Friday, June 3, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 251: Teach Me How To Be Taller



Thunder Thighs: >​big d was in the bar last night
Darkwing Duckvel: oh my
Thunder Thighs: no not like that ivel


Thunder Thighs: nitori tries to sell great ovens
Thunder Thighs: Frankie stares at the price, looks at nitori, and says a single word.
Thunder Thighs: "No."
Thunder Thighs: "but-" "Don't start this conversation, kid, because it ain't gonna end well for ya. Let's just say I hardly get enough profit to keep this place goin' and keep my employees motivated."


Draco: Welcome back to the inbox folder on the other side of the individual named recipient only for the first time in total there.
Draco: The following link to the next week or so and then you can get a chance to get the same time as I can be done in a couple weeks ago I had to do with it and it was the only one that I have to do with it and it was the only one that I can do to get a new thread.
Draco stops mashing the suggested text button.
M Sheep: Draco's been taken over by spambots!
iKomodo: Hahaha
Draco: MSheep to be able to make a difference in the future and hopefully it won't work for you to be in the future of the individual named addressee or authorized to use a different story of my resume to you and the rest of my resume for you and your face to face with the following document Microsoft Windows was either way it was a pleasure to meet you at the moment and will be able to make a decision about whether or not I would love you so much for your email address and phone number for me to get a chance I can get the chance of getting it back to me.
Draco: The following link unsubscribe here with a few months ago I had a chance I could get a good time to do the needful at your convenience and I have been a long time and effort to make the payment to the right side of the day I have a nice to hear from you and the best of try and get back with you to see the status is a very long as I can be done in time and effort and I have been trying since you were to do the job description I have to do it for yourself a favor and send it to the inbox folder and then I will be in the morning and I will be in the next week and will not be a great weekend as well but it is the best regards David David and his family were the only way to get back with you and I will be a good time for me to be able to get a good day to get the best way to get the same time to get back to you and I will be a bit.
Draco begins foaming at the mouth.
Bree shoots Draco with a tranquilizer dart

M Sheep: Hoo boy
Bree: it's okay everyone, we have the situation under control
M Sheep: We're gonna need a young priest and an old priest for this one


Jumpropeman: Draco's autocomplete thing was awesome
Jumpropeman: specifically saying here's my resume for you and your face
Jumpropeman: like damn son
Gooper Blooper: do the needful at your convenience


iKomodo: Hahaha
M Sheep gets out the good china


Bree: it's silence!
Bree: and also blade
Bree: but who cares about him


iKomodo: Del is trying to catch a fish
Bree: SK, why is del trying to catch a fish
iKomodo: Because he is playing ocarina of time 3D
iKomodo: and catching a fish is more important than saving the world


iKomodo: Del caught the fish
Bree: good job del, 10/10 fishing
iKomodo: Goops
iKomodo: del says there is no God
iKomodo: and if there is, he is fat and looks like a fish
Gooper Blooper: truly a majestic creature


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: one day I will be here in the morning
Jumpropeman: so I can say properly
Jumpropeman: good morning radio people
Gooper Blooper: It's morning somewhere!
Bree: it's five o'clock somewhere~
M Sheep: BAW GAWD THAT'S THE JUMPROPEMAN'S MUS-I've already made this reference too many times


Jumpropeman: the restroom craves my nudity, and I see fit to oblige it
Jumpropeman: I will be back soon
Jumpropeman left the chat
Bree: jrm these "I'm going to take a shower" messages are becoming increasingly disturbing


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: the restroom and I have completed our sinful dance


Del sees harpy post about nbn
Del laughs
Del cannot stop laughing

Del: i love being evil
Writtenwulf: Pff
SteelKomodo: D:
The Sturdiest Defenses: nbn is not only very evil
The Sturdiest Defenses: they are
The Sturdiest Defenses: cartoonishly evil
The Sturdiest Defenses: how dare they take away the food network
The Sturdiest Defenses: those monsters


SteelKomodo: i have the squid sisters theme for my 3DS
SteelKomodo: #Woomy
Del: #Woomy
The Sturdiest Defenses: #woomy
Draco: #goomy
ThunderChao: #doomy


Bree: when does sean get a borderline indecent wrestling costume of his own
Bree: inquiring ​maids​ minds want to know
Dellaris: When he gets hammered and the others prank him


iKomodo: night, everyone
iKomodo: Stay cool
iKomodo left the chat
The Sturdiest Defenses: *Stays fresh instead*


M Sheep: "And since you seem to be a little confused, this is Big Cass. And he's SEVEN FEET TALL. And you CAN'T. TEACH. THAT!"
M Sheep: I
M Sheep: I suppose not
M Sheep: Appule get on that
M Sheep: Teach me how to be taller
M Sheep: "HOW YOU DOIN'?"
M Sheep: Well
M Sheep: uh
M Sheep: Fine
M Sheep: Thanks
The Sturdiest Defenses: sheep is just baffled
M Sheep currently busy imagining how Junko or Bikker would respond to all these lines
The Sturdiest Defenses: junko should do it
The Sturdiest Defenses: plz
The Sturdiest Defenses: plzzzz
M Sheep: Junko would be a terrible wrestler
M Sheep: And even worse on the mic
The Sturdiest Defenses: we'll seeee
M Sheep: "I'd just like to tell my opponent one thing...Well, two things. More like-Several things! I will be telling him! My opponent says that I don't know wrestling! WELL! Let me tell him...That's technically true. I mean, I have no real training in wrestling at all...Uh! But he's still wrong! Somehow? A-and I WILL SEE YOU IN THE RING!"
M Sheep: ^Basically every Junko promo if she were wrestler
Gooper Blooper: adorable


Cornwind Evil: Villain 40: Canada
Cornwind Evil: For the love of
The Sturdiest Defenses: the entirety of canada
Cornwind Evil: The government, AT MOST
Gooper Blooper: I was going to call them something like
Gooper Blooper: "Canada's Government"
Gooper Blooper: but I typed just "Canada", and looked at it
Gooper Blooper: and I was like "you know what? Let's use that"
Gooper Blooper: I love it because Canada is always the peaceful ineffectual harmless good neighbor
M Sheep: You've met Dakota
M Sheep: But can you handle
ThunderChao: sheep:
ThunderChao: at this point
ThunderChao: me and goops almost want it to end up just being the Medical Staff vs. All of Canada
Gooper Blooper: it's so out of character for Canada to be hiding a massive evil conspiracy
ThunderChao: because of how hilariously one-sided it is
Gooper Blooper: which is why it's perfect


ThunderChao: i already have an idea for when i'm doing my juneplots
ThunderChao: but
ThunderChao: i'm gonna wait for june to say it :V
Gooper Blooper: IF YOU CAN
ThunderChao: well just kill off sumi if i fail
ThunderChao: that'll be sure to convince me
ThunderChao: (it becomes Rifaplot instead)
Gooper Blooper: Rifa takes sumi's place in the brawl, too
ThunderChao: she takes sumi's place in everything
ThunderChao: sumi makes it back to life, finds that she has been erased from history and rifa has claimed all her connections
ThunderChao: and so begins the real sumiplot
Gooper Blooper: expose the esoteric identity theft


(Nitori refers to the sugar mages as "Josephine sisters")

Expose The Esoteric: ​>​Josephine sisters
Expose The Esoteric: yes
iKomodo: ​Buttsephine has overtaken the Sarah name
TornadoChao: ​"what's a sarah, is it something you eat"
TornadoChao: and then yamame drops in with a "yes"
Expose The Esoteric: kek


(During a plot that examines character dreams, everyone has deep, meaningful dreams... except Nitori, who dreams about a space adventure to catch an outlaw)

Expose The Esoteric: Everyone's doing a bang-up job
TornadoChao: thanks!
Expose The Esoteric: we got all sorts of character stuff
Expose The Esoteric: and also whatever the hell nitori is doing
TornadoChao: nitori is having a Weird Dream
TornadoChao: that's what she's doing
TornadoChao: ​outlaw jameson is the greatest villain i've ever created
Expose The Esoteric: so deep and interesting
Jumpropeman: i'll never forgive Jameson for what he's done tonight
Expose The Esoteric: how dare he ride a robot horse in space
Expose The Esoteric: that's TOO FAR
TornadoChao: goops, unless you add him to the villain list with 500 words
TornadoChao: i'm boycotting zfrp
TornadoChao: ​(don't do this)
Expose The Esoteric: outlaw jameson for brawl


Jumpropeman: *writes out more of Fumes's dream* WHEW! That was exhausting! ... Oh yeah, Midori's dream needs to be done too. "Midori wakes up lol"
M Sheep: You forgot the emoji
M Sheep escorts himself out
Expose The Esoteric: and then fumes dreamed he went OMNOMNOMNOM
TornadoChao: fumes wakes up in a cold sweat
TornadoChao: "That... that was terrifying."
Jumpropeman: "there was a nightmare about the oppressive bureaucracy and destruction of his home... but he eated it :3"


Di kut la: [color=cornwind] does nothing, self, stop typing it when you mean [color=cornsilk]. And don't you dare question why [color=corn] does nothing. ;v
TornadoChao: pfffft
Tizarooni: lel
Expose The Esoteric: [color=harpy]
ivel: the best color
TornadoChao: [color=ruby]
Tizarooni: [color=ivel]
Jumpropeman: color=Jesus
Tizarooni: we all need jesus
Tizarooni: no we don't i'm joking
Jumpropeman: oh... *scraps Jesus character*


M Sheep: I have no idea what I'm doing
Expose The Esoteric: good
M Sheep: in hindsight, Purnima would have been perfect for this plot
M Sheep: oh well, SEASON OF MUTANTS
Expose The Esoteric: Junko worked pretty well too
Expose The Esoteric: Mutants 24/7 until their plot is done
Tizarooni: >​purnima
Tizarooni: Carlos would get major deja vu
Tizarooni: "Is this the part where i crawl into a snake again?"
Jumpropeman: remember to turn over your mutants to cook both sides evenly


Jumpropeman: originally Fumes's attack was gonna be stinking REALLY hard at the Baku's trunk
Tizarooni: 420 fume it?
Breenigami: fumes' original attack: farting in baku's general direction


HurricaneChao: had to pick out
HurricaneChao: some books to give away
Del: i bet that must have been hell for you
HurricaneChao: it actually wasn't that bad
HurricaneChao: i looked on the shelf and saw a series that i was like
HurricaneChao: "huh, you know, i actually don't feel attached to it"
HurricaneChao: so i picked that and it worked out


Del: holy shit
Del: i hit quote on an sk post and uh
Del: it's bad
Spy Can Die Happy: Lemme see
Spy Can Die Happy: It can't be that b
HurricaneChao: yeah that's the thing about color fader
Gooper Blooper: Behold the almighty color fade
Spy Can Die Happy: WELP


Tizarooni: "your blood type is short in supply"
Tizarooni: what even is my blood type
Draco: Syrup
Tizarooni: if my blood was syrup i'd be dead
Tizarooni: or extremely diabetic
Gooper Blooper: fairies
Tizarooni: my blood type is soup
Gooper Blooper asked Chatzy to choose between soup and cereal. Chatzy chose: cereal
Gooper Blooper: no it's cereal
Tizarooni: shit
Tizarooni: cereal killer harpy
HurricaneChao asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and HEHASNOSTYLEHEHASNOGRACE. Chatzy chose: HEHASNOSTYLEHEHASNOGRACE
HurricaneChao: this kong
HurricaneChao: has no face


Di kut la: Once upon a time, my pal cat woke me by standing on my chest and mewling at my face until I got up to feed him, with requisite claws and kneading. After holding a fairly vocal conversation at me on his part while leading me to his food bowl, he proceeded to bring me a dead bird and a dead gecko, as if to say "I know you're a terrible hunter but thanks for trying". b: His motive appears to be not letting me laze too long instead of hunger.


HurricaneChao: because when i think knuckles
HurricaneChao: i think gigantic family tree


(Gloria rolls to notice something amiss with Yamame)

Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
IronChao: gloria you're supposed to be the smart one
IronChao: ​roll a 1-101 for gloria intelligence, obv
Gooper Blooper: just for the fun of it, on the off-chance it rolls under and 18 and we can all have a good kek
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 101 sides. The die showed: 16
Gooper Blooper: KEK
IronChao keks
Draco: 16 keks


Tiz an Astrologer: i'll try posting but considering my family and memorial day traffic and shit
Tiz an Astrologer: also the fact that getting to new york is fuckin 4 hours or so
IronChao: wouldn't traffic make you more likely to phonepost
IronChao: because there ain't shit to do in traffic
Gooper Blooper: NEW YORRRRRRK
Gooper Blooper: HIGHWAYYYYYY
Tiz an Astrologer: well i can't phonepost if I'm out of range for any net stuff
Tiz an Astrologer: that fucking bridge traffic slays me every time
IronChao: ohhh, that's understandable
IronChao: i'm too used to having basically constant phone net
IronChao: except for subways :V


Gooper Blooper: Somehow I think Alex would not be one of those husbands who always talks about how awful their mother-in-law is
Tiz an Astrologer: look, his mother in law
Tiz an Astrologer: is celestia
Gooper Blooper: he's the son she never had
Tiz an Astrologer: if you talk shit about a literal saint like celestia then i think you have issues :U
Tiz an Astrologer: unfortunately celestia can't meet any of Alex's family
Gooper Blooper: ​Helios is like FINALLY, WE TRIED FOUR TIMES TO GET A BOY​
Bree: when gloria is born helios is like "she's beautiful and perfect I love her I don't even need a son" josephine: "well little gloria will have a sister to play with and so what if she's not a boy, she is wonderful" sarah: "okay we're officially drowning in estrogen but I CAN HANDLE THIS and maybe one more try" ariel: "I GIVE UP I SURRENDER I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE"
Tiz an Astrologer: helios just buries himself
Gooper Blooper: In another verse, Helios is ridiculously manly because he needs to be as manly as five men to match the horde of girls


Tiz an Astrologer: one
Tiz an Astrologer: two
Tiz an Astrologer: threeeeee
Tiz an Astrologer rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Tiz an Astrologer: FUCK


Draco: You know why Meiling can't beat the spider? Because it's ​Yama-MAY.
Gooper Blooper: but it's also ​MAY-ling​
Draco: D8
Draco: This is truly...the​MAY-n Event!


Gooper Blooper: Currently it's looking like FW will be kind of an oddball plotwise
IronChao: i read that as FV
IronChao: which... still fits :V


Draco changed name to Dra
Co joined the chat

Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Tiz a Thief!: sarah should counter with a quake of her own
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: And Springtrap rolls a 1, as CW would have wanted
Tiz a Thief!: i mean the earth quakes underneath her girth anyway
Dra: I wanted to
Co: make that joke. D:


Bree: should komachi bug mizuki or bug nitori
IronChao: mizuki in the business
IronChao: because then she can be mobbed
Gooper Blooper: ​kappa​ mobbed
Bree: just imagining komachi popping up in nitori's personal space all like "oh hey are we spying on that guy? 8D"
Tiz a Thief!: bug that other kappa named iris
Tiz a Thief!: i made that up
Tiz a Thief!: anyway
Gooper Blooper: chao is trying as hard as he can to not bring in a third kappa
Bree: actually-- *is stuffed in a closet by chao*
Tiz a Thief!: ka-papa, ka-papa niiiitoriiii, she's a good kappa but waaants moneyyyyy
IronChao: it's why mizuki does Literally Everything
Draco: Yamame pops up in Komachi's personal space. "Hey, do you have more of those cookies?"
Tiz a Thief!: kapapa kapapa niiiitoriii, she loves all her cash so dearleeeee


Gooper Blooper: I love how the first kind of Silence Alex thinks of is the wrassler, not the status condition. Truly, he has been changed by the kobbers.
Tiz a Thief!: Alex has his idiot hair for a reason, my good friend


IronChao: ​gardevoir has recruited Devo and Rubber Soul into the COALITION OF MALICE!
IronChao: ​...not that it matters, all of them are still in jail


SteelKomodo: meanwhile, i have experienced the Saga of Selling My Old 3DS
SteelKomodo: because I have a New 3DS now, u c
Brilliant Kid: Oh dear, a Saga?
SteelKomodo: yeah, i bought one when my bro got one and was like "whoa this is awesome"
SteelKomodo: and it took me forever to find someone who would take my old one off my hands
Brilliant Kid: Ahh okay
Brilliant Kid: But at least it sold in the end? :
SteelKomodo: mmhm
SteelKomodo: got a measly 30 quid for it, but then I wasn't expecting much to begin with
Brilliant Kid: Oof yeah
Brilliant Kid: Nowhere to trade it in where you live?
SteelKomodo: there's a GAME in the town close by
SteelKomodo: but neither they nor CEX would take it because the serial number had come off
SteelKomodo: so I had to go to a really small outlet in Derby
Brilliant Kid: Oh that sucks
SteelKomodo: it felt like i was doing a drug deal in that store, let me tell ya
Brilliant Kid: Hahaha
Brilliant Kid: Yeah, it's pretty bad when CEX turns you down :V


Jumpropeman: okily dokily, it's time to start the fite!
Jumpropeman: also okily dokily looks terrible written out
iKomodo: It does


Jumpropeman: im probably gonna try and get the squidsisters amiibo when its out
Jumpropeman: so i can have sass on my shelf


Draco: The only one that I have to do with it and it was the only one that I can do to get a new thread in a couple weeks and then you will have a good day please see the attachment for your help with this is the same as a whole new world of the individual.
Jumpropeman: Draco has mastered corporate speak


SilverChao: who wants to hear my exciting 2017 plot
SilverChao: okay so what i'm thinking is
SilverChao: the island is in darkness, and the only way to fix it is to collect the 120 shine sprites by visiting eight different places
SilverChao: and also you buy a bunch of them with blue coins
SilverChao: this is original and has never been done before!!
Jumpropeman: when do we kill Gooper
SilverChao: three times
Jumpropeman: nice


Draco: ......oh wow.
Draco: Um....I just said "bless you" to a guy outside who sneezed.
Draco: I'm so polite. D:
Gooper Blooper: draco so nice


Draco: RubyChao: who wants some not ruined Draco: I don't! =D Draco: I only like things that HAVE been ruined. RubyChao: well too bad draco RubyChao: you'll get this non-ruined touhou and you'll like it
Draco: Now who is the #Ruined, Chao? NOW WHO IS THE #RUINED? BV
SilverChao: i don't know
SilverChao: because you didn't link which touhou it is
Draco: It was...Nitori.
SilverChao: oh
SilverChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: haha I remember that nitori thing now
Gooper Blooper: Chao had already made the decision to RP her at the time
SilverChao: and goops already knew
Bree: nitori is so #ruined now
SilverChao: but you know who isn't #ruined
SilverChao: the kappa mob
SilverChao: except for one
Bree: now I'm imagining one of the breehus refers to nitori as a mob boss


Mr GottaGo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi ven
Gooper Blooper: ah, FV five-second cameos, just like the old days
SilverChao: hi ven
SilverChao: -wait, isn't it an hour before he has to leave
Gooper Blooper: but look at that username! It wouldn't lie to me!


Draco: Someday, Viola and Tenshi will admit their love and be a couple. Stuff like today's plot only make me more confident of that. :P


Cornwind Evil: My eldery mother was baffled by computer
Bree: cornwind is old so just imagine how ancient cornmom is
Gooper Blooper: bree pls


Bree: eventually, someday, I think nitori should have to visit the SDM and meet remilia, for the keks that might ensue there
Bree: and I admit it'd be so much fun if she also encountered tupai
Jumpropeman: Tupai crawls into her backpack
Jumpropeman: Nitori spends weeks uncovering the damage he did to her tech
SilverChao: tupai discovers an endless labyrinth
SilverChao: it stretches for miles
SilverChao: there is at least one skeleton in there
Bree: there was a nitori but tupai eated it :3
Jumpropeman: dammit bree XD


SilverChao: i forget if i shared it
SilverChao: but thanks to season 5
SilverChao: patchy's library is partially open to the public!
SilverChao: people are allowed to visit and read books there, but not check them out without special permission (for example, gloria)
SilverChao: marisa is banned entirely tho
SilverChao: because marisa
Draco: It's okay! Yamame doesn't want to check out the books. BV
SilverChao: there's a big poster saying "do not let this witch in"
Bree: marisa is in jail, remember
SilverChao: and also lasers, can't forget the lasers
Bree: according to harp
SilverChao: patchy does not trust marisa to remain in jail forever
SilverChao: and when she breaks out
SilverChao: the lasers will be ready
SilverChao: and patchy will laugh, and laugh, but not much
SilverChao: because laughing is a whole lot of effort
Bree: she just chuckles
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bree: alternately, she gets koakuma to laugh for her
SilverChao: patchy's entire life is basically a study in how to exert the minimum possible effort in any given situation
Bree: koakuma has to keep laughing until patchy allows her to stop
Bree: alternately alternately
Draco: Alternatively, Koa turns on the laugh track.
Bree: remilia probably Anime Noblewoman Laughs enough for everyone
Bree: nothing is funnier than marisa dying of lasers
SilverChao: bree: imagine remilia and tenshi in a laugh-off
Bree: except possibly marisa dying of RELEASE THE HOUNDS but they don't have any hounds so lasers it is
Bree: release the chupacabra maybe


Bree: ​has viola gotten to see tenshi bareheaded​
Jumpropeman: BREE
Bree: sorry, lewd *is kicked out of chat*
SilverChao: ​no, only the rest of her
Draco: ​Tenshi, paint me like one of your Gensokyo girls.
Bree: well that's not that lewd then
Bree: sakuya does paint and has in fact painted some gensokyo residents :U
Bree: tenshi probably isn't one of them
SilverChao: tenshi asked to be painted
SilverChao: sakuya proceeded to paint utsuho, iku, and kisume
Draco: Sakuya painted right on her.
Bree: actually if tenshi ​asked​ to be painted sakuya would use it as an excuse to troll (prank?) tenshi instead
Jumpropeman: the knife is her brush and your flesh is the canvas
Bree: she paints basically The Son of Man except it's tenshi instead of a dude and a peach instead of an apple
Jumpropeman: look at all those beautiful reds~
Bree: this iconic/famous painting
SilverChao: exact same body type too!
SilverChao: except tenshi is shorter :V
SilverChao: oh, here's a neat thing
Bree: and then tenshi doesn't get it and sakuya calls her a philistine
SilverChao: for my library class, we went to an art auction
SilverChao: a print of that was one of the things for sale
Bree: interesting
Draco: How tall is Tenshi?
SilverChao: 5'1''
Jumpropeman: Tenshi is three apples tall
Gooper Blooper: I remember there being a joke about her lording her height over Ariel, who is one inch shorter
SilverChao: yep
SilverChao: she would totally try her best to loom over ariel
SilverChao: despite being just about eye level
Bree: hina is 5'2"
Draco: Zeldoten continues to mistake Tenshi for a kid.
SilverChao: but how old of a kid
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Draco: A 10 year-old.
Draco: Zeldoten rains juice boxes on Tenshi.
Bree: *draco rolls a 21, zeldoten mistakes tenshi for a 21-year-old child*
Draco: She has to stand on a stool to do it, but she does it.
Draco: ;3
Bree: how tall is nitori, do you have a number
SilverChao: not yet
SilverChao: she's between tenshi and yuugi in height :V
Bree: my brain is insisting that kappa are smoll but you established nitori is reasonably sized
Draco: "Yeah, celestial, I've spoken to your father, you lazy git. GET A JOB.....oh wait, those three 1s you rolled say you already did. ;V "
SilverChao: (seriously i'm thinking she's about in the middle, around 5'5'' to 5'7'')
SilverChao: well, i think kappa are generally small
Bree: 5'7" seems pretty tall
SilverChao: so my excuse is that nitori is Abnormally Tall for a kappa
SilverChao: she towers over most of her employees
Bree: does that mean mizuki is tiny
SilverChao: i'd say it's likely
Bree: komachi does have an exact height also if anyone is curious (ruby does love trivia)
Bree: she is 5'8"
Bree: although the shoes add like two inches
Bree: they're not heels, they're traditional japanese geta
Bree: but that still means they're raised
Gooper Blooper: I always imagined nitori as short
Gooper Blooper: Chao's numbers make her taller than sephine
Bree: nobody wants tall nitori
Bree: everyone wants tiny nitori
SilverChao: you'll have a tall nitori and you'll like it
SilverChao: mizuki can be tiny though
Bree: meanwhile tenshi is just proud she's taller than remilia
SilverChao: tenshi's real problem with yuugi
SilverChao: is that yuugi is a whole foot and a half taller than her
SilverChao: at least she hasn't started calling tenshi "shorty" yet
Bree: tenshi has to stand like three feet away from yuugi to be able to look up at her face
Bree: because if she stands too close then she looks up and all she sees is a mountain of boob
Bree: it's like fat people who can't see their toes but in reverse


KnucklesChao: "-R.O.B, a NES and famicon peripheral, is a tragic villain of circumstance for a majority of the game and ends as the last survivor of his race who goes on a revenge quest for being manipulated and blackmailed into assisting the genocide of his race."
Mr GottaGo: I want to play this game now.
KnucklesChao: it's called
KnucklesChao: ​super smash bros brawl
-foams at mouth and falls over-
KnucklesChao: hmm, bad reaction
Mr GottaGo: Less bad than the time they gave me nineteen twenties cola, tho'.


Del: i've been playing total war warhammer
KnucklesChao: oh man, i know the feeling
KnucklesChao: "i'll just play this for a bit"
KnucklesChao: *looks up*
KnucklesChao: "why is it night outside"
Del: aaaaa


Jumpropeman: here's a fun map for you folks: google made a map of the usa based on the most common word googled after "how do you spell"
Jumpropeman: incidentally, I have trouble spelling niece all the time
KnucklesChao: i read michigan's as "gravy"
Is Vacation Planner an *?: MD's
Is Vacation Planner an *?: is canceled?
Is Vacation Planner an *?: whaaat
Gooper Blooper: Massachusetts wins
Jumpropeman: I love Alaska's too, especially since they're right next to Hawaii on the map
Is Vacation Planner an *?: ...
Is Vacation Planner an *?: i misspelled cancelled.
Is Vacation Planner an *?: i am living proof
KnucklesChao: actually, you didn't
KnucklesChao: from what i'm looking up, both "canceled" and "cancelled" are valid spellings


KnucklesChao: i have to wonder now
KnucklesChao: if sonic man's monotone "heys" are even voluntary
KnucklesChao: or if he like
KnucklesChao: automatically goes monotone no matter how he feels
Del: he has what vince has
Del: that syndrome where he can't be surprised by anything
SteelKomodo: "Welcome to Manga Carta. You too, huh?"
Jumpropeman: *Sonic Man sees the adult section* "After seeing the Sonic fandom, that stuff's tame by comparison"
KnucklesChao: now i wonder
KnucklesChao: what happens if you walk up to sonic man
KnucklesChao: and say the name "ken penders"
Del: he implodes
Jumpropeman: he collapses in a heap, repeating "ANDKNUCKLESANDKNUCKLESA​NDKNUCKLES"
Del: the knuckling
Del: now i want a plot where Knuckles Man appears and he's basically Aquaman from Batman Brave and Bold


Del: that smokey the bear site with the candle ad is gone
KnucklesChao: noooo
Del: however, there is a cartoon one from the 90's
Del: where he destroys his own birthday cake with a shovel because of the candles
KnucklesChao: oh wait, i think i found it on youtube
KnucklesChao: yeah, that one
Del: apparently his intense pyrophobia is meant to be funny


(Pteron tips over a wrestling ring, then struggles to re-align it correctly)

Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco: Parsee can't tell if the ring's at the right angle.
Jumpropeman: then she's USELESS *Pteron places the ring on top of her* HOW'S THE ANGLE NOW, ELF


(Raspberry's dress sense is so poor, Praline drops the F-Bomb upon seeing him)

Gooper Blooper: ​Imagine Praline's voice actor dropping the f bomb
Gooper Blooper: ​it's a wonderful thing
Tiz the Tater Tot: all i had to read was the last sentence
Tiz the Tater Tot: and i knew
Tiz the Tater Tot: this was going to be beautiful
KnucklesChao: ​this may be the first time Praline has ever used it in ZFRP
KnucklesChao: ​which says a lot about how raspberry dresses
AllerGBree: ​the praline f-bomb is so exceedingly rare, it gets its own bestiary entry​
Tiz the Tater Tot: ​yew isn't there to witness it but if he did, he'd slap that into Raspberry's bestiary entry
Jumpropeman: small srspost
Gooper Blooper: toppest kek
Tiz the Tater Tot: ​"Wow, his fashion sense is bad enough to even offend someone like Praline? And make her drop that kind of language? Good gravy, makes me think twice about what I wear these days..."​
Spy tired: Oh god xD
Tiz the Tater Tot: ​"Not that I have to worry about that! Asterisks do a good job of dressing me up. I wonder who makes the outfits for these..."​
Gooper Blooper: the situation is rapidly spiraling out of control
Tiz the Tater Tot: is that a bad thing
Gooper Blooper: no


Jumpropeman: I just realized: I introduced Sonic Man and the Lightning Bolts so I could have a character for jokes, as if Bixby, Soar, Melvin, The Court of Cameos and the Boo Brothers weren't up to the task


KnucklesChao: i'm worried about christmas this year
Jumpropeman: because I'm getting you the earthquake bed?
KnucklesChao: how am i going to top my previous present to JRM
Gooper Blooper: Action 52
KnucklesChao: >​200 dollars
KnucklesChao: i love jrm but not that much
KnucklesChao: "1 used from $550.00"
KnucklesChao: and definitely not THAT much
Gooper Blooper: Put an emulator on a USB drive and tell him it's a "PC version cartridge", he'll never know the difference


Draco: If Zeldoten had a hideout or lair instead of living out of her car, she'd have an entire wall devoted to trying to find the perfect boyfriend so that when they inevitably wrote novels and made movies based on her spectacular life as the world's greatest thief, they'd already have a love interest ready to cast.
KnucklesChao: does she use the glove compartment for it instead
Draco: Yes.

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