Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rejected Characters Depot IV

The offseason is a time for brainstorming. While I'm sure most people are like me in that the bulk of their details and minutiae for their plots is come up with during the season, perhaps even on the fly, I'd say all of us get lots of ideas during our dormant winter period. Vague, big ideas that float through the mind and are pondered in turn, each one examined from different angles to determine if it's worth taking to the big leagues.

Here are some folks who ultimately failed that test, though as with previous Rejected Characters Depot entrants, this isn't necessarily 100% the end of the line for everyone here - it's just pretty likely that they're never going to do much more than sit in this blog post.

Origin: Cooking Mama
Intended Seasons: 1, 2, 5

Excitable, friendly, and maybe somewhat overbearing, Mama was to appear as a competitor to Celestia in a Celestiaplot centered around competing businesses vying for the taste buds of Manhattan. She was also briefly considered for Las Vegas for the same purpose.

Now that I think about it, she might have made a decent Neo Kobber, but it's too late for that now.

Meta Knight
Origin: Kirby
Intended Seasons: 2, 4

Meta Knight never got very far past the daydream stage, but I did consider him more than once as a possible way to connect with Kirby, particularly because Harpy never used the character. He most likely would have been one of my straight men, having to put up with the nonsense of other, goofier characters on a daily basis.

13 Black
Origin: Robot Wars
Intended Season: 5

After my first pick for my BBB5 Secret Fiter (Lord Crump) was disqualified, 13 Black was the replacement I thought of first. I've always loved 13 Black's design, and a gambling-themed combat robot in Las Vegas was a great idea. This was before CKR decided to use Nightmare and Ziggo, too, so I wasn't following the leader. The thing that hindered it was that I wanted 13 Black to have a partner, and couldn't think of a good one (I'd wanted a second gambling-themed robot). Now, over six months too late, I realize I could have used Aces And Eights. Ah well - the patchisaurs were a sudden flash of insight I had that led to some awesome moments, so I'm glad I didn't think of Aces And Eights back then.

Another thing I should have thought of was using 13 Black in BattlePlots as one of Tron's creations, but for whatever reason I was in a Battlebots-only mindset for that roster and ignored Robot Wars. 13 Black may have the best chance of any of these characters of making it into canon... even if it doesn't do anything important.

The Crystal King
Origin: Paper Mario
Intended Season: 1

Pretty sure this one has come up before, but never in a Rejected Characters Depot. Crystal King is a rejected blog-only villain who would have appeared in a Christmas special here on the blog during the 2011-2012 offseason.

Sarah would have awoken one morning while onboard the airship to find that the whole place was frozen over, and Alex was nowhere to be found. The Crystal King would be responsible, and he and Sarah would duel on the ice-covered airship for control of it.

Despite Bow coming to ZFRP in Season 6 courtesy of me, I never entertained Crystal King as a villain for her, partly because Las Vegas isn't very comfortable for a being with ice powers, plus a few other characters have already done the "warm place becomes snowy and cold" thing, such as Stephen when he briefly reverted to a more primal state and Sister Alice when Father Squid died. in the Ten-Way Tussle.

The Amoeba Boys
Origin: Powerpuff Girls
Intended Season: 5

These guys were considered as bumbling, harmless non-villains that would repeatedly attempt to catch the attention of the kobbers with increasingly-stupid "evil schemes". Littering, loitering, and of course ignoring Keep Off The Grass signs were all in the works. But then the exact same character concept was used for the Alliance Of Evil, and I rapidly binned the Amoeba Boys in response. Chao did a fine job with the idea., and his version of the concept was more original than my version anyway.

Princess Morbucks
Origin: Powerpuff Girls
Intended Season: 5

The Amoeba Boys weren't the only possible PPG villain to appear in RP from me! Princess was also considered, particularly since she'd fit perfectly in our current setting, but she ultimately failed to launch for two main reasons:

1: I had other ideas I wanted to do more.

2: Princess is five years old, and I generally shy away from roleplaying children (Generally, not always - upcoming character Molly, seen in "Christmas Warmth", is a rare exception and is probably around 12 years old or so). A child villain seemed especially hard to swallow. It probably still could have worked if the plot had been completely silly, but at the end of the day I decided to just do something else.

The Walk Smash Walk Robot
Origin: Walk Smash Walk
Intended Season: 2

Now we're getting to the weirder ones. A very obscure character from an ancient Newgrounds animation, Walk Smash Walk probably would have been one of Celestia's robots and not done anything particularly important. I still managed to slip a reference to this cartoon in RP, though - the mecha head of the redesigned Orochi is lifted from the giant antagonist robot of the short.

Origin: Stephen King's It
Intended Season: 6

After going on a wiki walk and refreshing myself on Stephen King stuff (I read about a dozen King books back in the mid-2000s) Pennywise here was going to be a lategame villain for the Halloween season. While you may be surprised by his inclusion, I'm sure that planned use is less of a shock. Ultimately I went in a very different direction with my planned Season 6 plots and It was left behind.

Industrial Shredder
Origin: There's Nothing Shredder Can't Shred
Intended Season: 6

This might be the stupidest idea I ever had. First I thought of a Fite Club match where the challenger has to try and find something Shredder can't shred. Then I thought of Shredder as a possible recurring character who would appear from nowhere and shred any leftovers of a plot that were inconvenient or in the way, like rubble or a large villain corpse, only to vanish whenever no one was looking. Shredder was also a considered BBB6 Secret Fiter.

Origin: Undertale
Intended Season: 6

Hot on the heels of Undertale madness taking over the community, I sifted through the characters for one that looked promising. The character that got the closest was Napstablook. However, after mulling it over for a few days, I ultimately decided not to go for it. While not the only reason, stumbling onto a big argument over Napstablook's gender while trying to get information about it was a big turn-off - the gender mistakes and issues caused by organic characters that aren't content with "he" or "she" was all over Season 5 thanks to the beeswax-golem-thing Bikker and the androgynous Frisk (who Harpy later decided to just call a girl) and I wanted no part of that.

Skull Kraken
Origin: Yu-Gi-Oh
Intended Season: 4

I have no idea what this thing is, how it works, or how I would have used it in RP, but it sure does look cool, doesn't it?

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