Thursday, June 9, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 252: A Walking Talking Trash Can

PhoneModo joined the chat
PhoneModo: AHM DRUNK
Draco: Hi Drunk. I'm Draco. :V
Dellaris: Wow draco thats a dad joke
Dellaris: Are you secretly a dad
Dellaris: Dadman
Spy: With the mic in his hand he's a dadman


Gooper Blooper: Leave it to harpy to take "lel ponderosa steakhouse fucked up my order" and give it a sad backstory :V
Baking Intensifes: damn skippy i'm doing it
Baking Intensifes: i'm going to make this entire thing somehow sad
Baking Intensifes: maybe


GoldenChao looks at old stuff
GoldenChao: "why's this image va-"
GoldenChao: >​imageshack
GoldenChao twitches


GoldenChao: "Some of the hidden items in the Japanese releases of Red and Green just have flat-out incorrect coordinates for the itemfinder’s reference, and if you pick up one out of this set of six miscoded items, the other five become unobtainable."
GoldenChao: "The aforementioned hidden items can, however, somehow be made obtainable again by moving a fossil item out of your inventory."
GoldenChao: "Catching an ‘M with a Hexadecimal identifier of 00 will leave behind an invisible but otherwise Completely Normal Ditto with its previous moveset at level 0 or 80 that needs to be caught or defeated before the battle can properly end. These games have been out for twenty years and we still don’t know why this happens."
SteelKomodo: welp


Spyred: Chao is making me imagine stupid "Hail Hydra" edits for the kobber cast
Spyred: Because god damnit Marvel that was your stupidest decision
Draco: lel hydra
GoldenChao: nitori's would be "Capitalists are the scum of the earth"
SteelKomodo: anything from my cast?
GoldenChao: not yet, the only one we have besides that is undyne
GoldenChao: "Anime was a mistake."
SteelKomodo: "Hail Hydra"
Draco: "I love being a hero!"
GoldenChao: victor suddenly class changes
GoldenChao: says "Red Mages are useless"
Spyred: "I prefer boobs." Dirk, in controversial comic Dirk Pat #1
Draco: D8
Spyred: "Reading's for nerds." - Gloria
Spyred: "I'm straight edge." - Freddy Fazfuck
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: "This is a good idea." - Sam
Spyred: "The mirror's a liar."
SteelKomodo: "I'm straight." - Jewel Man
Draco: "Don't do drugs." - ​SONIC MAN
GoldenChao: "Eggman was right" - Eggerman
Draco: "Sure, I can help you with your workout." - Patchouli


GoldenChao: “'You’re unwelcome here, MAC. You are the reason why this town was abandoned. You murdered your entire family and such a small town wasn’t able to handle that so all of its residents except for YOU. YOU put up signs here warning people not to trespass and you even killed all of the Pokémon here! Unfortunately for you, I’m only a mental image to reflect your guilt so you can’t kill me. Now, I will HURT YOU!'
The game then emitted a loud, glitchy screech and shut itself off. I don’t remember much after that. I didn’t try the Red cartridge since my Gameboy doesn’t work anymore. But I know that since then, my town has been abandoned, my family is dead and I have to warn trespassers about what I might do next because of that stupid game."

GoldenChao: well
GoldenChao: that escalated quickly
Jumpropeman: geeze Mac Tonight, why did you kill all those pokemon D:


M Sheep: ​"This is the capital city of Oriana, Oriana. The recent monarch, Oriana,"​
M Sheep: Just one question
Draco: ​Yes.
Draco: ​I'm Oriana, you're Oriana, Spy is Oriana, WE'RE ALL ​SQUIDWARDS​ ORIANAS.
M Sheep: ​They're going to get to the prison and then spend the next six hours going from Oriana to Oriana's cell asking for Oriana​


Jumpropeman: I picked Orpheus over Treister specifically because I felt even if Cleft suspected the OSI of being infiltrated, he might trust the guy who revived him a bit more than others. The OSI has been compromised in the past even, but Byron SERVES FORCES GREATER THAN THE AMERICAN SPIRIT AND THE MEN WHO COMMAND THEM IN WASHINGTON! that being a promptly delivered paycheck
Gooper Blooper: Viola's Uncle is a guy you can trust
Bree: i-is that canon
Bree: is he viola's uncle
Jumpropeman: i would not object :V
Bree: because holy crap make that canon
GoldenChao: he can meet tenshi's dad and be hilariously different
Gooper Blooper: fuck it, why not, it's canon
GoldenChao: excellent
GoldenChao: tenshi's like "viola who is the weirdo ranting about dark voices"
Gooper Blooper: she had to get that from somewhere
Bree: yessssssssssssssssssssss​ss
GoldenChao: *dark forces"
GoldenChao: "That is my uncle Orpheus."
Bree: wait was she raised by her uncle or just influenced by him
GoldenChao: influenced
GoldenChao: it came up once that she was raised by her parents
Bree: well whatever now this needs to happen in RP
Cornwind Twofans Evil: And suddenly an unexpected face
Gooper Blooper: Probably not gonna go too deep into it, since I never wanted to go in-depth about Viola's family life
Gooper Blooper: but yes influenced
Jumpropeman: "I have a niece? How delightful. I had completely forgotten."


GoldenChao: Squidward’s Suicide: A creepy story writeen by an intern that worked at Nickelodeon. This is a “lost episode” that feature horrific imagery revolving around the death of Squidward. It’s downright depressing.
GoldenChao: >​downright depressing
GoldenChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: such strong words!
Gooper Blooper: I hope they meant them!


Cornwind Twofans Evil: I love how in the intro
Cornwind Twofans Evil: They INSIST on calling him "YOUNG Robin Hood."
Cornwind Twofans Evil: Is there an Old Robin Hood?
Draco: There will be in 50 years.


M Sheep: ​"Talk, or I'll blow your head off!"​
M Sheep: Special Anniversary Gritty Action Movie Cleft
M Sheep: Now in stores!


M Sheep: Enzo has managed to grow on me over time
M Sheep: like some sort of infectious fungus
Mos Deadri: I knew he was a moss mutant the entire time.


GoldenChao: so
GoldenChao: goops was closing all his windows for the night
GoldenChao: when he got to his desktop
GoldenChao: he was greeted with this

Sandor Clegane: ive done that myself sometimes, just randomly make a picture my background without noticing
M Sheep: Goopsposts under new management
Sandor Clegane: also his desktop is way too clean
GoldenChao: he's a very neat person, apparently
Sandor Clegane: mine is currently covered with RP images


Jumperopeman: I assure you we're the number one result if you google COOL DUDEZ
Mr. Utopia: I doubt that.


Blue assassinates Bree.
Bree: WHAT
Bree: DO YOU
Bree: WANT
Blue: O.O
DracoBBL: To be a pirate?
Blue hides.


Tiz: *looks at new character, with lotsa ribbons*
Tiz: sigh
Tiz: into the 2017 box with you


Jumpropeman: i was rip-raring to go until I actually got on :V
Jumpropeman: the fat seal struck silently and swiftly


Jumpropeman: Gotengo was a really annoying boss in that Godzilla PS4 game
Gooper Blooper: It's okay, JRM
Gooper Blooper: It was also an annoying boss in the Godzilla Wii game :V
Gooper Blooper: *takes a zillion damage*


PlatinumChao: "Okay, heightwise he’s six foot even here… acceptable enough, though I always pictured him to be over that amount, but oh well. And now for his weight… one… hundred… seventy… seven… pounds.
… are you fucking kidding me? LOOK at him! Just because Sonic spent years calling him a blimp doesn’t mean that lard is actually hot air you doofus!!! Oh my god. According to this, *I* weigh more than this guy! Holy Crap, Penders, you did not think this through."


Gooper Blooper: The good news is I caught a part of my post that was Sumireko responding to Dawn before posting because Sumi can't hear her
Gooper Blooper: The bad news is I know Chao would have loved the reaction and now I can't use it :V
Spy Buys Fud: More material for the gooping room bloop
PlatinumChao: send it to me by PM
PlatinumChao: because >​denying me the best goopchar
Gooper Blooper: I was actually planning to do just that
PlatinumChao: also, yes
PlatinumChao: like youmu earlier
PlatinumChao: it's Official
PlatinumChao: sorry, gloria, you're still #2
Gooper Blooper: rip gloria
Gooper Blooper: and I've been using her more lately, too
PlatinumChao: yep
PlatinumChao: but she couldn't overcome sumi
Spy Buys Fud: I still think Gloria's best ;;


Mr. Utopia: This tea tastes odd.
Asmodeus: That's because it's tea, Mr. Utopia.
Asmodeus: Blimey.


 PlatinumChao: i actually saw some of batman beyond as a kid
ivel: so did I, it was great
ivel: saw part of the Joker movie
PlatinumChao: then there was an episode with a man who was reduced to a living skeleton embedded into the earth
PlatinumChao: it spooped me and i noped out
Gooper Blooper: so what you're saying is
Gooper Blooper: you were literally scared by "and then a skeleton popped out"
ivel: lel
Spy Buys Fud: . . .
Spy Buys Fud: God damnit Goops
PlatinumChao: basically, yes
Gooper Blooper: you've come a long way, friend
PlatinumChao: i was not good with horror as a kid
PlatinumChao: i made the mistake of stumbling over the tails doll stories when i was a kid and it super freaked me out
PlatinumChao: ridiculously so
PlatinumChao: now i devour creepypasta


Jumpropeman: those Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books were my bane as a kid
PlatinumChao: and then fastforward and i used him as an RP character
Jumpropeman: the art man
Jumpropeman: the stories never scared me
Jumpropeman: but the art
Gooper Blooper: You are not alone JRM
PlatinumChao: who let that man design art for kids
Gooper Blooper: on and off nightmares for my entire life
ivel: that is a good point
ivel: those books
Jumpropeman: that book had that urban legend about a couple who find a dog in Mexico that turns out to be a rat
Jumpropeman: and that ain't scary at all
Jumpropeman: but that art made it terrifying
ivel: mhm
Gooper Blooper: They made special anniversary editions a couple years ago that replaced all the art with less scary art
Gooper Blooper: As expected, they got highly criticized :V
Jumpropeman: i believe that's called "Missing the Point"
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: maybe the anniversary edition of Schindler's List will remove all those mean nazis
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I mean, on one hand, horrible nightmares
Gooper Blooper: on the other hand, nobody would remember those books if they were text-only
Jumpropeman: its not like the books trick you or anything
Jumpropeman: the covers were pretty creepy too
Jumpropeman: one of them I tried to avoid looking at while it was in my backpack :V
Jumpropeman: always put it face down
Jumpropeman: oh my I just found the rat image on google
Jumpropeman: it doesn't look like a rat or a dog
Jumpropeman: its a lump thing [Scary Stories warning]
Gooper Blooper: >​googling scary stories images at midnight
Gooper Blooper: yeah that's a great idea
ivel: lel
Jumpropeman: careful
Spy Buys Fud: Awwwww
Spy Buys Fud: Such a cutie~
Jumpropeman: thats the lump rat
PlatinumChao: how would anyone think that's a dog
Asmodeus: It's so ugly it's kind of endearing.
Asmodeus: Kind of like those hairless cats.
Jumpropeman: there are people cosplaying as pictures from the books on google
Gooper Blooper: I imagine all the costumes involve lots of string you fling around yourself to look like ink splotches
Jumpropeman: one guy did that painted skull face on the cover of the first book
Jumpropeman: but somehow forgot the most important part
Jumpropeman: the little pipe in the head's mouth
Draco: Dangit, bro, that's the most important part!


Draco: I am glad that post is over. I kept trying to type "electrions"


(Asmodeus changes his name color to orange)

Asmodeus: Oh no, my mixtape landed on my name.
Asmodeus: Someone call the fire department.
Mr. Utopia: Mixtape?
Asmodeus: Yes Mr. Utopia, my mixtape.
Mr. Utopia: Mixtape.
Asmodeus: Yes.
Jumpropeman: mixtape?
Asmodeus: Yes, my mixtape.
Mr. Utopia: How would a mixtape turn your name orange.
Asmodeus: Because my mixtape is fire.
Lord Loss: Let the man be
Lord Loss: Mixtape?
Asmodeus: Yes.
Mr. Utopia: Why is your mixtape fire.
Jumpropeman: I don't know Asmo, I think your beats are downright ANTARCTIC
Asmodeus: So my beats are cool?
Asmodeus: I've got cool, chill beats?
Lord Loss: I presume the fire that is your mixtape has been quenched?
Lord Loss: eh?
Mr. Utopia: You've got crappy, cold beats.
Lord Loss: If your beats are ​chill​ how can it be fire?
Mr. Utopia: Like, it's just a hollow, cold-feeling beat.
Asmodeus: Schrödinger's Mixtape
Mr. Utopia: It both plays and doesn't play.
Asmodeus: It's both chill and fire, but you don't know unless you listen to it.
Mr. Utopia: I prefer playing and not playing at the same time.
Mr. Utopia: Hot and chill beats make too much sense for Schrödinger's Mixtape.
Jumpropeman: I figured it out
Jumpropeman: Asmo's mixtape
Jumpropeman: is Katy Perry's Hot and Cold
Mr. Utopia: I doubt Asmodeus even knows who Katy Perry is.
Lord Loss: Katy Perry?
Asmodeus: Is she the one that sung that Hello Kitty song?
Asmodeus: Or is that Avril Lavigne?
Lord Loss: Hello Kitty?
Lord Loss: Avril Lavinge?
Asmodeus: Oh, Val, you hate broken Japanese, right?
Lord Loss: yes
Jumpropeman: the superior version of Hot N Cold
Lord Loss: Which one should I listen to first?
Asmodeus: This is the worst.
Lord Loss: for fucks sake
Lord Loss: The start already threw me off
Jumpropeman: this hello kitty song is so dissonant
Jumpropeman: yeesh that Hello Kitty song... any song that has the "door open" alarm from a car as part of it should not be allowed to play on radio
Jumpropeman: yes I listened to that whole thing
Asmodeus: Didn't Avril Lavigne used to be punk.
Asmodeus: Now she's just a weeaboo.
Jumpropeman: same thing happened to Gwen Stefani
Asmodeus: The weeaboo epidemic is spreading.
Asmodeus: #banallanime


Mr. Utopia: I feel like smuggling dogs into Australia.
Asmodeus: We don't want rabies in Australia.
Mr. Utopia: I refuse to believe that Australia is rabies-free.
Lord Loss: Australia is indeed rabies-free
Asmodeus: We have plants that drive people to suicide, but we don't have rabies.
Asmodeus: Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands are free of rabies.
Mr. Utopia: I'm going to smuggle rabid animals into Australia.
Asmodeus: We don't have rabies because if anybody tries to smuggle anything in, we just shoot it.
Mr. Utopia: Do you shoot pure rabies samples?
Asmodeus: Who knows.
Jumpropeman: I don't believe Australia doesn't have rabies after how poorly they handled those rabbits and toads that moved in
Jumpropeman: I've taken too many classes about animals and heard too much about your examples of invasive species not to trust your ability to keep things out :V
Jumpropeman: remove that not
Mr. Utopia: I bet the Australian government has secret labs trying to weaponize rabies and that's where all the rabid animals went.
Jumpropeman: it completely changes the meaning
Asmodeus: Fucking cane toads.
Asmodeus: They're the worst.
Mr. Utopia: You're a cane toad.
Jumpropeman: Cane Toads are bad, but their buddies are worse. Nobody likes a Co-Cane Toad
Mr. Utopia: I heard that they were smuggling Co-Cane toads from Mexico.
iKomodo: Hahaha
Jumpropeman: yeah, but some of those toads weren't handled well. Cracked Co-Cane toads are even worse
Mr. Utopia: They're a massive problem, aren't they.
Asmodeus: What about those freebase Co-Cane toads?
Mr. Utopia: I thought those were endangered.
Jumpropeman: i hate those! You show up thinking that you're going to get a nice military base for free. and then they slap those Co-Cane Toads on top and you gotta have both or neither!
Jumpropeman: freaking scam I tell you what
Cornwind Twofans Evil: Rabies doesn't go to Australia because it's scared
Cornwind Twofans Evil: Australia is basically Death World: Planet Earth portion
Asmodeus: Ohh, so ​that's​ what they do.
Cornwind Twofans Evil: It's why they sent convicts there
Asmodeus: My favorite type of snake is the "brown snake".
Lord Loss: Here we go
Lord Loss: again with the snake story
Asmodeus: I'm not going to tell them the snake story Val.
Lord Loss: ah
Lord Loss: I see
Asmodeus: It's the second most venomous land snake, but it's so fucking generic looking.
Mr. Utopia: What's the most venomous land snake?
Asmodeus: Inland taipan.
Asmodeus: Also Australian.


Asmodeus: I'm also a new person.
Asmodeus: The most disappointing of the trio.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Lord Loss: That's actually true
Returns: Although that still places you slightly above meself. =v
Asmodeus: You see, if you meet the others first, you'll think, "oh, the other one can't be so bad, can they".
Asmodeus: I'm actually just a walking talking trash can.
Lord Loss: Theoretically, he can't even walk a dog
Returns: Lucky. Y: I'm a janitor. You have novelty on your side.
Asmodeus: I was going to see if I could get into dog walking.
Asmodeus: But then I remember that if I even contemplate stepping outside my house, I cough up a heaping teaspoon of blood and fall to the ground like a ragdoll.
Lord Loss: Don't even ask about his stamina
Asmodeus: Don't ask about my 'birth certificate'.
SteelKomodo: D:


Zombree hugs for draco
Draco: AH! HELP! SHE'S GOT M....oh wait. Hugs are good. :D


Zombree: undyne-nitori-danai alliance for BBB7!
BronzeChao: >​nitori
BronzeChao: >​bbb7
BronzeChao: i've got some baaaaad news
Zombree: :<
BronzeChao: she;'s gotta make way for old stars
Gooper Blooper: Nitori will enter BBB7
Gooper Blooper: under the champion rule ;V
Zombree: ​old​ stars?
M Sheep: okay, i'm back
M Sheep: sorry about that
Draco: Old stars like HE 1523-0901.
Gooper Blooper: HE 1523-0901 HAS NO STYLE
Zombree: d'oh ho ho ho astronomy jokes
BronzeChao: i messed up
BronzeChao: she's gotta make way for new stars
Ramza Beoulve: what
Zombree: she'll be back for season 7 in general though, right
BronzeChao: like the 2hu i plan to debut in 2017
Zombree: RIGHT???????????????????​??????
BronzeChao: well, duh
M Sheep: Chao knows what's best for business
Zombree: nitori will kill someone for a really insane amount of money
Draco: New stars like Patchouli Jr.
Zombree: how much money would it take to get her into a bikini
Zombree: inquiring pandas must know
Gooper Blooper: kek
BronzeChao: less money
Gooper Blooper: I should hope it'd cost less
Zombree: it actually costs more because if she wears a bikini she also has to murder any employees who are distracted by bikini boss
Zombree: and that loss of manpower is expensive, you know
Zombree: ​this is why there's only a few dude kappas working at kawashiro​
Zombree: the rest were fired
Zombree: from a cannon
Zombree: into deep space
Draco: My deep space. D:
Gooper Blooper: That reminds me
Gooper Blooper: I keked when Chao took a sentence to mention that a male kappa was manning the desk
Zombree: ​manning​ the desk
Gooper Blooper: "oh look it's some kappa you don't know ANYWAY SO NITORI"
BronzeChao: ​meanwhile, it takes more money to get mizuki in a bikini than it does for her to kill someone
Zombree: it's free to get mizuki to kill someone, just have the intended victim ask mizuki to wear a bikini
Zombree: mental image: meiling meets mizuki, calls her beautiful, mizuki brings up her dislike of false flattery, meiling supremely offended to be accused of lying to a beautiful lady
Ramza Beoulve: what even
Gooper Blooper: ​Meiling holds up Mary, "You only need to be this beautiful to get my approval"​
Zombree: komachi is like "meiling, what did I say about hitting on the kappa" and meiling's like "I agreed not to hit on ​one​ kappa"
Gooper Blooper: Mizuki is just ​a​ kappa
Gooper Blooper: not The Kappa
Gooper Blooper: wait, I got it
Gooper Blooper: Nitori doesn't enter BBB7 because Mizuki is a major character by then, and she enters
BronzeChao: >​implying i will ever let mizuki be major
BronzeChao: she will never escape that subfolder
Gooper Blooper: you better believe that's what I'm implying
Gooper Blooper: because sometimes, my frand
Gooper Blooper: it's not about what you "let" your characters do
Gooper Blooper: sometimes they just
Gooper Blooper: go into business for themselves
BronzeChao: not this time!!!
BronzeChao shoots Mizuki


Gooper Blooper: jesus christ yamame is adorable
Draco: This is what you people make me do. >​=I
Draco: Write out all the adorable shit I think up during the day.
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Zombree: so precious *squees forever*
Ramza Beoulve: yamame is good people
Ramza Beoulve: yew cannot win against her


Ramza Beoulve: holy shit plot progression
M Sheep: i know, right
BronzeChao: we are actually ​getting somewhere in sheeplot
BronzeChao: truly this is the Year of Sheep
M Sheep: One year right after the actual Year of the Sheep
M Sheep: because ​of course​
Ramza Beoulve: holy fuck this is like the beginning of a horror game


Gooper Blooper: I suspect Sarah is still the character I've sent on the most plots
Gooper Blooper: because for Season 1 I pretty much chucked Sarah and Widow Maker at Literally Everything
Gooper Blooper: mantis and white mage over and over, eternally
BronzeChao: and now you have Giant Pile of Characters


Jumpropeman: "BronzeChao: because if season 7's brawl isn't on the water"
Jumpropeman: Season 7's brawl will not have an arena
Jumpropeman: everyone will just be airdropped into the ocean
Jumpropeman: first 20 eliminations are just people drowning
Draco: Gamera drowns again.
M Sheep: Gamera, Friend to Children
M Sheep: not water


Jumpropeman: *scanning review mode*
Jumpropeman: *misreads a line as "Sadly Meiling is not an orangutan"*
Jumpropeman: that can be changed, right?
Zombree: indeed it can
Zombree: she can shapeshift into plenty of other things already
Jumpropeman: I am a secret orangutan fan
Jumpropeman: I have scrapped many a potential orangutan character
Jumpropeman: because if I do it
Jumpropeman: I gotta do it RIGHT
Zombree: well she can't fill the role of a full-time orangutan character
Zombree: she's already a dragonpanda
Zombree: dragonpandaorangutan would just be pushing everyone's suspension of disbelief too far
Jumpropeman: still, even a part-time orangutan is good for me
Jumpropeman: everyone remembers Dunston
Jumpropeman: he was everyone's favorite in the last Brawl
Jumpropeman: He certainly CHECKED IN letmetellya


Zombree: today ruby said... *sniff* h-he said...
Zombree: he said komachitori is not happening :<
Zombree: the pairing I mean :U
M Sheep: Truly, this is the darkest timeline
An alias multitudinous: Oh, dear. I'm sorry, Bree.
iKomodo: oh noooooo
Cornwind AC Evil: At least not yet
Cornwind AC Evil: Things could change
Cornwind AC Evil: I still remember Pit being terrified that Raw was going to skin him for (gasp) STARTING TO LIKE ANOTHER WOMAN BECAUSE SHE WASN'T AROUND
Zombree: you saw the review mode :U
Zombree: I said he doesn't know that it won't happen and he was like "I'm nitori's writer though"
Zombree: I'm pretty sure nitori is IMMUNE TO PAIRINGS
Zombree: the worst kind of character
Zombree: idk I'm not actually upset
Zombree: but my pairing count has to increase exponentially each season
Dellaris: Rip the ship
Zombree: ven, we have to create All The Pairings
Zombree: ship All The Characters
Zombree: I've chosen ven because clearly he'll be most receptive to my nefarious plot to turn ZFRP into an orgy
Zombree: wait what
Zombree is joking I swear
An alias multitudinous: Damn. -was halfway through arranging flights and strippers- I suppose I'll just have to study the timeline where Zoofites happened in the late seventeenth century and the Kobbers took offense to the colonial warmongering on legally purchased lands, then began a war with what would eventually become Canada but at the time was French colonies intermingling with Native American tribes and slaughtered both sets for land. Thereby preventing America later when Gloria smacked down enough of the land grabbers. =u Or the time the same thing happened, but without French involvement and more native tribes involved, alongside Mexico, when Manifest Destiny happened.


BronzeChao: i still cant' believe it
BronzeChao: a whole sheeplot actualyl happened
BronzeChao: there was progress!
BronzeChao: what world am i living in now
SteelKomodo: yaaaaaaaaay


Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: *dramatic text graphics while shovel knight derps around in the background*


Ramza Beoulve: i'm about to do something really stupid
M Sheep joined the chat
Ramza Beoulve: sheep is interested in the stupid sheenanigans
M Sheep: I do enjoy my monkeyshines


NickelChao: "No need to worry about me, Ms. Sine. Oceanus' passing is sorrowful, but I know he's somewhere where he can be at peace now. Somewhere where he can enjoy himself."
NickelChao: reminder
NickelChao: osh was going to be permadead
M Sheep: So many dead Zephyrus family members
NickelChao: and everyone likes zeph!
NickelChao: it's time to introduce the Kappakin
NickelChao: so i can ​MURDER THEM ALL
Gooper Blooper: Nitori's dark and brooding backstory
NickelChao: look, Nitori needs pathos
NickelChao: and it will be achieved via mizuki's dead body
Gooper Blooper: noooo
NickelChao: she's just a minor character, goops
NickelChao: it's not like she actually matters *dismissive handwave*
M Sheep: Introducing Karah, Kloria, Kappasephine, and their programmer/ice cream shop owning Uncle Kreg


NickelChao: i just realized
NickelChao: both mizuki and nitori have shared in the experience of "got their shit kicked in by sheeplot developments"
M Sheep: I did have a moment after where I went: "Okay, this is starting to turn into 'Chao Characters React To Getting Whammied by Sheeplot'; I should probably try and mix it up a little"


Dellaris: I'm ded
Dellaris: And I'm in a dive bar that smells of balls and vape
Dellaris: So the worst death


Gooper Blooper: tell me if this works
StarshipChao: it works!
Draco: It's until Yamame finally kidnaps Sarah and Patchouli, forcing a rooftop battle resulting in her death? :D
Gooper Blooper: She can't do that, that's Gloria's younger sister and one of her best friends
Draco: She has to tell Sarah to stop squirming so she's easier to carry and Patchouli to START squirming so she knows she's alive.
Gooper Blooper: I reread some old chatzy madnesses and saw the bit I came up with again where patchy is literally fading out of existence because remaining on the physical plane is a lot of work
Draco: lel
StarshipChao: patchy is annoyed
StarshipChao: no matter what she tries
StarshipChao: she just cannot reach a zero effort state
Gooper Blooper: Mind you, she's come closer than anyone else in recorded history besides coma patients
StarshipChao: ​patchy comes up with a plan to freeze herself at absolute zero, so that even her individual molecules cease work
Gooper Blooper: Of course she wouldn't REALLY want to do that
Gooper Blooper: because if she was COMPLETELY no-effort
Gooper Blooper: she wouldn't be able to read
StarshipChao: that's the problem
StarshipChao: even if someone read the book to her
StarshipChao: she would have to expend the work of processing the sounds
Draco: Poorchouli


Jumpropeman: I don't think I said it
Jumpropeman: but I had a feeling someone would RP Rifa
Gooper Blooper: You just didn't know who would take the bait
Gooper Blooper: but you'd probably narrowed it down to me and harpy :V
Jumpropeman: yup :V
StarshipChao: kek


Ramza Beoulve: how many donuts
Ramza Beoulve rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Ramza Beoulve: that's not enough you fucker


(Scarlett freaks out upon hacking into NBN and finding living AIs)

Bree: scarlett in that post
Dellaris: Well when you unexpectedly encounter something that resembles you
Dellaris: You tend to freak out
Dellaris: It makes living with SK tricky :U
Bree: barrel of keks


iKomodo: Do you guys wanna know what the best feeling in the world is?
iKomodo: taking down a T. rex from over a hundred metres with a sniper rifle
iKomodo: You will feel like a testosterone-addled god among men
iKomodo: yes, even if you are a girl :U


Bree: tom just used "comeuppance" in a sentence


Draco: ​Still not sure how I accidentally turned my spider into an ace baker.

1 comment:

  1. Zombree: today ruby said... *sniff* h-he said...
    Zombree: he said komachitori is not happening :<

    I love reading old Chatzy Madness and finding gems like this. X)
