Sunday, April 23, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 289: Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds

All You Zombies: "Cast out from the sanctuary of Suramar, this nightfallen wandered the coastline as his body deteriorated, and his sanity along with it. Just as he was about to lose the last vestiges of personhood, he sensed a radiating energy from a nearby cave. Within, he found a shard of power originating from the Nightwell itself. It sustains and empowers him, but also warps the flow of time and space nearby. It has broken his mind completely. Now, no one enters the cave of Withered J'im. Even fools know better."
All You Zombies: So of course I did
All You Zombies: He had treasure.


Bear Cuddler: bought some NX because nothing makes me happier than going on Diadem Simulator and making her look pretty
Bear Cuddler: gacha gave me interesting things
Bear Cuddler: i gave some to ivel
Bear Cuddler: and uh
Bear Cuddler: Dia is hiding it well, but she's actually very terrified
Bear Cuddler: so yeah Gino can transform into a monster Dia murdered
Gooper Blooper: hang in there dia
Gooper Blooper: the madness will end soon
Gooper Blooper: well, no, it'll all be in kuwahawi
Bear Cuddler: Magical Girl Mayhem: with more events planned than
Bear Cuddler: uh
Bear Cuddler: shit


Jumpropeman: boip
Gooper Blooper: piob
Burpo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: =o
Burpo: Who summons me? BI
Jumpropeman: Burpo my liege!
Gooper Blooper: a kid his age should be playing outside, not sitting up in his room all day burping his burpo
Burpo thunder crackles.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 288: Arrested For Youtube Crimes

Shiā Hāto Atakku: trying not to buy the aether revolt starter decks
Shiā Hāto Atakku: the cards have sway over me brine
Shiā Hāto Atakku: i can't stop it
SteelKomodo: laughing at del being consumed by magic once more
Shiā Hāto Atakku: i gotta find all my werewolves somewhere
Shiā Hāto Atakku: zombies and werewolvessss
B.C.: Rip
Shiā Hāto Atakku: aether revolt has air ships and steampunk bullshit
Shiā Hāto Atakku: and next set is egypt
Brinehammer: Yeah... It's how it goes, get your shoebox or binder ready.
Brinehammer: Zombie jank tribal all day.
Shiā Hāto Atakku: fak


Off-RubyChao: how's it going
Space Texas Theme Park: Not bad
Space Texas Theme Park: Waking up getting up getting out there
Space Texas Theme Park: Buying cardboard crack
Space Texas Theme Park: Usual nerd stuff


Shiā Hāto Atakku: chao
Shiā Hāto Atakku: you didn't tell me there was a monkey with a stand
iKomodo: what
Shiā Hāto Atakku: it's a monkey
Shiā Hāto Atakku: with a stand
Shiā Hāto Atakku: that smokes a pipe
Off-RubyChao: yes
Off-RubyChao: specifically an orangutan
Shiā Hāto Atakku: he has no grants, he has no land
Shiā Hāto Atakku: this kong has a funny stand
iKomodo: pls del
Off-RubyChao: the rules are basically that you can get a stand if you can handle it
Off-RubyChao: even if you're an animal
Off-RubyChao: see: the rat, the hawk, and the dog with stands
iKomodo: donkey kong's stand would clearly be bananarama
iKomodo: get stronger from eating bananas, like in the cartoon


Cornwind Evil: So, Cornwind learned a few things
Cornwind Evil: Cornwind learned that just because the left open bag of milk is still drinkable
Cornwind Evil: The sealed bags are not necessarily so
ivel: welp

Monday, April 10, 2017

Digital Ink



Rachel smacked the mystery novel onto the counter, Gloria looking down at it and then back up at the red-hooded girl. "I'm, uh, glad you enjoyed it."

"Got any more in this series?" Rachel asked, leaning in. "I gotta know what happens next! Is there another big heist? What happened to that other guy? There's so much more this verse could do!"

"Well..." Gloria's eyes shifted and peered diagonally upward as she twiddled her fingers. "I'm afraid that's the last book."

Rachel's jaw dropped. "NO WAY! You're kidding, right? This series was balls-out awesome! It can't be over already!"

"Afraid so. I believe we have a few other books by the same author, though..."

"Eh... I'll go look them up myself."

"Be my guest."

Gloria watched as Rachel approached the card catalog.

And walked right past it, plopping down in her chair and pulling out her smartphone. Gloria gulped nervously and tugged at her robe's collar, and something in the rafters of the library moved.

"Why did you lie?" Yamame asked quietly, dropping slowly out of the shadows while hanging upside-down. "That series has two more books in it."

"Yeah, but... but..."

"HOLY SHIT, GLORIA." Rachel came running back up to the counter, waving her phone around. "There's two more books in that series! You're holding out on me! Gimme."

Gloria slouched, looking defeated. "I can't."

"And why not?"

"Because... well, look more closely." Gloria sighed, gesturing at Rachel's phone. The younger nerd looked at her phone curiously, peering at the details of the page she'd pulled up. A look of understanding dawned on her face. "Ohhhhhh. They're digital only."

Gloria buried her face in her hands. Yamame frowned and dropped to the floor, standing up next to her girlfriend. "Is it really that big a deal?"

"Yes." Gloria huffed. "It's just not the same without a real, physical, wonderful book in your hands, is it?"

Yamame thought about it. "I do like it when I read a 'real' book... it feels better. But you're still overreacting."

Rachel shrugged. "I don't care as long as it's good." She tapped on her phone a couple times and spoke to it. "There's your three bucks, you highway robbers. Book! Now!"

"Look at it this way. It's good for people to read, right? No matter how they do it, they're still reading."

Gloria nodded slowly. "I guess you're right, Yamame."

"Good! All better then? Then let's get over this and have an-"

"Oh boy."


Yamame shot out a line of webbing and began swinging from the ceiling while headbanging. Rachel stared for a moment and then joined in, thrashing on an air guitar. Gloria looked back and forth at the two before shrugging and beginning to dance in place.



Gloria blushed and looked sternly at Rachel - but did not cease her wiggling. "C'mon, Rachel, you've heard her call me that dozens of times by now."

"It hasn't gotten old yet!"

The summoner sighed. These two could be a real handful... but she didn't want either one to vanish from her life.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Rejected Characters Depot VI

Here we are again with another selection of characters I have mused over possibly roleplaying and ultimately discarded. Some may have been major players. Some may have been exclusive to a plot. Some were just Fite Club opponents or Secret Fiters. But what they all have in common is that they will probably not be showing up in Kuwahawi.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 287: The Great Bank Heist

Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Yuyumom gives Youmu coats while Reimudad sits in the corner reading the paper and telling Yuyu to just let the half-ghost freeze if she wants to.
RubyChao: that sounds canon
RubyChao: does reimu wear Dad Glasses for no reason while doing this
RubyChao: glasses she doesn't wear before or after
Draco: Absolutely.
Draco: Even has a pipe.
Draco: ​Youmukid definitely takes after Reimudad.


Barista Champion: i find it funny you added the 10x10 square to chatzy madness
Barista Champion: because i actually conquered it legit today!
Gooper Blooper: awesome!
Barista Champion: woo boy it was a trip
Barista Champion: it takes two armor knights to protect everyone and everybody going nuts for revenge (the game's gimmick, which revolves around taking enough damage (or allies taking damage) to trigger it... which enables crits on every move, reduced damage, and 1 SP specials)
Barista Champion: and overlords unleashing special skills called Overloads
Barista Champion: the enemies get revenge mode too...
Gooper Blooper: sounded awesome until that last bit, UH OH :V
Barista Champion: ...and you get shards if you beat 'em in such a mode
Barista Champion: which boost stats!
Gooper Blooper: neat
Barista Champion: basically this entire map is a setup for shard grinding because WOO BOY
Barista Champion: just a few attacks and the entire prinny squad was out for blood
ivel: Harps gave me permission to share this: at first she typed sharts not shards and had to stop typing cause we were both laughing
Gooper Blooper: pffff
Barista Champion: magic sharts
Barista Champion: used to improve stats?
Barista Champion: brandon isn't sure about this
Barista Champion: (nobody is sure.)


RubyChao: i'm properly watching the Touhou Ronpa crossover now
RubyChao: and satori points out that with TWO lucky people and a mind reader and a wall-passer and an illusionist
RubyChao: "Ronald Knox will turn over in his grave because we completely ignored his ten commandments..."
RubyChao: it's just a really good summary of how 2hu abilities and mysteries wouldn't normally mesh
RubyChao: (but they mesh really well here)
Warmech: SOMEBODY'S BEEN MURDERE- "Marisa did it" Geeze guys, at least let me finish before you use your powers >​BI
Gooper Blooper: Marisa after being found out
Warmech: that mouth

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Kuwahawi, Here We Come!

Dolby smiled and bobbed her head, listening to her tunes as she looked carefully around her room one last time to make absolutely sure she wasn't forgetting anything important. Not only did she have three big suitcases packed with personal items, but she was using herself as suitcase number four, having shoved all the nostalgia into her body she could comfortably carry. Perusing her depleted rack of cassette tapes one more time, she opted to grab one last blank tape and cram it into her mouth to join the rest.

"Dolby, it is time to depart." Odyssey droned from behind her. He carried only a single small case of items - his arcade machines were being shipped to Kuwahawi Island separately.

"Yeah, I think I'm set." Dolby nodded, smiling at her friend and turning her music down. "I still can't believe you're coming to Kuwahawi. I really thought I'd be the only Nostalgia Elemental to follow the Kobbers."

"Las Vegas is my home, and I will miss it. And when this is over, I will enjoy being back home." Odyssey's pupils flicked back and forth, looking at the ransacked state of Dolby's room as she had taken tons of her personal belongings and packed them up. "But I believe your desire to see more of the world is not without merit, and the opportunity to introduce these natives to arcade gaming is one I do not wish to miss. It shall be a worthwhile endeavor."

"Man, this place is gonna feel empty with you two gone."

Dolby and Odyssey turned to see Zenith, Sinclair, and Noir standing in the hallway, crowded around the entrance to Dolby's room. It had been Sinclair who had spoken, and he lowered his camera-like head. "We'll miss you."

"Come back safe, all right?" Zenith said, stepping in close. "I'll keep these two in line in the meantime."

"And when you get back," Noir piped up, "we can throw ourselves a little shindig!"

Zenith chuckles. "Sounds like a plan. In the meantime, have fun. We'll make sure to keep you in mind with music and games while you're gone."

Dolby grinned and hugged Zenith. "Thanks! Don't worry - we might get scuffed up a bit-"

"Might?" Sinclair laughed. "It's the kobbers! And you even said you want to fight in that Brawl they do every summer!"

"Hah, yeah! So we WILL get scuffed up. And probably worse. But we'll come back in one piece, just you wait and see!"

Odyssey began to move to the hall. "I shall miss you all as well. When you next see me, I shall have made arcade history."

Dolby followed Odyssey, and Sinclair came after them - it was he who would drive them to the airport. And as the waving Zenith and Noir vanished in the rear-view mirror and Odyssey and Sinclair made small talk, Dolby held up her smartphone and stared at her wallpaper, depicting her and her two best friends. Soon, she would finally see them again.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 286: Gotta Bloop Ta Goop

Dr. Satan: holy crap
Dr. Satan: I just saw this page
Dr. Satan: "#1 ALTERNATIVE

SteelKomodo: D:<
Dr. Satan: bold claim imageshack
hh: Don't worry, girls, you're both equally terrible. :v


Crowbar: "Calliope: I made a mistake on my computer a few days ago. I had been constantly dismissing the "Update to Windows 8.1" messages for years now, and finally, after turning it on and doing something in a window, I pressed enter at the exact time that pop-up came up, so now I have Windows 8.1"
Crowbar: Doing this also automatically emptied my recycle bin
Crowbar: which was basically a Rejected Characters blogpost waiting to happen :V
Crowbar: now I'll just have to REMEMBER them
Gooper Blooper: If you're using your recycle bin as a folder to store important things, I don't know what to tell you :V
Gooper Blooper: (I keep a list instead)
Crowbar: I put them there because they were GARBAGE


Bree: ooh more chatzy madness
Crowbar: when we hit 500 we'll move on to Chatzy Hysteria
Crowbar: and at a 1000, Chatzy Psychopathy
Bree: chatzy insanity
Bree: chatzy shenanigans
Bree: chatzy mayhem :V
Gooper Blooper: chatzy sanity
Bree: a highlight reel of our most boring moments


Crowbar: Insert your ZFRP character of choice
Draco V2.0: I insert Dirk.
Crowbar: Alright! Show me Dirk!
Crowbar: (32)
ivel: #lewd: ​Josephine also inserts Dirk
Crowbar: In a survey of a 100 people- *Steve Harvey faces at ivel*
ivel: :U


Cornwind Evil: "WorkDel joined the chat
WorkDel: mst3k is back on netflix
SteelKomodo: yisssss
WorkDel: someone here cares im sure"
Crowbar: hey guys did you hear mst3k is back