Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 253: The Ur-Admin

(Del debuts a new character named Toinette and she and Marie begin making dirty talk almost immediately)

TechnoChao: so if they shack up
TechnoChao: do we call the pairing
TechnoChao: ​Marie And-Toinette
SteelKomodo: ​CHAO
SteelKomodo: ​PLS
Draco: lel
Draco 's monocle pops out. ಠ_ಠ
Bree: next on marie flirts with everyone: marie flirts with meiling and scarlett, a threesome ensues
SteelKomodo: BREE PLS
Bree: and/or she flirts with rahat and h'astra
Bree: both of those work
Bree: ​all five of them, idk​
BUTT BUTT and SHIELD BUTT: *looks at watch. All hands on watch are pointing to Lewd*
BUTT BUTT and SHIELD BUTT: Oh goodness. Just look at the time
Bree: lewd o'clock
Draco cancels ZFRP, slathers "PG-13" signs everywhere. EVERYWHERE! 8V


Bree: aardvarks


Dellaris: Oh hey when did that new chatzy madness come up
TechnoChao: yesterday
Dellaris: It's a good one
TechnoChao: you're SO BEHIND
Draco: For being eight hours ahead of us, you sure are behind the times! ;D
Altair: Draco you fucker
Draco: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Draco begins blaring the airhorns.


Draco: Harpy, I think Ruby is planning the next phase of his evil plan to trick me into making more characters relevant to Gloria.
Gooper Blooper: You figured it out, Draco, Chao's been pulling the strings this whole time
Gooper Blooper: His ultimate goal is to replace Ariel with Gloria as your favorite sugar mage
Draco: Noooooooooooo


TechnoChao: i forgot for a second that honey the twilek was just dead
TechnoChao: one of the very few characters who didn't return from a fite
Draco: Yeah. He's a badass.


Gooper Blooper: Vermont is a lovely place, don't you know
Gooper Blooper: except in winter
Gooper Blooper: which lasts like six months


Gooper Blooper: I will never drive, and the roads of vermont are a little bit safer because of that
Gooper Blooper: I drive a mean bumper car tho
Spy Is An Adult: I remember when I was learning to drive
Spy Is An Adult: My mom said "You'll be fine, you drive in games all the time"
Spy Is An Adult: Mario Kart and Halo are . . . NOT good choices for driving lessons, mom


iKomodo: ​>​Josephine waggled her hips.
iKomodo: ​Dirk was totes doing the same thing. "AND HERE, TOO!"
Gooper Blooper: ​she didn't get those from eatin' celery
TiredBree: you get RP brownie points if ariel gains like two pounds after this plot
TiredBree: and it goes to her butt
TiredBree: just like a week later sephine is all "ariel your butt looks bigger! that fight did you some good!"
TiredChao: plot twist: ​it goes to her tits
Spy Is An Adult: Is
Spy Is An Adult: is Bree pushing the butt agenda
TiredBree: #Butts2016
TiredBree: join the campaign
TiredBree: be an american hero
Gooper Blooper: buttriel
Spy Is An Adult: Sorry Bree, I already chose my side
Spy Is An Adult: #UglyClothing2016
M Sheep: Now there's an agenda I can get behind


Gooper Blooper: 'there's only one squid sister now'
iKomodo: MARIE PLS


(Harpy is playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions)

Mystical Guy Altair: holy shit a female geomancer
Gooper Blooper: sara spotted
TiredChao: get the sara
Mystical Guy Altair: her name is Maerwynn
Mystical Guy Altair: b-but i have to save space for specialty chars
Gooper Blooper: and then harpy killed sara
Mystical Guy Altair: >​she's an aquarius
Mystical Guy Altair: they're not special enough
Mystical Guy Altair: get in
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: Reminder that one of the two times I fought a female white mage in FFT I couldn't bring myself to kill her so I saved her and she became ariel
Gooper Blooper: and the other time was the early plot fight where I didn't have an orator yet so I KOed them at the end so they didn't turn into crystals
Mystical Guy Altair: >​bad compatability with stella
Mystical Guy Altair: this is going to suck
Gooper Blooper: c'mon, stel-stel, don't be hatin


Mystical Guy Altair: I GOT THE GEOMANCER


TiredChao: uhh
TiredChao: is it just me or is robotnik
TiredChao: melting
Gooper Blooper: the green tint really brings out his neck fat
M Sheep: Forget Robotnik
M Sheep: What has happened to that poor animal's head?!
Gooper Blooper: That's probably one of Knuckles' five million ancestors, Lumpy Forehead-Su
TiredChao: ^


Del: what season are we on
Del: 6 right?
Gooper Blooper: yep
Del: "Gooper Blooper: Season 7 plot: Get A Gift For Splinter"
Del: helpful reminder
Chao: oh lordy
Gooper Blooper: very important
Chao: #happening
Chao: year
SteelKomodo: somebody write that down
SteelKomodo: this is important :U


M Sheep: >​Asmodeus
M Sheep: That's some coincidence
M Sheep: right there
Gooper Blooper: Sheep, it was amazing
Gooper Blooper: I've been planning to use Asmodeus here for literally years
M Sheep: Ahahahah
M Sheep: Ahahah
Gooper Blooper: he was going to show up as far back as 2014
M Sheep: Oh my god, i can't stop laughing
Gooper Blooper: and the week I finally debut him, we get a new guy named Asmodeus
Mystical Guy Altair: i got fuckin confused between the two :U
Gooper Blooper: fucking uncanny
ivel: amazing
Spy Is An Adult: kek
Chao: i've noticed that it seems the asmocrew has vanished
Chao: he'll miss out :V
Gooper Blooper: ​RIP nine filler entries for BBB6​
M Sheep: Alice also very briefly mentioned Asmodeus last night


Spy Is An Adult: One day
Spy Is An Adult: Draco will RP a guard from Oblivion
Spy Is An Adult: And just harass any Kobber who does something legally questionable
Spy Is An Adult: *takes an artifact from an ancient pyramid* "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM"
Gooper Blooper: That'd probably get disliked fast :V
Draco: :C That was my plot next year, thanks.
not ivel: that was my plan to start RPing, now it's ruined >:I
Draco: Now I have to do silly shit again.
Gooper Blooper: your plan to start RPing should be to toss something silly into the brawl and then wind up getting invested in the brawl as a result
Chao: it worked for me!
Draco: :I
Draco: Alright, I'll enter. Any char in the bottom half is permadead. Jk
Draco: ​The joke was the bottom half. It's actually non-top ten.
Chao: ​but how will gamera keep his perfect record
Draco: Easy. Beat out the other 80 entries.
Gooper Blooper: ​*Gloria votes for Yamame*​
Draco: Too late. Yamame already got 100th.
Draco: Yew ko'd her with Raid.
Gooper Blooper: noooo
Spy Is An Adult: So clooooose


Draco: Oh, hmm, I was gonna write a Yamame thing. Kinda mean though and she's not Parsee.
Gooper Blooper: you've done a good job of making them distinctive
Gooper Blooper: and they're both adorable
Draco: Well, it's being mean to her because ​she'd be worried that she got Gloria sick with cake.
Gooper Blooper: ​Gloria will be fine, she's a sarah sister. She can handle it!
Chao: ​good thing it's not ariel
Gooper Blooper: ​Yamame shows up at Gloria's place with alka-seltzer
Draco: ​​ more cake
Gooper Blooper: ​Well, you know, hair of the dog that bit ya and all that


HotelInternetropeman: i just realized Harpy has like, 3 male characters all with a very similar shade of green for their text
HotelInternetropeman: and ivel uses green in chat
HotelInternetropeman: I think Harpy just thinks men are green
HotelInternetropeman: the Jolly Green Giant did not help her misconception :V


WARMECH3 joined the chat
SteelKomodo: skeiron pls
WARMECH3: ​pac​
WARMECH3 left the chat
Dellaris: Punssssss


(Ridley's Skull driving a giant Patchouli robot is kicking everyone's butts)

Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 4
Gooper Blooper: oh for
ivel: oh four*
ivel: :U
TiredBree: shhhh, we didn't see anything
TiredBree: roll it again
Gooper Blooper: >​.>​
Gooper Blooper: <.<
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 3
Gooper Blooper: -.-
PatChaouli: <.>​


PatChaouli: you know who would have fit on glitchplot
PatChaouli: thomas
PatChaouli: ​IF HE WASN'T ​DEAD


Draco: Yamame eats Harpcast, is finally full. ;o;


HotelInternetropeman joined the chat
HotelInternetropeman: howdy
Mew meow mrrwoow?: The mental image of jaw's cameo in toy story yelping "I'm woody! Howdy howdy howdy" and then never appearing again to my knowledge after that just popped in involuntarily at JRM's greeting this time.
Mew meow mrrwoow?: Do... do any of you remember what happened to the shark toy that wore woody's hat? .- .
ivel: "Shark does not appear in Toy Story 3. He was probably sold at a yard sale, thrown away, donated or handed down to Molly between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3. It is also a possibility that Andy put him in the attic."
ivel: ;;
Mew meow mrrwoow?: Oh he ​was​ a blue. Sorry, Jaws. I meant no insult. I hope your friend can find work again soon! He was fun.
Mew meow mrrwoow?: -eyes great white nervously-


M Sheep: Ray bungles into the plot just long enough to get his blood sucked out by Remilia
HotelInternetropeman: XD
HotelInternetropeman: it works even better if you imagine Ray tripping into the plot
M Sheep: Ray's general state of being is bungling
HotelInternetropeman: poor guy
HotelInternetropeman: obviously the next BBB champion but still
HotelInternetropeman: poor guy
M Sheep: It's those sticky fingers
M Sheep: RAY STEALS THE BRAWL (trophy)
M Sheep: Apparently I wanted people to steal weapons from each other so badly I decided to enter a guy who just picks up whatever random crap he can get his hands on
M Sheep: Exhibit A: picking up a gold(ish) butterfly decoration in the middle of a blackout while who were after him were closing in
M Sheep: Why?
M Sheep: Because it was there
HotelInternetropeman: *writes it so he never steals a weapon*
M Sheep: Jrm, why do you hurt me so
HotelInternetropeman: fine fine, he can steal rainbow dash's weapon
HotelInternetropeman: I heard this year she'll be using a skull with shades on a stick as her weapon
HotelInternetropeman: Radley's Skull, she calls it
HotelInternetropeman: or maybe she just jammed a stick in the back of Ray's head and is calling him that
M Sheep: Ray somehow manages to steal Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony (or whatever it is)
Draco: My entrant's weapon is going to be a delicious sandwich.
M Sheep: I would not be adverse to Ray's body being used as a weapon in the fite
M Sheep: bag of chips just continues to be buried


(Raezin leaves RP)

HotelInternetropeman: Raezin can't catch a break, if only he'd do the utterly predictable and turn evil LIKE EVERY OTHER DRAGON I'VE EVER LOVED ; o ;


ElvisChao: so apparently
ElvisChao: there's a japanese name pun
ElvisChao: where today is "Mukyuu Day", as in Patchouli
ElvisChao: which means patchy plot missed patchy day
ElvisChao: by one day
Gooper Blooper: that just means patchyday is two days long
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: she needed two, ​she wouldn't have fit in just one​




ElvisChao: *intends to skip a youtube ad as soon as the button is there, as usual*
ElvisChao: *ends up watching all six minutes*
ElvisChao: sometimes they are more successful than most :V
Gooper Blooper: ...A ​six-minute-long​ advertisement?
ElvisChao: it was basically a minifilm, with a plot and everything
ElvisChao: it wasn't six minutes of "this is our product"
ElvisChao: it was still an ad tho :V
Gooper Blooper: ADS
ElvisChao: the longest ad i personally ever saw was one that was listed as being like 16 minutes
ElvisChao: but of course there's that one tumblr tale
Gooper Blooper: I'm not familiar with the tumblr advertisement tale, did someone make a multi-hour ad that wasn't an infomercial or something
ElvisChao: the person somehow ended up with an ​entire movie​ for their skippable ad
ElvisChao: and they went ahead and watched it
ElvisChao: and confirmed that yes, it was the whole movie
Gooper Blooper: Well that makes very little sense
Gooper Blooper: I assumed it was just a glitch and kept watching


Gooper Blooper: So we got two saleswomen, a wrestler, a little old lady and her magic tablecloth, and Josephine
Gooper Blooper: LET'S CRUSH IT :V
M Sheep: Salute these great, tremendous gladiators
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Gooper Blooper: drunk parsee one-shots geth
Draco: Parsee salutes so hard, even Cleft sheds a tear.


ivel: RP scenario generator (between two chars)
ivel: figured I'd share here :U
Gooper Blooper: "Dirk and Josephine got handcuffed together and lost the key."
ivel: oh my
ivel: "lost"
Gooper Blooper: h "Saraand Alex as JRPG style characters."
Gooper Blooper: um
ivel: :U
M Sheep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Gooper Blooper: "Blade striking the finishing blow on Silence."
Gooper Blooper: THAT HEEL TURN
Brinehammer: "Nylora accidentally drinks a love potion and falls for Ko." Eh, I'd watch that sitcom.
Brinehammer: "Silence and Elesh Norn go to a bar. Elesh Norn gets too drunk and Silence has to take them home." ​Can we make this happen, one day?​
Gooper Blooper: ​It will require Elesh to brave THE LOUNGE!! instead of hanging out in the sewer
Brinehammer: ​True, true. Baby steps!​
SteelKomodo: "Marie playing pranks on Callie."
SteelKomodo: What do you mean, she doesn't already do that? :P
SteelKomodo: "Dirk and Josephine watching a very sad movie. Dirk is crying."
SteelKomodo: Dirk: JO HOLD ME ;_;
Gooper Blooper: I got that one too with Lily and Sonia, Lily was the one who cried
SteelKomodo: Poor Lily :<
Gooper Blooper: "Mr. Bixby and Sakura Atari play an MMO together.Mr. Bixby is the tank and Sakura Atari is the healer."
SteelKomodo: "Stephen is cornered by a bully, but Julius comes to the rescue."
SteelKomodo: Del and me plan to make this canon
Gooper Blooper: "Nitori gets a contract to assassinate Josephine."
ElvisChao: Mizuki cooking lunch for Nitori.
Gooper Blooper: spoilers it's got cucumbers in it
ElvisChao: "Utsuho is hired to spy on Tenshi."
ElvisChao: can you imagine okuu the spy
ElvisChao: "HI TENSHI"
Gooper Blooper: "what are you doing" "BEING A SPY"
ElvisChao: "Utsuho and Samus get separated in a place that's easy to get lost in. They need to reunite."
ElvisChao points to Strangviaplot
Draco: "Gloria is a member of the royal family and Yamame is a lowly peasant."
Draco: Sounds accurate.
Gooper Blooper: "Josephine and Nitori at the beach."
Gooper Blooper: this is pretty much perfect
Draco: Gesp
ElvisChao: "Eggerman and Jester Chao go to a bar. Jester Chao gets too drunk and Eggerman has to take them home."
Gooper Blooper: "Josephine is a super hero hiding their secret identity from Nitori."
ElvisChao: "Komachi and Nitori meet during the zombie apocalypse.Nitori needs Komachi's help."
ElvisChao: 2017plot confirmed
Gooper Blooper: "Rain and Eddie as buddy cops."
Gooper Blooper: "Josephine discovers Rainbow Mika's terrible secret."
Gooper Blooper: "...An ​artificial butt?!​"
ivel: :O
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: The WORST Secret
ivel: "Wario gives up their life so that Waluigi can live."
ivel: ;;
ElvisChao: "Patchouli and Gloria pretend to be in a relationship for the purpose of an undercover mission."
ElvisChao: my god
Gooper Blooper: the undercover mission probably involves yamame
M Sheep: I hope that becomes a thing that actually happens
Gooper Blooper: ​and then the pretend relationship turns into a real one
Gooper Blooper: ​Gloria love triangle plot 2016


Gooper Blooper: Chao wanted me to point out an observation I made, that being that Patchouli has gotten more important every year
ElvisChao: clubpost
Gooper Blooper: 2013: Votes in like two fites, does nothing else
Gooper Blooper: 2014: Votes more often, appears in a plot right at the end of the year
Gooper Blooper: 2015: Enters the bar thread for the first time, goes on a few plots, starts making friends (Gloria) or having pre-existing friends appear in RP (Remilia)
Gooper Blooper: 2016: Gets her own plot
ElvisChao: and her own arch-nemesis
ElvisChao: very significant
Gooper Blooper: 2017 is the year of the patchouli megaplot in which she fights a syndicate of book-burners
HotelInternetropeman: there's only one more way for her to evolve
HotelInternetropeman: PATCHY TURNS HEEL
Gooper Blooper: she hasn't been in a fite yet, so there's that
HotelInternetropeman: how can she vote on a fite she's entered
Gooper Blooper: By doing an effort vote for herself, of course
HotelInternetropeman: >​effort
ElvisChao: >​effort
Gooper Blooper: I will remind you that Patchouli's entire existence was originally to make chao's votes have effort
Gooper Blooper: vote effort is like the one thing she puts effort into
HotelInternetropeman: you forget we're talking about Patchouli here
HotelInternetropeman: you forget we're talking about Patchouli here
Cornwind Evil: Well, in theory she's just talking and thinking
Cornwind Evil: Does she even consider TALKING effort?
HotelInternetropeman: don't worry, I'll remind you a couple more times who we're talking about
Gooper Blooper: If we go by chatzy jokes she considers walking, breathing, and existing to be effort
Gooper Blooper: also hearing, registering pain, and having a pulse


Cornwind Evil: I was writing
Cornwind Evil: "see Geth making his move"
Cornwind Evil: And instead wrote
Cornwind Evil: "see Geth making his mother"
Gooper Blooper: thought you were gonna say you wrote "see Geth making the moves"
Spy is calm now maybe: I saw "see Geth making his movie"
Cornwind Evil: It turns out Geth was cast in Sine's film and this was all a horribly misunderstood case of method acting


Gooper Blooper: Meanwhile, Sheep has found a way to grimdark the original Donkey Kong
Gooper Blooper: because of course :V
M Sheep: Everything that I tooooouch
Gooper Blooper: "HOW HIGH CAN YOU GET?" "Not high enough." A single tear rolled down Gran's cheek as the memories came back. "It's never high enough."


ElvisChao: "After this, it started to rain. I reached a small platform with a Toad on it. It looked like the Super Mario Galaxy model. When I landed on his platform, dialogue appeared.
We don't want you any more, Mario. You don't belong here. Just give Bowser what he wants. Die.
After the text box went away, I no longer had control of Mario. Mario just stood there for a while, then turned around and walked off the platform."

RedSpy: Wow
RedSpy: Mario is really easy to convince to commit suicide
RedSpy: Seriously, writer, could you at least make the message creepy?
RedSpy: "I went to the store. A skeleton popped out. It looked at me and said 'I'm gonna get ya, nyeh heh heh!' I was so scared I dieded."


Dellaris: I shall put SK on
Dellaris: Hai
Bree: hi
Dellaris: This is SK
Dellaris: How goes it?
Bree: we can't tell the difference u nerds
Time To Play The Game-uh: Sup SK
Dellaris: :P
Dellaris: Wet and fed up but otherwise ok
Dellaris: I shall hand u back 2 del
Dellaris: It's meeeeeeee
Bree: imagine if you guys did this in real life
Bree: like del is around friends and just suddenly like "here lemme put SK on" and start talking in an SK voice
Dellaris: We used to
Dellaris: In a weird way
Bree: identical twin jokez
Dellaris: We looked a lot more alike in primary school
Dellaris: So when we were 6-8 years old
Bree: babby britbros
Dellaris: So sometimes we'd swap glasses
Dellaris: And pretend to be each other
Bree: lil bitty cutie patooties


Time To Play The Game-uh: Dunston should've never checked out
Time To Play The Game-uh: He should've won
Gooper Blooper: Tragically for Dunston, he wasn't eligible to win
Gooper Blooper: Even if the tractor had landed on the one space given to Mystery Fiter, that just means Flying Dutchman would've gotten his Clint Hurdle autograph
ElvisChao: imagine if instead of Silence and Blade
ElvisChao: it was the Dutchman
ElvisChao: and Be Brave Guy
ElvisChao: who spent the entire brawl yelling at the dutchman to ​BE BRAVE
ElvisChao: and never fought in any way
Gooper Blooper: The images would be stained with JRM's tears
Gooper Blooper: As opposed to "oh thank fucking goodness he didn't get second place AGAIN"
ElvisChao: imagine sumireko getting second place this year
Gooper Blooper: she loses to a harpchar
Gooper Blooper: also me getting second ​this​ year would be pulling an Aevar
Gooper Blooper: pretty crazy to think that only three years in we were one cleft away from a repeat winner


Dellaris: Baby metal are great and I might use their music in RP
Gooper Blooper: a baby metal head
Gooper Blooper: a baby metal head
Dellaris: >:I


Celestial Bureaucracy: I might feel slightly better about breeding pokemon if they had support conversations. =u I know I've given FE a hard time about that mechanic on occasion, but some of these romances are genuinely sweet. THEN AGAIN, 'Ditto ditto' 'pikaaaa' does not translate well, sadly. ​b=


HotelInternetropeman: "ElvisChao: not that i don't like Nylora, though, I just prefer Clash"
HotelInternetropeman: you wanna fite mate
HotelInternetropeman: *continues attaching characters to Nylora like remoras*
Celestial Bureaucracy: Excuse you. :U -plants Ko flag firmly in JRM's yard- You're welcome.


HotelInternetropeman: Sonic Man's dark backstory
Celestial Bureaucracy: That's... that's so sad, JRM. So... so sad.


HotelInternetropeman: Komachi to Nitori: "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber"


M Sheep: One day, I will put together a plot with goals that are easily discernible
ElvisChao: but then it wouldn't be the sheeplot we've come to know, love, and be confused by :V


Bree: I had planned on meiling coming to the bar sometime when callie and marie are there and just being like "of course they have sexy squid girls here, this place is the best"
iKomodo: Marie would like that compliment very much bree
iKomodo: "I'm not usually into people taller than me, buuuut...~"
Bree: meiling is much, much taller, kek
Bree: smoll squids
iKomodo: very smoll
Bree: aren't they like four feet tall
Bree: meiling is six feet tall
iKomodo: Around that much, yeah
iKomodo: i figure that they're slightly taller than the average inkling since they're older, but not by much
iKomodo: also Marie would take that as a challenge :U
Bree: a squid and a dragon walk into a bar...
iKomodo: And then everything is censored for 2Lewd
Bree: maybe they ​shouldn't​ meet because meiling probably would bang the squidgirl unless scarlett wasn't okay with that
Bree: and I get the sense that scarlett would probably just join in because she ​is del's character
iKomodo: Hahaha
Bree: and then we'd all be responsible for a lesbian threesome canonically happening in ZFRP and that's just terrible
Draco was timed out
iKomodo: As Patman Post would say, TERRIBLE
Bree: draco was so offended by #Lewd that he got kicked out of chat
iKomodo: Hahaha
Dellaris: Scarlett is from a society where there is a wider spectrum of sexuality than visible light
Dellaris: So she'd be like "lol of course you did"
Dellaris: "Now let's play double dragon"
TemporalChao: i leave for five minutes and this is what happened
iKomodo: kek
iKomodo: WB chao :U
Dellaris: U can't tell me what to do
Bree: sorry ruby
TemporalChao: yes i can, i'm an admin
TemporalChao waves admin flag
Dellaris: I'm more admin than u
Dellaris: Im
Dellaris: The ur-admin
Dellaris: And the only way to beat me is to observe and exploit my predictable patterns and obvious weak spot
TemporalChao hides behind his shield and waits several minutes for the one available moment
iKomodo: Hahaha
Dellaris rears up in incredibly telegraphed attack posture that exposes said weak spot
iKomodo: Del pls
TemporalChao attacks weak point, followed by the same process happening about five more times with no changes
Dellaris dies, drops heart container
TemporalChao: victoryyyy
TemporalChao poses stupidly while holding up object


Gooper Blooper: gonna have to make goopsbro buy me explosives


A Metalheaf: I won Call of C'thulhu . A street Urchin tried to sucker punch me so I threw a glass at him.
A Metalheaf: And hit him for max damage.
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: an urchin with a sack full of cabbages
A Metalheaf: MY CABBAGES!!!!!!!111ONE
A Metalheaf: Oh, almost forgot the best part: I yelled "YOU FUCKING WANKER" at him as he left.


Bree: I promise this is the last post that will include the word "porn"
Gooper Blooper: tonight, that is :V


Bree: clifford makes me sad, he's so isolated
Bree: I just wanna have a breecharacter give him a goddamn hug
Bree: friggin sheep
Bree: he'll probably never let me, because sheep characters don't get hugs
Bree: they know only suffering


Gooper Blooper: Chao wants me to remind everyone that pretty much every 2hu in ZFRP (all two dozen of the bastards) can be traced back to him very hesitantly entering Utsuho as a lotto entrant in BBB3 and being so scared she'd be poorly received that he put her entry in a spoiler
TemporalChao: it took goops actively suggesting her, i think
Bree: kek
Bree: you really started something, chao
Gooper Blooper: It's his equivalent of ONE VOTE


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: THE KING
Jumpropeman: HAS RETURNED
TemporalChao: i've been here for hours, JRM
Bree: jrm, goops has been here for hours
Bree: 2slow


Jumpropeman: I think despite constantly telling him otherwise
Jumpropeman: Hoodoo is convinced he can only enter things in late October
Bree: wat
Gooper Blooper: Hoodoo is definitely one of the more eccentric folks to pass through here
Jumpropeman: i don't know what you're talking about Gooper
Jumpropeman: *goat barfs*
M Sheep joined the chat
Normal Guy Carlos: SHEEP
Jumpropeman: speaking of goat barf


Jumpropeman: today I talked with CKR and talked her down from her worse ideas
Jumpropeman: I have saved you all from the terror of Babe Lincoln
TemporalChao: >​terror
TemporalChao: more like
TemporalChao: GLORY
M Sheep: We don't deserve you, Jrm
Jumpropeman: literally the picture she showed me for Babe Lincoln
ivel: amazing
Normal Guy Carlos: plz
TemporalChao: oh, that kind of babe lincoln
Gooper Blooper: CKR why
ivel: I was thinking the same as you Chao
TemporalChao: i was thinking Babe, the pig, dressed up as Lincoln
ivel: I was not thinking the same Chao
ivel: :U
ivel: I was thinking of female Abe Lincoln
Jumpropeman: I don't think I need to make a No Baby deaths rule
Jumpropeman: but no baby deaths in brawl pls

(JRM's other sister RainbowDash proceeded to enter a baby gorilla, which JRM aged up)


M Sheep: Okay, I'm out again
Fifty Shades of Bree: without answering a single question about clifford
M Sheep: I'll see if we can check on Clifford again sometime before the heat death of the universe
Fifty Shades of Bree: sheep.txt
M Sheep: And that's a promise!


Gooper Blooper: I finished rereading BBB5
Gooper Blooper: love the ending :V
ThermalChao: gee i wonder why
Draco: It was a little too quiet for me.
Draco: After all, it ended ​in Silence. ;V
Gooper Blooper: *rimshot*


Jumpropeman: that freaking sarahplot poster makes me antsy


Jumpropeman: Big Joe Mufferaw needs to go up against the Brawny guy
Jumpropeman: here's the Brawny guy right before all the woodland animals tear him to shreds
Jumpropeman: still got that million dollar smile til the end at least
Gooper Blooper: that filename though


M Sheep: i suppose I'll throw up my wrap up post
Jumpropeman: "Joe's corpse continues to fester"
M Sheep: Which is just several paragraphs of Joe's flesh sloughing off his bones
Gooper Blooper: sheep pls
Gooper Blooper: I'm addressing Joe in my own post
ThermalChao: gloria stabs him through the neck
ThermalChao: to put him out of his misery
ThermalChao: then she kicks his body a few times
Gooper Blooper: So what you're saying is Gloria learns to summon Big Joe
ThermalChao: yes
Jumpropeman: Gloria should just killsteal her friends whenever a bad guy is about to kill them so she can grow her summon stable
ThermalChao: she gains a newfound rush of power, starts killing anyone weakened on the plot
ThermalChao: then it turns into killing allies for their power
ThermalChao: and basically Gloria becomes Garland
Jumpropeman: Gloria just blows up the bar so she can summon everyone
Draco: She literally summons the bar.
ThermalChao: in the most heartwrenching scene of Season 6, yamame is forced to kill gloria with her own hands, all six of them
Draco: yaaaaaaay


ivel: okay now they're just making words up
ivel: "teraflops"?
Endorphine: what
ivel: stuff they were saying about Project Scorpio
ivel: what the heck is a teraflop of power
ivel: let alone 6 of them
ivel: that's my new word for a small earthquake
ivel: a Terra Flop

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