Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 250: I Want To Kill Old Jumpropeman

(A deathtrap set by a Cornwind villain is destroyed before it can kill anyone)

Cornwind Evil: I dangled the chance for JRM and Sheep to massacre characters and then cruelly snatched it away
Jumpropeman: sadly, Melvin Underbelly would have just gummed up those threshers :(
Maid Sheep: Truly
Maid Sheep: I was going to break the nice Junkos and Eleven Thirtys
Maid Sheep: ...break out
Maid Sheep: clearly, I meant break out


iKomodo: I used to really like Harry Potter
iKomodo: but then the movies came along and you could tell the people making them just wanted to make money off of it
iKomodo: so I lost interest. I saw the corporate machine behind the silver screen and got away whilst I could
Jumpropeman: and JK Rowling's been none too kind to her series after the books ended with the same motivations
Jumpropeman: that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie could be interesting though
Jumpropeman: since it seems to be an original story at least
iKomodo: I was hype for it, then I found they were stretching it into another fucking trilogy when a standalone film would have done
Jumpropeman: way
iKomodo: and my erection wilted like a Venus flytrap in the presence of a hungry brontosaurus


CloudyChao: fun fact of the day
CloudyChao: danbooru is so old, it predates touhou 9
CloudyChao: which came out in 2005
Gooper Blooper: There are a fair few super-old sites now, if by "super-old" you go by, say, 10 years or older
CloudyChao: yeah, it's kind of interesting
CloudyChao: you don't really realize how long the net's been around until you start looking at the age of a lot of popular sites
Gooper Blooper: Youtube is over 10
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy was created in 2001
CloudyChao: >​chatzy is THAT OLD
CloudyChao: holy shit
Bree: chatzy is 15! it's a teenager!
Bree: it can almost drive!
iKomodo: Yaaaaay
Gooper Blooper: well now that I look at it
Gooper Blooper: the site DOES look pretty simplistic/old-fashioned​, does it not
Tiz: kek


Tiz: lilith is perhaps the sassiest villain i have ever wrote but whatever
Tiz: i like her
Gooper Blooper: so sassy
Tiz: and thats why i will cry when she dies
iKomodo: Hahahaha
Tiz: inevitably
iKomodo: and yeah, Lilith is cool
Gooper Blooper: she's not even a villain really, she's more a "friend of the villains"
Tiz: she's the designated driver
iKomodo: i enjoy reading her taking the piss out of other villains
Gooper Blooper: like she knows people who happen to be evil and she's like "ugh fine whatever"
CloudyChao: so basically
Tiz: which is weird because she doesn't have legs
CloudyChao: she's the Corporal Guy of her team?
Gooper Blooper: YES
Gooper Blooper: EXACTLY
Tiz: if corporal guy had 1000% more sass and pays off bills made by his friends, yes
Gooper Blooper: She even has the same motive - she doesn't want them to get themselves killed out of stupidity
Gooper Blooper: it's perfect
Tiz: yep she's totally corporal guy
Gooper Blooper: the real question is who's the jester chao
Gooper Blooper: I guess we'll find out when they start rolling tractors
Tiz: ​shit breakout character 2016
Tiz: none of them, they're not funny enough to be Jester Chao
Tiz: adamantoise is gallade if he were eviller... and dumber
Tiz: well
Tiz: not dumber
Gooper Blooper: kek
Tiz: but more holding onto this grudge like its the last damn hot fudge sundae he'll ever eat

(The rolls begin)

Tiz rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Tiz rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

Tiz: UM
Tiz: the cultists
Tiz: really
Tiz: nah i have a way to make this work
CloudyChao: kek
Tiz rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 22
Tiz: UM
Tiz rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 18

(The next turn)

Tiz rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Tiz rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20

Tiz: WHA
Gooper Blooper: this is amazing
CloudyChao: cultists are the jester chao
Gooper Blooper: they're all botwoon
iKomodo: Do we have a new Botwoon- DAMN IT GOOPS BEAT ME TO IT
Super Maid Sheep 2000: the mooks are finally rising up
Tiz: this is all going to end in me giving up in the middle of it and making some halfassed excuse to stop :U
CloudyChao: what about pigface, though?
CloudyChao: he hasn't rolled!
Tiz rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 19
Super Maid Sheep 2000: ahahahha
Tiz rolled a die with 23 sides. The die showed: 20
CloudyChao: oh
Bree: dammit ruby
Gooper Blooper: incredible
CloudyChao: well i shouldn't have opened my mouth
Tiz: holy shit
Super Maid Sheep 2000: I LOVE IT
Gooper Blooper: AH LA VACHE


Super Maid Sheep 2000: "You remember Shadow Dragon, bless his stupid heart, tried ramming into Tridenland and got a face full of plot armor- I mean, invisible barrier."
Super Maid Sheep 2000: Careful now, that wall's expensive to fix
Tiz: possibly the best sentence i have ever written


Bree: YES
Bree: ...I'm not sure why the appearance of skeiron pleases me but YAY SKEIRON
Gooper Blooper: Well Skeiron only even exists because of bunch of people told me he was funny
Gooper Blooper: so I kept him and he's been a ridiculous joke character ever since
iKomodo: Bread
Gooper Blooper: Pac
iKomodo: that is why
Bree: meiling may or may not have met skeiron but if she has then she thinks he's a bro
Bree: she brings him bread
Bree: or something idk
CloudyChao: i want to remind you
CloudyChao: my steam user description has been "because the pilot was a loaf of bread" for years now
CloudyChao: because of skeiron
Gooper Blooper: the ladies love warmech-3


Tiz: all in favor of ending it next post?
CloudyChao: let's see how the goopost goes
CloudyChao: but probably
Tiz: *sarah: explodes*
Bree: *thousands of mini sarahs rain down over the epicenter of the sarahsplosion*
Bree: *the mini sarahs congregate and reform into one whole human-sized sarah again*


(Josuke punches Pigface so hard he becomes handsome)

Jumpropeman: Pigface's handsome form
Gooper Blooper: XD
CloudyChao: thanks, josuke
Tiz: i approve of this
Tiz: greatly
Tiz: the alternative ending was that Pigface would become one part of the Tridenland Carousel if he put up more resistance
Tiz: and kept dissing Josuke's hair
Tiz: but handsomeface
CloudyChao: but he became handsome
CloudyChao: watch, he will cameo in two months
CloudyChao: as an actor promoting something on tv
CloudyChao: he made it big
Tiz: *Pigface now an NBN reporter*
Tiz: *insert loud groaning here*
Special Bree: reporting for NBN would make him more of a heel, not less :U
Tiz: i know :U
Tiz: but he wouldn't know that!


Gooper Blooper: Game Freak is handing out legendary Pokemon like they're going out of style and I'm hoarding them like a crazy cat lady


Special Bree: worst fite vote ever, posted
Special Bree: well the vote is fine but worst effortpost ever, definitely
CloudyChao: i literally laughed out loud
CloudyChao: so no, not worst
Special Bree: komachi's line almost said ​"You heard it here first, folks: #Samus Aran is the hottest babe in the KOB. Just ask the Internet."​
Gooper Blooper: HOT BABES
Special Bree: meiling does not apologize for her priorities dammit
Special Bree: but actually she shouldn't because her priorities are perfectly in order. plenty of things come before HOT BABES
Special Bree: and of course
Special Bree: she always remembers which hot babe is the most important
Special Bree: <3
Gooper Blooper: "It's Sonia, right" "Quiet, Lily"
Tiz: sonia is indeed a hot babe
Tiz: but
Tiz: [REDACTED] is a hot hunk
Jumpropeman: Theodore Rex is flattered you'd say that Harpy [blushing] ​
Gooper Blooper: oh bby
Tiz: ;U
Ultimate Despair Sheep: Gotta love a reptile in uniform


Ultimate Despair Sheep: "'Good thing I always keep a hammer on me.' Sarah said, pulling out her Mythril Hammer."
Ultimate Despair Sheep: I...
Ultimate Despair Sheep: Does she keep it under her cloak?!
Ultimate Despair Sheep: er, robe, I guess
Tiz: no, silly
Tiz: she keeps it in hammerspace
Tiz: the only place for a hammer
Gooper Blooper: Honestly, pretty much :V
Gooper Blooper: although sometimes I've imagined her somehow keeping a hammer on her back
Special Bree: sarah isn't actually fat, that's all just storage space
Special Bree: she also keeps emergency sweets in there
Jumpropeman: Sarah is actually skinny, she just keeps a bunch of hammers under her robe
Jumpropeman: darn, bree beat me too it
Special Bree: 2slow!
Gooper Blooper: alas, sarah wouldn't have her famous hugs if it were true


Ultimate Despair Sheep: "'Stress isn't good for my health.' Mary says as she devours a corn dog."
Ultimate Despair Sheep: Well, neither is that corn dog
Gooper Blooper: thats the joke
Special Bree: thatsthejoke.jpg
Ultimate Despair Sheep: link
Ultimate Despair Sheep: Nothing but hits
Ultimate Despair Sheep: by which I mean flops


Jumpropeman: when I was a kid
Jumpropeman: I had a toy of Anastasia from the Don Bluth movie and one of Bo Peep from Toy Story
Jumpropeman: for some reason, my brother and I, in a game we played, called Anastasia "Esmeralda" and and Bo Peep "Fat Esmeralda" because her dress was big


SteelKomodo: ...oh shit
SteelKomodo: why have I not thought to bring back Dirk yet?
SteelKomodo: at least several times Josephine has appeared, and Dirk has not shown up with her
Tiz: dirk's busy making the grandest feast for Josephine
Tiz: ...for two weeks straight, yes
SteelKomodo: ...that'll work :U


Jumpropeman: "'s more like a generic knock off of a Snapper. Whatever it is, it's doing what a Snapper does: filming events. How long has it been there?"
Jumpropeman: my plot this year: JRM protects his copyrights


Jumpropeman: BREAKING NEWS: Propositioning a woman you just met does not lead to instant banging! More news as the story "develops" ;D
Oer the sleeps and far away: Soar's ratings will surely only climb from this story.
Gooper Blooper: I'll develop ​your​ story anytime
Bree: she probably wasn't propositioning hina, just being a little flirty, but still
Bree: mega kek


Tiz: no more tizzeractions? i suppose i'll have to wait til goops gets around :U
Tiz: edea's going to flip
Tiz: those pancakes
Draco: I'd have an axe talk to Tiz, but he might get frightened. He knows my love of throwing axes at things.
Tiz: could he catch an axe
Tiz rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Tiz: *replaces with Agnes*
SunnyChao casts Riase
SunnyChao: *Raise
Draco casts Reese.
Draco 's Peanut Butter Cups


Gooper Blooper: Just putting this out there: I am really intrigued by Dracoplot and want to know where it's going
Draco: Dracoplot is not about the destination: it's about the journey.
Gooper Blooper: I gotta get Sarah involved at some point, especially if there's an actual fight with Draco The Character
Gooper Blooper: because FULL CIRCLE
Draco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 19
Draco: A pile of Eggo Waffles appears at Sarah's house that morning and she is unable to attend.
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
Gooper Blooper: curses
Gooper Blooper: she must eat her way there and is delayed


Draco: In case you aren't familiar with The Silver Shroud
Draco WILL outFallout Ven this year.
SunnyChao: well, it'll be easy to outfallout ven this year
SunnyChao: he got rid of all his fallout last year
SunnyChao: we blew it up in a big plot
Draco: Good point! :V
Draco: Now I just need to blow up that Vertibird in Twisted Metal and my plan shall be complete...
SunnyChao: oh well then you're screwed, that vertibird is gonna be there forever
Draco: Wait, what?
SunnyChao: >​implying nitori has a plot
Tiz: woah lets not get crazy now
Bree: nitori has a character development plot :U
Draco: Nitori DOES have a plot: ​take ALL the money, sell ALL the goods, eat ALL the cucumbers.


Draco rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 28
Draco: Dra Co offers to sponsor Praline's love of bloodsports.
SunnyChao rolled a die with 41 sides. The die showed: 17
SunnyChao: jester chao's counteroffer loses
SunnyChao: although i'm not sure 1-41 properly represents jester chao's true power
SunnyChao: it might be more like 1-501
Draco: They don't make tractors big enough for Jester Chao's true power.
SunnyChao: let's try it
SunnyChao rolled a die with 100000000 sides. The die showed: 34902113
Draco: The 1-21 only represents how well our mortal minds can comprehend his humor.
SunnyChao: well, Vegas was nice while it lasted
SunnyChao: but then he got bored of it
SunnyChao: guess we need a new city
Draco: More like LOST Vegas now.


SunnyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Zook and HE. Chatzy chose: HE
SunnyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Zook and HAS. Chatzy chose: HAS
SunnyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Zook and NO. Chatzy chose: NO
SunnyChao asked Chatzy to choose between Zook and STYLE. Chatzy chose: Zook

SunnyChao: rip Zook
SunnyChao: apparently, we do not possess a zook
M Sheep: Introducing Draco's new character, a half-eaten box of Lucky Charms


Bree: now to wait 90 minutes so we can read it!
Gooper Blooper: M Sheep's music is the entire Fantasia soundtrack
Gooper Blooper: in G major, played backwards


SunnyChao: barpost and now i need to grab food
SunnyChao: and then srspost
SunnyChao: and oh god this was a mistake


GOOD joined the chat
GOOD: Hey everyone
Bree: how're you spaps? are you... GOOD


iKomodo: i will be in soon, don't
Tableter: Dont what
iKomodo: Don't worry
Tableter: You cant tell me what to doooooo


Dath ta hoomanz: pist
Jumpropeman: Ven please, do that in a toilet D:
iKomodo: XD


SunnyChao: ​karin asked to sit and watch until all the vaccines are prepared
SunnyChao: ​...but then she can do EVERY INJECTION
Gooper Blooper: ​she will be so happy


SunnyChao: oh, brine
SunnyChao: did you see what's up with the vulture's roost
Brinehammer: Yup! Clash ​would be so happy if she knew. SHE (kind of not really) CALLED IT​
SunnyChao: ​clearly you'll need to send Clash on Castelloplot when it happens
Gooper Blooper: ​But she still can't kill the patrons!
Gooper Blooper: ​The Roost is doing a perfectly good job of that all by themselves, thank you
SunnyChao: ​you kill ​one​ patron


Cornwind Evil: And now a random bad fanfic line
Cornwind Evil: "Mario slaps his hand to his head 'mamma mia lets have a threesome!'"


RainyChao: Chaofaves.jog
RainyChao: *jpg
Darkwing Duckvel: Okuu confirmed jogger
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: pit likes to watch okuu jogging
SteelKomodo: if you get my drift *eyebrows*
Darkwing Duckvel: #lewd


M Sheep currently imagining the Ice King's crown getting accidentally swapped with Bikker's crown
Gooper Blooper: kek
RainyChao: plot twist: only one bee is affected
M Sheep: ahaha
RainyChao: it declares itself the Bee Monarch
RainyChao: Leader of the Bikker Kingdom
Bree: you really don't need to make the bees more terrifying, I mean they're goddamn bees
RainyChao: well, no
RainyChao: it'd be the Bikker Beedom
M Sheep: a drum and two cymbals fall of a cliff
M Sheep: badum tish


M Sheep: "I knew throwing the axe would help. It always does."
M Sheep: Axem Blue is a simple robot with simple solutions


Tiz: *goes into deleted stuff in mail*
Tiz: *sees draft*
Tiz: "good afternoon,
Tiz: *giggles*
RainyChao: i am IRL laughing at that
RainyChao: good work harp
RainyChao: just
RainyChao: imagine receiving a message
RainyChao: and that's all it says
Tiz: i was working on something to send this guy but then decided nah i don't need to
Tiz: and then i ended up with that


Cornwind Evil: Anyone else want to join besides Ray?
Gooper Blooper: Too late at night for me to plot, sorry
Bree: not up for it
Tiz: i have no one
Cornwind Evil: Looks like it's you and me Sheep
M Sheep: Truly, this is the darkest timeline for CW


o: Soooo. Chao, me lad. =u Are construction workers anything like the stereotype, or is that as much a silly trope as Texan cowfolk?
SnowyChao: i am not the right person to ask, alas
SnowyChao: i would not be the one to draw their attention :V
o: My sheee.
Jumpropeman: well not with that attitude Chao!
o: b:
Jumpropeman: Work those hips!
SnowyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
SnowyChao: ​dr. nerique ran into pteron, was barely scratched
Jumpropeman: darn, I thought that was a "working them hips" roll
SnowyChao: i'll roll for that
SnowyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
SnowyChao shakes it

Jumpropeman: DAYUM


Jumpropeman: I thought of Karin's arch-nemesis
Jumpropeman: ​anti-vaxxers​
SnowyChao: ​oh god, you're right


SnowyChao: aaaaaaaaa i'm here net issues happened
SnowyChao: let me catch up!
Expose The Esoteric: hi chao, only one round passed
SnowyChao: hello
SnowyChao: i can't believe i failed sumi like that
Expose The Esoteric: I made patchy read a book, I hope that's not too out of character
SnowyChao: you fucked it up and now i have to kill her off
SnowyChao: sorry
Expose The Esoteric crumples to ground, sobbing


Jumpropeman joined the chatJumpropeman: I am alive
M Sheep pushes Jrm down the stairs


Jumpropeman: one day I might have a character acknowledge Clash
Jumpropeman: probably Pteron, for the obvious reasons :V
Expose The Esoteric: Clash is a cinnamon roll
Expose The Esoteric: who likes killing
Jumpropeman: "I like to kill, you like to kill. Wanna go kill?"


M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
M Sheep: ...
M Sheep: .....
M Sheep: .........
Expose The Esoteric: Sheep never knows what to do with himself when he rolls well
Jumpropeman: you gotta accept you can roll double digits Sheep


GlitterBree: sheep
GlitterBree: c-can I
GlitterBree: can I
GlitterBree: ray >​>​
Expose The Esoteric: wat
Expose The Esoteric: oh god
GlitterBree: I promise not to murder him maybe probably
M Sheep: Well
M Sheep: he can't stop you
GlitterBree: goody!


SnowyChao: "HAHAHAHAHA, By All-hell, that was amazing! I had viewed the Barchives, as you all know, but they did not show WHAT exactly you all were clustered around the television watching all those times... when is the next one?!" Morgana asked excitedly, throwing back a Confederate Gold.
SnowyChao: "Look on the bright side, my friend. Even if there aren't any Zoofights for now, I'm sure they'll resurface again. If they can handle godbeasts, they can handle management issues."
iKomodo: XD
Spyred: Ow
Spyred: My nostalgia gland
SnowyChao: they did resurface
SnowyChao: by ditching the animal fighting entirely :V
iKomodo: Hahaha
M Sheep: They went back to the Ole Stockbridge and Barrington Formula
M Sheep: Thus Hobo Fites was born!
SnowyChao: today in weird metaphors
SnowyChao: i have realized
SnowyChao: ZFRP is the Byzantine Empire to the Roman Empire that was Zoofights
M Sheep: Suddenly, HISTORY


Brinehammer: So uh... How would I go about Nylora finding a lair? Are any Kobbers into real estate?
Bree: I'd say just make some shit up, that's how most of ZFRP works
Brinehammer: This is very true, fair enough.
SnowyChao: pretty much
Spyred: When in doubt, just steal Raspberry's apartment
Brinehammer: At 4 am, the best time to wake up and realize you now live in a crypt.
Spyred: "Oh come on! I just bought new lamps for this place!"
Bree: wacky roommate hijinks would be hilarious
SnowyChao: but bree
Bree: nylora finds the perfect lair, the only problem... she has to share it! *DUN DUN DUNNNNNN*
Brinehammer: When it goes down, I'm definitely throwing that in.
SnowyChao: how is he supposed to invite someone over
Spyred: Wait, oh god, is this happening
Bree: I don't think Brine meant Raspberry specifically.
Brinehammer: "Your roommate doesn't do the dishes? Mine reanimated last night's dinner!"
iKomodo: XD
M Sheep: Sine had a lair under the hotel or something and I'm not sure what's going on with it now that she's elsewhere. I believe Clash ran into Springtrap there, in fact
M Sheep: Alternatively
SnowyChao: nitori appears from thin air
SnowyChao: "did somebody say they wanted to pay money for something"


Cornwind Evil: This needs to happen in VEW GB
Darkwing Duckvel: that was amazing CW
Darkwing Duckvel: Mark Henry no


Cashier GooglyMoogly: great
Cashier GooglyMoogly: googly
Cashier GooglyMoogly: moogly


Cashier GooglyMoogly: great googlymoogly


Jumpropeman: *reads some of my BaRP on the old forum*
Jumpropeman: ...I was... pretty bad at BaRP then
Jumpropeman: *Midori literally says a ^_^ emoticon*
Jumpropeman: I'm so sorry friends


Jumpropeman: "Fumes is eating more than he's had in years. They had left ALL of the food behind! Fumes just couldn't help himself!
Gooper Blooper laughs

Jumpropeman: some things about Fumes will not be returning this year
Gooper Blooper: welcome back to 2011, JRM


Jumpropeman: ah good, I found it. The reason I revisited the old forum was to make sure I remembered Fumes's backstory
Jumpropeman: I was accurate about that part, but not so much remembering the whole NOMNOMNOMEMOJIEMOJIEMOJI​ parts
Uh oh Sarah! You may be a big eater, but can you beat a homeless man in... AN EATING CONTEST!?!? I don't know, but Fumes had long finished his cake and was swiping big hunks out of the larger cakes. He never actually touched the larger cake with his hands though, because he still smelled and didn't want to stink up the cake.
Still, he took huge chunks away with each pass :3"

Jumpropeman: soooooo sorry
Jumpropeman: another reason to never let Ven see the old forum


Jumpropeman: "A bargoer goes up to get a piece of cake, but he finds it gone!
There was a giant cake...
But I eated it :3"

The Buttface Himself: Its okay JRM
The Buttface Himself: I've already murdered old Spy


Jumpropeman: *finds Midori's RP debut*
Jumpropeman: *Reaction image* *Reaction image* *Reaction image*
Jumpropeman: beautiful
Jumpropeman: anyway, I confirmed all I needed to know, time to leave the old forum before I hate myself
Jumpropeman: *pours gasoline on old RP* *lights a match*
Jumpropeman: no one must ever know...
SnowyChao: what were the reaction images
Jumpropeman: ShockedSine, ShockedWids, ShockedSarah


M Sheep: "No sir... Owen was this guy who wanted my autograph, but he left before I gave the book back. I don't know where he went, so I just... I just kept drawing in it... I ONLY USED ONE PAGE THOUGH!"
M Sheep: oh, honey
Jumpropeman: D:
Draco: 8I
Jumpropeman: Fumes standing outside the prison, his arm hanging in the window
Draco: Well, guess Junko's solved the case of the Purloined Picture Book.
M Sheep: 'cuz I don't
Gooper Blooper: It's a tiny prison cell wrapped around Fumes' hand
Gooper Blooper: Midori is given a very small cup to clatter against the bars
Jumpropeman: she's gotta break pebbles with a really tiny pickaxe
Jumpropeman: make license plates for Barbie cars


The Buttface Himself: I miss Fumes
The Buttface Himself: Bring back Fumes
Bree: dude
Bree: ​dude​
Jumpropeman: *waves at bar topic*

(Fumes has been back for days)

The Buttface Himself: . . .
The Buttface Himself: HE'S BACK!!!!!!!
Jumpropeman: XD
Bree: spy: eternally slow on the uptake
Bree: but we love him anyway
SnowyChao: oh that spaps


SnowyChao: "You're nothing but a lot of hot air! All you do is sit on your fat ass and read musty old shit nobody else cares about that hasn't been relevant since the Paleozoic!"
Bree: who said that? to gloria, presumably
Bree: either gloria or patchouli
Bree: they both kind of sit on their fat asses and read musty old shit
SnowyChao: myriam to gloria
SnowyChao: which is why myriam has to die
Bree: kek


Jumpropeman: [color=Jesus]
Jumpropeman: I really need to stop making errors like that


sleepyhead: probably won't be on today, 2tire
sleepyhead: if anyone needs me they can get me through chao
sleepyhead: or ivel if he pops in
sleepyhead: for now, aldfjlsj
SteelKomodo: svrtdvyrdhfrj


Thunder Thighs: mom is mistakening me for doing work right now
Thunder Thighs: uhm
Thunder Thighs: i'll take it!
Draco: Yay
Gooper Blooper: chatzy is hard work
Thunder Thighs: doing absolutely nothing is hard work
Thunder Thighs: just look at patchy
Draco: Yamame is. :3


Draco: Bwa ha ha. Yes, I have had #TheBest picture drawn. Unfortunately, I can't use it for awhile. :P
Jumpropeman: did you get someone to paint Zargeesh as Ariel?
Draco: How did you know?
HailingChao: it's a picture of ​yamame's pre-planned death scene
Jumpropeman: Yamame's death: a really large lizard eats her
Jumpropeman: ​that lizard's name? DRACO​
Draco: Dude! Spoilers! D:
Draco: You just ruined the end of Dracoplot for me.
Jumpropeman: i guess you'll just have to cancel it then
Draco: Guess so. D:
Draco: Just gonna write the conclusion when I get home. Draco is Zook, Yamame is Alternate Dame, and Parsee dies saving Earth from ID4 aliens.


Gooper Blooper: >​two separate posts in one "round" both bring up bigfoot
Gooper Blooper: I will make use of this
Draco: That would be big of you.
Gooper Blooper: it would also be foot of me
Gooper Blooper: whatever that means
Darkwing Duckvel: sounds like something is
Darkwing Duckvel: afoot


Jumpropeman: there was a book store near my house for a while called Nine Lives Books
Jumpropeman: and you could buy books in there while cats wander about
Jumpropeman: we rarely went because half my family is allergic, and the other half we didn't like books with claw marks and cat piss on them
Jumpropeman: I think they got shut down because they weren't supposed to let the cats shit everywhere
Gooper Blooper: I don't understand how Books That Smell Like Cat Piss didn't take off
Draco: It's a mystery.


HailingChao: ​so! now you guys know Crazy Diamond's weakness
Draco: ​Celestia's buns?
HailingChao: ​no, that's Josuke's weakness
Darkwing Duckvel: ​who ISN'T weak to Celestia's buns


HailingChao: i had a dream that people kept bumping the old topics
HailingChao: including the ones from all the way back in 2013
HailingChao: and that it was very frustrating
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: who were the peeps responsible?
HailingChao: i don't recall
SteelKomodo: oh
Dellaris: It was me
Dellaris: Dream me is an asshole


LightningChao: yamame tries to take a bite out of someone
LightningChao: it's tenshi
LightningChao: cut to yamame in the dentist's office
LightningChao: "how did you break all these teeth?" "uh"
SteelKomodo: XD


Del: i wish i could rp and vidya at the same time
Del ignores 3ds right behind me


Gooper Blooper: I never thought I'd see the day Homies got a reference in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: but there it is

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