Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 227: How Long Is A Potato

RubyChao: "I want a timbersaw announcer pack where he never discusses the game. He never talks about towers falling, couriers dying, or buildings fortified. All he talks about are trees. No matter what happens, he talks about trees. In the hero pick screen he won't make quips about what heroes are picked, he talks about trees. When people type gg or b in chat he doesn't make a remark, he talks about trees. When someone disconnects he doesn't even mention it, he only mentions trees. Trees, forever, and ever, and ever. Over 1000 lines about different trees. Pine trees, oak trees, redwoods, palm trees, every kind of tree. Leaves, sticks, branches, acorns, everything tree-related is discussed in explicit detail, with no regard whatsoever for the game at hand."


RubyChao: why does this guy look like Mr. X
Gooper Blooper: I didn't know Mr. X was a nudist vampire
RubyChao: look, there was a lot of backstory that didn't make it into the actual game


RubyChao: 'Power Plant Guy'
Once my cousin Thomas was out testin' his Pokemon when he did something odd. Something happened and the power plant manager thought he was the part stealer! He challenged him to a Pokemon Battle. He had 6 level 100 Kakunas who knew Zap Cannon. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His game froze up.

Gooper Blooper: it's totally true my uncle works at nintendo


Gooper Blooper: >​chao's even looking up Other M on TV Tropes
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry everyone, but he's lost to us
Gooper Blooper: Metroid fever has claimed him once more
iKomodo: Oh no D:
RubyChao: it's cyclical
RubyChao: it was only in remission
RubyChao: by cracking open fusion i unleashed it upon myself
RubyChao: ...actually, thinking on it
RubyChao: i'm pretty sure i only used like
RubyChao: one Metroid thing this entire season
RubyChao: that's what happens when THEY KEEP GIVING YOU NOTHING NEW TO WORK WITH
RubyChao is using Hunters and Pinball by 2020
Gooper Blooper: an entire plot centered around Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt


Gooper Blooper: Hey chao
RubyChao: hmm?
Gooper Blooper: Remember when we were naming random things and you'd try to find a touhou doing them in pic form
RubyChao: yep
Gooper Blooper: And CW asked for Utsuho making pancakes?
Gooper Blooper: And you had to use "Utsuho ​eating​ pancakes" as a substitute
RubyChao: i do
RubyChao: did you find it
Gooper Blooper: She's making them this time
RubyChao: u did it, okuu
iKomodo: yaaaaaaaaaay
iKomodo: *muppetarms*


Gooper Blooper: what the fuck
RubyChao: welcome to P̸͏Ą͞C̶̢͢͝͞-́҉M͝͏͘͜A̸̡N​̸̡͢͠


Gooper Blooper: probably notable detail: no sign of the actual goldbug yet
Back2SkoolSpy: Turns out it was a typo
Back2SkoolSpy: We all meant Goldberg plot
Back2SkoolSpy: Everyone gets jackhammered, then spears
Back2SkoolSpy: Until in comes ROMMIN RAGNIS
Back2SkoolSpy: They enter a war of the spear
RubyChao spears Spy
RubyChao then spears Harpy, CW, Brine, and Goops for good measure
RubyChao then BBLs, triumphant

Gooper Blooper is speared, falls backwards onto Chaopackage and it busts open
Harpy spears Ruby right back
Back2SkoolSpy: NYEH HEH HEH
Back2SkoolSpy throws spaghetti at Chao
Harpy: japed again by the great papyrus
Gooper Blooper tags in silence
Gooper Blooper: you're all fucked
Back2SkoolSpy: If I ever cosplay as Papyrus, I will be handing out Junior Jumbles
Back2SkoolSpy: For thoroughly japing the convention
Brinehammer is unconscious, the commentator table in pieces.


Jumpropeman: everyone standing outside the FYM signup stand, all motioning "after you! no after you! no please after you!" while Ven is just choking himself at the end of a leash to get through
RubyChao: hahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: WE'RE BEING POLITE


RubyChao: the egg timer has been replaced with books
RubyChao: i've got a series to burn through once i finish my birthday books
Gooper Blooper: I knew you'd get rid of that egg timer chao
Gooper Blooper: it was taking up space that could be better occupied by books


Gooper Blooper: >​bogleech reblogged my halloween mood table
Gooper Blooper: well that explains all these likes


Harpy: SAKUYA: 100% LEGG
WorkDel: much leg
WorkDel: there's a joke here
WorkDel: wow harpy wasn't kidding
WorkDel: sakuya's body length is like 60% leg
Bree: I liked that image ok :I
WorkDel: its a good image
Bree: besides leggy sakuya is canon
WorkDel: sean likes it too i bet
WorkDel furious eyebrows
Bree: she wears all them short skirts for a reason
Bree: kek
Harpy: sean appreciates the thigh high socks
WorkDel: dem sox
Bree: sexy stockings erryday
Bree: also: garterbelt
WorkDel: rip sean
WorkDel: ded by legs
WorkDel: crai errytiem


Gooper Blooper: *finds a very sad picture of sumi*
Gooper Blooper: I don't know who the villain who will cause this is yet, but I know they'll have heat!
RubyChao: *prepares to hurl his entire cast at the villain until they die*


RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: guys i just noticed
RubyChao: DJ ​Candy​ vs ​Praline
RubyChao: it's even more fitting than we thought
Harpy: i guess you could say
Harpy: its gonna be a sweet match
Gooper Blooper: the thing I never understood about Candy
Gooper Blooper: In the original MySims, every sim has a top interest, a secondary interest, and a dislike, chosen from six topics
Gooper Blooper: Spooky, Cute, Smart, Tasty, Geeky, and Fun
Gooper Blooper: DJ Candy's main interest is Fun (of course) and her secondary is Geeky. She hates Tasty
Gooper Blooper: and yet her name is candy
RubyChao: candy why
Gooper Blooper: never understood that


Kevvy: parsee is a snarkier toriel
Kevvy: ...nah she doesn't hold your hand as much
Kevvy: unless its cian's
Jumpropeman: >​looks at ven's updated profiles
Jumpropeman: how does he fit so much >​_>​
Kevvy: he's a wizard
Gooper Blooper: I bet he didn't do this, but imagine if someone clearly put more text than is possible and you mouse over it and discover it's actually a picture of text
Draco: Parsee manages to hold both of Cian's hands and one of his feet at the same time.
RubyChao: that would be impressive
Jumpropeman: that would be amazing


RubyChao: "but i totally think Utsuho should keep the Hakkero anyway But that's beside the point! also good luck anyway Utsuho you've still got my support Okay time to go!"
RubyChao: remember when pip was totally in denial


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: Other: BLU Pyro was one of a few characters that could easily alter how evil they were based on how people reacted. The reaction was trying to kill Pyro, so I went ahead and had him get killed without much fanfare.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: Sorry, Spy's got no sympathy here. He's been . . . *shades* burned
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH
Gooper Blooper: AYYYYYY
Kevvy: guess pyro got burnt out by the end
Jumpropeman: Pyro wasn't a cute girl, he had to die BI
Kevvy: dammit now i'm punning and i hate it :I
RubyChao: *sans intensifies*
Gooper Blooper: Well, I think one thing FV can reasonably expect is that people will ​probably​ want Courier's Brain dead
Draco: Pyro just need some tinder love and care.
Kevvy: you know i-
Kevvy: *papyrus weakens*
Jumpropeman: I considered sending Vector and Hector after the Courier's Brain, but they'd probably die
Kevvy: -am a big fan of Sans so i'm horrible anyway so herp
Jumpropeman: so instead, the Courier will get help fighting the Courier's brain... from the Courier's hat
Kevvy: *dun duuun*
RubyChao: yeah i'm okay with leaving Courier himself around after the recent revelations
RubyChao: but the brain?
Draco: Why would you ROB them of life like that?
RubyChao: that's gotta go
Kevvy: sorry man, we're going to forcibly do neurosurgery
Kevvy: of the worst kind
RubyChao: you don't try to nuke half of civilization and get off with a slap on the wrist... well, unless your name is Utsuho :V
Jumpropeman: or.... AMERICA
Jumpropeman: yeah, that's right
Kevvy: ;;
Gooper Blooper: Reimu slapped that wrist really hard before she invited okuu for a tea party
Jumpropeman: I went there
RubyChao: cleft just rolled over in his grave
Kevvy: what grave
Gooper Blooper: when did cleft die
RubyChao: his grave that he has because YOU KILLED HIM WITH THAT
Kevvy: he's not
Gooper Blooper: oh
Kevvy: groveling in the dirt, is he
Kevvy: oh
Gooper Blooper: well no, harpy, he's a living rock
Gooper Blooper: he gravels
Kevvy: he's well graveled
Draco: I think that one caused Clef to be bould-over.
Gooper Blooper: this community rocks
Kevvy: the punvelution is happening
Gooper Blooper: literally every user and character making puns
Gooper Blooper: sans sheds a single tear


Gooper Blooper: chao has linked pics in the past that depict every touhou character
Gooper Blooper: but those pictures are out of date now
Gooper Blooper: fortunately, there's this
RubyChao: i have a shocking comment to make about that
RubyChao: even ​I​ can't name everyone there
SteelKomodo: i found okuu
Gooper Blooper: >​SK immediately looked for okuu
Gooper Blooper: wonder why~
RubyChao: >​sk actively searching for okuu
RubyChao: #ruined
Del: damnit i cannot find sakuya
Del: too many aids
Del: *maids
Del: worst typo
Del: ever
Gooper Blooper: sean no
RubyChao: kek
SteelKomodo: sean pls
RubyChao: i found sakuya
RubyChao: go down from the trio of maids on the right side
RubyChao: >​tagged "absolutely everyone"
RubyChao: is anyone else shocked
RubyChao: because i'm shocked
Gooper Blooper: Someone in the comments mentions he DID miss like one or two characters, such as the dragon god Harpy's mentioned before
RubyChao: touhou has a big cast okay
Gooper Blooper: you don't say
Gooper Blooper: ​and all of them will appear in RP
Harpy: >​>​;
RubyChao: brb rping Nameless Schoolkids
SteelKomodo: chao pls
Gooper Blooper: I call dibs on Evil Eye Sigma


Gooper Blooper: My favorite thing about FV always re-pasting the same entry for Aiden in FYM
Gooper Blooper: is that I get to see "SO SMALL - SO VERY SMALL" again


Gooper Blooper: I had to cheat like hell to beat Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure but that fucking game had been dodging me since childhood and I saw the ending dammit
Jumpropeman: Buster's Hidden Treasure yoooooooo
Jumpropeman: that was like my game back in the Sega Genesis days
Gooper Blooper: oh god someone else knows that game exists
Harpy: my god
Gooper Blooper: I rented it a bunch of times but never got past the first factory level
Gooper Blooper: it gets BRUTAL in the final stages
Bree: baw gawd jumpropeman knows about this super obscure game
Bree: that's something that we've never heard before :U
Bree: jk but how many times have goops/jrm said to each other "omg you know this game that nobody knows about"


RubyChao: i like Raspberry, i have no complaints about him being the main Spy S5 character
RubyChao: you've done a great job with making This Random Jobber Mook into A Character We Care About
Harpy: i beat up a ton of raspberries in this dbz phone game
Harpy: i feel bad every time
Harpy: ruuiiiined


RubyChao: so the mets won, apparently
Harpy: Frankie is cheering somewhere
RubyChao: or so all the people outside my door screaming "METS WON" are telling me


blughgr: >​Charizard is 5'7 on average recorded height
Jumpropeman: most pokemon are smaller and lighter than they actually are
WorkDel: the littlest dragon
SteelKomodo: yep
SteelKomodo: even when it mega evolves
Jumpropeman: im pretty sure whoever is in charge of pokemon heights and weights is like, barred from doing any research on actual measurements and must make them up on the spot
blughgr: Your surety is reassuring, JRM.
blughgr: Poor old Rapidash is only 5'7 too. Good gracious. Ponita is 3'3". The dolls could ride it without fear.
RubyChao: ven look at this
RubyChao: i ​know​ i've shared it in the past
RubyChao: but it's great enough to post again
blughgr: Whaaaaaaat


Jumpropeman: im watching a 14 minute youtube video where people think a broken halloween toy is possessed by a demon
Jumpropeman: they yell at it angrily and then it dances to "Can't Touch This"
WorkDel: hahaha
Jumpropeman: watch the first minute or two and then skip to 10 minutes in if you want to get to the good stuff
Jumpropeman: ​the skeleton just starts aggressively shaking its ass at them as they try to "power of christ compel" it​
SteelKomodo: XD
WorkDel: amazing


Gooper Blooper: time to crack open this box of mystery
Gooper Blooper: Chocolate is chocolate, but the mystery box could be ​anything
Gooper Blooper: it could even be chocolate!
RubyChao: what if i sent you chocolate
RubyChao: ​flavored
Gooper Blooper: then I would know the package was not sent by you
Gooper Blooper: because you are a good frand
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: and frands don't let frands eat fake chocolate on their birthday
RubyChao: on the other hand
RubyChao: it's technically not your birthday
Gooper Blooper: but what if there's too much chocolate for one sitting
RubyChao: got me there


Del rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Del rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16

Del: well
Del rolled a die with 31 sides. The die showed: 3
Del: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: top kek
RubyChao: rippening intensifies
Del: he ded
Sp: Hey Del
Sp: Want me to go to the kitchen
Sp: And bake you a kek?
Gooper Blooper: hurr
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
SteelKomodo: all the kek
RubyChao: lol
Del: yes please spy


Gooper Blooper: Here is another reason goopsmom is super cool
Gooper Blooper: She just came into my room and showed me a newspaper
Gooper Blooper: It's a copy of our town's local newspaper dated October 17, 1989
RubyChao: does it have the most important news
RubyChao: about the lil goopy
Gooper Blooper: No, she didn't have a birth notice printed, I think - otherwise I'm sure she would have showed me
RubyChao: sad
Gooper Blooper: Instead we looked at 26-year-old grocery store prices
Gooper Blooper: 3 cans of Chef Boyardee for a buck!
Can someone puppet pls: Holy crap
Can someone puppet pls: Give time machine please
 Harpy: [7:20:19 PM] HarpyKuro: goops turns 26 tomorrow!
[7:20:27 PM] Ivelchild: nice
[7:20:37 PM] Ivelchild: Goops ls barely older than I am then
[7:21:06 PM] HarpyKuro: he was born in 1989 bro
[7:21:13 PM] HarpyKuro: i think you were born in the same year?
[7:21:18 PM] HarpyKuro: ...i am a horrible girlfriend
[7:21:30 PM] Ivelchild: :I
[7:21:37 PM] HarpyKuro: i sorry
[7:21:55 PM] Ivelchild: ;;
[7:22:00 PM] Ivelchild: I crai
[7:22:04 PM] HarpyKuro: srsly tho
[7:22:17 PM] Ivelchild: yes
[7:22:22 PM] HarpyKuro: oh okay
[7:22:31 PM] HarpyKuro: so in two months
[7:22:37 PM] HarpyKuro: he'll be the same age as you
[7:22:45 PM] Ivelchild: other way around
[7:22:53 PM] HarpyKuro: I KNOW SHUSH
[7:22:55 PM] HarpyKuro: I CAN'T WORD
[7:22:57 PM] HarpyKuro: also
[7:22:59 PM] HarpyKuro: did you know
[7:23:01 PM] HarpyKuro: 26 years ago
[7:23:08 PM] HarpyKuro: you could get three cans of chef boyardee for a buck
[7:23:21 PM] Ivelchild: welp
[7:23:42 PM] Ivelchild: I dunno, I wouldn't want to go hunting just to afford three cans of chef boyardee
[7:23:54 PM] HarpyKuro: wow


Dacor: hOI im TEMMIE
Harpy: hOI
Sp: . . . So
Sp: Temmie and Amity in the same room
Sp: Who wins
Harpy: ​temmie final boss of psychicplot 2016
Harpy: nobody wins
Dacor: Pfffft.
Dacor wins by flexing.
Dacor: ​Temmie is no match for Parsee and her mighty muscles.


Del: i'll wrap up here
Del: and we'll continue sunday
Del: sound cool?
Brinehammer: Works for me!
Del: in which nothing i planned originally happens
Gooper Blooper: *julius driving Grave Digger*
Del: that's loife
Sp: man
Sp: If Undertaker drove Grave Digger
Sp: Wouldn't that be the coolest shit?
Gooper Blooper just completely rehashes old chatzy exchange


iKomodo: chillax, get some booze, celebrate
iKomodo: ​behind closed doors, in Jo's case :U
Gooper Blooper: ​"hey dirky I blew up a buncha shit and overcame the odds" "I'll get the chocolate syrup"


RubyChao: the infinite abyss of utsuho
RubyChao: stuff endless food into it
RubyChao: and it's still not full


Gooper Blooper: Best Buy had dozens of Dirk amiibos
Gooper Blooper: and I very seriously considered buying one, but 13 dollars for a little plastic Dirk is too much for me
SteelKomodo: >​a dozen Dirks
SteelKomodo: would that be... a DIRKZON?! :D
SteelKomodo: WAKKA WAKKA
RubyChao: booooooooooo


RubyChao: no context


Gooper Blooper: the last two times I've been in a Gamestop I've had to listen to Mario at the Amiibo station
Gooper Blooper: so repetitive, the workers must be going mad having to hear him repeat himself every sixty seconds


Gooper Blooper: this is the sort of game that made the Video Game Crash Of 1983 happen
RubyChao: rip my ears
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: rip
Gooper Blooper: it's like if Crazy Bus took itself seriously as a real game
Draco: YEEHA
Libertarians in Space: Oh god im wearing headphones you monster
RubyChao: dead del
Harpy: del plz
Gooper Blooper: yeah rip
Draco: del is now deleted
Libertarians in Space: I can't believe I'm fucking dead
Vesuvian: WHOA there. 8 [ Phrasing, man. I'm going to hope you meant to express your surprise in that you've become a member of the deceased and not an inclination into surprise necrophilia. :|
RubyChao: there's no definite article
Draco: It's okay; Wulf is wearing Eau de Ceased today.
RubyChao: we can safely assume he means himself
iKomodo: FV pls
Libertarians in Space: Hahahaha draco
Libertarians in Space: Thats perfect
Libertarians in Space: If i had any trophies lying around I'd give you one
Draco: Thank you. =D


(Sarah is very mad at an embodiment of disease)

theknee: Is this Sarah
Gooper Blooper: yes


RubyChao: i just noticed chrome's icon is very very slightly different
RubyChao: but still different
RubyChao: i am irrationally annoyed :I


Jumpropeman: Garfield Kart
Jumpropeman: its been on Steam this whole time
Jumpropeman: and I never knew
Jumpropeman: It's on sale
Jumpropeman: Garfield Kart
Jumpropeman: on steam
Jumpropeman: buy it now
Jumpropeman: kart your Garfields


Del: posted votes
SteelKomodo: "Vote senkuya you idiots"
SteelKomodo: well, he's convinced me :U
RubyChao: "please vote esoterically..." "no"
SteelKomodo: "but i need it..."


Del: harpy what's your voice for sans
Harpy: the person who ruined sans for me voice-wise iiiis
Harpy: paper-mario-wiki
Del: oh wait shit yeah that's mine too
Del: i'm a huge piece of shit
RubyChao: the Papyrus Makes A Mixtape voices are the voices i have for both Papyrus and Sans
Harpy: we both are, del


Gooper Blooper: roll for sarah eating spaghetti
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: guess she didn't want any
RubyChao: no no, i thought of an even worse reason
RubyChao: it was made with ​Energon sauce
Gooper Blooper: PAPYRUS WHY
Harpy: ​"WHY IS THE HUMAN GAGGING ON MY SPAGHETTI AND BREAKING INTO... WHAT ARE THOSE BUMPS CALLED?" "hives, bro. i think you messed up the recipie somewhere. iiii'm gonna go get a doctor." "AAAAAAAAAH, I'M SORRY HUMAAAAN"​
Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Harpy: i have no idea what this is for
Gooper Blooper: obviously it's for the I'm Sorry Spaghetti
Harpy: its just noodles that spell out "i'm sorry"
Gooper Blooper: SO SORRY
Harpy: apology spaghetti
Harpy: don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti
Gooper Blooper: kek


Gooper Blooper: these dove chocolates have little messages in the wrappers
Gooper Blooper: "Stay up until the sun rises"
Gooper Blooper: you got the wrong guy, chocolate wrapper


Sweet Murder: I very seriously considered giving you a revival plot for Lyssia, but the loss of the bodies entirely to explosion and catacomb made it make more sense for permadeath.
Sweet Murder: I believe it was actually you that said that, Chao.
RubyChao: what'd i say again?
RubyChao: :V
Gooper Blooper: Apparently you said Keiran and Lyssia were beyond saving
RubyChao: oh
Gooper Blooper: IT WAS YOUUUUUUU
RubyChao: well yeah they were out in the sierra and exploded
Jumpropeman: they were also engulfed in the Cloud
Jumpropeman: we'd probably need three or so more revivalplots after trying to save them


Jumpropeman: well, now that I have nothing else to do right now
Jumpropeman: might as well buy garfield kart
RubyChao: jrm noooooo
Sweet Murder: JRM NO
RubyChao clings to his leg, trying to save him
Gooper Blooper: ahahahahaha
Jumpropeman: ITS ON STEAM GUYS
Sweet Murder: Resist
Jumpropeman: AND ITS ON SALE
Gooper Blooper: How much?
Jumpropeman: 4 dollars for all that garfield
Gooper Blooper: I saw Garfield Kart at Gamestop yesterday for 3DS
Gooper Blooper: They wanted the full thirty smackers
RubyChao: i saw it too
RubyChao: 30 bucks for a shitty mario kart knockoff
Gooper Blooper: In 2015, to boot
Gooper Blooper: I'd thought mascot racers that weren't Mario died off pretty hard in the early 2000s before M and Ms Racing killed them for good
Gooper Blooper: I was wrong
Draco: They're back from the grave.
Jumpropeman: I can't wait to play as my favorite Garfield Character: Harry, who I presume must be a cat
Jumpropeman: >​Daily Challenges
Gooper Blooper: You can be playing Garfield Kart all offseason long!
Gooper Blooper:
Gooper Blooper: this dude's not from the comic
RubyChao: should have added Grafield instead
Gooper Blooper: when's Binky The Clown
Jumpropeman: I was actually watching a video of Garfield Kart where the guy asked the same question. He said he didn't recognize most any of the characters but wondered where the clown was
Gooper Blooper: Garfield Kart's obviously based on the CGI cartoon
RubyChao: you know who they really should have put into the game?
Draco: Garfield?
RubyChao: Hale and Hardy
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Jumpropeman: no longer will I have to settle for garfing and fielding separately. With Garfield Kart, I can garfield all the time!
Gooper Blooper: I'd want RX-2 to be playable, somehow
Sweet Murder: That was terrible, JRM.
Gooper Blooper: I'm laughing for real right now


Jumpropeman: "Dear jumpropeman, thank you for your recent purchase on steam!" It was my pleasure Steam, the garfields are in my hand now


Kooopa Football Players: How long would you say a potato is
Kooopa Football Players: help me
RubyChao: it's the length of a potato
RubyChao: it weighs as much as a potato
Sweet Murder: It may or may not also taste like unto a potato.
RubyChao: looking it up
RubyChao: the real answer is "5 inches on average", apparently
RubyChao: ...those are some small potatos
Jumpropeman: hence the phrase


Jumpropeman: anyway, off I go to worky work
Jumpropeman: work work work work work work work
Jumpropeman: *bangs hands on keyboard*


Kooopa Football Players: Doing a huge, multi-part analysis like this gives me fond memories
Kooopa Football Players: I miss you, Berlin Walrus
RubyChao: he was taken too soon
Gooper Blooper: fond memories are returning to spy
Cornwind Evil: Crystal Pep-Simian still should have won
Cornwind Evil: That was the greatest robbery in the history of internet events
Gooper Blooper: nope
Gooper Blooper: frog win
RubyChao: VOMIT!!!!!


RubyChao: "Welcome to Ponderosa Country. Where today’s families find the spirit of the Old West, the flavors they crave, and something-for-everyone variety." well
Harpy: well FUCK YOU TOO, DEROSARubyChao: something for everyone
RubyChao: but not what they ordered! DOHOHOHOHOH
Harpy: OOOOH
SteelKomodo: XD


RubyChao: "Right, this settles it then. I had been thinking about this awhile, but I think the recent drama cinches it. The Despair subplot shall be pushed back to next Zoofights."
RubyChao: >​sheep planned to wrap up despair in 2012
RubyChao salutes
Gooper Blooper: no, he planned to do it "next Zoofights"
Gooper Blooper: we finally have our answer for why sheeplot doesn't end
RubyChao: okay, guys
RubyChao: you know what this means, right?
RubyChao: goops, i'm buying us tickets to britain


(Regarding the Widow Maker vs Ko fite)

Koopa Football Players: Oh! Forgot to ask, Goops. What'd you think of the analysis?
Gooper Blooper: I actually had a question for you about it
Koopa Football Players: ?
Gooper Blooper: Did you not know who to vote for when you started? You were arguing incredibly passionately for both Wids and Ko, and it led me to believe you couldn't decide so you'd just write out the characters and see which one felt right
Koopa Football Players: Basically
Koopa Football Players: That, and even if I did know, both characters are some of my all-time faves
Gooper Blooper: I remember doing that for Zoofights
Koopa Football Players: They both deserved only the best, most in-depth argument
Koopa Football Players: In old country way
RubyChao: well you sure gave them that
Gooper Blooper: There was at least one case (don't remember which) where I went in expecting to vote for one, and wound up voting for the other after Wids did her analysis
Koopa Football Players: That was actually me, first fight
Koopa Football Players: I was sure Huggles would win it
Koopa Football Players: But the more I thought, the more I felt Walrus
Koopa Football Players: And that's how we begun our journey
Gooper Blooper: our journey of suck


Dacor: *holds hand low* This is how dead Cassandra is. *holds hand high* This is how dead she needs to be.
Gooper Blooper: we're working on it boss


Cornwind Evil: Is this REALLY necessary?
Gooper Blooper: "Blood was a liquid substance present in most sentient beings though not all species had the same color of blood."
Gooper Blooper: Was? Does blood no longer exist in the Star Wars canon?
Dacor: Midiclorians, brother.
RubyChao: goops
RubyChao: the blood whistle TOOK IT ALL
Gooper Blooper: I hope this was addressed in the very important building block of canon that is Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi: Death Star Battle, a 1983 Game Program for the Atari 2600
RubyChao: look at the Legends tab tho
Dacor: Legends = old canon
Gooper Blooper: >​a list with descriptions of every time somebody bled
Gooper Blooper: Mario Wiki needs to up its game, List Of Donkey Kong Country Episodes Featuring Donkey Kong is amateur hour
Gooper Blooper: "Star Wars: Battlefront II (Mentioned only)"


iKomodo: I never knew "cockwomble" was an insult until like two or three days ago
iKomodo: but I'm gonna make Dirk say it all the time now


Bree: here's some #ruined for everyone (SK in particular)Bree: I have a book by stephen king that I bought and there's his initials on it in big gold letters
Bree: "SK" embossed on the cover
Bree: you get one guess what I think of when I see it and your hint is the answer isn't "stephen king"
iKomodo: Hahahaha
iKomodo: amazing
iKomodo: seems I write horror novels now :U
Bree: indeed
Cornwind Evil: Which one is it
Bree: nightmares & dreamscapes
Cornwind Evil: Oh that's a good one
Bree: my bad luck with king stories continues though
Cornwind Evil: The first story has Sine level revenge
Bree: well I didn't read the first story first
Cornwind Evil: Which one did you read?
Bree: the first one I read turned out to be about ​a schoolteacher murdering an entire class of third-graders at gunpoint, hooray, that's not current-events-relevant at all​
Bree: suffer the little children
Cornwind Evil: oops
iKomodo: Whups


Harpy: i'll prolly do a summary of what the others find on the other floors before they arrive at the top
RubyChao: and then one of the floors
RubyChao: they run into muffet
RubyChao: everyone has to join the Spider Dance before they can progress
Gooper Blooper: spider donuts for sale
Gooper Blooper: "You can't leave until my bake sale is a success!" *okuu* "...YOU MAY PASS!"
RubyChao: hahahaaaa


RubyChao: reading very old conversations with goops
RubyChao: "Utsuho ties with Wriggle as the Chaofave"
RubyChao: rip wriggle
Bree: wriggle buried
Bree: in the dirt
Bree: because she's a bug
RubyChao: "if I do RP it'll be as a supporting character probably." a solid hundred keks
RubyChao: just
RubyChao: a hundred keks
Bree: five thousand keks


Salty Healers: Let it never be said, note, that Ven cannot cook. This would be something of a grotesque lie. Most of those for whom Ven has cooked for have in fact enjoyed the cuisine. The fact Ven lives off canned goods, frozen food, and takeout is not generally due to the lake of culinary capability.
It is, instead, -watching smoke dissipating again- because whatever the quality of the final product might *be*, I am legally required to notify a fire marshal these days when I try to make something by hand. :I
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: utsuho_burning_macaroni.​jpg
RubyChao: reminder that shimmer's taste in pasta has probably been ruined by utsuho


Jumpropeman: in my dream last night it was my birthday and I feel asleep with my computer on, allowing everybody to somehow send me boxes through my computer screen as gifts. Empty boxes, and Del got me the biggest one. I want to note: I do not want empty boxes for my birthday. That's more of a christmas thing :V
Gooper Blooper: >​we gave JRM empty boxes for his birthday
Gooper Blooper: we're terrible friends
Gooper Blooper: those boxes were supposed to have really shitty games in them
Draco: We got you your favorite thing, JRM: DISAPPOINTMENT.

(As it turned out, a game I bought for JRM for Christmas was in fact just an empty case when it was supposed to have a game inside. This was very much not on purpose, and the gift was exchanged for something else before it was sent to him.)


Jumpropeman: In my dream, I was RPing Steven Universe and Ven was using Ganondorf to try and convince him to eat rice krispies cereal to restore his lost memory
Jumpropeman: there were also a lot of gifs of the characters from the tv show Dinosaurs dancing
RubyChao: that...
RubyChao: actually sounds like something that could be in rp
Gooper Blooper: That sounds utterly fantastic, plausible in ZFRP, and JRM incarnate
Gooper Blooper: Theodore Rex moves in with the cast of Dinosaurs
Gooper Blooper: hilarity ensues


Cornwind Evil: If Del brings Timbersaw back
Cornwind Evil: I have a villain for him
Jumpropeman: the other day, when someone brought up timbersaw, I remembered that Timbersaw was in RP
Jumpropeman: my once encyclopedic knowledge of RP characters is fading with time
Jumpropeman: soon, I will forget that white mage's name... the one with the hammer? kinda chubby? ...whoever that girl was
Cornwind Evil: I think that was Blake Calden
Jumpropeman: Blake Caden
Jumpropeman: no l
Jumpropeman: how could I ever forget him
Cornwind Evil: All because I decided to give some background info for some guy in an office
Draco: I think the White Mage is Uncle Greg.


Whys Spy Crying?: . . . Wait
Whys Spy Crying?: Wait wait wait
Whys Spy Crying?: Everything but Goops and Harps' avatars is okay
iKomodo: yay
Gooper Blooper: yay
Gooper Blooper: now if we only knew what the hell was keeping spy from seeing a site as harmless as dropbox
RubyChao: it turns out someone saw porn hosted on dropbox
RubyChao: immediately flagged it as a lewd site
Gooper Blooper: you got me, my dropbox has this super sexy picture on it
Gooper Blooper: oh bby
RubyChao faints from #lewd
Harpy: geez, tag your food porn
Harpy: :I
Gooper Blooper: I never tag food porn
Gooper Blooper: unleash the fud


Harpy: what you think of mysterious narrator
Harpy: which you will see more of in my next post prolly
RubyChao: they sound like a nerd
Gooper Blooper: huge dorks
Harpy: u sound like a nerd
Harpy: >:U
Gooper Blooper: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RubyChao explodes


Harpy: i saw goops responding so i'm waiting for that to see what his imput is
Harpy: *input
Jumpropeman: *Gooper just posts a bunch of imps*


Jumpropeman: I have resigned myself to an eternity of skelebro videos
Jumpropeman: *raises arms and lets the bones wash over him*
Harpy: i'm sorry jrm ;;
Jumpropeman: acknowledgment doesn't equal complaint, harps
Jumpropeman: proceed with Paps and Sans


DeterminedSpy: Come on, life, throw me another curveball
DeterminedSpy: I fuckin' dare ya!
Jumpropeman: *throws Spy a grounder*
Gooper Blooper: don't tempt fate, you could have an unfortunate period
Harpy: plz
DeterminedSpy: Goopity Bloopity, this week has been an unfortunate period
Gooper Blooper: or an unwanted snafu
Harpy: don't make me send psychics at you
Gooper Blooper: or perhaps even an enragement moment
DeterminedSpy: I've been having a bad time
DeterminedSpy: An unfortunate moment
DeterminedSpy: A no-no hour
Jumpropeman: inhale my enragement moment
Gooper Blooper: entering the no-fun zone
DeterminedSpy: A less than enjoyable predicament
Dacor: D:
DeterminedSpy: But all the Sans feelings in the world can't stop me now
DeterminedSpy: I = DONE
Dacor: DeterminedSpy is a lot scarier than RedSpy
DeterminedSpy: And life is good
Harpy: he's determined to commit genocide against his homework
Harpy: that's horrifying
DeterminedSpy: Finished a day ahead of due date too
DeterminedSpy: So I can Actually Focus on other subjects
DeterminedSpy: Like the greek myth exam in less than 24 hours from now I've had no time to study for
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: gl man \o/
Jumpropeman: when in doubt spy: yes, Zeus probably boned that character


Harpy: sans is my spirit animal


RubyChao: so it turns out mythbusters is ending
iKomodo: ...D:
Jumpropeman: they're all out of myths
iKomodo: nuuuu not mythbusters
Jumpropeman: quick, make up some!
iKomodo: Um
iKomodo: er
iKomodo: Donald Trump is a sane man!
iKomodo: Nigerian Princes are trustworthy!
iKomodo: eeeeer
Jumpropeman: I've got a good myth
Gooper Blooper: I heard they were running low on myths years ago so I'm actually surprised they were able to keep it going this long
Jumpropeman: that Mythbusters is ending!
iKomodo: sorry, that's all I got
Gooper Blooper: That should be the last myth of the show
Gooper Blooper: They confirm it, roll credits


Harpy: i am a dirty, no-good "eat it right out of the packet" noodle eater
Gooper Blooper: well if you eat them right out of the package, that's the only way they're legitimately instant


Jumpropeman: Hector's twitter is a mess of sleep-posting
Jumpropeman: even worse, he never uses it while awake
Gooper Blooper: he's probably a memetic sensation a la horse_ebooks


Harpy: its christmas time
Jumpropeman: it was almost christmas time~
Bree: chreeeeeesmas chreeeesmas time is here, time for joy and time for cheer


Jumpropeman: barpo
Jumpropeman: Hi I'm Barpo!
Jumpropeman: *punch*
Jumpropeman: Hi I'm Barpo!


Gooper Blooper: "Sine, it seems, has a filter that runs all the big complicated words through it and replaces them with words Shimmer is much more likely to understand."
Gooper Blooper:


RubyChao: *immediately clicks away, gets ad for Fallout 4*
RubyChao: ven i blame you for this


RubyChao: i just realized
RubyChao: this project's ledgers and such
RubyChao: are using...
RubyChao: ​comic sans
Draco: :O
Gooper Blooper: *chao mentally reads the ledgers with the sansvoice*
Gooper Blooper: heheheheheheh heheheh heheheheheh
Harpy: god fucking dammit goops, i imagined those sound effects just by looking at them
Gooper Blooper: I knew you would


RubyChao: if jackal jobs on this plot he forfeits any chance of coming back next year
RubyChao: ...i mean i already wasn't considering it
RubyChao: but jobbing again would be the final nail :V
Gooper Blooper: THE STAKES ARE (sorta) HIGH
DeterminedSpy: Why's Raz cryin' ? 'CAUSE HE JUST GOT DUNKED ON
Gooper Blooper: jackal knows no state of being other than getting dunked on


Del: i'm so glad dimitri's not dead, dimitri's not deeeaaaaadd


Jumpropeman: the Sakuya nendoroid is so intense I love it
Jumpropeman: "you want some fucking service >:I"


Gooper Blooper: hey
Gooper Blooper: what's the first thing reimu's girlfriend does when she sits down at a restaurant
Gooper Blooper: she looks at the menyuyu
Fool: That was terrible and I love ya for it.


Jumpropeman: "Fus-ro-DANG there are great deals in our Bethesda Weekend Sale!"
Jumpropeman: what a lovely email

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