Friday, May 31, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 338: I'd Rather Be Watching Dino Dana

Cornwind Evil: AHHHHH A HARPY
Jumpropeman: *hides Taserface*


Draco: "Being short has its advantages. A second to aim low is a second I have on them." <- So what happens when he gets in a shootout with Zeldoten and HE accidentally aims too high?
Draco: "Always aim for the knees, copper." BANG.
Jumpropeman: zeldoten wouldn't use a gun though
Draco: You're right. She just throws crabs at people.
Draco: Then Niftu's REALLY in trouble because he wasn't expecting a crab with a ratling gun.
Jumpropeman: I believe voluses are 3 feet tall
Jumpropeman: since they're like half the height of 6 foot tall Shepard
Draco: Ah. So we actually found someone shorter than Zeldoten! Still taller than Nib "Kop Killa" Bles, though.
N Goat: But how tall is Blasto?
Jumpropeman: that is a difficult question
Jumpropeman: I'm guessing 8 feet?
Jumpropeman: most of it is tentacle
N Goat: Aren't we all
Jumpropeman: here's a hanar with regular people
N Goat: But how tall is
N Goat: Inch High Private Eye?
N Goat: Standing on top of Theodore.
Jumpropeman: Inch is about 1.6979e-19 siriometers
Jumpropeman: on top of Theodore though
Jumpropeman: idk probably like 20 feet
Draco: Blasto's all leg.
N Goat: Them pins.
Jumpropeman: those legs do go all the way up
Draco: Even Longlegs McLengthylegs is impressed!


N Goat: "But I AM Death." She said uncertainly,
N Goat: You should never claim to be death uncertainly.
N Goat: "Was it your party? Is today your birthday?! I know humans care about those!"
N Goat: There's a lot to unpack when it comes to Giselle.
N Goat: "Only by the slimmest of margins did she not throw her arms wide and tell Jared that She Was Death; If she did, he would have thought Aiko was a clown. Compared to anything else, including dying, Gen 2 couldn't imagine worse. Clowns were subhuman scum."
N Goat: There's just so much
Draco: She's a doll.


N Goat: "But like Aiko would've said, that would be whack."
N Goat nods sagely

Monday, May 20, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 337: Kobbers Should Do More Weed

Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: It's 2 am who wants delirious Aiko posts
Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: She's filling herself with blood
Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: So it'll sync up great


All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Aiko has a bad origin story
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: It makes her sad
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: I dunno
Bree: del go to bed


RubyChao: part of why i wanted to throw Hibiki at Dana
RubyChao: is because they are two of that rare-in-zfrp-thing:
RubyChao: jocks :V
harp: don't leave selena out...
harp: ;;
RubyChao: i said two, not the only two
Jumpropeman: shimmer's still looking for another prep
harp: oh welp
harp: i'm sorry, i'm not ready for
harp: prepRP
Jumpropeman: oh my GOSH Harpy, you can't just say that! UGH
harp: like, duuuude, like... is ANYONE ready for such FAB?


RubyChao: so JRM
RubyChao: i decided to boot up Tropico 4
RubyChao: and i wanted to ask
RubyChao: how's my Ignazio
Jumpropeman: that suit's gonna get dirty :V
Jumpropeman: but it's good to see him alive
RubyChao: i gave him a green suit after i found one
RubyChao: i feel i figured out a good set of traits tho
Jumpropeman: yeah, those are pretty good


Waluigi: Seaport.
Waluigi: *Srspost
Waluigi: Gosh.
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Yeesh


Gooper Blooper: >Brine attempted to say "srspost" and wrote "Seaport"
Gooper Blooper: I'm proud of myself
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Lmao


Jumpropeman: the switch is a loaf of bread
harp: Cursed.
iKomodo: D:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Talk To Transformer, Volume 2

I made some more. Or rather, the AI generated some more.

The theme this time is that I tried every line twice (or more), because you get completely different results every time even if the prompt is exactly the same. Enjoy.


"Okay, fine." Dana sighed. "You want to know the story of how I lost my arm? I'll tell you the truth. This is how. I fell down a rabbit hole for a while." She paused, as she realized how much she hated to say that; she knew exactly what it meant. She had spent most of her time on Earth-2, and the others who worked there, trying to prevent the Second Impact from happening. She'd lost every other limb she had, and was no good with the pain. It always made her want to scream. She'd been at school for only two months, and had only managed to stay alive because a boy named John was nearby. She had barely survived the night the ship crashed; her mother had been killed, her brother injured, and John's friends were gone and didn't know where she was. One of the few members of her class was being driven to the nearest diner near the wreckage. She had learned how to make

(A surprisingly dark and tragic story about how Dana lost her arm. And everything else.) 


"Okay, fine." Dana sighed. "You want to know the story of how I lost my arm? I'll tell you the truth. This is how. I had all my friends in the world, and I had my friend at the wedding. Well, that ended badly. I was talking to the guy at the reception the night before, and the day before. He didn't understand me, which meant nothing to me. He was like "she wants a kid," or I was just mad that I was too old to have kids like I wanted. But then the very next day I just started crying, crying, crying. And she was there the whole time. And when I'd stop just to cry in my sleep I'd say, "'Baby, what are you crying for?' And he'd say 'Awwww! She can't have that!'" Now that I have my arm back and am working at the restaurant, and have even come back to my parents, and we were both at the wedding, the thing I have going for me right now is that all my friends are coming

(...Dana, you didn't answer the question. Good to hear you got your arm back though.) 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 336: HEY WHAT'S SO FUNNY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RubyChao: "The "Jurassic Zoo" scenario from Dinosaur Digs tasks you with rebuilding a catastrophically failed dinosaur park as a successful zoo featuring all available Jurassic dinosaurs."


Gooper Blooper: pretty sure I know what my first event will be
Gooper Blooper: it is very stupid and involves skeiron
Jumpropeman: Armabreaddon?
Gooper Blooper: don't get ahead of yourself, that's the finale
Gooper Blooper: this is just a minor breadcident
Jumpropeman: I thought the finale would be Breadgame
Gooper Blooper: Infinity Bread


ivel: saw a Granblue char that looked like he had no nose so Harpy called him a Goopschar
ivel: sadly there's a stronger version of him clearly with one
ivel: rip
Gooper Blooper: pff
Harpy: there are no men on goopy's roster anyway-
Harpy: *blatantly ignores the dudes*
ivel: Helios is my fave lady
Jumpropeman: just that weirdo helios
Gooper Blooper: The Curse is full of eligible bachelors
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure Giovanni's got oodles of fangirl fanart somewhere
Jumpropeman: I'm coming for that Dr. Mario
Gooper Blooper: and the ladies love Mr. L


Jumpropeman: why would someone be rude to such an amazing accent
Jumpropeman: it's nearly Horatio
Bree: when meiling needs to let sakuya know it's really an emergency


Jumpropeman: I got a prerelease review copy of a game by a little company known as Game Freak
Gooper Blooper: :O
Bree: whoa
Harpy: WHSH:Bdlkhj
Bree: hittin the bigtime
Harpy: WHAT
ivel: I thought he hit the big time when he got those lewd games
ivel: but this works too
Jumpropeman: AND IT'S POKEMON SWORD AND SHIELD it's called Giga Wrecker Alt and while I think the switch version came out today, the xbox one version comes out May 3rd. Not sure I can get the review ready in time for that day but I'll try to be close!
Jumpropeman: i got the xbox one version
ivel: oh that, neat
Harpy: Oooh
ivel: I forgot about Giga Wrecker
Gooper Blooper: I knew it wouldn't be Pokemon, of course :V Was wondering what it would be
Gooper Blooper: even if JRM had gotten to that level, Swoosh doesn't even have a release date yet
Jumpropeman: they send me a picture of Sobble and that's it
Jumpropeman: review that
Harpy: but how does it rate
M Sheep: Sobbobble
M Sheep: Oh wow, that is some big news, JRM!
Cornwind Evil: He thought he was getting Sword and Shield
Cornwind Evil: But it turned out to be Gamefreek's SWOOOOUURRDDDD and GUNGUN
Cornwind Evil: Alternately
Cornwind Evil: He thought he was getting Sword and Shield
Cornwind Evil: BUT IT WAS ME, DIO!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Talk To Transformer

Give this website a prompt and it will "write" something for you based off of it. Here's some ZFRP-flavored AI stories. Enjoy.

(The text in bold at the beginning is the prompt I wrote. Italic text in parenthesis is my own comments, added post-generation.)


Let the ninth Big Bar Brawl begin! After completing the main quest "A Friend in Need," return to the Sanctuary to finish the quest "A Friendship Gone Viral."


The Big Bar Brawl takes place after the player completes the mission "A Friend in Need."

The quest "A Friend in Need" cannot be completed until after completing this quest.

The Big Bar Brawl is the first Big Bar Brawl outside of the Caverns of Time. After completing this quest you will receive 5 Big Bar Brawls for free.


If the player stands to the right of the bar to receive the fight on the other side before the beginning of the encounter, they will see the Big Bar to the left, but in the center. A fix is to return to where you received the fight, stand to the side of the bar, and turn away to receive the fight from the other side and wait outside to receive it.

If the player dies during the fight, they can simply continue on with the quest.

(Five Brawls for free, huh? I think you'll need to start outsourcing, JRM.)