Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 229: Lunchables Wiki

RubyChao: >​find cool halloween collab for all the touhous ever
RubyChao: >​somehow they completely forgot utsuho, to the point where i checked their list of characters and it goes right from Rin to Koishi
RubyChao: me right now
RubyChao: (also aya was dressed as pit and if only it had been utsuho, dammit)
SteelKomodo: lel
SteelKomodo: all the lel
Redspycameo: LEL in a CELL
Redspycameo: The all vampire VEW PPV
SteelKomodo: hahaha


A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: *starts round of Isaac*
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: *boss 1 is Rag Man, who has homing shots and constantly-reviving mooks*
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: Ed why do you hate me
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: Why did you ever think this was a good idea


(Nora, a Season 5 antagonist who was spared, is killed by her superior, who is revealed to be Alocyn, a minor antagonist from Season 3)

Gooper Blooper: *starts reading brine post*
Gooper Blooper: oh dear
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: Yessss Brineplot
Gooper Blooper: Really impressed that Season 3 stuff is coming back, Alocyn and Aevar's stuff was similar to Julius in that we got a brief glimpse but there was clearly a lot more that could be done
Brinehammer: Hey guys. Who's ready to punch Alocyn in the face.... next year?!
Gooper Blooper: next yearrrrrrrrr
Gooper Blooper: she's had it coming for quite a while
Brinehammer: Whole centuries!
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: punching people who deserve it is like half of Undyne's hobbies!
Brinehammer: I have a bunch of plans for one-off battles, fights, quests, all the usual... ​Plus, like Aevar, Alocyn can keep coming back from the dead until she can't, so instead of just laughing evilly behind some walls or whatever, there'll be plenty of chances to wreck her shit/have her wreck shit.​
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: ​Yessss
Gooper Blooper: srspost
RubyChao: ​oh god, rip nora
Gooper Blooper: ​get dunked on, ash
Brinehammer: ​I... yeah, I didn't want to rain on his parade, but the second Nora escaped from Earth she was a dead woman. That's also why Ton never said goodbye to Mary- they tried to leave as fast as they possibly could.​
RubyChao: ​at least Ton and Roger are still alive, i hope they show next year... as more than corpses
Gooper Blooper: On the flipside, FV will probably throw a dang party :V
RubyChao: kek
RubyChao: chanting "DING DONG, ​NORA IS DEAD​"
Brinehammer: ​They weren't going to- Koplot really was supposed to just be one season and then over/done with- but now? They loved Nora, and Alocyn killed her. They're definitely coming back for revenge.​
RubyChao: ​awww yeah
Gooper Blooper: ​Confirming that Mary will be back next year, in completely unrelated news
Gooper Blooper: ​another six months of energy drinks and sameface awaits you
RubyChao: ​reminder that nobody realized mary was KOed due to sameface
iKomodo: ​Ash needs to git gud
Gooper Blooper: ​He did. How do you think Christine got pregnant?
Gooper Blooper pushed down stairs


A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: That awkward moment where you scam Satan himself
iKomodo: ...spy what have I told you about dealing with dark powers
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: You see, I had the Strength tarot card that gives me an extra heart
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: And Satan was offering a Guppy's Paw for one heart
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: Buy it as is, I'd die. Use the card first, I get a heart and then use the paw to turn it into soul hearts AND activate Guppy mode
Draco: Dark powers? All day e'rry day. BV
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: . . . Oh god I found the secret boss
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: TIME FOR BULLET HELL
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: He kicked my ass, but bah gawd I reached him


A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: I picked Raspberry on a goddamn whim and look what happened


Draco reveals during the off-season that Flu and Godzooky flew into the sun.
Draco: I don't retire people. BU
Gooper Blooper: flu into the sun
RubyChao breaks down sobbing
harpizza: that goddamn pun
Draco: Papyrus was KO'd by that pun.


Del: i was pleasantly surprised to see papermariowiki reblog BIG BUNYAN RIDE
Del: carnevil owns
Del: and needs a hd remake
Gooper Blooper: Big Bunyan Ride was a possible BBBBP opponent last fall
Del: oh man
Del: the biggest bunyanest ride
Del: big bunyan bonus boss pavilion


Gooper Blooper: not to spoil too much about my 2017 setting idea but
Gooper Blooper: Undyne ​would probably like it there
The Great Spapyrus: ​Are we finally doing Atlantis? Or are we finally doing Anime?
Gooper Blooper: *and then it's tokyo*
The Great Spapyrus: ​The lost city of Animelantis?
The Great Spapyrus: ​Sunken under the weight of its giant robots and oversized swords? ​


Del: are you ready
Del: for
Del: something
Del: or other
RubyChao: no
RubyChao: i'm not ready for freddy
RubyChao: i've been lying to you all
RubyChao: i've NEVER been ready for freddy
RubyChao: he's caught me off guard. ​every. single. time.


Days of Life and Death: They do say the only way to win at some games is not to play. I suppose in that sense, Jonesy's general absence means she's won every event this season. *pokerfaces back*
Deletons: Technically correct
Deletons: The best kind of correct


harpizza: *dies*
Gooper Blooper: #SansTrash
harpizza: #sansgarbage


Cornwind Evil: Funny, I actually considering cutting out Ravenous 'eat the stew' bit
Cornwind Evil: But I didn't want one of you watching the film yourself later and getting a nasty surprise
harpizza: i only watched the one horror film out of curiosity and kinda went "oh god why never again"
harpizza: i am spared
RubyChao: as established
RubyChao: i like my horror in text or comic form
RubyChao gestures to King and Ito
Cornwind Evil: what film was that
harpizza: it had summer camp and that very iconic ​"that girl teased me LET ME SHOVE A HOT CURLING IRON DOWN HER HOOHAA​" (spoilered for gross)
harpizza: i forget the exact film name
Cornwind Evil: Ah yes, Sleepaway Camp!
Cornwind Evil: That's a classic
Cornwind Evil: For what it is
RubyChao: okay i'm sorry but i find that hilarious
RubyChao: "here is this gross scene" "I recognize that!"
Cornwind Evil: But not a film that I would now show you guys
harpizza: it is
Cornwind Evil: It was also a favored film of my sister
harpizza: too late, i watched it all :U
Cornwind Evil: So you can see why I have a soft spot for it
Cornwind Evil: I will note ​you don't actually see the act, just the reaction of her shadow
Gooper Blooper: Didn't Sleepaway Camp get shown in Season 1
Cornwind Evil: PROBABLY, but things were different then
Brinehammer: It did, Erebus and Pech were very unsettled.
Cornwind Evil: I didn't have the read of the room as good as I have it now
Gooper Blooper: *caveman rape scene goes here*
Gooper Blooper: XD


Cornwind Evil: "​Ariel is spending the winter with Penny on a special mission: they're scouting a tropical island, searching for new and endangered species for a company that plans to build a resort there."
Cornwind Evil: ​They end up on Henders by mistake.


Gooper Blooper: There's no context we're missing with GARBAGE DAY, is there? It really is just the dude walking up to another dude putting out his trash, yelling that it's garbage day, and killing him with no additional explanation, right?
RubyChao: wikipedia says "A police officer sees this and as Ricky is about to get arrested, he grabs the officer's gun, shoots the officer in the forehead, and then goes on a shooting spree throughout a suburban neighbourhood."
RubyChao: so as far as i can tell, that's literally it
RubyChao: he really just does that
RubyChao: and shouts GARBAGE DAY
harpizza: well that must have been a trashy movie :U
Gooper Blooper: good
Cornwind Evil: In context, it's that Ricky has completely snapped
Cornwind Evil: And is going on a spree killing
Cornwind Evil: But it ends up being ridiculous instead of horrifying
Gooper Blooper: and bless its' heart for that
Cornwind Evil: He also shoots a person in a car
RubyChao: oh my god
Cornwind Evil: Really, Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is just made of fail in a good way
RubyChao: the car part
RubyChao: it's fucking hilarious
RubyChao: you guys need to watch it
Gooper Blooper: oh boy
Cornwind Evil: As the first 40 minutes are just Ricky recapping the first film
Cornwind Evil: With footage from the first film
Cornwind Evil: You can literally watch SNDN 2 and watch the first film at the same time
Cornwind Evil: We don't get original content until like 50 minutes into an 80 minute film
harpizza: that is the worst
Gooper Blooper: man, he killed the fuck out of that car
harpizza: that poor car
RubyChao: i just love how it rolls
RubyChao: and comes to a stop
RubyChao: and THEN explodes


Jumpropeman: for my birthday
Jumpropeman: I got
Jumpropeman: TO BE A KID NOW
Jumpropeman: BE A SQUID NOW
Jumpropeman: BE A KID
Jumpropeman: BE A SQUID
Jumpropeman: BE A KID
Jumpropeman: BE A SQUID
Jumpropeman: BE A SKID NOW
Gooper Blooper: Splatoon managed to come and go without a character appearing in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: Troy came close
Jumpropeman: good thing I got the game as the season's ending or I might be tempted
Jumpropeman: same for Undertale's late arrival allowing me to curb my enthusiasm long enough for all the characters to be claimed :V
harpizza: >​_>​
harpizza: its your fault i'm even RPing papyrus, sans, AND frisk to begin with, jrm
Jumpropeman: I do not apologize for it :V
Jumpropeman: I'm glad you got them though


Jumpropeman: still one of my favorite ways to describe RP is: "In ZFRP, a living meat cube once stopped all of existence from being destroyed by playing with a baby"
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: For all I say Zeph, Aquarius, and Raspberry are some of my most changed-by-RP chars
A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear: Meat Boy's really had the most things just plain happen to him
Jumpropeman: caught up in that rp whirlwind


Jumpropeman: where's the epilogue for... ​KOKORO​
RubyChao: ​she doesn't get one >:I
Jumpropeman: ​just have someone shoveling dirt on her, cuz she's buried​


The Great Spapyrus: LEL in a CELL


SteelKomodo: i return from the grave to give the living haircuts


RubyChao: confession: i am proud that Cleft vs. Nazis is like the go-to example of "cameoing for a fitting plot"
Gooper Blooper: it was perfect
Gooper Blooper: "general there is literally a nazi right here in the bar" ​"TEN-HUT"


harpizza: link
Gooper Blooper: "is it sans" *clicks* "it's sans"
harpizza: did you expect anything different by now, goops
Gooper Blooper: well, sometimes it's frisk


Jumpropeman: one sound I wish I could have added to the intro post
Jumpropeman: is that satisfying clink of pokeballs hitting together you hear when you start a trainer match
Gooper Blooper: haha


SteelKomodo: Groudon and Kyogre aren't misunderstood, they're violent jackasses who will cause the apocalypse
SteelKomodo: unless you get a giant green snake to fly up to them and go "OI NO"
Gooper Blooper: "SO HELP ME I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND" "yes rayquaza"




Cornwind Evil tries to click something on Firefox's task bar.
Cornwind Evil accidentally clicks the Danbouru link that takes you to the front page.

RubyChao: ded


Jumpropeman: Superman please
Jumpropeman: you could've fought Doomsday in the city streets, but you drag him all the way to the Fortress of Solitude... where he's standing in the background of the level causing a time paradox
Cornwind Evil: That's not Doomsday
Cornwind Evil: That's his Myzyltlpk-created cousin, Bada Bing Bada Boomsday
Deletons: Yes
Deletons: Because comics


Jumpropeman: splitting a rectangle into sixths is more difficult than expected
Honest + Awful = HonestlyAwful: ​What are you doing to Thomas you ​Monster
Honest + Awful = HonestlyAwful: -shakes JRM-
Jumpropeman: funnily enough, this does involve Thomas
Honest + Awful = HonestlyAwful: D8
iKomodo: D:
Jumpropeman: it does not, however, involve his mutilation


harpizza: i love writing characters with attitude
harpizza: then again i also adore writing cute kids
harpizza: i regret nothing


harpizza: kill me why is sammy so weird and fun
RubyChao: because she's great
Gooper Blooper: I don't know, harpy
Gooper Blooper: All I know is she showed up one day in 2013
RubyChao: and goops fell in love~~
Gooper Blooper: and I was like "oh no, another harpy character for her to juggle"
harpizza: and like magic
Gooper Blooper: but then every time she appeared she got me more interested
Gooper Blooper: and by the end of the week I was like "this is the best fucking character I've ever seen in RP"
harpizza: to be fair i didn't have many chars back then :U
harpizza: then i slowly tacked on more
harpizza: thank you RP creep for allowing sammy to come into existance
RubyChao: reminder that harpy's BBB3 propects were:
RubyChao: -One character
RubyChao: -No votes
Gooper Blooper: We were straight-up begging harpy to bring back an old character or two for the brawl
RubyChao: to the point where "harpy gets last" was a bingo square
Gooper Blooper: she wouldn't do it :V
harpizza: i didn't get last
harpizza: it was an accomplishment
RubyChao: and now
RubyChao: the next accomplishment
RubyChao: is ​winning
harpizza: if sammy fucking wins
harpizza: if she wins
harpizza: psychicplot is going to turn on its head


RubyChao: hanselkota when
harpizza: tomorrow
harpizza: if i can
Jumpropeman: Hanselkota can only happen when I remember to stop calling it Dakotsel like its a freaking Jak and Daxter species


Honest + Awful = HonestlyAwful: I made corn dogs mixed with popcorn shrimp and mozerrella sticks for my dinner. My roommate's response: "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
Things to add to the list for Caur. :u -munches- I am reasonably sure that I, a very masculine basso man of six foot two with no ovaries, am not in that way, mind you.


Jumpropeman: fun fact
Jumpropeman: Sun Cat and Moon Cat
Jumpropeman: are part of a plot idea I probably wont' do
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: vintage JRM


Gooper Blooper: there's nothing to freak about
harpizza: *freaks out anyway*


Cornwind Evil: A funny thing
Cornwind Evil: The only reason all this Five Nights stuff happened
Cornwind Evil: Is that RubyChao mentioned it
RubyChao: wait, what
Gooper Blooper: dammit chao
Cornwind Evil: I thought he was referencing some obscure Nightmare On Elm Street thing at first
Gooper Blooper: it's your fault we got agony :V
RubyChao: when did i do that?
Gooper Blooper: probably just one of the times you posted about being freddy for ready
Cornwind Evil: No I'm pretty sure he mentioned Five Nights by name
RubyChao: oh, huh
RubyChao: well, we punched agony! so that's nice!
Gooper Blooper: One of the earliest mentions of FNAF in chatzy was Chao mentioning it as a category on his creepypasta site and saying something like "these aren't even worth looking at, are they"
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: it was all my faaaault
Gooper Blooper: even your immediate family bought it


Jumpropeman: ​>​Tussle with our Peeps​
Jumpropeman: well I know what I'm calling season 6 of FYM now
Draco: Season 6 of Fite Yer Mates? =V
Jumpropeman: you figured me out BI
Draco graduated from Theodore Rex's School of Sleuthening.
Jumpropeman: here is your honorary cookie cake for completing your coursework! Or what's left of it. There are rather sizable crumbs there!
Draco: Woohoo!
Jumpropeman: if I could make an episode of the Pokemon tv show, I would have it be about a Weedle love triangle, and the episode would be called "No one likes a third Weedle"
Draco: My episode would be Ash meeting his Butterfree's child. It's called I Never Metapod I Didn't Like.


harpizza: have to walk the dog
harpizza: LETS GO DOGGE
harpizza: DOGGE POOPED
Jumpropeman: YESSSSSS
Jumpropeman: GO DOG


(Harpy and JRM post the emotional conclusion of the pairing between a guy who is sometimes a Kirby and the sentient state of North Dakota)

harpizza: trufax: i am near tears and my throat hurts like i'm about to break out sobbing
harpizza: hanselkota fucked me up
Jumpropeman: that song choice too
harpizza: soon as it started playing in my head while i was reading hanselkota I decided to link it
harpizza: slay me
Jumpropeman: I'll just join you in this puddle of tears on the floor
SteelKomodo: harpls D:
SteelKomodo: *hugs*
harpizza: I'M FINE I"M JUST SO HAPPY *blubbers like a seal*
harpizza: MY FATE
harpizza: IS SEALED
harpizza: *flops*


Gooper Blooper: the thing I love about hanselkota
Gooper Blooper: is that it's the stupidest, most ridiculous pairing I've ever seen, but both sides played it 100% straight
Gooper Blooper: so it becomes so ridiculous it loops around and is good again


Jumpropeman: its finally happened
Jumpropeman: Phantomon's picture on imageshack
Jumpropeman: has died
Jumpropeman: RIP
The Great Spapyrus: Imagecrap
FourthChao: *praline shows up to kick the frog in the face again*



Gooper Blooper: I've lost count of how many times CW has shown The Thing to kobbers
Gooper Blooper: maybe mix it up a little :V
Cornwind Evil: ....THAT CAME OUT WRONG


RubyChao: bbs acquiring chocolate


Jumpropeman: "Colonel Sanders and his minions have kidnapped Pamela Anderson for revealing to the world that KFC's secret recipe is cruelty to chickens!"
Jumpropeman: PETA games are so well written
harpizza: shit, now i must find out who would be the great actresses to act as sarah and ariel in a live-action show
Gooper Blooper: they play themselves
harpizza: well this is for psychicstory so uh i dunno if i can do that
harpizza: unless they had an actressing gig before the name change :U
Gooper Blooper: well I figure you could just make something up
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP world is full of fictional characters and OCs, so you can just say it was these two totally famous actors
harpizza: i am terrible at these sort of things
Gooper Blooper: I doubt anyone in hollywood could properly play sarah anyway :V
Jumpropeman: well, I just mentioned the perfect actress for it
Jumpropeman: Pamela Anderson as Sarah
harpizza: super kek
Gooper Blooper: *googles*
Gooper Blooper: well she's 5'7" and in her late forties
Gooper Blooper: kek
iKomodo: kek
iKomodo: Jrm why are you playing peta games
iKomodo: are you insane
Gooper Blooper: because he's JRM
harpizza: jrm is a conessiour of bad games


Cornwind Evil: I'm playing a Simpsons smartphone game
Cornwind Evil: They're having an extended Halloween event
Gooper Blooper: samhain will not go gentle into that good night
Cornwind Evil: So now the monster I befriended and empowered is trying to make Halloween last forever
Cornwind Evil: So the kids wonder how they could fight such a monster
Cornwind Evil: They conclude "What defeats Halloween? CHRISTMAS!"
Cornwind Evil: And they're fighting him by throwing candy canes at him and badly singing carols
Gooper Blooper: Samhain's track record against Christmas is 3-0 but you can never defeat November


RubyChao: link
WorkDel: a fucking lunchables wiki
WorkDel: lunchables aren't even edible


SteelKomodo: ok i need to watch the Hoopa movie i don't care if it's for kids
SteelKomodo: it's got almost all the legendaries beating the shit out of each other
SteelKomodo: who doesn't want that


The Great Spapyrus: hOi is TEMMSHI!
RubyChao: "Oh god, another one"


Gooper Blooper:

RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: that #ruined
Gooper Blooper: Chao: ​it's a generator, I made the text

Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry chao, but I don't lie to you if I can help it


Jumpropeman: about 6 or so years ago I put my name on one of those big lawsuits, this one against Netflix/Wal-Mart for something involving online dvd rentals, and finally, it's paid off! I got sent a 12 dollar Wal-Mart gift card! Which is in-part why I started christmas shopping. 12 DOLLARS WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
iKomodo: amazing


RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: i stumbled across a thread talking about Other M before it was out
RubyChao: "I agree, but it will be all worth it when we finally get our hands on the game and progress though-- I have a feeling that he'll warm up and we'll see more personality from him."
RubyChao: i'm so sorry, unknown internet person
RubyChao: i'm so sorry


RubyChao: god one piece is going to be ancient by the time it finishes
Gooper Blooper: good thing there's only one
Gooper Blooper: imagine if those fuckers had to deal with multiple pieces
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: >​naruto actually started later than one piece
RubyChao: and finished first
iKomodo: Oh god
Jumpropeman: if there were multiple pieces in One Piece, you'd know he'd be finding a new one every episode like the Crystal Shards in Inu-Yasha


Jumpropeman: I have "contacted" Designate_5 in the only way I know how...
Jumpropeman: I clicked "follow" on his photobucket profile :V
Gooper Blooper: A Missed Connection on Craigslist?
Gooper Blooper: oh
The Great Spapyrus: xD
Jumpropeman: "You: A skeleton with blue flames around your skull. Me: An RPer who misses your rad words. Meet me at chatzy at 8 PM if you want to make stories together"
The Great Spapyrus: Maybe we'll find him
Gooper Blooper: "sure I'll come back, you guys probably never found another surprisingly powerful skeleton associated with blue fire so the position is open, haha" "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
RubyChao: if only he had shown up a month ago
RubyChao: there would have been a chance
Dastard: Bree, I know it will hurt you and Harps a little more, but Goops' sentence just now made me realize you need to eat the Skelebros.


Cornwind Evil: So WWE is doing recaps of past Survivor Series matches
Cornwind Evil: And so for the first Survivor Series they decided to do the match between Randy Savage's team and Honky Tonk Man's team
Cornwind Evil: And I was like "Why the heck did they do that match, the main event was Andre the Giant's team vs OHHHHHHHH..."
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: still buried, brother



Gooper Blooper: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘€ good shit goเฑฆิ sHit๐Ÿ‘Œ thats ✔ some good๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œshit right๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œthere


Gooper Blooper: I memed today
Deletons: Oh no
Deletons: Goops did a meme
Gooper Blooper: cyber bullying is no longer just a dream
RubyChao: goops nooooo
RubyChao: now he's lost to us
Deletons: If we're not careful
Deletons: Goops may meme again
Deletons: Goops do a papyrus
Gooper Blooper: please wait warmly
Gooper Blooper: spoilers: this image was rushed :V
iKomodo: Hahahaha
Deletons: Yessss


Jumpropeman: I'm reaching the bottom of the barrel with these PETA games
Jumpropeman: in Sea Kitten, its a dress-up game for fish.
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Oh, I played Sea Kitten when it was new
Jumpropeman: thankfully though, it includes such accessories as a bowl of water for your underwater friend to drink from, or floaties to carry it to the surface so it can suffocate
Deletons: I feel like maybe their thoughts were in the wrong direction
Gooper Blooper: I found it!

Jumpropeman: that is one kawaii sea kitten. I certainly wouldn't eat it or catch it for sport
RubyChao: the MEMEEEEES jack
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: fish game crashed my browser
Gooper Blooper: it's that dang ol flash player I tell you hwat
Jumpropeman: luckily, I was able to pull this lovely sea kitten from the wreckage:

Gooper Blooper: thank goodness you saved the sea kitten


harpizza: I see that a new card set is out for the PKMN TCG
harpizza: i had to resist the urge to buy it
Gooper Blooper: that's right, ew pogeycard set every three months
Gooper Blooper: new, not ew
harpizza: hardly ew worthy, goops
Gooper Blooper: ECH
harpizza: *ETCH
Gooper Blooper: no, she buys the naruto TCG
harpizza: kek
Gooper Blooper: Emma might get pogeycards tho


Cornwind Evil: "Widow Maker, do you have a CRUUUUSHHHHHHH on anyone?"
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker had a crush on Playing Mantis but has not had one since
harpizza: her crush got crushed
Cornwind Evil: It's gotta be hard to be a giant insect experiment AND a lesbian. Not exactly a huge dating pool there
harpizza: her smile and optimism, gone
Gooper Blooper: basically yeah :V
Gooper Blooper: Fortunately pairings were never much of an important thing for wids
Gooper Blooper: she enjoys the single life


RubyChao: did i miss anything exciting
Draco: I don't think so. D:
Gooper Blooper: a sword fight between a would-be god and a parsee cosplayer
Draco: That's not exciting. ​It's SUPER-exciting.
Draco: My only regret is that I was unable to vomit bees at it.
Cornwind Evil: ...can you even do that
Draco: Yes, I can. :)
Draco: I can also vomit spiders and fire ants.


Brilliant Kid: Why is it hard to find a picture of an older woman


Jumpropeman: "And if anyone there suggests PhotoShop, I'm hip-checking them into next summer." *photoshops a nose onto Josephine*
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: !!!
Jumpropeman: *hides from the incoming hipcheck*


Jumpropeman: im gonna go subject myself to a manmade diagonal downpour
Jumpropeman: be back soon
Jumpropeman left the chat
RubyChao: perfect time for our union-mandated chatzy break!
RubyChao says nothing


harpizza: zfrp has ruined the joke that papyrus's spaghetti tastes awful by giving him god spaghetti
harpizza: thank you, 21s
Gooper Blooper: at least Sarah never had to eat Elesh Norn's cooking


Spapstablook: Tomorrow is Monday Night Raw. I'll be free to work in peace while being serenaded by Rommin Ragnis


Brilliant Kid: Oh no I've officially hit the tired giggly phase
RedSpy: Isn't that the best phase?

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