to hear the justification for this
Jumpropeman: *stabs meathooks into shoulders* because I like work, chao
N Goat: Cenobiteman?!
RubyChao: for a second i thought this was the secret lotto gimmick
RubyChao: that it would be All or Nothing
Jumpropeman: no matter how I sliced up the lotto I didn't like it
N Goat: Well, this is my happiest outcome.
RubyChao: awwww
RubyChao: thanks jrm <3
RubyChao: you're too good to us, you utter madman
N Goat: Thanks for the effort
Jumpropeman: but if people must know who it would have been on a single roll
RubyChao: i do wanna know
RubyChao: i'm curious
RubyChao: who was the blessed
Jumpropeman: Robin would have been the entrant
RubyChao: interesting
N Goat: the whims of fate and chance!
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i am going to bed
Jumpropeman: night chao
RubyChao: tomorrow i gaze upon this ridiculous onslaught of entrants
RubyChao: and figure out
N Goat: Seeya, Chao
RubyChao: how the fuck am i going to whittle down enough votes to still vote for sheep 5 times?
N Goat: :I
Jumpropeman: well chao
Jumpropeman: there might just be a new type of vote waiting for you when you wake up to help
RubyChao: the Sheep Vote
N Goat: :I
RubyChao: where i vote for Sheep entrants
Jumpropeman: ah shit you got it
RubyChao: goodnight


RubyChao: Ride to Hell: Retribution starts with the protagonist driving his bike, interspersed with scenes of him engaging in a turret sequence in the woods, having a fistfight in front of a waterfall, and jumping over a helicopter on said bike. The first two scenes are never explained or reappear again, and the third has little relevance in the storyline.
Jumpropeman: it's a rather ingenious workaround to the complaint that something in the trailer didn't appear in game
Jumpropeman: just put the trailer in the game as a cutscene :V


RedSpy: I considered entering the Thanos Copter, and revealing Meat Boy was driving it at the end
RedSpy: But even by Spy gag character standards that felt a bit silly


RubyChao: confession
RubyChao: i may have put kennedy and mitsuo together for the oddness of a chao barpost with multiple characters and no female characters :V
Jumpropeman: It can be done!
Draco: I'm shocked.
Draco: Better get Tenshi in there to brag about her waifu.


Jumpropeman: sorry Basu, you're not Miyu's type
Draco: It's okay, Basu. You're Gyanko's type.
N Goat: She likes 'em wiggly, with an exoskeleton.
Jumpropeman: how's a guy supposed to compete
Draco: By getting his own wiggly exoskeleton? I dunno.


Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: finally the real gina
moth: suddenly everyone posting cacti
Jumpropeman: one of these days a cactus lady will be more than a side character
Jumpropeman: we just need to prepare for the one that sticks
moth: well i do have plans...
moth: ...not very set plans, but ideas
Gooper Blooper: where's that blaster master plant girl with the gigantic breasts, is that close enough
ivel: yes
ivel: well
ivel: it depends
ivel: does she have prickly needles or no
Jumpropeman: "Could it be? After all these years, Saguaro PI has finally returned to the bar?!
I, the Private Detective Cactus, have come back to help you cure this disease or whatever it is you guys were talking about! Your good friend always has your backs!
Saguaro PI's voice seemed to be more... high-pitched, than before. And he was much, much taller, and seemed to have tree branches sticking out the side and leaves under his hat. Not to mention the small little wolf feet poking out the bottom.
But no one would ever hear of something as absurd as a CACTUS Spy, right?"

ivel: that we know of anyway
Jumpropeman: I miss the lightning bolts
RubyChao: saguaro pi was a good character
RubyChao: when do i reveal that saguaro pi is the true identity of jack diamond
moth: she does have prickly needles
moth: but i imagine Gina to be more... unsettling, for a cactus. alas i can't fuckin words so :V
N Goat left the chat
Jumpropeman: sheep won't have it
Jumpropeman: he demands cute cactus girls
Jumpropeman: *googles Cactus Woman*
Jumpropeman: the top results include: stock image of woman licking cactus. Stock image of naked woman holding cactus. Stock image of woman scratching her neck with her cactus and finding out it's a bad idea
Jumpropeman: followed by many more stock images of lady licking cactus in different stages
ivel: link
Jumpropeman: if you need a flipbook of a lady licking a cactus, the stock image sites have got you covered
Jumpropeman: ivel, all sharing good art and stuff
ivel: I knew you had the rest covered, jrm
Jumpropeman: I'd like to lick that cactus
ivel bans jrm


Jumpropeman: live footage of Moltar entering the Brawl


RedSpy joined the chat
RubyChao joined the chat

RubyChao: back
moth: did chao walk over to spy's house or soomething
RedSpy: Yes he did
RedSpy: He has stolen my computer
RedSpy: Send help
RedSpy: Send Link


N Goat: I'm
N Goat: going to eat


Jumpropeman: my thoughts on Cornwind's new effortpost: Taserface taserface taserface, taserface taserface? Taserface! Taserface is Taserfact! Taser face. Ecafresat. T A S E R F A C E E C A F R E S A T. ǝɔɐɟɹǝsɐʇ ǝɔɐɟɹǝsɐʇ ǝɔɐɟɹǝsɐʇ taserface taserface TASERFACE taserface taserface
Jumpropeman: oh, and taserface
Gooper Blooper: stungunhead
Jumpropeman: :I
Draco: Is it too late to change ALL my votes to Taserface?


Jumpropeman: Endgame is still 40 mil off from beating Avatar
Jumpropeman: so you know what they're doing?
Gooper Blooper: releasing it again
Jumpropeman: Bringing the movie back to cinemas with extra scenes
Jumpropeman: Endgame Extended Cut
RubyChao: yeeee
RubyChao: *yeeep
Gooper Blooper: I THOUGHT you seemed oddly excited
Jumpropeman: he really wanted to see more Hawkeye
Draco: Yeah, I saw. That's good because I missed seeing it in the nice theater by a day because I had to do some OT on Tuesday. >:I
Jumpropeman: "Coincidentally, Avatar had a re-release of its own, which tallied $10.7 million domestically."
Jumpropeman: so it's fair tactics :V


moth: local squid cries over chompette's true internal struggle
Jumpropeman: too many bones
Jumpropeman: only one mouth
Jumpropeman: how dog get bones
moth: no wait
moth: local squid cries over hot foot's deep and tragic backstory
Jumpropeman: harpy no
Jumpropeman: our secret plans
Jumpropeman: out in the open D:
moth: or are they...
Jumpropeman: we'll finally learn why Hot Foot had a sumo table
Gooper Blooper: JRM, that reminds me
moth: local squid cries over moth attracted to hot foot
Jumpropeman: oh my god harp
Gooper Blooper: I read the sumo table post on my tablet
Jumpropeman: that would be amazing
moth: myrrh would literally die you know that right
moth: or at least always be on fire after some spicy times-
Jumpropeman: that's what makes their love so tragic
Gooper Blooper: and because of that, my tablet's ads constantly show me the sumo table
Jumpropeman: XD
moth: get your own sumo table... today
Jumpropeman: im laughing so hard right now
RedSpy: Sumo
Gooper Blooper: About once a week
Gooper Blooper: that fucking sumo table
Gooper Blooper: there again
moth: you better go get it
Gooper Blooper: It's like when I wound up on a pest control website once on mobile, then got pest control ads on the forum for like a full fucking year afterwards
Jumpropeman: if it wasn't 450 dollars
Jumpropeman: I'd get that sumo table
moth: i'd appreciate pest control.
moth: *glares at mosquitoes*
Jumpropeman: I do actually need a chairside table
Jumpropeman: why not Basho the sumo wrestler sculpture glass table?


moth: why am i still here
Draco: Because you love us. :3c


Jumpropeman: "the Dark Knight Alternate Dame, shall be happy to teach you a lesson in proactivity!"
Jumpropeman: If you wanna be a youmu, number one...


N Goat: Hello
N Goat: I am a calm and well-adjusted man now
N Goat: done yelling at cartoons on my television screen.
N Goat: Until Black Clover


N Goat: Oh, I'm going to have to make so many effort votes
N Goat: oh no
N Goat: oh my
N Goat left the chat

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